THE OMAHA SUNDAY REB: MAY 21, 191fi. 4-E REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Sirliraaka Lumls Si Uaiiurl L-nd. I t i t ... i ' 1 ' ' i a a LOCKWOOD What is it? 40 acres of high, sightly ground subdivided into 140 large lots and Villa Sites, with winding street? and gentle slopes. It is a high-class, restricted residence district, be ing developed with many unique and at tractive features, about which we will tell vou in the near future. Where is it? Jn the Dundee district, two blocks south of Dodge street, between 51st avenue and 53d avenue, on the highest ridge in the western part of Omaha. It overlooks Elm wood Park, Happy nollow Boulevard and Golf Grounds, and affords a magnificent view for milea in every direction. Its Improvements. When completed, in the near future, will establish a high mark in planning, platting and modern development in subdivision ef forts in or around the city of Omaha. Watch for a sale announcement of this beautiful property during the next few days. For plats showing size of lots, restrictions, building lines and other information. Phone Donglas 5074. Shuler,& Cary SOLE AGENTS Suite 202.204-206 Kccline Building. i S dOeMotorYou Oat Jo IN OUR ACRES WEST OF BENSON SUBURBAN FARMS WITH CITY ADVANTAGES An Acre $10 Cash, $10 a Month. Half Acres $10 Cash, $5 a Month. Acres m low $450. Half scies low as $!25. Sev eral homoi atrfady built. rrdy for you to nimt into that rn b nold on ey terms. Our office open tverting " till 9 oYltx-k. W con show you Ilermfin Harden kml V(t Urnum ny day, evening or Sunday, Hastings & Heyden 111 llnrney gi. Thone Tyler 19. TO BSE WANT ADO ; a I t ef a a I U I .,-. a a a Hi I t (.'(. i til' i iift a- ' 1 I i ' at. r i It I II-.' . ! i . a I ( I a 4 ; Mi jn ' (lit i a,. I I a. . t ' it I' t ' II. ! i ' ii1 i 1 1 ; i i m . i i 1 1 . t a t a t ft lit i it , i ii . I a t . .1 i ' i o. ii i i t i till i i t i Hi i I i I i i i . I ' ' l I I t a a . lilt ' 144 I I I t I ! i i a III e nee: , , t et I i. a r, I ,. i jsi.'I I , r c , . I'M I '" Ifiat '! 111 I -IT , . it t ft .'t (ml La ii . ia.t i t..;c A Home Prettiest Mile If you want a real home in a re stricted district, with new homes all around, on the finest Boulevard in Ne braska, within 200 feet of Omaha's most beautiful Park, one block from car line, come out and see the 3d house east of 24th street on the south side of Flor ence Boulevard at Miller Park. Six large rooms, attic, full base ment, brick foundation, fireplace, laun dry tubs, bookcases, buffet, beautiful oak finish, , fine lot, everything the best. Charles W. Martin & Co. Tyler 1 87. 742 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Start Owning Your Own Home If you ran't buy the bouse you want, aolpct a lot. But Remember, When picking out the location be sure and have the eurround InK of the Jipgt, the atreet tar convenient and the property where It will grow In value. Dund ee The Community Beautiful. Happy Hollow Fairacres Wan carefully planned for the comfort and pleasure of the home owner. All public Improvements have been comploted. An ornamental lighting (system Insures comfort and safety by night. Excellent car service brings It close to the business center and its location In, the direct line of Omaha s West ward growth, means Increase in value. Let Us Show You How you can start owning a lot In the beautiful residence dis trict for a little money down and small monthly payments. It means much to you to Mart right. George & Company Thone D-766. D02 City Nafl Hank Bldg. Bee WnntAcli Arc Sure Getting Results CEDARNOLE Wi'!t nf KvaiiNtnn, Miitli f l.nlis'(. M., in 1 li tlirvi'i jmlli nf ( inuiliaV l'ino-t roiiliui tfiow lit. TERMS: V tin ii"t i m'i tu talk mall nuin iit tlmvii, or MihiH iiMiiitMy vuinl. Yt ar in n j'omtion ttt i.tiki1 rviwuuil'U" l'ntii. VALUES: Wi' rHM't ti ntfi'i it i tttu nl n!u , S. till tor n il I'fitv Ii1! n''l t' Hit.-., with Hi U.rtt h'M- tUH't fttf j'il tit tl ItllV ft litrfc'i' pit'v 'f uto'ui.l fur t!i. .n.i t.f t tllV I 'I 1 1. 1 1. 1 lAKPRK & CO.. Phone Tyler 1000 aa i BUSINESS BOOMERS WHAT WE ADVERTISE, WE SELL; WHAT WE SELL ADVERTISES US. . A GOOD PIECE OF INCOME PROPERTY. Located on th Harnoy rr line, east tftint, near 2.1(1, and California, tnt i:xlll firtt, wlih pavlnft paid on 334 Ht. Three (-room , apartmente, each apartment having arparate hot air fur nace laundry aervlce; good large rooma with oak floors and flnlah; very conveniently arranged and nliely deo. oraied: , atove, ahades and curtain roda go with each apartment. The whole building mtaauree about t& feet frontao by 21 ttt Cepth; built a little over a year, bringing In a total rent of per month; taking out all regular In tee and the email amount neceasary for upkeep and repalm, It ho a mighty good dividend on your Invntment Would conildar a good t. room bungalow around 4,00 aa part payment, but do not make thla a trad ing proportion. We will gladly quote prira on application. 600.1 FLORENCE 'BOULEVARD, ONE ACRE OF GROUND. Mighty nice T-ronm houe with iun oom. fireplace In living room, oak floor and flnleh downataira, veiy ntrely deoorald, good big porch with trailing vlnea and other ehruhhery In the yard; r.lre big eh ado trcea, which afford gwd ahade 1n the aummer; house .t hack om 4 feet from the boulevard; lot Mxtoo ft,, making nearly an acre of ground. Thl party hae been transferred to another state and U very anxious to dispose of hti property. It I a good buy. Price $6,500. FINE MILLER PARK HOME WITH GARAGE. Located at 2420 Crown Point Are., half block west of North 24th atreet car. Mouth front, fully 2-story stucco houne, asphalt roof; contains 8 good sized rooms, flrnplace, built-in buffet and olber features that go to make up a n!ce tome; iraruge with cement drive, This house has been built only a few month and was built by day labor. , The mrterlal ana work Is thera and we would be mighty glod to show this property to any Interested party, no , mutter how crltlial you may be. Price 16,760, with a good reasonable first ' payment. Call us If you ar Interested and we will make an appointment. SIX-ROOM FIELD CLUB HOME, EAST FRONT. We want you to see 1H0 8. JKth Bt. A nice new horns, with 4 good bed rooms on second floor and three large rooms downstairs; full basement; houae nicely decorated; nice big ahade treee In yard and aa, you know, among the prettiest homes In ths city. Just a half a block south of Woolworth Ave. and about thrr blocks from Hanscom park and car line. Owner la very anx ious to sell for special reason and will quota a price that will make It Inter sting, Call u for an appointment HIATT COMPANY 243-7-0. Omaha Xat'J Bk, Hid. Tyler 00. AUCTION SALE Thursday, May 25, .10 A. M. Investment Property, 2421 and 2423 Cuming St. '', "f - ; re? ' .'. -- A - r ' 5 i - i MC ' 'I ' - , ,, .... J i i 1 ft i ,t f , ' j ' 1, - c ' , ' I ...' - i ; ,;-1t"' ' .- J. A I ' " ' ... The property cormiBts of two-tory frame bulldlngii. contain ing two "tores each 20x70 with haeement under each and four apartments above. Total rents $1,074. This building la usu ally well rented, but store rentals are low, only $25 at present. Ground 44il25 with alley in rear. SALE TO TAKE PLACE ON PREMISES To the highest bidder on Thursday, May 25th, 1916, at 10 A. M. Terms $500 cash or certified check at time of sale. Bal ance within ten duys. Purchaser may asume present mort alge of $3,200 at six per cent or pay all cash as be elects. Mortgage can be renewed. If you want a good Investment that will net ten per cent and purchase a property that is certain to increase In value don't fail to attend this sale. DOWD SALE & AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. ;) N. P. DODGE & CO., .m Phone Douglas 829. Agents. lSth and Harney REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE 16TH ST. SNAP. Mnrt-y will be mart In iintwn tn- Utiy l N Hih nt tn, brick hutU). itg , (nr ) $ fm f t tfiv , n ,r th Kml itioltu iMj Thru i"p rr y ) vtfmrrA at a turn i, U lit f $ T - , H A WOLF kit Were lii ) FARM AND RANCh ..ANOS j trkaaia 1 k St'lll'lilMl Ni itit 'i fu ltii,r , slot-It raisers i. I 'tti't (fuwera. II riiu I ami C . Hiii'U A fa, , I u'HrtU 1 .Oil t H - i ' .-r ler l'i I 3'. "1 It He I ' "it t-Ma. e.. .. H . . r ' .1 ' . " l I I an I I i. f... '. I a' i I !. In i '"I " j MliklVl, I . Mafca I a4. SKVI UAI. !ltMKi:! t vi I I II V f '! ' t T lltil i A I llll.S t l , I t'l I ''.. !- , jjf - 1 II . ii t ':,. e U ' I ' i ' ( . I .. - i . a . i . , . v i,"S " . . i I ' .! S 111? I. 1 111.- v HI " I ' t i I 1 FARMLAND RANCH LANDS Mlnnnota Id nils. IMf'ROVKD KH ItlVI It VAi.LEtr gc'AR.' Tl.ll SK "'I'll Fine set or new hut 1. 1 me, fine n'eter, e"(Hfti r.m.ij,, erhiM.I 1 mile, town i mii.., alt lintl.r Uktiviitioii, ri. hest b!a,-k noil, t.-llnw rUy auliHoti, ntitliltig tellr tn the It-it lttvr Viljp. in i'oiK eouniy, Vou i nt . roi, n thle I'rli'e 1ST HI) per a r; l Ii. d . ,,h V, hun.lie. b.lim. in aevit annuel a nteiila. S irr rem I ....k fhia mi at oiu ii,n t itit.a it liiMaiitin in. Hi MerrhaliW M ink Hi,l . ,i p,u. ii,,,,, .' Ai lii.S line, a ami fit T.i.uia i ,j un ties In i,l In Ira -la of fi ai rea and iii. ria, near Ilil.Mna:. 1.' ah'l IimI.H I ki i e..,l. line a, l,....i,,. ( hiiri he s, niai Kei. r ! an I h inv,, tatimi .. emu t aaal .- . iiav Iriel. e.allv uli-ereil, nuiat lin.l hi Mils sioii.ih, in .l.ea. ni l-imi, l,.nie f ar u r r map anil r-llei iiaiam f.nn I,Hr;r I." .Hi I. v. lilt Ml U ".! Hi, ' "si-'ht. i-.-.l, k.etv a .it ' 1 l e, i ' I ,1 I , o., l , l:.,,, a - 4 ' ' a eM hi.. d., ,.,(,- I' !' Si", lain.e, 1 1 . 1 . axe I ee l a . I i p,.na ,u t.i..- S' P , , t s a; II m as'xis e I i4la l i li ait i r n . Ii la tl I h.i ,, II fc . I I '11.41 ili,. -44 'i, will Ii U e,. Ill reale I 4s. r.iu muvi;ii;nt I i e ei Sal a a a .1 I e a ii..-- ii. .ill a i. t . . .ii,. i s i s ? , a a t . . ... it ii ' .-1 ., ? i t u i a . ii i i. c'. I . a I ' a I in I I . I I . li J. ' il I .e ta.t I e' . ' " ' V ill a i.' t'ti. 1 1 .-'liV T h ! t r. V S M!"M l ! H I i S IS i , ,: S ! . ' 'N I !M. "- t r -t ' . i I V ft it. III. 1 ' 'I t II .i ' I l A , OWNERS OF srectsFVU Hiom.y i'koductivb 1.000-Ai.RE ORCHARD AND FARM WILL StLL 20-ACRE FARM FOR ONLIi $300 ON TERMS OF J10.0O CASH AND Ij.W MONTHLT, WITHOUT INTEREST OR TAXES. 1 am having splendid nucceaa Witt my l,u00-acre orchard and faim In Houthcast -Vllnaouii. Have 100 acres in peaches, In apples, ti In grapi-o, a in atrawberriea, 4 In blackberries and rasp berries, and I'M in vegetable, grains and graasea. The balance Will bs planted tu Krapea and fruit trees next spiing. The peaches have been run ning over lliiu per acre, berries and grapes J3U0, tomatoes JKJ (110 per ton at the cannltiK factory!, etc. Apples Just coming into bearing. i have a large amount of land sura rounding my 1,000-acrs orchard and farm, much more than I will ever bs able to get under cultivation myself, and will sail 10 to 20-acre tracts at !M, on terms of W.i cash and li.W monthly, without interest or taxes. FARMS FREE TO LIMITED KUMOEH For a limited number of persons 1 have an arrangement whereby they can obtain a farm tract free. .My location la in aoutheant Missouri, midway between the Ozark and the lowlands, elevation above sea level about 6u4 feet. before offering any of my land foi sala 1 went to the authorities of I In seven nearby slates having the no called "lilue hky" laws and asked them to pass on the printed matter I had prepared and to sund their expert land men to Inspect my orchard, farm and land offered. After doing this, and also Investigating my financial respon sibility and past buslnens record, they quickly granted permission to sell my land In their states. A few acres here, properly looked after, will bring you a splendid Income, besides providing the beet of everything for your own use. 1UV to 100 clear profit per acre can be made. Frulls, berries, vegetables, grains and grasses will produce these results. A single cow can be made to pay 112 clear profit every month. 11(10 will build you a cov, comfortable home In our mild climate that will seem like a little palace compared with the ordinary, crowded, brick-bound olty flat. With a few chickens, pigs and a , cow, frulls, berries, vegetables and a little meadow to start with, you health, wealth and happiness come inln your own hands. You are boss of all, with room tn grow, and no one Is big enough to come In end give you orders. We have good schools, churches rural free delivery and mutual rural tele phone lines end good towns. FKEK RAILWAY FA RE to purchasers, !)0 days' time to visit land and make your selection; money back after one year If dliiatlefled; payments slop In case of death; money loaned for improvements; perfect title; limned late possession. tiET TMI.S FREE HOOK TODAY. 1 have made about w kodak views In and around the big orchard and farm and on the land 1 am offering sad have had them reproduced In a IHI -page pamphlet. In which also I have placed all the Information to be ob- tuliied regarding the topography, soil, climate, water, rainfall, heallhfulness, productivity, proriucis end shout every thing vou want lo know; also fl leitets from men in Omaha and nearby towns who have gone down to look and who have bought. I'll gladly send you a copy If you will call, write or telephone. WILLI R. Ml'NGKR 425 Paxtoti rilock, Omaha. Nfh. CffEA P A Ti MS Any' else," eaey'-terms," In the beautiful Ozarka of Ilent county. Mo. W. H. Frank. 201 Neville BI(Kk,Omaha. NEBRASKA RANCH DOE IT PAVT 14,000 arB, B mil from town. 110,000 pur yar off thi ranch bt1c carrying hi own atuff. On M of mo'Wn lmprvtmnr. (Thr urnull . for hir4 hHp.) 20 well and wln4 mlll anr) beautiful natural lakfl In cn tr of ranrh. Price cheap and carry part hck at 6 pr rtynt. A(l'Ira Weatrn Nebraska Farm Iand Co, J. E Klly, Mm Dry HotH, 20ttj and Fa mam, Omaha, Nh. U'O ACRES of bat "farm lnd in Deutr (Viunty, Nbraoha, loratPd flv mllii north wt of Big Hprlng. lmprovn"nta, hou", barn, .well, arrov. tc. 120 arff in i.-ultlvatinn. HalH ubj?ft to lean x plrlnc March I, 9J7, to b aaalaned to purrhaaT Worth IfiO.OO pr acre. For qijif'k maI only 135.00 pr acr No tradn, A'l'Jrtfl H, J, Thompaon, Owner, liig HpHna, Nebraska. Ranch7 $7.50 per Acre, Up CAN OIVBJ TOU ona of th flnat littlw farm up to th bat atock ranrh but Ot ua hlp you atlrt. Part ranh only. Hoad of firm will ba hra May 2f to 27th; rtiff, him, Kt hla pnraonal art vie end tha ap rf a I bargalna in our liat. Wat?rn N hrHHha Farm Land Co., J. K. KMly, Mur ky Hotel, 20th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. How About This Ranch I (140 arra, 7 mtlea from town, good im provement. 10 acrea hog tight, part flu furm land, lomt! affalfa, baUnca rough him1, but good patitur.. $17.60 per acrn thtw month. Witt rarry part back on ranch at pr rent Addrt-aa Watrn Nob. ik& Farm han't Co., J. E. Kll. Harley Jiotl, 20th and Karri am, Oman. Nfh. 60 YRAKS" tima, payable on or before. Over 2,0f") arrea to asleot from in Kimball Co.. Nb. Alt you hav to pay ia ooa yaar a Interest In advance. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1018 Omaha Nat. Hank Ulrtg noug 2715. VvH SAI.b. 1 2fi arm ' "jolnl'lic Angornj Morrill l'o,. Neb.; 70 seres hrnke; rented for saann: all fenced ; no buildings, a choice rlere st $;-.l.0 tier a-Tiv Will tarry tiS' k $1,00 on mortK-ise. li per r ent. .1. N. Johnefiii, L. If. liiuiiielalmrg. Ia. FINK raiu'h, fi.fifiO acroe I'-leari, aeveral seta of Improvement, all fen. e.l hikI crosi . fenred ; 7 laells and windmills; practically all can be ph.we.l, i no imi. ran e clianau for good income, i'rl.-e, !I31,0h0. Vt'll! ai.uiiie eoine. V liiM, Omaha Hea FOR SALE liH TRAUK 44l acres I mllea norttieaet of ailace, Lincoln 'o . Neb. ; want hunie in school town lieaoribe wtiui vou have lleo. ,f I.litie, rVhus ter. Neh. ti ACKKH. linpioved, must be sold" dur ing May, Ho a T 2. Urokin How. Neh ,uialli liAkolM I. nuila. FA It MS l'MH HAl.K AN'li KXtHANUF, IN Till- UKI HlVKIt VAl.LKV m' NUKTII LA K' T A I'llK'F: TO I ,. I'KIt Ai'lIK, HANtllN'ii IX HlZliKltn.M li A' ltr.H To 2aJ A IIK. Tllhrft'J KAIl.MH ARK IIIUHLV I M I'Ki Kl ', ( IJISI". T'i TOWN AM liKOW l'. r HVTIUN'i AMI X I ' A NTLY T II i IT V r r I ATTI IMI'NTIIV IX sn,Ki('A I'll i:i- UAii.lOAit it a. it s i i x amim: Tin': I.AXI r'li,,: IX rllMA l'!"X WKlTIi li. rill W litVi, .. ,M ,IM11 SI', a. I KIXiirTKI l I! 1. iialh liaikma I, A f-N'AI" Tr rh,,l.a I'.!.. ! io-.rov-it fam . ail ll ntlt-a l'i"l l' a. t. a lo rwi Ii. ale n ai frt l s i-'l lc H elneitlr. .c avia lil'l U an r In mn l.-n. l i l pf epl Ae umii, ..i,n ii Mil,., a 1 1 a .,f I ..tin a i a et-.- I. a'a'. a s a- l-e h a I aa- a I H . iwa . I a'ii.'tLa i i. i. i "t ,an,l i:.,f-.i nt h e i - a-i a a i. ..i hul In I tt a- i.i I li mi III . I.- -i! K l t. I t la Ik I i . n a a . . i ' t i . I . ,.. . I a I , . a li 1 I II ... . I It.... 1 . -.. . it . . . (,..-, I I - I 1 1 tU . a a ! IIIWII.II, ,g I a t ... .a laaiJ. i ' u a ' a 1 ' ' i , . ' a . 1 1 , . .I I t . a ; a . a . v " . i v I I o k,, i.. i:. r , ,. t ,. , H laa.l I a Ae . , , ... I l I- a .! a I !. Ilatj (all I. a a ei I i l 4. a, t ,."..,.!, . A ".1 1 i , -anti W h. .,i. a l . . . 1 1 . r a ' I i 11 I i f I AMI.'' I' a -a f- , a. I s t ii I., .iiaal li eta . e . ,ir a 4 e' f 'i a' a,(. t i, ,..', e li I . h.ii , i .ft . ill , ai a - it j - a. ' . I i .e . 1 , li a r. . e-a,'.K a l.t'1,,1 fttl . f i -.. e e , - a , if- - .. - - ' ' - - a . . t SAil-a 1 I 1 tH Jut HN4, Ii a in,- 4 I ,,.., ..iv, . . . . i Iv I I ! !. ut I t