12 Bringing Up KRUG'S WISE MOVE WINS FORRODRKFS Marty Beet Lou North Ii Slipping and Call 1 Upon Thompson, Who Poll 1 Game from Tire. xhduff pulls double puts Marty Krug had a hunch yester day. Psychologists might have eallerl it foresight, or good judgment, or engagement, but a bane ball fan will insist it wis a hunch, and aome hunch at that. If Marty hai the tame brand of hunches while clicking the chips in a p. g. he'll make Hockefel ler look like a piker tn lent than no time, As a reult of Marty's hunch the de luxe Rourkelets -waltzed away with the ball game, .1 to 2, Marty's clever and successful man ifestation of managerial knowledge was a change in pitchers. Lou North started the fray for Omaha. Lou only permitted one run and two hits in the first three innings, but three times sensational support by his mttes pulled him out of difficulties. Marty could see that Lou was in for a drubbing utiles a change wm made, so ha gave the S. O. S. for Cecil Thompson and his moist ball, and didn't give Lou i chance to get the drubbing. Cecil hustled to the rescue in a most expert manner and held the battling' GrifElies to a single run and single hit in the stihsrrjtietH mix frsmes. Smith Makea Circua Catch In the first inning the Bears counted one on North, With men on third and second and two out Shields combed a drive into left that locked like two more runs. Hut Earl Smith made a shoestring catch and North was aaved for the. time being. In the second atanra a ripping ply atarted by Kewpie Kihluff,, the Oklahoma demon, gave North a life a aecond time, snd a second double play with Oklahoma I'ete plsving the Jieavv part rescued him a third time In the third inning, At this point Marty Jerked Lott nd thrstuff wig off as far as the Brsrs were con cerned. Omaha counted on run in the sec fiid Inning, A walk to Krug, Marty's teal of second and infield outs by merer and Kilduff scored the friarker. Win In Seventh. -For six innings the Rotirkovinians fnade but one hit off Johnny King, ho hails from Alliance, Neb. Put in the aeventh the tiil-end of the batting Itrder put the blink on Johnny. With hfo down Krnie Krueger tripled and scored on Kflduff'a hit. through sec pnd. Shag Thompson ditiiiguihed himself again yesterday by cracking a double to right, on wliirh Kilduif went to third. Me could have scored, but Marshall, coaching at third, wouldn't let him, Cecil Thompson, however, delivered the hit which sent Kewpia home, That run proved to e the winning tally. Denver scored one In the ninth Hthotit the aid of a hit, but it wain t Miough, The Rourkes and Grirrliei slay again today at Rourke park. MOT KtHK TO tiik Tor-mas, , kalian. Kit, alitor In til, M.,MIh Mealghl f.em. tat n.y. t. . , r , , k l.i iKiilnat tadatr ( T,f.ak, r el t.i.r."' '""' '! (! in hi. nine tha eUtlt llora; Torrn AH. p. H O A r r?!"L. I I If 1 a"Wte. I 1 i . hrA, S4. I lis. I ft I I 1 I 1 1 ! i i 1 ", ft y.tamaa. rf , attit,,, K ,., Ma.Hnf. if . , , iaaroa a .... , . a e at. , M aiiii'V r (TT l it n it h o a r ' i t I I I . I I t I I l i i i i 5 . . i in t t it, !) ! a ai sa aar i f'S.h . I. 'a'....., if I . I I. t " at a J ' ' a. 's a tt ' j T... l, ' j ..! .. IH ...,4 : , . ",." ' M ... ., ,, ... . '. St.., " - . - ' , . 4 ' a ' !.. t - I . a I . t . ( , , (., ,-., , a , .. ' ' r '... t . , . 1 . ... 1 V M I. ., . t . t ), , , ,. , . . , . , '" , " ' ' . I' ... (.., t ' t f aV,a'la. W t aiii I ? v.M, a - . , t , t aa a ,v , - - . . . . . i r i i, i f , , t i I a ,b ESDER RtSlCAS AS COACH Al MANHATTAN a . U , tf . ,'l i , ui . ii il , ni, i ., j t ! - I I I (,,,., , , I ' ' f ' -I.- H . I " V ' I , f . -- - a I f. ;.a., t j ! . i t , . .f t I i ' i I ,it u ,, . t I -f at l ,!.!.. .a t i i , .1 ''.; i Father -:- j J : 1 1 1 1 I Vou'frE a fine II wtLL-Wi.l IHWHVI 1 1 r A. LAO"Y VANT WHY' ILL 40 OUT JUDCE OF BEAUT j BE OlDNT IT OW!J to see yoo - j U-t.J and do too cSL .gTfc, WAS! LlJ 1 V I He ' HER! THAT A PRETTY ( . I J e7 Standing of Teams VfKnr. l-EAOC'E I AM ICR LEACiUU. W.I, Pet I WX Pet Lincoln I I ItO Waahlngton lll .K Du Molnn.JS 1 .irivlnd . , 1 1 . a Wlr.hli ,,llll.MINtw fork, .14 11 .ll Tntiaka ,.,.11 II Ml UoKnrn li IS .S00 Omah IS II .MO Hhlla 1117.411 aiov ni,.n ii 4i tirott . ... is is .41 ! at. JoMv.fi,, t ii ,I7 at iun ...11 17 .414 Vnvr .... 17 .a24;i;blrf . . ,.tl IS .; NAT L I.KAOUB. AMER. ABS N. W.LPct. WX.Ft Hranklrn ... II lM.oulvlll. ...ISH.Sli Kuatoa It II tWolumbu ,..( S,4 Phil. 14 13 ,171 Mlrin.4 pull It 10 . 00 ciiinfo it it t'nrroiio ill) u Nw Vorl,..i II ,toiilni1ltpill UlJ.tiO St. I.oiiIpi It It 4r,Kfaa CII . ) I I . 44 ClnrlnrnH . . I 4 IS .44t- I'auI Slt.St I'ltUliuigh . it It ,4'i'iMllwuk ., I 2) JH Tmlcrilur' RmuIU. WKMTKtlN l.BAUt'E. I,)nvr. S, finiihii, I. at Joseph, t, l.lnroln, I, T'..-K. 2. Hlnui I II-. I. Wl hll. I. Ii Mullii 7. I MATI'KAI. I.EACLL, Itminn, 0; Hi. I.nuli, 3 l'hllllphl, ; hlri. I. fjw York, 4: Cliirtnnatl, I Hror,llyn, , rillbgrh, 0 AMERIi'AN AHSfK-IATION InrtHnipnln, J; ("olumhu. Hanao ( llf. I: i'ul, I I .o 1 1 v 1 1 1 . i: Tifli, . Mllwailka, I; Mltnipll. 12. " i (m ToiUj. W-irn Miu-r'nvr l Omh. B. to.ph l Lincoln, Tnpk lit aiou rity, Wkhin ! Molnn, N'atlnnil Li hnttnn a lyoula, rhll'1lphl t ( hlo, f Tork at c:in rlnnail, Hranklyn t PIMabiirfh, Amrlfn Laua!airilt at flnatnn. HI. Lniii at Naw York, lvUn1 at Phlla. nalphla, ( hlias-J at Washington. Three in a Row OM4H. AH. K. H. O, A. 4 a a 4 a a a I o pure, Sh . . , . Snillh. If , , Vnrmjtbm, rf.. Millar, Ih Hnii, tb Krnnar, a . , . Kllrlurf, oa . . Jk. 'I hnmitaon, Sorlh. p . , . . krnnaa t, 1 hnmpaan, Totals .. s a a a a I I 1 a a a a . . , I , a 17 ia vr.wrM., ah. si. h. n A. a i A n t l Road. Sh krtllhar, as . Onkra, rf . . Hutrhar, If.. Ilvar, ail , . MiMrt., In , fchaaiak, r . , , Marsar. rf... Mutatis .... Kins, . .... a a . A s t a a Totals i IS t 14 10 a Hallr.l fnr North In third, Hallad fnr King In ninth. Omaha Kuna t a a A A I A I int. . , ... i a a a a i a lanar Huns I A A A A A A 1 t mis i a t a a a a i a a Thraa-has hlti hrn-r. Two haa hit t J. Thnmpaon. Kai-rltlra hllai Smllh ill, Htrr sar. hat'rlflra fly l Itntrhar. htnlan haarai hriic, .1 .Thompson, Oakas, lar. Inuhla plaiat Kllilntr In Millar, Hllilnff to Krna. Kalllhar lunaaalstadl. Hits! illr North, t In thraa Innlnrsi off Thnnipnn. I In alt. In ntnaa. Mrurk ntitt It Thompson, ff hlni. I. haaas on hallai Off North, A: off Thonipsnn, t nff hln. S. lilt hr pllchad hall: lt Thompson, hhaatak, i1t an bnaoal tlmaha. t; llaniar, 1, Ttmai I iaS, t m -plraai tVkman and (arnaj. iu-kihts a.t tirriuT Tiir. w intra. lilt Mslarkar Hard In tha Opanlna Pma , and It In, t's Mnlnas. tay !t - Pas Minaa hit Vtatartay stasiis in tha aarly Inninaa and cllttrhad tha gama hafra Pats naa In sria.l th lo'-sls inntn T to t Tha hat. tin of tnoas SH-t ai.shr iit4 ftaMlna of llrttlon sol t Islra f-sliMa eora WlritlTA n h it, A r. A d I I t it fontn. If I. It. hi, aa . Ill III. II II. a a ...n, , t flVH h 't'ai r VI. (iika., r I' 1i" t i t i i t t I t M M t' ! . f f. .... lilt a ! a - a. t - a a . tt . W k. a il l l..,i, r -t . Ik. ,. . I . . t ' a ' aa . ' ' - 'I . s a a ' t h a i . . . tiWaj t .( - Hnii I THE BEE: TWIN SISTERS TO CONTEST FOR TENNIS HON ORS Ruth and Ruby Swensen, twins, who yesterday put out their opponents in the semi-finals of the Cen tral High School Tennis tourney, and will now meet each other for the championship. aTf A t'"f' . t i I'M' - ' 'i '''. m- . ii". y i y ... ' i y 1 a.r.j oy JOSIES DEFEAT THE LINCOLNS I Even Up the Series by Defeating Opponent, by Five-to-Two SUMMERS PROVES BAFFLING Lincoln, Nrb., May 2.1. -St, Jotph rvrncd up thf strip by winning to day's Rain from Lincoln by a scorf of 5 to 2. Sommfra, a left bander, wat a purr.le to the local batters, Gardner did well for six innings. The Mitsourians began landing on him in the seventh and Malta was substi tuted, buf the change was disastrous, three men crossing the plate in that inning. Score: at jogrrn Alt, It H O A 111" . S I 4 t (I S II 1 . I T 1 . I I d i .1841 , t I 1 n 1 i ill It tt K It I'ot.N Att n it o a I 1 I I lilt . t t t III 1 I 1 I I aii t i i , i i I - I I I a a t I a a tt t tr i MrCsha, rf O Williams, lb..., Jnurdan. in , fllm-a, r. Sulllian. If liiitlar, as Kirkhsm. rf , Kasilna. th fliimmars, p Tia la ... CarMala If Hliuhmai. fh Thfmsaon, cf H Wmisina lb Vlusa, ,!.,. , Jvhrai.n. a aiaalan as , t.sr. tf , ttrilnar p Htna p Winaiia T s h.ia4 f..r Man In MmK Si toaPh 4 i a !. ii!1. Asia lilt I a t a t a i haaa a a ll', h,n,n I . i .. 1 . t 'a a ,.. lk ..,k. a a it ., a , H..i.. tt . vt i ,s a'-. t I, ill l . li... t a It ,a-.la. t . t ia -, ..'! i.tf . . a i i t ! a ' a hua .1 ... ma,a a.. , a t ..i.i.fa I l ! .1. B ai i -t t a . r i . i-t ti a i", .. ik'f. i. ! .. , ' a i a Larson, Though 111, DofoatsShepanl I ' -( l . t, 'in,Kp 't ii aj t tit ! , t, , ,ii .. t. j l.'iCf nt n a)"t.- t, '"it .-, , a ' " i'V ' t . . ,,n ' I' I ' is "' hi t' i ! .tt if i v j I t f ' . ., , ) ai. ,.. , a. I . .. ,'- ..... . - , , , ,., , '- ' n,t ,.4 j an sa .1 . t a.i, a. a. ... . ' '-'. k .,.,, v j 1 : a . , . I ,. , . , : a-ata t ,. ..,., .... ,. , 4 k I 'nil Hl,:. : ih . , !,,,,,, ! a. I. t l a..v iWJ Mt) ,t j,,-....! t a, I-... ., ill i a a ... 4 I ... . . OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, - :-: Twin Sisters Will Battle For Tennis JJonors at Central The diminutive twin Swenson sis ters by disposing of their opponents in the semi-final matches yesterday will oppose each other for the ten nis championship of the Central High school. This is the first case in the history of the school when sisters hae met etch other in the finals although their have been numerous tournaments in which several sisters have entered. Ruby Swenson beat Fvelyn Doug las after a hard contest, 6-1, 10-8, 2 6, 1 4 fi, 6-2. These matches were hard J fought and took the entire five sets (befote a winner was declared. Ruth Swenson put up a heroic winning fight against her larger and more experienced opponent, Virginia (ireene, and won bv scores of 1-6. 4 6, 6-2, 8 6. 6-2. Ruth made an up-hill fight of it the whole distance. Virginia lireene won the tourna ment last car. but lost to Anabel liotiglas, present champion, in a thai lrne matt h. Her drteat ctrne a a complete surprise at una was ex pected to tlupluate her (rat of last yesi. I he i hanipionshtp match will be plated ott the litter part of the week lioih of llie s wen son sister will re ceive a tennis '()," theae letter , ng (joeu n the tntiaeoi (he ti tir lumen, anil the t tinner up Joo Steelier Throws Pardello With Ease , ,.,.Vib,l rh. Mv .M (Sj.r.ul I i' ! f ! j 1 1 1 r S. ,.r ttitillf I If.. I ). II , ('..a ewiniig til if a 1 Uix t--.l At N.i'tS tbrairr. San-It i.'ha.iI.i rrlore I I!iii'ui4i il ! V 'i t in wa t iiij f i I , i r !.! t at It I I ! HlinHUt a I jti,l e, i.h.U, .iiul tt'! In una J tn.file ! i , . "I : r . t r ,! j I s- Ir ' ani'i K s. 'tii ti " I ant ' '''a '! tt tat tffH t I , 4al,,i t ti. lii !., J I Kinti..- . i it'r t in ' i I M O'4'n rr' ! i l.'.kii 'nt itiif, jl,v Siianti h. i t, j i l, . i if i, an. I . h ' in hi 'ii, a ...( .. imn i, I inn iv . i ,iH ' t It I "I 4 l sim a I ! ' m I ' tn ( 1 1 I ' t l(,i , . I S.,1, n- t . a M t 4 I'1 ai nil a'tii:,! i . .. ! ' a t Ui 'ii ii'iiiiti I ' ' .' tint i-, , 4 . ' ..t,. Ma, tt I . .) a,, at. h f ' ,. t I a t ,! 1 i t ',, I (., H.i at 1 4 t ,, a .t , . , t , , ; - ,na h . I ,! i MAY 24, 1916. Drawn for The GIANTS WIN THEIR TWELFTHSTRAIGHT New Yorki Continue Winning; Streak When They Trounce Cincinnati. FOUR TO THREE IS THE SCORE Cincinnati, May 23. New York won its twelfth straight game, defeat ing Cincinnati today, 4 to 3. Benton pitched good ball up to the eighth in ning. Cincinnati scored one in this round, and in the ninth, after Killifcr was out, Herzog, Clarke and Louden singled. Ilcrog scoring. Henton was then taken 'out and Tesreau sent to the mound. VVingo singled and Km mer, who was running for Clarke. scored. Mathewson was called upon to save the day and he succeeded. New York made a run in the .third when Benton scored on an errofc In the seventh .Markle and McChesnie singled, and both scored on Benton's single. Rariden, who had reached first on Chase's error, scored on Hum s sinele. Score: i CLVrrlNNATt. NEW TORK , t AB H O A E AH It O A E c.roh.th till) nBurna.lf t 2 1 0 0 Naa.la.rf j n j n oRob rtan.r I 1 I 0 n Mttrhall.lf 10,1) oDnyla.Zh 41110 i"hna lb in n iKauff.rf 4 110 1 Orlfflth r 4 0 10 flFlatrhar i t 0 1 0 Kll far.rrf 4 0 0 oMarkla.lb 4 1110 0 Herinaj.a 4 1 I I oMrK'h'a.l 4 2IOO O'larka.c 4 2 0 J lrUrlitan.c 4 0 4 1 0 Loili1an.2b tilt oBanlnn.p 41070 Hhnalrlr.p 2 0 11 lTaarasu.p I) 0 0 0 0 Knatir,p oooi (tMatban.p 0 0 0 0 0 Klahar 1 0 0 0 0 Molln-IU t 0 ft 0 Tolsla 17 10 J7 14 Kmmar 0 0 0 0 0 Wlngo 110 0 0 Totala II 10 27 14 i Bsttar) for rVhnal1r In ibih Batted fnr Naala In alahth. Ran fnr Clarke In ninth. Tiati.d fr Knalxer In ninth Nw Tork 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 f Inrlnnatl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2j Hlnlan haaaa- rini. ci ..... . , , . . Rsrrlfira hit: aaia. jmiibl playa: l.nti Han to liaron to t'hasa. riatrhar to Imyle tn Marltln. Klrst on errors: Na York, t naa on balls. riff Menlon, ?; off Hrhnalder. 1; nff Knaljar, 1. Hits and earned rtina; fiff Bantnn. I hits, 3 runs In alfht and one third Innings; nff Tesreau, 1 Ml, nn runa In no Inning (nona outl: off Matheartnn, nn hits, nn runs In two thirds Innln: off Hrhneldar. I hits, i runa In eight Innings; off Knrtser, I hit no runs In nnn Inning HII by pltrhad ball: Ry 8i-hnldr. Flairhar. Ntrurk out : By Ben ton. 1 Vmplras: O Day and Kaann. landgera niank Pirates. Pittsbuigh. May :j Brooklyn shut out I rlltshurgh hara today. 6 to 0 Pfeffar si- 1 lowed lbs Pirates only two hlta Kantian i nar waa hi, har.4 In I U m. i.. . i ,. 1 . .... ., , , IIIM. lwn mninga and In tha fifth was rnrnpellad to gtva wav to Millar sftar tiauhart s hit had dla ahlad his pitching hand. Adams pltrhad tha last Inning, allowing thraa hits, which prortured two mora runs. Scora: T-H Mf.ilXX. PITTftnt'TtrtH Mavara.o 10,0 0rreT.rf 4 I J I 0 Psuht.ih 4 ,t t 1 lw.lton.l J 01 0 1 J I ton.rf 4 14 1 OWagn'r.aa ,0211 W hast If 4 ! 4 0 OH ch n.rf t 0 S ft o Mc.wv .tb JOOt o Sichulia, ft i t it can h till npsrnav.lf .1 0 3 0 0 Su'aw.Jh t 0 I 3 KRnHhajh , 0 0 1 o O Mara aa t I I n n.,.. a . a A Myera.rf t 3 S 0 Otiihaon c I 1 I 1 0 I V f t 1 mr a a a , A , . . ..... . I " ,,-ntnint.r t ii ii i n 7 . Kantl r p 1 0 ft 5 o I Totala 3111:7 10 1 Millar p 0 ft ft 0 0 : I'nsctallo I 0 0 0 0 ! .tarobs.p ft ft ft ft 0 J avtrt 1 a ft ft It Totala 3! J !7 1ft J Patted for Ludarns In ninth Batttd for Thalmora In ninth Itrooklvn ...1 1 o 0 s 0 i j Pltiahurgh ..(la ft ft ft Oft ft 00 Two has hit tVheal Thraa hssa hit : I Mayari ftolan ' Mavara. .1 John- i amti, Oats Hairlflca hits Whaal. I'faffer aacrlfii-a flv I'.nliarl rotttila plsva .1 . J-ittnalnn to ra!lhrt. I aray It, W Jnhnalnn j I'lrat on arrora. f.ilkln. J, rttlabifgn. I i fluaia on hl'a lift Kaoilahhar. i'ff Jan.ba, I off A'lanis, I Una sin, sarna,, . tun Off pfaffat. J hit, no flia In ntna 1 Inmnga. off Kanllahnar. t bus 1 fma in Irntr and ona third Innlnaa, off tttllar, no ; hlta. no ritpa tn ona and two Ihifda tnnlhga off Ja.oNa. I hua, I t in In two Ittnmga. vff A lao.a t hua ? rnai tn una Inning et'i.'k ail t I'faffap. br kaniiahnar, t, Aitama. I i,.ir t:,siat sii l l, r .n , llta Heal I l.ila ' M'll'S la M hnll. a h-.ia .vtn In tha f,-.t,i,H ti.'u , if i t,lo i c.nia iih la., t,,.ll i. a I , . a t .. f . , f, f Vt ,t ait I hi a-lai.ttt , i.i.,,, v.tii"g 4 i 4 VI yi!i.,-i . .. a. a .-i.. f.,.ni, ih, , ,h ., I a i nM Mao.rta h.i'iif ih ii a iMt t a-t-w ., n i a , fr t a . f I h a t a.i , .. i i.a : a. ...fa i lt.'.i,i All II i t M ia ,ll r . . .t , ) . ... i i a r nn tt i i t in i i t it r i i ... 1 1, , i i i ' v ,.h II li , ! 1 1 t I J il I i I ' i . . . . a t j a k . i ,1 I I ra.a-.i t a.,.. t t t I v i a. ia t , I a- I 1 t I "l . i.. . i. I 1 I i , a aa t t I . ..a - III I .. 1 , a - I ! TH II II ! t it I - a . ... a f I a i a. i T-a a IHHlli , lllill at . la a r - - I t j , aa a s ' e . .. , a a I t a t i . t t t I t -..a a if ti aaail -a aa fa a - Ii . . a .,1 t- ,a. i , , I , a a . ,1 w . . . . a - a a.,. t an . i m a aa.' - .-. ti. . . a . . ,.. a a ' ,. a ' , a. , ,-, . . 4 a . a " at ' ,,, ' vl . . a . t a a t , a a a I I i t I a-J Bee by George McManus hit a-vnr Snodcraroa lirn'l fnr a home run Brers; i,m ifi AB HO A IIOSTCi.V. AH II O A K, J Kmlth.of J 1 4 0 a. i . i a 1 I "1.1 iiiii.i, , i a Corhsil.ss 10 2 2 0Kvars.;h M 0 J 1 0 Basi-har.lf 4 0 10 li'olllns.lf 4 1 1 2 I) Hat.el.2h 114 4 OB-ltjpatk.r 4 10 0 0 Wilson, rf 3 0 11 OKntt.hy.t 4 0 10 5 0 Hornshy.l 2 2 11 0c Smith. I 4 110 0 Mlller.lb 2 2 7 0 OSnodg s.cf 4 110 0 Snydaro 10 10 Otinwdy.c 10 5 10 8alla,p 10 0 1 ORagnn.p 2 2 0 1 0 aRgan 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 21 I 27 10 lRulbach.p 0 t I 0 Totala TvlTiT 1 Bailed for flsgan In aavanth. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-baae hits: Fltipatrtrk, ,f. C. Pmllh, Rsgan, Tliree-basa hit; Miller. Home run: llornaby. rl'olon tisaaa; Maranvllle, Mornsliy, J. Smith, Rscrlflra hit; l orhan. Poubla plays: Htit&al to Millar, folllns to Ouwily. Klrat on errors; Boston, 1; Ht, l.oula. 1. Bases on halls; Off Kcullut'll, 2; off fUgan, 1; off Halle, 2. Illta anil earned runa; nff Kagan, I hlta, 2 runs In sin In nings; off Reulbaeh, no hlta, no runs In two Innings; off Ksllaa, 7 hlla, nn runs In nine Innings. ritrurk out: By Ha gun. : hv Iteullis'h. 1; by Pallca, 3. I'mplrc-; Harri son snd Rlglar. Loch "Ringer" Is - Discovered; None Other Than Allison The identity of the "ringer" who hurled the fete l.orh base ball team to a victory over the city firemen Sunday has been discovered. And nine of the city's bravest fire laddies will be able, alter t:iey read this dis closure, to rest in peace, The hurler was none other than Mark Allison, former St. I.ouis Brown and until re cently a member of the Kourkes. The fire laddies have been Sherlock Holmesing for the last thirty-six hours trying to find out who the Loch pitcher was. They knew he was a ringer, but they didn't know who he was Xow they may know. When Allison arrived at the ball park Sunday he approached Sam Tay lor, manager and captain of the knights of the nozzle. "My name's Jones," he said, "I'm going to pitch for the Lochs.'' Whereupon Taylor took him over and introduced him to the Loch play ers. "Know this fellow?" Sam asked Harry Wvmore and Matherfy. "Nope," they responded. "Well, he's your pitcher," declared Sam, whereupon be went over and congratulated Scotty Kflf. manager of the Lochs, on his impending vic tory, "You put it over on me last year and again this year, but you won't do it next year," he said to the gleeful Scotty. "I knew it was all off." said Sam, "when I saw he didn't even know his own catcher." Whereupon the ball game was started and Allison, alias Jones, pro ceeded to whflf twenty four firemen and permit two scratch hits and win the game, 2 to 1. Ameiiran Association, At Columbus Indianapolis .... JO 000000 t'olumbus ......I Oft 1 0033 ft H K 2 7 4 12 I BaMras. Indianapolis. Willis snd ii"S aatt ; f 'nlumhus, ttanrg and Pratt. At St. Vsill R H E Kanasa fits ft0,O00ftftft-3 k 1 81, Psitl 20000000 0--1 I ft Psttertaa Kansas f'lty. Humprtas and Prrr. Ht Paul, l.alfleld, Pouglsa and tilann At Toledo R II T l.oulavlll 0 1 0 1 0 ) 0 0 0 - 3 A ft Tolado 00000000 0 -ft 3 0 Patlerles Louisville, Mlddlelon and Will, lams, Toledo, Main and fiw-eanat At Mlnnaapolla R H K Mllwailkaa . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 8 ! t Minnaai.olia ... 0 J J 0 I I ft I .., j I Baliartaa Milwaukee. Hulik and Maver. aoeilman, MtnnaaP'.iia, Vitigllng, Murka and t'w naa II. to t ttea , old. Avald .-sura en , drafts Ret rigbl Tska t'r. Kings Naw ,itaovary It kills and daaimia Iba mid garni All druagta'a - A Ivertlaainent liiirali t aiurt lleeaaa. t a.ni.-igi"!. Ma 31 - t ft aiiframe rurl tr.,1,, t.oh a fa.raa w.lll t.ina S annun a that th. la. I it. i l -n -l want pai fa t ii ba ut. tuna It, bnlaaa tda tmaniaaa tti i rt-,r t at teat t,e niaa-a adviaat.a a taiar i ll I'V , . . i tt 1" i , IraaatTtT W ai s hi i llinli i -in rV-aaiA-r tr'iNMt I.kaa M 'i.;."ai Cleveland Wants to Get Walter Johnson Cleveland, 0., May 23 The rumor was in circulation here today and wn not denied by President Jaraea C. Dunn that the Cleveland American league base ball club il in the market for Walter Johnson, pitcher for the Washington club. '' Washington, May. 23. Clark Grif fith, manager of the Washington base ball club, said the rumor of Walter Johnson's sale to the Cleveland cluh was absurd. He denied emphatically that any negotiations were on. Good Measure If oa only at 5000 miles out of sa AlVaac Tin jron get all you pajr for. But yog'ra looking for mor - and w want you (a get It. That's why Bka Allianca Tires considerably batter tha a thsy aand ba almply t tfallaer 8000 miles of serrtc. Yat you say lea for Allianca Tirag than for say otiier hnd-md tiro. up Your tmr NOW, Tha Allianca Rubber Co. Allianca, Ohio The Giant Tire & Rubber Co, 308 South 19h Street LEE fires fNEUMtTic MOai vtTO' euaCTUt.fO01 On avery sort of road everywhere Last Punrtura-Proof Pnaumatlc Tires ar reeling off thousands of miles of aervica fna from pnnctur and Slow -out. Write for Booklet. POWELL supplies! SUPPLY COMPANY rr 'OMAHA ,0b1 Farnarn. la an Important taak In maklrf Jf. tonea. tiatgusa they furnlah th prlnta Int: surface on art eti-heil flata. AtrnM por printin by hujlPf photo engraved ptatea that will lanl tip. They may cnsl trlfia mora, but It s better t'i b a' than aorry. Sen4 na your I'leaa mni one artlata i!l irork them out t"r tlfa.,liry II liiatrtt'n Bee Engraving Dept. Be Buikling Omaha, fith. w " f 19 m M aa l . ..--"-"-a. x , t i.T.iiiai...i. n,,,,. t ,g , a.,,isW--a-,.v s. I af" aOOOMIlg VATCHINCj K GuOTTF. lUlOTIirRaS CO. p yti lt Staaaaaaa ... l . a . aaiiiaaj . p i . . a a-.-aa a . t VI I aa a m. k "a. tt s- ,, f,(ai i a , i - a a t i ,-., ah,,. , . , , ."." it -S t.,f. t, a.i... i a , i a . . t I- ..'' t i a -fa " ! ' t (' J- a vaaH iwiwai ,, .-ataaaa a aaja 1 1 ,!ei'fa""a-K',"1 " ' ! as .ma, . ii. mmi at i'isaaasapaiV'aHaM. I . .11- .4a tt a . A a