THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MAY 21, 1316. HELP WANTED MALE Jeine nl Solicitor. Ltvs side line : something mw. Nine minuTH' time pay you It. Pocket umplH.. Prompt nimmtMioni, Rtsts ter ritory covered. Klwnod Mfg. Co., 1111 lllchlgsn Ave.. Chicago. CDKL1NE BaLK!MAN Urinal concern In oountry placing hlgh-clase leshoerda nly. Cn uee mart good men, tommli dan IS la IK each order Chicago Dia mond Importing Co., it 15. Madison Ml., Chicago, IM. , EOTePMEN" . W' ANTEIl Men who can ell thing. A ulnmin from Iowa write: Bold three orders today, midi 22 .10 My car far and dinner 12. m." How la that for a green man flrat day :tlhg paint, lubricating and automobile olia and grnrerlee ? HltchrockHIII ( o , Chicago, li.ioi ""MONTHLY guaranteed to specialty salesman Belling one outdoor electrto eign dally. Enormous demand, absolutely new. Rolling price ono-thlrd regular value. Ex clusive protected territory Free sample to oarry on sensational road exhibition. Never done before. What olhara are do ing, you can do. Flashtrlc Hun Works. Chicago, Jiio MONEY for aaleamen msklng town under 100,000 pnpulstinn. You can iske orders for our fooda aaally and quickly. Merchant psys only for goods he sells; wt tak back wlut be doea not dispose of. Four dollara (It) commission on each rdr. Commissions paid daily. Full de talla upon request write today. Plonser Novalty Co., Una wens t , I tin at o fvANTItl) Reliable man In every county, (tell roaea. ehrub. vlnea, frulte, ato. New collection, faet aeller. Every property owner a customer. Experience unneces sary. All or spars time. Excellent in com certain Pay weekly. Htart now. Brown Brother Company, ftoohaatar, NY Al,EMEN wanted to aell m ere h a n 5laa In umaha. Nebraaka ; lies Moinss. ftioui City and Waterloo. lows. Call III 8. lath Rt , OmAha, Nebraeka. SaLYiTmen' to sell automobile specially In Nebraska, Iowa, South Dukota and Kansas, goodslde llne,iaHee hidf . If YOU bavV aeRing ability o jtan3 ard tteo. A In. Co.. MU W. J. W Umaha. S3"JK.TI41MJ ogtra ood, big monoy tot th (ain-ian who la a bualne itUr. 1017 w. o. w. aHEAM aupplie aaleaman, wlih auto pre ferred! give reference. Addree M lit. Bee iTCiiflMAhf 10 trvl In Nb. tndaf4 Boo and Inv. Co.. i" W, O. VV. Uldg. A H TED 6a lea men to drlv th ouniry. Tyler I4 1124 podg tt. ITFriALTY" traveling aaTeaman to Mil rewipaper advartlalrif aervli-e. Kxclu gfv territory on oommlMlon baala; w offer a prrrinnt Poaltlon proaeintlnf great poibilltlt. Th Kyndlcal Ad Tsrtlalnc Company, U4 Numu Bl., New York, N. X WAVTECfUlMmar,' calling on carp.i and fumltur tore to handl good aid Un on commlealon, Hmall aamt.le fur ntehed fre. Addroa txick Hot 2'a, Bouth Henl, Indlna; I, IaLEHMAN -Tbl le an aceptlonal ppor f tunny for th man ambiiloua la become a euoceaeful aaleaman. 10 to 4H weekly certain on our great new propoaltlon, Advertleed eitenelvely; hat furntahad. Apply with reference, between ten and twelve Monday. T. D. Hrewnlng, 111 Balrd Building, Trad lekmia OOOD MEN WA-NXID. to iMrn auto work for to big gpting run. Fin training work ua auto ana aiootrta gtarting gyatarna. ' AUEK1CAN AUTO COLLEOD, " 1061 Farnam 81. Omaha Nb. JOM warned to learn tha barber trad7 Tuition l-'A 1M SC. Omaha, OMA HA HAHHRR OOIXkQ - MOLEE'S BAKBEE COLLEGE Un wanted to laarn th trad. W fcava originated a plan to taaoh It Jiulckljr and earn back tuition whil earning. Tool Inoluded. Opan to vry co. writ for catalogue, UO Ua. 141b. Ui, Omaha. Nb tEAHN barber traae. more than malt your tuition wbll Inarnlng. Sot of tool Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ fur catalogue. 1402 Podge. TKI-CJTY BAKPKH COLI-IMB. I.VTfttXfOK&f d "peraieient dVer"iialng will "aell" any aalahia real en ate, and lha largeat number of proepectlva buyere ran be reached through the fteal Eetate nd Wtnt Ad fluid to all of Oreeter imalrTH J6t K Hotel anil flyataaren ta. VV A NTEt A Flra" cf" "chrf at th Hrunlck returnt, FrmoBt, Nb. ; good wga to the) man. able to deillvwr th good, no bnote fighter nd ap ply; temperate man only will be ron aldered, muat have good referenr. M 'e'tilM new lib. A MM"? fr TM Ef I :N IT Et5 BT A TTtTTjEN WANTED. Able bodied unmarried mn between age of 18 and M, cltlxen of United Stale, of good character end temperale hablla. who ran apeak, read ?nd writ the V.ngllah langunge. For In nrmatlon pply to H rultlnxt OffWr, Army Bldg , lMh and podge flt , Omaha. Neb.; 2"7 Hlxlh Ave., 1 Moln, la.; S27 Fourih Ht.. Hlom City, la.; 110 N. Tenth Bt.. Lincoln. JNeb. No other Omaha newepaper la showing anywher neer th prog reea in II Wnt Ad column aa THE PICK 4,124 IKE t'AU AI8 March, lilt. than March, lle MM MORH PAII All April, ll. than April, till, -THINK IT OVER." ;s WEKkCy earned at "Soma by ateady wnrkere In new Induetry. No aeillng. Who! or apar tfm Write for pellicu lar. ayreaCo., Toledo, O, OLriMOBfLt) dealer wanted for Omaha and ether Nebraaka territory. fropoel tmn to mek you money. L. E. Talt Auto Co . rlatrlhutra, 1311 N At , Lincoln. Neo. WANTED Parfy to run eiactrlo light and water plant. Write at once, etatlng ex -pertence had and aalary wanted fa. L,, KelthVlllag Clerk, rtirtla. Neb FI H KM EN. BRA K KM K N. heiiltinera'.' i) monihiv: pemiauanl poeltluii. Addresa Y 356. Be. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS iOKNf S" AN T T. RMpoiwihTi 'iriariwlih Ford or o 1. and d-,iHMtnirt v,,fl'l fooitrti syatAin for Kr r.n. Itm tttkM wftll with inr mid h tn t rr)i11y l sbti.. Urrltory. J nt out In Nhrk-v. Kfti liiaiv torrunry m tgn4 tf rtht irty Fur pttrUruUr. 4r-ui H V, lletrrta, tln?it Afnl, Hntipff, Nb, VTHf family u- tuap, -ilrnt, lnttl nr tlrl And (irfuin vry tltr. why don t yu ih ( itrofit hv llih our uMran- Ud proctT him I'FofH f:i'iu.v lrrltiry I-raall Mnuf actttrlnt t'.. XiiHS-T winitil la u.i tUtii riRrtts for mil lug r !l t r(ll!if Ittbm i fur t tii cm, trom ft ia ft tn Ungth I.(tfl rwiiimiMiou. A4 d' T Jt, Z.AMEH AVI. lilSTli !., fiHillntf , ftutori t ir ( til i,r : tirtuut i'm and mi f l.uitti '-H k'f 4 , M A M.f v J ri,it 4 I'l.Mt. MiH lHtf tr htii, fio r log triimr f.i t U'iur fit? I ruiM V At'i 4 T fi n N J 1 r N T li !fil l mer j aftefH irttt O. ll.fwf tiU.i Si .WhU l.t f" tiav' rlj.tio MU 'f f'I-' t M:M!ll ! we F) IM I,' h I. I, '-'( 4 T 4 . 1 P lt ig. t ffc..t,, At -lit, i 1 ft, llr. I. , . a t k. I e . r4. a a-a ,t ii e.f.' Ht. . ! am h j i v. 4 r t i i It 44. - 1 ' . i- v ' -i- e, . t Alt' ,,.- a ei ,t4 W . Hvt ele" ,,e K r I 4 HELP WANTED FEMALE " " mui Kill, e t-''dfKii ' r i. a - i e . e . , i , e e..- e.-'' 4- 4 ,,. .-k'' ii a , t" , ,. - It e. , . . e . it . e - 4 a . - - - -- 4' .? 44 ,4 - ' - 4 r "i -.' i j Hi . tin ".' ' .'IS ' w 4 ) i . ...... ' 4 e - t ; I ' i ' - - V'. . ,4 41' '' 4 w . t r it t w r . . a teatt Hl iaa " I,, :,e,,. i e ' a II, I 4 ..-.a ' 4 4et it-'t t a w t - , i a I b- 'i 14 l IVe 4a . 4 ba.,a,eea at Ike t'ea'ae-eeeak HELP WANTED FEMALE H e 1 ea women and tlolfcltera. FIVE bright, canabl ladle to travel, demonstrate and aell dealer: 126 to IU fer week; rellroed far paid, (ioodnah ruf Company, lpt, lot, Omaha,. Nb. Nomt-hitli aauci Unmeet lei. WANTtD Nit, clean houaeaeeper for gen eral houeework on farm; muat be good plain cook; steady place. Writ Mra. . 1.. Rogera, Wslihlli. Neb Phone 222L2. V A N'TED Whit srtrl for general houee work; muit he good rook; 2 In ramiiy; no weehlng Mr. Olen C. Wharton, 604 8. i;th.Harny ?2 HAVl a nlcely furnishedapartment to earhang for work; man and wife pre ferred Call I2 Para Ave. or phone Niamey 1171. WANTBI A good Hnnri girl for general houeework, In family of two; good wagea. t ail Mra K H. Hiradue at Ueneun li In tha morning. YOl'Nii girl to aealet In houeework. no waahlng no cooking, family ol two. ZM0 Hirrli Harney till. GOOD whit girl for general houeework. Harney jutl. Mra. Krank siarun. WANTEU A truetworlhy experienced whlta nuree. for chll'lren, rererenca required. Mra blion, 4; N. lath Bt. WANTW) Middle-aged woman to eara for Invalid and help witn nouaewora. nei erencfe Kor particular call Wabater Hit. WA.NTKlJ A woman on farm to do houea- work for tnrea. write Mr. J. J. ciunion, Oram. Neb. R. r. O. No. I. WANTED An "prientad" "whll tlrTTor houeework. no weening; gooa wagea. J'hona Walnut Kt. WA NTrin Olrl for general houeework; foreigner preferred. Lemaky, ill N. iota Hi hA tTkl. WANTS))- ExperlenceJI girl for general nouaewora. amen lamny, gooa wagea Hhona Mouth WNTklJ Hjueekaeper, five In tamlly; I ter week tut Avenue B, t o. lllurri. c"iM PKTftNT lrf "for" general Koueework; arnall family. J'iiori liarnay not. luiu H etth Ave. AN' experienced girl for general homework; no laundry, leiepnon Harney ie. W ANI KLi Young girl to aealet with houee work and children. Harney 4081. CXfKHIKNCKD white girl for general hnuaework and laundry; (mall family. Harney MI. ' W A NTEli Young whlta girl to aaelat with houeework; I is larnuy. rson nar. 111! vV'ANTtD Kxperl.iiceT nurt glrU ill B. Jlth tl. Telephon Harney llt. CC)MPEtENT whlta girl for general houee- work, ood wage Coll1 4l. WaMiKU 5iri for "general kouworST 'iLnuLiC!'i? . ?M'y- (JIBL for general houeework, mli family. Ill l walnut turn TioieiTVnd "Meataaraat. WTJTrhmbrmld". ""Apply to aou keeper, ttutel fonieoeiie. EDUCATIONAL KOYLKH CO-LBCIB, MUll BI.'HOOl. Kverr day la enrollment day. Book- keeping, nhorthand, Hienotype, Type writing. T rauhv. Civil IHrvtee all C'ommereial and tnllh braotbe. Cat alogue free. HOTLKB COU-EOB. JUt h and Ilarney Dta. Tel. 1'ouglai V',h. TllETAK SAN'T school 8TKNOG RA PHY BOOK KEEPINQ. fay tVhool for Young Women, evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning elaa In typewriting Inn C. Duffy, Owner and Manager, ft. lDtn 0t. Omaha. TfAlTF'aummer term ofNr to atudeata beginning April 10. tiarps rurnimaa. oe Lyrlo Bklg. oratta iLon Studio. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CUBED Dr. JL R, Tarry our pUa, fittuia and other rectal aiMaava wlUiout gurgle sal operation. Cure guar aa feed and a money paid until cured. Write for frotg on rectal daaaaa wltb taaUioonlauv OK. E. . TAKltr. m tie tlldg.. Omaha, Nea. YulJ.MI woiiioii coiiihig to UmaKa atranger are invited to visit the Young Women' c'lirletlun aumlatlon building at Mil Ht. ana Hi. Mary's Ave., wheru uey win be direct. I to suitable board ing place or outerwlae assisted. Look fur our travelers' gum at tha Union Htatlon. Tlifc; baivatiou Army Industrial home licit your oia cleaning, furniture, mag aatne. V collect. W duitrlbula r'nju I'ouglaa 41J6 and our wagon will call. Call ana tnapeat our Dew bome. eiiv-i,-iiiv uvuxf 44. : EARN" bii money; be a pliotographer; eaay to it-arn; complete course, Kinory School of I'luuogrsphy, 111 N. )t,ih Ml, I'hoite Tyler S43 oi' Call of writs Or. Wrsy 4 4 1 tii-ii , Ki Hee Hldg H KN KlK'tTA M. 'BHUUMAN. acientlfla maeeeiia xrailuate, Prof. Ylmell s school tswcrileli inusxaKe. Itnilis, steam and ahowev. Wil Ketbnch HltJg.Red T,Tl. A t'V KRTliSK your property aa though yo 1 believed He eele or rental to be Impor tant, by keeping It Hated In the lug II 'in'. Home and Real fc:tl uulde THE tlKB STAPLES SHArKKS" "maeeeuaea " aitd" 1 alp epoclallat, graduates Prof Yhnell'i chool; Bwedteh tiiaaeage, aoalp and hair a. m to I p m l ill, 401 Ware Klk. Tt look your beet call at our Heauty Bhop. (imaha'a superb hair dreaelng and treat ment panoii, prlcea very reaeonabl. Indil Koetnettc Fhop, III-SO ftose llldg YM. JuHNfTuN, Chiropractora, IS W, O. W. ttMjj. Iouglas '. South fid office, -4o7 N Ht. Houth ant U I", iimk a apviially nf stout women s anil suiglcal enra ta, M'-IliJN'K Corset Shop. Hramlela Thea. (ulibv. V I wtig 4-'l TIKTY faahionat'la piln e.l iliVrii calling ranla. lie, lui. Jf.i Mmlern Catd Co., ?l H Lincoln ht . Ienver. Colo, A V I KI.KCUtlt' r.ATllS. rhlrnpodr Mixeea tltay ml Hand. ' ."14 Halrl H!k , lth aiul pnug'.as I' St. t i.V KLlJt K1W TKU. "' iiiaseeuae," HI I'aal.m l I V , l a 111 o I i m i Jr."! JitHH U,- -ltl an.l inamo . r tit tl . N.i I I'avl.lnte Ink i.n..oe I , n 1 I'ltlVATK bom for v ram Itahlei Sdonle.t Colfa 4.1 4l! N lth SlII.I'lU'N 1. 1 board ati.f ai for. I'.l tlainry ti uis'ali Ihoi. Moiig f al llllkl UAtlfM lrer. etc eee.'u tv 1 ;t g- erepl ,1 H Iti-aaer. I!4 lie l f-4 1141 l.cit N H'lfMltli' M A i. I srv'll ll' IfliM-K 4'U,. til't' '.,, , W. iw " '! f . U i1 r I FOR RENT-ROOMS faeatekeri keaaie, ATTrvTHtN. h('M JU'NTKMi If ' l fat! 4 f'r-J f f" i l"t """l.g thee a. la. '( at T . I've ..ffi, f..r a ll..4 I tei isutpele etf",'t rtee'lip II, a - ro Ih a I i-ite Ike '. it !'-- . e e.,4 'fc -., he rte U tut Aj 1 -pi a i l U . ,f ett n ' !, .- a ' 1 t e4 t "4 at mn" Nea net i i .el $ ,'k I'd. i . t f.-,,4 , r .'! e a""' a'k ael a-, a. a f- l - ,4 e,,e4, a' Iiim a. a ! ' 1144 Hill, le I 11-41 (! .-, .ea .'1 i 41 e., a,.... I , .. Ill a -l ". l ru . 4aa4i4t U 4 U a h. i. ..e-4 li s ee -''. ii) a-4 east eaawau.', a. 'a a f. a t'-Ma I Wee Har , a i I t a II t a eaa t 4 ee'4 f ,.,ki4 it 4a -laaeal e-ial r ex. 4) ii. 4 eaea.g 4,i ai t lit i, a ' I .. et-a-1 t g 1 - a ' 1 99 laa aa. ' a4 Y- k V' I'f l.'e.eaal n, e'aza . e i'i ia,a 4 e 1 4 4 til 1 1 mm I i V I -4 , t . . 4 la . . a. ,,a fa- i t . 4 e oi' tail toaii' e, aa- ' m-'i a a i a i a i ;! W. I 1 lil ." I el l . --'n - . ,e a - - - . la see a ! I -- 441 FOR RENT-ROOMS Fornlahed Room. TWO beautiful front room, cloa In, for couple or two glrla Tyler M'l-W; 1417 JONES -Large, well furnlahed room; vary d eel r able for on or two gentlemen. Tyler tilt CLEAN1, pleaaant room, modern; board If desired ; in private ramny. mroei 14" HAR.VET Elegantly furnlahed room, trlctly modern, eeparate or adjoining JS 1 7 DOUOLAH Nice cooi front room,, Ult able for two gentlemen, ttoug 441 FRONT room t lth "nd Earnam, vry reaaorjablaCall l)ouglaa im fjOL-'lLAS T New" flat nlcly fur nlahed; cool rnomt; plentyofhot water NICELY furniehed" room. mfddlag4 per sons H10 N. 17th Wehater 6ton. SOLTH'room" with alcove, lawn porch, gar age; referencea given. 2124 Caaa. Jill FABNAM -Nicely furnlahed room, orlvate family: deelrsbl location. Ri" riBW E Y AVE , newTy- furnlahej" room; modern fiat; plenty nor woter. I 'NICBLY furniehed room", cloa In. will rent eeparate. fiouglaa e4l. KICKLY furmanej room i'. tn, au modern Ml W ft t . 26JJ (:APIT0L AVE. ilouth front room with kitchen. Doug 4637. Fk VB R A X or aingi room" nicely furniehed. Ill4 Leavenworth 8c 284 N. iltk" gT Parlor and two lplng room Tylar 1l I NEWLY furnUjhed room, rent raonbl. 1401 No lth Bt. Howaelteeplnar Ronms. BATjtTFULLT furnished ' s'l modern 4 room spt. for light housekeeping, consist ing of lrg kitchen. pntry, bdroom. nlc. large living room and dan end aleep Ing porch; vrylhlng furniehed, In Hana com park district, on car Una; reason ,ll?,,',tJ'r,',: C'sll Harney 467 1. TH It E E connecting rooms "and I su'lies of rooms, light houaekeeplng, modern con veniences. In Raw apartment, reaaonable. Hrney77. ITANfiBOMItrnew 1 and 4-room apartment, strictly modern, furnlahed or unfurnlahed. 14 South 4fith C Leavenworth car. ONEpra"iy 'mall suite" for sdtiits. f,4 Houth Jth Bt.; walking distance; l 10. Harney 1131. THREE and four-room apartmnl, modern, near 1021 California, ch,,p rnLrtRETH APT I room furnfhd new; steam heat, else, light; gas rangea; laiiedryBe theaa last tH)-ti tM'nfinrt. S. I7TH, iol Twe eoiy," Tight haaement rooms furnlahed gas rangeslnk iT"Oit I furnisbed modern llght-bousekeep-Ing rooms, 111! Davsnport t Beet rooms In olty for money Phons Red !. THi' fi'arney I nioa'isrgs room fir "house, keeping; all newly furnlahed; alao sleep ing rooms Harnerll. Til PabI fieeriy " pa per eT" front houae- ? lngroom :w "Jiki 'erwietie lavenport, MZ1 Ouiild I-r. apt., rafrlg., alao. It., gag rang, klteh. cab. tM up. ill Jlih I or 'T housekplng room cheap Cl or phon Ti. MtJ LlflHT heueekeeplng rooms; nlcs location; rent reaeonabl. In"gissJM r A RNAM, 'nARioir front room, gas rang, electricity. Price right "WfTs. Mih 'S'l rooms for "housekeeping, 111), Phone 4F, ir UM 1. (5nk1 suite lighTTousekeepIng rooms; walk teg distance Tyler 1441 Bear ssl siataas. NICE, clean" front reorn. good bosrii, suit abl for I young man or man and wife; alao alngl room; horn rooking, fin lo cation. Phon Webtr l71. sRcTiHTfriEb "rooms', with or without board; modern and prlvale home; ra enabl. Ml . 14th AvsJlad 42. III I ST. MAfiflTAvar bord" and room, 14 11 titt tpr wek. Btof rvlr. Mi51irAND "BOAitKJ" eiecirlo light "ancS bath. 107 g lltb B'. Rannaa Waaledl. 6t! ptVi'irv-w"i"rNf itoog; CALL THE BEB WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM OUIDB. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rootna t af arala-ajeg Rooms. 1 7T H llnfuTn la h ad Rouaekeeplng Mieti. elnata or an aulte. Harnay 1187. i-ROOM "apt., gas and "tollat", fii; -room apt., II; Ij0"1' Poug I'll. "nNtJITB rooms downtown, unfurnished. N. P. Dodge a CO., lain ana narney. HOTELS OMAHA, NEB. Making special summer ratee from gJ 10 to 17 04 per week, wltb bot and cold running water HJVEINEIt. Prop HOT tL "BANFOKU. HOTttL HAltLfev: llth A Farnam. th and Fernam. fliwclal rts to permanent guest. HOTeXT oppoalt poalofflc. Kate lOo FLO MAR up. Phon Dougla 1141. FOR RENT FURNISHED ApartmraU sad llousos Apart meats. SPLBNDIO, NEW, FURNISHED. TBAVEETON FIREPROOF. I4TH AND LANDON COURT. Caurlng to people of reflnud tastes. Apartment la completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVFR BROS., Tel. Poug. Ms. 706 Omaha Nat Bank. 6r Call Douglas 7W1. FOR RENf to responsible party wllhout children, a nine-room furnlahed house faulng eaat on Turner Park, from June 1 to Ocleber 16. Rent i a month. Addreaa ' P 140, lie. "FOR RENT a-room furnlahed aparUiient for the summer. West Farnam district Phon Walnut tin. Ilotiae. l-ROOM furnished house, sll modern, "for rant; referencea required. 121 Oeorgia Ave, Harney le. Six -ROOM modern railage" good condition, close tn car, Heaaonabls. Phone bo. JH'l FOR RENT-HOUSES MTi'.T. MODERN HOUSE FOU KENT Eight roe ma t bath room a open ftiap.e-e, oa lha flneet alieet In Heel ramam, No ml Ilarney Telephone-ilarney Hal or 1'ot.a lea ii. IXHi KENT f:t0 IVr .Moiiih. A III llWIll, U ttl.ntcKt tlllltg. l w, I I't'iaV (mm tit "its, hi ly e .ell l.xate l tfitmn nf i itv I ir fitip'ru itr4 r tfHuti fill u .' tut t: i .'i. i iii ic ...'41 ,i,f! tiy tank ilat la S Itttt at' tiai t e i e . a A i . I - -. , a. n . a 41 a-1 414 S 1Mb St, tn etle-'ei ao,t,a 4 a aa k 4 a a. - fc a a a - a a t. . .liaga t l.l I. ill li . e- I a M H i 1 I 1 1 i - I t '.,M bai a In. til liahi'S W f 4 a 4 ll I . . i. t I . -a a 4 a a a . , - ' -e t e e ' a - i a I a I l-aal i I t ii . .a, a,' tot .a e ll' ' ' I a a l a ' a. . . In 1' V,, i . a ' a II V i a t at a 1 a a-a t- . a... a- a l I a a, a' I' 't 'a a e a aa i a I ,l a - a . I , a. " aa I i i , I 4 i l I 1 s . l a' kl'l a , I- V, I V t - S..e . I a I . a- I 4- I el t Hon tM'U 4.4 r '41 "aa i 'e- B t V'" at -,. ,.. a I k.- t 4 la a , i . , a 4 t I 4 t , ' ' ' -4 k.-- 'fct 4 i hi it - . '', a- 4"a a.-a.f i,aw e,a,.i., a 4 e-eeaai r . e, II I I a- aee- St i ti ait )' i I irf aa tat I. ae 14 FOR RENT-HOUSES Went. I ROOMil, hot water heat, 140 O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE TO, 1011 Omha Nat. Hit. Bldg Doug. ITU. TOR RENT-Hlx-roinJ houae with three quarter haaement, all modern except heat, large lot. a Webster Bt. Kit LINCOLN BLVD. H-room houe trlctly modern, with hot water beat. Price. IM. Douglas IM. WEST FARNAM. Ill North 3th Hi., l-room, I baths, wlth garage. J'-S ? ROOM", modern "collage. Inquire 4170 Cass Bt. Nortb f-ROOM modern houae. furnace, slaotrlo lights, oak finish; large lawn; shades strictly flrei class. 22l North Ufith street. . '5. Open. 6-room modern houes; electrle lights; flrat rlsas neighborhood; Juat ratlecor ated. HII North 2sth tret. III. Ky flrat door south 135.00 ROOM, 111 N, llth St. Nlc for roomer. UO 00 (.room, 1101 N. loth Bt. Ill 00 l-room, iSJI N 10th Ht. II. A. WOLF, 114 Were Blk. 05oug, 1011 Vg-MONTH FRtE KENT. Nice house, block to car; garden snate; modern extent heat; room. fOOfl; new paper. Douglai 7833; ee rilngs, Webstar (ye. : Km R ENT A " pieaaa ril t-room, trictly modern hotine for HI 00 at 1101 N. llth m Inquire of Mr. H. M. McClanahan. Walnut 14(il t ."if." ' 1 1 ( t ! it K, 1 4 (i f"oh lo ,..iWti 3 and a-r sp's . 70 8. 27th l 100 N V. r)OJiiK A '-O ,JIOindHsrney. FOR "RENT -rVoom modern cottage, ei cept heat, good repair. JUI l-'sldwsll Ht Phone wsi aait 10 ftOOM modernTtou, hot water bell, tile bath mom; garage, 1110 Spenoer. Wb- star 144 f HOi)M.modern houaa. . T5 N. 'lid St. Phone rolfal 1470 U.U liHAN'r 'tl'f -l-r com. moeern, i . T. F Hall. 4H3 Ramg Bldg Daiig. 7( T ROtjald". all "m-dern. Tin" locatiou. Call Weheterll T fiOOMH. Airmodrn. nml Park. Tef H204, i ltOoM, " modern except "heal. Ill North 41t Ave Toutb. ill B'i, SOTH- T room and lleeplng poroa. all mod, nawly dtoorated. NATHAN SOKBERd. fall Be Bldg. P. H rRo5illiouai aasT TronX large Ta'wn, newly deenrsted, hot water beat. Two screen porches lit! So. Illh Avs. Har- neyla4. i .xi--"ftOO8 and bath oa oa floor; choice. 2 Woolworih Ave. TylerlWl. SwEfi wishes to rent seven-ioocs, rarn houss, I block from Hanacom pavrk, Har- ney Ml l-RO-if all modern kuugalew, vacant June 1. 1141 g. llth St. Praoe IJ7.I0, Tel. Red 1111. T itOOeY" modern" houaa, 141 . ' it 8l. Harney JUI ' ioii "lir. MARYS AVE. Modern .leaping room, ll.ll. r"H'jtM hou"ae,jfo Slllh tt. TylerTTiT Mlacellaaeaws. HOL"MF;h kTRItTLY MOtiERNi 2 N SKth Rt., I mil, 1 21 40. t7ao "H" Bt , Bouth Bids, 7 rm III. ilia Park Ave, I rail., Mil. H24 Ueorgi Ave, I rm., larg rootna. fin shad. 132 (0 20 R Jlat St., I rm 110. lilt VVIrt Rt , rms . garage, 140. HOLUKH- PAR'ILY M';UE"lN. 3I0S Tbarle HI., 4 rms.. 111. 140 N !4th Rt , rmi , 111 ELATH ALL MOHEHN AND PARTLY MUt'ERN. 101 Leavenworth, I rms., 111. II. 1414 H. ll'h bt , rms.. II. 1.1-7 . loth Bt., I rms., walking -latin, e, 27 10 MODERN APARTMENTS. 11114 The Boaworth, 2117 Howard Bt 1 rms , snd bsth, furnlshsd, Trst floor, only on left. .... 23 10 137 60 Th Ayr. 101 S. Hat Si ft rme . and bath, best apartmeate In th city for th money. 4I ISO Ht tjeorg, 111 N. I let Avx, i rm. end bath, beat location In lb rlty Oarage ' A R .11 HT R UNO VV A LB H COMPANY, Tyler ItSt). IU l Bldg yi.ATH. ?l g 17th Ave., l-r.. modern. III. 2680 Pirlrk Ave. 4-r.. modern. 117.10. 1717 Perk Av., l-r., modern, lid. 21 R llth Ht , 10-r., city wtr, HI. 1214 M. 17th HI., l-r., city water 111. 711 N. S8d Hi., l-r , oil water, 112.10. 121 H. 20th Ht . 4-r., bth. 111. 2214 U HI . H. , 4-r , oily wtr, II. fiET ACHED HOITHE8. 1111 8 31t Ht., l-r, modern. 141. 1111 H. loth Ave, l-r., modrn. II. ;I2 Rewrd Rt.. l-r., modrn, 110. 22"4 ej. nth St., l-r., modern, 12. 1241 H J7lh St.. l-r., modern, 1211. Ifalil tleorgla Ave.. 7-r., bath. 123. II. it N. 2tth Ht., 7-r bath, 20. ZA22 N. nth Rt, 7-r, bath, lll.ll. 211 N 26th Hi., l-r., city wier, II. 20 Parker Ri f-r., modern. Ill 270 Oram Hi., l-r., city water. 111. 2217 Itewey Ave., l-r., city water, 111.11. 2311 Hickory Rt., lr., well, l. (IAHV1N BROS., III Omaha NaH Hank Bldg. . DETACHED. " 110 Bouth 2tb, 7-r., mod., 1713 North Hth, -r., mod. - a-, llJ.ea. ELATR. 710 N. 2Jd, l-r., mod. St. Leula ftat, 2 SO , 111 N llth Bt., Id a, 1-r., mod. . bt., 1 "0. . . , J4nfa Reward, t-r,, Id ft., mod. ax. bt,, I12 Key at 121 N. 224. 1620-22 N. 2ih, 2d fl 7-r. and l-r. each, mod. en. ht., ch 111,00. Ky at 1121 N. 22d. Will decorate thess flat to salt teo- nl"' A. P. TUKEY A RON, Thnne Itoug IH. H07-I W. O. W. Bldg. MolKKN HOUSES. l-r.. -r., t-r., l-r,, i-r.. If., 6- r., 7- r. It . 1II04 Itavenport 81 ..moo 2i'2a S llath Bt 2fo I'ariirr Ht. (colored)..... 112.1 B. Hit Rt aim l.arltnnre Ave 1100 N. 22d Ht a 1 20 Leavenworth 8t MOli-HN EXCEPT HEAT. 4I Templeton Ave UK.ih. i'.,..rt and Leavea. 40. DO 10 00 IS 00 22.1.0 10 0o 20.00 11.01 worth I ) i, 21. IS N. Ilat Rt 00 PLATS. l r. Illl Leavenworth, mod. ei. ht. 11.00 PKThHH THl'RT COMPANY. 11 Earnein Bt. Do u lll. 1134 Eratikllti Ht., il rni., " mod a !"4 "ll liard Hi, 7 rm., ll mod., I II 00. 'tt'i Kvaita Rt , 7 rma, all mod . M0n Ull Ho. llth Ht., I rma, ell mod. Ill 10 !li s ith Ht , I rme, mod. aa. at-. lo. 4121 N 2Mb Ave, I rm., mod. . bt.. In; rircle, I rma, -d. eg. hi, !'' i:!-iflc Rt, I rms., part mod.. 111. i:ti i,WHt.l ft , 7 rm.. mod e. h., 114. 2i ITierlee Ht , I "lie . mod ea. bt.. 111. ItlHKETT COMPANY. 421 t4e Hoi l.ul-J! I lltHiMtl. J'-H Fetnein Bt , III, I t....oi.. Kit v I lib at . Hill. 4 t....l. a. T"ll I'laik H . H I r ,.. nv4 H "'b Ht . modern, lis, , ,, tn s Hilt I". Hi- 7 ratoe, IIJ7 eherwood Ave, III. 1 t.aata.e. !H4 lea HI. H H i....o,a ,'ll I's'ker Hi. Ill I. Itt NI.'V vt I r ttH I 'I I VI If' A NY, in t I tleoa liMi iwaae . ,a". a letlajtO Mi .. ll.'atf, I realm, rioaera . .. i a a a It i'it'' join ae, 1 reaese, irllF m4 i,.'a"',N,'liik t . l-eiaa. iru-4lg 4 e.e 1 III a tub m, I rwaaaa adei eat ttaal. . . tll I'eiaaprall R", I I "". " '"' '' TkH a 44 R WITH . Ill attat.a I'" ' 4.V.;r MOUK'UNt-s of I'nitl Wniit A.I .VJv. ert't" g in ih J" t a et In ti. . a 1 1 a ef 1 1 1 1 tl.ex t e.i.a ' l'4 j., i t.,....t-.i 4 a .-.a, h.2.,o aa , a It, -a 4 a - aa Fa.4 III.' "aiat It, III l a 4 e '! I I i i 1 . e- e 4 a esiea t,l-l a a a ana 4 i-. ea' 4. 4 a 1 1 a a ia I !- I. el f 44. ai at t a a n i . .11 II I I' 4 la4 fiaalea R.i JS It I a l , 4 S 1 a I AM' P"l I TH," if 4,alaa. a.a'l I I A HV I ea. I I .1 la ..a.a,-e I a I A- Ma M. ! t ; i .M (...,. 4 , I t 14. U j .v al I eat -a It II ?il 14 Hr.Nf j trii ,.i a i " , , b I 4. ! a l- l I j I V II- W aa I I a I ,i ...a ji i I,- - a - e, 4 n, f. . . !. . , a- a-a I.. a I I ana a a . e a II I II I --a- 1 1 a a. a v ' ea ! II Illl I a. a 14 a .. ta . t e-4 ( ... a i i e I I 'l, v e ti s tl 4 aH 4 S ' 4 If .' i ' fa-e I I l a aal '4 I 144 I ea in 4 f a ' i a. . .e. a I M a - e lan.a'4 I'l l'H4 111 I at a ' 4 i a -aa . a -a a. ,. I . , e - a a a a I . I, i, , a a ' i a i i n lel-l. I J l ' a '- FOR RENT-HOUSES M iaa'ellaueaaua. I ROOMS and I I of an acre, all In fruit; city water, gaa, electric lights, cloae to car and echool. Reduced to 12.100. Can make reaaooable term. Pbon Ownar, Colfax 1047. WB do what we advertle lo do. If you have a good house for aale or rent call ua HI ATT COMPANY, Formsrly Hlatt-Fairfleld Co. 241-t-l Omaha Nsfl Bk. Tyler it. BRIK. Ill North" 21d. modern "lit. 10 101 Routb list, modern, 7 rooms.'... 11.00 JOHN M. FRKNZER. Douglas 154. :0R KENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. for kp:t, the st. george apts. farnam district. Five-room all modern sleam-heated apartment. Located In Omaha's best res- Idencs district. New gsrsg being built for us of tenant. Oak flnlk through out. Only two left, first and second floor. Hee them today. I4K-U0. ArtMSTRONO-tVALRH COMPANY. 121 Rot Hldg. PAE APARTMENTS. tit South .let Bireat (Boulevard). Apt. I I rooms, lal floor, 141.00, Apt. 6 4 room and sleeping porch, Id floor, too oo. Finely finished, well located apartments with every modern convenience. Can be sn today by calling resident mnagr, H. Illl. A. P. TUKET A RON. Phon Poug. 102. ItOf-l W, Q. W, Bldg, NEW I ROOM APARTMENT. ' WITH l-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. gtrlctly modern and up-to-date. Al, 1101 Dewey Av. All ouUld rooms; twe bullt-ln bada. HARTINOH HETDEN, 1114 Bar. T. II. r I VK H OO Mff Th Hudson. 207 U 24th Aval buttt-ln buffet; panel wall In dining room; Inde pendent porch; walking distance. Will decora t to suit. III. HARTINOB A HEYDEN, 1114 Hr. Tr. II. t'wfl roSmI! Ill R. 17th Av. Bullt-ln bed. Close In. now, 27 SO HARTINOB A HEYDENK 1114 Her. Ty. 10. Three" RotfMfT" 9711 Dewey Av. Hal large living room; built-in bed; NEW; wtlklng dis tance; 12) snd 124 10 " AIl!'l. " -iiJJ? N-JLi .J?-r.T.1'; JL'ST The inoat complete, 1-room heated apartment tn be had. Nothing lacking aa to location, comfort or convenience, wltb the surroundings of a private home. RentH2 60. Tel. Harney 772. NEW 4 room apartment, cloa to high school, 20. OKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1011 Omaha Nt, Bank. Ltoiig 1711. FINK! tain-nated aia.trtmrnl, either I or ii rooms, on West Farnarn street. JOHN VV' HORWINii ' riH NMT. CLOSE IN, cheap rent, 4-room mnSern apt., light, water, phon, gaa range, laundry, ummrr.te, 122 10. 241lpavenport, m, iTtOOMH, 271? tteway Ai.; "built-in bd. NEW. riose-ln, 127. H A S T I N n 8 JkH E V I E N.J 01 Ha r . ,JT ylO. .. --- iefl.OO i-room apartment, all communica tive; ideal for rooming house; opposite the Ford plant; nw building. IK N. Utb Bt, H. A. WOLF, 111 Ware Blk "Till N. lid 4-r., steel range, "gas plsfeT kitchen cabinet; water pal, 1 JJ'&,; "af?JDEnN" apartmerita. III snd up Near poatofflc O. P. Btabblni, 1110 trhlcgo. isi''urif?ffri-r. mod! Apt , 127 &o. HARP BROS., Dougln HII ""aaiaill." NEW BERKELEY. 10th Ave. and Jone. TWO ROOMB, WITH BUILT-IN BER, COMPLETE THIS WEEK, retaliate nf larg living roam, with built-in bed; small draasing room, kitchen and bsth; beautifully decorated Close-in; bo oar fare; gasr angs, refrig erator; curtain rods, window shades; 121 to I3t. HARTINOS HETPEN. till Her. Ty l. rRf5M. III? "Park "Ave.; all outside rooms, well lighted; newly decorsted ; tile bsth; Urge porch. Call ua for appoint ment snd w will how you through. jtj4jTJNtJB A HEYfJEN, 1114 Har. Ty. 10. HVaWtlJOM Steam ileal, apartmeu t . very daalraoi. The Chula Vist, loth and Pooplatton. Conrad Young, 'Ui Bran- dels T rteeter noua. id 1 1 COOL spertment, 121. Free rent to .June let. . Flo-Las; l-room: 2"tb and Capitol Ave. PETERR TRl'HT CO. Doug. 0. I-ROOM modern apartment with beat and janitor aervlc 420 8. 16th Ave, BENHON A MYERH COMPANY 4 2 4Oma h a Nat. Ps n kB Id gJP h cn sD. 7 4 1 r"ROOMfl No. 2, Georgia, 1040 Ueorgi Ave, 3f.60. Month's rent free. PET;R8TRrBTjCO. v DourJIII. FOR RENT Modern f-r'oom flat;"" price li7 1144 S. llth. Poug las Illl. , MODERN spl.T't' rooms." 26; nesr post offlc. Q. P. Stebblns. Ill Chicago WANTED TO RENT I'nf aral-aba-d llaauere Hliel Flat. WANTED TO RENT Immediately, aoi.d t er l-room house wltb garage in West Fsrnana district or laundae. Must b-i a flrst-olasa place. Olve lull Irjot irusiion. Address o ill, nee. aT-vs or eli room furnished or unfurnished house by June or July 1st for three, six er twslve months Newlyweds. Beat of references. Tel. Walnut 2447 "WantaiTto Hint House In DUNDEE. W. L. SELBY A BON3. Dougla U510. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE Vz-JSI & STOKAGE Storaa. moves, packs, sb'oa; l-horse ae and I men. 11.26 per nour; storage, rl per month. Satisfaction guarantee. Iiouale I3.V and Tyler -tt. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate W-ked rooms, for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. KJI. liith BL pOUglM la UOUDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. HI N. Uth Ht Phone (tousles 4 aar Wel.eter '.w METROPOLITAN VAN' STORAGE CO. Careful attention given te order far moving, packing er aierasa, hfftc at LKayiiaond Futlit lure Co, lit) and Illl llaaward HI Phone n Illl li.)Hl,lTY vj I; KKK rttone IVaugta pii for mmpUte list of vacant houses and apart, litems, aiea for storage, moving. loth and Jatkaon Hta Van araa Stores C'tv Moving, parking, sta.rag and shipping, i'hen lxiuglaa 144, KKKULN VAN & STOKAtlH Parking, atorage, II Cap, Aa Tyler IS mTllaf-I) stria Co ' aioitng. nd Wt Faraam at. ttogtae ilai. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PRT'Tt llweee. -y, n h4 T r- ba rawl e feel ie"4 liia teem, le'ga . ee lit Si ,lil . . S.aaeil iKia e I'tk 4 teea. e. IH I i 4 4 Soa't 4 . I4t aeg rie Illl aa . . a. 4 a a - a I-a ikeatt leeaaai a l ana e-1 ee Il aa a I see, --'-ea la I a. ,e.. I -a-I.e el lel laaaai a , a.t.a I a k gaa ll,.,.,-, , . ( I 1 a 1-- , i ! Hr ills I A a a 14 4 a- i I .an-a nia ' I I a a a la, ., . ei-' e a -4 la -, 4 lail . ,' .. "I . g a. ae.e4 -4 V a I ' " lit! a . .-, a , 14411, 4a.ael be' . 'al .' WIM HX a, ,.ie,.a.'ae I 4 1.,. Sil H . M T- l s al W l I eeeeaaaaala, ee ! Ita !-., a.aa I at l al I leel 4 CftlUn-i JtOo. l-i.s'a l l l ee HUg 11 I lllilll a I 4 "... I aaaj l.a.'. a. I i . , I . . , a. , . -a . I 'a-e - a..i ,l ,1 ! a- , tl I taei le-- .a . I . -a a I. l alaa.l .l S t'i ' ' . . a tllalat aullll I M till tiaa -a 4 l"l hh?NI BUSINESS PR'P'TY Rlores. STUREtt. JUodasrn store room and basement. So. llth But fin location for grooeries and meats. CONRAD 10DNO. 12? Rrarrtele Tbeater. Doug. !'(. LARUE, wall-lighted roome, adapted for dreaamaklng eatabllabment er studios. Now occupied by Van Rant School. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg. FOR RENT Part ef store room. Inquire 111 Bn, llth. BTfTRS, ROOMS at 101-1.811 Farnam 8L Thoa. F. Hall. 3 Ramge Bldg. DJ 6T5RE building, llvfng rooms" la "rear, 3iX6 N. roth. Douglas lftl PART of atore, 2221 Karnam St. Cheap rent. JOHN W. RORB1NS, 1 101 FARNAM BT. SMALL store, near poslofflcs, tli, O. P. Btehblne.JOOjChUago FITand coal hualnaea place, vacant July X. Inquire 1107 Pierce S- Mlei-ellaueoae. 1211 HOWARD. S fla. and baaement, 20100. 1201-u Harney, 4 fls and basemsnt, 22x127. F. D. WE AD. 110 So. 11th St.. Weed Bldg. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West. WEST PARrarTTOW BARGAIN 41st St., adjacent to 40tb and Cuming and Dtinda cars, gray stucco house, dark roof, at front on paved street, psv. Ing paid. Entrsnr from brod roomy porch through vest! bul to reception hall, coat closet In vestibule, reception ball ha tei window sent and can b uaed aa library; liv ing room has large fireplace nf gray Roman brick; larg dining room opening with French door Into ua room; large but ler pantry; wall arranged, wall lighted kitchen, refrigera tor room, with opening through Into un room, o can be uaed for dlraet rv1o from kitchen. Second floor, four lleep i Ing rooms with one or more oloeet In aoh; larg (leaping porch, til bath, lavatory In guest room, linen clossl. Thirl floor all finished two sleeping rooms, bath room, two cloeeta, I trunk rooms. Basement all finished, ce ment floori toilet, laundry, fruit, vegetable, furnace and real rooms; largs general room which sou Id be converted Into billiard room. Coal chute stor age bin for II le 10 tons American Radiator hot water syqstsm: plenty ef radiation; circulating hot water system connsotsd with heater and gas for summer use. Combination gas and electric flituree. Metal weather strips on all windows; Burrowes screens. Lot 11x110 ft. Concrete walks; 110-bhl. cis tern wltb filter. Lots of nlc bruba. Price 111,000. Owner leav ing the trlty. Let tt show you this pise. IT 18 WORTH THE MONKY. I). V. SHOLESCO., ' 11-11 City Naf't. Bank Bldg. Dotigls4i. BUN-LOW BARAltfS. bungalow Bargains, bungalow bargains. Tsks your sholcs of two brand new all modern, 6 room bungalow, with atnero gahle and dormer, oak finished through, om xcpt kitchen; extra large living room end dining room, with bookcaeee, paneled wall and beamed celling; twe good bedrooms, with cloeeta and plenty of windows; tiled bath, wtlb medicine cab inet; linen closet In hall; handy kitchen, with bullt-ln work table, cupboards, china closet, drawers snd flour bin; full cement baeement and largs floored attic; Rogers furnace snd Kohlsr plumbing fixtures; decorated throughout with high grsds psper. Full lot (one a corner), sod ded yard; ecreene, water meter snd win dow shsdes. Price, 11.410 and 11,471; 1261 rash, 127 monthly. Oood lot taken as rsrt pay. Ree them In Leavenworth (eights st 4221 Mason Rt. and 4201 Barker Ave. If yeu went a boms of qual ity and fins finish this Is It Ws have fifty satlsflsd customers to refer you to. Open todsy from I to 4 p m, or can be seen by sppolntment any time. CHAB. HORN. OWNER. WALNTJT 1211 Vvet-!TKam owner wants offer" The price has been out from 14,100 to 11,100. but the owner hss removed to Flor id s snd we are willing to submit any ? reposition we receive for thte property, large room a I good -sleed bedrooms and bath on the second floor. The house le, finished In the very best of quarter sawed oak snd In svery other particular la ons of the beet constructed and beet located house to b found In Omaba within 11.600 of th price. There 1 a strslcht loan of 12.000 now agalnat th property drawing I par cent, which may be assumed or paid at any time See u at one. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler Illl. 111 Rose Bldg. deliWtful modern home to be closed out BY OWNER ft I a fin eaat front lot, 41x114. nlc lswn, lots of besrlng fruit and hrub bery. House splendidly built, with hard wood finish and floor , throughout; 4 room flrat floor; 1 room end beth sec ond floor; best plumbing and combination light flxturee. Ideal hot water heater. We are leaving rlty and must sell this prop erty. Our price of 12.100 le a real sacrifice, but any raasonsbls offer will be consid ered. Corns and ses the property. Inside and out, flrat, then we'll conaldar price and terma. Call any lime today, 1614 North 41at Ave., and I will ehow you through. MRS W. N. BAKER. Owner, Phone Walnut ill. Or Bee PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Agent. 610 Omaha Nat l 'IdgPJtonerMiginiaV I3rick and Stucco House in Cathedral District This is a well built, well arranged house, located si ths high point near Mr. Jos lyn's hesutlful home. All surroundings sre attractive and the looetlon is convenient lo two csr lines. The grounds ars well laid out snd sttrat live. Tbia place la now being offered for 11.000 less than srtual diet, yet the neighborhood la better developed than when ihe houae waa built. It will pay you le look Into thie proposition, If you wsnl s good house at a low price In a restricted' neighborhood. Trm rea eonabl. GEORGE it COMPANY, Phone P. til 11 City Nat'l Bnk R'dg Beautiful Homo and Ground;, Opposite Country (Tub I room, medera. well built reeldenee and beautiful lute, all planied m flow ers and aeirubbery. facing south en Mill lary Avenue. Thte properly baa bad tha beet ef care and le In excellent condition Ilea hot water heal and eaery modern convenience Can ee bought f ar lee than Improvement, erlgmaiir ei A home yaau would Use le wn Tee large for owner aaee. Arrange fair ti-tv Glovf-r & lpain, r mi in City Ni H"ii Ride )VsT WHAT YOU WANT, Just what you want. iu.t what you wast. te velaie Is laak ikal ana el Ihe flrat Ikree II. kuaea Wehln l II Will kaiy A irtet,y laaaaaterai franaa 4 at.' oak I'eletaal kenae, la l I etat. ettk I lease Mel bee-! ielk. 44 leeBI.l .eeaatng -' a'eiaaer le elite, fa 1 aa naeat aeeeaaasel etite al kk lal staaeaMei ft41.'e Seaaeralel tka-e,a aa.1, .ieeiae e4 eiaaalew ekelae t.ia4 ee leige a .tear Uai le leeaeee .etk Maine a li Anna " w.ataa Illl !' r-' l4 a l.4 e III sweaikir I'see ie l' ia Italia ,'NI M.. lW WIIMt Illl vorn choice W ! A fcn " il - - -I - ft tlMl tl. '- Wt lia B il l..'-l n. He) tV l'i4 k. htmp.'m iM . kt k Wf ( sk l' is v i) al ft t.4 i if f-4l t-1 . . -4 1 - I i Ij U sj.a r'w 1' III W rH, tt 4-ti i w .-. hi i WKaST r'.VHN A ( f.a l.e.e al t tka I SaHv at 44 llw Ik taaeel r .e a-eea an ma a ae Jm I th.w la h I leaaa e, . k - -aa I" aa I C"rpi!, Shi k Cunn-nn'ta I a 4 I t H-4 i' - REAL ESTATE IMPROVED CATHEDRAL DISTRICT W ha' a new bungalow that I luet completed, fully modern In every way; larg living room, I2-1S feet; bamd celling and bookcases, dining room hes window aeat, plate rail and panel walis, oak flnlah In the two front rooms, with oak floor throughout th house; well r rnged kitchen with bullt-ln cupboards; two Urge bedrooms and bath: bath room tiled and while enameled; full cemented baeement; east front lot with 43-ft. front age. Price II. ISO. About 1500 cash and the rest monthly. RASP BROS., 101 Mcfsgue Bldg. Poiiglss 1R63 ON BOULEflSt), NEAR" CALIBX)RNIA We want sn offer for a very good room, modern house, well built, nicely fin ished and In excellent location near Hi. John's church. Owner has been sekluK , 11,000, but IS fully decided lo sell ami will mske a sacrifice. Easy terms csn hi arranged. GLOVER & SPAIN, Donglas ll; I1I-I0. Q"r Niljdhe.1. 3GTH AND DODGE Lot 41x111 nesr the corner nothing In the neighborhood like It for the price, 1610; 125 cash and 10 per month, O'Keefo Ral Estate Co., 1011 OmahaNat, Bsnk Bldg. Poug 27 1 BTE,v6"ANf5 r I OTA P HON OPH.'. ..171 DICTAPHONE OPERATOR BOOKKEEPER ;.;'.' PEMONRTRATOR expsnses and l'a STENOUKAPHER I'l STENOGRAPHER P. B X. OPERATOR I WATTS REF.CallOBrandele Thenicr. A' few "choice" lots in '"Cloverdalc." cheap for cash. A choice resldencs lot on rses Rt., bs tween llth and lltb Bis, cheap for cesh If taken at ones, Tel. owner. It. lltl. evenings t'. Hi $2T250-'EASY T ER Nffi: Juat completed In west part of city, ail modern, oak finished bunralcw. ftiiiv decorated, on Urge east front Int. A dandy buy. .1EFF W REDFORO A RON Poug I).i!"2 I-TSOOM. strictly modern home In fine condition; quartered oaK floore, east front; paved etreet, on Farnam ratr II. te, double garage; s bargain; leaving city, lit! N. 40thbt PhonVV'alnut J0I0. FOR gITB--riy owner," strictly "nodint seven-room house; hot wster best; 41 miles Cfalcsgo; ssvs commission. Tel. Walnut 1148. Ktli'lf II' i l VI Intra -. . w ttt.i ta.";: " iaa plete d. 11.110. On I y 1 1 0 0c a a h P,l 210 Rtortb). TIEaTTESTATE AUCTION SALE. , Omh reldnc nd I lots located st III North 2Mh street to be sold to the htgheet bidder. Mondsy, May J2d sf 10 o'clock. In Hi forenoon. This properly consists of bonne with I rooms on ths first floor snd up s'alrs unfinished. Full bkaemenl, 2 largo lota, fruit snd garden ground, This property Is owned by a country bank snd their Instructions (o me la lo sell regsrdless of price, la the highest bidder. Terma. $200, rash in hand on 'lay ef sals to be held in escrow by Auc. tlnneer till abelreot showing merchsnl able title Is furnished and s wsrsnice deed. Balance cash when papers are de llvered, any ons wishing special terms should make srrsngements with Auc tlonssr on or before dste of sale Ssle will take place on premisses At tention, speculators, this Is a Chance to pick up a real bargsln. JAMES J POVYIi, Auctioneer. Phone Red 1240. ONE BLOCK TO CAR This Is ths bungslow thst you have been wanting, sli rooms and bath, new, fully modsrn; living room serosa froni of hours; hae fireplace, bookcasea and beamed ceilings, plati rslt snd panel snd a number of other special features; larg gunroom with sis windows, woodwork white ensmel; sntlre house newly dec orsted; remert basement; furnac hest, floor drain snd sink In basement; ens' front lot, 4O120 feet; fancy iron fence Pries for quick sal, 3.r,0; about 50u cash and the rest monthly. This house I located in Boulevrd perk district and urroundd by naw homes, RASP BTiO.S., 140 WcCagus Bldg. Pouglss Mil Barg.ains, Seo Thorn Five rooms, gs, electric lights, wster; lot 10x121),; 1100 down, 111 balance. Flew rooms, modern except heat; good lot, 12,000;. 200, balance 121 Five rooms, gas, electric lights, full basement, furnace, dandy piece, 12,000; 1100, 120 bal. Five-room modern, new, hardwood fin ish, 12,100; H00, bsl. 2f. Tsn-room, five up snd five down. fln for large family or two tumults, 2,10", easy terms. All sre close to rsr snd school. R. W. BARRETT, S S Douglas 1100. 120 First Nst'l. Bsnk Bldg $3,250 l-room and bath, large lot, on csr fine; 1100 down snd 121 a month, Including Interest. 1100 will paint snd repair this property snd put It In ths tl.OitO rlueti. snd It Is located In fine nelghbnrhooal. Nr Psrk snd school. It will cost you nothing to phone me snd let me show this. I know It will please you. Plenty of room In suto to tske the whole family. Houae la eak flnlahed and etrlctly modern; I at exceptionally fine neighborhood snd al ways will be. Fine buy for young couple. Poug 1(10. William Colfax, 702-4 Rec line Hldg Good Home Very Little Cash Five-room cottage with bath; large lot; fin shrubbery and fruit tree. Price, fi,3i0. L-cated ir; North 2Hb cat. Norria & Norris, 100 Bee Bl-i Phone Douglas 4270. THE 4 PRETT I EST M II -E ' ' Open spaces, trses, flowers, shrubs, an outlook, glvs character and artistic aland Ing lo ths "Prattles! Mtle." Wlin ou drive out Florem lloulevsrd nots opp.. stts the "Rome Miller" plse th heauai ful whit brick houae fronting east ant south Juat aoroa th street. It n.tlca meng th natlv forest trera ,'lr ti n taniee nabl u t offer thte In.- home and Ihe one juat north Xc.f it l'ri. e and terma, ws tbtnk, csn be made !.. factory. If Iktereeled, rail ua up s treuble la eneaer. IIARRIaSON il MORTON Tel. P. Ill, Tn:rorM TfeM rwra IHrtu. hi!y m i - ? K ..M . htafff-in t th i" ftsis mA h ll",fHl I" a e..tvii cn iri-iih t i !' ih ',. u ih sh bat rt h t r m I' i"v pa. I ( I" 1 WtMh, Nona & (Nw.paiM, SI.VlUMiM HAKDAIN Cm PRATT STREET A pea k - ae ettra at., i I e l l t . I i la all". Put '. ta a. gaaefa "la.-eaa a'.rt .. -a I -. Sate l.a 111 le H' Sua. I a .' a. e. . I pe ie-1 e a"a eate ft a.a.l. aatl a , ' -a e - a . a a as. I e a n e.e I . tea ai ee .- laa 4.ei lai-!i W. M-u tin I Cu , T a. II' 'll ' , a - a ei I Halt I yr I'V (httivT I'lVtlV ll .-'..! Niftr "Pr. !li. Mi!. ' it g i f i m rn tWS " ' I'l 84-',. a-e t a .. . I '.! e. a a,, a a 4 - . a .n. )'..! ' a ii ' e. a a I i f I a a aa. S en t t H lal ... I ( ,a.l t.l 4l- I. I I l'a . a le glee At ' k. I l a -; sKW MUSIS 111, V. 1 . I -a l W I I aa a- . . .- ' 4.1 J"'i a-1 " 1 . ,. li I a-. a,... a I , , . I,'. ,. -a I i I ' ! a ';"'-'" (ill r . . - a - . , . f f e