at heads the 1M f HtW AL ESTATES The choicest Real Estate Investments are always found in The BeeTurn to the Real Estate columns and LOOK HE PAST FIVE WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART 'ITVT2 WANT-AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT The Real Estate and Want -Ad Guide To All of Greater Omaha VOL. XhV NO. 49. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1910. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WJh ESTMENTS? 0- I jAl Sunday Bee Want -Ad Rates lc cask wrrx oxocbi Par word each Insertion. pacta Bttui Farm and Ranch Lands. 7o per Una ,....each insertion (Count alx worda to tha hne.j FOREION ADVERTISING UNDER AUKNTB OR HKLP WANTED CLAHiiiFlCATIONS: 2c per word one time llc per word. ..three consecutive tlme Clliai MATES 1 I c per line one time 7c per line three consecutive times (Count Jix words to the line.) 0 AS TAKEW FOB USB TbTAsT a total or aoe OB UN TBA 10a n DAT. CARD OF THANKB, DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES; 10c per line each Insertion (Minimum charge SO cents.) Monthly Rat for standing ads (ni change of copy) $1.80 per Una (Count six words to the line.) Contract rates oa application THB BEB will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time, A DVERTIfiKRS should retain receipts given by The Bee in payment for Want Ads, as no mistake can be rectified without them. VSR Tim TWMTITOVT! if you cannot conveniently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ai T.-.ker. nd von will receive the same good service as when delivering your ad at the office. VHOKK TTT.KR inrtO. WAVT-AT 0"T,TTMNS ChOPK KVKVTVfl KniTTONS 12:00 Wf. MORNING EDITIONS 9:00 P. M, r MOVIE PROGRAM Current offerings of the best Motion Picture Theaters in Omaha. (Changed Dally.) North. arlbKM AN. 16TU & BURLlETTti. "Dade Darling Daughter" "Bird of l'rry," with Kathryn Adams and Robert Whlttler. STAR FEATURES Kpeclal Extra Reel f'eaturas now appear " 'nr at the fnllowtna Theaters! LOTH HOP, 24TII AND LOTHROr. Reeale Barlacale In "The Lt Art." DKATII A X n'T SERA INO TICKS. ALT8TA fT Mrs. 8oihiV. aged It) years? Klfe of tha lata William Altstsdt, died baturday morning. ' The funeral will be held from the resi dence of her ami, C. I,. Alutsdt, 1312 Monroe St., South Hide, Monday at t p. in., Rev. K. I. Wheeler officiating. Bur ial Foreat Lawn. TllohNIIKrio Andrew, May If, aged 7 ycnrH. Funeral Hunday, May 21, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the reatdence of his daught tr, Mrs. George Klmmel, 2423 Blnney 8t. Interiiiiitit Forest Lawn cemetery. Friend Invited. , . C4HI OF T HAWKS. We wish to thank our kind frlenda and neighbors for the kindness shown us In our late bereavement of our dear beloved father and for the many beautiful floral offerings. Charles Neatroyll, Joseph Nestroyll, An ton Nestroyll, Mrs. Annie Kounaou, Mrs. Fannla Ooltierman, Mrs. Lucy Greaser and Mra. Lena Hcttuer. rtORISTS. BhST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants, Art Combinations, shipped every where. Excellent service to our cus tomers In past years recommends llh.SS A HWfiHjA.l4lnFarnarn8t. 0 ttll. LAKIJCnl A.SffOM'iMENT of Iraah flowers, delivered or shipped anywhere. L. HKNDKKHMV IMM Karnam rt A. liONA'iMCE. l2I Hufncy Doug i'4d." BATH, florist, 1M!H Farnam St. D. 90. HUM MKVT4 Al. C KnCTFIt IF.- L'ltE white reinforced cement grave markers, with name and ila'a. L 4: vri"tH, 13 00. le in 3 days Rednvin Merl er ., I'02 Sp ncer. U'ebsier .'H6. rKflMANr.NT, fonaolltis, protecting. f.r- ISMiltis. nanttar) tttmb, the ftiod.'rn b'AH- li il'H AOI'S.. . ti.t .tioiiunieiil tvorhs, inauso- leiims, all klnda markers, lath A CherUaV II 1 1 ll N(. H I' .Vorniati. I'F.RMIT. . f North Twenty aev enili.'e 14iM', i bail. a Horn, 4-lti i llri.rr. fieme -WiUna. : &". t Imrlea j HotM. !".', Ma"ll. frama .1 w e tltng. IVHe, 'lNT.a Itofo. ; Maitco ftstne tlaliliis i.elliiK l;4 Mra W Mul hr r i. ml. .Noflh Twenty fltth aictiue, addlllan, 59. j HIHI lit AMI II67A1 II . Ilirth - ,Vtf and Mrs ri.t'ar. Nal'Mal. " . I t i i ,! lti-i. Ii.a.'t lt h..'nh 1 l h a t. I.i1..! an I lit I'att .W.Ui'. jU hoMlb TlintrwHtk aire,.!. gilt II. .... ...I tr WlS-l J"i S, lllil i.. ! AJO,.il.,e nil l ' 'u. ,t . a . i. H I I V . v . , .. i. ....tri I t t.i.ift. a .t .t?. llll I 1'... ft M'.- a.. ..i..l i 4 a J. a t II '- .(.,. , I . a i i ., a Tm I. ... ' f 4 l' . -. 11 itft I V ,- S'-l. I t lc. a rh-i V vl ,i . . .I'll .., lf 11. n . : . - uc O. I O 4 a.. a. . !- It..i. tt II., ...e tt is i...,. a . .b . i e ,. ' a I... - . , t . . . . .',. .. , u... x,.,es a j u . h.nyi'.. Ii.ft.l 1 Vl '. 1 , , s i . - i - i a H u .. , , , ( e ..v ' I i 'i.-s h ,i 41 a- (,. Mi I" V .. J fc ei"' r ". I 11 I xM .,.., v.- I I las lit . i,4 It , . ' . )t .. I ' i t i ) . o ( -e,S V a.. . H x - a i, s. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL HUFFS STREET , RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost sonic article wouli do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Illuffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street curt. Many artli leg each dny are t'irred In and the company Is anxious to restore them to tne rfghtful owners. Call "I long. 41. IK YOU loaa anything and will aflverliae II hare, you will aural, recover It If fnttnd br an honset esi-aon. ftamaikable recaxirln are arousSt about every day thrnugb itole rotuRia. THK UW-l'Mplr bo find lost artlcloa ara Interiateii In knowtns ibai tha auia law la at riot la res,uirtne tham te eeea tha oxroer tbronith advertisement and other lae and thai a failure to do o. if unit oan be proxso, is volvia a severe penalty. LOUT Hunch of keys between 24lh and KQth on Hpaldlng. lteturn to Berg Clolh- lug f'o for reward. PARTY who took harness frnrrl hrlndie bull dog, return 243" llrlatul, nothing will ba ealdvhler?91. LOHT On Hsrney,' between 14th end Uih, a bottling medal fob, "1113, sll evenu." Call linuaiaa 621 FiiI'Nf) White hnrss with gray blanket on. Found Friday morning. Fred tlarlrlch, 80tl.lncolnAve. Lost Kye glasses big rims. Plsaae return ta 217 8. K-lh Ht. (Juckert a MrDonald. LOUT idamond ring wrapped with brown cord. iteward. fall Houlli S3'IS. LOHT liter ling-silver "in Ilia i link "bracelet; finder please rail lloulaa 24 LOWT 17 In bills in IJraudeia Stores. Re ward. Hsrney 1 247. FOUND A cameo lavalier. Apply auditor, Ftntenelle Hotel. FOCNL Lady's gold watch, Phone Web ster 124 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I'nroltnre nail llouaeholal fieyoUs. lfOU.SKFUJtNISHINGS AT HALF PRICK He sure to ane the greateat values ever of fered in lllsh tjrade Furniture, our piloee wilt show you that wo are offering blsget values than can be had elaewhere. Coins in and convince youreelf, do not buy until you sen these, wonderful barsalna. The Ituins listed below at these pricea ahould InUrest you whether you need furni ture now or In the near future. l.KT I'M HA VK YOU MONET. OCR MOTTO Highest quality goods at lowest prices, with better accommodations than elsewhere. I J Wm, A Mary High Hack Diners, ... 12. 6 I Washlngtuiilan High Xsck Diners. . 2 45 I n Urn. Lea. High Ctffie H. k Diner. .. J 6 140 64-ln. guar. Oak Col. Imilng Table. Hi.7o Hii,4-ln. Will. A Mary Dining Table. .$1 7 lis Large Tapeatry llockera gs.76 22 Overstuffed Oen. Leather Itorker . 1 1 0 i $26 t.enulne Leather Wing Hockers . . . $ I 4.7& 1.16 Mul. Vnlour Overstuffed Horker . . . II 9.M l:-0 Solid Ma hog. Cane Wing Rorkcr. . . .76 4H OIONL'IMJ Leather Davenports. .. .1:6 00 40 4-ln. Ocn. Mah. Library Table lfi.t0 126 (ienuine Mahogany Library Table,. 19. 16 112 Mah. or Walnut! Henrhee to. 76 112 Fumed Oak (Jate Leg Tables 6.76 Wo deliver to sll parts of city. OUT-OF-TOWN OKKKIIH SOLICITED. FHO.NE DOCOLAtl 1217. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. J 4th & Dodge H'e. WILL aell at sacrifice house furtilshlnga consisting of davenport, library table, rockers, dining room table, chairs, beds, rugs, rsnge, etc.; all In good condition and suitable for new home. Will consider time. Call Colfai 176! after 30 p. m. ONK pair 110 rope velvet portieres, 14; four salr new lace curtains, IS; three pair scrim curtains, 2; one honte-niade com forter, 2; one Axmlnainr rus, 26x70, 12, 10 set of gilt band dishes. In. other small articles, all for 130. t'hune Colfax 611. OMAHA PILLOW CO.-Felt and hair mattresses made over in new ticks at half tha price of new ones. Phone us for sample of ticking. Mall orders lilted. IS07jJumlng HI. Douglas 247 BEAUTIFfL china cabinet, $1; buffet, fancy dresser, I; round table, 16; lea boy., t; gas stove, It, Phone Webstar 6144. s FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and well built; will last a lifetime. Phone us for particulars Doug.6lM. FCRNlTUKK and tugs, In excellent con dition; suitable to five-room cottage, owner leaving city. Tel. Webster W2. 65 ICE boxes, 25 gas stoves, 2"0 rugs of all kinds, poultry wire and netting. Open till p. m.ljW9N. 24th St. AT aaiTlflce, household furnlahlnga, Wil ton rug, mahogany furniture. Call Doug Ian CARI'KTS and furniture for aale. Douglas 6 1. U A . 633 Lincoln Hlvd. Call Fl'Ft SAI.K cheap. Ice boa, almost new, In fleet clubs romlttlon. s'all Harney KSa. Store 'and Office Ft at area. ut-nkS, sates, wales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Si bupply Co.. 114-1 IS H. 12th. J-'ous. t;2t. Pianos anil M astral latlramrnli. PlANOa FOR HKN X. Good makes, good condition, U.HO per month: new pianos, I4.U0 per month. A. MOHPE O).. 1M3-I5 Louglas St. Foil SALK riano,"ln flna tondlllon, only used 1 year, vail I'olfas S34S. I'ritavrrtier ane Suglla. NEW inatiiine sold the same aa rent, H per iiiuulti. See us before you buy or lent, snipped ny place on ten days' free trial. Hulta TyiMwilttr Ivachsiig, 114 H. lain. Omaha. Neb TVI'F.WlHTKltii sold, rented and "re-"'' paired. Itent an Oliver tvewriter i iiioutlu fr 1. lenlial Typewriter Ex- hang. lie. I'.irnam ' : III..ANU IUUHON AND ( AHi 'N i t) on"H.led It ll li.llance in, nil 'at -M ln west. I'k Hr, 1 1. 21(7. ! ;L.VILtiTNH. Monarch and Httilth I I irin.u a lor rent, eeiil am w Hate Itatu- Ingiou Tvawrlter Company, l. j4. Hale, echjla, .(, I PIKAStlit. an- l..i. I llll. I II l ft I J f . Kiel u i i I (lota and goad ! ti:lts u"t-i V. . I'l'l'f, 4.1 i llaiM., u ai'iMi i Jenelri, lilaasoads, Aaehea. . Lin 'I'l'iA A MO a wedihiig rings" a' Iv h .tnd lh"iU sts. tartl) kale. M K Al t TIuN SAI.P. In a ,n ,IOl !h pen s ee ' lb s'S"ta ' Net i.ea I wilt , I at , ti IC a-.''l' H SI II .- II e rull t . V 1 gli I I 'U aHeeig , ft tltS f o a' a a f S,im at I m , i. t c n I .ev v Vl, n ' v at ,M, I 'n 141 I i" I M it ny ). 111 I' - I e II . t ' . I' a P.dge t i t I f c II en lii-ni S . t i , . 4 'I e 1 i tt . -I a ti: t if - i 'I XI i illinv, ' hli"l a ( . line , (Ti .), .. . (I 'i.,, t S i, I.... I ' a-i. i f .. i . t a sHek .,t, V I I.I . t " f ' t'l l II ti w p. vs i ii i r t in,- . Maefclwer ana aalaes. S k. iV i ,1 I.' ti t Itla t r ! HI' i A S t MX It S I I t I k, tr"S i t it, t i. wtirtna, , a a i si t a I . w i l ; . Mi Tll l I 1 a a .a A4 .- I I( a . 1 1 . itM-a i i I 1 1 , , .ala , L I bi a sal tll4i !. I, FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Billiard end Pocket Tables. FOR bALK-RILLlARD TABLESf Brand new. carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1116: second-hand tables at re-1 dttced prices; bowling alleys and sup plies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK - 11ALKE - COLr LENDER CO., 407-4O8 riouth lOthBt. 4 Tool, tablea, 3-rhalr barter ahnp, good location, long lease. 712 'i S. 16th. loug. laa J4. Fm HAI.K ai half "price. 4 "pooT tables; Hrunawlt-k, box 4x8. complete, and sev er! shew ciiaes. 461 Nortil 24lh. Printing; end fflce HoppllcsT COMMK.It''lAllrP C (let our prlces'on all klnda printing. Fhoue 1. UOi. 640 Teuton Mlk. GET OUK prices on joo printing. CAM F'A KiN CARDS A SPECIALTY. II. 8. PTO. CO.. BEE BLIKi. I). 1178. W A T K KM-MA K MIA "rt T Ftg. Co.. ual ft y printing Tel Doug. 2IM0. .24 H. lilth Hi. St m rw Inn. tSewiux Machines Ws rant, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISf h and II a r nnv8t s !20uii?'- M-ellnnnns. M t riuth standuril of quality will be maintained; i quarts of Old Fontenells whisky, 13 25; bottled in bond. Henry Pollock mall order house. Loug. 71W. 122-124 N. 16th Ht LAKESIDE ICE CO. FOR ICE, PIIONK COLFAX 691. Gen. office. I.'tth and Manderaon Sts. $;.!0 Cseklev Oolden West Whisky, 4 full quarts bottled in bona, prepaid. Bros. Omaha. ALEX JETTKb LIQUOR HOUSiC. Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled in bond whisky, fcoc. 11.00, fl.Jj, full que t. Poll" BALK Beautiful hand crochet bed spread reasonable. Douglas 1741. aiClIlCKKNS to sell 's nd 100 quarts of ffult. ( all Webster tt0. WANTED TO BUY iviTANTF,l-liigh claaa aurveyor-a transit, an Inetrument that Is designed for gen eral land surveying as well as drainage work. Price must ba light. Address Y 8. e. .DESKS, DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded A, C. Reed. 1J07 Farnam; OLD CLeOTHEfl WORTH MONEY1. Uon't throw away your clothes and shoes. Doug. (021. we pay best prices. Highest price paid for 2d-hand clothes, shoes trunks, suitcases, D, J-8Jr 1) D0.12. HOLM F.a pays your price for 2d" hand clothes, shoes and hats. Web. 3320. ANNOUNCEMENTS SAVE MONEY" BY STORIN'Q If you will inspect the rooms for stor ing household goods in our fireproof warehouse, you will at once be Impress ed jvlth the wonderful advancement over former methods in this branch of the business. All rooms are well ventilated and perfectly dry. Oet our pricea flrat it means a saving to you. SAVE MONEY ON PACKING This Is an important factor when moving, especially out of town. This branch of our buelness In thoroughly .systematized, thereby Insuring efficient service. Kmploylng the most skilled and expert peckers enables us to pack goods for storage or shipment to any part of the country at a price consistent with good work. SAVE MONEY WHEN MOVING All Vans are padded, insuring your goods against being broken or marred In any way. Our drivers are carnful, polltn men, who will do your worn itilckly anl save you considerable time. Iion't forget to call liouglas ,191 when moving. CORDON VAN CO., L'NTIRK BleOCK. 10TH TO 11TH, ON DAVENPORT HTREET. BIDS. 151 DS. JJIDS. r.lectrle light plant for the vll laga of I'atiiin. (Nebraska. Mend blUs to Ail.lla 8 Kelkat, Villas lerk. I'aitoll, Neb. outdoors. T. M. C. A Out Tsrk. Ultt 'I l'. A A III 8 "Lucky Wedding Kings'' st 16th snd I'ougles Sts. ' " - ilasnaaas a ad vtatrkra. OIKT1 f"i giadnattoii Lmmonl rings A taat lies, f.'.t up Friedman a. 1211 I'ntiglaa. Malur llrpalra. CAIIII.l, KI.KO, CO, Hee M.dg p " larnealera sad I aalrarlara, LlUi K reairtiig end i anient aorg of all kliola i' 4 Ciiinlng Harney : llep-ililng, (.itit.llig S' teenltig Web "TJ Iiaaa,e A N,.n (.,.ii..i a, r i.e. I , i C W II.. kan.. .ii, J.. 1 inwth Tl il? J ' i , , . t I l AILIn f'-r al de'oersd Itepatr W'trk guaianieed linng I inug'sa It .4 LAW N VlitVV I H 4 ahsii.i e.l ll.rnas W.I I lease, a and Mia. a. UfAla, Lit! v I LAMM, 111, l A! N L'h l, D kl Ureas tstak lea A1 'CxJltl'H iS, ail.. K it.l- H PtaaUng t, Jli.t ...ta, Dihi H. nn.g Salt ia. ti g 4 l( .11 it i it ti , I x ..i. H a Hi i. t I ai . i ,.a w .ta M.e H . t..,,.,f I' . I L i ft sn I I ., ,,!., ( ; ., V it X A It l I'SI It ll l lXilt- at'in. l, f a. i " e Ii ' i ig t, V' t l '. t i i -... a us a it's i 4, ' . rn.iu.a Ati'a. I'h-.fia In.Kg aa 3 Ht I tiM-i t': a ,t .:iiat . g A. a kt'l'rl 8 I ' ' '' 'tig 1 '( I4' i tit T.', l i.tti.ti g i.....a a A Fsi i t x ti. a 4 , .x j lift t-a.a a I 't a"X ,x tt'l II , . . a , x . a "I 1x Oil I xaelaaae'eH l 1 III AT t'l A I a - -a I .ti '.., e n t l("l $ rx I , g. I a Hatha. i n "'M . , atsaaa -4 t ' "X I X I It . X '. l PI .ll'il . i a a I oii"t i a It . a 4jtn. ..l i.t i i -a x.i.x i.i. ,-. , t I X'XtX-'l I itx i, ti Sane!a l I H' t I, 4 veg ANNOUNCEMENTS TORNITUKH STORAGE PUR N ITU RE STORAGE FURNITURE STORAGE AVhon leaving town don't wll your funiiturc, because you will got lit tlo or nothing for it. Ijet us store it for you in our large, safe storage house. You can rest assured that your furniture will be left in safe, careful hands. All our rooms are well venti lated and kept perfectly dry alb the time. Separate locked rooms are just a trifle higher than regular storage. All the rooms are sanitary and without an exception the best place to store your f u r n i t u r e Rooms $2.00 up. FURNITURE PACKING FURNITURE PACKING FURNITURE PACKING It will pay you to have us pack your furniture. Our packers are careful and experienced in e n. They know how to pack your goods for shipment and protect them against being broken when on the road. ,Ypur goods will bo packed at your home or at our warehouse. We ship your goods anywhere at considerable saving to you in freight rates. FURNITURE .MOVING FURNITURE MOVING FURNITURE MOVING When moving call Doug las 288 and have the Fidelity serve you. You will receive the best of care and attention. Large padded Vans insure your goods against being broken or marred. They are equip ped with light springs, which protect from jar ring. Heavy blankets and covers protect your furni ture against being scratch ed or marred. ( 'nil us up and havo a talk. DOUfjLAS : DOUGLAS L'ss FIDELITY STORAGK k VAN COMPANY, Btiteenlh and .Ui-kn Htreeta I Hal I leaaloa anil nlierhiag. eiaao. i aitaui4, an aiS'ia Hals, maned sic! rellinkad .:..J llaruvr ht .t i v . . . . . tl . ALL hlMut of liaia tleane.l and blotkeit. laitiam hi ! ,... Itet aesj. .. TH C1Y !...:... I.. I ii,'t I n , t I ' It' I t,e -alir tie, . jr i ,ii i t a i ule V t pi t i. . .'. H I . IUi Hale Itreaslag. 1I t. II, if I , ,, j., H, li i. ,iti x lt..Mt .t r ! r ' L U Xkttw I avda t ' I t'. l"(t I iX lit, ,11 I ' I'slall-a and 1'eH'ile t'l'til. ... ie n II , I, (i a iter a U Is i 1x4 Hlmliie i aea xta I I " t k H I'laatt laalta I iVn 1. , . ., , (IxX . . I.,-'It ,. w . a ". .Hi . t x ,-il x in, . I w ! , i ll I a, 1 1. ., , , ., , i I.. . .... ... t i , , ,. i I k tirsi-I ,. X. 1,1x41 l-laxI'Msata 4 l II -m I i I . .. I ' It- ... t . 4 III . .is t, i" i ltxalx,laalas. ... . . . t , t f ax x a t t , N 1 ! x. a li s I kill .1 I'xIxii.j an4 l'f., iaalix ANNOUNCEMENTS Delectlvea. PHIL WINCK I.Kit, Hewey Ave. ExperLluw rates. Harney 671J8. JAMES ALLAN, 312" Neville Hlocki Kvi denco secured In all cases. Tyler 1UM. Evidence secured; all cuses strictly confl- dentlaLcnnsultatlon free. ol'S I'.ce. Ty . Ilnltons sail 1'leattuu. DftF.KS pleating, liuniat Itching and cov ered buttons. Van Arnam Dreas Pleat ing anil Kuttori Co., 41 Floor Paxlun Hik. Dotis. 31(19. fJveri Itilng; for U niara. ACCORnluN, side, knife, sunburst, box plcntlng; covered buttons, sit sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, bending, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL MUTTON AND PLKATINU CO. 2aJ liouglas lllk. Douglas l:Mti. Ladles You can hUviivs find ready-made clotlies at Mrs. Robertson's. &11 Lake. AiToimianls. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4.13-47 Ranige Hldg. Tel. Douglas 7t. Jusfl.ra if the Peace, 11. H. ClAloKNK M2 Paxlon Rlk. Red 7tl. Notary public; deposition stenu. C. W'TBItrrT.'SWI Uarker lllk, Tovarl Vagipllps. OM A H AJl'ov. el Mupply. .1)7 H. lllh. P. 63. Va'iiniii I leanecs. CLEAN gUH KLY AND 'I liOROUOHLY WITH ECLIPSE KLKCTRIC; RENT II ANlllutt PER DAY. UOUULAH JWl Fixtures and H Irlpar. DURKIM W'iclrlo washing machines, aUAUviin elt,ct.l0 lrallt Hlld readlug lamps. 22.3 Cuming t, liouglas Ziiltt. Tailoring. It. MA ROUS, tailor and cleaner, pressing and repairing. 3.1) N. lath Mt. ljpd. llafeopnlh I'h alelana. 4rsMusJck, Hti Koso Hldg, Ty. 23 3. H.l tOb llakerlra, CAKES, pastry ami fancy bakery goods, supplied to par ties, lodKes and entertain- rnits. Z.JLRet'dijr, M N. lMh. V. liZHL Furnaces and Tlnncrr, ROOFINtl, furnnce snd general tinwork. . "rums, low j. uu Mt. well, f44. li"ATtKaHTit4l !."' Ilanili'ton."" Wal. 2HTI. IlaiK'lliH Academies. rW UTXK ACADEMY. JU H. IMhjBt. Ad vertls! (lav Nlivelllrl, M. F. Khafcr A ,n.12th-FaniamLR;7474. t riiillng Mlatlouery, WEDDINO announcements and printing. liOUill,AB Pilntlng Co, Tel. Doug. 044, Altornrya. C. T, Dlnklnsoii, nil PsxtonRlkn.lSo4. Ilentlsls. Vr. Rradbury. No jialn. 12VV.O.W. Rldg. trt"'s Dent, Rnis.7 'H P.osoJlidg.JxJillltl.' I.awyere. . FHANf'ia MOHH A N, 513 Hee. Pong. Klerlrolysls. Flos A Mender, :'4 Hee Hldg. Red 3O03. liraaa and Iron Foundrlra. Pa Tt mi-M I tr-h e Ij ' o, ZJUi and M a rth a S t s. Match aprclnllsts Christlansen. 4l ltose Hldg. Id yr, exp. Wall Paper leaning;. Wallpaper cleaning by room or hour. JKeaoiiable. Phone Ii. hUM. tieo. Rumple. W Inra and l.lojnora. PUT your family llquoia at Klein's I.lijnor House, 622 N. ISlh. Douglas 19. SWAPPERS' COLUMN PI'ltNlTCHK for 5 rooms, 2 large rugs, cost $.i0; refrigerator, cost $.12; kitchen cabinet, cost I'O: dining room suite, golden oak; parlor suite, mahogany; Maytag: eloctrlc washer, cost , and olhcr articles of furniture. Will trade for ford or other auto, or what have Vou? Address H. CJt. flee. IK you tiavs anything to trade," inska urTa little ad and run it In litis column for seven days It only reals i!6o and So par answers. One or two answers are suf ficient to mske your trade and tha whole transaction only costs abou 10c. Try tt. ALIiINO MACIIINK iTaltnn AddTngMa" chine, very good condition, will eiehansa for Cnderwood typewriters, pictures, good books, or what have you? Address . C. lit, J!,., EVKRV person haa a lot of lh1ngsrhlrh he no looser uaes and which It would ba difficult to sell. HUT trada them off. Use. a lime ad In this column and got soma other thing you can use. LOU Have fine white male terrier dog which I want to trade for an electric, fan flood dug to have around chlldmn. Address b (' 1)97, Hee. Oowll driving horse, harness and lighT spring wagon; also good piano, to ex change for enr delivery or touring. Ad dress S c: 12114, Hee. TWO half Imrreia, 31 gallons ao good houae. or barn paint. What have you to trado for one or both? Address H. C. 892. Hee. til'lTAIt Want to trails my 4-year.old guitar for a caatlng rod or reel, or what hsve jou? Writs care lice office. H, ' !). MOW high glade isblnet phonogtapll, never 1,,-en ueett; has excellent tone. What have ou? Addreaa Ii. C. 1107, Hee. FILMS 1 1 V Kl.'o P K I 1 'It i;K Minn pi hits are orjtned. KhIhi gciiienia from any negstlva. Knee Slinlio, pith and Harney. Pour ( Altll camera for ttaile. Want teal '"'ti''. lot or ri-aular l-lcllira tainera. What have ou? H. ('. 1011 Hea tint, e J-iioo.M cottage, price 2,2i, to swap for a good aiitiiiniilille. W. K. Craig, 1211 City NiiHnmt! Hank Hldg.. Omaha. (IASiiI.IVK lanse. alieolulely new; tig rifle, ,biiiKra.h Willi 60 lecorita. Vt hat have yu 7 Address (" lll. Ilea. IIAtK larss ouartetBMW.'l al'lelmard lu trails f.,r roll top ilrnh, nr what havs )ou' Aililrcs, H (' III, Hie 1 I.i iTH, iill'l, In Nowaia, list,' fur s.ile or (rade fur tar m aiivtlilug of e;ual Valu. Addieas H li74. Hee BiR HAI.K or Irafle, f iirlilvlilhs ss of 7 rnoiii est. fit n itih Kt, id n,.or. I'km liciiglsa Mi. I'ISr; 4t IrtliS' and Be p'sle, l,i f'.r ilil' or h"l h..- ii-u Walnut A l lt'tl.t; xd in tiiia loini-a alii bitiig aiwuit s.,ma rents, ut'lit It. Iiti.,.., I'nl Ni. Si ii (. it ...ill- i x,. ,.r aii)ltilng I i.t . X il I ' im. It. I I-II e.XII II I fiil.lliiie. tis'ls l..r .lie K.ii. lis"" ;ii lil BUSINESS CHANCES 1 1, Vt t; it t r Vt N I I lltll. I ,-'.! i-l. , ,. k X i I I - e- - I 1 1 t 1 1 11 ' a I a t : .. Tint fi 'vi r TH P I ASH A i 1 Ii r r H ! . I aaa 1 ti. 4 I x. . . Il'a , aa. ax dt.i lit, ti li n I. ax axt i - I ( i.!fl::n, I IVf I It 1 It, III tl.N I I t ! It I VX .it' if'ii( . , tsi g . . i I r BUSINESS CJHANCES Kuf l'rraorvtT k(tpi! pkiTH frrsh ono yenr. 1 retail phi kagtt trt 100 doT.en ItvH tt) evpry i onounir mi ft proitucer of vitutt. Ynti run ihh kn blir mony eltlng thtu prcaprvrr ttirnuKh ul)'Hnti, The hIp mmiHrr wilt b In Utimlj a fi'W tln Hllut I mm territory, You r not tno bit ttor iito Mill for thU prapoBtllun, Ap ply Hnfi .122, Tuxlon Hotnl. A HKMAHLK ninntifacturPr wnnta Ron Hti i J nuiune nnlosmn. I .Uti b1 con tract. $,i to fB pit ill nrcnfmry Money Ida k In k Df ilitllt li-n u nil ml led Will py rxi't'tisog to ChlcHRo If you nrn titim e whiU, Seoretary, ).! iie- piihiic lMlli ( hlcngo. WANT Kl I'nrju hit nUntluir "rlrik fr flrT t ii' )Hik l hit MfHKitn. 1'nrk npf rii Hun 1hv, Muy 2. HplfnlU oppttrturilly for a Ifortahlf' rink. Ai1rs'in UltMtrto Park romi-uiiy, K, l. Kit or, Mniiunnr. lalncoln, NfhiatnUa. VK CAN jtroHe'tit a ral nHtnoy-iiisikliiR op pi)i (unity in a fcllHhlei nmn or firm ci porUfuf tl In i ft Inn t nit lion work, nubdlvld' iiiif lutRit inrcHMB iiti d nelllim frm or Krove trwrtN. WiRlf eiprlonoa In reply ing. A imwtTi tittif ItltMtltttl. I rvnl'piiiint J 'iartni.iit, Hr'tjUiaiU Air Llna it all way Tn. Ntirfnlk, V. No othHr Otnnha nwnuatr if hnwlntf anywliftr nar lUn prog mm In It Wnnl Ail rnlurnna THK !IKK--M4 WHK PAID A 1-rt MHr!h, inlK, ttmn March, J tllb MUKI! PAID Aim April, 1 P 1 H, ihttli April, Ulfc, "THINK II' OVKJl' HAIHIAIN OFFICII first -class cafe, lunch counter In connection; 14 tables, 24 stools at counter. Fine location heart of busi ness district. Floor spat's 46xs6. Imme diate possession. Host of rassons for sell ing. Address Frank i'gvla, Hot 114, Lin- coin, Nell. FOfl sain by owner: $4,009 slock of men's and boy'a good staple ahoea and Onodyear ahoe repair outfit. Heat location In Lin coln. Oood reason for aelllng. No agents. Address L. L). M 202 M St., Lpicolu, N.b. Fstabllshed atock remedy and coal bus iness with trackago, both going concerns, liy sn sxueutor at a very 'low price. KOOM 27, NKII. NATIUANK IILDQ. FijIINII'UHK and feaeeof "a good paying 4U-rooin hotel In live Nab. town. Here la your chance Il,4o0. (lAMiKHTAII, Hlllte 422 Hee Hldg, Omaha. uoiiHi'; a Mi ai;tolivk.iiv mwNKHs! 'I'iia only 0119 In good town, Kant, 124. Price IJ.uiiO. Clears above all eipnnas l, zoo a year. Hea Williams, 411 Mc- lague Hldg., Ifth and Ioiie. i'olt BALK or "exchange, 12,000 worth of merchandise, for auto, vacant lots nr ciiully in taouaa and lot. Addreas L 122, Hee. PAVINti furnished hotsi, county seat town po. Hinall capital, balance ternia. Owner, Hox 43, illlnrlen. Neb. ItlOI.I A III, IS manufacturer wants capable liuNiiicsa man to open office and manage Su I.. smcii. Liberal contract. 1200 to 7U0 capital necessary. Possibilities unlimited. F.xpenaca palil to t'lllcalo if accepted. Manager, ,l27 L) 'Hon Hldg ., Chicago. WANTKIi Local representatlvea Tli towns of 1,01)0 population and over for high Kiailc patented socially aelllng te mer chants; absolutely new; profits Isrga; iiia.ll capital raiiulred. Addreaa The Hay ton Time Lock t'o liept. abb, Laytoiiju. IIJLI.IARD parlor and cigar store, $2,5u0. This Is one of the best paying stores in Omaha. Other business, reason for selling. Do not ausvter unless you mesn business. Addreas C W, Hee. FOR BALK-On accpunt of failing heal'thT my wall paper business. A fino oppor tunity for ilia right mv 2o per cent off prices and ca5y .eniis. Ueorgs Lllerd, tiloux City, 1 1. MoV'INti Picture Theg rs, real PargaliiB; niuchlnes, repairs, s-.lles, ancessutles, new and second hand. He us. OMAHA TilliATiiH SUPPLV CO.. Tlalrd Hldg. Dong. i26 WANTLH Party wlthTl.000 To take an fn7 lereat In an acceaaory auto devlea nianu faciurud in Omalia. Hlg money to ba mails. Pay you to lnveailgate this. Ad dress I. 126, Hee. WANT to rent or buy on Instalimsnt plan, furniture and lease of hnlsl In good town. Ars experienced hotel people. fan give bank references. Addrss Y403, Jies. FURNITl'RK stock for sale, In town of 1st; new, up-lo-dute merchandiae; Invoice about $.1,000; have other bualueas. Nlchola Hon,'leile, ,Mo. Volt SALhc Uuod, clean stock of hard nitre; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling, lie quick. Ad dress V 2ul. Hee- WILL Bull good paj lug hotel business cheap. Uowd reasons for selling. Addraas Cero- liniiu Hotsi, Ffiend. Nell. LIT Wi l li .Ml', for quick results. Havs llvo customers waiting. YoC.NiiMAN, m OM. NAT. HANK. DOCWLAB I47. WILLI AMM. ealablished J years. To buy vi sell bu tint as see him. 411 McCagua H'dg. Rercrence U. 8. Nat. Bank. Iiowd Male and Auction Co., 'Jmaha. have closed out more nidsn. sto"ka than any other flrn, In II. 8. Write for terms. MOTION PP. riJ.tK MACIUNKS. New und rebuilt burgaltm, supplies. Oinalis Ultn Ktcliamte 104 8. 14th Ht. l'OR HALE by owner. Drug store, dwell ing "lid ln'k; siiiHiu ileal. Address owner, iIH West titli Ave., Denver, Colo. OFKlt.'K' for r.:-l estum or iiisuraine, some flour as lice office; i:ix2l feet; $30. The Hee Hldg.. Office Room 101 I 1. For sale, one of tha best quick lunch i hoiiiics In liinslis, can b bought light. I 4111 Were, HI, la It". I 60S. Ft lit MALI-: lll,n k Hills drug store. In ono of largest towns. Hales, $ls,0. Ad dress Y :ti'i. Hee, To HKI.I. or liny a business, call ell HliH.'l. A ll n l Il..f f l-'i enter ItIK II. ,U19. To 4 J l-'T in or out of Ims'tiesa call on flANill-;.sTAI', 4."-1 Hee Hldg Dong 3477. ItonMIN'O hmiees at great haig tllis. Call t -4 Wmt H k. Plmne Had 4ts. SITUATIONS WANTED WllhlY It ATI'", .iv I'KH LINK." dav win a or liustneea ada tegular rates. 'i. litis:, nits avit ii' I lint S t.i v. ii'it 4v: ea h ixtia line pr ttieg, Ma If. V l 1 1 Nil men ot wuniatt who want goad! 'ili,ae a .mil. I adrortlM In 'I ns Ilea, It la Ilia l ater Hlg bi slnca. later, lead. Lucent a i,i ttit, telail and wtiolasais luei, i.alits S'l x II X ...'lis etc-'l" ta i li -4 I. I .in, Haitia; S" 1 I. J taV't J ' 1 1 - laj -4 I ' tit Ihay J - I .1,1-- n a : $ t v..t A I4(hAj t llia M p IM I f MWU ( . 4 1 Si . ! .., - . i i-i . I Ii I . ., . ea ' " " I H fr ' . ' 111 x. I 't X , " I X t X - 4 ft-' tt f It MM' I . 4 Hai Vh . I- I t'l I 4 I ' Ili ,... I i - a x ivA i t I', hi a 14 lav a I la ins it , , i,Mi . , tel.... I . f'" A i a SITUAtlONS- WANTED M larella neons. VV'ANT E D Ilouse'clea nlng by tha day reliable) onlored man. Call Webster 2i'.l. AS1IKS or refuee hauled by C. Nlckela e. Co. Phone Douglas P010, I.A mowedyio.VecleningWel)76TJ ! ATJLfN'a aahea anwbbiiih". Wab. 60M.' Office cleaning; best ot ref. Tyler ISoQ. rrniBle. . THF. RKE charga" for ".Situation ads' is lower than any other form of adver tising not enough to cover coat of printing. firCFINIEI) married lady with 2 little gtrlaT 4 and 4, wants work as housekeeper for respectable gentleman; city or small' town, $4 par week. Addreas T 40l,Jise. CiiHI, deslraa pnaltlon, preferably as den tist or physlclsn's office girl. F 164, Bee. WA.VTKL Chambermaid work by eompe tent colored girl. Tyler (22. WANTED Any kind of aay'w7kl Har. 4161. Laundry and Day Work. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by day, week or month; experienced in all lines of work; beat of references. Doug. BU02. COM PICTK NT "colored' glri"w ants din? work or chambermaid workJVeb. fiaO. IlCNDLK washing; wilfcall and deliver;' prompt servlco guar, Mis. Kast. H. 3W4 KKAT colored girl wants day work of any' kind. Call Webstar 1491. Annajdjtchell. "WANTKI)-Poltlon-as TnaTtTor day work," by experienced col, woman. Web. WA llUNDLlC or family washing called for A del. wk. guar.: reasonable, Weh. 1672?. BUNDLK wssiilng, piece work, lace cur tains; work guaranteed Webster 125t. FIHST-CLASS laundreaa; cleaning; by col ored woman; beai of rsf. Web. 1144. COLOHKD girl wants house cleaning;" references. Phono Harney 3Hfi4, COLOR KH girl" want's day snd bundle' washing. Webster 3027. EXP, Colored woman by day, bundle wasiiT l. S077. Klrst-clsss laundress; day work. II. 4(8.. CHAMHKHM AID ordsy workf WebT20l. Cooking or dayVork, HIT Ix'erd. Tyler W" KXP, laiinurees Jnifn's shirts, H. 2fi42. LAUNDRY snd dsyJworkWb. 3401." ' B UN 1 1 L K wn sill tig A day work. Web. MB." Washing and lace curtains done. Ty. 1141." DAY work. Mon". and tues. II. titi. , Laundress, day work. Q. Jackson. W. 1167. HELP WANTED MALE stores and On Ire. TIM K Kfi BP K ft IR. It. ."out towaf. . . . M M d CLF.HK (K. H., out town)....,..., to Oil BTKNO, III. It., out town) s.ei STKNO. and clerk so no KTKNO. and bkpr. (beginner) 45 on HILL t'LKRK 66.00 TTI'IHT and clerk .eon DRAFTSMAN (mechanical I 100 00 OFFH'K MC.rt. (luveatment) Moon ! OFFH'K HOYS 30 0(1 HALKHMAN (exp unnecessary)... 60.00 THB CANO AOKNCYSOO HKHBLD(J. HKl'lt. and cashier, l6; steno., wholesale' bouse, x0; traveling salesman, estab llaned trada, 7-l0; ass't bkpr., $4f, ; shipping elk and office elk., good pen man, B6; bkpr., mint stenography, 6; retail aaleaman, hdw., 176; aleno., R. R , J6: off lea elk., exparlenece unnecessary, good at figures, 46; ass't bkpr., experi ence unnecesssry, f 45. Western Reference A Bond Aaa'n , Inc., Orlglnatora of the Reference Huslneas. 7r,2 Omaha National Hank Hulldlng. 8ALK.H.MAN, hond experience, drawing acct rlTKMlOHAPHKri (.-, HTKNiiiiltAI'HKK anil bookkeeper... 76 DH'TA PlloNK operator r HOOKKKF.PKH Ml to 100 HOOKKKKPFH ,M60 to i. HllOKKF.r:lKlt 4o OFFICK Cl.KIIK jn I OFFH'K HOV8 . 26 WATTH ItEF. CO., 140 Brandels Theater. 6T i V TOCcVf WITH OUR live wire serv ice If in the msrket for a position. New calls dally. No FILINU FLB, only 10 cents In Investlgste references. THK MARTI COMPANY, ?3JLW- 'W.. B'dg. WANTRh A (omiieieiit bonk keeper and atenographer combined; young married, man preferred. Apply to Ound Co. ot l ci en. M, F.. Hlalr, Mgr. . Vt'ANTKL Exptrlanced soda man who is wining to work. Frlckle Drug Co., Coun cil UUiffs. la. I'r ireaalona and Tradea. 8KK C8 FOR DRlTt JOB8. CO-OPET.ATIVK RKFERENCB CO. 7 Lstabllahed Ten Years. 10I&-1 City National. Z VANTKD to contract with man with Kord truck for delivering. Address B 128, Hee. PAINTLR wanted. horn. Neb. Geo. Cunningham, Elk-. Drug store snaps, tnlis. Knelst. Hee Bldg.' iSAUOiSMAxN' WAXTKD ' , MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING SECURITIES. IN THE MIDDLE WEST. CAN SECURE HIGHLY DESIRA IU.E CONNECTION WITH A WELL ESTABLISHED OMA HA COMI'ANV. THIS 1'ROPOSITION IS OUT OF THE ORDINARY AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE IE YOU HAVE" THE (JUALIKICATIONS. GIVE ALL PARTICULARS POSSI I1LE. ADDRESS A 140, HEE. WANTKIl HAI.I.MMKN-.lva lrrs llfie lllils cs all, lu priiinnta tha aalia of Flam. In a Kbs l'rea.ievr. Ihrucgti the aitb esmi piau, H. II, u t,y ,.,,., and proilit er Bf r)(t retail packaga treala Ho d.nen ixax and kx-Mt fr.ah tins car Ws ttsnl slate, tils It I, I and coulilv lnansgets Via il mil a. .11 territory, hu' X..IH. mh la .. ulix.l ,t t,ur entiuslt gnudi I.. Xi.ii- y.nir eslra f.irc g.ilns Tlia axlxt loaiiaaxr alll ba i.o.xl.a a few data a. I. mi. a lertitntt rrat.iu.g n,., hera Ix On i line Hist u Kit, bent l.-.xies ' " ' !" 'kt r- a. 1 ran make tti.., ln.'iie, an.j g,,,,,.. Apui, ll ".iu l a ii, .ii i. a WASrxL- l i.-il axiritiiaa lor ei.h aim I i axi. t. hits, tram m.a iM ixi Iraila. I't'iu.S ape. nil,. I... i, i,hii ..fni!.ti la I t,li. ani.i lr aileitiu, , iii. . . 4.i.,m..,x t, ,,..,.. a.l.i-. i-i "" ax. .,. ...,,.. ,l.,, Ixa-n kx hitxl m l miexd t ni V ' '' J . '". I'-.illl .. iUaaign, it -a l ".i.tht a mvitu mni. at h.hmih, utv it k.. ,...,i..a , ..,,. fcHl m,.t., " ' 1 1 le. , 1 i - ,i,t ika l-'i it x ski Ik-, ail. wkat it., . I '""a xx r . x-,i i k.. k ,u ii.. M1, , , I' , . ... I. , a gi, tat- ai it axi-m f.a -ill' t'.i.t ma ki t i" "i ii n.4 I If.,, I at, lit i ni l I V . kin 4 a-ix " x .1 i , ...... Hi.' ' ! IX . 11" I 1 .1 .1 ,. a.ii . , k, ... i.. li. X ll .1, t . ""'' v, I XI ' lx.. I . x. i "X l 1" . a '""ii x. . Visa x i , 4 . I XI Lit . - t rX I i tM 'X' a I mi a , 1 1 . t . , I It , . i r t 4 . I x - t tl I a I Willi it , I 111. -I t., x . r. I ! a I 1 I x ix x x xi 'kit It , I x ( x.. a X ,.-l tx. 1 1 I- L-l I at I . . a t ' a.x Al.1.11 ,U, t, IH'114, i, wwikli