THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Good Beeves Ten to Fifteen Higher and Others Steady to Strong Sheep Steady. EOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER lmah. My 24, 1916. Hrl)t wr: Cat I la. Hnii. Sheep. Offlrlnl Monday .S.' l.f7 0'c-ll Tuesday h.fil J1.11J 4,141 Etlmate edneeflay... . 6.n''0 ,200 4,000 Thre day (hi wer-k. 16.31m :K,r 11,110 Gam days lt week. . . H.hH 34.129 16,782 Sam I weeks agn 14,114 2.1, H,t 11,14 Kama 3 week, agn 12..VH 34,297 23,424 Ham fnur week, ago.., II, 147 31. 3 209 hm day Hat year . . . .ll.UI 2J.(1J 9,102 Tha following labia ahows th reeelpta of rattla, hose nt aheep at tha Hnuth Omaha lira .lock market for tha yaar to dat compared with laat year: 11. 1U. Ine Dao. Call la ... 102. 21 U.iMT Ho. ....1, MS. 701 1,321. .21 112.171 8hp ... I2S.M7 ll,412 tl.4 Tha followlnf tall show, th average P"l of hog. at tha Omaha llva itork market for tha laat fiw days, with com parlanna: T a t. Ti iT TTi 1T1 4 Ti 1i.1i 1 ini ll May ll 7 141 24 7 (1 HI II ' 7 17 I It I tt III 7 U I II I 11 7 It I II 7 14 I 21 I 14 f 19 IIS Ml I II I It Ul I II II! I II I 10 j It i 77 T 14 I 14 j II I 79 I 7 14 I IB 7 41 t ! 41 7 11 I II I 14 t 94 I II I II I II t til 17 7 II I 19 I 11 7 71 1 41 I II I II I II I II 10 I 19 I 24 7 II I 14 tm 7 11 19 7 ii 1 ii 70V 7 16 I 11; I lb I 71 71 'J 7 II I Itl I tin 7 10 I It 7 JO I 24 I 14 7 41 2 7 29 I 171 I 29 7 II I 14 U Wl I H I 101 7 19! I 19 ..'M.??,.!jLl,J'1. T. 1 ' .. Mar I.. May 7.. 1y I,. May I May II. May It. Xl. 11 Mar II May May May May May May May May May Mny 14 It M 17 1 20 31 12. 21 24 HumJay, CATTI.B nrelitg wer qulta liberal for Wednesday, 140 cars In I tig reported. Thla brings tha total for tha thraa daya up to JM10 head, lying th largest for any lni llar jitrlod aim tnar week, ago, anl larger than a year ago l,y almoat 1,(10(1 red. Tha demand for heavy rattle wti vory ttv and tha market IoISo higher than yeeterday. Everything aold vary quickly at tha srivanr. Th Iwet lineves aold at 1111,24, whlr h a th highest prlr for tha yaar to data, and tha hlgliet prlra vr ld In iiiiaiu urn ariuen mat it la a 11 only ..o5 lower than tha emrem high prl.a vr in I l on thla mrkt for any month, tha rword her having been 110.71 which Waa paid in limmbir, 1911. tlood to choir yearling hve wer alao llttlie higher, but tha madlum u pratly ood klnda ara alow and at tha bast no mora than steady. Too many of that kind of rattla have been coming thla week. Quotation on rattla: Hood to choir oaiA.vO; fair to good beevea, 9ilttl.0; coltiioon to fair beav. IK llitf I2&; good to tholr half-ra, 17 71100; ood to ihoha owa. 7.l0fpi.tli fair to good rowi, l7r7.IOj lummnn to fair cowa. II 10(61 76; good to -Unle a ffdra, l.00wl.7l; fair to good f.,,l-ra, 17 1001.01; eoinmon to fair fcadara. 14 H'lt 7 10; good to choir aioikora, 7.10(ie lock bfifir, I.7I l.ll; aio, k cow. 6.7I 7 60; atork calvca, 7 16l.7t; vl calvna, I9.VO011 00; bulla, aiaga, tc, II OoO 1.00. IKX1H Thar waa vary notlcaal.l drop In' nur.a aa lomparad with ruatay. rrlvala today amounting to ama 114 ra, or 9,200 haad. Tha total for Ihn ftrat half of ih. .,-k la 24.641 haad balng 7.S00 amallar than Ih1 wnk, but moia than l.Oiio larg'-r than alihar twa wi-ka ago or tha corraajiondlng dayi of laaf yajir, Tha run. though ralhar modorat for thla tlrna of tha weak, .rovad to bm ulanty lig" whan inaaaurad by damand. Th tnarkat o,.rlad out In ..od aaaaon on a '"'' Mlchar haala, ahlppara buying a faw hoga thla way, and . nuinb.r of ur-g-iit a,klng ord-ira war nilad on th aarly ra.1, i ngura. that w.ra, If anything, a llitla mora than a nl. k.. hlghar Aft.r a Intl. var hlf th hoga had baan r.ah.d, howav-r, th. trad, took "n an aaaiar tona, and from than on It waa a ary dull alTHtr. aallara fighting bard for .rly prlraa, without m,.h aurcaa. It wa pratty Ma lha foranoon whan da. ant ,.ar,r wa, fln.ny mHtl t ( ii?"" Ik" ""irly "-"""'"I 1-rlraa HSii i" " u"u 'n """ aaalon. had to l. ,.,) In (m, Aa uaual a faw a.attarlng load of common Jt'u'if h".r' '"."'"'"I '' H th. ,"od lulf bad gon to th aralaa, (Janaral markat waa about a nlrkal hlghar landad at a anraad of 60-1 4 96. with a wrinkling of good haavlaa on up to III 76 S; ' urr"nt l'rl'- r Juat about a o,,!:.,,,t:k,h ,,r"r" -' -"-5 riHKKI Itacalptg of ahaap and Ian, l.a war. ju.t about tha .,. " y,y- aallmaiad auppllaa l,.i, .vnten cara or 4,000 l,.d. Thla bring. U,. ZJ 1m h ,Vd'"" !' " 12.100 haad hbh la mora than 1,000 ialar than laat w.k, but h,gflar than two wa". go. and a gnln ovor th gam da. of laat yaar of 1.000 head. . The markat waa annth.r pratly draggy affair. I'omlnuad llbaral raoaipi, ,t Iliad local buyara aom.wht barlah. ,la. Pit th fart tht lb run h.ra waa . modarai. and moat aarly offara war mad. at lar figuraa, Hallrra, howav.r, could ?""," rra.un fr making ronraa.ion. and hold on until buyara flimily v, , .nj the flrat iainlia aold niovad In yaalarduy a llgh rllppad lan.U . Iiotn, th. ra.ord a.. Ubllah-d yratarday, and imm atuff walgh Ing mora than nlnaly pound, a. high .. 110.46. A of dark, of nallv aprlng ami., niul, lii.oo. lh. hlghaat nrlr paid In aarul Hay., at,d .om. mor. of ,h, i allfnrnla aprlng laml aold at 111 tl al t hough thiy war trlmmad up a llitl mor. UM1H). iilhar natlv aprlng. aold to 112 60, with ma dow,, , 111 ni. Hon,, w.lahiy Pppd I....H.S Ul.1 ..( t a vary ,t r.,.,,,,1,,,, from .,U.r., and up t , ,. ,,, llr ioid "" ''rlliiy orilar ware anil un- Aa romparrd lih Ilia allm a. run. that hava I,..,, coming tha aiipply i,,,l, U.Mt 'icltj ,av.-rul dark. I.- wall a. amall .n. !'.. .. t, ,, f(r Nuihlng ovarlv good .!,. -I 1...I a,,),,,,, 3l ;j wh cllirra tiim.. I on down to IMS. Wuolnllona on h..... nnd laml.. ; ' l.amlva I' ll, m r 10 t ri.o, w 1 1 n ioi A. t . .... , , i upii.Hi, bj!id. llil i ;i, 10 In. Uml'w. clip' p-'l ii.niv, 111 l it II I II an l II On ; ii.. f.iir in nn n mi, aprlng, yciii Uujii,, f . I r i holca. ligrit. r i llik , ( ln U 1 on, w.ih- I. a 1 ti, h 9 76; .. , good i tll'li r. IH .......... " . ' '-' mi g.Hiu. t..jj,,. ., c,lp.U. lioottito ttic ,i.o i h: i-nitK utiiKir. laltl Hog. Waak. kha V4ak. I In,.,,, 11,,, 3, -faTTI.I; -lUcalpla. It"- t"l. I'.mn.t, nail.a l-.-rf I'"' ' :"' "'- l l" ., kar. and (.. I,,,. ia,, (d ' b'.!-. -. lit y 1.'. ,.!.. t u 1 1 :i in r a wt ' I -, , , , , V t . r i n i ". . i' ,,., I.' 4v ii - ri il' I . ... "t w-if,, ' ililtll. " tMrh Markel. Km.., i I-,. , )( .-j,TTI a. -H- ' ' fci P-ti"i. inn,, fi-.t ' ' if - .' i t.- 1 It fl fit ii --!, ... . , j .' . ,! t. , .1- . , f 1 W" - ,'..,..t , .... t.,M(J4 '"" " 'I ' 1 I . I il it . O I'h.l eef fj,p... 4 .., 1 ' ' a ' I a " a I , ' " "', ' lS,.i,)'( M I' eil(i I ..., , .. i. ..',... ,,. ,1 ,...,., '" " " '-", ! . ., t -., 4 T tt I . lla tk tt.4. ' I . w 1 t - A I I .' t is . t .... ... . - " t, ..,,. . I ..,. I.ifi., I , w i ".nf 'i li I. ,.,.4 I V " I. w I . I " I ' lua M, ..k4 " ' II title,.! 'I 1, . 1 ... -.! ft.i,.., ' -I. " - I ...., ''.! t- . , .... ,. 4, , , . , " 1H ' . ..,.( I ; I'V k.. k.4 -.. . u a , t, iti '. - ', P i-nl ii . ,. . j I f 4', 4. j . k4 j '"....! It m , j f ' ' 4 ' ' -. I I t - -, i NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Goes Through All the Process of Healthy Reaction. INVESTMENT SHARES HEAVY .-vaw york. May 24 In th varna'-ular or inn ape, ulaiiv. clamant today a market wont tlirotiKll Ilia prorcR. of liaaltliy ra.c tlon, Inv'-alinanl alorks aa wall aa anaclal tlaa di'vaiiiping ni.-irki-d haavlnaaa on fairly llirira ilcalluga. U'Hahlnglnn'a tint to th IlrltlHh KMirnmi'iil am-nt mall ltntlon. and tna i-rr-ni-h Hdmlaaion of a riarman gnln In a portion of tha Var'lun aartor forced tha hnala of baarl.h aantlnii-nt. but In all llkall hood today' ravaraal raaultad r-hlr-riy from lha blli-f that tha upawlug had procaadad aimoai ion rnpiniy inr aiiri-iy liaadlng, whlih lad th raront advanr on Ha aarlaa of naw high rarnrda, culmi nating In lha previous day', niailmum of 110., wa. no laaa cormn i-uoua on tha da rlinc, fulling to lmlVi and cloalng at 103, an ovarniirnr inaa or o point. otlwr aiHv rail war lower by 1 to polnik at Irraguiar Intarvala, with th fx caption of Itork laiand, which waa In maikan demand In an catrama gain of !' to 21, pri'MUliiahly In conaeuuanca of tha company a cxi-i.-iiant curnlnga and prograaa vowar'i a rrianniy raorganUH I Ion. Tha ninvami.nt of apaclaltlaa waa ron ruattig. auggaHtlng a conflict tiatwaan Ih abort and lung rrniinta, hut hlghar prlra. ir"viiiian hii,t miiinny. Mcmr-nria war one morn -iiv nd alrong on "Intervention" rurnora. Automolill ahnraa for th moat jiari kin" to yealnrilny a auliatNntlal ad vancra. with a naw high record for I hand lar Motora on Ita rl of 6 In Klfi'4. Kui -h war and aeml-war rlaarrlptlnn i th locomotlvaa, Cril'llila H'aal, tlrnaral l-.lactrlr, Wrallnghouaa and (lulled rllalea induatrlnl Alxihol m-ra galvanized into roralgn r-ontiart.. Coppcra with firm to airong nnd ahlpplng ahnraa. parllrularly .-onri'Hniii aiarin pri-r"rrcd, iiguraa promt lianllv at higher lavnla. I'lillnd Hlktra Htral waa firm moat of th aaaaion, but fill bark with th antlr Hat In Ih final hour, whan Heading and oihar eratwiiii raviirilea war at minimum prima, lha murket rloalng wlih a heavy tone. Tolal aitli-a aiTioumad to 7H0.000 aharaa, Reading' contribution being almoat on quarter of lha whol. l-'oralgn ' hange, notatily arerllng, con tinued heavy, deapll additional raraipt. of goia rrom t anada. Hc.aona for Ih racant activity In W bah taaua. at material autna warn rnimil III lb" April aiatrment of llio road, ahowlng an no rea or uau.nuv over in aam month laat year. Honda war Irregular on an enpanalon of operaiiona. -loiui aalaa, par value, aggra a h i o,i ii,nii,uijii, iioviirninarii ijotid. war unchanged on rail. Nunihar of lea and leading quotation. on .101 mb Louay war; Opn. High. I.nw. Cloa. Am, Heet Hugar... 900 TS', 1 73 Aniarii-an ran .... koii 607 fin'4 6n i. Am. Car Konn'y 1.900 61 Bl ' Am. Hini'lt. A Hefg 16.600 J02H 10H4 100 Am.Wugur Itefg... f,oo 112 111' 112 Am, Tel V Tel..., 70 129 129 129 am. r.. u., ar a.., i.iiini aa ', .7 17 6 Anaconda (upper.. .oo 6 106 It H 92 67 94 22 14 t4 99 A Ii hlaou 3,1.1)0 ion 106 ll.ldwln I,oromo. , llnlllmorn lihlo. Ilrook, jtapld Tran. ft. St H. t 'upper, , , , t'al I'etroleum. , , , t'entrul I.aHlhar.,, Chea V lilil.i 12,210 9 1 '4 91 S,.I1I0 400 1.200 2,S0 300 3 H7 94 64 11 17 93 22 64 ,i 1. 600 3 99 no 20 63 43 19 11 1.1 39 172 122 i'., M. HI. V 1,700 mow I". N. w C , It. I. A P. fly. . 11,1100 Chlno Copper l,loo Colo, l''ue 4) Iron. . 2, HOI) 21 M'j 19 63 corn Trod. Hefg.. Crurllil 811.,.., Ida. Harurlllc. , , , , Krla 'ieneral Klccirlc , , , Ureal No. i.fd.... tlreal. No. fra, clfa. Illluola Central..., Int. Con. Corp Inaplrailon Copper, Int'l Jiiirveator. . , . I. M. M. pfd. rtf. K. c Houthern 16,700 6,000 17,100 4 61 61 .19 4"0 17 14 172 Kl'O 122 122 7,900 42 i 41 400 106 113 14 'l.ioO '6 41 113 11 46 111 92 20 66 4O.IH0 93 20 W IH ' 21 63 700 Kannacott Copper. 26.900 l.oulavlllo N..,, Mexican I'atro. .... Miami Copper M, K. ar T. pM... Mlaaourl rar-lfic... Monlaua 1'ower, , , National ),end.,.,, Nevada Copper..,, N. V, Central N. T, N. II If.. Norfolk W eal . . , Northern 1'nrlflc. Pacific Tel. A Tel, Pannaylvanla 130 116 110 42.400 ill l,4oo a., 36 31 210 200 12 J2 ll 79 41U 79 7 1,2"1 9i0 79 B7 12,lni) l la 11 1 1,400 107 100 101 ,z'"i rz an ai HO 126 126 126 1,000 114 113 113 K" 1? 3,1 3 9 1,100 61 611 6H 610 23 23 83 181,400 J1 JIIJ 10J ii 610 47 47 47 Hay Con. Copper. IteHdlng , lt"P Iron ar Htael, Khaltllck Artx. Cop Southern Pacific. , Houlhern Hallway, 1"H .l.'k XI 3 3 7.310 107 1,4 101 101 4.H0 23 22 23 11,600 144 141 i, 141 610 4 46 4ii 4U0 1 04 192 192 20,410 141 140 140 ctudeliaker Co. .. . , Tanneaaee Coppr, , Texaa CompMiiy, , , l.'nloii Pacific. I'lilon Pacific pfd. H2 ir i6 4 94 114 114 10 K 21 11 4 96 12V hi! . I'. Ind, Alcohol. 11.100 ir, IT. 8. Hleal, ....... 16,00 6 II H, Hleel pfd, . . , am 1)7 Pub. Copper 1.700 II VValiaah pfd "ft",. I 100 29 V Weaiorn rnlon.,., 4 200 SflJ waai. i-.iaciric 1,200 ti.i Total .ale for lh day, 790,000 .bare.. Hank Clearing. Omaha. UlliV 24 llMiik oUerlnee Omaha today war 3,t7,614 111, and for th correapondlng day laat year 12.960.. 121 91. toffee Murket. Naw Tork, May 24 Thar wa. a renawal of realUIng or i-ttrliig liquidation In tha nrre inurhet today and til tun wa. mor or lea. unsettled, with fluctuHllon Irregu lar, lha market opened unchanged to flv point lower, and acllv month, ahowad nut loaae. of atMiut four In eleven polnta at on tlmn during lh day, with May aelllng at i ,11 and Meptninber at 2, or ghoul twenty-avaii paint under th high level of laat Huturduy. Home of the recent prom inent buyer, war among th heavier earlier acllera, but aaerned to bo giving th market aupport at th decline, and lat month, mi lled In th lat trading, wllh lb rloa net on point higher to eleven point lower .May and June w.r lower with other month, net uiu-hunged to on point higher. Mule, Including FXehangea. war 111,2611 bag. May, I 3c; June, 43c; July, 1.66c; Augu.t, I. Sir; Heptainber, 170c; October, ll 76ri Nnvamhar, 1 10c; Drmbr, I 14c; January, I. air; February, .94o; March, 9r; April. 104c. Hpot roffa qult; Illo 7a. Ie; Pan I on 4a, 10r. No rhiing wa. reported In the coat and freight altuailon, but Hantoa 4 wereorfered her at 10 I or, f. o. b., lira all, for Juno and July .hlpment on th baal. of London credit.. Th nfflrlal cable, reported a derlln of 16 rel. at Hto lib Hanioa and th rata of HI vicbang unchanged. dUlMltiVi ... CUAS.STORZ Ja 1 Hmiiz i 1 m GRAIN AND PROWICE MARKET Cash Wheat Runs Considerably Stronger and Advances Two to Three Cents In. Price. CORN RALLIES HALF A CENT Omaha, May 24. C'aah wheat waa con.ld erahly .trnnger today and ghowed a gain of 1 to 2 centa per buahet. Th loral d mand waa alao a Hill iron.-!' and th bulk of th aamplea wer aold on th advaniaa. Th hulk of th corn aold about a half rent higher, although a few rar. gold at a rent advanr. Th demand for torn wa. fairly active and ther wa. a total of "nine teen cara received. nut aold from a half cnt higher to a half rent lower, oat. receipt wer light and ther wa. only a fair demand for thla cereal, fty and harlay war quotd unchanged. Clearancea of wheat and flour wera equal to 169,100 nil,; corn, 1,020,000 bu.l oat., 774,000 hu. At Liverpool wheat clo.ed unchanged; corn, Id lower, Primary wheat receipt, war l.Ooryooo bu. and ahlpment. 616,000 bu , agalnat re ceipt of 494,000 bu. and .hlpmant. of 413,-, 000 hu. laat year. Primary corn receipt, war 811,000 bu. and ahlpment. 474,100 hu., against ; of 436.010 bu, and ahlpmanl. of 444,000 bu. lat year. Primary oat receipt, wer 1,411.000 bui. and ahlpment. 1,211.010 bu., again. t re ceipta of 474 000 bu, and ihlpmcnt. of 732j 000 bu. laat year, , cahi.ot nKr-Piitrrs. Wheat- Corn. Oat ('hlc.go in 63 241 Minneapolis ..,..231 1'n hi lb 27 Omaha 74 19 94 21 Kan.a. t'lly 117 Hi. I.oula 44 Ttieao ala wer reported Wheat No. I hard winter; 1 car, 11.02; 4 cara, II 01; I car., 11.01; I rara, 11.00; I car, 11.00; 1 cara, 99r; 4 car., lie. No. 4 bard winter: 1 car, 99c; 1 rar, 9c; 1 car, ur:; 1 car, 97c; 6 cara. 17c; 2 rara, 98r; 12 car., lie; 2 car., 96c; i car., He. Bampl hard wlntar: 1 car, 17c; car, 10c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 91c. Corn No. 2 whit: 1 rar, 49c; 1 car, II c. No. 4 whll; 1 rar, 4in. No. t whit: 1 rar, like No. 6 whit: 1 car. 4r, No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 49c, No, yl low: 1 car, t;ic. No. 1 mld: 1 car, 9c. No. 4 nilied: J cr, 17 r. No, I mixed: 1 car, 61c; 1 cra, Ho; 1 car, lie.. Oata No. 3 whlta: 1 car, 39c. No. 1 whit: rara, 38c; 1 cr, 3e; 1 cat. lie, rlarnpl white: 7 cara, 37c. Omaha c.ah Prlcea Wheat: No. 2 hard II .OOtfl 06; No. 1 hard, Cu 11 02; No. 4 hard, itUttr; No, 2 aprlng, l 0101.09; No I miring, Bi. l 09; No. 1 durum, 99cl II III; No, I durum, IScg 11.00. Corn No. 1 white, I949c; No. 1 whit. l4Br; o. I wnil, 7t6ln, io. I whit. li7W lc; No, 4 whll, I2tol7c; No. I yellow, 7O'rJ70c; no, 1 yellow, 1970c; No. 4 yellow, l9o; No. 6 yellow, CIIc; No. I yellow, 47 tfc; No. 2 mixed, 61 ric; No. 1 mixed, l'i-41c: No, 4 mixed. 746lc; No, 6 mixed, 614i67c; No, I inlxad, 3'47r, Oata No, 2 white, 411,4 41c; aiandard. 40W40c; No. 1 whllo, lttrli-: No. 4 whit. 860390. Harly Malting. I'tWUTc; No. 1 faad, 666lc. Ity no. i, iianc; iso. j, g.o. Chicago rloalng nrlcea. turniahad Th R by Ixigan Hi van, .lock and grain brok er., lit Houth Hlxlnlh atrt; Art. ''") uptn. I HlglbJ Iw, I Clo. JVa" W'h't I I May It 01 11 0 l 01 f (t 11 1 10 11 11 II 01 1 01 107 )09ll 118 im 1101 10 1109 I I July Hapt. Corn May 7373!74 72 173 73 July 7271i7272!71 72727I Hapt. 7070,,l707070 70 170 (ral. I I May 143 43 42 142 143 140 4, 41 ,41 41 40 (40 40 140 33139 131 1311 131 July Hapt. Pork May 23 (9 122 (8 23 66,23 61 23 00-10,21 0I-1223 00, 23 00 22 10 22 10 122 17,22 70 21 60 22 10 22 67 12 16 12 72 111 17 112 71 12 72 July Hapt. I.ard I I May 112 77 12 10 12 16 111 10 111 77 I3 12 12 96 I 112 76)1 76 1 1 2 76j I 2 71. 112 16,13 16 I July Kept. Kiln May 111 12 12 77ill 77 12 77)12 77 July 11 10-16 12 16 Sept. 112 g II -K7 : 1 2 90 112 1011 I2-I6U1 10 I lilt At. I.KA1N AMI ritOVINIONS. 1 rat lire, of 111 Trading and 4 loalng I'rlc. on lit. Hoard of I ran. Chicago, May 24. Notwithstanding that pence rumnra led to a bnarlah reaction In tb lat hour, th wheat market today rontlnuftd to bold aniuethtng of a .harp dviinea, which hail reaulted chiefly from lin-renaed report of crop damnga In Okla homa and Hnuthartt Kanaaa, .Prices cloaed unacttled, halt to net higher, with wllh July at ll 091 09, and September at 11.10. Corn finished V n to c up, oats unchanged to Su higher and proviaions varying from Hi gam a. yes terdays cioa to I2n sdvanc. Until speculators began to pprrlat Ih posNlbin aignlflr-anc which the reported miaaion of Prim- von liueliaw to th United Hlutas might baa aa a deflnlta move for an early pec, the wheat market wna uni formly on th upgrade. Kxreaaiva heat and aliaanc of rain tn okluhoma and neigh boring part of Kansas, It wa said, had cauaetl decided eulargntent of burnt area In th field and had lad to pradlotinna of an abnormally shrunken yield. llulllah arntlment w further mphutxd by In diana report, of lleaalnn fly damag, and by auvicea tailing or redurrd acreage In th northweet, hoth side of the Canadian boundary. Two centa a buh"l wa added to value In omn caaea n.-fur th oer- .tatnnt advance waa checked. Hkapiiclam regarding th authntlclty of AMIII'.liill. Lake Manawa The lot lefitullfuJ AmuNrninnt Turk In the Mlilillle Went, Will Open Its Gates for the Season 1916, Sunday, May 28th While the formal opening; will not be tint It Memorial n.j the prk will he Ihrawn open new Sunday (or the lnitppctlnrt of the pub lie. No exitn h,i li.rn upared to put the park In the b4t condition Mr. furl 11. Kit ward. r esperlemed park man from the east, will have the ninKimtnt, and fverythmg tl be bittr than ever befoie. MANY ATTRACTIONS- Some New Ones A.lmllim lit I'ati Will He t ree, I 1UUii..tUHI(.gil Liltlo Hipp & Nupolron "la He.kuii k t aim..... " 3 Conway Girl aagiag . i.,., N,l Hyi tun) NcaI lk kM l.i.,, - CtMk & Kothrrt " "'!? li.i.k " The PrrlrmJrr OURUL Uim WW,," aj5 r 1ilJ,i Tiii-am.nuF.N in THK MOUSIV th new. regarding von Buelow prvnted the hear from obtaining a mor complete control of th wheat market during th lat trading. Corn ro with wheat and a a result of unfavorable weather, eepeclally in Illinois and Iowa. Besides receipts were nntanl small, Damag report from Okla homa tended to lift th ot market. Ad vice, thought wer favorable a. to th big centrAl fltate. Hrarclty Argentina beef wa .aid to b a factor In bringing about higher price, on provision. The chief Influence, however, -wa an advnnr tn th value of hoga. Chicago cah Prlcea Wheat: No. 2 red. Il llftl 11; No. 3 red 11.1091.11; No. 2 hard, I I.09T 1. 11 ; No. 3 hard 11.04$ 1.01. Corn: No. 1 yellow, T4S76c; No. 2 yellow 71. Oata: No. 2 white, 40ip42c; etandard, 4344!ic, Rye nominal. Par ley, 0'971o. Seed: Timothy, I4.ooffl.00; clover. 17.60 16 00. Provlalnna: Pork, 122. 7S 6 23 66; lard, 112.76; rlba, f 12.37 127. HI'TTEK I'nc hanged. KlKJM Lower; recelpta, 21,004 cases; firsts, 21 ., 21 r ; ordinary firsts, 20$ 20c at mark, caaea Included. 20fl,21c POT A TO llnsett led ; old. re.lpts, 22 irars; new, receipts, 12 cars; Florida barreled (Hose, 1.00r( 4 26; Texaa. Loulalana and Alabama, sacked, Trlumpha, l.bgl.76. New VorU Money Mnrket. New York, May 24. MONKY On call, firm; high, 2 per cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rat, 2 V, per cent; laat loan, 2 par nnt; closing bid, J per cent; offered at 2i per cent. TIMI5 LOANS Stesdy; slgty days, 2 BA per cent; ninety dsy., 1 per cent; slg months, 1 per cent. MKRCANTll.K PAPER I pr cent. HTKKLINfl KXCHANUE Hlxty-day bills, 14,72; damand, 14 76 ; cablea, 14,717-14. HILVKK Par, 71 c; Mxlcan dollar., 66'. ItfiNPS Government, steady; railroad, Irm'gular. 4 loalng quotatlong'on bonds today wr s follows: L. N. unl. 4. 4U, n. T. 2s, reg., 99 M. K. A T. lat 4s 77 rlo coupon ,,. 99 Mo. Par. c. 4b.,11II. H. la, reg. ...101 Vfjdit. Power 6s.. 97 "do coupon ...101 N. V. r d. a.,.ll4M7. B. 4a, reg. ..110 N, Y. City 4.. 107 do coupon ..,.111 N.V N. II. A It. 'Am. Hmlt. 4s., 109 rf. 1 1 2 A T A T e 4 . . 1 17 No Pacific 4... 2nnglo-rrnrh 6... 96 'in it Atchlaon gen. 4... 9 O. 8. L, r. 44,. 91Ftal. O, 4a 11 Par T. AT. 6a.,110H. Htael r 6a... .101 Pifin. con. 4. .106 !'en. Pacific lat.. 90 do gen. 4a.,.10lc. it it. cv, 4.. o Ra.irllng gen. 4a. 94l It. A y. J. 4a.. 91 H L . H V r 4a. 74 ( M A 8 P c 6a . 101 So 1'ac. cv. 6..lif,f" It I A P r 4. 74 dn raf 4n. 90r. v 8, r. 4.. 14 o. Itallway 6a..loir. A R. O. c. 4.. 78 Unban Par-lflx: 4a. 97 do ref, 6a 71 do cv. 4a 41 Hrl gen. 4. 75 (7. 8. Rubber 4s.. 102 len. Klec. s 116 tr. 8,'Hteal 6s. . ,li6iit. No. lat 4a. 91 Wa.u Union 4. I6fi. Central r. 4a. 11 W, El, ev. 6... .124 Int. M M. 4.. .102 K. C. Bo. r. 6... 91 (nttiia) Market. Nw Tork. May 24. COTTON Spot, gtaady; middling upland., 12 06c; sale., 4,246 hale.. Ther wa. a renewal of yesterday's gall ing. Th. cotton markat cloaed very .ready at a net advanr of I to 14 point, for tha day, Future, opened steady; July, 12 14c: Oc tober, 12.42; liecember, 12.17c; January, ii.iiiic; jviiircn, ti.iic. Cnttrm future, cloaed .teady: July IS. Me; Hecember, 13 12c; January, 11. He; alarm, l J ilo. Mlnnrapoll. (iraln Market. Mlnnapoll, v M.y 24 WHEAT May, 11.11; July, .14i.ifflll4. Cash, No, hard, 1 20; No. 1 northern, 11.14 9 1.17; in 0. 2 northern, 11.16. PAIILKT lf73c. ,- ltYK I2ai3c. UltAN III 00 11.60. ColtN No. I yellow, 7476o. OATH No. I white, llo. FLAXHKED 11. 1491. If. Metal Market. New York, May 24 MKTALH Lead, 7.1107.11. Hpelter, ay; Knat Ht. Louis dallvery, 14c aakail. Copper, firmer; eleo trolytlc, nearby, nominal; Auguat and later, 21 60310 0O. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, quiet; flpot, ored at 141.00. At London: Hpot copper, 132; futures. (130 10s; electrolytic, (164; spot tin, 192; futures, f.112 6s. Lead, 131 7s Id. Hpeltnr, ill. Kansa. flty t.raln and Provision. Kansas City, May 24. WHEAT-Cssh No. 1 hard, ll.lO; No. 2 red, 1.0401.01: May. 1.01; July, 1.02. COKN No. 2 mixed, 19c; No. I whit. 70c; No. 2 yellow, 71c; May, 757c: July, 47c, OATS No. I whit, 4446c; No, 1 mixed, 40 410. Liverpool firaln Market. Liverpool, May 24. WHKAT Spot. No. 1 Manitoba, 12; No. 3, lis Id; No. 1 northern spring, lis lOd; No, 2 rd west ern wlntnr, 11. 4d. COKN Spot, American mixed, new, 10 1 FLORENCE HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES ON THURSDAY Commencement exercises 'for the eleventh grade of the Florence High school will be held this even ing at Fontcntdle hall, when the class will give a play. Miss Julia K. Krisl is superintendent, Leroy E. Smith, principal, and Miss Ilernice Thomas, assistant principal, at the Florence school. The graduates are: Vesta Hhlpley, Marguerite Raymond, Jame. Tucker, Helen Patereon, tllenn Kog. tloldta Hubbell, Reuben Hahn, Agne Johanaen, Imugla. Myers, Maud Kelrls, Milton Melaon, Rutht Lewi, Maynard Shaw, Thurma Morgan. Clerald Slert, AMIKMKTS. Farnam Theater ,tjiMt el ImUiii A4 Um kl.MI "HOP-THE DEVIL'S BREW A tUtw M HKkIi k I! tanii le Vtllk t ,. )w,l(. IllblllWtlbl J 1 - I lttlV eH'HI l llllhl.ll -rOeUftOMin i rm mwr llHIH.Klw """" ' ' '. .,.......,.'. Drinks Water from Septic Tank So as To Prove His Point To prove that the septic tank which receives the refuse from the- Benson drainage system turns it out filtered and free of noxious odors or germs George JL. Campen, former assistant city engineer, testifying for the vil lage of Benson drank nearly a quart of the water in district court before Judge Day. Robert Wilson and Adell C. Wil son had filed suit against the city of Benson asking that the tank be abol ished, alleging that it made the neigh borhood an unhealthy place to live in, as well as destroying the value of adjacent land by reason of spoiling vegetation. SOUTH SIDE MAN SUFFERS BROKEN LEG IN RUNAWAY -James Cotrell, a horseman, em ployed by the South Omaha Horse and Mule company, suffered a broken arm and painful abrasion about the body when a team of horses which he was breaking became unmanage able and ran away. I he accident occurred at Thirtieth and L streets. One of the horses sustained a broken leg and had to be shot. -nMAriKMa lit! V 0 Wl A H A -TWO DAYS- FRI., MAYO SAT., MAY 9 7 At 21st and Paul M 1000 -PERFORMING ANIMALS-1000 65- IgllTIODU ILi glMl -65 acri riituaii MORI IOUCATIO, PierORMIHO WILO ANIMALgl THAN SHOWN A La OTHCN HOW COMBINC D 24 AFRICAN LION IN ONI ACT Hr-Rldlng Lis a, Lara, ara, Is ag la Llns, Waral'l Wsalsr fMlsra SO WkWi eraUm 44n sa 4MIU.TIgr.ilLaeg 40 tOOBwg MAatawlClM Mr UM. mt Cm4 Kill Im huii t II Jl rtttimwit, 1 ml I r. An advanra sal nf reaerred neat tlrk eta will ripen at th Beaton Drug t o.', .tore, 15tn anil Farnam atrt., Tuea ilar, Mar 28, at o'elork a. m. Mall or der will h held until noon allow day. gk SB SB T g 1 Vi, awligjjji Friday and Saturday at the Muse Theatre llHlAYlDEN'Si' Mh 0' Illusion The newest wrinkle In Summer Millinery, Straw crowns attached to large Maline and hair braid brims, in the prevailing colors: Fink, white, cit ron, lavender and black mostly trimmed with ostrich. ' All are underpriced just for Thursday, at $10.00, $7.50 and . . . Put Up Your Pineapples This Week You will not buy them again this season at these prices. The market is advancing every day. W have a carload of extra fancy fruit, all larg sites. Th arc tha cheapest to bur, as fou havo mora fruit and less wast. 80-ais. Thursday, each., 10c Doicn $1.18 24-alie, Thursday, each. ...... 12 l-2e Doien fl.48 IS -all, Thursday, each 17 I -2c Doien $2.00 Par cas. any .is $2.78 13 lb. Bast Pur Can. Cr.nulat.d ' Sugar for (1.00 4-lri. sack, be.t high grad Diamond H Hour, nothing finer for bread, pie. or cakes, par lack (1.38 6 lb., cholc Japan Rice 2Sc 10 bar Laundry Quean WhlU Laun dry Boap, for 28e 8 lb., be.t mixed Chick Feed 25c 6 cans Oil or Mu.tard Sardine. ... 10c Skinner's Omaha mad Macaroni, Ver micelli or Spaghetti, pkg 7 l-2c I 16 -os. cans Condensed Milk.. 28c Tall can Salmon s i-3e 82-os. jars Pur Fruit Preaarvca. .28c Beautiful Blooming Geraniums, 4-Inch pots, for ...lOe It PaysTry Hayden's First It Pays AMUSEMENTS. GAYETY rr&V Phone Douglaa 1808. LAST TIMES TODAY Daniel Frohman Presents HAZEL DAWN In a Thrllllnf Dramatic Romance of tha Mountains "The Feud Girl" Friday and Saturday you will have an opportunity to see "Gloria's Romance" the most elaborate motion picture novel ever presented the. film interpretation of an original story by the noted authors, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hughes. Br iftaal arrangtmmt iwilh F. ZitgflM, Ceorgo KJeino Proaonta AUPlclurtNav,l Ity Mr.6MrX! RUPERT HUGHES "Gloria's Romance' is the most costly picture novel ecr brmijcht out ncarlv a million dollm hot been irnt to Hive nti ihU rtmrUblt rhouu plojr. AmeiU (rl tlf-MIS Hit Lit. Ht K. t - r,.tte. lh letJiiif iil-i.Uf lo. I h all gtr lurittnf tail I h JJ r Unif Kulket. Atimki i ft wUu,r Klein fee ur(tie4 Iho pitnlm tl.nt. yvt oro seegltli nletuinm.ui PJ Mttiini ti .tun Hui.g laj "ultl IUiWkuk ' I tt.Ul i eVlMIUNM I Ii lao litt4.s OmA) lJf ft. Featured for Thursday Will Be a Sale of Sailors 28-ni. jar. Pur Strained Honey.. 23c K. C. .Corn Flakes, pkg 8c Grape Nuts, pkg 10c Yeast Foam, pkg. , ,,.3c The Be.t Creamery Butter, lb... 31c The be.t, strictly guaranteed fresh F.gga, per dozen 22c Fancy Full Cream, New York White, Wisconsin Cream, or Young America Cheese, lb , , , , ,22o Neufchatei Cheeae, each 3s Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, each. Be, 6 l-4e and 7 i-2 Highland Navel Oranges, dosen, 20c 26c and 30e THE BEST NEW POTATOES, per Pck 43 c IS lbs. Best Red River Ohio Potatoes for ..30c Freih Spinach, peck Be bunches fresh Radishes. .8c ( bunches fresh Onions 8c 4 bunches fresh Rhubarb.,' 8c Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per qt. lOe 8 bunches home grown lettuce Be Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c Fancy Cucumbers, each, 10c, 12 l-2o 18c A MI'SEME JfTS. BOYD T ONPGHT Mat. Saturday EVA . ALONG LANG" RU?E A Delightful Comedy, Matinee SSc Mght, Zoo and BOe. Nxt Week) All the Comforts of Home. Today If NEW Tonite 2:30 a RLJta 8:20 "Lena Rivers" Jn, Dtvso Ball OMAHA niiNvtn Wl lUH'RKt; lAWK i m t linn $ i ii l. .. . u .t t., Hw, - ( t i