Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 12

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Bettering of Highway Ii Funda
mental Uotire and Inspiration
of Organization.
"Tell me what company you keep
and I'll tell you what ;mi arc," can
be appropriately paraplit a.-.ed to, "Tell
me what kind of road uu have in
your vicinity and I'll tell you how
progressive your citizens arc."
Good roads, and all that pertains
to their making, maintenance and
beautifying, is the fundamental mo
tive and inspiration of the Omaha
Automobile cluh. Touring benefits
and road information, to be of service,
depends upon the advance of the
good roads movement.
The club has always advocated and
supported every reasonable demand
for better highway, S. E. Smyth, as
sistant secretary, pointed out. County
and city commissioners have co-op-crated
with the club in every "way
possible, he said'
Publicity la Important.
Good roads and their ultimate
fiuilding depends to a large extent on
plain, old, every day publicity, con
versation between Jones and Hrown;
and when the talk has made a wide
enough circle of adherents, then ac
tion must follow.
This publicity concerning a certain
demand for highway rniildiiig is what
the Omaha Automobile club is doing
every day in the year through the
fraternal feeling of the members on
this one most important topic. The
individual motorist in the club has a
chance to exchange views with other
members, with the result that a nat
ural demand arises from the several
individual observations and wants.
The club, according to Mr. Smyth,
has never made it a practice of an
noying city and county officials with
petty complaints pertaining to road
rrpairs, Complaints are first investi
gated, and if found to be of unpor
tance. then request is made of the au
thorities for action. Hundreds of im
portant repairs to city streets and
county highways have hreii brought
about through concerted action from
the club. Probably a doen members
will report the same complaint. My
this assembling of t lie wants and
needs of the motoring public, action
is more quickly assured, and coming
from the majority of motorists
through their club it hears a weight
of importance which demands recog
nition. '
Successful Co-operation.
The club's efforts in furthering
good roads is not confined to Qmaha
and vicinity. It lias been very suc
cessful in securing co-operation from
towns id counties touched by im
portant highways. The Oniaha-Deni-on-Spirit
Lake Airline, from Denison
to the lakes, has been put in much
better traveling shape through the
action taken by the club with the sev
eral good roads organizations along
the line. The club has secured action
from the towns along the Spirit Lake
Airline in brightening up the road
markings, the entire route from Deni
son to the lakes being now marked,
04 has been marked with a targe
white "A "
The club's interest in signing the
highways has been instrumental in
bringing in new members from all
over the state. Allianre, itself a
strong supporter of road signing, is
a deep admirer of the club's work
and the two members there are work
ing up a dozen more to send in.
, "The larger the membership in the
Automobile club, the quicker a cryt
talization of thought and want in the
matter of good roads will come about,
,for it is appropriate that through a
club which is primarily a good roads
organization, should come the initia
tive," Mr. Smyth declared.
No Strings on the
Goodrich Prizes
Word has junt been received from
the Goodrich tire factory to the effect
that there are no strings of any kind
attached to the cash pric of $10,000
ottered for distribution between the
holders of first, second and third
lace among automobile racers enter
ing events sanctioned by the Ameri
can Athletic association for the 1910
The score of the drivers participat
ing in the official American Athletic
HiMiciation.rarcs for l'lb will be kept
by the American Automobile asso
ciation and the Goodrich prize will be
wanted irrespective of the make of
tires ucd to the driven holding lust,
second and third place at the finish
of the season.
The SdvertoAvn tire, made by the
Goodrich people, i a very popular
tire among race tliuti ami has been
used to the utmost satisfaction by
the winners of numerous race dur
ing the past sraso.i. lis peculiar
adaptability to thr most stvere tcsti
t lacing lia caused tM popularity
; among race diners a .id this popular,
ny la induced thr Gooilruli people
to niter ii' to the i ji ihk event en
I hn su site all v
I he iioodiiih people assert tlut
tiit pnr r oiiert l merely t' encour
age r at ii g am) is nut oltt rfd for ihe
piirpoe el uidiirmg ihe use of Good
inli tire i driver participating tn
the rat r
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Plans Being Made for Two Ultra
Modern Shop Buildings at
As a result of the tripled demand
for Jeffcry motor cars and trucks
the Thomas B. Jeffery company will
add two big, ultra-modern shop build
tifgs to their huge plant at Kenosha,
Wis., this summer. Plans for the
new structures are being rushed
through to completion by a firm of
Chicago architects.
Work will be started first on a new
foundry. This building will measure
125x600 feet, one-story high and of
reinforced concrete. Nothing will
be left undone in the way of equip
ment, and when the building is fin
ished it will be second to none of its
kind in the country. It will provide
another splendid unit i:i the organ
ization under whose roof is made
9J per cent of every Jeffery car put
on the market.
The architect combed the country
for advanced ideas of foundry con
struction. The roof of the big build
ing will be, for example, so con
structed as to make smoke and gases
a negligible quantity inside. It will
be built saw-tooth style, with the
windows so arranged as to open
automatically every so often and
clear the air inside. The Jeffery
company has ever gone the limit in
safeguarding the health and safety of
its employes.
The other building planned by the
Jeffery company will be five stories
high, and constructed of concrete.
U will be devoted exclusively to (lie
manufacture of car bodies, and will
contain the most modern kilns for
S'-asoning the lumber used. Jeffery
is one of the few companies that
manufactures its own bodies.
J. 0. Heaslet Built First'Car When
Industry Was in Its "Swaddling
James G. Heaslet, vice president in
charge of engineering and production
of the Studcbaker corporation, be
longs to the limited few who have
been in the automobile industry prac
ticallv since its inceotion.
It is not generally known outside
of the automobile industry, and par
ticularly among the old-timers, that
he first designed an automobile some
nineteen vcars ago. when the automo
bile industry was "in its swaddling
clothes." Hut now that he has devel
oped the Studebaker product up to
the point where this year 100,000
Studebaker cars must be built to meet
the demand, it is a difficult matter
for him to hide his "light under a
bushel" any longer.
It is a far cry from the first horse
less carriage which Mr. Heaslet de
signed to the present Studebaker
models. Yet through all the years
he has never deviated from tiis pol
icy of adhering to a dignified design
if the product for which he was re
sponsible: of so designing a ear, for
instance, that the owner would not
find his automobile becoming obso
lete in a year.
Many Temptations
It is doubtful if any business has
held out greater temptations to en
gineers to change from a well-defined
ideal to a whim of the moment than
has the automobile industry. It has
been an industry of Aladdin-like
changes and meteoric growth, an in
dustry where things, happened so fast
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Dirt Causes
USE 'V''
.1 y K- :
i w - mm- v-iw t i torMMttti m t tiff trttw m smmi rrmntsiv
"f-1" "-"""""""ll.t,MM,im.iJ. ti "MniMitr1,m'r"'ff'ijHjs)Mtii
Its Wheel Base Is
Nine Feet!
This remarkabl Roadster has all those comfort features
hat are usually found only on eipensiv runaboutslong
wheelbntno, full elliptical springs, spiral shock absorbers and
heavy tufted upholstery.
It looks fpenslv not sporty, freakish or loud and Its
(earless transmission gives It a smoothness and In run
ning tliat all gear typ ears lack. It's tha Ideal rtondater for
a toman to operate, because everything about Its control and
'iiKlnw Is so siniplrt.
Come In and ei thta MKT?,. Light In cost, upkeep, gar
Una and oil consumption. It has a reeord for dy ln and day
out performance. Mo almple you can take er of It yourself,
tn your on garage. You cart unjwstand tta engine at a
glance, and reach every part In a mlauta. It's the light Road
ster that leads them all.
If you haven't time tn M lis demonstrate 1 to yen. wrtta
at one for Uteratura filly describing and tllnstraUog thla
KKtl Koadster.
Quality 2oh rrnm $Utt, Omaha, Ntb,
Car t Phone Douglas tisr
1 f' .y'-'A
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I'M Cifi(i)r t.w'fM4-lst4 "
I ai'i I le.ti- i 'eku
as to make men engaged in it lose
sight of the biggest ideals, or at least
sink those ideals behind some trend
of the moment.
Mr. Heaslet is an engineer by pro
fession, yet he combines his ability to
desinn with a rare anoreciation of
what sort of automobile the people I sign, but by real worth.
want and will buv. To him is given i the car that offers the
standards which dominate in Stude
baker cars.
"It is my experience that people
have changed in their ideas of what
counts for most in an automobile,"
says Mr. Heaslet. "They are no
longer swayed by unique or novel de-
They want
most all-
credit for working out the quality I around value for the amount of
money they are willing to spend,
and they use common-sense methods
of determining that value. They look
for power, dignified design, roomy
comfort, easy riding quality, good
looks that do not become obsolete in
a year and the ability of the car to
stand up under bard usage. The
great majority of buyers wilt choose
a car that is a well-balanced unit,
rather than a car of faddish design or
one that is overdeveloped in one or
two points, and underdeveloped in
To get in or out of business; to bit?
or sell advantageously; use Bee Want
Ad Columns.
New Mid -Year Model
73 New Conceptions
$1325 f. o. b. Racine
With 26 Extra Features
Some 30-Year Mitchells
Built by John W. Bate Another Efficiency Feat
Wc know of one
Mitchell built by John
W. Bate which has
run 218,734 miles. It is
running still.
We know of six
Mitchells built by
John W. Bate which
have averaged 164,372
miles each. That's
i over 30 years of ordinary servke.
The Mitchells of today are built
better than those cars. We have
learned a hundred ways to add
'strength and endurance.
i, But the records we cite are un
: equalled in car building. They
will give you a newJight on what
. Bate methods mean.
Why Most Cars Fail
' In the 13 years since Mitchell started
hundreds of makers have (alien. And
hundreds more will fall.
They fail through lack of service. Time
proves that rival cars outwear them.
, So in every line. Records show that
not one in ten meets the test of time.
This concern was 70 years old when
' it built the first Mitchell car. We knew
': what Time's verdict meant. So we
I never attempted a quick success. We
j built for ihe years to come.
That was orte reason why we secured
This Mid -Year Mitchell, with its
26extrafeatures,needs no praise.
You never saw a car with so
many attractions. ' But we want
you to know how much lies
back of all the things you see.
fives you, we think, 20
gre?ter value than any rival
car gives today.
John W. Bate, the efficiency engineer,
to help create this car.
' Ask Some Engineer
This Mid-Year Mitchell presents a
hundred appeals. It has all the best
features found in 257 Show models. It
has 26 wanted extras things that other
cars lack
Still we say Don't Judge this or any
car by externals. Get the inside facts.
Measure the men who make it. Ask
the men who own it. Learn how engi
neers regard it
Every Mitchell dealer has a list of
engineers, famous the country over.
Each of those experts selected the
Mitchell, among the hundreds of cars,
for his personal use.
See that list. Mark the standing of
the men. That will indicate to you
how qualified men regard the work of
John W. Bate.
Twice the Value
This new Mid-Year Mitchell offers
twice the value we gave you in 1910. It
That is due to facton
efficiency, worked out by
John W. Bate. It is due to
$5,000,000 invested in a
model cost-saving plant.
You get part of that sav
ing in the Mitchell price.
No other car of this size,
power and class sells anywhere near so
You get in addition 26 costly extras
valuable features which other cars lack.
Come and let us show them to you.
257 Cars in One
You will find in this one car this Mid
Year Mitchell all the best new ideas of
the year. Our experts and designers
examined 257 Show models before his
new design was completed.
One of its best features is the Bate
Cantilever springs. No other car has
them. They double the ease of riding.
They make shock absorbers unneces'
sary. And never yet has one Bate spring"
broken. Not one has ever called for
These new models are now arriving
fast. If you find this car the car you
want we shall not keep you waiting.
Racine, Wis., U. S. A.
2 "t C F.o.b.
JJ A O D Racine
For 5-Passenger Touring Car
or 3-Passenger Roadster
7-Patcnger Touring Body $35 Extra
Hlgb speed economical Six M boro
power 117 Inch whecltnua. Coaiplet. equip
ment. Including 26 extra feature.
N.W Mitchell Eight, S14SO I o. b. tUdiM.
2048-52 Farnam St. Omaha Phone Douglas 138
' . lit : i
A Few Omaha Concerns
that have purchased one or more Smith
Form-a-Trucki during the last 30 days
lmr-en.l Sath A Pocir Co.
Hardinf Ci.amery Co,
K.lrmonl Cro.m.iy Co.
B7r-V.n Kuian Lumber A Coal Co.
King Col. Company
rueittui. Tti. aui
Hubtif Civ
N.biaaka r ue! CV '
Omaha Oat Co.
Tha. Cuea.a Sift
fl t bit.. 1 A r .
tor C
Siel rufimux Ca
$4,000,000 Already Sold
Afttti WtL i 0U J tLtwtwrt
t. 4 He -",
Johnson-Danforth Co.
V ;
! I i 1 I ,
J 4 " "Titfffl i tff rHm.MipWiiHn -f-"- VT -- . H..-., ,,J .- . . : . Jf
I in ' i -urn" nil ' IliliUllWl- n 'MlliHW.Wii.iMn. I.,,,,,!. i.,,,,..,,,! fe ff
Ontaha, NfU V
15234143 North 16th Strttt,
TA hrgttt ttfwiV Truth Carat 5rnV Station it OmdAa