5 D o (rates Plot by George Bronson Howard Novelization by Hugh C. Weir ::: Copyright Kalem Company CI o TTTE OMAHA SFXPAY BF.K: MAY 21, 101 H. I he a Story No. 7The Rogue's Nemesis "Mary!" said Mont Hartley. "I! at once and stared frankly at her. haven't ieen a paper for days and here, in the first one I jick up, is the story of Goodwin Clay's divorce luit!" Her chum Mary Burnett, looked at her. "I hate divorce cases," she said. "I never read about them. They're sor did, dreary things!" "You don't remember," said Mona. "You've forgotten who Goodwin Clay's wife is, haven't you Dora Martyn?" "Dora Martyn!" said Mary, sitting up suddenly. "Did she marry that beast? I don't wonder she's had to divorce him!" "But it's he that is bringing the ntitl" said Mona. "Mona!" cried Mary. "What an outrageous thing! Poor little Dora -she never did anything that wasn't right in her life except to marry a man like that!" "What was she to do?" asked .iuiiit uuicriv. rxcrm niarrv mm and be glad of the chance. She was like us she was struggling along, trying to make both ends meet and having a constant fight. She chose marriage. We chose to strike out for ourselves." "And she's come to a horror like this!" said Mary. "She did what nine people out of ten would have done and this is how she is paid. Oh, Mona I don't care if we have to use our brains, if we've had to trick a few men who thought they were going to trick us, we've done a wiser iliing than she!" "Let's go to the trial," answered Mona. "Maybe we can punish the beast." Neither of them were anxious to lie recognized in the court room. They did not care, for one thing, to be classed with the morbid-minded women who are attracted by such cases as this, and, while there was only a faint thanre that Mr, Clav would remember them, they felt that it might be as well to eliminate even that possibility. There was no plan in their minds; they simply wanted to leave their hands free if it turned out that there was a chance for them to interfere, perhaps to punish C lay, prrhaps to save the wife he intended to treat so cruelly. Ndt for a mo ment would either of them believe that she could have done anything to justify the mire of the divorce court. So. to avoid recognition, both Mary and Mona were heavily veiled. They sat in the back of the room, and they listened, with growing disgust, to Clay's 'hypocritical denunciation of the woman who had "wronged" him, and to the sorry batch of witnesses he had gathered in support of his charges. The' chief of these was a character us notorious in a way as Goodwin (.lay himself, one Jake Minter, pro prietor of a roadhouse of the most dubious sort. This Minter, as both the girls knew, was hand in glove with certain crooked politicians and had been mixed up, often, in shady affairs. His political pull had saved him more than once. And, perjuring himself now, as he reeled off his carefully prepared story, which was corroborated by men in his employ. "Lies, lies," whispered Mary. "But Clay will get his divorce. Unless it can be proved that Minter is lying, the case against her is deadly I" The event proved that Mary was right. Minter's testimony rould not be shaken by the defense. Clay's di vorce was granted, his wife, dis graced, was left, dependent once niorc upon her own efforts, since Clay, with a refinement of mean ness refused absolutely to make any provision for her. She had disgraced herself, he said; let her drink the dregs of the glass she had poured out for herself! But of course Clay didn't know Mona and Mary, nor did he know that they had decided to ri'lit wrong he had done, or he might have been more considerate. The two giils, in their natural in-ci-rnat ion. looked like fashionable nHs, unlimited when it came to the satisfaction of their desire to look well. Hut that night when they drove in a toxical) to a flashy restaurant, where they knew Clay generally wont, in the heart of the white light district, they had contrived some uh.it tn cheapen themselves. They fitted iii with the place where they dined; they looked like the women who thronged the place. And yet, there was a difference. They could not, indeed, they hud not tried, to i .mecal their charms. It wjs Maiy who .took the lead; M.iM 'lio was, it appeared, decidedly parti' til.tr ,i . to the location of their i.thlc. Mie wa.-i, a a matter of tact, looking for Clav And at last she -picil him. playing host to a small .old silet company of men, at a table that commanded a perfect view of ihe iat,irrt M.u:r And, what was i:.-:e important, she saw that there a is a small tatde, not far from t lay's that wa. f t t'ie moment liinu cupicd, "Will take t!ot tahle." she said. Thite v(,ai no ilittu titty about it. Man w.ii a Mi-aner "i 'hat plate. but tlit-s hope. I, ami hrln-ved, that uaid Mary, Ifinptmijlv "Mow do you that i.iiH soon he thanked Mie and I kn.iw I like you si'muili" ; i. id. II o'tvifuv were the know." lie .dd her, ihitrkling, irt .'l patron nsr proprietor nae-j "Well llie-e be t.'" ai ! Mary, I I . ' 1 1 1 to lorn! Ilei rlr-l ktiiiif' 1,14 l. r 'l.Mi, I MippiKf 111' lu inni.n thjtt'it !v llme iiid! are 1 o..U at t'.em! H he II itrcrt lo ititii linn In ii-uiiey thry'il trust trie a i . '. iiiin'" I1,. . grli), with i!e!drtat its -t ti rtF I ll.rmfie i i' .. I' rv n . ' t f I ! I I ' ef. 0 'tiat'l l" r t ot, S(I ...nil .. I .:it ..ii.S V i Man. ttu tv lf i e r t:,Mf t ;fl l Of ''', !' ! I t-'.-'l drtft .m. 1 t i r Vt li'ia V,T, I ) I (.' ' ' '.( t t, ! !ii . e I l a ' 1 ; I ' fis.ii! S ,..( I e J I l (! t V -tr a'l t-.lt t i t - .1 t l! I ( I 1 '"! t I r-i f . ! -.( ! tt.itll nit! !i 1 1 a'T f 1 g ' ' V't . i . ! .1 a t t i'ii l i i i (n ,1 "i Lot i t ti t (! I v 1. 1. I . I .1 i He nodded in solemn approval and said something at which Clay and the rest of the men at his table roared. Clay at once began to play the game of flirtation. He was direct, not subtle in his methods; it was plain that he believed that any woman he deigned to notice must be delighted by the honor he paid her. Mary pre tended not to notice him at first; finally, however, she smiled, and nodded faintly. Clay rose at once and came over to her tabic. Mary saw a waiter smile, knowingly, but there was nothing unusual in that place about Clay's action. "Hello!" he said, in a heavy voice. "Glad to see you here I Thought I knew you wasn't sure till you smiled." "Won't you sit down?" asked Mary, timidly. "Sure, I will, sure!" he said. "How about a little wine hey f" He reached over and tried to take her hand, but she withdrew it quickly. "Oh. no no, please!" she aid. "Not in a place like this!" He laughed, not ill-pleased. "Aw, who cares?" he said. She was fumbling at the plain gold ring on the third finger of her left hand. His eyes lighted up. A look of understanding came into them. "Oh that's the ticket, eh?" he said. "Married, are you? Afraid friend hus band will turn up and start some thing? Well, say what do you say to a little spin in my car, eh? Got it right outside we can run around and get an appetite and then stop somewhere along the road for a snack. Sure sure come on!" "1 shouldn't," faltered Mary. "But, oh, 1 do love to motor " "Then come on," he said. "I'll just shake this crowd of mine be with you before you can turn around. I'll show you some speed in that new car of mine some speed. Lvery cop's trained to turn his back when he sees me coming." In a few minutes they were spin ing north through Central park; it was not long before the salt air from the sound cooled her fevered cheeks, and she began actually to enjoy the wild rush through the night air. He drove well; the car was completely under his control, despite the dizzy speed at which he drove it. And he was too busy to talk, even had the roar of the engine and the swift rush of the air made it possible for them to hear one another. They stopped at last, when it was late, at a roadhouse, where they had a table overlooking the sound, where the lights twinkled red, white and red again, across the water. Few peo ple were in the place; Clay had chosen it for its isolation. "So you're married, hey?" he said, when he had given the order, "Well, that's too bad, kid, too bad. Don't get along any too well, either?" "Oh Otto's all right, in bis way but he doesn't weigh much!" said Mary flippantly. "The trouble with him is he's a genius." "A genius, huh!" said Clay, with a great laugh. "What's his line?" "He's a musician. And he's some violinist, if I do say it. He writes music, too. That's the trouble. He's always thinking about that, when he ought to be thinking about me." She looked at him provocatively, and once more he reached for her hand. But once more it eluded him. "He plays all the time," she com plained. "Morning, noon and nfght whenever he's home. Says he's got to work out the themes for the sym phony he's writing, that's going to make him famous. That's all right, you know but it gets tiresome alter a while." "Sure oh, sure," said Clay. "Say, kid why don't you shake him? A nice little girl like you oughtn't to be tied up to a dub like that." "Oh, you don't know him," said Mary, frightened. "He'd kill me. You never saw such a jealous man in your life. He's too busy with his music to bother with me but if any other man looks at me whew!" "Gee what's he expect?" asked Clay. "The poor sucker!" "lie expects a lot," said Mary. "Why, the other day I met a fellow in the street 1 used to go to school with and, of course, I stopped to talk with him. Why not?" "I should say you would." Well, Otto tame along, and my. but you should have seen the way he cut up. He was perfectly wild, lie pushed my friend away and dragged me home. He said I was driving him mad that I was driving all Ins inspiration away. What are you going to do with a man like that?" "Forget him," said Clay. ''Say, it's a good thing you met nie. li Otto ever stack up against me he'll won der whriher he got gay with Jrs Wdlard or the Singer building fell down on hmi. We're going to be pals, you and J " Von ie awfully ure, aren't you?" av, where s h'tle Otto tomght; I laying witfi In f.reheMta you mean, "Good night thanks for the ride," said Mary and left him. Mona greeted, her with a cry of re lief. "Oh. I was so frightened, Mary I" she said. "I'm so glad you're back!" "You needn't have worried," said Mary scornfully. "He's not a bit more dangerous than any other low minded man!" "Tel! me all about it," said Mona. "And where do I come in?" "That's just what I want to do tell you about it," said Mary. "And you've got just as hard a part to play as I have. Listen I" Mona listened. And when Mary had done she laughed, "Mary do you really believe that a man .like Goodwin Clay will be fooled so easily?" "I know it! said Mary, with su preme confidence. ''All we've got to do is to stick to the plan we've made!" "Oh it's going to be fun, after all!" said Mona. Mary, thanks, to the well-established fiction of her jealous and tal ented husband was able to do very much as she liked with Clay in the days that followed, At first Clay, it was plain, believed that she was sim ply trying to lead him on. "You needn't stall any more, kid," he told her. "You've got me going all right! I've thrown up my hands I'm ready to dance to any tune you want to play!" "1 don't know what said Mary, "Oh, you're clever I hand it to you for that," he said. "You didn't want to let on you liked me, did you? Wanted me to get dippy about you first? Well, I fell! Now r,uit stall ingforget Otto and be nice!" "I can't forget him" said Mary, with a little shiver. She acted her part well. And it was not long be fore Clay was convinced that he had misjudged her. This had a curious effect on him. He had been amused by what he con sidered Mary's transparent effort to arouse his curiosity by making her self a little difficult. He supposed that he was seeing through her arti fice, hut he had not been at all dis pleased with her resorting to it. Now, however, when he was convinced that she had been telling the truth, that she was really what she pretended to be, a rather guileless little woman, rendered unhappy by her husband's devotion to his art and his jealousy, he was positively delighted . Had Mary been what he had first supposed, just another of the seem ingly endless procession of women who constantly passed in review be fore him, he might have forgotten her in a few days. But as it was he began to devote himself to her to the exclusion of everything else. "He's quite tame, Mona," Mary told her chum one evening. "Says he's tired of his old crowd that he'd rather be with me! And be really doesn't bother me at all. He takes me out riding and he says he's really glad that I don't like the big Broad way restaurants." "But he believes that it is because you're afraid Otto will see you?" "Yes! You know it's a little ri diculous, the effect Otto is having on him. 1 talk about hint all the time, and he's a good deal puzzled. He simply can't believe that such a man as I make Otto out to be can really exist, you see. He doesn't know any thing about art he can't imagine a man who would rather succeed in his art than make a lot of money." "Where does Clay's money come from?" asked Mona. "He inherited a good deal of it but he makes a good deal, too. He's a big contractor, and I believe he's a good, shrewd business man. I don't see how it's possible, when he dissi pates the way he does, but that's the report. " "A contractor I remember, of course. 1 suppose that means poli tics, doesn't it?" "Of course it does! He's in with every crook and grafting politician in the city. He has the inside track whenever anything big is in the wind. The city pays and pays!" "Charming character! But look out, Mary! You've been able to control him very easily so far be sure that he doesn't turn on you when you least expect it I" "Oh, I'm all right! I have Otto to protect me, remember! Have von heard anything more of Clay's wife?" "Poor soul! She's utterly crushed. She doesn't seem to realize, even yet, what has happened 1 think she still cares for him, in some extraordinary way. She thinks he's been poisoned against her, ami that if he could he made to see the truth he would be sorry!" "He'll be sorry before we're done with hint," said Mary spitefully. "But it won't be because he has a change of heart! Good win Clay isn't the sort who rrt'ornis because his belter na- duiiht if he ture conquers him! 1 has such a thing left !" "It's nearly time for us to settle with htm, once and for all. isn't it?" asked Mona. "Do you think you're ready? I be lieve we could go ahead any time now, if you arc. Clay is infatuated, if I'm not very much mistaken." "You needn't wait on my account," said Mona. "I think I'm as nearly "ready as I ever will he. and if I wait around thinking about it. I'll simply get more and more nervous." "There's always that clanger when one clans a thing very carefully, " said Mary, thoughtfully. "All right. 1 think Otto will have to go out of town with his orchestra on a concert tour in the next day or two. And then Mr. Goodwin Clay can come and call on me in my home which he has been very anxious to do for sonic time now I" "The sooner the better!" said Mona. "What will you do write to him ?" "Yes, 1 think so," said Mary, thoughtfully. "And for the next couple of days 1 won't see lnni at all!" "Oil, that's clever!" said Mona, with a laugh. "You'll make him all the more anxious, you mean, so that he will be quite certain to come?" "Nothing about a man of his sort is ever quite certain," said Mary. "But I think I'm as sure of him as it's humanly possible to be. He's given himself away pretty completely. Now I'll see what the effect of worrying him a little is." - "Well we've got big stakes to play for, this time, Mary. His wife's hap piness, and her whole future, depend on the way we work this out. Ibis time, it's certain, we're unselfish. I know I'd never have consented to this adventure except for her," "Nor I," said Mary. "No matter how bad things were, I'd never have driven a mile with Goodwin Clay for my own sake," Mary, after maintaining absolute si lence and seclusion for a couple of days, finally wrote to Clay. And so quickly that she knew he must have acted as soon as he had read her note, he called her on the telephone. "You gave me a fine scare." he complained. "1 thought something had happened to you. Sure you're all right?" "All right yes," she laughed. "Otto was getting ready to go away, you see, and he was awfully exact ing." "Well, he's gone, has he?" said Clay. "Yes. he's gone. The coast is clear." "Well, I'm coming over to see you. All right?" "Yes-I'll be Rlad. Soon?" "In half an hour." Mary turned from the telephone and nodded to Mona. To a very dif ferent Mona. f'or Mona had trans formed herself mightily. She wore a man's suit. Her hair was long and fell about her ears and low on her forehead. Her coat was of velvet; she had, deliberately, preserved much of the femininity of her appearance. She wore a flowing Windsor tie and a low collar, with deep points. And in her hand she had a violin case. "You're perfect, Mona," said Mary. "You're Otto just as I've described him, over and over again. Now get that wild look into your eyes," Mona practiced before a mirror, and they both laughed at the effect she produced. "Will I do?" said Mona, anxiously. "If you don't well, I've been very badly fooled," said Mary. "But I'm not a bit worried. Go out now and wait till you see htm come." So Mona went out, and Mary wait ed for Clay's arrival. He was on time. And, so much in awe of her did he stand that be was deferential, almost timid, in his manner, when she admitted him. This was very differ ent from most of his affairs. He did not believe that Mary was really so different from the rest, but he did understand, somehow, that she was of a finer sort, and that it would be easy to frighten her. So he had toned down his usual rough and bois terous way to a considerable degree. "It's a relief to have Otto go away," said Mary, with a sigh. "He keeps one constantly at concert pitch, you know. His music makes him so ner vous, so irritable, that it's almost im possible to live with him without go ing mad." "A fellow like that has got no right to get married," said Clay, sympa thetically. "Say, why don't you just slip away while he's gone?" "I'm afraid," said Mary, "lie wanted me to go with him at first. He threat 1 ened me with all sorts of tiling if 1 ! even spoke to a man while he was gone - said he'd have a way of finding j out." i "Don't you believe it, vtid Clay,' confidently. But it was only his von e I that was really tontii-ent; he looked around nervously. Anil suddenly. just as he was about to speak again, there was a loud knock at the door. They stared at one another; it was repeated with increasing violence. "It's my husband!" gasped Mary, going white. "He must have played a trick on rue!" "The door's locked f tried it," whimpered Clay. "Keep still he may think the place is empty and go away !" The door was locked but from the outside. The two girls had manipu lated the lock so as to deceive Clay. And now, while Clay and Mary cow ered fearfully inside, the pounding on the door became more and more vio lent, until at last it gave way, seent iiiKly before a savage assault with the fire extinguisher, but really be cause Mona had turned the key. The next instant, Mona. in the guise of Otto, confronted them. "Otto. Otto!" wailed Mary. "Don't be angry Mr. Clay is an old friend it's perfectly all right " And Clay, mst as Mary had pre dicted, shotted his yellow streak. He tried to escape from the frail but furi ous musician. But Otto snatched a pistol from the drawer of a table and coveted him. "Sit down," he fried, in a tense, high voice. Mary went to him and flung her arm about his neck, but Otto cast her off furiously. "I shall go madl" he cried. "What shall I do, kill you both? No then they would kill me, too!" Suddenly lie stared at Clay. "I know you, you wretch!" he cried. "You are notori ous for your dealings with women! You why, you even perjured your self to get rid of your unfortunate wife!" "No " stammered Clay, "Will you lie now when you fare death?" cried Otto, as if maddened. His eyes lighted up. "Ah I have itl" he cried. "Sit write a confession, and put in the proofs of your perjury I At once or, 1 will kill youl' In vain Clay stormed and pro tested. Otto flourishing the pistol, threatened him until he complied. "Good!" he said, when Clay had done. "If you do not tomorrow make reparation to your wife, I will use this. And now what will you do for me for the woman wh was my wife?" Mary screamed. "You shall provide for her now that you have driven us apart!" said Otto. "I owe her that much. Write her a check now!' And this much Clay was glad to do, "I'd have done that anyhow," he growled, "But you're mad, man I Take her hack! She's a good woman I" Otto only sneered. And when the check was written he drove them both out. Mary, shaken and hysterical but from her triumph at the complete success of their plans, and not, as Clay supposed, because of Otto's re turnwent with Clay. He drove with her at once to the nearest restaurant "You need some supper that will brare you up," he said. "It was hard luck having him play a trick like that" "Go in and get a table I want to telephone!" said Mary, distractedly. And in the booth, she railed Mona. In a minute she rejoined him. And it was not long before, to Clay's amaze ment. Mona, herself, in her own clothes, slipped into the vacant chair beside Mary. Slowly he recognized in her the mad musician. But before he could denounce them Mary spoke. "For once you've been beaten at your own game!' she said. "You pre tend to be a good sport prove it by making things right with your wife. And it you don't remember that you've given us the evidence that will send you to jail if you make us use itl Good night!" They left him, furious, but knowing that they had outwitted him that it was impossible for him to fight. (The End.) Turn old furniture, household goni an4 elothlni Into esh with a Bee Want Afl. t n s vr 1 8" 15 sVdET;-! Z "Si. of WEAR WHILE YOU PAY THAT'S THE LOFTIS WAY MOST POPULAR Engagement Ring B7S ninmnnd Rtnf. 14k pulld q!d. tof II "Perfec tAft Hon" Mt ...v 1 W.k. 70i Men u Bin. rarv4, 14k olid fold, f!n dUmnnrt VPa $60 Vftltl ........ 'ww 10 Mont. Our (onrirlenlUI Credit ftyatom U ft vrj liuil mi tA mmf b iullnM In two word -oandnc mna -good fnlth. Vmn of prsn, h t tight u that mn hoitMit pernvu I ft ntm pr on to do buflliMMi with, ftnd that If Ui conditions r not difficult ftnd burden omit, on honent prtMn ton? b dpnnd d upon t fulfill tlirm. Tbo ftondiltoiw on nhlfh w HI Diamonds, Uatrhos and Jewslry r not burdensome. Our urires r low our credit terms reed Ins I r easy t her la no red lap! no Dubllrlty Kierflhtni" Is nbsolutelf confidential. 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Lite ' I I te its r4r!'' prnrtrt flay. "Nit tin," 4i, NUrjr, ai!imuty, "V".re . t'i tn!t tiie !. .i -f in a hunt it v. u iite at t a, v ,lt it' I he?t e were ii'ii.it; Lett I'll be Iniiii tefus linn tilt, Jtuiry I'. 4j tfurti ti. in I :f fcim vita (4 tt. U nr l..it, t. Sit u M l-t a lift- j tl at .... id"'. M e ; r I She ir.-l. t t v. . ,i r.4 l few,, H t 4 i (Int.. 41 Ifcwli.r it Niuteil lrn l Ktatt of all MiTiiKtlt liirrrt he ulrentii ,mm en liintme of iti-lii nir, folk, KIWI h r t ltt 111 t Wrk' tltlif. Mt l"H V t Not i.,, ! I. fx Wh i, . n . ft ttiry bM ,h 1 f,. I, (U b H rr!tii.tD, am,,'..ft r r ill? Iit,i(... I ,, lfc4 l I . Mm II. ' ho ki..ut ,....( , a l a-t i il .. tlm M f Haiti m .o l I1. t, a P. li (ni ... 1 ',..-l'l, I Its, ...-. M a, 4 iie too . t . i II " a I . tiiil.i .l tfrn IH-t'l ullo 1 1 .. ,1 i t if tf !'ie Uu:- , 'i i III. I. ' '.' I t .1 l I f l : I r . 1 t f.'f l.tl wa !,:! It. t t.u t-s vi !i.i 1 ' . I ,. , ; a n " i ? t" r . 1' .j i:l. ! ..f l:.. ' llf '. r- !. .4)ill-nt I.. ... (h m !'"i, e t t ' i i '.it 4 I 1' 1 ,l I 'i li . ' af-'t " I-. ttVf t l"l I '. 1 .... H IP III f f ..'.-fl , ! r I i ; I i1 l 'if t t - M e 4., I -. . i - ., . I . t .,. . ....' . v., t Hvlti4 t m ' lt ! I'., ..... I, .1 ,,, ! . ,,., ' ,.-' .i.I.B.j '.. a i ... iiim a,.. i.,. . .. - v a a . e.a . .a i a a a, ii t t t. I I t Iii rit t i i . I i " t 1 1 Only one weekly farm paper in the world has sufficient merit to be read by as many as half the farm homes in a single state. The TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER has the remarkable record of reaching 53 of the farm homes in Nebraska. It is likewise as popular in the homes of Western Iowa farmers. 110,000 copies are read weekly. Y 7