THE OMAHA Sl-XIUY I'.KK: MAY -J I. mm. ? A TIT O 17 IT YvT" 1U7 TIT TT IT1 15T fh I TTT T!7 N MAY 25 U-tHllL 11 VV JL iL FA -HI O) FX VU' V 11 MS MOTHER GISH 00T; PLAYS ODRGLAR Enterprising Second-Story Man Tries to Dig Down Family Sock, But Is Prevented. GISH GIRLS' FORTUNE IS SAVED Twii a few bells after midnight and Los Angeles slept. This state ment includes the Oish family, com posed of Lillian, Dorothy and their doting mother. There wait nothing doing in the Gish bungalow except a considerable amount of sleeping. Enter burglar, K. U, E,, or wher ever the roof of the porch is, in the domicile of the Gitthe s. With the cat like tread favored by all burglars who have had proper training, he eniered the chamber of Mrs. (iish. The burirlar. it is surmised, thouclit the Gish family had either jrwels or money. Just why he thought moth er's room would be the repository for such loot is not clear, but anyway he must have thought that, or he wouldn't have been there. Anyway, what he did was to flash a flashlight on the unsuspecting countenance of Mrs. Gih. ' he first flash didn't quite get over. "Myl My! muttered the mother of two pay envelopes, "these lightning atornia certainly do come up sud denly. Guess I'll put down the win dow." She had hoisted herself up on one elbow, when a hiss from the burglar topped her. "Nud" was the burden of his hiss. "Nix, ladyl Stay right where you re." "My good man." replied Mrs. Gish, "did you think I had any intention of rising, after I discovered your pres ence? The midnight visitor here commit td a technical blunder of consider able consequence. Without replying to Mrs. Ginli'a query he removed hi searchlight from her to sweep it around the room. "Where's yer dougbr he growled hoarsely. Mrs. Gish reached one hand quickly under her pillow. "In that dresser she answered. The burglar Jumped for the piece of furniture indicated. fiangl A bullet missed the marauder by a bare four feet and plugged a picture of Dorothy in the left dimple. The burglar fled into the hall, and lost hi way. Downstair he dajhed, with mother in pursuit, blazing away it every jump. Dorothy and Lillian awoke. "What' that, I wonder, sister dear?" quoth Lillian, "Search me," answered Dorothy. "Sounds like somebody was making i Keystone comedy in the front hall." The sister bravely ventured forth, after donning their most bewitching kimonos, and peeped over mother' shoulder while ahe fired her last shot at a burglar disappearing over the front lawn. Then Lillian telephoned for the police. They came but, not being of Mack Sennett' force, were unable to do anything except ask questions and clutter up the front doop. No blood stain were discovered, so it is thought Mrs. Gish did not hit the burglar. "Iiut I brt she scared him!" said Dorothy. None of the policemen would take the bet boulevardTffers good bill to patrons today ONE OF THE WORLD FILM COM PANY'S LEADING STARS, W v-, ' A 1 y 4 f, ; , , , J - U7 ' 1 ' i Robert Warwick "Peg 0' the Ring" Makes a Big Hit Thnaa who heee eeen the firat few epaoiiea of "V'U O' The Hint" pronounee it on of the llellaet aerlale that have ever been preaented to movfe fana. The thing tha ttakee to well about It la the Inlenaa In. tereat that tha actinn develops from tha vary a tart. Somehow there la an Interaat In tlreua action that fete bald of people )mt aa tha amel) of tha aawduat fata in their nnatrlla when they vlalt a real elrrua. But when we it In tha flare of the elrrne faallghte and a elite flniehed performance wa realize lit tle of tha real clreua Ufa that foes on be hind the eaneae. Tha feellnta and tha mo tlona, tha romance If all hid, but n 'Tea o' the Rln" wa cat a view of elrena life that hertofora baa been only for rirrui fulk. EMPRESS THEATER" HAS STRONG BILL THIS WEEK Old Newspaper Shop To Be changed Inot Photo-Play House Work la proareaainf rapirllr nn wrecking the old World-Herald building at 1410-12-1 4 Famam preparatory to erecting the handsome new photoplay houaa for the World Realty Company. Thla theater when completed will be one of the Urgent ahow hnunea in the city. The aeatlna capacity will he 1,600 lurua, roomy neat. The frontage will he aiily-aii feet and th eheight will be four aioriei. Only the officea of tha eompany will occupy the front of tha building upatalra. The World Realty company la capltallted for 1160,000 and none of th eatock te for aale. Tha principal ownera are 8. II. Gold berg and Harry Goldberg. Theee young mm have been eonerted with Omaha's pho toplay tnduarty for more than aix year ami are heavily Inteaeated In the Prlnceaa thea ter on Pouglae atreet. Tha new theater, which hea not yet been named, will be entirely of fireproof con atmctlon and It ia announced will ba the firat of a atrlng of theaters contemplated by thla eompany. "THE HAND OF PERIL" AT THE FARNAM TODAY The story of "The Hand of Peril." the photoplay at the l-arnam today, is by Arthur Stringer, wIiokc tales of mystery and crime detections are known all over the world. The star of the play is House Peters, one of the mott natural and appealing of screen actors. As the title indicates "The Hand of Peril," is a narrative of sensational criminal exploits and the daring deeds of a government detective. A de lightful love tory runs through the entire picture. The picture includes a number of remarkable mechanical device that add to it thrilling character. 'if P'it'(i1'in'"f":Er",1;',,Mt'i''W-i'1 h n rrrt.Hrrn i . u l i w -if ji r' m ju wi i l'.:lllllllliil STRAND POLICIES SAME AS OPENING DA Y At the Boulevard today (he patrons will have the opportunity to see C ar Ivle Blackwell in an Equitable offer ing, "The Shadow of Doubt." This story has been reviewed in these col umns and most Bee readers are fa miliar with the theme. It is a drama conveying a message of vital import to every man and woman and is a typical Carlyle Blackwell photoplay. In addition to the feature a good one-reel comedy is billed making a program that ought to please Boule vard patrons. Beginning today the F.mpres starts its screen bill with "The spirit of '61." In the story the spirit of '61 saves the day and the lives of many men besides winning a strike, The miner decide to strike because of the tyranny of the men in charge. Against the advice of an old grocer, they determine to send down the grade to meet I he incoming train a car of dynamite which would end the lives of all upon it. The grocer see ing the riderless horse of his niece, investigates, and discovers the plot. Acting quickly he succeeds in stop ping the tram just in time. The owner who was a comrade of the grocer in the civil war is on the train and listening to the pleading of his friend give the men their de mands. The vaudeville program for the first half consists of "The Four Rubes," "Millie Steven A Co.," Madam Sampson & Co.," "Carl and Beth," singers and dancers. J he picture program tor the sec ond half of the week consists of "The Pretender," a drama in two parts, from the studio of the Ameri can Film company, accompanied by "fiermatic Love," Vogue comedy, "Twenty Minutes in Magic," "The Detccters" and "Seeing America No. 32." ALICE BRADY STARRING AT THE GRAND TODAY GRAND THEATER it awd anmirr. ( TODAY ' ALICE BRADY "THEN I'LL COME BACK TO YOU" A World nim Oo. lrodaotlo atemambar tb Mori Ball, Kay 85. Alice Rrady, the delightful little World Film atar, ia aeen today at tha Orand, Six teenth and Binney, in "Then Ml Oome Back to You." Alice Brady needa no Introduc tion and the play haa been reviewed In theae eolumna before. Tha Orand ha new pipe organ, which la much enjoyed by the patrona of thla popular North Bid houae. mmwmmmmMMmmtmmam LYRIC TODAY, 16th & Vinton C M1BT rOXLEB n vv fa ir MTIraa nr wrr." aJao "T n ooiaz. wwrasH" Koarlor Comady. Kam amber tha Movie Ball. Kay 98. n h Grow With Growing Omaha Watch tbe profrreM on oar hndnmA new theater, 1410-12-14 FaroAm ftt. Kady for yoor approval fVpt. IS. World Really Company Kovl Ball Kay 98. TT On Rpptombor 14th the Strand Thoator opeo-d it jj doors to the picture-goon) of Omaha with a fixod policy of presenting feature pictures with proper musi cal accompaniment. Today the managnraent can point with pride to th fact that not a single change in policy has boon made funce that time. i iTfT .Ve originally started changing onr program every JJ Sunday, Tneaday and Friday today we are doing the same. T Our first program rvmfdsted of a feature, together jj with comedy and weekly or scenic. Today we nre offering the very same program. TT From the very outset we had a high clss symphony jj orchestra, giving proper musical interpretation to the pictures. Today our orchestra is even larger than when we opened. rr Onr first pipe organ, which pleased our patrons, has been replaced by the sixth largest motion pic ture pipe organ in the United States, but we have not dispensed with onr orchestra on this account. gT! Our admission prioea today are just the same as j when we opened. jrrr Absolutely the only difference between the Strand today and the day we opened is THAT INSTKAD O -' HEINO LOOKED UPON AS A .IOKE BY THE CITIZENS OF OMAITA, AS IT WAS AT THAT TIME, TODAY IT STANDS AS OMAHA'S FORE MOST PICTURE THEATER, ANT) ONE OF THE PI ACES OF INTEREST OF THE CITY. MJ "Whereas when we came here, despite the very best J of financial referents, we mn hardly get any one to do business with ns-today, the very name of STRAND in ' the Omaha business world means any amount of credit we desire. T Another pleasing thing to us is the fact that Strand jj methods are daily copied by theater managers, not only in Omaha, but in the surrounding territory na well, which simply goes to show THAT WE STARTED THE STRAND ON THE RIO HI1 FUNDAMENTAL PRIN OIFLEfl, AND TODAY IT IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED SUCCESS. rrr Quit another factor that hnj) made the Strand suc jl cessfnl in the efficient corps of employes who re main identically the same, with one exception, and she's still vitally interested, though in another capacity, as when the theater opened. These persons have labored hard to make the house get over, and we wish to pub licly thank them for their hard and earnest effort. ffT You'll hear one person compliment Strand projec JJ tion, another Strand rrrasio, another Strand organ, another Strand pictures, another the cozinees of the theater, another th cleanlinosa, bnt yon will hear far moro flattoring remarks about the theater than other wise. gT We are here to stay to plea) yon year in and il year out, and we wiah to pablioly thank you for the kind manner in which yon have assisted u put the. house over. TT Our program this week is tmrMmalTy strong com mencing today, when the offering ia H. B. Warner, in "The Beggar of Cawnpore," as well as a Keystone comedy, while for .Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurnday come the delightful Triangle Kiddie and Norma Tal madge in a striking ohAraotorinition, the "Children of the House," to bo followod Friday and Saturday by Vir ginia Pearson, in "Blazing Love." 4Tf Tjxst, but by no means least, don't forget the Big W Movie Ball at the Auditorium Thursday night It's something new in Omaha fihndotn. f i it j t J j t . P'p'IrWfllPjBfrltl r,r;iiJliiui!.iLiaiiJiiiLiiiLri ,nmM Orpheum Theater TODAY finm Berfd of Mutual Moylr anil Tlirf Acts of Vauilpvllle. WEDNESDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "CARMEN" Pout Forget Morto May 2ft. VAUDEVILLE EVERY DAY AT 2, 3:30 7, 9:15 Wtfaaajilumullll..lll..lIMII I I MiaBMMMaataaaWe umaemeaaup ilia unma, a, i ia i a n a aawaew n n iiuii mu i hiii.i pnai llwwp''W''aPVll'l,,?l',': ..u.mmm aaw-.j-...j. i japJJBJnjR Wflrrl' ' IWafflPr "aaMB miii in it mirnmm i ' r in in m mnii Timira mimn'iei ' ruianiittitiaa inn i nn iinnai ..inii.neM, i mr i iiiiniiriinnnma) Continuous Performance FROM ii a. ri. TO 11 P. M.I THE HOME OF THE BIG DOUBLE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS r aeaaeeaeeaeaaaaaBaaBaaaaaeeeaaaaBaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaa Brightest Spot in Omaha 24th and Farnam Douglas 7870 L E TODAY AND MONDAY IMMIMDN RKVFU.K iiml MMXCl I 1UTK KNOW, In "THE HALF MILLION BRIBE" rUrllllrm Pritnia lLaaml Vpm "Till'. Itr:il Mol H.," tl ;rt Myntrry Slory. Mllinr of Mute Stifffr wn WwUIt, Tl IWIHY ami Vi:iM HHY Ann Murdoclc anc Richard C. Travers "CAPTAIN JINKS OF THE HORSE MARINES" Till U.Hlt.tV In 'tll H I Ull MV D u Engagement Extraordinary BSLLIE BURCiE In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" IK4.IM 1 IHIlsilN ,! , IHNhM Mir W, H "THE HUNTED WOMAN" f tMpWraaaa, rcnFonMANCtsi Suntljyt, Contliuioui, 1 to 11 Week Day. 1 to 5, 7 to 11 V m mi,, ejiiniiaM iiii tiMnii n i I 1 Tl n FIRST HALF OF WEEK VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAYS FIRST HALF OF WEEK SUNDAY TO WEDNEDAY Jg SPIRIT OF '61" THE FOUR RUBES In Three Parts With THE mOKVILLE MINSTREL GRACE De CARLTON, GEORGE MARL0 and MILLIE STEPHENS & CO. A Fine Human Interest Story Full of Character and Action. Comedy Sketch, "AUNT BELINDA'S LEGACY." r-r Bungling Bill's Dream lacJaiTI SampSOn CI trO. A VOGUE COMEDY MADE FOR LAUGHING "IN THE DAYS OF CAESAR." PURPOSES. BURT AND BETH CARL AND RHEIL DOME'S AWFUL NIGHT THE ESSENCE OF REFINEMENT IN SONGS, TALK ' MUTUAL WEEKLY AND DANCING. LAST HALF OF WEEK LAST HALF OF WEEK Little Hip & Napoleon "THE PRETENDER" THE ELEPHANT AND THE CHIMPANZEE. In Three Tarts UNUSUAL STORY OF LOVE AND ADVENTURE. 3 CONWAY GIRLS "ftconn atip 1 OVF" SINGING AND DANCING NOVELTY. laUltlVlM I ll MmJ V C VOGUE COMEDY-JUST WHAT THE NAME IMPLIES. HAYS AND NEAL TWENTY MINUTES IN MAGIC. THE 80AP SALESMAN. THE DETECTERS, COOK AND ROTHERT A Hw"y A COMRDV HKETGH S1T.INQ AMHtlOA NO. .17. ICDe ADB8ISSI0M --Resonred Seats 2 Next VVccK-CHARLIE CHAPLIN In Ills Lntcst. "POLICE" j