TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY REE:' MAY 21, l!MB. ELCOME PHOTO PLAY STARS TO OMAHA New Omaha Band of Which Albin Huster is the Efficient Director r r v TAe Universal' s Greatest of All Serial Photo Plays ' 66 ADVENTURES OF w UTb TV jlTL ID0 Peg O the Kmg WaWWI r 15 WEEKS-FEA TURING-30 REELS GRACE CUNARD and FRANCIS FORD TTTR ADVKSTL'KES OK PEG O' THE HIVO" mUlni aJl the lore of tho rir-rii life ItAlf, with the addition of strong, hunwin Intercut story, doe-p lr romance, ttirlllw and nnemdlng Urnt life) on the road. A Triumphant Ho Offlc Attraction Which Will Hmah All Hon Records. HOOKED KXfJfifBIVBIiT IIY The Laemmle Film Service, Omaha, Neb. v. WE LCORflE EXHIB ITCR: Make Our Office Your Headquarters While in Omaha Wo ii d Film Corporatioei PH. GOLDSTOHE, Mgr. 1508 Harney St Over Hipp Theater h, Sfo-Q$A " ? rip! The Omaha Hand, whiih will play at th Movl Ball, Mar 25, It an oriraniratlon of th baa tmualriana In Omaha. For a lont tlma there baa bran nada for an of- THREE STRONG PLAYS ON BILL AT THE MUSE ficial city band, ona that would represent tha city and ba an advertlaenieiit wherever It appeared. lndr tht direction of Mr. Albin Hxater a company of muairian hava hen Btrm blad that ara itennd to nonv in thi hcc tlor. of tha country. At th Muvln Hull tha full band of ona hundred mmicUrn will Tha Hai th In weak haa a atrong bill for tha conaideratlon of Ha patron. !) (Inninf today and continuing Monday tha of faring la "Tha Half Million Brlba." Tha atory daala with a man who haa a rich wifa. Through th marhlnatlona of an other man he ia accuiad of murder and to aara him th wife offera tha diatrict at torney a half million dollar, all aha haa. Th diatrlct attorney Inetcad proaacuta him and gate him convicted. Then th real murderer confeaaea and th huaband I rdeaaed. But th diatrlct attorney keepa th money. Finally th huaband learn of th bribe and go to th diatrlct attorney. Several yeara have paaaed and the convlrtd man ba reformed and become a worthy fellow. Th dlatrtot attorney then go to a aaf and produeea all the aeeuritlea, none of which he haa touched, but which he hold with the purpoa of making a man out of Challoner, by reducing him to poverty. Tuday and Wedneaday Ann V unlock and Richard Travart, on of th atari com ing to th movl ball, appear In "Captain Jink of th Hon Marin," an adaptation of th famous novel by CI yd Fitch, pro duced under th Eaaanay banner. Thuraday only Robert Kdeaon and other Vltagreph tar appr In '"for a Woman'i Nam." Friday and Saturday Virginia Pearaon and 8. Rankin Draw ar atarred in "The Hunted Woman." Prank Keenan and Charlee Ray la "Th Coward." Th battle ran In thia play ar fully qual to thou In "Th Birth of a Nation" and wa produced by the aame director, D. W. Griffith. Thuraday Sellg play, with Tom Mix tn "Th bay of th Thundering Herd," a atory of '4, allow ing much expert horaemanahlp and thou nd of buffalo. Friday ia billed Lillian Ulkh in "Daphne and the Pirate." Satur day ealla for a Metro with Mm a. Fetrova In "My Madonna." MOORE'S MOTHER HOP ED HE WOULD BE THE LAST LOTHROP THEATER OFFERS "THE LAST ACT" TODA Today ejiel tomorrow th Lothrop theater haa Beeal Barrlacale In a Triangle offer ing, "Th Laat Act" Tuaaday a Fox pro duction with Wa, Fexnum In "The Bond- in." 'The Bondman" la one of the etrngt dramaa that ha been offered Omaha photoplay fana In recent month. Wedneaday coma another Tflangl with It Fifteenth and Harney Stt. Phon Doug. S069 Announcement xtraordinary OMAHA'S FUN CENTER FHONC DOOO. 1M h WORLD AND PARAMOUNT PHOTOPLAYS We are pleased to an nounce to the public a new policy in the operation of tho Hipp Theater. Beginning today we have secured tho first run on the entire output of the General Film Co., cons'ifting of one, two and three-reel features. This we believe to be tho fin tt mixed projaam obtain able. F.very Sunday and Thurs day we will present the wonderful Sol ig Tribune, conceded to be the best wf-ekly news film manufac tured. Tberw will be comedies i-very day, ?n that you may 'jH't a huish every time n eome to thin theater. 'H e j-rowrram will change tlniy, l'.v-ry tin.e you cosne ht re yon will ee a dlffertMit ! ! Jure. ltvefiUAe (f l.e f.hrt featuri's you can dr' in fr a I i'r hour tr 'ay r rg Ii a V tt lik, A, 0 e Hij'j I'? i . r. from U &, ru. to 11 tn. !' I ?! f..t will r-'nsntainc'il, IOC VA ANNOUNCEMENT Today we are announcing a new summer policy for this theater. Starting today thia theater, Omaha' Fan Center, opent at a photo play house. World and Paramount Photoplayt will be presented. Read thit advertisement and you will see that we haoe the best features only PROGRAM WEEK OF MAY 21st SUNDAY AND MONDAY World Film Corporation presents THE LITTLE STAR OF THE EAST alsce Emm In a Pastoral Play, Produced In a Most Ideally Suited Atmosphere "TANGLED FATES" WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Daniel Frohman Presents The Captivating HAZEL DAWN In a Dramatic Romance of the Mountains "THE FEUD GIRL" FRIDAY and SATURDAY OLIVER M0R0SC0 Presents GEORGE BEBAN The We It-Knottti Portraytr of Italian Characters In "PASQUALE" His Greatest Triumph Written by George Deban and Lawrence McClatkey III, I. Mi lllLe evenings ::sav: :s: Tom Moor, who I etarrd with Mia Anna Nllaaon In "Who' Guilty?" th new Path aeriea of photo-dramaa, produced by th Arrow Film corporation, wa bom In Ireland. Hla parenta moved to th United 8atea when Tom w II yar aid and fet tled In Cleveland. Theg had Irian neigh bor and Tom neve rhaa forgotten aom of hi youthful experience!. Th other day h wa In Cleveland lookd up the folk of the old neighborhood. Mure, enough, In the aame houae, right next dor to where th Moor had lived, h found that Daniel Carr, hie good wife, Briditet, and their namarou offepringa a till reaided. Daniel, who I a freight engineer, w away at th railroad yarda with th thre oldeat a ona whan Tom called then, but Tlridget Carr waa home. So war tour other little Carre, ringing from I year up t ol4. In her arm Bridget held th latt arrival, a baby about 2 montha old. "Well, Mr. Carrl There yon ar with another little Carr In woir arm," aald Tom. "Another It la, M lather Moore," replied Mr. Carr. "An' It a m that bopin' tbla on i th' eaboo." Journeys With Photo Players Helm Holme and her Signal Film impany, under the direction of J. J . tne feature, "Medi cine Hend," the crjucl to "Whisper ing Smith." The. film play. " Frank 11. Spearman' novel, soon will go east With hi work out of the way, Minn Holmes is busy with the scenario for "Judith of the Cumber lands," Alice McGowan's novel, and the company will probably produce this story on their return from Hono lulu, where they will film exteriors for "The Diamond Runners." rnmnanv. McGowan, have completed arenea of the five-reel give their initial performance in publli). A aummer Chautauqua la now beinn bonked by thia band and It will appear in all th leading eltiea of the wait. the hardest, for in it there was much ! double exposure work, and in one I scene, at Uunt, she changed her cos-- tume many times. Miss Stednian, I though, says she likes her work when I she can see results as easily as in "The American Beauty" while her di rector, William D, Taylor, warmly ap proved of her performance. He said Miss Stedman is the most willing worker he has had. GIRL DOES RISKY STUNTS IN "SUBMARINE PIRATES" Juanita Hansen, star of th Ameri can serial, "The Secret of a Sub marine," is called upon to do mighty risky "stunts" in the picture, but by so doing she is winning the gratitude of George Sargent, who is directing the big patriotic picture. Juanta is very plucky, and her work already is bringing her many letters from ad mirers of her fine performances. The serial is due to make her well known throughout the country. MOVIES AND VAUDEVILLE AT NEW ORPHEUM THEATER The New Orphenm tn Sooth Omaha of fera Ita patrona an eclulv program to day, with aeven reela of Mutual photoplay and three act of vaudaville. Wedneaday the bill ealla for, Charlie Chaplin In "Car men," or "Throwing tha Bull." Francis Ford and Grace Cunard, .lirerted and taken the lead ing parts in the big serials produced so successfully for the Universal, are again in charge of the big "U" serial, "Peg O' the Ring." The popular couple began work again this week, starting with the sixth episode, at which point they had arrived in the thrillinor circus story when the diffi culties arose which temporarily severed their connection with Univer sal. Since that time many rumors were heard concerning the making of the serial, but the various proposals all were finally rejected by the com pany, and the two star reinstated. They have their own studio now at Cower and Sunset streets, Hollywood, and work entirely separately from the Universal city studio. Cleo Madison, Universal leading woman directress, has received many compliments for the fine piece of work she did in "Her Bitter Cup," which she recently produced. In the picture she takes the role of a woman who sacrifices her honor to be of as sistance to her poor, down-trodden friends. In it there is much oppor tunity for eii.otional work, and Miss Madison gave a finished, artistic per formance. Kathleen Kerrigan wrote the scenario. In "The Emissary," which Miss Madison is working, she develops a strong story of a woman wrongfully shut tn an insane asylum, who falls in love with the physician who be friends her. Antrim Short, clever juvenile at (lie Universial studio, is a real boy. When he is not taking part in a western drama or being featured in a boy's play, he enjoys most going fishing or spending his days among his athletic collection. Antrim, who lives with his mother and sister, Gertrude, both of whom arc in the. pictures, has a reg ular youngster's room. School and college banners decorate the walls and he has cameras, guns, boxing gloves, fishing rods and other para phernalia dear to a younth's heart Antrim, who is the only boy in stock at Universal, also prizes highly the many signed photographs on his walls of the noted artists with whom he ha played. Myrtle Stedman, the accomplished star of the Pallas films, has completed her work in "The American Beauty." Her part was one of the best she has ever had, and certainly it was one of The General Film Co. Inc. WILL Welcome Their Customers TO THE Motion Picture Men's Convention AND Movie Ball, May 25th C. W. TAYLOR, Mgr., 20S S. Ulh St., OMAHA Mthr) Our ffl Your llrtrter While In tha Ot. Now that the "Mary Page" serial is completed, Henry B. Walthall again will be seen in F.ssanay feature films for which his friends and admirer, will be profoundly thankful. The F.ssanay forces are preparing some big themes for him. Despite his re cent court experiences while success fully defending the Balboa $20,rW suit against him, Walthall enjoyed hi trip to Los Angeles and returned ready for another seige of work. Ollie Kirkby, the rlvacloua heroine of "The Social Pirates" and known wherever the Kalem serial it shown, still laughs now and then at the blunder made by a visitor of the Kalem studio when Ollie was just providing "atmosphere." The blun derer, a gushing tpe of woman, ap proached Miss Kirkby one day and began praising her performance in a picture she mentioned: "My dear," she said, "you were positively charming. Your work at so-and-so was fine. So different from that of the other young women who supported you." Miss Kirkby struggled to conceal her humiliation and wounded feelings. Why? Just because the woman had made a mistake, and praising the work of another actress, criticised that of Ollie Kirkby. But no one could make nat Kind of a mistake now that Miss Kirkby is rapidly rising to still higher prominence as a Buccaneer. George Fisher, who playa the iih ficult and delicate role of the Christui In Thomas H. Ince's huge spectacle, Crvihration," live at the beach town cf Venice, CaL, near the studio, and each morning enjoys a plunge in the surf before breakfast Now despiti the warm southern California sun. ths air Is sharp and cool at 6 o'clock in tha morning and Fisher one morning was eapmg, alapping himself and tumbling about to bring his circula tion to a glow. A party of eastern tourists, out for an early constitu tional along the strand, stopped to watch him and one said, "That must be Charlie Chaplin without his make up. See the curly hair?" "No," said another. "Your'r wrong. That's W illiam S. Hart, the migh rider. He always doe, that in the mommy to get in the proper mood to kill a dosen Indiana.1' J, U'.rren fee,l. rti tarsal t, finishfi the la,t scene In he feature. " 1 he Sler,t Battle," he V i forMk M"' '"I'd street of follyvood for the niKK-d slope, cf spend about a month fishing and imping Kerrigan has put In many month, wuhmit a let,,,., and U say. th. of ,he wild" sound strong prrrsM (rtf hit (uh. 1 and h .,, ,(ir ovrr hi;fp; ha. Mr . .!,, ... ,, roarhrwi. and other ctiMue f lht f, H4ers art. C !.(.., .,, ,r (l srasoit n..w an t K(,j Extendi a hearty welcome and a cordial invitation to exhibitors to make the PATHE OFFICE Ttil Hmitiuaf trr tthitw 4tiui!nal 1t t.lo fu tr Men's I "iMtfenllaxt till 1 tt fain. If hi firwl arltiAl( er.m, "l l..h Vswall, U w1 ait tu (It lmi4 1 Sealer t ) l ), jlua4 tmgt II m wvtfe I ? PATHE FILM EXCHANGE. Inc. 1311 Farnam St. Phone Dougbi ISIS tun. nrr J V