Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 34

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    THE O.NfAIIA KIXDA V BEE: MAY 21, 1916.
- Fi
A. C. Davenport Addrmci National
Live Stock Exchange on Value
of Exchange Service.
Cincinnati, O., May 20. A. C Dav
enport, manngrr of an Omaha trade
'after, today told the inenihrr if llif
National Live Stock exchange, in rs
f.i'in here, that the live stock ex
change in indispensahle to the live
.lock producer. He was speaking on
"The Value of the Live Stork ex
change" "While there will alwayi be dis
pute a to rntmniions charged hv
mrniltrr of the live Mock e xchntf"
Mr. Davenport laid in part, "and 11
charge that the exchange maintain
fixed commission that ran neither
he rained nor lowered by any indi
vidual, that is all that can he found
tin the debtor aide of the ledger.
"On the other side there in a long
airing of credit that prove the value
fif a live slock exchange to all con
rented in the live stock business; the
credit that have placed the live
Mock business on a firm bushiest
footing and which have been brought
about by the exchange.
"In the main the exchange ts cred
ited with three thing - it ha saved
the producer many more million dol
lar on the dockage of hog; it ha
aaved them many more million dollar
through better railroad rate and
service and ha saver) the producer
many metre million through the en
forcement of honest method and the
prevention of fraud.
"The live atork exchange i also
credited with preventing favorilim,
meeting the solicitor evil, improving
market condition, enforcing promiit
payment for stock aold, ramus; the
standard of busmen integrity, keep
ing the crook out of the commission
tuinei, making the tame condition
for all men, big and little; giving
every stockman the right to buy or
ell lii own Dock; acting a a court
ef appeal for every shipper who
feel aggrieved; enforcing the careful
handling of atock, thti saving ihip
per lo, and the prevention of ntie.
tionable transaction by punishing
the traiigreor,
"And these fourteen credit by no
mean exhaust the number of item
to be found on the credit lde of the
live atork exchange. The exchange
ttaa proved by it own act to he in
dispensable to live stock producer.
It value i limited only by the value
of live tock industry."
Sherman Buys the
Ware Hall Property
The biggest tale of real etlale nego
tiated during the week wa that of the
M are Jlall property, faring aouih on
I'arnani street between Thirty-fifth
avenue and Thirty-sixth street, to
Charle H. Sherman of the Sherman
Met onnrll Drug company. '1 he sale
represented, it i said, in the neigh
borhood of $45,000. Mr, Sherman will
build row of one-story ttore build
ing on the property, which ha
frontage of 222 feet. Plan are being
drawn by Architect Pappke, and con
struction work is to start a anon a
bid can be received and the contract
awarded. The Sherman-Mel onneli
Drug company i eventually to have
another of it string of drug stores in
one of these stores, -
The announcement last week of the
plan for another large and modern
apartment house to cost $.'00,000 or
thereabouts wa not wholly a surprise
as many had some inkling of the nego
tiation that'had been in progress for
some week by the newly organised
Metropolitan Realty company of
Omaha, the holding company for this
proposed new apartment,
The name i to be the St, Hegi. It
will be located at Thirty-seventh and
Jones street, Heading the Metro
politan Kcalty company are A. L.
Schante, lilcn W. Smith and l;rank
V. Haxter,
The Hankers' Realty Investment
company is the company handling the
plans and the building operations,
Swanson Goes to
The Home Builders
A It'ttrf t,
JHphn Kl.
Arthur ti,
More Mom,
UfnwtsM Mltrhftlf,
Pupils Who Graduate in
June from Eighth Grade
men in camp at Fort Sam Houstqn. Several of the men in the picture appear in civilian
clothes, as the work of mobilisation progressed so rapidly that all the men were not
suplied with uniforms. '
On I riday fternoon, June 16, forty
three of the lircaler , Omaha public
grade si hoed will send forth H72
high th ft boys and girls. The
young peoote are ready to enter the
high schools and most of them expert
to begin next September. Indications
are that the High School of ( om
merre will begin it next choo! year
with the largest enrollment of it his
tory. the list by rhnol is a follow;
t.lllUn nrof,
l.nrir1 f'arny,
tlln rhaatar,
ll-l-n i'lrU,
rn C''.n.
Vivian riraaar,
Owyrin llanry.
Myrlla H'.fnian,
Maria Kriha'tiy,
Jfan Maall,
Sarita Mtirtiy,
h.lna Murray.
1i-rfha Ifariaman,
Charka Orlm-a,
OaiifK V lalar,
X.nry Waattn,
John Murray,
Aium M'tarta,
'ha rial Mi.rria
lnil Mukahav,
Mamla Salharf,
Kris ..n,
l.rrtta Palawan,
l,.tila srhr,
Kt-rt Hfinr,
John rllnara't
nr.Ai k.
Armatli Plllmin,
Varl K I riar.
rntmv Wrlsht,
.lottri OuUlirr,
IM.Inra oni.
I ft II rt)inni"tta,
JtanrlrMs Ja.kaon.
.lamaa SvaHna,
ftatnuat Nawman,
Mltinla mm,
r.thal ltr..wn,
Kali ll I.airinri,
liar, ild Kail bar,
I'aarl I trait).
Haal Krli1man,
Kl'loll Hull,
Kaitiiilna Srhuhart,
f. I ja. ('. Nwlaan.
r,rih Kaalmn,
Charlna Krlilar.
i.-fll Mirhirl,
hmll Hla'io,
Samh N-aflman,
Atllnir HIi'ilkKfakl,
Ma Tl'll"r.
nirroH Autrann. Lillian Klr,
' atrtllla f J.rlatf.fianrt, r 1 1 K'hO,
f'luirlna rllfma,
Alvln MatKll,
II .ill. a ll.i-ll,
l-.l.l. fk,
Waliar llnriilf,
Harali H'miII,
.lail Jai'oliaan
tlnnry Jury fnaf.n,
Wllllaana ttarr,
All. a I,.
llarlla Miliny,
Arthur N',
MIIMratl NlrJIas,
I.RIHl I'Mtt.,
Maria t'wlfraait,
Mary S'lliiOa,
I, 'Hill Hl-I.
Ni.ra 1h"ni.aon,
Anita, Vutt,
( rv niAi,,
franklin, Anaa tlrark
ftirnlra Hurrori,
H.,l,i,a liriiinn,
'llllta lir'nlky,
May llll.
V crna t'luia,
Maraal i hrlatophar,
Mry praka,
.iityin Mwanla,
Sifitti KtmiU,
i...,rila I'ltiforald,
Ha. 11a l,avy,
.ntla Jlraa,
Srttiur I'atniar
Wartan HlllKl.ury,
Marlln H,)MIiaa,
Ar'littr Wf,..(inian,
Afln WaHtlrr,.,k,
Mcrfon Aiilrn,
t'a.ll M'll'loltnni),
Vara Stuinl.aiiah,
Oarlrii'li (t?l"tiilra
.laitma tdiharlann
I.mtiaa l(.f'-tio,
(.tilth Van
Iiariruda Waldlnf.
Klltaltath Atalna
ttayla Itnrt.Mt
Flrnaat i a rlaott t'latk
Oa.ita Kal.,(( Malhar
Artnla M.t'artnay
y, fa N'l-lann
Julin Olaon Natnn
Martha hiindniilat
Ullva Van K..
Mtiry Vnllniar
l.f.lflaa Knlk
it.i,i Kralaalnat
ttaial gnanilt
Itu. hal Wulf,
furrow II III.,
Knlana Klulrom Karl Mynaiar
liny l.llllan Kafadal
V arn'.ti I'uiikala l.iula llaaniitaaafl
k.dllh llawkllis M-rrlll Huaaall
Nallla I .,, Anna Hlah(l
May .l.ilitiar.n Cliaun'iay Hinllh
lunJr MrKIa
4 01 I SI III A.
tfmarann Atlams
Ulll.cir Anallii
t'nrnalla flaum
Portia Mlaaluw
K hal MrlnUiiian
Kannalh t'olllar
ntia yalrnald
ward Hall
.lolin M'('lnhan
Jkl.rrl I'alara
lla.irga Haad
t.olilaa llllay
Murlatiaa ltnanatrk
H'llllarn aui.ilirfa
l itlll Wlark
I haa, Wnoil worth, jr
(OMfMl S.
Cmnn Koaumbaraky,
K'.aa fl.iiiak.
I lara H' Imalilar,
Klliins Htnialiak,
llalan Hlrnlrka, .
y..lth 'I'fltmabauin,
,lrry Taar,
t ilhulK I hll",
Julia Vuhurll,
Vllma llarlni, t'hlalinrstl,
,lna..h liworak,
lilaa l.wtrak,
lllaniha Oar.tluaa,
William lllr.'klajf,
tlnnraa .ta han,
John Janrk,
Van;ia h'trff,
rrlatls Klnarlfis, Thaln.a Palaraon,
Irat.a Hasn, frad f-mimltiga,
Slariarat Mnrlarty, r'rank Knit,
Varo.iiia Mr.lold Mi. lil Murphy,
rirk, 'llttiiihy Slurphy
Arthur Aaaa, Mrlirt Nalann,
Matitiarlla Arrhar, lll. hard O'Hrlan,
Vlaltarat llnrahalm,
f alh-rliia M.(.n f 'ita. aitatl,
Klrtrattra t'..ll.
Slarfarrl Imw.
a.luahalh Klllnll,
Ai.fia tlatsiliaii,
llnnla Jntiaa,
Mll.lrail t.ararn,
Vivian M. lirinalil,
llru.a Mll,
Usrnlc Miarrura,
rowAtiu Hostr.wATr.R.
.I.ihn li.lilllr.a,
r:'is"na I'.trtar,
t iKfold Huaaall.
Itnwaid Mlavana.
Italt-n HtnlUnhal f ,
William hypa,
W lllatd Vlann,
lilchard Watinar,
Mortimer Vatann.
I:athar WaatarOald,
William Wrlsht,
r.llnahalh liolaja,
Alia liray,
Itlka I'atilaan,
llraala Marahall,
Itmh Kdwarda, t
llalan Kunda.
Ma.l"llna lltaak,
Ids Alplrn,
Hats Alklna.
.lan.aa llallay,
Agnaa tinaan.
Ilia. a Hc.haniion,
Nnrma K"PP.
linnnlaa rtimnann.
Kdid Hrhlal.ihar,
W llllam Kt la.
K.lWHrd Mlaakaa,
. t arrla tlabka.
Manilla 1'lnnow.
Iiariha t.awla
William l.lllat,
Km a ana l,wa
H.ilint Lawman,
l,mi!a Mafia m I,
Imaitt Nla'ii.
1-,'lamd I'aniiall,
.:1llh I',
Walter Praal.iti,
H.ibftt KvtH)l.1a,
(...rain Hyptna,
.lanal hMlllvan.
KtaiH'ca Haartnuan,
tlrrliuila Whitman.
Il.ruld tltn.lkay,
l laran.'a ltrowtt,
Mahal fuller
Haanl J.o.laa,
niwood ilrltnm,
lr llrnaa,
i.Ut-lla Hnn.laraan,
Matlla llliaih,
Millard Ktaana,
l.aaih Alaianitar, t,ulla Latham,
Harry U. Sauson, who for two
ars lus been a salesman for the
iiyron Keed comnanv, has taken a no-
miioii with the Home Kuihler as
head of the buililmg-to-ortler depart-mt-iil.
He i a nativ ol Omaha, re
crivitl his edmation in the Onuha
mIiooIs, became a pt'slotdce clerk in
Omaha and retiretl Irum that position
to take a Kiukaid homrstrad in dram
county. He lor a while,
vas a candidate lor poMmastrr at
1 1; muni, va ilrlraiul, lelt the home
stt atl and came baik to Omaha In pin
list lrs lone of the fiyu-tt Kccd
l I 1 1 1 1 1 at V .
Mr, Sviansnii entriVl the emplov ol
tlie Home Itmldet May 15, l'lin
buiUliiig to-iMtcr ilipattinrnt mtrinU
to purchase any lot a citatmnrr de
an t s ami build t oitler (.-r htm, upuu
psUiient t t a stibaiantial sum dovin,
vt nil t!ie (idUiH c til installmruts. I liei
wilt alto cotiuskt on a .it-1 ptt pfih
).r estmeul. James Allan ii aul,
Itctt lor t'te ttci.ttitirn (tutt Ha.
J'uvis aupe i ititi'iuli lit i f i .i v(i in H. .it
Auto Tourists Are
Passing Through
ife Isotv Wfsllrr 1st fie
Sttittd l rt ,ui. -It l.'ltltllS t'.'Hi
t .ffttt.g i'ii I ''an ! j' i... ikh t
t.-i'ilil) in.iimM laiy
i"l t!iti.u,H t !. .!. lit l f l ,i
i U of tU a r ii t' i;t i til
i t"i. as I -(m4!'t a" I paitv
l'ltl, 1 I' ' It ! ' . ...
I ' . i ii ' ' ! t , .
liSnlttit'g l t!. .. .i.i. n lira I
l'illt l-t t:i id'i'ii'l'i:i (!:, I"
t ll.-Ul I'.'BUi'r'.'a
itS t-mi'ii ( ait is n .'ui tii
" XV r I ( I'fHtM ... t
j 'lilllltllt! ! in, It I t tl
,(.,i t.4. -t M -h-l .t!'tj
J . 1. ..! U ol I alt t d I,
V ity ' a i i i t t iipiiii
i , It r lit 't. lit I ,!.. j.f. t ,
lit. ..ill I I t t.'.s'.s I I .., , (.
I ! I M t!..f1 -' ft: t
Ann Mri'i'tinall,
V.laaltfr tlarijialt,
f( n timfirl Mfdlln,
i''.lwltl Mtintua,
t.aitra Nalic.n,
I nnra.1 tllann.
tiaiahUtia ttlann.
Itali'li I'atkar.
Itntiait Itaaknrai'hak,
Kuillia Hiilllvati,
Mltlain til. It,
trana khrlmpf,
llatol'l H all. n,
Haa Wnii'tluft
l.lnaa Atutranil,
S'ranraa t'irlaon,
Slaliat t'arlann,
hillifl l-akaiaun,
Mary Ktndtry,
lnmla Franklin,
H,.l'ci-t lilaaaow.
I'atharlna lla.ltlald,
ltwlght llarmnn,
lUI-ii lli,llila.
.latnaa II.Mtn'iulat,
S'.lhal ,1..hiia..n,
Maltal .liihtiai.ti,
tvrlla .lulinann,
Xtailallna Ktiin.
r.lhvln Warsar, Harnld llitntar
1'iitiai'l tatiat, luntia M"ft,k,
fwtl, Halati M, Marlln.
Hairs tt.lMinl, I a M'lt'lti,
Mai,. I l-daian, I'll, I, , If rtaaall,
iltnnar IH'I. k.alni V,a
t.llitan tliMlgan, t.,lrlta M atult.
SHa A liiyd .1 i IT KniaWy,
Militl A Ailandar. t art K Matla..n.
Hi. a A t.ij, tiai'S W, Ho'an
Ha.lallna K i.-n.i, lulns t t "'
llal.'ld 1 Hall
Mar..lA HaHiarl. Nnra tana
till.k ll...'l'. Alla tlMllnai
,.,l,l II '
t. Heal'vlh h
"I . I l
l. a .i, a I '
It. tala ii.. ,. I
tila II a
tan.tii Ha., a
i la-Ii.,-,
a J.--..
II ii.'aiu Jli
I I" J-
h ....
t 11
KaltH UaulatS.
K a-
'i a
i ha
II Kill
I i Urn I a ,-,..
..!. ivi-iaas,
I I tl I'Lloa-ta,
t 'It, I a, a,
' ' I'll!'! I
, ,i.a ll Mi. ...
.iiil! all ,
lllv. t ,-
I .t !i'l
41 tHiMIM
tl i ins)
I t-
tv l ". a
. t
I'a Ii
4i-ii .a'i,
I tal
t'liriAlfia"n Malra,
fnhan l!-a,
t Vili. n Ml' ha"l,
Countryman Kdlth,
tianlalaon tilan.
I).nnha Hrldgat,
Krana William,
Furray ftnbart,
Hara. h Mary,
Hir (lrr:
Hunk rinranra,
Honk Oanrira.
.fanaan Margarat,
Kana r'rank,
:mar Mart uarita,
Mapaa t'aan.
Moaknvlta Nallla,
Nalann trana, lllto.
Mlrhnla Jnhn,
Haala Flaa.rlra,
Rnulalt Haial,
'ii la 1 harla,
Hmlth Haaal,
Hparka l.ulla,
Mtnnay rtadya,
Whltmar Harry,
Hnward Twlfotd
MNfOl.t. ,
firar.allk Prank, O T.onnall WIMrad,
Hn.nman Anna Maallk'i Mamla K.
I'v. ha II "a A . I.lnltiaar Mariarat l.
Kulaknfaky llfrman, Htray l.ydla K
Kaiman Anna, Kaatrrian Atfrad,
Haanar William P. I.amh Millard.
I'li'lins Lillian, ,vt. Naucht latar T,
Maaalkn Kilward Fm
Hullr Adallna
Hlavan A II. ,
Nlalaan lisvld W.
M, Lutnpkln Jnm,
llatninund Wlnlfrad,
Allan (Inward,
.AiinarN'.ii Marjarat,
f Aiidra'.n Wallar.
Ii" k Itayhi'.fi'J,
lllala.i Mil,, la,
Hiank Anna,
flrown llanrlatlm,
liiiiinliif Inhn,
i ' Julia,
'r.raiitnatl Mnllla,
f' Malml,
t'luranti ttultl,
I'Kati liny,
li;nKi"hri Arthur,
KliikaiiNlfttn Jtarlhft,
tllllnaky tnrothy,
Olvntifiaky l.aijta,
liurr t'harlaa,
llallli Oladya,
ll.ifiian f -a tarani a,
,1a. kaun r.ili-l,
1.0 1 II KOI'
llarhaf llalan,
Hanar malalr Wm,,
It.'liMfrti Stlldratl,
lllarkat.m. ilanjall
ItllSllt Oifr),
l arlay ll.,l,atl,
( r... ant A M. a
lMhta"n Ota.Jya,
.taffaraon Tharon,
.fnhnann Krad,
Klraland t'laranra,
l.aiaia .lairiaa.
I.lnd.julat Malan
J.ui.ttana.-kar Halan,
Madlaon Uvln,
Mandnl Unrty,
Mfnra Kannalh,
Miiitay Klorania,
tflandar fllao
I'a.araan Krad,
I'ataraan 'Oadya,
t'mimtmmn Siana.
tla.ualn Maria,
itadman Mrnyr, Martha,
finaa '.'alia.
Charrnan VVallacs,
ir.aihar Salltnan, '
Mary hi.ilin
llali Hwaliann
Slary Cra,
Marin Wllmvlh
Onr.ithy Jnhnann,
I harlaa Madaan,
Mary Slaainda,
K.lin.Miilann h.llakalh,ltiilh tlaaxn
Kl.hhural Maria.
fltilayann vltglnla,
Kibdtfiaii t,(.rana,
Krldn .larvta,
Oraallna: Mllilrath,
Orunwald Ityrcn,
llaydan lluwatd,
Mnilltian Antia,
Will lta,ga,
llilaa Uantga,
Irmln All. a,
lanklna HutirX,
Wallar Canaan,
'l.(.ga l.lpa,
Mart,, a,
.latnaa M.tlrath,
l.lilla I'atlaraun,
lli.rnar f'uttar,
Olads ;i.
y'ran'.'a f'atton.
I.rfnla Mnuuhar,
Halan ftnaa,
iK.rla M.'hnaldat,
Hoy Htnlittmrtf
Lola Thnmpvun,
Mlidrrd Vaiaiillna,
I'aul Wtirn,
Harold Jnhnaun,
i'aul Madaati,
Kaihla.n M.Juaa,
Mlldrad I'arka,
Mauda Puf(,
kithal Ranhaa,
Kmlly Haa.
Mahal hhillls,
KmtreA Mwanaon,
Ma.aaral Thnmpnoa,
I rrv Watauo,
Krank lllakaal, Haaal M Hayhurat,
Hula M Cada-I. Jatinla A. .Imntmn,
I'lirrnrd J H. hoanlnf ll.iiy Ji. Millar,
l.uula lllakaal,
Kmaaf llarrli, Mlldrad Maana,
llut.v Haai. Manila Malay,
liiamha Kavan, F'.ail Who,
lluth Mullan, Karl Orlvar,
Sanaa Mnranaan, Kara Huohltiaon,
K.dwln katakaa, Halan Mullan,
lluth Jlannltiisan, I'aarl ihnldt,
trana Andarann,
Mary I alklna
Wlllard ' oltnn,
ft.ima r'rants,
1'harl.a Halaa,
Lantiaa lilann,
Harry llavlli,
Krnma Wlaaa,
f'a.iil liarnaa,
Mataarat l arvllla,
frad Harahorn,
Kva C'ahorna,
Mitby llumuhr,
ll.aia 7-alalar,
ilarnard Italtlaa
Hhaldnn roiarova,
Inaa r-ltawllllama,
K.varalt II arrla,
Jlalman Hnldaharf,
oavin naatta,
William Cunningham Harry h-aaiona,
Auata Hanaan, Irving .eraan.
Clara Ifarha,
1'hyllla n-hin,
Oladia Hahin,
Sdalyn Hanan.
Harnl.a ciatkann,
I'.lala !',
Hans Krnat,
Ifaaat tirant, ,
Slalla Jnhnaun,
Haritntia X'atl lltlrftl,
Oanraa Hacktttann,
jnaaph llnhan
I.lanla l.lndmlar,
Clara Mart'hanl,
C'aata Malvln,
llalan Aoranaan,
Halan hpanrar,
Maraarat milliard,
In Tralhar,
t'lalra laylnr,
tinrnthy 1'lmar,
William rarlay,
I'ala Trail,
rtlaf Oanaaatad.
auranra Hnrrhardtnf Charlaa oardlnar,
tnhn .Inhnatnn,
Howard l.lndmlar,
t lark Mnrrta,
Kdln Moacr.
Karl I .a i la.
Krnaal Kllnar,
Karl Itiat.y,
l.aa Wllaim,
Aufuat Wins,
lluth Tarlann, lwallyn Nalaff
Kva Wllllama, R.,all Co It a,
Klaannr Llna, t'lrlr Itlna.
Harry Nalann, .taaala Cnla,
Kail I. O 'Nalll, Mark lata,
Oladya llalpkln. Inwall Millar,
t harlaa 'l'raht.-nk, Kdwln Naatandg,
ttla.lia Wallrra. x Nlyna Mndharf,
Kthal I'linrilnaham, Uijiha Travla.
Nallla liasi h,
pac 'inr, v
l.anna Rnhtnann,
Knlln Slalar,
.laaaa Ahhnud
Kllaa Karrla,
tiny laaar-ann,
Kdward Nuaarallah
Hahar.a Hl.lman,
Matlla Chllda,
tantaa tlaaann.
Krnaal Lanapaul,
Mara ralar.
Auauat flurana.
Tuny Mnntalhans,
Clara Hnlan,
Blanlay Wallar,
. . I Antladal
Nnrtnan I arlln,
llalan Knwlar,
ilarn tl.ifi.lwln,
Marian llftia,
Italnla l.auaalar.
Kdnard M.'A.lama,
Vlary Itainpa.ak,
Lnilla Mlaploa.
Slat u.-rlia I'rlnn,
Marian A Daman,
charlaa Imndy, Jr
Hfatrlca Oalluway,
Matlan tlannatt.
Afkarinan, Alharl .larfarla,
tiring rofn,
Karl Nl-la-n,
K.ialyn Ha.lirlrk,
.Inaaphlna tituhan,
Mary Wltnvakl,
Lillian Andarann,
Mlldrad Hyrna.
lilmar Kl.lradsa,
I'Jthal llala.-har,
Karl llarlnw.
K'l.lnn l.angavtn,
Will l.lndaa.
.Maa l'atarann,
lr-na Hlmpann,
Haln Thutnaa.
,lhn liltllnaar,
Altna Currlaan,
.Lli k O.trinatt,
Harry laalln,
Hwlitl I'a.lrtaati.
h. Lanra Mrnlfrnw,
tlladva anahta,
Mlldrad Itruirn,
.taanalla Mrhiaf-harn,
l.a.inard C l'atarann,
Lralln Hirlmlaar,
Adrian U aatharg,
I, .11 ill lliirahardt,
l.n.lwlir l Knilraa,
Maria Hughay,
Kthal I,. I aaanth.
I I'arkar i nmalnrk, Ki hal M. riigrim,
Kdlth K llmlaaa. Halan Tlismpaoa.
rma lllUk.
'nail. alii II. 'nail,
Iran l.alah.
'Iga 1',
Ui.tar Itrii-kar.
Itfitir'M Kaaunan.
A r I lm r M A ll 1 1 r r ,
Ks.nar t'l.rlar,
Manilla ,lt.
Kiain'aa H.iilfln,
'vlra Ji'lina.'tl,
l.fta Ladnt.i.
yi.'ia Matah.
Mnrlyn Cnmha.
Ji'hn Haiatng,
Sdward Mangar,
Wnnd St'illh,
Amy llniaail,
Mlldrad .Inh. ann,
Man Millar.
Kilfn Hakar.
Ilnland I'rlahama,
Itamlil llarrlng.
nllwar Maiwall,
'rrd Totiay,
Lnrtua W
I .a 'i t a 1 1 a lan llaeh,
1 la U a I.. nan,
I. .tin l '1h..iiilaa,
M-ar St llsai.a.
ll' Oaoraa II Hakar
I "'a Mdaiakt,
Vl.iliia Hiatal
Ida Vlatattnan
Klanlat llila
IM Ul.
Itaatrt,.a tanaa.
I'aiar Hlurali
Han.t.1 llia.ia,
S'. iimaa t ..ugh.
illn.a.i HA,igai
lia i t. hkanta.
am TM
li'aa.ha.d Andara.n.
t rail, la t tia
Haiti, i n I an
l(aiatal lti..n(.nf ,
Anna 1 uka I . h.
'awl Itf.i.
tl aa.a l l.ltfi,
aan-.ial Aa.laiann i
ii .. i l i a i . aan
iia.aaft hi-ial,
tl i I ha I 'l.i-a. n.
a w.l.a I aia'"af
Mi' l.-.. a a aana
M ,:.a S-i. I
ll a t.l Aa' ir (,
I 1 1 1 1 a n t t..aaaaalt, a..i.,
I ...'I a a-. h',
rnlhv U.l, aim
' " It kit
l aiiaa n' , n-anaat.
tal . at'i.a . anlg : (a
' """' H .. ,
'.. 'aa ll a I.
" ' n k-a liar
I i- iaa.aki.rr.
Ma. I I , l.aaaa
tia.l a .g Stain ,
ai.i a akaa
'a i - aaa
laiat 1 .aay
- a If aaa
fn, Ji.aa
I a I
I airvalaaa'
tea h ! Ja
I MMailut
a l
aa la Iiaa
',1 I hat
S3t1 HOUSTON. GiHTt-rLfi J a" KJILB .
I "l It
William Bffk
:'llff.ird t adarhnlm
Inasph Claland
llalan ttatraun
;la BHnar
Maria). Krlrkaon
Harinin falbauni
frank Cry
Halan Uordnii
Margarat Hanaon
Ititatia Mll-r
Harold Nala.irt
Harold I'ayna
ilaorga haiT.italaun
tluaaall Hn)gg
floyd Brown
Holland t;onray '
Atfrad Ifoailar
Hyman Oraanbarf
Han llnaglalid
Sam J-furti
Waldu l.lula
Suaaall Malbara
Harold Itoaatiharf
Morna Hunan
lartruda Csoptr
K.nnna ltonlay
Klala l.aga
taan S'lald
r.alhar Hulalaln
Habal Janaan
Auth Junaa
ICiaanor tahorna
Mlldrad Pataraon
Hannah Hemmar
Martha Walnatalfl
Opal Wind
Anna Wyman Touaan
Ha amlto
Oanald atuart
Anna Andarann
(iartrvda l.aatlaniaa
laahalla Zlgmund ljvatta Buarh
rrna I'utl-f Marnlca 'Igmnnd
Crank llllak yllllan tuhnolT
n C. Mrkaarnay (lartruda Morianaoa
lalph llarkar
HUda Andarann
Carroll Haldwln
Claranra lllndar
Mlnnla Hrnnka
I'hyllla Itrowu
Hurt Corllaa
Mlldrad Dunham
Mary Klnnay
Marian riahar
l' .id l (.matt
Viola iimaa
Paulina llankka
tfonald Haad
Carolina Jlallaman
Laura ilarlng
Kmlly Hfildraga
I.'.rla Kanatahar
A lira Klarrnar
Jnaapk Knwalaakl
Mlldrad Mia
Robart lAwrr
Vara Manning
Krad Marrlll
Kvalyn Natybranek
Dunnar fiaan
Malph lllaan
t'harlra " 11 man
I'aarl I'altnar
Huaaall I'alllt
Krina tulrin
lladvlka ftainlebtk
Kaullna Hl.hay
llonart Rula
Karrlalt havaga
Marguartta Mf hafar
Kdward Hhlalda
Hny Hmlth
Oladya hlanlay
Pranoaa h. haralanbtrf
Itrair kuttnn
Raymond Wood
Police Save Minn t iota Han from
Placing; Hii Money on a
Fixed Hone Race.
Japan Has an Eye
On Business With
the United States
(Correspondence of th. Associated. Press.)
YOKOHAMA, Japan, Mar It-Japan's
fundamental commercial policy should be
to make the United flialre and China It
bat customers, said Huron Yoalilro Haka, former mayor of Toklo and former
minister of finance, In an address re
cently before the Yokohama chamber
of commerce. Ttaron Rakfitanl has been
eelerted to represent Japan at the eco
nomic conference to be held at far Is.
Assuming that the war would he ended
before eltther elda is crushed, Huron Ba
ketenl said that the nrst tilf problem
would be the economic relatione between
the contending parties. A ta,'h nation
would attempt to regain wealth In trado
to aettle the great debt Incurred during
the war the coming economic conference
would he very Important. In the plana
which the allies might evolve for com
bating Cierman trade anihlttnna Japan
would probably he entrusted with an Im
portant part to play In the far east. The
baron continued:
"America has dona well In having skill
fully avoided being Involved In the hos
tilities. The progress which will be made
In military matters, commerce. Industry,
science and many other unilnrUklrge
will he exceptionally rapid. America will
continue to be Japan's best customer In
trade, aa It haa ever been, China will
be the next Important country to Japan
In Ita trade. To make America and China
Ita best customers' should be Japan's
fundamental commercial policy. Jupan's
commcrolsl relations with other foreign
countries should be regulated !n accor
dance with these principles,"
C. H. Kunz, a farmer, 65 year old,
residing near Worthington, Minn., it
ahead $10,000 in cash beide be
ing taved icveral hundred dollar
perional expense. He i indebted en
tirely to the alertnei of the Council
Bluff police department and the
ability of Detective Frank Lee and
W, S. Short. While saving the old
man' money they located a new
swindling gang headquarter at Ex
ceUior .Sunng. Mo., where the pro
cedure ofoperation ha very few new
rinnj; wa a "mike," and was on hi
return to ExceUior Spring, with a
draft for $10,000 and a considerable
sum of cash which he wa going to
invest in a ture-thing enterprise that
would return dividend many time
larger than the original investment.
It wa a "fixed" hore race, Knnz
had gone from the Spring to Uen
ion, la., where he had on deposit
money from the recent sale of a farm
and had secured the draft at the bank
there. He reached Council Bluff on
a late evening train Thursday and
had to wait until yesterday morning
to take a train for 'he south.
Detectives Oct a Tip.
Detective Lee and Short got a
tip concerning a telegram sent by
the hid man from the Bluff Thurs
day night, announcing that he would
leave for Excelsior Springs on the
9:40 train yesterday morning, that
he had arranged for the money and
that he wa bringing f with him. He
had topned at the Grand hotel, but
neglected to leave 'a call and over
slept long enough to cause him to
miss his train. It wa hi lament that
caused the suggestion to be given out
concerning the telegram.
He Sees the Money.
Kunz had been spending a few
week at Excelsior Spring and had
met the "eteerers" in a casual way
and heard the story of a poor man
who had jut won $125,000 from a
lot of rich men who were traveling
through the country with a hore
that brat anything, but some crafty
Missourian had found a fleet scrub
that could beat the racer whenever
required. He wa given a chance
to ee a little of the fun.
He watched the "steerer" and hi
friend bring in big mmt ef money
until the whole amount reached
$105,000. He saw the money, counted
it, knew it was good and wa per
mitted to carry it around in a hand
bag. The big final race was Jo be pulled
off last Tuesday, but when it wa
learned that Kunz had a lot of
money in a Dcnison bank, they got
it postponed until today, to give iiini
a chance to go after hi money.
Cyclone Sanitary
Lawn Fence
Is the highest grade fence on tha
market hi-avler, atronger and
closer apaccid than any othr, Com
plete, erected on wood post, 25
cents per lineal foot and up.
We carry a full llna of wire an..
Iron fences and gates, trellises for
roses and vines, flower bed bor
ders, fence stays, steel posts for
field fencing. Come in and sea
the line and get our low prices.
Send for catalogue,
207 X. 17th Ht.
Phone lied 014.
An Invest
ment in
Do not delay too long. Shares
ranced steadily In, value after
each dividend. Shares now are
$1.18, Why compel yourself to
pay more?
Why - take less?
some one else take
from your money?
No Better Security
Can be had than mortgages on
new buildings and good Omaha
If ou don't know ask for our
Booklet, "The New Way." Tells
Just what you want to know.
It's free.
Home Builders
American Senirlty Co., F. A.
17tb A Douglas Ht., Omaha.
Why let
a profit
Buy at 20 Cents.
Eat when 40 Cent.
A trash e, ruhtytfl or eeated
arlta Sca-a-1-a.tima and DM fa. ana la
aar plaa a!ar It aaaa. la pfata4
laa air, nartatara, aaara. ganna ana Saaaf
ana ramalna traaat aatit aaaa, waa.a. a
aaak. aaaawSararaar. Caau but ana aaat
aarAfrtaa, fo aa-oaiata ar afrailal eaa
t.taanaa aacMaa. Alwaai a4r lor aaa.
ft! 4ouMa la rrl. a la alalar . A 1W aar aaat r.4t la
Sara. Tha agaa ratala taali aataral cox Saw aral fraaaoaaa.
Ta aoatlitf pat dlaeolar tha aaa or " la4
a S'II.Hamlraliaaaa'a,raeoa.lS. S.0-i.aaMal
UralorUaa. laataiaaa. aaaa walla laeaanr. aral iaa awtaeaaaia.
U la air arwf. aatawl tmi. af r" ""
fralawoteal Im ralulai anaiatar aaa. ( raaMIr lana
ataxia aaroia.aa.hM. Sal it ft- wt.i, Cgg-O-l-alaaaM,
aa aa aa liaaS altar aaak aa a aaaiS ar until uara.
Fries ear lar SS raala aaataaM. ar al aaalara.
.JWIaaafaa k aaaaa aaaa
(EO. N. UE C03l3is llrfr , OMAHA, DEI.
oa wUl reooiT tha
ooartaoaa errloa aa thmit IM
war daUverUa rar Waat.A4 ta
TUB MBM efiloe la paraoa.
Heavy Hoisting
1212 FarnamSt. Tel. D. 353
Hnncp Tpntc Awninorc Ptr SSSS
- i.i. i ,
House tents and etjulpment that thor
oughly modernize "camping out,"
a. i l.-a.. .1.1. .-J
rtwwnerw can ;uu kci ir.i.r,i a.taj aim v;a
vnhifl In tent, awnlnas. etc. I jet us sub- VA
in i t samples and estimates.
Nebraska Tent & Awning Company
1904 rarnam It.
X. I. McSOaTALS, Mgr.
Then Booflas JS41.
Health Decline in
Japan is Looked
Upon as Serious
trorresp.milanrti of the Aaao.-httarl Srass )
TuKlti. May 1.-Ptrret ears, too much
Si'hixilins ami too little xaiva aia th
'suaaa nf a dxtrrlortitl.'ti In tlte lihyalcal
rftmlltlnn of tha yoiirta-'r e naratl.m til 1
Jai'itti, tice.rtln in I l.n vlea tf i nliinal
K, OKuttaira. lommamter tf a TfklB real
mental illatrlrl Haul tit h' Jiiila"tm"tit on
tna ranill ct rao-attt i nserlpttn esatii
Inatlons st Toal.. tha i.ffl. ar rava ha
ftinta iititiapitts hla at lil m o tf a ilaclln.
in th haalth f the nutis man of the
imintrt, raaigillv f th tn..r,i ,.ia
"Ttkln H the aoiat of s! rt of the
a-molta in tiiallara of hr!l Ttlla la
lartlv it la Im tha (tufLntiiaitta of the
n.eens of tratnajKirlnti. ti Th Ir-cressa of
liatiitaaia li.raoa I1 at l'ia i..a .! tt..
p tt"'(h asartaa o..!..' taaa..n f i
at o f ta.ilij ,.f i , , ik) .ii aa it
lia'.ait' Ii, ,ot at. ..i.a, tv.' tt.a f.f!
ft at . I. a; In t-1- i ta,ai . of at
ai' an, a m n iiit it. n of . a. .i ,
hi.. al..t f. t., a, s.o aa al.l Ii olhvfauaa
"'.l. hate fcilt4 ti.-in '
Slataaaaaatla at lataaa aaaaia,
4 .a. I a,a4
.. ll I'. N 1 ll" a
Fares East
tlitilce of ilrTHltoo anil
lhreart lUmte to
New York and Boston
Ticket oi. Kale. IHslly Mmlteat
i MUty lhs,a fur
AltrartUe IUteti tn
All Eastern Resorts
r'nr full fattlculars, ileacria
the tlteratura and steei'lnf car
faaarst.ns, el at t ilt TlrSat
ffea cr nl H NtlliTH, ?
ft t h ! , mh. Nt h
rtutaa tViutU S "
Ixans made for building, for lifting; a mortgafce and for other
purposes. If you own a lot and have a portion of the cost of build
ing, we can loan you tbe balance. No commission. No delay. Small
monthly payments.
Omaha Loan & Building Association
Nortliweett Corner IKnlgo and Hftenth Htreeta.
G, W. IXKIMIS, rreslileiit. W. It. ADAIR, Kwf, A Treas.
IJV TWTf DDItir In Your
Be Sure
You Have n I - I E OIllr Building
1302 W. 0. W. Building.
Paint Today and Save Decay
Bad weather decays unprotected surfaces,
Paint for All Purposes
Barker Bros. Paint Co.
1G09, Farnam. Douglas 4750.
Mr aa.l Ims I rstvt m, lUtea la, dianlea ait Siilir i ant. trellt f. ) aswl nmr.
', I . at.eter.
Witm sraKea
Maimaia tMre
( tialra aat aaatlawa
fre ati.t lltiaer Ituartls
Taiwr Murares I aw a Wtaaw
tmttmti rtrttttttrmTt Ttru
i i
I KHhr-a l'..l
sm t W Ira
l.l,.a flaiaev.
.wea iKs (
m. f' t 'alal.'SM
CHAMPION IRON t WIRK WORKS, ISlh ihI Jackum. Ttl. Dou,
Our Fire Proof Warehouse
w luiilt i'vjnriftlly for
Uin 1'urjtnMi if rarinif.
for fnii iH.uielml.l fur
rtifttillaTS, I'lntma, rU
Hur lttii.n finrntif
Itttililmu t'fiin juu rvt
rry ri'a.iiitnlil intes
sitfi t ii ik:i' f s r nil lutii-i Iti'lil r,Uhl. S' l'ttt nli' ItH'kiiJ
hiiiin. I'htttti ru.iiits, silver Mtult, ito,
Omaha Van 6 Storage Go.
, s . t
. ..'v
, s. ' v
f -' f ; !,aa j
i t
r . :. i"
W-t , - 1- .v tl ;J
t .