Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Field Club Opening.
The Field club, the first of the
country club to open, started the
season last evening most brilliantly,
with all the members in town ores
ent and partirs galore, including
many Dutch treat affair, The dance
hall was bneht with llagr. I he ta
hies were decorated according to the
taste of individual hosts and host
esses, a few potted plants, but. cut
flowers predominating, both fcarden
and shrub. Very effective were the
hanging baskets with their trailing
foliage and flowers on the porches
and front of the club house and porch
dining room with fern and big pot
.ted plants mingling with palms. The
ceilings of the dance hall and dining
room were decoratefi with smtlax and
plume asparagus. The porch boxes
were bright with peonies. The
grates, filled with flowersand their
mantels banked, produced" charming
effects in bringing info evidence all
the bloom of the spring and early
At one of the merry Dutch treat
parties were:
M'-r 'f1 Mi-wfarttea
t M I'.KU .1 ll HlfnM
W. M lilller. I' W Mlkeaell
John H Hhrrj. I.i Huff
M F,. PMls, Itntiert Trimble.
f,ir'rtln. Miee Louia't Hutr.
Mif Mu'lfllne Krits,
tprn M'MI H
Karl Hwk M n. dituifilnr
Another Dutch treat group i
(hided :
Mus-ie n4 M"lmee-"
I. i' Knhn. M Dunham.
V. It, Wllenrt. IV, H Volte.
Dr and Mra, WorjrtKrd Tiltitia
Dining together were:
Vinef- an. MlfHlHriii-
K P, finyer. II A Millrkon
'lre Hnlrl. I'mil Iliiri-lijh
.htf-k Hriarii. tintfriin I.Ml-.r
w. ftitiriter Wood lluriy Nti-hnlenn,
f)ntiri, Stanley,
In another party were:
Meere am MPJi'ltimH
H Wlltin, Aiimoh
M !! Vlrt'-e- - '
CrniK Armstrong. Kalhrjn firnnlf
Si. l,reeM City
l'tb M, aere
llrvr Miller, fir n1 Mra
r j
Hr, W, 11 , Afulnmni) rihtrler,
U'-iimn T, Witann.
Another party dining together in
cluded: M-ee-e at, if Me1mn
I' ll. Hturtiivant. t'blni'i
Mr OIliln limn V. who well
S-w 1r M). fl Kvetill'l.
Mlee Miiry l,
iirar Mi-Hum
Mm Hlnn. Kiiaeii Kohn
At another table were seated;
l-er. and Meariame
J II. Hlunrriaril. Khorrolen
ft, Khearar A, Ji, Mirrlot.
It ami Mr. William
M-edeme Mea4ame-
A. It Marrlnl, Jr. Rnto-ro
The table guests of Mr. and Mrs,
ll. M, Slater were:
Mleeea Mleeae
MurnirM riurk lea I, -n Mllrojr.
M'm M.-eara ,
Jtarry IVmant. theater Drlahatia
Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Dorwood en
tertained for:
eleeare and Meeitame--
M, (,, rtrorne. K T, Heyden,
Dr. and Mrs. J. C, MIm Bealrlr Olt.
fllabup. pin.
The guests of Mr, and Mrs. Allan
Parmer were;
tf r and Mdma)
n. a. whi w, it. roi
Meea-ra, and Meadamee
J B Kradanbr Jem HJH
t'harle . H hwatar
With Mr, and Mn, H. O. Edwards
Mer. and Mr.mea
H. It. Pollard fdward P. Umllb
John A. Kuba N. U. Updlk
Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Abbott dined
with their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin A. Shotwell, Miss Estella
Jenson and Judge Charles Foster.
Mr. F. J. Farrington was host to
fourteen and Mr, and Mrs. J. H.
Mithen had six guests at their table.
Parties of five were given by Mr,
P. A, Wella, Mr. A. A. Allen, Mr,
G. A. Seslmry and Mr. J. H. Mc
Donald. Thfl hosts to affair of four
were: Mr. J. W. Hughes, Mr. M. J.
Coakley, Mr, I. A- Russell, Mr. M. T.
Swartz, Mr. ,B. L, Irons, Mr. J, A.
Abbott. Mr. H. J. Shaffer, Mr. II. S.
Daniels, Mr, J. B. Shirentan, Mr.
Iames Trimble, Mr. John Lavelle,
fr. O. D. KipHnger, Mr. A. V, Jef
feris, Mr. IL A. Cameron and Dr. R.
E. Carney.
Reservation! for three and two
were taken by Mr. H. O. Honnett,
Mr. T. T, Allen, Mr. Ned Atchison,
Mr. I. J. McAllister, Mr. H. B. Mor
rill, Mr. Vincent H. O'Shea,, Mr. E.
C Henry, Mr. Paul Walsh, Mr. E.
H. Uruening, Mr. Harry Steele, Mr.
Walter Thomas, Mr, E. If. Howland,
Mr. Walter Btebe and Mr. W. A
Yon son.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Young and
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bell dined as
the guests of Mr. Hal Brady.
The John W. Towles entertained at
dinner for Judge and Mrs. George
Day and the C. A. Gosses.
Mr, C. B. Stuht was host to Mr,
and Mrs. James IX. Jamison, the
Misses Hillard Churchill and I-ottie
Snowden and Mr. James L. Bray.
The Will Lawrences and Mr. and
Mrs. W, 11. Butts dined with the W.
E. Malnneys.
With Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McCar
thy were their house guests from
Chicago, Mrs, A. Maus and Miss
Kathryne Maus. the (), L. Harts and
Dr, and Mrs. G. D, Sluphard.
Happy Hollow Reservations,
Reservations for dinner at the
pemng of the Happy Hollow Coun
try lu!i .Saturday evening are be
ginning to pour in. Among those al
'! Uln are; Jutlwe Irving Bai
ter, !; Mr Harry , Byrne, two
ir. v, . isyrne. two; Mr. 1
t anirtu;rt, u; Mr, C t li
fur; Mr V, n I, two, Mr,
11. I it- lte C,ij. I." i.
mote, tut, Mi. C. J I, von, five; Mr
v. v, i . i, ii, ,, f. Mack,
, Mf. W. Mi A it am, two; Mr. I.
M V' Ct, !., Dr. V. r , Mil
toy, UHff, Mr A C Mucker, o;
M(, ... H I'sfi e, tui , Mr
i.s-urge A it';tin, fgKf, and ilf. C.
U ", t
l ' i i . tf. y.i j. n
V-r, Mr. R X j!....h, tv...
!i, ,.,. 5sr!ta, t-.; Mr A ll"
'! 1 V.i It, D. rrauktit!.
Iu; Vf J f V I Ul. .:!!,., i..,.,
M', .! U tii-! Vmi. Kt I ,
I u,.u, h I,,,,,, vi r D K
!', n,( Hi, I'. K l"l!,t,
Om.l Or,lutr 1st Chicago
,V!, Walffn If Ham HH, S. C'f
if.', ..J Mr. I O lU:.,.lsu(i, .
t-t Kt" f , is m
vtmHiH i-n it'its lit, Hm
1 s I.,,-- ,
it t,. ( Haiiolt lri !4lMrU
f t (;(., ti, t (l'(,t t t j,,.
i '" t-. t t 4.nt.j t )
'' "!! " t t,lt' t'-l. I, to I JTlJ,4
4 s 1 : 1 ,l H sin, .(.,.
1 t!'.!- iml f..tik
I ;,.-, lUniiit-.-tt. t,i
Will Be One of Early J une Brides
V h' ' 4 - I -V.
til 1
; V;.- HI''' '? ,
m V i
-A j - :T - (( r -1
1:1 . '' VI -' l.v
p. $ ki . m '( xr m j. --. C' I ; it wn ii mni i ' n n m mn iiinwisiin st n n mil
will be present at commencement
Betrothal Announcement.
Mr, and Mrs. It. S. Deems an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Denzel, to Dr. J. Louis
franat of tins city. Ihe wedding will
be celebrated the latter part of June.
Maderiun Club Dance.
The Maderians entertained Friday
evening at a dancing narty at I
at Tur-
puis in honor of the .Lincoln Maderi
ans, who spent the week-end in
Omaha. Lavender and white, the
club colors, prevailed in the decora
tions, ba.skefs of lilacs, bridal wreath
and snowballs being used in pro
fusion. The chaperons for the affair
included Messrs. and Mesdames D.
A. Johnson, Robert Hunter, W. (.
Brandt, T. F, Donovan, E. E. Elliott,
Don T. Lee and F. ,S. Howell.
The out-of-town guests numbered
Miss Jeannette Patterson of Platts-
mouth, Miss Katherine Mallor of
Malvern, and Miss Geraldine Hess
and Virginia Sfubbs of Council
Bluffs', and from Lincoln:
Miaaoa Marian Hall,
Mike Marian Jlroivn.
Adalalda Blam. Imrothr Pavlaa.
Clanavtava lab. Marllia Nnbla,
Mlldrad P yl., Marjnrla I'rlll,
Marian Turiahlut, Kaiharlna Howl
Lanna Wachler, Myrlla Ulablar,
ihe other guests were;
alalia Hohlnaan,
Mamarat Mathawa,
Heln illllnar,
Kllaabeth Carr,
Hulh Nolan,
, VI. I ret Wright.
Mirrnt MotllaufhllB,
Krannaa Cleland,
KlUabath I'errlan,
Kalltarltia Krus,
Hulh McCoy,
Marnrel Huffman,
rranra Hnwatl,
Martha Itmallay,
k'hyllla llunior.
Wlnl'rad llrandt.
Uartruita lxnnvan,
Uratohan l.auailuu,
Ruth iadnr,
Onfaldlna Johnaon,
n-iairirfa Jnntiaun,
SlararC Harte,
iCIIaabath Klllot,
loruthy Hlppl.
Almarln I amiih.ll, (Irai'a HlabauHli,
Helen Pariah.
Katherine llaetlnva.
Itnth Kltianrald,
larret William.,
Oertruda leyi'ke,
Klliutheth Ntuitevant,
Mlldrad Ahnriea,
Marie Neville,
PHeanor Hiibiuih.
ICIala Htcirt,
Helen i arrlar.
Huth Itnlmnald.
arollna Hnimaulat.
Helen Pearoa,
Mllilrad Kama.
Katharine Oarduar,
Marsaretha tlrttnmtl, Mildred Cnlllna,
Unriiuita Mattaun,
K ill i h Hamilton,
linrothy Hinlth,
Imrolhv ttallutch,
Mary duller.
l, Milan Head,
KttbartA t.'oultar,
linna Mi lmnald,
Hulh llainlltnn,
Kliaaheih t'rawtoril.
tlrara llarta
Willi. m Nlrntaan,
I'laytim Nleola,
Haiih CaniMball,
Hman4 Jarceraon,
tltteon Vln.iinhatar,
lierman HartNy
.lamea tteney,
t'tiarlea Maraarlr,
ilierlna tlnula.
Marian ('sail.
Helen rHindariaad,
Meeera, White,
Huliart Wtler,
linnald fliear4,
Itubrl luiwtia,
avid Nnlile,
Krana Heteeitharf,
t ttomiiaiMi w aaly.
Mli-hard I'eieta,
himarf. Mi-lMittald,
V U'lam rettretift,.
l. t t hamltatlatn, Kredrlrk Waller.
.ii.n S.v uia.
Jnh I'hllbin.
rman rhlitlk'a.
Vtiiiiam Hart,
I'hliiu fhllbtH,
.lar rturna,
leirllig Klllet.
l.-nnd Ixenui l
tan liidnt tt
It t Heathen at
ti-.... le (letnuiatal,
ttil.r Nefeia.
l..,ie, ii.i,Hr.
,'.i.a),-lt M
t nae hmiia
rt-iwi i iin,e'e.t.
r' v-iett tiuraa,
t.t llairett.
H.ii'-i i ii.mth.
r r. I r i 1-r.
H ma it H'ifcMne.
It.i.'. l t aiia-l.-lt.
. I , If. Saliee.
HIMDll Ni.x.ti,
I .ana l amt lieil.
-tee h ei-U,
- Ki- wit.
I -lfl.,1 II - ,1.1
Ifn I'eixlla,
tl.Mlf t eti...,,..
I.. ilea r.ra,-H
leareaaa '-"nan.
V l a i Vnrlh
tee4 Mtth,
'-til 0--.t ll If4,
e.J. I M-Mfa,
lie li-eet.
- in ri'v-fiMea,
S -ell i-.i.
,,l,r !-
,l i,-a
Hn. ...mear i, n.1,,1 t N iXeak.
.. w ii ',i-e. . U i.i-w, I'-. eaait
. e.. i . .-,. Iwba 4e-iaiua
Vdliiig Xsisptiuru
Mi it' ! Mr i I ' rrs'etn wtil
tr fur al tSifir l.m a hl t(iinajf
f ' s i tK I..-..! ul t'"l 1", ri,m-
ti.:tRtt t, it-til tmht, f sthet, ;
a t t I Aft'-.i. i Si ii .i iti, wh,
td-t-.f . ! fU.f l 4 'l-'- K
t.- M.jr(.,.i. n.i lf .tetetMt (f (h
t t - n r J if tanuii I fit Jt"H"eJ Ht'njiig'
Is 4-i .((tif Hea(J IMtt
.! l l I., . Ih. tt y I
S'wuh, Ctlf( 1tu list, j
V , Mat-iiiits V :: it( Vf ii.. f
, i iM.t ,..
'''. wnt (a tK gilrat t I t
x-miii f ntlfgs atuiitiia in f ly. j
! 1 " 't SSg(i tth, i f ahnl (
Mts. I ' -1 J I. 1 s is j.nsi.iatti,
H i'4 !H, llf.lll 1 III I "
! '..', wl M W f!,'l ISttl
-.- K - t H- ti'iHfi--
l. I- . t !i it,l .(! at
'ffl Anna,
part. It is probable that Miss Wells
will address high school girls also.
Women Golfert to Meet,
The first match to be played by
the Omaha Women $ Golf associa
lion this season is scheduled for Mon
day, May 2'), at the field club, when
the play will begin at 1 o'clock and
will be at match against "blind
On the Calendar.
Mrs, (i. Urbarh entertains at din
ner today, complimentary to Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Lahey, whose marriage
was celebrated in Lincoln Monday.
Covers will be placed for fourteen
Dance in Dundee.
The C. H. club gave an informal
dancing party at Dundee hall Eriday
evening. Those present were at fol
Karl f'nnnolly
llarnld Johnaon
Irwin K, Hushes
J I. Nyseard
A. Nysaard
lilfh Hatch
A. 1.. Oladwln
C. T. Baley
H. K. Sheibr
Harry Walker
I. I. Baundar
Vincent Bi hmlttrot
A l.und
Mlhurn Parka
Jark Muchart
Ted larnel
Walter Oehrl
Y, M. flanean
Iilrk Camp
Tmn ftnacb
Ted Palm
Willi. n Jankow.kl
Allen Helln
(lien Lamb
William McCauley
Oeurie Clevelanii
Harnid Paranna
W I". Thomiieon
r'lyda Khrntiahlr
J. A. Hirona
H. J. Yocum
Leonard Hlss-ert
Hayden Ahmanaon
Kerald Ivejny
t'urtla Alderinan
Harry t'nllln
Tom Roberta
.lay rmiin
Hubert JUath.
Oertruda ytrhwa
Helen Hultoa
Merit Mathawa
Oraca T'lrkar
t'nrlna Klein
(llady Amhlar
Irena Iownatr,
Insula Klbertt
K. n. mi, berg
A lira Hal ner
Jennie Wllaoa
Kihel Watt
Marin Watt
Mary Iirummy
Kaiharlna Crawford
Leah Keith
Mary Downey
Urara Blmpaon
Emma Hlh
Klorenre Uarr
Marl Hli uardeon
Kmlly Rpansanhars;
Kather Connolly
Marl I.lbby
M. Watt
tiladya Jone
Martha Clara
Huth Wataon
Hulh Nnrman
r'anny Hrhmldt
Anna Edqulat
Sylvia Hnovr
Lent Sweeney
Myrtl llrnudar
Helen 1'hetrTar
rl.thnr Hylen
Helen fielaet
Maria ii linen.
Milder-Schlechter Wedding.
Miss Anna Schlechter, daughttr of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Schlechter, will be
married this evening at 6:30 to Mr.
Ilymie Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Milder. Kabbi H. Grodinsky
will ofliriate and the wedding will be
solemnised at the home of the bride-
liroDin'i nsrents. The artan.
dants will he Mrs. H. H. Milder, Miss
tinei ctiiechter and Miss Anna
Milder. Ihe bridegroom will be ac
companied by Mr. William Milder
and Mr, Abe Milder.
Mr. and Mrs. Milder will t. at
home alter July 1 at StW Capitol av
Daisy Kensington Club.
Mrs, Gut. Haysilorfer entertainel
the Daisy Kensington fluh at her
home rruUy afterniHtn Ihose pits,
ens tr:
M.t,mm Weal, me,
rii.fil ll ee ho
"' '. l-'.nk V, kal
..! k,teia !,., h.ti.aar
1 . I kei tut
IM Ht Jka elw
Jk ISeiiMel.
"Strwhasry Mthtatsl.
I i!isi ! t t Prv Mc-
KVt lul l tllll.iiv Nan. (tie. v "
! hti htl.l m n t th u
man fi.-s Ust wsV Twi f,it
wrr'a, iUrfn,,i:, uhs h , t et
' i"'l i a.i(t t t '! I in-
1-1 Ir'irst tt li ., . ' tt
tt whfi Iht t.itt ') l-t r,.
Lmt l? li of tititt'tt'i ii:
"I nsst M at tN t fei;. liir,i
'"l''i'h' tit t" Si I -II
t ! ih iptt u, aJiMsiini pii N
. the Sii4 i aui-f ).
ruiijiKj, with ffii ti tut
te Ii. l.v itftiiMMtayS 1 1 It. bt-'d It
OwshAMs at Ksst'seur lrtrt
lh V l Kat tc te t s t
r Ui. in t nt'inf ,'ii'i . lot t'-
tu in, l, It
Ui t Ml I C I' U
1 t t. U f.,K. V ! I rt .
lrt ' II H .hnt.t 1 I.Wi
Mi ,..! m i . f h l , i,,
I . i v-SIS, I LltSCt - .
I. Alitif VI r ,nA Hire A V V nr. T
E. Dailey, Mrs. E. W. Nash. J. llty-
den, Miss Uaydcn, Jiyron Clow, W.
Tri-Delta Sorority Affairs.
The Lincoln chapter of the Delta
Qelta Delta sorority was entertained
at a May morning breakfast Satur
day by the local chapter at the
home f Mrs. Eugene Coffeen, In
the afternoon the two chapters went
to Council Bluffs, where Mrs. J. C,
Pryor, assisted by Mrs. Wallace
Porter and Mrs, Rex Fuller, gave a
tea at her home. The decorations at
breakfast and tea were the club col
ors and emblem, silver, gold and blue,
with pine boughs. The .members of
the Omaha chapter are:
Meadamet Meadame
P. 8 Ht. Olalra, w. ff Kothrry.
rren nau, fiat Fuller,
R A, Van Oradaf,
J. K. Wood,
Charlea Cobbay.
it) i;. cm ley,
Wallan l'orter.
Ann Hermaoaan,
H.rah Taylor,
Kllen Krankl.h,
Nancy Haze.
Sf laaea -"lalre
Marlon Hunt,
Huth Toitnt,
Iternlca Thomaa,
Katharlnn f'nne,
Kleenor IHikrnan.
The visiting sorority girls were:
Lillian .lohnaon,
Helen Tullle,
fttith Welch,
Rile ftanann,
Huth Waller,
Verna .tonea,
Caah Wtncnar,
Gertrude fHurn,
(iraca Olbaon,
(Jlady Lord,
r.enrinr Wachler,
Viola Muldoon,
Cacll Haldwln.
Among the Visitora.
Mrs. Pittinger of Albion is the
guest of her sister. Mrs. E. W. Gun.
Mr. James Woodard of Roundnn.
-.wii., ,v apcnuiiifc; wren or ten
days here with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. james J. Woodarrl,
Mrs. Charles G. Haves of Marshall-
town, la., accompanied by her daugh
ter, v-aincnne, is me guest ot ner
sister, Mrs. Albert E. Parmelee.
Mrs. Harold S. Feil of Cleveland,
formerly Miss Nellie Elgutter, ar
rived Saturday mominsr to he the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Feil un
til attar the iloman-Feil wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wells had as
their guests Rev. and Mrs. W. H.
Xanders of Columbus and Rev.
George L. Freebern of Central firv
during the sessions of the Episcopal
council last week.
Forgan-Congdon Nuptial Plana.
Mr. and Mrs. I Saac Edward frino.
don have issued cards for the mar
riage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to
Mr. Robert Forgan of Chicago, on
the evening of Monday, June 12, at
their home. 1911 Chirairo street. Thi
bridal attendants will all be matrons,
with the exception of Miss Josephine
Congdon, who is to be maid of honor.
The bride's two other sisters, Mrs.
Arthur S. Rogers and Mrs. Herbert
frencti, will be the matrons of honor.
and the other attendants will be Mrs.
Barton Millard, Mrs. Walter Roberts,
Mrs. Denise Barkalow and Mrs.
George Redick, for all of whom, ex-
cept Mrs. Kedick, Miss Congdon was
a Bridesmaid at their weddings.
The best man at the wedding will
be Mr. David Forgan, jr cousin of
the bridegroom, and the ushers will
be two other Chicago men, Mr, Bur
ton Hollisier and Mr, i'hilin Rider.
and Miss Cotigdon's brothers-in-law,
Mr. Arthur S, Rogers and Mr. Her
bert French,
Dean James A, Tancock of Trinity
cathedral will be the officiating cler
gyman at the wedding, which will be
the third in that limine, as both Mrs,
Rogers and Mr. I rench were mar
ried at home; the former seven vesii
no and the Utter a er ago last
Enchanted Forest."
The ttlt M Si, Helena's end.! of
fr uniy cathedral will give an in-
fiirinal dame and 'Uy At .1 1- !' hall
ItuifiiUy evening hr nUv is a
'right. Mi-.,' ' ". little !''ii,. with
i tjuern, 1 1 ,'! niuhes. njuhtifis,
an in aid a nt t'uimiiig I'MiKf,
4.1 !H I t III lllfll j A!U fit
lei -rt, 1. 1 lr : itrn in- ihe jtttiiitrt t-f
i uf t ai'd 5 I ' t fn
;U ' jimluuUf i l H tc- i
.It i -M)t4tKrt IS th Wi-lk
t ,n t '-U4' e ((III, 'lit. ! e
m. iisuaHtfi ul K'stNl K Xif'uf
Ui!i,ni, I ,. i ! r-1 ' .iti ,i
wi; I he it! i ' I he I eittr,
I it r ! ci'i'n I'. -m itsf u.iij
Um Hint !. VA ;' n !!
d-iett th l'-.t.t.-tii-.j. .',f
Met t t I It , ;j I I r r-a'-.n inn
i ,
-I ! . t:
I , ... M -.
" --it
. , i 4 . , ,
rt iL sunn.
M'f vr (l Alti., Nsb.
I-,. a! ((-, g vest t I f
Vtt ititt I i. -' Ihe i ' I e r ., a
M'-''n ', I i , t I ,nv
i ' k. ti J ,M.t, Js.iit V 1 I
flenore Williams)
wick, James Ludlow and L. D. Nel
son, and Miss Nellie Wakeley.
Miss Juanita Martin entertained at
her home Saturday afternoon. The
fuests danced and played games
hose present were:
Mlaaea Mlaaea-
Aerie Hrlttan, Rnae y"oly,
Juanita Martin, R it In a tionnera,
N.illle Jnhnenn, KIKabeth Hevrlt(a,
France r'anrea, franca Koley,
Bible Class Affair.
One of the Bible classes organized
last autumn will meet Monday even
ing at the home of Mrs. Frank Clark
tor a treat and a social time, the
treat part of the affair ia given by
Mr. Charles C, Relden. who will also
give a short talk on the work and
plans of the class, which will keep up
its organization throughout the sum
mer for the net season i study and
W. W. Club Meeting.
The W. W. club will meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. Nels Martin.
A orogram has been prepared for the
occasion, in which every member will
take part, but the subjects will be
kept secret until me program is
Notea of Interest.
Miss Grace " Reams of Council
Bluffs is one of twelve University of
Iowa young women elected to the
Staff and Circle, a senior honorary
The Iloilo Enterprise-Presa ot llo-
ilo, Panay, Phillipine Islands, chron
icles the arrival of Miss Jessie Mason
from Manila, to be the guest of her
aunt. Mrs. T. S. Holt, and Mr. Holt.
Miss Nason is an Omaha girl, the
daughter of Dr. A. W, Nason, and
left here in January for the Orient.
he is not expected home until Aug
ust. Mr. Tom Brown, son of Mrs.
Thomas Brown, a student at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, has received an
invitation to the celebration of the
queen's birthday at Trinity college,
Port Hope, Ont. His sister. Miss
Dorothv Marie Brown, now studying
at the Illinois Training School for
Nurses, has been selected to sing at
the chapel services at her school.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Gordon ot
Chicago arrive about Thursday to be
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A- W.
Gordon. In honor of tbem, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon will give a dinner the
opening night of the Country club,
and friday afternoon Mrs. uornon
will give a bridge party for Mrs.
Frank Gordon. When they leave the
following Tuesday they will be "ac
companied by Mra. A- W. Gordon,
who is going east to attend her class
reunion at Smith college after visit
ing her brother Warren at Harvard.
She will also visit .New York and
Bridal Pair Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thorson gave a
dinner at their home Thursday even
ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Bernard Nordling, who were married
Wednesday evening. Those present
Meaar. and Meedamea
A. Hnrnard Nordllna. J, P. Ji-p.
fcwlle Thoraon,
Em 1 1 Heneon of
Belma Jarp.
Adulph Jerp.
Reynald 1. ana of
Leilnf ton,
M laana
Adena Jerp.
Carl Bnodman,
Entertainments for June Bride.
Miss Harriet Mets and Miss t-lu-
abeth Congdon, earty June brides,
will be extensively entertained in the
few intervening weeks until their
marriage dates. For Miss Congdon
there will be Mrs. Denise Barkalow's
luncheon Monday at the latter's
home, but most of the affairs in her
honor will await the arrival of her
haute. Mr. Forgan, who does not
come? from Chicago until the Friday
brfure the wedding. That day Mrs,
Arthur S. Rimers gives a luncheon at
the Omaha club for Mis Congdon
and in the evening Mr. and Mr. Wal
ter Ridirrts will give a picnic supper
for her and Mr, Forgan. The M-
tiwmii evening Mr. and Mr. John
Kcdirk give a dinner at the I ountrv
tub fur them ami Sunday there will
ktitnirr Kivru bv .Mr. and Mrs.
i.i tmi Millard.
Fi.r Mint Met and Mr Schnorf
ihete wttl he a dime at the titand
lintel in liHtmil litviKt ,MindJf even
nig, i.ftt Mr. and Mi t.ein Y't
lliutit will he the ha.1 At th
..'cturi nf the i (itttttrv !uh Sstur
day VI f. Heit eti t onnr !l Will
dmiiff (-! Mi Mitt s'i J Mr
t ! !' fieM Mrs.
r..IJ.dtt f, ste l. U ildi
, i I . .i i. tl 1 Ittlla wilt entrtUHI l
I, V'l At 1 .hl t i' t' -l Slid
t. t VI 4 V!t " ) M. I trtei
. t ( i i-fei--" W a- !v,. Hi
Mi i jt Mit gtve dinner
i'.e t nia'ii 1 1 t't an I if- f i i .a
.tin . .'ii .1 l ... l,ett ' i j
U Pit'p lii i-vt d-riRff at :
). :,, Mi. Mi l. r MU
i i-lnitg i Kfts i-t't ! Sm
.(, 4tH tin I wet ftv, ttt !
a et r -tie n ti. t,ld.r a, XI t and
U i I id u- wt'l s! "
al d.Hitat ftt tt' C.i'4v '
Iheij aufhltf ! htf hltCti ilH I
rnltttam Wh) Cluk
i S meiut-ti f It Tlv Sff
Whl lUb HI .ii Stlr Ku
fiinill it I $ nil-it ititmei ridt
tte4 it K h. ttia I M and M.
It. t la4f!tr, i - I fi-
fusely decorated with garden flow
ers and after dinner the evening was
spent playing whist. Those present
Meaar. and M.adame
Frank A. Hushea. W. 8. Row.
GeorK R. Portr,
Dean T. Ore:, -C.
B. LauKhery.
S'acla (JH.hrlet,
V. W. Mallery
of Cnuncll Bluffa.
Ruth Ollchrlat.
f. Ciarrlaon,
A. A Koater,
W. r:. froahy,
Mary Varne,
M laaea
Minnie Kendrlrk
of Council Bluff
The next regular meeting of the
club will be Tuesday afternoon, May
Z3, at the home of Mrs. W. S. Rowe.
Social Affairs Planned.
Announcement , cards are out for
the annual luncheon of the Alumnae
Association of the Convent of Mercy
at Hotel Fontenelle, Saturday, June
3, at 1 :.10 o'clock,
The Twelve. Star Whist club will be
entertained Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Rowe.
The Omaha Woman's Press club
will hold its fortnightly luncheon at
the Hotel Fontenelle Thursday at 1
Mrs. George H. Thummel has is
sued cards for a tea Thursday from
4 until 6 for her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
George B. Thuminel,
Croix Club Dance.
The Croix club will give an infor
mal dancing party, Friday evening, at
Harte hall m Dundee. At a recent
meeting the following members were
elected for the introduction commit
Meaart Meaara.
I I.inahen, L. Hcharrnrhom,
t. Sorenacn, . Krm,
A. Lvy. M Borenaan.
R. Wllfiama.
1. Brvln.
r, Dlneen,
Columbus Club Entertains.
The Columbus club entertained it
a dancing party at the Hanscom
park pavilion Friday evening. The
following were present:
Meaara. and Mc.namce
i-, m, ,.mi...i,
C. 3. McDonald,
Ruth Gentleman.
Iran O'Neill.
Katharine Car,
Treae MnHarlly,
Helen )' Flrlen,
ui r i, . . w
W. A. Imtj.
Blhel rlherry,
Lydla Olm.tead,
Hetty Hoffman,
Mary Coffey,
Herth Coffey.
N. Stahly.
R. J, Olaon.
T. A. Wallaew,
W. A, Ruan,
C J. Ajiamnil,
ea rnaiaa,
F. J. Collin.
1. B. fii.patHi-V,
Martin Molbronk,
ti, T. lielllr.
3. 3. Mcfarly,
u. w, Mritt, ,
Luncheon at Omaha Club.
Miss Dorothy Cavanagh was host
ess at a luncheon at the Omaha club
Saturday, complimentary to Miss
Jeannette Patterson of Plattsmouth,
guest of Mis F'rances Howell. Other
out-of-town guests were: Misses
Adelaide Flam, Miss Genevieve Loeb,
Miss Mildred Doyle and Miss Ma
rion Youngblood of Lincoln, who
came down, for the Maderian dance
Friday evening. The Maderian clu1
colors, lavender and white, were car-
. j . . . .i. . j ........ .
rica out in ine oecoraiions, sweet
pea being the flower used. Besides
these guests, covers were placed for:
Meade, me
M. P. Rharp
M. W. Cavanat
r a. He wall
Realrlc Johnaon
Elizabeth Blllort
France Howell
Winifred Brandt
France Hall
Phyllla Hunter
Dorothy avanafh
0rldln Jlaflfertr
Oertruda tonovn
Oralchen Lansdon
tieraldln Jnhntnft
Helen Parriah
Almarln Campbell
Wedding Plana.
Miss Clara Nordby of Benson and
Mr. Joseph Moore will be married in
the rhanel of the Weslcvan college
June 7, following their graduation the
same day. Ihe attendants will he
schoolmates, and the young people
will leave at once for the Philippines
to take up their missionary work.
For Mra. Chapin.
Mis Nettye Witte was hostess to
seven tables at bridge Saturday after
noon at her home. The rooms were
decorated in garden and shrub flow
ers. The honor guest of the affair was
Mrs. Horace Chaoin of Batavia, N.
Y., who is visiting her mother, Mrs.
B. B. Baldwin. Mr. Chapin is ex
pected to arrive this evening for a
visit of some weeks in Omaha before
accompanying Mrs. Chapin to their
Out-o-Town Wedding.
Card were received this week
from Mr. and; Mrs. Thomas Bu
chanan McPherson, formerly of this
city, lor tne marriage ot ineir aaugn
ter Margaret to Mr. Clement Edward
Gardiner, jr., of Garden City, Long
Island. The wedding is to take place
on Satuaday noon, June 3, at Auburn,
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
McPherson, near Thurmont, Mary
land. The wedding will be preceded
by a house party of the bridal at
tendants and relatives, among whom
will be Mrs, Will McPherson of Mas
ters, Colo., who is already there and
who is to be matron of honor, and
Mrs. Joseph Clarkson of Kenosha,
Wis., the bride's cousin, who will be
one of the guests. Miss Helen Oar-
diner, sister of the bridegroom, will
be maid of honor, and Miss Helen
Peters and Miss Dorothy Chillis,
both schoolmates of Miss McPher
son at St. Mary'a school at Garden
l itv. are to be bridesmaids. Miss
Gretchen MeConnell and Miss Helen
Scobie of this city were also asked to
be bridemaids. Mr. Gardiner is
building a home for his bride at Gar
den City.
Social Gossip,
Mr. W, A. Keditk is. In Minneapo
s. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Dr. and Mr. J. E. Summers re
turned yesterday fiom Washington
and New l ot k, I
Mr. and Mrs, lharle Met. Mis
rrtrud Met an'l Mi Marion
Kuhn will return MontUv from the
Mr. Hua-'i Weed of st I is r
.irvted In jm il. Weed here short
ly and tt teturn ii!t Iter u M,
I. mils when the ha finished hrr visit
here uh her jvateuH, Mf and Mrs.
1 f:-. l I titter,
.Mr, I irt . ami Mr
Frank Miitifitsn amvel h.-n e F ri-
fiv mofiiing While in I . .lwht Mf
,i mltr ti Ihe a ie i lor t iuu
d t -la-it M-t ,Mn lUitnte Day at
Si hi I rl t lilti e
V! f i riiti h
Mr t Mn ti r. Mrt.i. . t
n S! i.mI' '. wh' l'v been m
( '..( it !S ' ' , wdj teiuiu
hurf 'hi fk K-l l' ri, l'
fjett I lewlet'i'H d Sf i ,iln H
i''ti lui ! fit ! arm f J
Mi A I, Heed lr W !nt-
"'' ,ee. a t i'ii 1 )
Slm((uck sSmnmer School and Ctmp
ta t t acavsf I, it
Tharouith School Work and Healthful RcmtSoa,
t)444 tritia la r-ie rta,rrf , tttM e4 J
iee ..'-t '
r ieeil ! . 4,a iStlTViS (lt.. r.r(IV ssSeav ,
The handaomest n w
line of Sterling Silver
ever shown In Omaha
suitable for wedding gifts.
A splendid line of $3.00
and $10.00 girts.
We have really col
lected together the gwel
leBt aelectlon of Olfta
suitable for Graduation,
we have ever ehown. Ev
eryone la a lasting pres
ent that can be used ev
ery day and atlll last a
Bracelet Watches
From $10 Up
We are delighted to
bave a chance to show
you. Quality, our motto.
All goods marked in plain
figures and one price).
C. B. Brown Co.
16th aid Farnotfi St.
Should Doctors
We ran't apeak for our good
friends of the medical profes
sion but we know one- old Dr.
Cupid, the youngfwt looking
physician on tbe Job, who ought
to advertise all the time. He
creates nothing but good ehenr.
He Invariably prescrlbea one
For the bin, for weari
ness, for head and heart
elcknees there la noth
ing like a box of ae
lected flower.
Therre'a a good aolld reason
why Flower have from time
Immemorial been sent to the
See eor new lint ! Rait Flotli
John H. Bath
"Th Cartful Florht"
J804 Farnam St., OnvaJba.
Phone Donria 8000.
Bridal Customs
ftigfeflted by ,
The "Verms" Wedding; Ring
The Myrtle Vine was sacred fa
ancient times to "Verms" tbe God
dess of Love and Beauty,
That is why this New Wedding
Ring with the beautiful hand chased
Myrtle Vine is so favored by the
modern bride, as a record of the
wedding ceremony.
Shown st our store with the
Orange Blossom, Priscilla and
others equally attractive.
16th, at Harney
.largarettc Lemcn
a rvot ruara 9n
TU rw. SUl TWi,
UeMkft, M.
optical ca
N 1 cOMMf A-NA A W
n oi t