Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Misi Weill, Western Trustee, is the
Gueit of Honor at Several
Miss Margaerite Wells of Minne
apolis, western trustee of Smith col
was the honor guest at one of
the biggest luncheont of the spring
season this afternoon. Miss Wells,
who wishes to interest girls finishing
the academic course in continuing
their education into the collegiate, and
especially that of Smith, spoke to the
High school girls at 10 o'clock in the
morning. The luncheon at the Uni-
vernifv rliih wee at 173n rnr ,mi1
I . . . . . r , u 1 .
WIS to Owen hv an informal reren.
ion to the girl "of the High school
and Browne I Hall. In the evening
.Miss Wells will be entertained at
dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H.
Scott at their home and will leave
at 9 o'clock for her home in Minneap
olis. The members of the Smith college
Alumnae who gave the luncheon are:
M .rl. m M "id m---
Harnarrl Carn. Harold f. Kvarie,
Paul Gallagher, A K Onrdnn.
I.lovd B HolMpple. Henry 'Plarponl.
WHIM Preamn, Kohl F. MrClelland
E1r H Broil,
Mli Minx!
Hancock of Merjorle Berkeit.
Hrnwnell Hill. Ann Foil.
Rlenehe Brnthertnn, Myre Mrriellanif,
Karh.rlne Orable, Dornihv Rlngwalt,
Huihvon. Nelle Ryan.
Helen B Foherteon, Carrie Io1.
A lira Wnodworth, Rltiaholh L BrhUnr.k.
The guests of the Smith Alumnae
Hii- Me1ama
Holyok. Robert Oantt,
Edgar M Monmin. Charles W. RueaelJ. '
(fort Plainer, John C. Knbleon,
('(nod EiUmin, E O. MrOllton,
Hugh H. H Wrt. William F. Be(er,
; W Astelt, Carpenter.
HeroM F. Fell, Whim.
Hhoailee. Ouy Coi,
Iitlptr Smith. Harry Holdrege,
Oeorge Rlbbel, John McDonald.
C. A. Hweel, Ftnblnenn,
Ha Heck F. Ree. Frank MoCoy,
F, M Fairfield. Oeorge W. Ryan,
W H. Danney, Brt Fonda.
Herbert Urnlth, Oeorge C. Smith.
Herbert Rnitn, Haller. ,
,V. P. Fell,
Mle.a MlM
0 Capen, A Mr Weat of
Euphemla Johnaon, (aliform.
Entertain for Bridal Pair.
The George Van Brunts and the
Harry Van Brunts will give a merry
affair this evening at the Grand
hotel in Council Bluffs for Miss Har
riet Metz and Mr. Will Schnorr. who
will be married at All Saints' church
the evening of June 7. About ninety
guests will he present to be received
informally by the Van Brunts and
Miss Metz and Mr. Schnorr in the
ball room of the Grand. '
Green and white will be the scheme
of the decoration with floral bridal
emblems. The orchestra of the Omaha
Country club will play throughout
.the evening, After dancing a supper
will be served at midnight at small
tables, seating six. -
The dining room will have a profu
sion of palms and the tables candles
in silver sticks, with heart cakes at
their bases. An attractive feature of
the evening's decorative scheme will
be the dressing of the chandeliers in
ferns and smilax.
Past Hospitalities.
Miss Grace Mickel entertained the Amies Whist club at her home
Saturday afternodn. Miss Rheta
Kasmussen and Mrs. J. M. Gerhard
won prizes for the card game. Mrs.
Charles Weber will entertain the
club in two weeks. ,
Mrs. L. Altman entertained at her
home Thursday afternoon. A pro
gram was given and refreshments
served. The following guests were
Fashion Hint
HOPE UNI DAY WILLI Another Cashier
Professors and Department Heads
Enthusiastic Over Success of
Students' Visit Here.
Becomes a Bride
Coouetti.h practical motor hsts
are shown in various waterproof fa
brics in plain and che V effects. The
.articular one illustrated was devel
oped in fine Mack a. id white check,
the 'ull crown of whirh is set into a
band in a series of pleat. The peak
is a useful detail, in that it affords i
shade for the eyes. The narrow ta' s
on either sid are. placed in such .
way as to make it possible to adjust
a motor v.-il.
Van Hani.
Blond burnt,
Mr Full
Turf n
La waon.
r rennh,
iter. '
,4 a t".
V II lor.
tiiatn ffaoti.
t 'ami'lHI.
Mlif li
lt ra ua.
.l..hnon. Nion. ,
Wilbur Haynes entertained at din
ner Saturday for hi fraternity broth
er, Mr. Kobert Waring and Mr.
t liarles Kpperson, seniors of the
State university.
Miss Mildred Griffith entertained
at a dance and party at her home
Thursday evening in honor of Miss
Rhea Mil.) man, who it leaving the
ittv. 1 nose present were
twenty guests are expected. Mr.
Charles C. Belden is chairman of the
entertainment committee. The mem
bers of the committee appointed to
plan for next season's studv are: Mrs.
Charles C Relden, Mr. I. O. Detwet
ler and Mrs. Charles E. Ha!l5
Guest Affair.
Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Gordon are
expecting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon
of Chicago in a few days. Thursday
Mrs Carroll R. Belden will give a
luncheon at her home for Mrs. Gor
don and Miss Freeman of Racine,
who is the guest of Mrs. Myron Hay
ward, her sister.
At Home for Guest.
Mrs. Mary Harris will be at home
Thursday afternoon from 2 to '5 in
honor of Mrs. Isadore Blazer of Tul
sa, Okl. No cards have been issued
and the affair is strictly informal.
Omaha Boy Honored.
Mr. Walter O. Berndes, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Berndes and a mem
ber of the senior class at Oberlin col
lege, has just received distinguished
honor by being elected to the Ober
lin chapter of the National Phi Beta
Kappa fraternity. The Oberlin chap
ter annually elects one-eighth of the
graduating class having the highest
On the Calendar.
Tti frilnmritMn rTnh will ffive tta
next party at the hall, Twenty-second
and iocust streets, on weanesnay
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The
hostesses for the occasion will be
Kfatama T V Mtirrav. C mirnl
F. B. Hogan and W. H. Fletcher.
On the Calendar.
The Train School Parent-Teacher's
association, of which Mrs. A. Swo
Hoda is president, will meet Friday,
June 2, to plan , for the commence
ment exercises at that school.
University professors and depart
ment heads who were in Omaha Fri
day with the 400 or 500 students vis-
! itina the city were unanimous in
their expression of the hope that uni
versity day in Omaha will be made
a permanent annual feature.
In a short talk to the students and
the Omaha hosts at the Auditorium
just before the buffet luncheon in
the evening, Chancellor Samuel
Avery said that he hoped this could
be made an annual event on account
of its educational and fraternal fea
tures. The professors, deans and depart
ment heads who were here enjoyed
the day as much as did the students
themselves. Never perhaps in the
history of the state did so many pro
fessors of the University of Nebraska
visit Omaha in a single day. The
following is a list of those who were
Chancellor Samuel Avery, Dean W.
G. Hastings of the law college, R. A.
Lyman ot the department of phar
macy; Dean E. A. Burnett of the col
lege of agriculture. Dean A. V. S.
Stout of the school of engineering,
l'rof. G. E. Condra, director of con
servation; Prof. Paul H. Grummann,
director of fine arts; Prof. H. Clyde
Filley of the department of farm
management, Prof. Erwin Hopt of
the department of agronomy, Prof.
H. J. Gramlich of the department of
animal husbandry, Prof. J. D. Hoff
man of the department of mechani
cal engineering, Prof. Benton Dales
of the department of chemistry, Prof.
Martin ot the department of political
ecwwny. Dr. Hyde of thp depart
ment, of philosophy, Prof. J. H.
Frandsen of the department of ani
mal husbandry, Prof O. J. Fergeson
of the department of electrical engi
neering, Mis Alice Loomis, director
of home economics; Miss Fedde, in
structor of home economics; Anna L.
Hinferlong of the department of ge
ology, Prof. M. M, Fogg of- the de
partment of journaliHm and rhetoric,
Prof. J. E. f.eRossignol, director of
commerce; Dr. George Elliott How
ard, head of political science and so
ciology. Nonpareil Club to
Hold Big Carnival
The Nonpareil Athletic clufj will
stage a carnival at Luxus park,
Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets,
June 5 to 10, inclusive. The carnival
will be given by the Ed L. Hinu
shows and the proceeds will go to
ward the club's building fund.
Another cashier of the Beaton
Drug company was married Sunday,
the third to no since the beeinnintr of
j the year. The latest bride was Miss
Adeline Sherwood, and the bride
i groom is Frank Stark, a Creighton
j man of the class of 1913. TJie mar
riage was solrmniied at the parson
age of the Calvary Baptist church at
3 o'clock Sunday in the presence of a
few friends and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Allen, the latter a sister to the bride.
Rev. J. A. Maxwell officiated. After a
lengthened stay in C hicago, Mr, and
Mrs. Stark will make their home in
As was the rase in the other mar
riages, the bride and bridegroom be
came acquainted at the Beaton store,
where Kir. Stark, a druggist, was at
one time employed.
The first cashier this year to wed
was Miss Elirabeth Henderson, who
married Louis Harte. Midi Virginia
Bryan was the next to go, becoming
the bride of Mr. Berrnard McNulty.
Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, far-famed
culinary expert, arrived in Omaha
yesterday to give a series of cook
ery, lectures and demonstrations and
is at the Fontenelle. The lectures
are to be given every morning and
afternoon this week at the Orchard
Wilhelm company store, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid society of
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational
Mrs. Paul Rivett of Lincoln, a pro
fessional from the State university,
has been secured to sssist Mrs. Rorer
in the demonstrations. Mrs. Rivett
is well known in Omaha by her
maiden name, Frances Wyman.
.Sardine canapes, Bellevue bouillon,
shrimp ttmbales I'Anglaise, chicken
supreme, French tomsto salad and
omelet souffle wer the delicious con
coctions made by Mrs, Rorer at the
opening demonstration.
This morning at 10:30 o'clock Mrs
Rorer's lecture will be on "Correct
Table Service,!' and the afternoon
demonstration will be afternoon tea
dishes, which will inrlnde sandwiches,
canapes, coupes,' tomato en surprise,
sweet wafers stuffed, iied cocoa and
"Old Ladies' Horse Neck."
Omaha Avocation club will hold
Its first open meeting st the Csslle
hotel banquet hall Tuesday evening
at 7 o'clock. A banquet is to be
served by the hotel management and
an extensive program will follow,
consisting of Prof. Chambers' stu
dents as developed in the last two;
years. In addition to this H.' B.
Whitehouse will entertain. Prof. .
V.. Brill, violinist; Prof. Sigmmid
Landsbcrg, pianist, and Prof. J.. E.
Carnal, baritone soloist, all of which
will be followed by a grand ball.
Social Gossip.
Miss Marion Towle returns today
from Elgin, Neb., where she spent
the week-end as the guest of Miss
Genevieve Brooks, a former school
mate at Brownell Halt. i
Mrs. Myer Fridstein of Chicago ar
rived Sunday to spend the week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Berg
man. Miss Henriette Bergman, who
was her gncst for several months, re
turned home with Mrs. Fridstein.
Ml..-. -
'tnutlK "orha.
Ka ftiraham.
Mll.lrx.l (Irllfllh
M.r a.
rMwar.l ilriham,
Charlra llrlth.
l 'aaa
fth-n Mrl.t man.
th Mi.frat
liu'h Johnaton,
Klmt-r Itont,
llllain lliitfon.
Mint llalnlaa.
A unique feature of today's enter
UHiiurnt the prtv t brides-eleri
titven by a popular firt er Kirl. Tht
biiilrs of the Mirii'K and tiiininer
heard all ahmit luiutieuiis anil linn h
roii linislirs as the giirtta of Mm Ma
li, m Kuhn
Among thnae preaent saeie Mn
I iffvir Mikv, Mm lUritrt Meti
4,1 Mua .Mkc ).i'Mt!i
Needle Cluh Closes Ston,
'I he I'tsirir rafk r-lirv rt( i ,if
( rr
t in lil tnfrunj until nrt
t Tueaday !lfriifM, at . Idj
. . I . I k. L .. L, . i. i
, i, it imp i'iT """'f r vi iKfiT. j
ct l ninety l tm'cr in;
I t.r Mrs
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For Miss Congdon.
Mrs. Denise Barkalow cave a nrettv
little afternoon affair for Miss Eliza
beth Congdon at her home today.
Shrub flowers decorated the rooms
and four tables played bridge. This
is the hrsf of a series of prenuptial af
fairs to be given in honor of Miss
Suffrage Hat Has
Reached the City
The suffrage hat has arrived!
A large consignment of "Liberty"
hats, the official hat of the Woman's
party and the same design which
uill be worn by the thniuand of suf
fragists who will march in the suf
frage parade in ( hiiatto when the na
tional rrpiililicjii convention is held,
have been received by the F, M, Sella
drll Millinery company.
Similar ban ate to lie s-dd jn every
city ot the country this week and ate
to he worn by siiiuaifiats as a token
of espression.
The "Liberty" hat u a Urge, flat
white ji!.i, the nnuulo r I straw and
ilk, with a straw lunn It is ttimmrd
with, a ntne im h yellow Im! of n!
hon, through which a purple thrrl
n run, lhrt bnng the uUnr col
( l!.e n.ptli lor the tiie ot
'ifitoi win'rii nr, llie ounrif
v tt reii'e 1 1 r aitti age rohnei!
bai'd ud nt t!; aailoi anywav,
fne it ,!ie I
Lodge Room Gossip
'''! s N 1! sj f ( tits)
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Popular Circle Tours
Go On Wayj Return Another '
. Th fhlrago Crt Waateni, paraulns Its poller of pro.
aiding attraftlva and popular oouralont, haa rranel avlth
lti eonna-ctlon for a number of ao-Uad C1KCLK TOURM.
Cirri Toura, baalilt) aatiafaatorr daatlnatlon. provide a
dlveralflad route. No prt of ny ot thaa tour tcyon4
liroat WaaUrn termtnala la npatd; naar acanaa are eon
Untly unfolded, nd this at no addition! upaiua,
Hrrt At few Ovtr On Handitd C'ucU Tears
Oman to Chlaro thence via Cincinnati, Plltahurfh.
WaahlnKton or Haltimore to Norfolk, Btemer to New York
returning- via Buffalo, Niagara Kalla and Lie- ' tf Cft
troit to Chicago and home... pWel
Omaha to ('hirairn thance via Cincinnati, Columbus,
Plttahiirdh, Wheeling, Waahlnglon or Haltimore to Norfolk,
V., boat to New York, throuvh New England to Montreal
or At. Johna, and via Huffalo, Niagara or Da- tAA Ifl
troit home OO.IU
Omaha to Chicago thence via Detroit, Niagara Fella,
Montreal and New England to New York, returning via Phila
delphia, Haltimore, Waahlngten. i'lttaburgh, $61.80
Omaha to Chicago thence via Niagara. Buffalo to New
turn, rtri u i u tis a n i v ' "i uuivi .
WsvuhintfUm ind it'ltUburgh to Cnltugo. hnmc
Omha to Chicago thence via Detroit, Niagara Fella,
Buffalo to Montreal (St. Iwrenoa Thonaand la land bnet. trip
$H eatre) down through New Kngland to H(
Hoaton, reluming through New York HUte 9JI,OU
Keturning via at carrier line and New York City. . . .Sflt.00
Omaha to Chicago, thence via Waahlnglon or Baltimore
to Norfolk, Va., and boat Norfolk to Un.Um, tA fl
returning via Montreal, Buffalo and Niagara. ..... iVJJJ
Omaha to St. Paul or Minneapolia, thence via Yellow-
atone or (ilaeler National Parka or via Can
adian Rock lea, Spokane, Seattle and Puget
Round to Portland, returning through Rait
Lake City, Scenle Colorado and Denver t
Omaha to St. Paul or MinneapolU Uienne. via Yellow.
atone or lilacier National Parka, or via Canadian ftockiea, Bpn.
kana. Settle and Puget Kound to Portland. 4X0 07
returning via Kan r raneiaco, Ii Angeiee, a $0JJ
Han Dlcgo. Fait I.eke, ".rente Colorado, Den. tfirl 07
ver, Kantaa City or Omaha . , . . POJa J
On aale June 1 to IS, and July IS to SO, 111.
t On aale dally until Replemtier SI), 1.1S.
Any of the above may he revereed at aama prim alaa
a great variety of ahorter circle Inure, lurluding five Gteat
lake vacation Inpn with all aaillng eapenaea paid.
Variety, the epic of life, hea been Infueed into our cir
cle toura.
det In touch with ua for popular outinga. It la our
hualneaa to make your tripe aeUalerwry. W e want a on- '
Imitation of your patronage and confidence.
P. r. BONOKDRN, C. P. A T. A.,
ISll Faraarai St., Ottuba. Pkana Demglaa JBO
rjfi'. a
(Ftmphturi;? the Great)
m : ; i
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how ood advertising maybe
in other respects, it must he
run frequently and constant
ly to he really successful.
f . '.tf it
tat n
mm a
tr n
ssS n
yt Minlmii friction. L
VA Prevents povrer f
y leak. Clocks de
V precietioo. j
ax. a
A Truckload of Tools
FRICTION jives no warning. Once let it attack your
car, a whole truckload of tools won't start the motor
running smoothly again.
POLARINK, the Standard Oil for All Motors. .
IMtb aiwj Cam IWrael S9lh and F.roem !llral Ms! Strt.,1 and Dorft Jrtt
29tb aod liararf fkraaH 4Mb arvi Crgal Street 24tb sne) I Slrawt, bo. Sid.
Q O 11 Q D U "M
" " 'h p n g a
nvfAiiAl f 7
Look for the tin. MSj
1 if mMini num iiir.risi jsv a w
E cation and reliable
v dealer. frS?
v.. 1
is the universal
It will help to main
tain your usual sunny
Weary mind and body
are solaced and refreshed
by these delicious mint
flavored confections.
Do you like the flavor of
field mint? Choose wzmzfy
Do you relish the sooth
ing taste of peppermint?
Choose aftn'i:iH'ii'.fc.
Sealed tight kept right.
Bt QwtlDiF (&UEy iMBD3
To-Ll Wm. Wriuley Jr. Co., 1610 Knr
LUdg., Chicago for (r copy ol lh
Sprightly S(Xrmen's
book on
5"H SAVC THE 1 :J - I -
I ,'a '. i -'I " '
, , : i . .t . " i i ' 'i
,,'t : t. - ' ,
Hi 'tassssi ifi, mw.M-w.