THK OMAHA SUXUAY HEK: MAY 21. 1016. 8 E REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Vorlh. FKAJKIE PARK, EW Fowler Ave. beautiful, brand new, mo-tory "tuco; S bedroom. Hipping porch and tiled bath room; beamed ceilings In dining room, built-in bookcase. In living room; beautiful ahade, lawn and hedife; flrat atory oak finish, second-story whit enamel; artistically decorated: Ideal neighborhood ; $30) cash and $40 monthly from reaitmslhle party. B. J. Pcannell, owner. Colfax 8511. or Doug. 39S. $10 DOWN " Rftlane monthly pymnt; 6R-fnt front ,l"t, H block from Oniral I'ark chool. High anri alKhtly. TBAVER BROS,, n ,.. 70S Omaha Nat. Psnk, NEW NIKTV BUNGALOW. Near Miller park, & rnomi and bath, strictly modern, oak finish, hulli-ln fea tures, full rementeil cellar, fine furnace, laundry, paving all paid, a bargain for lihlil H ELI ABI.B MA l.TTCO , Phone D. ?Ht BRAND NEW, FOR $2,750. Flva rooms and hath, all modern, flak flnlah, fully decorated, am ; In good In. cation. A little down and balanc Ilk rent will handle. BKJ BACRTfiCB Muat tia soljj. New seven ronm houae, strictly modern. Flnlahed In oak and whlta enamel, anng roam and aleeplng porch, mirror doors, many built in featurea, paved street. Easy terms. H this 8133 Hamilton. BUY IT LIKE RENT, All modern, oak finished, fullv dan orated bungalow, oioaa to school and ear line; full rust front lot. I'rlr a S2.260. Terms to suit .iKFK1 w. BKi'Fnnn & "1Nroiigiij, rOlt" SALE Beautiful flva-room "bunga low, atrlctly modern, hot water heat, barn and flna loratlon. fall at JSI1 N. 2Sd Bt.,or Tel. Web.27. f'B ACTIO ALLY new modern S-room house; reception hall; full basement; renia for lift par month; will take 41.400. l'hone Weh.ler 7X73, NKW V-HOOM ril NfJAIIW. Quarter rawed oak floora, oak flnlah, In Leavenworth lMnhts, corner Iota, garage. Muat be sold. Take auto and lot In pay, me it. f'olfss 4IH3. owner, j24 fiahler, h'ii ; NTlfith M :.T"47oomg, modern, two tones wenaicr i.ii. Two dandv fbungalou a lor aaia at a aac- rlflce. Wehster 422. ftll:K Ji'oua"on flna lot, 1611 Hharwood, l,2rji). Uoug. 247. FIELD CLUB Owner leaving city and haa Instructed ma to sell hie home, which mesne that he will make a sacrifice In order In make a quick sale. This home Is located at 133 Mo. H.i'i HI, within two bloiks from rsr line and Hnuecom Park, three blocks ftom Kleld t'luo and la two alorlea and attic, with full cemented l.seament; bull! of cement stone blocks and modern In every particular. First floor liss living room, 1732, with fire place, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry and refrigerator room; 2d floor na four bd rooms and bath, good sliced cutsets In bed rooms; lavatory and rnan tl In guest's rooma; shower separata from bath room. First floor Is flnlhd to oak and second floor In selected birch end maple; fine dot water plant; garage larKB tsMough for two cats; well kpl grounds, Willi beautiful shade trees; cis tern of sufflilent capacity. This prop, erty cost owner IU,60U MX ears ago; will consider taking small property as part payment. This property must be seen to be appreciated. C. A. (J HIM MET 49 Omaha Nat. Jtank Wdg lioilg III! FJ ELD CLUB " $6,250 A PERFECT SNAP treated on 8th Ave, Just north of WooSworth on a lot I7'xl2, w have on of the most attractive homes to ba found In th Kleld Club district. Tlila home was built about six years ago by a railroad man who Is now tranaferred in Dee Moines It la finished In uuarter sawed oak; th house la hack-plastered, espenslv hasting plant In fact, very Item of construction Idlcatea tlat title property wae built for a ho.n and not to ba aold at a profit. Thre large bed rooms and one smaller room on th sec ond floor In addition; full til bath. Our firlc haa been reduced 1600 within th eat three weeks, and wa ara aaf In say ing that the property could not b dupli cated for 11,600 mor money thitn you could buy It for at the present tlm. Price, ,26(l. Term can b arranged If desired. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 16H. Bos Wldg. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO . RESIDENCE Large living room with beam celling, fireplace, built-in bookcases; dining room with built-in sideboard, quartered whit oak wainscoting below plats rail; kitchen with built-in cabinet; butler pantry be tween kitchen and dining room, with built-in cupboard; table-leaf closet; dust and clothea chut; rooma on flrat floor finished In oak; second floor haa four large bedrooms with mirror doora; bath room with til floor equipped with bath tub, pedestal lavatory and ahower bath; large attic; basement with laundry tuha, floor drain, toilet, fruit cellar and coal bin; vapor heat; aeml-lndlrect lighting fixtures, acreena. Located J0 Walnut Hi. 1'rlce, 17,000. Terms. NORMS & NORRIS, IfANSCOM PARK BARGAIN PRICE REDUCED FROM $3,600 TO $3,300 Owner n monsy, haa reduced his prim aocnrdlnicly on his two new flv rom bungalow, atrlctly modern, oak An lah anl oak floors throughout, built-in bookraiin, largo living room, dintnpt room, kttr hn, two hd rooma and ba'h od flrnt floor; Urn attic; full basmnr( la tko Nouth front Int. Located at find 2$sii Miiriha ft H lhm today, kfv at. Hi 2 8 1. urea a hi., next block north. SCOTT AND II ILL CO., I'ouk 1'i'ift. Ground fl-mr. M'-faitua MM MAI.UAIX HOME 0 ROOM, MODERN WW FOREST AVE. T hiM tiar v nvv, modern hmiw la In c a i.-d In nmif hitl mrt tf t ha city In Fotrat Hill Adillilnn, whlrh a ,'laited frtitn th Httrnmn Kounti horn i-roju-rtv. It in rnnvotitf nt to mr Mm. arhnol. i hur h and V i,iigr tatntia. llaa 4 rnni ii fimt flour, 1 hiin'in and bath rn --tid ficor, iifffr1'! fur quirk al at low vri 'f 4.lvu0i. t.t u ihuw ni thrMKh I'OHTK.n A PIIOTU n Hn , ill t I' 1 ,ug lei I MUST HE SOLD Tru tl fnk rmrnv tf yg Huv (hi lr itltrt v tt lb tir h tfnnr in.! and T (''"t. and b fr rmn int. , it t ' in twi- and a a ' t f.H-ri I urn hn t4 Hit p t-rt ha f lwira nrrrrd, r,, ''M n f.'l rtiiri' it, tit ii inonj If or i r i c ti4 to tU Mil'TII SlhK lit 'ME ' t '"' t M. t : t M t f tK. i".- IiVal Estati' C.i i ! it ? r --" in.. I a , . .n 4 , .1 f t., s;i,( lj lUfl , i - ' i - 4 , , , a t , i 1 g It ,.- g,l 1(e trtn.t er all Ml ,t ... fi..s in-, t-i I . . -i I .t "ii, g . lr( .iM, a h i'' .1 i.i. ..!.,. i,,. ... v, - i i .1 a.t t ii . A l-i , u at till ! ii iis i .uiyii iiul I I ; ! I - .g t n II t.M PARK DilRU I' 4 , er , f It ' ' " . 4 ' - 4 .- . tr- ' t ' M " i . ' -in e i - - I f . f , ' . ,ii. , , i ,,,,. i m m r ASH llll I t t, I I ." 1' I " . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Snath. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Strlrtly modern, finished In esk and oak floors throughout; large living room with bill It -in book cases; Urge dining room, kitchen, two bed room.1! and hath on flret floor; lara attic; fuV', basement; esst front lot; located i34 8. fid Ave. Kasy terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Poug. 1(10. Oround floor, McCague Bldg. BEAUITFU LBUNGALO W FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 022 S. 38TH STREET New frame and alucco. artistic. Matt brick foundation, beautifully deco. rated; two bsth rooma, Rudd heater for hot watnr; ftrat-claea hot air furnace, large east front lot; street paved and paid for, garage-snd cement driveway. Owner built this house for horns by day labor and will sell at cost Coma out and sea It. l'hone Harney Sill HAN8COM PARK. Bungalow, ( moms, strictly modern, osk finish. I.of 80x133. Full cement base ment with furnace heat. Paved atreet hast .front. Houae only I yeara old. Prlc 13,000, with easy terms If preferred. A bargain for the money. PAYNB INVKHTMKNT COMPANY, Omaha Nel l Hank Hldg. Pong. 1711. FOll'SAl.K A i-room cottage, modern except heat, new plumbing. In a very good location. Jnat a few atepa from the re line. 411 Cestellar Htreel. J'rice, l,0t0, cash, I960, balance monthly. .1. U. ROBINSON. 441 Bee Bldg D. 0T. POPPLETON PARK LOT BARGAINS FASY TERMS Theae remaining lota owned by th Pop pleton estate ar priced at far .leas than Ihelr reel value. All of them are on top of th hill Just went of Mr. Joelyn's fine home. The prlcea run from lioo to 11,15 ), and practically every lot haa sewer, gai, water, electric light, sldewalka and pav ing. All Improvements that are now In re paid for In full. Call ua up and we will aend you plat showing location and prlcea. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler IBS. 333 Ros Bldg. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW BARGAIN The smoothret five-room you ever eew for the money. Well built and finely fln Ished. Kiva rooms on ona floor, ,0s k floors throughout, oak finish In living and dining room: white enamel In hd rooms and bath Plenty of air and light In bed ' rooms. Built-in book cases snd smpls hutlt-ln cupboards. Well located In re. strlcted addition. A real bargain at J.0tO 00. Kaay terms. BENSON & CARMlCiTAEL, C42 Paaton Blk. Doug. 1723, 28G5 MEREDITH AVE. Complete modern Bungalow of five rooma, only two yeara old. All paving taxee paid Lot 44x1 2. Price 11.801). Terms : 1000 cash, balance lh per mo. Owner will ahow you, RIGHT IN TOWN. Ona bio' k from Park Ava, and Iav nworth, a gm of a aLxrooni, all-rhoda-rn bouse; eaat front, all paving paid. 1 3.000. DUNDEE? SURE, K fine new bungalow, hot water best, sun room, everything you need. Price 14.21)0. FRKKMAN, AT PETERS TRfST CO. ANYONE looking for a home on payments, I really would like to ahow you my itet. I am making a speclslty of thla clsaa of trade and consider It a favor to have the privilege of ao doing and at positively no expense lo you; plenty of room In car for all the family. Now I have sold sev ers! homes lately and know what I am talking about and know I can please you. Phone ma any lime. Doug. Hl. Will iam folfax, 702-4 Keellne Bldg. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow, oak flnlah, hot water heat, lot 60x124, garage, pav ing paid on Sherman Ave., for 14,000 00. Would take In exchange a cheaper place heven-r, modern new home at 66 1 5 Florence hlvd , oak finish, two bath rooma, lot 4!x266. A very nica home for 4,00 00. W. II- GATES, 7 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. r.-12S4. Web. 2l jTiNd72TH AVF. Dandy S-room houae. partly modern, with lie feet frontage on paved tit. Will sell for I2S0 cash, bal anca on easy terma Room to build two mor houses. Somebody will get a bar- "S'Keefe Real Estate Co., 101 Omsha Not. Bank Bldg Doug 271 IS. WE have customera for six snd eight room modern dwellings, and would be glad to hear frum none who 4iae same to sell OALt.AOHKR A NELSON, (44 Brandila Bldg. Lg. 33S3. A K h.T V fJRST. FOR KKUiioUS AND SAKE Flhli AND J OHN A DO INSlKAinCE bEE O NFII. S K K. & INS. AGENCY, W4 Hrnt dels Thenter l,dgTler !fii P'INIC new home, 7 rooms and Bleeping porch (clean. In fine neighborhood, paved street, close 10 car, to exchange for small farm. Would assume or pay caah differ ence. A 1260. To be removed, houses at ?0H-10" North IJih Ht , and .'.'"1 Douglas HU can be bought iheap. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1820 Farhain ISt l'nu. Vi Wk) du Hhat w advfrtU lo d. If you hava a Muud luiuoo tor aaia cr rant cat) ua- 1UATT COMP.WY, J.S 7 onmha Nat 'I Hk Tylr J W ANT o iiarrtfl my own hnii Arn tvlng th city and tnuat a t i,ul k, All a'rlt-tly iiitdfrti and la than ymr old t.nnd pihhor hmd, far and a hunt (I REAL ESTATE- UNIMPROVED M ret. ACRES 7 sold left price $:;.() CASH .f) PER MONTH "ii'-ttt at a tifwh if 'Fitrat I'- httol t i r . - fiM II a ' U f fv i. ta I k fur . . t if , a $-' r. r hi iil' fvlt tl'l' 'Mlt-f IttMt) tt A. P. Tl KEV Si i, l'aes (- ll i : I I. Hl pars a m ,sTin:i;r t a Mfiat M nfr"ta ta (t.attaal a s . , u -, IIAIMMsnV tv Mi HMX N, t tl III III' . . . ' t - .. II ... ' . l , ll'.l t -. hi,,.:.. I .... i i t , . ' . . . i . i ?.- 9 MI K'( i;i: PARK I . , . .... 111. . . I . I l-l , f . , , ., - . . .... ' ( I - e - - - , . W , I iif..tfi Smah V i "i.-i.. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Korlh. SOME VACANT LOTS. On Blnney, one block to S4th, all en grade, extra else, good terma. Pries, 1950 each. A sure bargain FRF.EMAN, at Peters Truet Co onh. GEORGIA AVE. HOME On of those good substantial homes among the larga trees. A home-ltk and comfortable place; 7 rooma, larga onea, epeclally well finished oak floors and the whole property In good condition. Owner Just moved out, will let this go for $4,800 Can arrange terma of payment to suit This la 1049 Georgia Ave. It's a bargain. Better aee It today. HARRISON & MORTON, 116 Oaiaha Nat Bank Bldg. 4 ACRES, $1,600 NEAR 54TH AND 0 ROVER 8TS. A high, alghtly little tract of land, Just the thing for market gardening or chicken raising. Can he bought on terms of lino 00 cash and monthly payments to suit THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 27. 212 South 17th St. iOftTFIKTV CENTS A WEEK. We hav a few choice lota on West Leavenworth Hill, between KM nd 66th Hla., we can sell for 60c to II a week We also have lots between Dundee and Benson and In Kouth Omaha on game term. Some without Interest or taxes for three year. Call at our office for plat and price list. V. P. Dodge Co., Corner 16th St. and Harney (upstairs). 20 Acres Near Fairacres MUST BE SOLD BY MAY 20TH. High and algh'fy. with good Improve ments For prlcg snd terms, csll mATT COMPANY, J45-7 Omsha Nst lBsnk. Tyler 80. iTLots lit Llndnjueei' sddltion to South Omaha, easy payments, 110 down, 6 per month. 404 Were Bldg Red 6449. Mlecellaneiin. A niGH CLASS HOME BUILDING LOT riose to csr Una In iiswly im proved addition In high rlaea dis trict; psved street; fine for autos. leads clear up to addition. t'lty water, gas, cement walka and gut ters; shsda trees tnd bnulavarded atrceta all In and paid for. Lot prices. $340 00 to $736.00. Easy payments, If desired. For further Information , phona Harney 4430 or Walnut tit today or evenings after T p. m. Call Douglaa 22 any week day. $10 CASH A fin home site; surrounded by aplen. did homes; on grsde; hae wster, sewer, gsa snd sidewalk nslence only $5 per month. Or will build for you If you have $:G0 caah. Call at office and see plans. W. Farnam Smith & Company, 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064 BARGAINS In real estat. and acreage. Colfax 1052, after U a. si. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES (5MAIIA INCOME PROPERTY PAYING OVER $5,000 PER ANNUM. Will exchange for clear western lands. Will carry back 40 per cent. Thla con sists of 4 separata plecea of property. TRAVERBROS., 70l( Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. IM. THE remarkable Increase In BEE) Want Ada can be traced to only on source good reaulta at leaa coat than any other Omaha paper. 12,878 MORE Paid Want Ads March and April than ssme months 1916 17 ACRES Nicely Improved, new house, barn, corn cribs, granary, hog shed, tc. ; about 1 acre In fruit; located near Center St. Will trade for 60 acres In Sarpy Co., or aell It on reasonable terma. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha NaL Bank Bldg. Doug. 2H6. A-STRIt'TLf modern houae, 13 rooms, clos In; lot xl40 feet; equity, $12,000; en cumbrance, $S,S00, What have you to offer in th way of western land or va cant lota 7 O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 101 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. $716. 12 -A PA RTM ENT flata on North 20th Bt. Price, $16,000; encumbrance, J4.400; to exchange fur Piatt or Loup Vail alley land, 160 acres. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 10( Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg Do.JTI5L LINCOLN home and Oakdale property tj exchange for land In Kimball Co , differ ence In cash. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. JOoug 271. FOK 8AI.K or trade tor ranch property, controlling Interest In laundry and dry cleaning: IT.Vli, part cash, will handle. Kor particular write F. K. Nelson, Z1S S. M St., Livingston, Mont. VVKI.L improved farm, good buildings, ex cellent land, near Winnipeg, exchange fur lend In Kansas or Nebraska. Write with full pHMIculars to Wall h Land Com pany, Winnipeg., I'aiiada. WOl l.n like to iredn lot prii ed IsKo Oo" for a Hiii.n or elyhl room luuise, muM he trp-ily modern and In good neighborhood K, I2S3. Hee 220 A FARM close to Omaha lo exchange for Omtilie Ire nme. nil. AM) ft TRIM Itl'I.L, TV T07, 444 lire Bldg. WHAT HAVE YOU OR DO YOU WANTT he ua first We may hava Just what you want. We sell or trade everything, anywhere Chua. J. hfullh. Tyler 12 So. lsth. VAl.l'Alil.K ioio.i lth lj nearly new Iire,.i brl. k fisli, early rental nvm 1.JU0, clean enuny nt III, 00", (or lend, ma or mnlrs t paper 04 Slt't il mug i pmt M.W sl'Sttmeui, Siiih snd Farnam, I.hii In loan I. 'i, I toon Want h! fei'in AtllliifT. 4 PATTI'tlXi'V llt.Oi'K HAVt. -el f rent! h"OS Id eti tleos r a.!" ii .I si fl or hl have y i. loi wmtii-sii' 11 US Mill tn a t., i li.i r sr il HI lies W f. Iiaie seerel g'd low aei eti'a.Sa l.i)... .i e. Sai'ia Lit lit kit llll It's a.) A. fine Iriga'ed Cuin. lanii. c'ar. Wanted il-ar ninaha lmpr.ii Mr l...r. w i dt nl Av i'..lfas 1L J? fit' U(i Hi lukitiii jrexr cll Srcperty ei lai A, f'rt. I itllr H Keelin, ll,tg T Hi us .1 I 1 1 im et, , i. . $ I-. ,in Ii 'i H .4-..., !. Ii. II. ie I'alS l a f - I fir ,-. , .. - as I a - a v a.-ai. III! S ,,.,-t i.a.n.g t).Fl i.l i.f i-.i ... a-i,ti Sa.a ii w 1 e n I a 1 1 1, , .III aia. al S . a I SI i . . I i I -' l Ii In I i a, li,, I'll, .ll i il iiil a c f i h ' a al ilil i l;al t J V - ' I . l I RUL ESTATE WAN I tO I,. II nf HANflil g a I s,e.a,l. a it t a. ...e ek. aa a ( le u! t li .4 a, n r f gl M l m ' a i h i .a a t g- ,( I l.e. W SUMMER RESORTS ! i I : i - , r i 1 f I. - i ' , ii I e-lei-ta Ma !,-,. a i. I . i,. I l - , ... ... , .-.. s . . i . I ' . , , ... I . '.--. 9 I , . . - t i t II ... RUL STATE OTHER CUIUS REAL ESTATE-BUS PROP'TY iMTIl'AXD (TMIXG o()xl.T2 $0,000 Thin Is tho rorrnr of th In tireotlon an1 t th junction of five mam car MnH, On o( th Iftritent tranwrer nolntH In th city Thr U foA brlok linuRi .rtcntt1 on th lot, lilth now rt-nt (or $40.00 pr month. Thm rntnt wiM tk car of the property and ry w'" Intpreht on the Inveattnent while the prop erty U inrreAMins In value every day. We believe thla property will Inrreaee tn vain fit pr rent wit N in the next two or thre years. Terma if deelreil. ARMSTRONG MY AT.SH CO., TvlerJSJg 33 Rose Bldg REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Meases. START YOi'R HOME IN BENSON! BUY THIS LOT! $16.00 down and $10 00 per month; price l-'M.OO; etie, 60xl3S; located on Locust 8t. between Clark and Burnlmm, not far from aohool and car Mne. Geo. H. W'rlglit. Bee ofdce Omaha. " ounrll llluffa. 24 Aerep Two mllea from ef Council Bluffs. city limits Good 6-room house, all neras, aary barna and other out buildings, about I acres In al falfa, 3 acres In fruit. This land lays as well as the average land In the locality and can all he cultivated; owner very anxious to hell Might take some trade. Trice $200 per acre. O'NETIS R. E. AND INS. AGENCY, tti S Brsndeis Theater BM Tel. Tyler 1 n: WILL ssrrlflce my euulty. $2,400. In one best 11 sere fruit and Iruck farm In coun try. Oood B room house, barn, 22x40, ell kinds fruit, one mile from car, one liloi k from graded school Kessnn for selling, poor health. Hallowed, 2123 Ave. F(, Coun cil Bluffs. Phone Black 41"2 FOR" 8ALK- 14-room holer vicinity round houses; newly furnlahed; owner sick. Phone 1012 Council llluffa DsnOrr. TWO IK! 1 1 -CLANK WRICK HOMES IN DUNDEE'S CHOICEST RESIDENCE DISTRICT $,H0 11 So, 61st Ave, Attrsctlve brick veneer; hss large living room with tasty brick fireplace, sun par lor, dining room, breakfast room and complete kitchen on first floor; 4 nice bed rooms and tile biith room on 2d floor. Maid's room, store room, closets and balh room on the id floor. All floors oak ex cept In attic; first floor finished In silver oak; 2d floor In white enamel and mahogany; hot water heat 9,000 1 14 Po. Hat Ave. Brick snd stuceo house located next door 10 shove described house; hss large living room, with open fireplace, dining room, breskfsst room and kitchen on the first floor; three bed rooms and sleeping porch on the 2d floor; two rooms finished on the 2d floor, hot wster best; osk floors through out; first floor finished In oak and second floor in white enamel and mahogany. ' These two houses are exceptionally well built, atrlctly modern In every par ticular; first class plumbing snd guaranteed healing plant; screens complete; hardware Is selected bronse. The instnrlale for theae houses were contracted for previous to the big Inrresse In costs, and at the price quoted, thla Increaaed cost is not sdded. If yen ara looking for a home where the restrictions aasure desirable neigh bor nd future vlues, do not mlsa thla opportunity to get a house thst Is built right, located right and Krlced right. Reasonable terma can e arranged. These houses are Juat completed and ready for your oc cupancy. Phone ua for an appoint ment to make Inapectlon. GLOVER & SPAIN, Poug. 862. l-20 City National. DUNDEE BUNGALOW EASY TERMS I good -sized room all on on floor, modern in very particular; nlc bath room, apecial built-in featurea in living room and kitchen, large aim porch, fin full cement basement, nice east front, on paved street with all paving and alt spe cials paid In full. Thla Is a mighty styl ish little place. Anyone wanting to own a home positively can't heat this oppor tunity. Price, only $3,300, cash $:oo, bal anc monthly. PAYNE & SLATER CO., $H Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg Imug join A GOOD 'LOCATION- tor Storog or Apartment Hoimcg ON LINCOLN HIGHWAY IN DUNDEE Thla t a larg rmrth n1 fiiM front turner lt nn r tine. In v ins I IS ft north frontage on lui(t'- tret en 4 i-U feet eat frotitaifa 'n 4tth A v.-tin. In liunilitca newt-,! Hiliim.iii, hf '1 -I-opmetttft ate tMr lt rafMly Nt brl.U 4ltr liuilititt- U tinw tn-lna. hut It )ut if th i'f....ri an-l t a('arlni'i hu-i I t''n hHl t'ul ertt itl tmrth 4f tht .itFtiBr hn!4'hni rhtttre. IM'I will Inv".!!.-! il iut fwit lo tnrs!lnat. J'rti e nl lt tl en aiittt" n'tnn (l'.olfGi; "N MIN Y, ) I'll , Sle.. .1 lUl.S tlHlg " M NhKi; ii.l(isi s i;on! MODKUN t H I rtll h t riitil f' h i I - m ' t '' ' t I i n I : t si it it fcn l t t tiui g r. tM, I f... I V-'"""t l-i.-X'ti .t.:A - f t . .-r -i- .Mi t ' ''' f f r .-i. '' 1 ' '- f il i;-'f l -" I" ' ,-. iie f.' tfc,4 '" tt. AUMMUhm; UAI.MI i'u, r ,.,!-. i i i' .. l-l Dt shi;i; I "' ' it - - 4 - 4, , . . . a j.l I - V I,, , - , . I - , . a . . . - . - a !-.. , t A IMMMI.I , Hi . a i ' a 4 .Mil pvvrrinY. t-sH i.i, i I t . I 'a i . In' s I I i ei I a i (,- 1 4 I a I i i- . I . i I I l'i I - . ' t . - a a a - ... I I I i a . , i 'I v , I . I I i I.. . i ' l. ' , , , a .i it.' - . a , i . . REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN DnnilM, moTVErn Home dundef; want offer At ?J Capitol Ave we have a room modern houae, not new, but in good con dition, heated by hot wster. The lot Is corner, so ft by ins. ft , hoih streets psved. and paving paid for. Osrsge. House pow rented st $36 00. Price 14.200. Owner very anxious lo sell and wants otter. PORTER & SHOT WELL, S0J So !7th 81 Phone t'oiig 501$. T-TibO'Sl house "with i sleeping porch; close to school; biRKest bargain in Dundee. Tel, nouglss ir.SH BY OWNKK Large "n)Ulh'f'ro"tiT lei", Happy Hollow addition. Pundee. Attractive price for quick turn. Adreea owner. Poug Mr Punde Bungalow Neat, dean. attractlve prop ty, well located, at reasonable prlre. Thii.Campbell. Keellne Hid. Dg. ?t I- litre life. &HK Nethanay for a'crcageT-Florence i2Sj REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS THE NORTH EAST CORNER, .'1ST AND DAVENPORT ST. A corner, 0xR. with a larga house divided Into apartments and rented for $100 00 per month. Jtixti. Is vacant snd, can be Improved. Is now mortgaged for $4,000 00, owner wlnhes to sell, will tske soms trsde for the equity. II A. WOLF, Ml Wars Ttlk. Pnuglas 0M FOR SALE 13Jxl33 feet .of trsckage snd a two. story and basement brick building, snd known as the "Rosenherry Plsnlng Mill." Lncsled In the very spot where they ara figuring to build the I'nlon Htetlon. It Is only one block from Uih snd Leev enworth Hts. Building Is rented for $2,100 a year. Can be bought on very reason able terma and at the right figure. ,T. B. ROBINSON, 443 Bee Bldg roug o$7. WHEN TOIT PLAN TO gELL THAT REAL K8TATE WHAT? List your property In THB BEE'S Big House, Home and Real Estate Oulde Buyera of real ealsle sre exsctlng ususlly Vslu muat be there, sod spparent Price should be an Inducement, but make the information definite snd you will gel responses from persons really Interested In your offer, If you run it In THE I1KE O'l tl and HARNEY 50 FEET, $33,000 8even-yesr lease, psylng IS1 per cent net on the total cost Klrst-clsss Im provements snd ground will continue to Incresse In vellle This Is lbs best Im proved piece for the money, esst of 1 41 h Htreel. GLOVER & SPAIN, nouglss asm, jo my Nstionsi 24TH A N I ) DO UG LAS GO FEET, $22,500 Brick Improvements, pay $I,$00 per year, which pay per cent net on the In vestment, and the property la Inrresslng in value every day. $,M0 required. GLOVER & SPAIN, nouglss S2. 1 0-20 City National "HARNEY St. "INVESTMENT. At 22d and Hsrney. a fine large, south front, double brlik flat lu best of con dition; lot IDxiaS; paved alley snd al ways rented ;' Increase In this lorsllon at rste of at least $100 per foot per year Are authorised to offer this property at ,only ve.-y llitli more ihan vacant property a worth on Harney Ht, EFK AVjJHEIf l)rtl PON. Poug. T$ 91 FRET, pear Kord factory, $10,000; 0. room double house, $6,000; near tilnh school; eo feet Hodge St., $1,000; other bsrgslns. O. FVJHebbl ns, 1 61 0 jTMra igo. ' 22D AND DOUGLAS. SGxIS!. Some Improvement. Increas ing In value. Price $16,000. JEFF W. BEDFORD SON. Doug, JSM, FINANCIAL Real Rafale Loans, Me MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment house, double brick houseg, single house, buslnesa property ar.d faira land at 5, 6H and . W. H. THOMAS, 228 Keellne Bldg. Dongtna Mil. i TO 6 for loana on best class city residence In amounts $2,000 up; a Leo farm loana. Reasonable commission. PETE KM TRUST "0.. ISM Karnam BL OMAHA home. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha Net. Phone fiougla 2TU. MONET to loan on Improved farm and ranchea We also buy Good farm mort gages Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. NO DELAY W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLItO. JvlONET TO LOAN, for 6 yeara. on Improved propertlea. 8HOPEN Vl0,iJ:0"- 42M' MONEY on hand for city and farm loan. II W. Binder, City Natlunal Bank Hldg LOANH fr-64- IJAN3 THUS. L. MlGAKKY. Keellne bldg., Ked 4J44 CITY and farm loan, a, uvg, u per cent. J. 11 iJiiinont Co.. 4IH Keellne Bldg. $imi In $Hi.'i niaiie promptly. F. U Weed, Wend Bldg., lath and Karnnm SI GARVIN BROS. ;nfi uiMaim Not I Bank lildg Mii.NKY' llABKl.SuN A MnltioN. SIS Omaha Nat Hank Hldg. V6 Financial Wanted. WANTKP. I ITV LOANS. lmlitfiligte closing, l.nwfiit rates, IJi'sliieme lottna a apecially. Inleiimt paid b (wc cat h, year. I IUST TIM "ST COMPANY, HI! it N ATHi.N A I. HANK Hl.litj, lrW aia4 Mnnala, ,1 I;)- ( KM M ' i H f t. .r x I il - M ; II I I I' I . I M 1 I S I 1 . .'.., V. ... all ,' a I v la ' f IWI Nag ag fi SkUIuH l af I'a4 l-s $ I- p-am Sl. I .1 a. . ., la) $! i I i $ ..! I F li,siaai a I filM-lei f . a '"-" ! fi 4 i i hi "H I I - t a I S a a I I ' I W Si a V )i i imi. ,N k 4 , 1'iaika, Ns i I k mt till i iu.u'aj-ti'tp i'ihi I a i REAL ESTATE Ornamental Lighting For Minne Lusa We have contracted for an ORNA MENTAL LIGHTING SYSTEM for all of Minne Lusa Addition, and profiting by the experience of others, our system will be the very LATEST and BEST. Tere will be four lamp posts in each block, all cables will be in conduits un der ground; it will be a wonderful im provement and will be paid for by us -no assessment against the property. We promised last year that we would make MINNE LUSA not only the LARGEST, but the FINEST residence district in Omaha, and we are making good. Opportunity is knocking at YOUR' door. Come out today and select your lot. We will sell it to you on monthly payments, and RE MEMBER, water, sewer, gas, sidewalks, grading, seeding and LIGHTING SYS TEM all paid for, and the prices only one-half what you will pay in other dis tricts. $550, $600, $650, $700, $750, $850. Buy Where Others Are Buying Come Out Today and see dozens of new houses being built, and the busiest and prettiest spot in Omaha. Charles W. Martin & Co. 742 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. A moo liomo for $l,0i, Brst location in Omnlia. Paved strop!. tVmcnt walks. City wiitor, cistoni, fowrr and pa.. House built 8 yrnrs. (iornl as new. ami sightlj", llousp is pooil for a $1,1.00 loan. (Sor it today, '' South 41st St. Aliovp prit'o is for im rnpiliatc -alo. .1. I COOK, 5L 8. 4ht St. T i . ! a l rjrjr I ' ' -a ' ' ' VJ. linn Beautiful 5-Room Bungalow Near MiMor luk $40().(K) Cash - Balance Monthly. A ruaii-l neai Rl n:,.eri1 Imni ill. ,I1 k r I ( (MU(t 'i ! fl.-'!. lid aanliT Jisisii. 1.mIi . , siiej !i hiu I,. (iiiii ( f t-Hi r"'"ii im iti.i.rn 'i"i' ' i lim t n I it a K. v.ues . en ! 1I is alls - ill l-eiiietl( HUH Im'.H'iit ft..i, Mns'.lsf A ji'hni liitniff, i--l . 1 Inns .liain la laiut lf t . mss I t I 1 3 1 ! e I l l"e .ttn . ,1 J ' ! a . 1 II i l. v. a l, 4tvii... tenia i -. ..av. 'mm ill kU.- iia.i.i a. I Miiier l'r a tin. I If j. r. I r ue n. isti'a Iteiiiia lit (ha Vi ' ' ' I i ' l. I m at '' ,nh : ! t 11 I l- ,'.Vl "'. THE lYIW)N RED COMPANY, r-.. i,.t :it, .a, a..:, m , REAL ESTATE i IS.) V'i ; 1 ' . " ,-rr---a. . Ia. y III Hi -.: sr. J . a ' a K . i . a a I ' i 1." M' I ' 1 ' - gl-al I ..... , 1H . i. -a a i vi.i'l I .! si f.i I ; h jMtm f in . .!. .. . a.l, Ua !.-.aj. ,.aj .,a,.sS t II i V i v i , i , . i t i t i " a ' , !-' ' t- a- . '' :"' 'a, " J SIllSI tl. I ' ' - I ' I 1 I , I ... .' I ". t - 1 1 It !! (,g W.