Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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. Want-Ad Rates
v ftr word cacti maei'lion.
poua jwtegi
Farm and Ranch Lands.
7c per lino each Insertion
(Count atx norm tu the, line.)
C uA S a 1 F 1 C A T I u X ;
2c per word one time
llic per word . . . three ccr.eecuilve time!
c per line one time
7c per line three rim uiivo limea
, (Count Jii vvoida to the lino.)
rrrtnAL. notices.-
10c per line each ftiaertion
(Minimum charge 60 cent. )
Monthly Rata for atandlna- ala (no
change of copy) $l.o per Una
(Count atx worda to the line.)
Contract rata on application.
TITI5 REK will not ha reaponaHi'- 'or
mora than one Incorrect Inaeillon an
advertisement ordered for more, i. in
one time.
AnVKRTIf f:RW anonM retain reedptg
given hy Tha fire in payment for V ant
Ads, aa no mjatake ran be letlilod
ullhnut them,
t'HR Tim TTrr.WTTOVR if von cannot
conveniently bring or gend In your ad.
Auk for a. Want-Ac1 T.iker, and yon will
receive tha earn, (rood orvr-e aa when
delivering' your ad at tha office.
nrrNP! TYLETt luQn
vt-at mr.rMN'Bj rT,r)Ptn
rvrvTva KrTTrcN' i.;(i w,
3 H K FLN EH A f7 fMre.' William Al'lssdt
will be held from Brewer's chapel Monday
at I orlock p. m . Instead of from lha
home sa previously announced.
m n 1 1 rrTi-'ii-' inr.-.'m - iaj.i . -- 4 saMa
Currant offerlngg of tha bat Motion
t Picture Thnatera In Omaha.
' (Changed Dally.)
Mutt-af ott n.
"In the Spirit of '6!."
In three parti with Grace DeCarl-
ton, (jrorc Mario and J. JI, (jiltnore
A fine human interest gtory, lull of
rharacler and action, "bundling
Kill ft JJrcam, a Vogue comedy,
made tor laughing; purpotct
"Dome Awful Night, Mutual
weekly. ,
V R I N C OSS'. )S I ffi9D6UGTJ&
lit'ttii ursma, witn
the wonderful character actor.
")lnlda Tha Hllent," t-reol drama, fea
turing tvota Wilson,
"When Hiim pickled a Peach," comedy.
fl I S fa Una m , i i i iv a k n a m7
Now tha huiiH nf fxturea, orh.(r and
lli jrri, todnji pret'iila.
House iVters in
"Hand of Peril."
Al one nr.t of emnedy,
ORAN'b, l(l ii&hi n ni-.v7
"Tlx Klren'a forif," i-reel Wurld a fea
ture, and a awt'l erimerty.
Trleimln I'reriit
In "itm Jjii Mt Act,"
i IK KM AN, 1 611 r&B 0 Kb KIT E.
"llrl and the Gnn," wlih Helen ilalm".
"1h i.lrl lorn Chkaao," wltn Uiada
".Hup In lholnn."
l!0 IJLKV Al ft, 3il) It llKA VLN W7
Tbn wurlil a tannnm tuurrt Miul Alnt
In "Htm Hk jSUker'i iJuuKhlnr," iitao tn-
KUl 1 Ll; F, 25(.r"LlH N WOlfHT
Aln aya I he l..t
Tin Marki-t.
Aleaandr (laden and lrtrude Hublnaon
III "quality of Faith." In t rtela. "out
fi,r tha Count." tfigua t-omcily,
bctlli Alw.
No II III Niy,
liESSK. 24X11 & N.
"rhe I.nat Act."
Jiii'TiTCtiS " :tiTA'.M 7
be ven reels Mutual Mantelpieces,
Three ai ts vaudeville.
apaclal Extra Jicel Featute now appear
'na at the enti.twtnr 't'hiera;
uiiiMi,' "iiTitiTiC
Urania narlarata to "The Laat A. t."
li'lLLliV Altti, Hill A LKAVUNWUIITII.
Maud Allen In "Tha Rug Maker a 1'auin-
I.W'l(l:S. Ulll AMI l"ll';I.A.
in lha Spirit of ut," nh uraia
L i lu luu. ceuina ,Milu and J. 11,
aunamT" iVitFAKN AiiT
Hon.. l'tn in "Hand of ferll."
' II A ,N 1J, It i l i" A )1 1 N ,N t V .'
"lha glren'a Mont." i-rel tVotid faaluiai
t.u illti uf, I i T It "A J ULu 1 II 1 1 M 1 '
K'ula IUliala la
"lha 1 -l get."
...i i.Uul.,
Aivian.t.r tlad,ii and Ocitruda Itutiiitaun
in "i'ualliv of Kalirt '
MfllfM7""' ' Sltlt AMil
- v. ti rla Mu'm-I Maaltf'l'
I l," a la ,l, li
' l.i'.l -. " l.ll l J'.'t ,.,l..t,.i.
at.iruaa f Aitii,r' nli Kurart
J.,-,! it. a n .n.l, , t;i li,atr alit,.
l.i ill. , " ' ;.tl 1.1. , .ii I ll'
H. l rltlale tfa Ilia u,afkat,
HIIIUV.""" litll a lit Hltt'l'ta.'
.t a' 4 Ilia. ttita i.;m ll .i.m.
(va 1,1, 1 truiH I IOU(.'. ' 'k l,.j,
lit; t Ml IMIIIMHI1 Mi t II I a,
..,.,11,,,. ,,,i. ,.,, t.,, (1,4. a, .4
-. . . ,1,1
I . i i v lo . U'a
. . .- I ,..!
, I n t , , i.
I tall nl lllivat
, I", i ! It' i'tlUl
w -i j ii,-. I, ! - .., '..' w ta
- 1 1 I' . ... a , II'. I i
. U i , I , ,-. I , . g II I , I L.,1,
.--,a K - 1 if .S"i..6,i ,,i-
. i I I ft-,, a.-,. , It',., -I t I I i
.'. 4 . i, .,. ' .h , . ,(.,
I" I s
ii ii i i vi, n ihiii.
t. I, s,
i "
: 1 h ft 1
Persistent advertising of anything really worth-while
desired results the first time "Try Again"Call Tyler 1000 -
UtST WCALllV I.L1 ri.urtt.Ha or
lniita, Art Co'ii!)lnail'ina, ahlpped every
lir. fcxct'11-.'nt aervlca to our c"a
totrieu In past enra re' oi)iin nd 1I!:SS
JC. HVV'Onn), 1(15 KunumSi i 11.
LA77ivb7 ANnflSir,.NT ut Ireell
flover. dellvrrcd or a'llpped anywhera.
h. HKMOKHSOV ('"nrnain rt.
X7' f(3 N A Tl II ''K.V-r; fUruev. youa M")l.
BATH." floriat." W i FarnM tn .Ht.D Si'W
FUltE vhita relnforceii "cament grava
markara. with nama and dnia
croeiea, 13.00. Del. In ;) daya. Kedtnan
MiirUr (KJ PP noer.Webat fr'f ".
I'KHM ANli.VT. runaollns, rottlii. evr
luiilr.a. eanltary tomb, tha modern HAI4
for'tlAOfH. tjai.meiMer .MoiiuiripiU Worm, mauao
lauma, all klnda markera. lath & Charla
llirtha V'a'ui and Antonio" Ilali.aaaki, t0i4
Bouth Sixth, girl; Boloiuon and I-ena
liroilkr. SKI 'hr.ago, hoy; Ja-m-a and
hella Convey, t:7 Mouth Fiftieth boy; I".
J, and Chrlatina cnrlatmaa, nodt'ita.i ocy;
r vriiia and Anna llroinek. 141,4 rloutb Fit
t(.nth; Harry and Oil Hansen, 2811
North Hi it tee nth, boy; (Jmiraa and Bertha
Wwranma, Ml Boulb 'J'oenty-nlnth, girl;
Alfred W. and Kaala A. Moore, 349.1 Aine,
boy; Kdward and I.enora McManua, 844a
llartman avenuo, boy; Or and Anna Nl
lrDl 24:5 I'arktir, boy; J.uiiano and lloaa
I'alina, I2"l C, alrl; Andretr and Clara
Hoboryk, 27i Clark.on, boy; ,)ohn and
Kar.elino Ktraenovoakl, J7 Mouth Twenty
fifth, hoy.
licntha Walter 8. Itrown, H, hoapltal;
John W. iiotigherty, tl, hoapltal; Hiram
Hiiilth, 1!4. ho.piial; lealla A. I'lckena, 26.
hoaullal; Marrletla Anila, 47, I4 Jafferann;
Carl W. ).lndmann, 36, hoapltal; Charlea
llom, 10, hoeoltal; John V, Kner.aeek t7.
I42J Houth Fourteenth; K. H, 1'arker, 21,
113 (irand avenue; Manella Jtarrett, tl,
MUlleth and Q,
' f hao"lluwliig' prnilta In ' have been
Naina and Boalib ni o.
Frank II, Kiark, Omaha
Adeline O. hherwood, dinaha
Albert Olacn, Omaha .
Myrll It. Hill, Omaha. ,,,,,, .......
Kit Oetrltll, Omaha..,,.
Katie rkiiione. Omaha
, . 2
,. H1
,. .11
,. it
., '
,, 2
,. az
William A. I'adaet, Hock laiann, in.
lloiirleita FlnncKan, l;envar, Colo J4
Carl l,ariwa, Omaha tl
Hoaa Menglamell, Omaha tl
Diehard 14. (luffy, Buaar Crank, Mo.... t
Marguerite Urlmahaw, Haniaa ctiy,
Jeaala A. Itoot, Murray, Neb............
Audrey r, I.awtnr, -iattainouio.
Mamuel Wmlth, lunc.roft. . ,
Maraaret Fi. Krogar, I.yona
Harry H. Wealon, Norfolk
I.... rh.lal, Norfolk
.. ti
,. 31
lln,nr I. U'attrrman. Valley. Nab. .over 21
Mllle McNeill, Valley, Hah eer 1
Aba ,iaieln, Omaha, I
liora Cohen, Omaha S
fiolaht l.uaa, Clarlnda, la........ 3i
Ileleit Olaon, Harlan, la.,.,,,.,. SI
Euif Foa t'lrri-r dog, while ring around
nei.k, four vhlla feot, anawera la nam
of Huater. Ucenaa tag til, Liberal re
ward. Walnut 2111. . .
EiiHT f fgVr claw" Hhrlne pin; reward. Call
Webater 7910.
Forullnra uml lloua-hiiiil ftmida.
Coma In and lei ua ahoe you. Let ua
aova you money. Our prhea ahould In
leiaat you whether you need furniture
now or In tha near future,
out-of-town ordera aollclted,
Hlale Furniture Co,,
Cor, 14th and Dorlae. Iwualaa 1317.
Wll.l7eell at aa.rlfice liouee furnlahlnaa
i.iiialailiig of davenport, library table,
no l-.era, inning room table, rhalra, heila,
ru, rane, elc, ; all In good condition
ami auHabla for new home. Will conanter
tune. Call Colfa 17 after t .3(1 p. m.
OMAHA iiLUw CO.-Flt and hair
mutireaaea mada ovr In new tkkg at
half ma price of new ono. hot. ua
fur anrnpla uf ticking. Mull ordera filled.
1Xi7 ('timing St. lJiiglaa24'T7
14F. A UTIFIi l7 iblna" '"cablnat," ; buffet,
fancy rtroeaer, ; round table, H; In
hot. II, gaa atuve, It. J'hona Webaltir
t, 1 4 a.
ioil tiALK-l 'atntd Iroiil'id board, naat
gnd well built; will laat a lifetime.
I'lionei ua for irtl-iilrg. lHuc.Mt.
ifc'icTiiMi. 2-7"i"ua atovea, 2nv ruga of
all kind, poultry wire and nelUng.
(hieri till d. m. Itt N, 241h 8t.
ioil leAl-i! 6-roiim furniture, practically
iii-iv, muai aoii; uavine in cuy. i.u
faa Jilt.
AT aairitlie, household furniaiiinaa, Wll.
'it rug, mahogany furniture. Call Douc
laa 7t...M . ,.,.
CAKI'F.TM and funillura for aala. Call
lioualna e.4l.lncolli Jllvd.
A 'I IIHKK-lloiiM apt. toiupliilcly lurnlalied.
ll I ) icr
tore and' tifflna Flatarra.
iLiisivB. aailca. tt'a, ahowcaaea, ahely
Ing, etc. We buy, aell. Omaha Future
huiiolv Co.. 414-1 II 8. Ittli. luug. tit
J'laaiii MMalcarlaa(rnmne.
Good tinikva, good condition, t3.i) pif
ttmntlr. new i l.itma, 14 00 per month.
A. IKttil'K, ?(i:.U-16'ouglna HI.
Viik hAl.B i'laiio, tu flue condition, only
lined I year. Call Colfax 8j4.
Typewriter- aetupllra.
isaTvv iiiuciiiiia aolu the ame aa rem;
U per month, bee ua tie fore you buy or
rcnu Shipped uiiy place on tan daya'
tr-e trlHl. Hutta 'J'ypewrller t.caaiig.
lie 8. IMn, oinaiia, i-ieu.
TVI'hWIU i'KKS aold, rented and ru
Pdlied. Kent Kllvor typewriter i
inoiith.i for .i. cimtiul 1'ypuwriler i.-
, loin,...,. i:m,', Farnnni.
illlilNU' 1UMHOM AND" ( AKMoN CwiT
niiiaiilHlHtcd Wltn lu-iiuiiio t."., no-,
liim-at In weal. 22S He Rlilg. O. 2147.
it.,Ml.MlT' i.Nh, Miiimrcha and Hiiilth
I'ri lllir ra lor lclli; aunt niiywiinio. iwiii
Iniitoii Typewi Iter t oinpanv. 1'. l'.M.
Jenrlri." Illantnada, Wlchea.
iriUUiK(AAMI'tl "l l. ky wetldlnu Hliga"
lit llitll IIIIH I "ii K ill ? con, .
l.Hiiilirr anif Hull. Una Mairrlala.
td limid luiubii nnd " klinilliiK. llodgin
C,illt lo. 1,11 1 ilMiuiH, lyiri -v-.
MartilHrrt mm- I. ul'a.
Vi v A.Mi I t i i.M tl A M' All i'1'i K3.
I.K itltON' l.l.l i I KICAt. WORKS.
3i si s. i.'ih Ht . Omaha,
b'i"IHicr gnaolloe p,.ltbia
riiaiee A.l.lnaa l.v l.v.a liox
I in,. ll 111111,1. I.I
lliill.l.Kf. aP am. ilcctric. ;aa rii-lma.
I'li ea, tlniaui w r amg o , - i num.
I'rlntlna tittle awtnillre.
nM MI.Ui'1 4.1 I't I' Ci - i.l our pu.. en
it ain't pitiaiiia t'hoc 1 s' ' tl'1
I'a.ion Hia
tit T (it'll pttiea im ).h niiiing
I'AMI'.tHIS t At I'H A l l.( I M.TT.
C n l"l'l " In. I. HI I"', 1 1 lit
tYAT H"i UIMI Wt'l" Kg Co, uoality
tt iiii i g 1 I .hi... ! 4 . llin
Itltll-rd aet.i rmkn tat.Ua.
toltgVl.l I- I I I A H) 1 All I .4. Iuej
new, mi' Di ai.J p act, Hh nimp.ata
i,.,i it, I c aioiitl haiul 1. 1 in al
d oe t loet. li.iwlii.g ai.i ). ,iod Hup.
. a r,t ..fti... ll a i la( elvif" do
t' I-, a(e- it anil a- l4 i wotin fitluia
'III. Iilll .Vt Ii K ll I.K I, I't.
I.I M'Mi !'. , aua H"h i
t i I , i .i a.i i -e - I
i,.'- i . - I e a h a I . -e
... i
t-la at.
i,, I I , I ti i. a
I'veiiu ci ai nun a i
tgl e 4ei l), I eat mm j
t af aii-e " ' i
t, ,, . i -
rt III' t " I t ' I Ctt
Vtia, a I 'k -i
... , it,,-, ...
git"' l,u a." .! ii-l .t ii-.tit, tti.
ft 4 ' ' i , a l I i ,.a . ( 1 I I I.'.
.-. t ' , l ( I t..i-l tl
, a h .i. !
t V i .. n i
e e . .e
t i
i t
I 4
I ' -l t.
it I t,
t i i-- 1 11
(Son. office. i::ih and Matirtereonjlt.
(jildni vi i.iky, i full
tiuarta I)om!k1 In bond, prepaid.
ek'ev Urn.. Omnha.
all. Jt'l'i'ta iiwUOil 110 Udh,.
Thirteenth and Douglaa.
Bottled In bond wblaky, toe. 11,00, 1.,
full aua t.
14 ( HH.Kt.NM to aall and J00 guarta of
fruit. Cull Webater IJ'JO.
We pay hlaheat eaah prloea for felae
teeth ami bridae work. We extend thle
offer another w,-ek only, lfoura, l' to t
p. m. Call Douglaa b F 4fl, or bring thi-m.
William itcagan, ii'il Harney Ut. Jjentiata
INVANTFO HIkIi claaa gurveyor'g tinnelt,
an Instrument that la dalKnd for gn
etal land aurveylrig aa well at dmlnago
work. Frke muat be light. Addreag TC
, B-.
New deakg. uaed deaka. bought, "old
and traded, J. C. Heed. 1-07 rarnara .
OLD t'ji'TllEH'WOHTH .VlOMCi'.
Don't throw awny your clotliea and
hoca. Doug. Wit. W pny beat prlcea.
lllkheat, price paid for L'd-hHiiu clot lif-a,
ahoea, trunkg, gtillrgNea. I', or 1 ViK.
jlKL.Vl piiya your price lot 2d hand
clotting, ghg and hta. Web. S33P.
1,1 VK ouldmira. Y, M.C', A, Out Fark.
blloTiEOAAKIi -Lui.-ky" wedding:
lllnga" at 16th nd tiougliiB Hta.
IllauKinda unit Valc-hee.
OIKTH for gradunlloii. liiMinond rlnga it
matchea. 17. Vi up. Friedman a, 1211 Imuklaa.
Motor ftryalre.
fAIIII.L YA.V.i. t()., He Wdg. P. 8K7t.
(arpeo (era aad tunlraclnra.
BltM'K repairing and cement work uf all
klnda. ('uinlng. Harney eUKJ.
ilcpolrlrig, Joliiiliig, e'Tcenliijf. Weh. lTO.
Ineard & Hon, VMii Viipltol A ve, 'f. )32."
(7 W," H'okanaonT f I .in w t h. t Tyl. l-i7
l,o amiiarri,
CALLKO for and delivered. Repair work
guaranteed. Haw filing. Pouglaa74at,
F.A "Vt NMO WEHH afiarpeiied,larney 0)11.
I Iranrri anil Ilyera.
IIU N. 12th Dl,
I e"72.
ACCOnnlON, Hil. Knife, Bog rieatlng,
l Cov. Huttona, liemgiltching. Nab, 1'lcHt-
It g A, llullon Co43I-2 FaxtonJIllk. R 41t2.
Flrat-clnaa work. Mr. K. A. Coiinoliyi
foltalrd rildg ,17th and nouylna. C 270,
Itn. A lecher, ladl -a' tnlloted garmentg
for all (iecnalona4fiN tl(iaeHldg.Ty:i7.
Madame Mictixela. il'iria, aulla, No, 4,
Florentine Apia, l'liono Oouglag VMS.
Faahlotiahle divramnkliig. 7' tt. lt Ave
kclMter'a lireaainaklng CnlT WiH City NatT
Trtry iJrcanmnk'g colh-uo. JOth A Knrnam.
Fancy work, "crnrhel Ilia". "einb Wat. t.
ftV day, work guaranteed. Web, Mil.
TIlKATrtlCAL linn, full flnaa aulta, for
fl III. I1. 1 1 II ri. j'l'iii ,' umiiiiii.
la the.
DR. RBNOA-Sulphur. Kteam, Modern
tired nervea and rheumatlam. i'rlvate
parttiietit for ladlea with Indy attend'
aula. IVl'J FurnHtn, Frioti" D'i'U. tAlT.
Hho Kepalrlngi.
CAREFUL WORK quickly done. Klt-c-
trio Hhoe itcpajr, wi ut. try Ave,
Mot ( ie-itnlnif and (llm kliig.
STHAW, I'annina, all klnda huta, cleaned
and rehlocked. l;,ln-l&JO Harney Ht
Kaprrae loimulee, 7
TWIN CITT Expreaa Co., 1423 Caag Bt
Liuuglaa 1717. Heavy hauling a tfiecialty.
r'olo'a Expreaa" Co.7 21 IS Farnam. liar. ftM'
Hair Drcaalnji.
JDEAT, Hair Farlora, 'Hi Balrd Hide
Manicuring, toilet artlclea. Doug, aiaS
Kbow 4arda.
COT rateg, rjuick gervlo. l'enwork. Pax
ton Hlk, Hludlo, Room U. Ooug, 21j7.
I'alallng anil I'nprrlnK.
Omaha i'uate Co., 'AH d. l.lih. Oouglai 3760.
I'lirch and Window Hi-reelia.
FROM factory to you. Phone Red 4."io7.
Plana iaalracOoa.
PIANO leaaona, new ayatein, abort meth
od, "flcrji-hartB. Uallup, Web. JfMJ.
itaittltue piano playing poaltlvely taught
In IcneiitiB. 472.1 i:umlng Wal. MVS.
( hlriiprnclora, gplnul A d)uatinenla.
1U. BUMIoKN, 411 Hose Hldg. V. 14i.
Plmer (Cchonl grad. Conaullatlon free.
I ir Fraticee tn waon,ftoa Hliig, Ty. 23'-l.
I'r. j7';. Law ri7ice7l Hiilrd HPi'tJ. b. ttdattT
ELECTRIC liouae cleaning, our work and
price will plenae you. Let ug remove
your atorm wlndowa and put In your
acreeii". Tyler .il J
IlOCSKClTEANlNti by txp. man. beat of
ref. furniahed. tN. i:d. Harney Jltoi.
WINlJOWd waahcil, acreen repairing and
lawn mowing. Tyler 7i,2-W.
Painting; and Paper Hanging. ,
W A l.l.t'.U'KK cleaned and floor painting,
eile par room each and up; work guaran
teed. Phone liuug. ti,92.
PHIL WINCkLMt, L Pewey Ave.
Kgtertlow rntea. llarnoy t7i,
JAM KH ALLAN," 312 .Nevlll"nii)i k.
deuciiaeriirt'd in all cnaeaTxier llcii.
Evidence aecured; all caeca atrhlly ironfl
dentlnl; conault ttliin free. t2 Hee. Ty, ie,
llMllime and Pleating.
DRICSg plcnting, liviiietitcliiiig and cov
ered button", van Allium I'reaa Pleat
ing and Huttoti Co., d Fluor i'axton
liik. Douo, !Uo9,
Ktrrylhlnai for Women.
ACCORDION, aide, knife, euiiburat, box
pleiidng; coveted billion", all iea and
at) lea; hematite hltig, puot eilguu, cm
broidery,, bnildiiig, conluig,
evclel cut work, biittotiholea, pciinanlj.
2itl l.iouglaa lllk. Iiojgnia loti
Ladlea i'ou can alwuya llnd icad-liiade
rlothea at Mia. H.iIm i laon a, 2.11 l.nke.
4.1 4r; Bamie Hldg Tel. DougUs
juaitera til tit PeMt'v.
II It. ClwVllloltNi:, Ml I'm ton l;ik. Red
74"i. Noiai v puhlii', depoaitioit stenn
i!. W7illtl'l l'. .mi H.itker Blk.
Tovtrl Haapllra.
om aik Towi Mini., .v.. f nth ii . iri
ac ii Mitt I liaae t,
Cl.KAN OUUM.t AMI I lluliiH'llltl.Y
Wl; il i ; i:t.i critic, hi-.nt h
AN ll II i' I'l It I'Vt, I'Olijl.Afi
I Innrrt auil At Irlpa
MI'IMvl 1 lectin! aaaliing machlnea,
I'l MIVI.A l4..o ..ot teadllig
lamps !:1 1'i.miiis st. i".i'g A 1 i
I all.irlae.
H. Mtlli'l H. t ill -r ae, i.riief, pleading
a... I I, l-i ll . S Hi, hi II a w.,.
Ualewpwllt psttaleiaaa.
4 a M'.it k ii,.a I' its I", .i ) II less,
I'tkl t ii'l In Mkerg gu.,.u,
a-, 1 1 ' l 'I lo t a, i,e l", , a an l o' . i i'o,'
to. Hit t, l l"r.l.f, i ' l"" ,c.
Imati'vt aad liMttwte,
ll" I : s . i.,., act ,,.,,.i no -a.', g
i. m ( . v. .Hi, i v , t. t.a
It- I. l I . a- II ... o V tl -
lwelMa actrtWatitva.
I t I (' , t , i , ,ti - l.'li l
t-trtlaldia Avitrlllra,
M V at eut A tit I "-! I1 't'l
tgstlrflaa tiallas.ll
W 4 I iSit .,, ..I. el, (, I ptli-g
I . i( , 1 1 t I'. .,', , j I . ','1 I : a '.It
4, lot m t a.
, i i . t ' '
. I' '--A
Vi il tv Ii la-
to i, t :
I .!
l,! .1.
I ...I (
I a tt 1 1
I'. V Vi
i -t i - e t'l
g I. . I.olltlt
- . t I" It,
1 - .:
H.I 'i.vt
H,at m4 lw I st4 l
I't it , n !, . i, i "I a i Ho k
W atoll M,.-l-liillla
riirtattapv-n, "'1 II.m I'M'.t. i yr. exp
Wull I'niit-r ili-nnliia;.
Wallpnper clcnnl,i by room or hour.
Hcaedn ible. Flume I). 6km. Coo. Kumplo.
W I lira and
BUT vour family Ihiuora at Klcln'a
Liquor House, l-i N. Pitr;. Douglaa 1S.
FURMTCltK lor C roome, 1! lurge iuua.
coat p); refrlm-rator, coat Wi: kitchen
cabinet, cost tJ: dlnlnn: room aultc,
golden oak; parlor aulte, mahogany;
Maytag electric wneher, coat, f'0, and
other artlclea of furniture. Will trade
for Ford or other auto, or what have
you? Adilreaa H.JJIM. Heo.
WANT'hT ANLKr ht7VMkfa.
1 have a Htudehaker-Flantlera Uaht car.
In aood mechanical condition; practically
new Urea; can be driven aa a roadater or
four-paeaonacr; will trade for a good ten
horae munlt-y aleamer. Addruaa 8, C, 109,
JF you have anything to trado, make up a
little ad and run It In thla column for
avn data It only eoata z6o and 30 pr
anawera. One or two anewere are auf
flciant to make your trade and the whole
tranaaet Ion only " t a a bout a oc. Tryll
AliDI.MCi MACItlSK Iiallon AddlnifMaT
chine, viry aood rendition, will cm haiiKe
for Underwood typowrltera, iih turea, aood
bookx or what have yuu? Addreas H. C,
1I9, flee.
i.VKKV iiaraou haa a lot of thlnaa which
he no lonacr liai-a and which It would be
difficult to eeli. HUT iriide them off. L'ae
a little ad In Una column and gut aoine
other thing you ranua-.
t" lluva fine white mala terrier dog
which I want to trade for an elaotrlu
fan flood dog tn huve around chlldion.
Adilreaa S 4 97.lee.
Clooli driving hor, harneaa and light
aprlna waaon; alao good jdano, to ex
change for ear delivery ur louring. Ad
dreaa M C I2ll4.l4e;
TWO half" barrel", a 1 gallona aaeh, good
hoime or barn paint What hav you to
tiade for una or lKitbT Addreaa B, C, K92,
riRHT i'I.AHH 4-hol ranae, perfect In ev.
ery reelect; can be aen In running or
der; for grocerlea or anything X can use.
A.ldreea X O H"e.
AIl'ilNl MACHINK Waha adding machine
will exchange lor good book", l.nderwood
ty pnwrllrr, aiitoinoblle or what have youV
Addjeaa ''UIK" ,.He
TWO inale-ihrow " aoo ampere gwlloheg.
will exchange for three an-ft, four-by
f oura. A ddreaa M C 1207, Hee.
GUITAR Want" lo trade iny 4-year-old
fiultar for a caatlng rod or reel, or what
lave you 7 Write care ilee office, g.
NKW high grade cabinet phonograph,
never bean uaed; hex excellent tone.
What have youf Addreaa B. ti. 1197,
ate ordored. Fnlnrgonienta from any
riegatlve.KaaJUdlolhnd Harney.
POUT (JAItli "camera for trade. Want real
eaiale, lot or regular picture camera.
W hat have ouT H, C. too Mee office.
S-HOOM cottage, prliii' 12,200, to gwap for
a good automobile, W. K. Craig, UW
City National liank Hldg.,Omaha.
UAHiitTlNB 'tanga7 abaolutoly new; J4-.
rifle, phonograph with l record". What
have you? Addreaa H:1I. Hea:
HAVK large iii'arleraawed aideboard to
trade for roll-top ileak. or what have
you I Addreaa 4.l!..Hee.
a LOTH. SOxHO," In Nowaia, Okl., for aala
or trade for car or anything of equal
va lue.Adil n aaH 1 27 Kee.
FINK gaa range and gaa plate, awap for
ehtcjeena or whatnav you? Walnut4ii.
"JTi-ITVUK ad In thl coljmn will bring
.t.r -nirta r,i,rk,hlii exrhang''".
Toi;NrHcoti h collie, male, for anythiugT
can uae, anuria" n. ". f
FOR BAI.I'S-Houaehold furniture, or will
trade for chlckcna. Harney JMJ.
. - -T rrnr - T ' n ff
Katahllahed aiock remedy and coal bual
neaa with trackage, both going concern",
by ait executor at a very low price.
MoVlN(7PTcture Tht-a.-ra, real bargain";
machine, repair, gL.pliea. gcccaaorlcg,
ne.v and gecond-haiid. tie ua.
Bnlrd Hldtr. 1'U
WANTKUParty with 11,0 00 to taka an tn.
tereat In an acceaaory auto device manu
factured In Omaha. Hi money it bi
made. Pay you to Inveallgate thla." Ad
dreaa T.135. He. .
WANT Io reiit or buy on installment plan,
furniture and lea of hotel In good town.
Are experienced hotel people. Can give
Foil "SALBGood. clean atocic of hard
ware; live town central Nebraaka.
(5ood reanon for gelling. H quick. Ad
dreaa Y XI. Roe
CONCKHNKiNH at Krug para for aale. Kae-
tauralit, aofl drinks, box dii .hoi
cigar", rark opena May 27. Phone Har
ney 1523.
Wll.i. aell good paying hot"! bualnea" cheap.
O0..4 reaaon" lor "ellliig. Addreaa Coro-
nado Hoiel, Friend, Neb.
UfT 'WITH Mti for uuu-k reaulta. Have
live cualomerg waiting. YOUN'IMAN,
ort rix mx'C UlrVk' fintTtJI.Apt 14iii.
W1LLIAM14, "eatabilahed 2 yean. To buy
cr aell Dutineaa aeo mm. i o.'ai-
M'dg. Iteterence o. a. .,n,,.L
tiowd Bale and Auction Co.. Omaha, have
oloaed out more mdae. etoka than any
other flrmjn U. 8.J.ltefor terma
New and rebuilt bargains, eupplleg.
O m a h n F 1 1 m Kgchangw 1W S. i t hS it-
FOR SALE by owner. Drug atore, dwell,
lug anil etock: aiiuaro d'-nl. Addreaa
ow ner, KMjj Went Mb. Ave.. I icnver. ( olo.
FOR SAt.E-Black Hllla drug atore. In
one of largest towna. Sales. Illi.OcO. Ad
dress Y 3W. Reo.
1 For sale, one of tha heat quirk lunch
houxea In Omaha, can be bought right.
404 Ware Hlilg. Red 44
COIt BAI.K Stock of hardware tn cuunty
seat to n, 14. IS. Neb. W rite liox 264, Au
burn, Neb .
TO HFLL or buv a bumriee.a, call on
lluach Aiirah"fflritj
TO (iUT m or out of buaineaa call on
( i a n i ; !, s ' r a i t JP ' 1 ' ' I j!!1 ?.t
R()MIN(I houara at great bargain!. Call
4n4 Ware Blk. Phono Red H48;
II no III I n a M onara.
J""N.NE rooms. 2 bbu ks from postofflc.
$.,1, tun iiowu, $J month. 4u4 Ware
Hid ltrd tilt.
day woik or bulnog ada regular lalea.
2 lilies one ttc k '
a line" ol' w c k
en. h ittrn lliw '' prr wek.
lot Nil men or woiimii whu want good
lositlona a.ioiilil jdv.iitlse in Tae Bee.
)'. ia toe J .i'r lug l,i aiucss men re id.
laiteeii ll, kit", letad and wlio!c.i.a
I i. Id unl-
till Nl, ,,nl Willi a.'liot p. tllo a IH lt'
,1 -iik waula c,.liioll in store ur ill,,,
I S I, -1,1 ie, l o . ,-i, t ad tut write
fin. . II i, i t lao u, I liui.e llaiues
i . e
a, 1 1 tf.' ;! li uiC'li tiii.i... In
0 ., , , ..ii, , f oiti.w I All It i. ef Ilia
g.,i. u i,v. I a t ll 'i aed mi e-ltt It." Y
I--I if o. ..--' I ,-t i to .Ii'- '! tint
;i.f e tl tis el l A'i-I.ita I' , I-
W A N I r 1 p,..iii.. In .a.k!i.g, eUippltig,
tClll'ig ,. ',-1 CoicoC W ','h..,.tt . I-
i' li i lie. to, I No ti..'ts li-o I it I'
v. ,';, H ' .III 1 I i ..I ." t-
I in; w i,iii-i..,.' I i", .nl " l"
, .... . ,..,i i ,.--'' t e
, , . , e . .', . ... I. 1' I
! . 4i I " 1 ' ' '
1 . . . i a t I I ' " 11 ' ' ' e,
.1,, , , ii t .'t . ...i". ... e-ti -I
r . ., - , t t I- - It I I. I'
e- . -4 A I tl
! I
S I I t ' ' -a - I I- I .1 1 I '
.. I tl i t . i I
'.' ' I
-t - 4
,4 h 1
C ' d ,..) V- ' 4
a - i it i 4 1 1'
i tt a
- I S , I . . t
i u i t . a n , ,. , ii n
I, i I I '., , ,r ' " ,1 it,..,,"'- ,' '1 I."- il,
, ' - ' l I
t C , .1. ... , ' , -l i , . HI
I , . t . I I . ., I t- If
Itatel aw t,.ll t.,
tit imii i . f ut ii,s ,t,; t,
,ii I ',. ' . "i i , c i . t 1 1 a
i,.4, i.i f I -t at g.
Af ;iet.. ti fiiita.
1- A!i.n l".i;.-- I'm jou Jiit help win.j
or cull Kinpii'' Laboi Ascncy. 8.
;ttn. PhnnIinug.l(4Vi.
OILI Job" ami Janitor work by ilay. Meek or
month; experienced tn all llnea of worl. ,
beat of references, loug. "IHH.
Colored man and wtfe want work; man an
houae and yard man, and woman aa cook.
Webater S.'.
ASHKS or iefue hauled by C. Mckela
& Co. Phono Dougliie 8(ild.
I.AVvNS mowed; h" HecleuniiiaT, Well. 74ia
H"a rTTl'cTaah ea and rubbiah. Weh. 6oe
(7rfiee cleaimix;; heat of rf. 'i'vl'-r Iko
A." FS and r'efuae hauled. Web, 6t,0,
'frlr! BK cliarge for "Siluailou ada'
la lower than any otur form of adver
tising not enough to cover cost of
HKFI.VKU married lafly with. 2 little glrla,
4 and 4, want" work a houaekeeper for
rr-apevtable gentleman; city or email
town. 44 per week. Adilree" Y 40 1, llee,
iJIHT, i7liee position, preferably a" den
tint or phyalclan a office alii. F 154, Hce,
W: ANTKlJ Chambermaid work by compe
tent colored girl, fiouglaa Hti52.
COLOHHD achoul girl wauta work
eter Df-.'tD.
I'l.AIV aewlllg and day work. Web. 27.
I.niindrr anil liny Wrk.
COM P,'i'r.NT colorod girl wante rley
work or clmmbermald workWVb.
iiUNuLfci'waahliiK; will call nnd deliver;
prompt nervine KUfin Mr". Knat, H. 361.
IN'KAT Cidored girl wrinU day work of any
1; I n d. Coll We hat or l'9t, A nmt Mitchell.
ITijNULhi or family watiing called for
& del, wk. guar.; reasonable; vV'eh.2672.
:1 MHT-CI-A 88laiiTdreae ; cleaning; by cul-
ored woman; beat ofref. Web. 6344.
COIjOKKli girl want" day and bundle
waahlng. Webater 8027.
KxpTeof. wonian by day, bdle. walc li "077.
Wanted Any kind of day work. R4ir,l
BUN ll,l "waahlng neatly done. Veb. 4i;.
Klrat-claaa laundreaa; day work. H,J82
CHAMHKKMA1U or day work. With, 2UKI.
Cooking or aay" work, 1M7 Iznrd. Tyler lHud.
(JXF. iainiiireKa i meii'a ahlrt.' H. 242.
LA V N r, II Y and d'awoirk. We b. MH
RHNOLK ; wtTaliing Jk daywoi kWeb. Wgl.
w7t,In and Tace curtwlna don'. Ty. 1144,
fiAy work. Mon. and Tua. M. SIM.
t.aundreaa, day work, Q.
trmr k T
W, 1967,
Klorea and Offli-ra.
TIMKKKUI'KK (R, R. out town)... 95 00
CI.KKK. tn. R, out town.... 90 00
HTKNO. (R. R out town H'"1
HTH.M). and alerk 0.00
HTKNO. and bkpr. (beginner),.... 4 S 00
T1P18T "tid clerk 60.00
l.iRAFTHMAN (mechanical) 100 00
OFFICK .Mtllt. (Inveatment) 100.00
HAI.KHMA.M (exp. unneeoeeary) . . . B0.00
TKAVFLIMi aaleaman, IIO'i; bl,kpr. and
ateno., S6; uteno., out-of-town, $70; office
clerk, good penman, good at flgur", !!!;
aleno. (city), MI; shipping clerk, !,; ot
flee clerk, young man, lid; seal, bkkpr,,
,',0, Western Referencl, & Hond Aean.,
orlKlnatora of Reference Rua-lncua, 7D2
Omaha Nat. Hank Hldg.
Tt.MP.K V.V, I ' V. K ( o u t n I I o wn. ......... t
It. H. i'LKUK (out. of (own) 4-r.
HTKNO. (out of town).... I!
CI.KItK (dOOl) I'KNMAN) 40
bAl.klSMAN, .bond experience; ateno., 16;
ateno. and bkkpr., 176; office clerk, good
penmen, t g r, ; bkkpr , $40; office clerk, IIMi.
WATTH RF,F. CO., X40 Jlrandeta Theater.
I'ritraaloiia nnd T'rudi-a.
,-tjibllrhod Ten Yeara.
13' -mcity Nntionnl.
WANTkO -A jeweler with a atoek of Jew
elry to lor-ite la e flrat-clsa" drug atore.
Rent naoonabie. Thos. C. Mlnulch, Pal
mer, Neb.
WANTED Foreimin and crew for building
elevators In Missouri. Nebraska, Iowa end
Illinois. Ktate rate required. Younglove,
Kloux City, In.
Trug atore ana ps. jobe. Knelat. Bee Bldg.
Bult-jiinrn and SoltcKiire.
comrnlalou haele wtth full credit for di
rect orders, high claaa man, resident In
Omaha, calling on department stores and
Jobbing hardware trade, to sell kitchen
mid houae furnishing line of one of the
oldeat and largest manufacturcre In the
bualness. Address Box 7, Biatlon A, Wor
cester, Mans.
WANTKU Kxpert salesman for each etate
to select, hire, train mea to sell trade
pulling specialty; beat, newrei, most
profitable In United Mates for salesmen,
retailers, custoinera. Kxpenaea advanced,
weekly wage and commission orders
. taken by salesmen hired and trained. Call
on L. J. howell, General Hales Manager,
Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Neh
VVANTKt) Reliable man In every county.
Hell runes, shrubs, vines, fruits, etc. New
collections, fat sellers. Kvery property
owner a customer. Kxperlcnee unneces
sarj. All or spare time. Jixcellent In
come certain. I'ay weekly. Start now.
Hrown Hrothera Company, itochester,
N. y.
FIRKT class, wide awake specially man,
capable of earning $i'00 monthly, to sell
a well known line In Omaha and vicinity,
Muat be a live wire. Adilreaa I, j5, Hee.
BAUKHMKN wanted to aell merchandise
In Omaha, Nebraska; l'eg Muinos. Hioux
City and Waterluo, Iowa. Call t23 ti.
lath Ht., Omaha, Nebraska.
Ta'Lks.MKN" to sell automobile specialty
in Nebraska. Iowa, touth Dakota, and
Kanaaaj good aide line. SW JleeBldg.
IK YOU have aelUng ability stand
ard See. 4t Jnv. Co.. 1017 VV, O. W
ttiat?., omana.
b0.vlt;rhlN extra good, big money for
the salesman who ia a buaineaa
HII7 W. O. W.
-AI.EtlAlAN to travel in Neb. Stat dard
Kee. and In v. Co.. !"17 W, O. W. Hldg
lln a.
lioVS wanted; lull-it ho 1 Jeara of age, to
learn trade. (lordnn l.awleaa Co., 9th and
Trade Hokuoit
to learn auto work for the big aprlna
rush. Fine training work on autoa and
ectrlo eiurtlng system".
tttVl Farnam St. Oniaha Neb.
VlF.N wanted to ieanl the barber tram.
Tuition l-J. least i'hm Ht., tmiani.
O.M At 1 AH A It I iK It J I.I.K m
Mn wanted lo learn the trade. We
hate ot Initialed a plan to teach it
tiult kly and earn hai k t'Hiioii while
iiarnim to-oa liu iudcd. Open lo every
one. Wilts for cataU'-UV, ll tto. itllt
HI., Olilttlii, Seb
Li Alts baibar, more tnaii make
fuur tuittoi) while lemming. Het of tcAilt
minded Job gwaiani-ed. Call vr wii'.e
for leiali'Kiie. !!.' I'mlge.
Till lilt' 14 A It I? f It l III. I. filet
lle-lela and Meataaraala.
AN I r ! A "lU.l fiaaa v f at lha
I f ii.i.i rtt toiutii, Firm., tit. Neb;
t.,,-1 4t I, the in .lit at e to de-lter
l,e a oi.t- no b-o-te f .te." net. I
piy . lottij:. lata inert tl.f H "tl
a t 'le t I.I-.S1 Ill'M ll- leie.'.ee
tt iteeilau. u.
AKtit ot rni. i Mniii,vii, i s
IS F t Al 'e t-.ce-l ti'neit- ai'1
U! .. i a yl i ti l $. '' '
I him I a,-. t, $ . . ttf '"l
I. . .,, , t'o I. . r. . w erf ', a i i trl
, , t will. (in. I . ,e i no mi. I '' in
l- i, ..M l p v It I ..''a I.t.'iei.
I I, .., i I,- , l'iS .' - I ' (
,'.. a I e. a A, l't
V, ,i.i. I t i.? I - in I 1" a. t ' .
t I i. S t "'1 t . I
M,Vt' -t tl t t'. .l,
a .a i , b in ... a
tt 4 w 4, ' t I ; " ' " I ' 4
,,,. . I I ' I '
I 1
I -
' I 't
t I
I '
1 I , , .' . ' I . ' I '
,. , ' ., 1 . t ',.-' I - ',
, i. .. .,.1 ' t. ""
,,.... r- '
.... I i ;
A Bee Ad-Toh
, , ..,.,..1" ,. - ..,1, .
LvtaTv family uica ao.ip. exlr-ct. toilet ar
tlclea and perfuniesi every ln : v. h:' ilo.l t
let g. t thl" iirulit by s lll r: our Kuiirun
t "m1 product .i? Hig proti'n. i:. lusive
t -rrltory. I'.-araall Jlanulacturnig Co..
Ii' Molnec Iowa
AUKNTS :l,c arllcle needed In fiery home.
HHr profit, uvormun, itoom 4, lim N
17th Ht.
Sliiri'. anil llfflce".
Co5rpKNTff7ce clerkT aoine atcnog
raphy, IIS; lildqir., email office, "oine
atenography, JS0; dleuplione operator,
l5; atciio.. Oliver operator, 100; alcno.,
nine experience, 135; atenn, and elk
eelient chatieo for ad vn iicciiH-ii t, $40; awt't
hlikpr., wholesale, good chance for art.
vanceinent, $j5; "teno. and bkkpr,, out-of-town,
Western Reference e. Hond Aee'n ., Ino.
7r,j Omaha National Rank Ilull'llng.
iTi: siA n u TiicfXPi i on k oVit ri
liKMONHTKATOR . . ., .expemie" and t'il
KTKNOOltA I'll Kit tJi
P. H. X. OI'F.KATOIl $15
WATTS lti;K, CO.. 40 Brandela Theater,
ST KNl V;itAIii Kit ""lout of city) 7. Ill
HTKNOORAI'HKIt (experienced) tS"
No KIX.INH HiK, only Ll) cent" to In
viallifiito references,
TUB JllAltTI CO., 1J2TW.,0.V. Bldg.
HTKNO. ami di laphoiie operator, $16: die
litphono operator, $7Fi; steno., $r,0; ateno,,
$4n; ateno., offloe clerk, good pen
man. $,',o.
WATTH H K V. CO, 140 Brandela TJieater.
"".rofeeeline aim 'I'milra.
"WANTKU l Hi Is" liiflat "work"dcpL Apply
Kvana Mod"l Laundry, 11 tit and IlouKlits.
T.F.AH.v" i7diessiiiv aiTlie oupenueirn.
IHtnaebolil MHO txiuivallc.
WANT Kb .Vent, clean housekeeper for gen
eral housework on farm, moat he good
plain cook; steady place. Wrile Mrs. U.
I,. Rogers, Wiillhlll, Neb. Phone 22 21,2.
WANTKU- White girl for general houue
vork ; must bo good cook; 2 In family; no
washing. Mrs. lilen C, Wharton, tot M.
Jf 7 h . Harney Sf rt -
IVANTF,!) A good clean girl for general
honaework, In ftimlly of two; good w-iges.
Call Mrs. R. II. Htraduo at Demon 422 III
the rimming.
VVANTKO A capable German or Hcaiidl
iisvlsn girl for general homework, 7-r,
hou, 2 In family, phone Harney 31 t .
yoi'N() girl" to assist" In housework, no
wsshlng, no cooking, family of two. 290
Harris, Harney liil,
tioolJ while girl for general housework,
Harney 2041, Mrs, Frank Martin.
WANTli'U A Trustworthy experienced while
nure for children; references required,
Mrs, Dixon. 4 N. th Ht,
WANTFL) Middle-aged woman to care for
Invalid and help with hoiiseworK, net
erenoes; For particulars rail Webster 8iUI.
WANTKU Ail experienced white girl" for
hnuaewotk; no washing; good wage".
Phono Walnut 10112,
1,OOD "r'eiliiliiii colored girl for general
housework, Good wages for right parly.
Call nf, 214 H.20l
WANTKU Girl for g'eueral houaework;
foreigner preferred. Lcmaky, 11) N. 201b
Ht. lied 47tt.
WANTKIi--Experienced girl for general
hoiiarwork, ainsll family, good wagoa.
I'lione Houth JIKKJ.
COM PKTENT girl for general housework;
small family. Phone Harney 2104. 1020
U.Jloth Ave.
AN experienced ajirl for general houaework;
no Ijiumlry. Telephone Harney 2to.
W ANTKU Voung" girl to "asalet with house
work and children. Harney 41122.
KXl'KRIKNCKU while" girl " for general
houuuwork and laundry; small family.
Hajrni-y 09113.
W A.N'i'F.U Young while girl to assist with
housework; In family. Phone Bar,
-ill), for general housework; no washing;
small family. S21K UeiUer H. JlarneyJMj.
WANTKO Kxperlenced nurse girl. 132 o.
3Sth Ht. Telephone Harney BBSS.
CoMPKTKNT white girl for general house
work; good wages, i oirax te
WANTKU Girl for general
Walnut 3029. 61 IS Webster.
Ulfll, for general housework, email family.
112 H. elst. walnut jiiau.
MASnAliK girl wauled. 1:2 tarnam t)t,
Hootnjwo.i a ll 'l ueaoac.
F.very day la enrollment day. Book
keeping, Shorthand, Sttnotype, Type
writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all
Commercial and Engliah branches. Cat
alog uo free.
18th ai d Harney Hta.
Tel. Douglaa 1-VR5.
Uay School for Young Women.
Evening School for Young Men and
Saturday morning; claaa in typewriting.
lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manactr.
30e! S.1kth St. )nara'
HARP Hummer term offer to atudcntg
beKimilns April 15. Harpg furnlehed.
3f"i I,yrl fVlar. IorettaI)'one Studio
Dr. 8. R. Tarry curea pllaa. fttluig
and other rectal dlaeat.a without lurgl
cad operation. Cure guiianteed and n
money paid until cured. Write for book
oo rectal duteaata with teatlmoDlalg.
UK. K. It. TAU11Y. 2e) liee Bldg..
Omaha. Nan.
Vol' Nil wuintin coiiinu to iniiaua at
atinitgcl'a am Invited lo viait hit Vuung
,'ineii Chiisilnn asto. nan u building
al lith HI. and tit. Maiy'a Ave , hi
thi-y will la direcied to suitable boanl
lug pUie" ot other it ite aaaUif-ii, Look
t..i on ti.urleia guide at Ihu lliiou
TMK Salvation Army Industrial home to
ll, lis your old clothing, furniture, mag
aauiea. We c.i .e. t. S e , diatribute.
I ti me lmui.ui 41 ji and our wagon wcl
ta.i. Call mil in." t -r new boiua,
lt.l llltlit I'O'.M tt
I N Ft'ltM A V n aa . AIRerl C Ttue ft
,1 ,4, .fioiaii't Vt4,i l- "lfsi. Ins Wit,', il' -l
111 ait Ut, I il lo I i i Aii-ll I, l'ot
,ul ,.,c,o l.i 1 I 1....-4 I'l I. ..t.t A4-
,ii4 t 4 t h-
I AUS I i't ln.,li, I. a, I'll,', i.'. ,
it,, I,,, k 'tin, veii'li ei ii'oisc, f, i.
I ,.i v K ln,, . t I ii i. aiapi' ). ! N
I't), Ml I'l', 'I') Vi 'C
ki I'TUiu: :';:;.r.:,v'a. .'.v.-
i ..i t'l.oi C4 I ivf wiiii, lut SSiar a
I.. He h'.la
li i.Mi , i t A Si t in wtl IS t i.iU'Jk-
t- m "t I .ti--, I' tlii'td - '"
l.,"l.,tl, lie's . .i.i o I
4' ' l tO' I t' I ' If I '' 'f
llllili t 'HIM ti ' 44-e -4
. . . , , . -a i .4' t I I ' t
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. ... ... I , . C .'it 4 ... .
., W I ' fc .41 I .
.ll t l t "I
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t, k i
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I'll. JoltStti'M. I. HIM ' It ft
It tl Vi I t I .,'. t . .4'-. g
tin t i t t "..! t
111. e .it ti
a i I t ' . -
uf i
Vi ti . I a .
t 19 1 i ft
fails. If you don't get
cr will help you write your ad
clilropndv. Mi.-.-es Orav ( nd fiend. -
:i4 Hnlr t Rik.. nth mi.1 I vou-laa, 1, M.
"l.i i.iI.A Vi'K.ilSTF'l, "maaseuse," .MS
-.-to,, 1 1 1 V; . . in o. m. to II p. m. D, Jj2
.i "w ' 17-Si x t-ift t hat and inanlcurln;
No. 1 Pivldo" Hlk.. tihnna i miier. i'1.
I'HI'v ATK hlime lor iniiterniiy caaea.
Bnhiea adontod. Colfiix 21:. 4418 N. 3Mh.
pl'tll .filt P:n" "tn board and care for. vai
Harney Ht.. upataira. Phone tloug. 3797.
Tslli.t'MATIS.Vi treated gucceaiTfulIyi re
ai ltM cimniiit'd. I 'r.Bowaer. 314 Boo Bldg.
.M'iSH "HA Lt()K.r'i irUtCNflH'"i:'lifA8e
SAHV. IW-l'i NKffl.l.K T,OCK
Hi'lKNTiVlC iiiaiiaege. 610 Bee BldgT
Phono Doug. SIC',.
WANTED Day or night miralng. by colored
gradunte nu'siv Cell li.jitl 1 9,
BATH Blld'masaage. i",22 Feriliilil bt., "cc
oud floor, loom tno.
Furnished llooma.
If you full to find the room
i, ii dcsiia among tlienC nri.t, ctill
al The ill 0 office for a UtMiiTi Ll"l
-lte coiiiplitii di lalloil descrip
tion of Mich lit room in all pans
of llio oily. Jf morn cunvrnieiil
phoim The Phi SS'ant Ad Dept.
and give j'bui' nnmc onil adtlf.-ea,
and a Hat ttill be ni.illid tu ou
at mice. N'uw llsta uio iuaued
evrry vvcek,
WKAt'TlrTLLV furnTahed. ery large
rooms; private bath and pon-li; ulili
1,'ood boiird. If d'slrcdt private tsbis.
I'hoite Hiirney I7:)ti,
WUI.I, ftirnli'hed large front room, privi
lege of garsire, $4 per week; beakfunt If
desired. 2I''0 Ho. 8 3d Ht.
JI4 NO, iTII -Twclvn-ioom' flat "new (y
furniahed and decora lee); alrktly mod
ern; Kleeplng rooma only.
TUHhK tilfciy I Hi in-lied rooiim: good
location; closu In; very leaaoiiahlo, :14
N. 2Al Ii SI.
UKHI It A Itl.K cool room for gcnilemsn,
IVeat I'sruitnt, wslkliiK distance, all mod
ern conveniences. Harney (1192,
NICKI-V furnished loom, prlvolo hoiee"
walking dlaliince. IH.U b, 22d. T)ler
l.Altlil'; sleeping porch, modern, "private
home, Hiiitnbiii for two. Webster 1127.
I.AROK room for rent, prefer two genlle
meii or men and wlf"; close in; rates
reasonable. Douglas t'jsij.
NEW LV furniaiied room with prlvaiefanoT
lly; hoard oplional; very reasonable; re
duction lo right parly. Colfax 3B2H.
$" Ft'itNIHH ED rooms for" light boiuekeep'
log et 2el2 Leavenworth (St.. over vlflce,
$4 per week. I'hone fiouglaa 97,
TWO tieaiitifiii front rooms, closii ItT, for
couple or two girls. T'ler 2i,73-W.
2417 JONEK Large, well furnished mom;
very desirable for one or two gentlemen,
Tyler 242.
24o IIARNT-fe'aiF'furnlahi. rmimaT
atrlctly iiiodern, separate or adjoining.
2317 DOIJiit.AH Nice cool front room," suli
ahle for two gentlemen. Doug. lil3.
2"l24 DoL'Ci.AH HT. New" flat nicely ur7
nlshed; cool rooms; plenty of hot water,
NICKI,. furnished room, middle aged per
sons. 1H N. 17th, Webslar f.2'MI,
HOl'TH room with alcove, lwn porch, gar
age; reterencea given, 2)24 f!kH.
i p ) FAKNA.M Nicely furnished" roo"ln;
private family; desirable location.
2 Nit.'EI.V fiirninheii rooio-i, close Tn, will
rent separate. Iiouglns xr.sti.
41 7 n7"i STH F.iegaiitly funilahed ;-eirco7i-venleneea;
private fainily. Red 791.
MCKLf lurnialieil loom, ,v.' lu, ail
modern, M H. tl Ht.
21,32 CAIMTol, AVB
with kitchen, Doug.
front ruuin
HI. VERA!, or singln rooms nicely furnished,
2SS l.tvi nworih Ht.
224 N720TH HT, Parlor and two alceplng
rooma Tyler tut.
2 NEWLY furnished rooms, runt reasonable.
1402 NoL2Mh Ht. t
Nic'BfTY furii"tsh"ed"rooin. 20lT"Ch"icsto.
'liiiiBeke'cplna: fiuiinia.
BKAU1 1FULLY " furniaiied"" all "modern" 4
room apt. for light housekeeping, consist
ing of large kitchen, pantry, bedroom,
nice, large living room and den and sleep
ing porch; everything furnished; in Hans
enm park district, on car line; reason
able to right party. Call Harney 4673,
T1IRKK connecting rooma and i suitos of
rooms, light hou"ekeeping, modern con
veniences. In new apartment, reasonable.
"'Inrney 6"67,
ON K pretty small aulla for adults, 804
Houth tth Ht.; walking distance; $3. to.
Harney 1B,1. '
THItKK and four-room apartment, modarnT
near 2022 California, cheep.
Hii-DRET fl A I'T 8, 2 rooma furnished;
new; steam he&t, elec. light; gaa ranges;
laundry. Hee these last. 2Slli-24 Uavenpori.
8. 27TH, 909 Two" coxy, light ""basement
rooms jTurnlshed; gas range ;"lnk.
$ OH 4 furnished modern llght-hotisskeep-tng
roonis, 2(10 Davenport HI. Heat
rooms In city for money, i'hone Red 619
2002 Harney I nice large room for house
keeping: all newly furnished; also sleep
jug rooms, Barney t?C0.
Davenport, 2fi21-Tjutaliio 2-r. apt., refrlg.,
elec. It., gaa range, kltch. cab, 13.50 up.
aa H, Ulli 3 or i housekeeping rooms
cheap. CalMir phoneli. 649L
U6 8, 29TH HT. Two parlor rooma, mod
ern, newly furnlshed.Harney 149.
LIGHT iieusakeeplng rooms; nice locallon"
rent reasonable. liouglas 69:;a,
KUI'.N'TZK PLACE Large room, modern,
everything furnlshed.Webter 410s.
fiODGK HT., 2671 Large room and kitchen,
In private home.
ONE sulto light houaekeeping rooms; walk
ing distance. T ler 24S2.
Board and Rnemt,
NICK, clean front room, good board, suit
able for 8 young men or man and wife;
alao single room; home cooking, fine lo
tation. Phone Webster fit) 7 1 .
FU it.N I.SITei roonis. w ith or wTlimut
hoard; modern and private home: r.a
annalila. 643 H. 24th Ave.Rei 4329. ,
SialHT. MARY'M Ave., bourd and inoinr
$4 M and $i, oo per week. Hest of servi, ,,'t iiuAliD, tleitilo light and
liath. "' ' .
Honiiia HsnleA,
CALL TMK 11 CP. n.tiM AP IH'.l l.
and find out all about the Fl'RNIHIli;.U
ROOM OUIDK. It a plan that it
helping muny peoplu rent their looma.
I nf iirnlawrtl Hiiome.
t41 H. ;rtlt l nfurnlalirvl Ileus, ki .-plug
rnnme, single or ell sillle. llari.ey J.,.,,.
4 IlliuM apt. g-'S and loiiet. ln, I loum
apt., $t; .1 rooilia. Ia l'"iig. v-3
7-4 V 2ID HnlU of I'-auUf'lt ruoiiit, (list
floor; i.tereii'ts. nm i.s.
othi-r iinuilia newseaii, t it
lug Mi) w In ii near tlie 1'tog
111 lit IV an! A. ii'lutmei a.
lll.K t 4 ,VI'H;t. PAID
SUrih. I'l Ibio Mai't.
... C Sl HI 1, I' VI ft .Vi'll
-i tin
A I ia)
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AiNtrtilirnla auo Hug
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