16 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1916. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Make a New High Record for May All Kind. Strong Sheep Strong. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS LOWIB OMAHA, May it, 1I4 Reretpte were. Cattle Hugs Sheep offirini Mnnii.v a m 2j i i; fcmimate Tuesday 4,100 13,(100 4,200 Two date' totals !. II 8J4 167 Same daje laal wnk.. 10.010 JS.rM 7.914 Seme I wxrka ago 11. HI 14a . Seme I flil I tll 13 Ml 17.S4I Sxme 4 tveeks ag 4.414 14.731 17,l Same days laat year 10.147 14,104 1.312 The, following labia shows tha rerelpie f rattle, hose anil eheep at Ida Mouth Omaha llva etors market tor the year to elate aa compared with laat yar: 1114 Ilia tnr Dae. .-aula 4CS144 4o,l 14 ojs )!( 1 til, 11 1.H2I.2? 2l4.4 Bhe.p 421, Oil tig, 41 14,404 Tin following labia ahowa tha ivirin rrtree r nogs at tha Omaha live atom ttmrket fur tha laat few Oar a, with com ,arlatina.' iit. T I iTTiVi fit i"i TTi iiTTTi 1 11 mi iT Ma Way Vay i ty 4. ? II Va,' II Ha II Hey 14 May 16 May May May May May May May 40 t 14 H II l II US, I II 71 40 list t 70 Il ia I II V t 14 I 24 7 II I II 1 3 I II I II I II 1 II I II III 7 44 I II 111 I H I II Ml 7 III I 11 I 10 f M I 71 II II I 10 7 II I 77 7 14 I 14 T 14 I II ill III 7 44 I 13 7 34 II I 14 I II I II 14 111 7 44 t 17 I II I II I II I II I 4 I II I III T II i 14 I II I II 1 It I 14 7 II I It 7 41 I II 7 36 I II 111 I 71 7 II I ll I li 7 40 til 7 34 I 141 H 7 41 7 31 171 I 31! 7 It t 14 I Hi I Mi T 4tl ft 11 Hunday. CATTLK Receipt were (air, 110 far, bains reported In, making tha total fnr lha two daya l.tll hea4, lha amallaal alnra Ihraa weeks ago, and with that eacepilon lha amallaat of moat rarant waaka. lha demand for heef ateera wac vary aj tlva. ao that everything aold In gobd aaaaftn In tha morning- prlcea paid wara atronf aa cemparad wlih yaatarday, aorna vary good wall finlahed altera raa hing 110 00, lha higheet prlra aver paid during tha month of May. Cowa and helfere wara atrong and active, $rtiy mum avarythlng ahanging handa In good eeeeim. Thara wara vary faw glrjekera or feeders In aighl, hut what few thara wara gold, quit raadlly a good alrong prl ea yjolatlnna on ratlla: Mood In rholet Heaves. II 10410 10; fair Jo good beevee, II0O; common to fair beevee, II litf It; good to eholr htlfara, 17.76411 00; 17 7191.00; good to rhola cowa, 17 IDOI II; fair to good cowa, 14 7I47 10; common to fair cowa, 14 004 71, good to chair; f.edere. 14 00(11. 71, fair to good feeder. I7 4O04O4; common to fair faadara, 14 7I 7 10; good to rholra alorkara, IM-Ofl-a; aiork helfere. 9 Jll 21, aiork cowa, 1171 7 I,0; aiork relvee, 17 3101 71, veal lv. a, l 00011 00; bulls, alaga, eic, II 00 I 00. TKKRS. No. Av. Pr nicKi K. Av. I'r. 3,,..,, Ill II 00 M. 173 I II II, 110 II 14 101 t It 31...... Ill I II It lltl 41 ti.,.;.. itt to II ll'if 70 ii ,.1041 II 40 , .1001 00 , .lit f 20 .411 JO ,1303 I 40 .1217 I It .1013 t i HI7 10 00 r. 11. H. 10, ii 14 11 ATKKRA AND HICirKKH. 411 140 7 It II I 10 10 II 40 71 I.. 13.., 10... II... 11... 13.. II. . . 110 II tt 74. 47 II HI I 00 00 31 It f 10 t 70 4, 1. I I. .1. HEIKKftS, I 31 COWS. I 40 1 474 f II 7 31 10 1113 T 10 1 10 1 1340 1 10 I 01 ft 141 I It Bl.'U.S. .1410 f to 1 Ill I II CALVBS. , 410 I ft! I II 10 71 t 110 11 to torkera and f-Hr,, 17 10QI 00; bulla, 1( 00 94.00: ralvoa. 14 400 It. 00. Hons Racalpta, 14.000 had; markat, atoady; hulk of aalca, 4oesl; havy. .T&1 l); aprWra and bul.hora. I46 .t; light, II (00170; plga MISffl lt. KIIEKl- AND I. A MBS h.r.lpl., 1,000 hrad; markat, glrong; lamha. 110 26013 SO; ycarlinga. 113(011 31; wratarn, 13 100 10 00;; a. 4.3t0l 10. NEW YORKJTOCK MARKET Same Conditions Obtain ai Were. Prevalent the Day Before. C0PPEHS ARE BACKWARD ...1002 ...1310 ...1331 ...1100 4 I II 11 31 1 110 11 It HOOf Addad to tha ganarau frroh atip pitta wara naarly Iwanty cra carried ovar from yaatarday, ao total offarlnga wara plenty broad, la fart, condltlona all aeamad to favor lha parkara, aa ahlppara wara doing vary llitla, and oihar niarkaia rrporud freah ilTllni-a. lha raault of It all waa that whan buyara rami out with lOo lower offera, aallara aaw llllla chanra of doing any kctlar and alartad cutting looaa fairly aarly at flg -uraa that wara In Baarly avary Inalanca A dim tialsw yaalarday'a ganaral markat, Thara waa apot or two before tha cloaa when It looked aa though lha flnlak waa going to ha A repetition ol yeatarday a, and trading wag a little) dull At tlmaa, but nearly avarythlng waa nlaanad up In good aeaaon. noma of tha commoner light and mlied huge wara, aa uaual. tha object of avma dlacrlm Inallon, hut eiuff that want through tha early trade without attracting even a bid found an oultat on the later market. Moat of tha hoga aold at II 4401 It, and it few real good keavlee reached 11 1 tha top. No. Av. 1. ,17 tt.,101 43. Ii! 61. ,141 it. .310 Pr. 140 l It 110 41 ... 4 ... I 40 40 I 7 No. Ar. Nh. Pr. II. .107 ... 44 71. .107 14 10 7.. 117 III I 17 V, 1..I1I ... I It RHEEP Karly rounda of tha lamb trade were very much Ilka Monday. Seller were eeking higher prlcea all around, while pa ktre were Inclined to lav back, ao that nothing aold until after mldforenoon. When the movement finally atarted, however, Hera had partially carried their point, fur rerly aalea were aieady to atrong, and In tome taeea tradera quoted aarly deala aa much aa 10c higher. Home choice handy clipped lamba aoid ai 110. 00 for a new rec ord They were conaldered mora dealrable than Miivililtig that haa been hera lately, l.nt at ihat lookrd a Utile higher. Aa high ae 110 1.0 waa paid for elghty-nlne-pound offeringN, while iilnny-rive'Poundara reet heil 110 III After a few ealee were matle iradlngg atop. V'i again, and It waa nearly noon berore the Interne of tha offerlitge waa cleaned up In trm end. however, nearly everything eld ebr,ut on eartte benie. pilte being In on ceae It an then eteatlv to atroog. and In apitte nelng quoit,, 1 aa , lightly hlaher. Later eetea In.iu.lr.l fair el,hly atuff atound 110 it. vhtle ettitte Helghlng well oter 100 pounda mted a III) 00 Aa hee been the tea light along of lale. tlteie were, it.tt etutuah ewt-e on l,ffer to ttteke a tnalkel. AOont the only atuff here to the eaed ehepp line waa a bun, h of i 'lipped that aoul el II ii'l. the high ii, eik lor the ee-n to date wuotatlooe on eheep aiot latit'te l.ambe, ...,)., I. fair to choice, 1 1 0 0, f 1 1 I'd, teioUe. ' lltieil. he'idv I0 i&aj 14,0, lambe, illp .,1 nret. lt"ttlte. lemite. epttng. Ill 000 11 00, i'iiii,,i, fair in choice, light. 1 1 ( u 1 1 on. iMini.it Hijl0"j. eih e fell hoo-e 1 1 1 . g ,' I , ewee. good to t'K .(it, l1t0 60. eeea fair Iti gved, 1 1 . eaee -lipped, l.ooglle He pi eentetl e ee,t lie I ahfomla eiii g tawt.e 1 t t ilexnit ei.'w.g letooa la vui.e , II im e ... I II fiippe-l .ml t flipped !"' I i iip "4 ia "- . . , , , t p4 ien,t.e it ,.( .4 o.i-e , ... ! I i ,eel-e I Mil Vl.tl IM1 l H MtKSII, I all la I true, ! Meek, awee ttaab. Av Ptf it II II II It 41 II I II 14 at Itt 14,1 4 it el . It 14 11 M 14 f 4 H It It 14 a- elei l ' 4 '. ,.,! vl I" m Itlaatell ewi"4 II IU II H ' - 1 n hmt .! f. e II l I It 4 -' e , J wt I I I i I t a- 4 h e e M ii w, ), l l I e I it e. l I e. t n . " I- . e 1 1 1.-. hi I , iim I o I ,.., nil ii it, I I I 4 ( . 'it,i r ash Itll in - t on 14 14 tt.l lii l'HM') tee .)' til .,! !, i M leV le e Ht,lll I .. be u ll t t . n. fi-.-a In! Ii,.l oft.!. et. eetue I' ' e - ej ,. a "'! a-4 ..( itdi .,, i iii ii e -,- e t. e ! . .' ... e I . . e fc. '.a , e-e - - . e "e . n l4 ' t e a 4 1 t aj 1 i I t, A,, . , Iti keel akaitai ... i .ae n i , e 4 i . l Ii mix I . 4 4 l t i . , e i if i ti - v m , I e - , , t i 4 . ,.,' , .... Mnaiii , . , - 1 1 tl t . t i , e . t 0 .. . t ,e ta I m it tieweet Il-e atetl, We.k'l , , .j, , v , . j f. , , . ' ' I h , ttl a, t . . .i.,,., , . , , ,.,.,,,, ,..,..,, . ... . l., v , . ' t It l ll i '' ii ,i aeee " Ill 114 HI 4 4 1144 II It. e. pae ' ' f I ! II I ill ' ." a ' . . I l e I Ml m I . Il I It I IU t t t ... 1 1 44 ltl Ii III New Tork. Xfay 11 Tha aana condltlona nd andonclaa which characterlied ' tha rcnt nl quoted were prevalent again to day. Hpecuiation ran largely to tha rail way hat, with a new high record for Read ing and beat prlcea of a year or mora for other leeuea of the eamfl rlaaa. There waa a wider movement In apeclal tlea. which reflected all of their recent Ir regularity. Harngnlaed war contract aheree were lower by a point or two, nmet of theactlve aeealon and clipping atocka were almllarly affected, llkewlaa tha ao called dlaillllng leauea. Mealcana were rratored to aparulatlva favor, largely aa a reaulf of the abeenca of further dlattirhlng advlcea from lhat country, Meilran I'eiroleum gaining mora than 2 polnta, with alntoat I for American flmeltlng t'nppera aa g group ronflnuad backward, however, and ,tha Xlnc leauea ahadad after luma early atrenglh. Automobile aharea were the apectacular feature,, oenarel oMIora advancing It pnlnta to tit, wlih lA fnr Ntudehaker, while Wlllra-Overland on lla Itt polnta to 274 and i:linfler Motor 3 rla lo 100 'A con atltuled new reciuda. Heading a Oyratlona war the rauee of much unaeittemant among atandard atocka, following Ha aarly rlaa to the new maxi mum of I10, a, point bver lla prevtoue record llefora noon, Reading fell hack a linnet 1 polnta, recovered about 3 polnig and after much Irregularity, clooed at 101, atnmet a, point, off for tha day. Ita con tribution lo lha loal an again ou of all proportion, amounting to about 130,000 aharea, or It per cant. other dividend paying re I la Including Tnlon rclfc, HI r-eul, Haltlmore Ohio, liulevlll. A N.ahvllle, Atlantic Coaet Una an llllnola ''antral were higher by 1 to I polnle at their heal, but aiiccumbed to aleady profit taking and abort telling In tha afternoon, Tnlted Htatea Steel Beamed to lie tingled out by tha abort Interrat, at no lime keep ing pan with other favorltleg, Hethlehem Steel alao waa heavy on limited dealing Total aalea of atoi ka antotintetl to 140,000 aharea Incirjanta bearing upon lha market In cluded Southern I'eoiftca April atalement ahowlng a net geln of II lot 000 and an additional gold Import from anada. Tha bond market wa firm, but without fag t ura. Total aalea, per value, 4 460.000 I nlted Htatea bonda wara um hanged on fall. Number of aalea and letdlng quotallon on atocka today were; Xalee High, Ut, flota. Am. Reel Sugar. 3,100 14 71 '4 71 Amerban fan 1,400 M'4 4 t Am. :, 1" 41 l Am. l,ocomollve ., 1,100 72 74, 71 Am. S. R 14,400 102'i 100' Am, Sugar Refln.. 200 1 1244 1I2 111 Am. T. A T 100 1I' 121 I2 Am. '. . I.. A n l ino ' I 'A i''4 Anaconda Copper.. 14 400 IDS "IS Atrhlann 14 100 107 ' lor. 104 Ita Id. In Ico 1.401 44 n ' Reltimore O ... 22 too 14 ,2t t' Hrooklyn R. T , 17 Hull. A S Hopper, 4.400 t !', t I a I. I'eiroleum 2- (anadlan I'aclflc. 4,100 112V lioti 1S (antral Leather ... 100 44 n 'a n 'v i haa. A Jhlo 1 too 41' 0Ja 42l C,. M. A St, I I4JO0 101 . 100 a N W too 111 IO',t 130 f , ll. 1 P. Ry.. l ioo l4 l lVt Chlno l oppar 2.000 ii tj 4'A Colorado IF. t I... 4,000 4f. 41 44 lorn I'rwd Refln.. 100 14 1 t'rtltlbla Steel 14 400 16 11' 13 hletlller- Sec lioo MM to H Krla ,I00 40' ! 3IT Ueneral Klanlrlc ,, J'f'A Ol. Northern prd.. I t" 111' 1UH 1A (It. No. Ore rlfa.., 2 I0 41' 40' 41 llllnola Central ,,, 2,1"0 1o i0i' 104 Inter. Con. Corp.,. 400 I ll'A l4 Inaplration Copper. 4.400 41 46' 4'-t Inter, llarveatar . ... Ill' Int. M. M. pfd ctfa. 17.10 II' 174, K. O. Southern.... 1.700 17 ' 14 4, 2', Kenn.rutl Copper.. 11,400 ft 4, tt S lh lulavllla A N I, tan 1114k IS 110' Met. I'atroleurn ... 47,lollO' 107S 114, Miami Cooper .... 1,400 14 S USa l ' M , K ' f, pfd HJ Mo. Paclflo' 1,400 7 1 1 Montana fewer , ., lo 10 74 7'4 V 1 1 r, n I t.a.d 100 47 47 47 Nevada Copper .,. 1,000 14 174, 11 N. r. ("antral 14.100 104 104' 107 N. T N. II. II. 1" 41V 41 42' Norfolk W I t'iO 1341 111", 12114 No. Pacific 4,4'it lli-V HIS IMS Paolflo Mall Jl I'srlfln T. A T Panngylvania .0 MS H ' Ray Con. Cop. I.Oo 21 S 21 S H' Reading 111. lo JIS 17S 10IS R. public I. A S ... 1,100 II 47", 47' Shalluck A (op... to l!S US '4 Southern Paclflo .. 17.1" 101 S loo' 10oS Southern Railway., 1 400 24 11' 21S Studabaker Co. ... 11,400 141 1S 1 4 S 4 Ten nee.ee Cop, ,, ,. lo 4S 4 44 Teiaa Compauy ... 400 141 111 Iti I nmn Paclflo tt.100 141S 140S HIS 1). P. pfd l'S U. S. Ind. AlOOhol.. 1 400 111 144S 117 S V. 8 Steel II. 40 IIS I4S 4S ! M Steal pfd..., 100 11? 11' 1IS t'tha Copper l.ioo IIS o I0S Wal.tah pfd B 10,400 21 1S 3S Weetern Union ... 700 It IIS II' Wet. Klectrlo 1.100 11 42 43 Total aale for tha day, IIP. aharea. Mew Tork Money Mark el. New Tork. May SI. MKRCANTII.W PA PBM IS per cant. STtJRl.lNtl KXCH ANH K 8liy-day Mil,. I4 7JS, demand, I4 7IS; cablea, 14 74S SIlAEft Bas, ll S; Mealcan dollara. t4S HON OS Oovarnment, ataady) railroad, firm . TIMB LOANS Plrm; ality daya. IS 01 per oent. ninety daya, I par cent, alt innniha. IS per cant. t'Al.la MONET firmer, high, IS per cant; low, IS P' cnt, ruling rate. IS per rent, laat loan, IS per cent, rluelng btd 2 per cent, offered at IS per cent Int. M, M, tug .11 S'l' r. la, reg , S K C So. refi t II S rto coupon .... S 1. A N un 4a... 4S't! S 3a. reg... 101 S Jl H, AT let 4a 74S do coupon ...nils lla J'.r r ta 101 Ml. S 4a. reg.. .llol, Mont Power te. tl't do coupon ..Ills NYC ileb tal14S4m. Smell 4e lot N Y Cltv S IOiS'I'"' Tel. A 1,1 N T , N II A rv IS, . ,107V II -v to . . 1I1S Anglo trench 4 ttV No Pacific la . IISAtrh gen 4, . . . 41 it, la , 41 1 H Ao la . . . l S die S I. ref la ll't'Meih Ml I r la !'! Par T A T 4a lSi'ui Pat lal . 0 Peon run I s l"S'' rv Iti HV do gen I Se . lftt S C i M Ay S I, M Ilea. in,, gtu II ti ', M A HI I' St I. A San " vv t 14 S Kit. i ref 4,. . 71 l . K I A P. h So lac ll.KIS 'f 4e 74 V do ref 4, ., 4k,t"til A rt r 4Sa 44', S Railway 4a . 11 v I' A It il c le TiV I mon I i, la .. S So ref tse ., US ti,, n la tlS':" t" 'IV t S M.ibt.er 4a 1,1 S'' 1IV I A Sleel 4a IMS'M s" '' " t eet t it I., a I', a II I l" ref le . I V IV I fi it III H l. Jeeeph I4t Slweb Si l.-t.i M . Mat H .i tlTI r Se t pt t tite ba4. loaikat hiak ateee. llfia ai t4 bttfeia, IIII0II. ia ,ii ' 14 1 i.-, lt.. ,lri, I ' hea4 meahel leaai '. II II III .(tea, II IDtfl 41 't I I f M' I mil H.., aifte I aH a.e.i n,tt,at k'flkti, i,.ppe4 iatAa t.4l tit wet, lilt lit Sleek Mattel. ' I' '' lilt II - IIikiS Se-etpte. Ilia w'k,i I .no bee- ftlifila .i,a- tlaaflli. t,ei It t I II ... . I .. .a l ti g I at i t I I Hi i ru 1 It eetieet l-.. t-,' e ',, I a 1 1 a 4 a mi ail a., It "l " a t mi et Itl.alta ' n ye a I we.ati, ,tt. It GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Weak Future Market and Slow Cash Demand Sends Wheat Price Down 0n to Three Cents. CASH CORN QUOTED CENT LOWER P Ita, a el t I 1 1 I 4 lit Stee ! S(k4 ! State (leitel I el, I. a Wat It t ttt.ee aa .' t t at It- iiat ieel uf Wat ' tl, it .l,lg 'it I t-p- I a ,a t b a t i- ---t t ti tut a I 1'net 'l I I It Ittt Hal tar et I ' I If It t I , . r 1. 1 1 I t , i v. , ,) 'V. t Hi-etafc ISIV t" ftaak tteaaait, ''l la tl te a ,,a I ". 11 B 1 1 I I 114 14 e l ' t a H-.ttfa .lg .a ai' f t I Omaha. May 13 A weak future market and a very alow iaah demend raueed a drop of from one to threa tenia In cah wheat today. Tha wheat run waa gonri, but only mall nortlon of the aamnlea wet aold. Th corn reretpie were light and there waa only a fair demand for thla cereal Ceeh corn waa quoted a rent lower. Th nata market waa alao rather quiet and waa qunied about (hree-quartera under yraterday'a prlcea There waa a fair de mand for oata, and the rerelpta wera light Rye and barley receipta worn unimportant and the, cereal were quoted nominally unrhanaed. Clearancea wart; Wheat and Sour equal to Itt, 009 l.u.; corn, 11.000 bu.; oata, 143, too bu Liverpool cloaa; Wheat, lo lo e lower; corr unchanged to Sr lower. Primary wheat recelola were 442,000 bu and alilpmenig 113,000 hit , agalnat rerelpta of 414.000 bu. and ahlpinenta of 112,000 bit. laat i primary corn receipta war 414,000 bu. and ehlpmenfn 614.000 bu.. agalnat receipt of Itt. 000 bu. and ahipmenia of HI, 000 bu laat year Primary nata receipt, wera 1,100,000 bu and ahlpmanta l Otl.Ooo bu . agalnat receipta of 401,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of 1,7H,000 bu. laat year CARI.OT RKCKIPTS Wheat. Corn Oatg. Chicago , 200 141 2i Mlnnenpoll ill iMjItnh 4 Omaha 13 Kanaea city St l,oula , 47 Winnipeg 117 Theae aale, wara reported Wheal No I hard winter: I1.0IS; 1 car, 1102. No. I hard winter; 1 car, 1100; I car. Il'c; cara. tic; t rare. 4'c; 1 car,. c; I car. 7e; It cara, l'c, cara. si. No. 4 hard wln tr; 1 car. 4c; 2 car,, ttS"; I cara, ttc; 1 car, t4'c; cr, tic; I car. II 'e, Sam pi hard winter; 1 car, lie. No. I durum: 2 cara lie; 1 ear,. 17c. No, I ml ted; 1 car, tic. No. 4 inn t.l. I car, tic; I car, ISc; t car, tie, No. 4 rnlted durum: 1 car, 42c, I: I car, 10c Sample, 111 it II It earn, Rye No. cara, f,c. Jlarlav No. 1 car, t'c No. 4 No. t, No Sample 4. I I car, 42c No I feed: Sample: ' car, tic CORN; No 2 while: 1 car, 41V"! 1 car, 7Vc. No 1 white. 1 car tic; 2 cara. 47Vc; I car, 7'4o- No 4 while: I car, 47c No. I, yellow; 1 car,, tic. No. yellow; 1 car. c; 1 car, lilac; I car, ttSo, No, I mlied: I car, die; 1 car, I7,n, mined: 1 car, 47 Scj 1 car, 7c. mixed; 1 car, 47c; 1 car, I444c, mined: I car, ; 'c; S car, tic mined 1 car, 4c, I rar, toe OATS No, I while: 4 cara, 3ISI cara, 31c. No 4 whl'e: 1 rar, ll'c Sample while: 1 cara. 17c. Omaha caeh Pun, Wheal : No. I hard, II 0 1 0 I 0 1 . No. 3 hard, tStfllr: No. 4 hard. IZ0t'-; No. 1 eprlng, 11 0101 01; No. 1 eprlng lc0lO4; No, 1 durum, 110 -; No. 1 durum, t70llr. Corn- No. I white, 7V0lVc: No I white. 474044c; No. 4 while, 41 0 17 'r; No. t white, S 41r: No. I white, 4tffl4Sc; No. I yellow, elSlS'; No. I yallow, ll'4IP; No 4 yellow, 4404ISC No t yellow, 47 S 041c; No I yeitow ttS0l'c; N" 3 mlmid, 440 ISc; No. 3 mined, 47S04c; No 4 mined, 4S0l7Se: No. t mined, A4047 S"; No mlnetl, 4I0I7SC ('eta: No 1 while. 40' 041c; atantlard. 4O04OSc; No while. It 0,1Sr; No. 4 white, IIS03Sc llarley: Mailing, 44047c; No 1 feed, tt title. Ry: No 2, O0)c; No. I, 110 10c Chicago rloetng prlcea furntehd Tha Rea by igen A llryan, atock and grain brok- ara. lit Houlll Slnteenth alraat: Art. I Open, j High. I Low. Cloa. j Tea " I I II "40 S I 04 1 O0S1 oi'4 i oiSs i iosi i Will May July Kept, Corn May July Sept. oata May July Sept. I'oik May July Sept. I .aid May July Sepl, It I le Mey July Sept. 7IS7l VI71S 71'70V!73 It! 0 S 70S I 1 41V0S 4IS inula 40 s IIS0S IIS 31 1 II 71 21 10 21 III 21 71-70 21 II I 111 10 111 10 111 70-72 1 1 17 S 13 10-13 13 II S II II II 71 11 7 11 71 II 77' 11 I I 04 ll 74t 107V 107 S I OH llOIS nil', il t'4lo!los 70S 71 7S 70' 714 71 S it ;io 0S.il I42S ;4IS 'llS (0S 40S,40V ' llllt 21 10 21 It II ft 12 40 22 10 III 20 21 10 23 I7S H tt II 7 12 71 11 tt II IIS 12 77 It It It 70 II 71 It 17,12 71S 11 76 11 17 S 11 12 II 77 11 17 II 71 li 71 II 77 CHICAGO (JltAIN AND PROVISIONS.. . Peatoret of th Trading and (ioelag Price, a Hoard f Trad. Chicago. May 11 Renewal of wop dam age repotia from th outhwat lad to eome llilng of an upturn today in th price of wheat after an aarly aetback. Th market cloaad ataady At 101 S. July, And 1040 4 10, September, with lha range aa a whole 5 cant off lo S up, compared Willi yester day fliileti. In corn, the outconia waa a gain of S4TS to , and hi oaia S decline to a Ilk advance, i'rovialona cluaed un changed to 10c down. Mleglvlng In regard to tha Kanaaa crop had a good deal lo do with turning erntt mnt to th bull aide of tha wheat markat. It waa aold tha damage from th heeeion fly won hei-otnlug more and mora apparent In tha affected illatrlcta of tha atale, and that eeterday a official teport from Topeka aaa baaetl on condition, ten day ago be fore th full amount of th injury waa In evident a. Advlcea were alio at hand tailing of er loua riealrilrtlnn by hetNtan fly la Mieeourl and llllnola. Hulla appeared at a dleati vantage, however, until the market had de clined to a level that waa lose under tha high point touched about a week ago. Lower quotatlona from Liverpool with fav orable weather In title country were chiefly reeponelble fnr weakening the wheal ntai ket during lha flrel pert of tha day Heare here erented tllepoeetl to connect tha for eign Decline with luaiiranc rata changea. tthtth were aaltl lo Hullrat better peace prnepecta, Corn rallied wlih wheat Tha market waa bulllalily Influenced, too, by the etan llueae of retelpla here and eleewheia and bv llllnola report, that mui h replanting had been found nereeaar) (lata prtcee av-eragetl Inner aa a reetilt of favotable crop teporta from tha largest producing tale, i aeli Price Wheat - No, t red, nomi nal; No 1 red. II 0001 K; No t hard. I! i4 S 1 "' S . No 1 hard. IO40IOis I orn. No ; allow. V1V :iHr; No. 4 yellow, 11c Oat, No 3 white, lOtl II Sc. ,teittlerd 43041V Kvt. No 1. I0tiS" Manet; tin, 0 71c Hay. Tim nitty. It O"0 I 00, clover. 7Mf UN. Pro vlaluna I'mk 1 J fl J 1 . tl , Urtl. I17S, ril.a. l f left 1 1 It lll'TTt.lt - l.iital, ireamerv. ll!lr r il'tt - Iterelpta, ll.JII raae. litalket un-liitgc, PlirA Tot.--Higher, old. eetelpte, 1 1 i-t't new, retelpla It ret, Klotttlt Iter teletl roae Itt i :nf 4", leaee I ttiilaiene ml Alatieme, ,4' ketl I rtumi be l,ogi ;o ItU I, 1 It Alive, unthet.gad Hanetta t Hy (tmlai anil Prwtlatana. hard, ll l I "I I let II 410 1 04. Ma. it, lull i :l '' i.i,- t ,.,'m'i etia, i While, tlSll'lt. S" 1 fr'.ie 41(11.-, ,) 4! Sf UI lS HATS - N,i 3 emit IISIIi Ne I atltatl 14 0I4, , ...lt 1. , pa'ktre, 1 t t,ttl I'tia lit," I'tll 1,141 Meet tie. P.tkekA lf MinnentoUi lirwin Me.ktl 1li"ia le Ut. II V II 4 t tl a II 11 S I "S ' I ')',! I S ail Painful Swollen Veins Quickly Relieved and Reduced t. S M lit. el Pa4a. lion e ute) letaite- t.g ... a et tat ia ae, ut i g et iat af e ,. i .a -aa thai 4 M ia-a le e" a , , 'if iS-"ii4 ,t'4 w'H aaa ta t la, e,, . tie . la it , b 4 tieaeti-. t lat w.ai ikaa tf,t ft.1 lat'ii 44 ta i.aiilt 4 aa-'-kl - a It t t II laaaeiiai.a, I, tt tt.-bft.-.. ere e-4 f a"t.i eae, a,4 In - Item bt X 'Ike '' lit ii. lit' n t ' a e te tt 4 .4 Ii, eat .tt itta lit-i-a la., hi at a n. t . . Icl l l am - fi i t a ta I I -a aia II t4 1 - ll . I- ,, t a i' . t I w-1 t- . a , tii- tlti i a',- -i No I hnrd. 11 Id't: No 1 northern. I1IIS 0II4S: No. 1 northern, I11OS01KS- Pl.nl'R Cm hanged. RARLKV 4.10 44c. RTK 12S lc HRAN III 00 0 1 40 ( OKN No. 1 yellow. 14 0 75 Sc. OATS No 1 white. 37flllc. FLAX 8KKD It 43S01-I7S. Nt.W VOHK 1ir.NP.RAL MARKET. (Juotatlona of the Hay on 4 arloua Com modltlee. New Tork, May 23. FLOUR Rarely steady WH EAT Spot, ateady; No 1 durum, I117S; No. 1 hard, 1120; No. 1 north ern, liuluth, I1.27S; No. 1 northern. Man itoba, 11.24, f. o h., New York. Puturca, ateady; May. II HV ColtN Spot, ateady; 6. 1 yellow, II ',c, c, I. f , New York. OATH Spot, quiet; atandard, 41c. HAV Plrm i No. 1, I1 47 0 I4O; No 3, 11 3101,40; No. I. II 2001.30; apring, 11. Ot 0110 HOPS Steady; mate, common lo choice 1I5, 12 20c; 1014, 80 7c; Taclflc coaet, lilt, 110 lie; 1114,', 4 I Or, HIDKK Plrm; Hogola, IJ014c; Central America. 9a. J.K.ATIIKR Jt'lim; hemlock flrat, S7c; flecontla. 14c. y I'RoVIHIo.MH Pork teadv; meaa, 12ft f,0 024 00; family. 1J 000 24 00; ahort rleiir. 121 00024 00. Heef. quiet; mea, 117 600 1100; family, III 00020 00. Lard, ea'ay; middle wtel, 113 .00 11 10. TALLOW Lull; city, 10',c; country, lO'0IOVc; apeclal, lie. HlTTKR Market eaaler; receipt,, K.Stl tuba; creamery extrM,. IO'4031S:j flrita, 2a0c; aeconda, 27S2Sc (tXKjSMarket ei.ler, receipta. 37t40 caaea; freeh gathered, extra flne, 24S01c; regular packed, flrat,, 22'0 21r; aeconda, 110 22' . CHKEHK Market Arm; receipta. 3 064 bonea; elate freeh tpedale )'SZrl7,c; average fany. I7'.il7'c; Wlaconaln Iwlna held at tlS0ltc. POCLTRV Market alrong. Live: Broil ra, 300 36c; other prlcea, not titled. lrea,ed: Market firm; unchanged, St. IauU t.raln Market. T LOI'IS. May 23 WHEAT No. 1 red. IIII01.H: No. 3 hard, nominal; May, II oi it: July, 100 COHN No. 1, 72S0-7lc; whit, 73S01Sc; May, 7IS''; July, 7'c. OATS No. 1, 4O0 4OSc; No. 1 whit, nominal . bble ; ahlpmenta, 340 bbla ; atock. ,0T bhl.t. ; ROSIN" Plrm; aalee. 1.340 bbla.; re I celpta. 1,41 bbla.; ahlpmenta, 1,774 bbla. ; I atock 64.471 hble. (junta: A 11, 14.100 4 20; C P. 14. 1604. 3S; R, 14 104. 42S ; P, l4.lt0t.42S: , 40; H. 14 460 1 60: 1. 14 600 4 40: K. 14 600 4 70; M, It.t0tft.t0; N. I4I506OO; WO, 15.1606 10; WW, 15.1006.40. (off Market. New Tork, May Jl Heavy reallnlng by rernt prominent buyer waa about robbed by brokora auppoeed to ha operating for foreign ahona In the market for coffee fu ture, here today, but prlcea worked lower and wcr rather uuaettled although there appeared to be no material change In tha neiaa from firanll. The market opened at a decline of I lo 3 polnta and tha mora active position, aold 10 to 11 polnta net lower dur ing th afternoon with July declining from I 430 lo I 64c and Lerembrr from 1. 14c to 1. 43c. Thar wee A particularly active bual neea In July coniracla with one of the prom-. Inent brokera buying fully 6,000 baga for that delivery, while (here waa alao ewUch log from July to later montha. Cloning price, were at practically the low point of the day showing a net lone ol' I to 12 polnta. Salea, 104.21,0 bags. May, II 41c; June, .6lr; July, I 64c; August, n 41c; Annuel. 1 41c; Septem ber, I 6c, October, 1.74c; November, 7c; liecemher, 1 14c; January, 9c; February, I. He: Marah, I 14c ; April, I 04c Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7 I'tit: Samoa 4a, JOSe. No change waa reported In Ihe coet. and freight situation. Tha official cables reported no change In mllrel, prlcea and an advance of 7-32d In the ra'. of Rio exchange on London. flry fiooda Market, New Tork May 21 Primary dry goods marketa were quiet but firm today. Varna ruled firm. Men wear waa bought for aprlng delivery nt higher price. Some linen of al Ik, ere pea aold freely for fall. I Oil and Hoaln. Savannah, Ot,, May 13. TI RPKNTINF. Flrm-at lie; aalea, 420 bbla ; rcelpte. 774 Sugar Market. New York. May 21 Sl'OA R Raw mar Wet dull; centrifugal. 4 40c; molae. 6 63c; refined, steady; fine granulated, 7.45c. Sugar futures were quiet, and at noon prlcea wera one point lower to thro points higher. 'f'rsde buying advanced niont of the llet In the afternoon. The eb-aing was steady and unchanged to 6c hlcher. Ma lea. is.osn long; May, 6.3!c; July, 6 34c; September, 5.&c. Cotton Market. New York. May 13. COTTON Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 13.00c; sales, 100 halea. Cotton futuret opened ateady. May. 122c; July. 13,10c; October, 13 04c; De cember,' 13.14c; January, 1221c; March, 1.1, inc. Cotton future, eloeed barely ateady; May, 12 41c; July, 12.47c; October, 12.16c; De eember, 12.96c; January, 13.04c; March, 11 17c. The cotton market eloeed barely ateady at a net decline of 14 to 24 points Liverpool. May 23. ( OTTON Spot, easier; good middling. 4.40c; middling. 64c; low middling, .44c; aalea, 10.000 balea, Metal Market. New Tork. May 31 MF.TALS Lead 17.1 60 7.36. apelter dull; east St. Louis delivery, Itr asked copper: pirm; eiec trolytlc, nearby, nominal; August and later, 12 000 30 D. Iron . Steady and unchanged Tin; Kasy; spot. Ill 00060.00. At London: Spot copper, tilt; futures, 133; electrolytic, i:; epot tin. (193; fu tures, till 0s; Iran, Cll loa; apelter, itii C0MMEf.CE HIGH STUDENTS INSTALL WIRELESS OUTFIT Students of the High School of Commerce who are interested in wireless telegraphy have installed a wireless station at the school and are operating evVry day now. The aerial has been strung from the water tower of the Omaha Van and Storage company to the top of the telegraph annex of the school, with the result that sufficient spark is ob tained to "work" with Graceland col lege at l.amont, Ia., 110 miles away, and Sioux City, 120 miles away. CITY WORK IS BEING DELAYED BY THE STRIKE Paving anti sewer work on city contracts has been suspended with a few isolated exceptions, one instance being where the contractor granted 25 cents a day increase and the men agreed to stay on the job. One of the large paving coruractors finished up a job yesterday and announced he had no gangs at work. SECRETARY FISHER GETS ON JOB AT EARLY HOUR Secretary Fisher of the State As sociation of Commercial Clubs has arrived in Omaha frum North Platte in advance of the convention of the association, which is to open Wednes day. He is making some advance arrangements for the convention. KMX SKMF,TS, AMI SRMKUT. r CAN YOU SWIM? Free Swimming Instruction With SUMMER MEMBERSHIP at Y. M. C. A. FOUR MONTHS FEE S5.SO PAVCTV OMAHA'S UAYC.IT FUN CENTER I'hona llougUa 1S0S. TODAY AND TOMORROW Daniel Frohmaa Pretend HAZEL DAWN In Thrillini Drmahc Romnc ! th Mountain "The Feud Girl" Ba vn M Today 2:30 U I W Tonight 1:30 V'VA A LONG . A4jr -In- CAMt LANG ruth llellghlflll emeily. Walt., tiki Mghla J.le-.Mle, Net! Week I All th Cornier!! af Home. Farnan. Theater' vHue af Feature I'lpo tli gen ana , Onhttlre WIDMSDAV riee.alt Violet Mcrscreau m tiivftf Hh ) tl Dram. "The Great Problem" L kzaids 1 1 1 ItHUt) H, B. WARMER la "The Benir ol Cjwnpore tiic ! nec r4ihoti toil A 1 k$ MfM t4 l'"H T'litft MC ATTAIN JINKI'1 lH l-(ti Ul Ii tH4t4a OR1 AH A -TWO DAYS-- .r FRI., fVlAYO SAT., MAY O 7 At 21st and Paul a f. 1003 -PERFORMING ANIMALS- 10QQ 65- II44IIIS4V tmi gaisii 4414 sat i4iail -65 etoai laucarto. ni'oaa 44 waa HOWS COetS'SltB 24 14 ! AC? NHH m4l liMt, t,4ffe4. tet hi4i ft tN Pmm Hf, hiii Mtf mmm tatV t-4 tm a4kM J 4V, rafsaa1 mmmm MnO iJiii ll MWlH .4J li ).- tt HMt444t l4 lw ft luti 4 its. iU t ,. II, kl m 4. J Mf ta .. k!t tNteTJI iS HAY ii r i J6 W DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS Put Up Your Pineapples This Week You Will Not Buy Them Again This Season at These Prices The Market is Advancing Every Day. We have a carload of extra fancy fruit; all large sizes. These are the cheapest to. buy, as you have more fruit and less waste 30 size, Wednesday, each.... 10c Tor dozen $1.15 24 size, Wednesday, each..l2Uc Per dozen . . .$1.45 18 size, Wednesday, each.. Kee per dozen v $2.00 Per case, any size $2.75 13 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sujrar for $1.00 48-lb. sack Best Hiirh Grade Dia mond H Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, sack.. $1.35 5 lbs. Choice Japan Rice 25c 10 bars Laundry Queen Whit 4 Laundry Soap 25c 8 lbs. Best Mixed Chick Feed, 25c 6 cans Oil or Mustard .Sardines for 19c Skinner's, Omaha Made, Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti, pkg., 7 He 4 16-oz. cans Condensed Milk, 28c Tall Cans Salmon 8 l-3c 32-oz. jars Pure Fruit Preserves for 25c 28-oz. jars Pure Strained Honey for 23c E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 5c Grape Nuts, pkpr 10c Yeast Foam, per pkg 3c The Beat Creamery Butter, per lb., at 31c The Best Strictly Fresh Guaran teed Eggs, dozen 22c Fancy Full Cream, New York White, Wisconsin Cream or Young America Cheese, lb 22c Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c Fafccy Florida Grape Fruit, each, at 5c, 64c, 7 Me Highland Navel Orangea, dozen, at 20c, 25c, 30c THE BEST NEW POTATOES per peck 45c 15 lbs. Best Red River Ohio Pota toes for 30c Fresh Spinach, perk .....5c 8 bunches Fresh Radishes. ... ,5e 6 bunches Fresh Onions 5c 4 bunches Fresh Rhubarb 5c Fancy, Wax or Green Beans, per quart at 10c 3 bunches Home Grown Lettuce for 5c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c Fancy Cucumbers each 10c, 12,c, 15c Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch . , . . ; 4c Beautiful Blooming Geraniums, 4-inch . pots, 10c Jt Pays TRY II AY DEN'S FIRST-It PaysJ AMI SKMF,TS. AMI SKMK.NTS. "A Motion Pic ture Novel repre senting the very highest attain ment in its combination of the leading factors in the theatrical, mo tion picture. ind literary fields. The Star is MISS BILLIE BURKE; the supporting cast is headed by Henry Ko ;r; the authors arc Mr. , and Mrs. Rupert Hughes; the pro ducer is George Kleine." GE0RG5 KLEINE'S GREATEST CINEMATOGRAPHIC ACHIEVEMENT By sptdal arrangemmt ivtlh F. Zitfjtld, lf he Siar Supreme, BeHASflSE fupportcd bf HENRY KOtKEri AMotionRcWNcrfcl ByMr.C'Mr? RUPERT HUGHES Dtxso Ball OMAHA s. lU.NVteK Met o il m ll .un iua: park il tl't' frii t t I ( i '! r (HHtrwl (,, ! ItHg) f-taelt niakoa lleelf ft. f n faVa Ilea) that ruM at'ii tH Ita ntaae li intitil ig Iti a,iriit la TMet 4 ft M I I It U a4 tU 4 M KW a.44t m m u . t tt m NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MUSE THEATRE at ii satia MII.I l 1144114 a itt taae. a aati MIMH llelli4 a r i I "H ariair r at f aeialat - JTfi i t tTONITE Kumtr ! 2 U R U 1 IKGRIHISOI "Lfn l,lm.M 'III.- I'.. ,- A h Ah- I It. 'ut I'. r r.i -. J'lotlui" r i,