THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916. 7 BAD BREATH ! brief city news Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet Get t th fan an A Rimnvt if Dr. Edward' Ollv Tablet, Ihe eubatl tute for calomel, art irently on the bowel and pmltleely do the work. I'eopla afflicted with had breath find quirk relief through Dr. Erfwarda' Olive Tthlet. The pleaeant, nunar-mated tab let are taken for bad breath by all who know thm. Dr. Kdwarria' Olive Tablet art fontly but firmly on the bowele and Ileer, Umu latinit them to natural ertiun, elearina. Ih blond and gently purifying the entire y tem. They do that whlrh danrernu rnlnmel doe without any of the had after effect. All the benefita of natty, eick'Ki'njf, Brio ln r l artira are derived from Dr. Klwarda' Olive Tall,.' without ajriplnv, pain or die- ("ealil.! el fart of any kind. Dr. V M Ldwerda ilitenviirea1 the form ,ila after teventean yeara of iiraaeiea amoiitf patient afflirted with bowel and liver rum .llnt with the attendant bad breath. Dr. KdwaroV Olive Tableta ar purely a vatfe'able rompnund miaed with olive oilt ynu will know them by their nlrve eulor. Take one or two every nl"ht for a week and note the effect, lea and ina per ho. All druagieta. The Olive Tablet Company, Coltjmliiia, O. GET RID OF SCROFULA - HOW? TAKE S. S. S. Fifty Years' Use Proves S. S. S. Will Relieve Stubborn Cases. Yon have noticed th little fettering pimple on the faee and body (welling of th gland aoreneie In thelea and arm muifllrt. The ara the tymptomi of Prrofule. Ynu may have torn of theiie aymptoma, potihly the taint of Hcrnfula infection, nut In either rax it i a danger etit rondltlon. Your blood I Inferted, lm run and you ran never hope to gain per fect health until the Impurltie are waehed fn,m Ih ytem. If ynu feel hdly all th tlm you mutt erav hralth. If you want to feel renewed plrlt, Ih glow of perfect health, bright eye, t1r, the know, lerlge that you are well, you ran du o, ('leant your blood by taking H H. S. I'or fifty rear it baa been the etandard tilmul Uilfler. it rellevei the trouble by rwnriui lah lug the blood, renewing It tlrrngth and Humiliating the flow, an that the blond re gain! It lott vitality, end throwa off Ih poinnn. Even lung trending ntaee retpond, lint you mutt lite H. H. 8. Tl It for all bl'.od Infer tion. (Jet it at your druggitt tfi'lny. If you need tpeelal edvlre write the Cwlfl fperiflr Co., Atlanta, tin. Evrrj unfiime-nf for awlllng good makea Ifex-ir flt If tt rrhn th right rwraon. T1i war to tnaMr It count la to advert! In T.VJi "Toerntend'a fur Snorting Onode." Lighting Ftituree Huraeae-Urendnn Diamond l.ngagement King -K'lhnlm. Mat Hoot I'rint II Now Betion Pra Property Cared For To rent property, ire J. H. I'uniont, Kaelino bulliling. Huetler to MeetThe k t.r-fl.n duelling ritih It milking reervttnn at the beetle hotel for a nieeiini lliut hotel Friday noon. "Tnday'e Mori I'rogram," rlawiflad ? tlun today. It appear In The ft earlu lively. Clnd out what th vrlou moving picture lhtr offer. Kile for ttankropli y llaman W rope, ikhi fiodge airnet, automobile ealceman and maihlnlat, filed a petition In hanaruplry, Llabllltloa, II lie, aetata, Mil. tn Oleoma I'mtrt l.eulte ttiea Henry Knuhn fur dtvorre, charging cruelty Mar garet aue Oeorg Wllllaina, charging cru elty Anna aue Kmll fluher for dlvnrre, charging cruelly. Negro la Cut II. dreenwey, colored. JH North Thirteenth treet, wa btdly etit In an argument with two contptnlona at Ninth and t'tvanport atreel Twenty eight att it I-h were taken In th wound by Dr. O. Myere Andiron, fire Hrreene r)undarliid' Hold Court In l.lnoolii Jnteph W. Wondrnugh, H i'. llo(, Thorn J Flynn nd K. J. guinley went to Lincoln to hold federal court lliere fur two week. They are Judge, i lark, marahal and d'puiy mar ah!, reaper-lively, Dog In He Mint Mrt K Ketlerer. 1124 North HKleenth atroel. i-harged wllh keep ing a vliloue ilnt, agreed In police rouft to have th" aiilrnal thoi, Th dog bit IJ yer. uld Maigurnl Mel'lwiii, 3120 North Hlateeiilli trael, on Ihe left forearm. floee to Nell Crop Dr. (', H heprd hat on to Allierla, Miltleii nurlhweal, to look after Ihe marketing of hie leal yr crop bf wlitat, I lia doi tur own a large Hart of Canadian land on whlrh there I a len- nl. I p to data, owing to th enngettad rondltlon of Ilia lallroede and Ihe elevalnrt, It hat In-" ii Inipnaallile lo all tlie grein. Can "'! Tile" hiilngli'a. rliinderland l PSYCHOLOGY OF THE GOSPEL SUBJECT OF LECTURE COURSE l?rv, I'.lwtii L. il-.iuf, I). D., 'I'h J)., I will rlrhvrr ffitnac of IWflity-ailt 1't turrti in Plymouth CongrrKatiorul t liiin li, Imiiiiici a n d Kighfrf nih lrftt, brKiiiniiig Sunday and con tiruiiiiK rath ilny at J o'clock and 8 o't lot k i. in, llii tmirar !) recently hren Kivni in Aurora, ( runout, Lincoln and l'airhiiry, altrai tiiiu tgpaciiy crowHn in fiich our of those pUif, lr, Hoii'if luia lirrn riiKaK'H t' re turn si") flrlivrr llif course in two oilier limct in Lincoln. All the Omaha churches have hern invited to federate in the movement here. Whataver may your nd, B Wa,nt Ad will gat tt for you. GOSSIP STARTS ON COUNCILYACANGY Number of Prominent Politicians Suggested at Possible Suc cessors to John Drexel. SOUTH SIDERS WANT THE JpB The vacancy in the city council caused by the death of John C, Drexel already has ataried consider ahle osip regarding lm aiicceiior. Among thone who have been men tioned are V. J. Martin, former trea urer of the South Side; Thomas Hoc tor, former mayor of the South Side; James B. Watkins, George Parks, Perry Wheeler, Dr. Knsor, "Doc" Tanner, Thomas McGovern, Harry J. Harkett and John A. Rine. There is a feeling that the vacancy should he filled by a South Side man, and yet this in not declared as settled. Make Themselves Known. Some of the candidates for the va cancy have heen niakin; themselves known and friend have been active in hrhalf of their candidates. The six commissioners who will decide on the person to rill the unex pired term are equally divided as to partinan politics, so that it would be a deadlock if party lines were drawn. 1 here is no mistaking ihe fact that the South Siders will make a strong demand for representation on the city commission and this' expression will he nude on Wednesday or Thiiraday after the funeral. If is helieved by some that a demo crat will be selected, because ( om missioner Drexel was a democrat, lint inasmuch as the commissioners were not elected on a partisan basis party line may not be followed in this instance. There is everv belief that the com missioners will not have much trouble finding a man who will be willing to sacrifice his personal inter ests lor this city job at $4,500 a year, Mayor Dahlman will be home Thursday from Kentucky and then the council will begin to consider the matter of a successor to- the late commissioner. OMAHANS NOT EXCITED OVER CIVILIAN CRUISE If as great enthusiasm is evinced over the "civilian eruise" in other part of this home of the brave and land of the free as in Omaha it will he a civilian cruise without any civilians. Word has been received at the local recruiting offire that the Virginia, Kearsarge, Rhode Island, Maine, Ken lucky, Alabama and Louisiana are the shins to be used in the eruise. They will sail from various Atlantic ports. The Old Age Sign Double Crossed Don't let gray hair make you look year older than you are, for It I now an ay natter to tint gray, faded or blearhed hair In a harmlet way. 'Ihe new rrenraiiim. "Brownatone," la proving to potmUr that thnuaanda of people of refinement and many leading halr-dreaaer are now ualng thit wonderful produrt earlualvely. "Iliovnatone" meete every demaul and fulfill vry tel required of It. and U aimple to ute tht no prvlou ixpertrnea it nere,ry. Comet reiy for ue--,io m ing and la entirely free from lead, ulphur. allver, tine, mercury, aniline, roal-lar pro durt or their dertvativea. There it no danger of Irritation or a pnlaonrd tralp when you ute "Hrownatone,' brrt u tt it guaranteed bermleea. frodurea th molt beautiful ah. let (rnm IlKht golden lo the deepett brown or blark. Will not rub or waah off and rannot be detected. Moat all leading druggiet every where now tell "Flmwtiainii" In two eiivt. 26c and f 1 .00, and in two rotor on to produce "golden or medium bruwn," Ihe ulher "dark brown or black." (let m 2 tit bottle from your dealer today, or If you prefer, a aaniple bottle with in teracting book will be mailed on receipt of 10c to help pay poatag and iiarkm rhargea. If aent lo th manufacturer-!, He Kenton Fharmaral Co., S2 I'lke Mt Cov ington, Ky. Mold and guaranteed In Omaha by Sher man A McCnnnell finig Co. tloree, and other leading dralert, g tunm I r gftaT 4 , I e-.e I S J JL J F iT m F ... J..L . mMle"'llll 1 " 1 '" 1 ' " 11 '" " Will the President Submarine Victory Bring Peace to Stricken Europe? A great diplomatic victory for President Wilson is what the Kolnische Voiles zeituno, Cologne organ of the powerful Center Power of Germany, sees in our State Department's latest note to Berlin, and our acceptance of the Imperial Gov ernment s compliance with our demands, and our rejection of every suggestion of a condition attached to this compliance. Since this acceptance calls for no for mal answer from Germany, special interest attaches to the comment of German papers and to the tone of the press dispatches from the German capital. In the LITERARY DIGEST for May 20th. all shades of public opinion in Germany are represented by extracts from leading German newspapers and cor respondents. Among other articles of widespread current interest are: War With Germany Predicted Thin Article? Prcent Statement from Several Military and Government Authorities on the Allied Side in Which They Assert America Will Find Itaelf at War with Germany Before She Know It Behind the Scenes in Stricken Belgium Feeling Europe's Pulse of Peace Trying to Upset the Pork Barrel The Wittenberg Camp Charges Preparing for Preparedness by Road-Building Girls' School or Boys The Return of the Middle Ages Why the Drama Decays The Lay Warning to the Ministry Preaching Through the Telephone What to Do With Mexico Uncle Sam to Carry the Mortgage Holland's Attack of Nerves The Successful Engineer Catching Cold Democratizing Shakespeare Neglected American Literature A New Memorial Day Suspicion Sundering the Churches An Unusually Interesting Collection of Illustrations, All Particularly Timely REAL DEMOCRACY FAILS when the citizen body U not thoroughly fa miliar with the national busincua it hoult control. THK UTKKAKY DlCiKST U th one tk'pt'ndablt' mrtlium through which the luiny man may p:t a complete undrrMtamiinn of the problem! hi country must fuce and nv Thi indispensable weekly gives a sur vey, concise but comprehensive, of all the world' events of consequence, showing through quoted editorials the public opinion in nil parts of our own country a.n well as abroad. In return for a couple of hours' reading weekly, it will keep you well in formed on all the news which tt is the duty and desire of everv citizen to understand, May 20th Number AH Newi-dealen Today, 10 Ccnls o I'amriu Nv StanrUni tKthMry MV NORK T TT. . lit! V M H1NK A W MN .S COMPVNY PuMu!,., of the -mil Him Mtait ii mil iniiaiaTiTamri ii tiHuiir n niiii munraniiT Gossips Still Pick New Officials for The Union Pacific Notwithstanding the retirement of .he president and the general man ager of the Union Pacific. A. L. Moh ler and Oiarle Ware, business is moving along as usual. Both of the officials are hrniK flooded with tet ters and telegrams, the senders ex pressing regrets that the men re going to quit the systfm with which they have heen identified so long. The gossips keep on tilling the po sitions of president and general man ager, hut no intimation of the lucky individuals comes from New York or the local headquarters. Messrs Calvin, Winchell and Park are heing touted for president, with Superintendent Jeffers becoming a favorite for general manager. fHatreaatna f eugti C ureil. Ir Km-' N 01'nrv net onlv afftpa yeur rnueh. hill harrtrna veur fj'alam Blnl I'oiiit, kllla Iho icrina All iiruiale AfivertlnemwHl Eczema Is Conquered Greety aalve and ointment, thould sol be applied If reod eler kln It wanUel. From any itnjKit for He or 11.00 fo itra Urire aiie, (et a bottle of urns. When applied a directed, It effectively re move eeiema, quickly t.op Itchlrif, and heala tkin trouble!, alto aorta, burnt. nundt and chafing. It aanetratee, eleantei and aoothea. Zemo I dependable and lne. pentlve. Try It. w hellev nothing you have ever uaed ia a affective and ilafy Ing. 7emn, Cleveland. lmM f f.Y.-HAf il.-.W.lri' n l.nn.Bfl- in.,,,,,, I Jfe"'"' MUTUAL SPECIAL FEATURE' mi . . . . The Submarine fj fir n it c Was Doomed! The inruoh of water, raging through the open hatch, wa rapidly filling the tubiea boat! The level alreadr was riling to their waitt lines. Hope, maddened bv the heloleit attitude or the inventor, seized him roughly viciouly. It teemed only a miracle could ave them 1 1 MX o' i la L tut-; im Will Revolutionize Naval Warfare! AGAIN TODAY SEE The Film Novel of the Hour! Presented by American Film Company, Inc. Thousands were astounded by this screen triumph yesterday. Great throngs of people realized the significance of the wonderful American submarine invention -idea which will enable a subsea boat to remain under water indefinitely. They saw an ac tual U. S. submarine loaned by the navy department plunge beneath the sea with its crew saw the test of the great devicesaw the spy smash it and doom all to destruction! See "The Secret of the Submarine" today. This remarkable innovation in motion pic tures will bo shown at another list of theatres. Be amazed by the 'secret' the possession of which would enable the U. S. lo dominate the seas of the entire world! Sec the furious undersea struggle. See the great acting of popular Tom Chatter ton - and find yourself held a willing captive by the stunning beauty of Juanita Hansen the film favorite. These daring co-stara head a great company of well-known actors who arouse your unbounded enthusiasm in some of the greatest scenes ever shown in motion pictures Intense Dramatic Situations Big Subsea Conflicts Remarkable Ad ventures An International Intrigue A Double Mystery A Clobc-Girdling Chase! Go today-lecl the stupendous power of this mighty film production. It is different from anything you've ever seen in motion pictures. Chapter One shown this week is a startling succession of tremendous surprises and climates! A new chanter is shown each week for fifteen weeks in all. Ktaj the remarkable novcliation of "The Sten t af the Submarine" by the famous war correspondent, V Alexander Powell. This (real tloi y I nuw iuliig In thl Oe w H'if. n4 " I Ii btxitl of lb bubmtrlaa" totlay. See "The Secret of the Submarine" at These Theatres: f amatk, Omaha, Neb, Weletlt , Mar 3I Otamantl, OintKi, Neli, tuai.4, June) K,, t Mailt,, Mer Zlk HiHM, Omaha, f fUat, Slay Ji.lh fr.Keiam, i.iu (tie, !, VSediianl, M Jlt OmaKa, U.nid, Jua (K M. .(,., OiiiaKa, SalnrJa, Juna lOiS. Inial, Oixaha, Sunalay, Jim lllk. t nmel, SKatUn, NeW, Wedaetetar. Jitia lSlK. Slat.U, Aurara, Neh., MaaJf, Juat ISlV. Star, U Ne.ll, Neh, Maa4, Juaa llK. Ur nd the Story in the OMAHA DAILY BEE MH Wre aieaVwraey (A 4eer, J.e) Cti.r. . mJ 'r.a 4 leeaS SS ArVltf attVa(MMaama .tiSae W tn iar t)e( Mut iteel lik4. -a!Viiil JUtJ