Bee PART ONE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TWELVE. UNDAY THE WEATHER. Showers VOL. XLV-XO. 49. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOR-XIXO, MAY 21, 1!H5-SEVENT STXTlTON'S-nimTWO PAGES. SINGLL Cury FIVE CENTS. REMIER ASQUITH wilson speaks at celebrate: OFiHTION The Be-Kind-to-Animals Sunday GERMAN TROOPS TAKE OFFENSIVE AT MANY POINTS MAJOR GEORGE T. LANGHORNE IN com mand of the second Amer ican expedition in Mexico. WILL PASS UPON DOOM OF LYNCH ii E I 1 Sentence of Naturalized American Will Not Be Confirmed Without Action of Head of Ministry. AMBASSADOR PAGE NOTIFIED United States Consul Hears That Penalty Fixed at Ten I Years. THIS REPORT NOT VERIFIED Washington, May 20. Ambassador ' ntt,. a I i ,ii 11 it iui l Ma UIIII IIUIHUll II y t , i l the British foreign office that the sen tence of Jcrmiah ('. Lynch, a mitural icd. American arrested for complicity in (he, Irish revolt, will not be con firmed until it has been submitted to t'he prime minister. President Wilson had requested that execution of the sentence be delayed until the Ameri lan government had invested. London, May 20. It is reported to the American consular office that Jeremiah C. Lynch has been sen tenced to ten years' imprisonment for complicity in the rebellion in Ire land. The general commanding the home defenses says no confirmation has been received. i v Dartmouth Wins Championship of New England Springfield, Mass., May 20. Dart mouth college won the annual cham pionship meeting of the New Eng land intercollegiate athletic associa tion. The games were marked by lour new records. v Andrew 15. Kelley of Holy Cross broke the marl; for both dashes, win ning the 100-yard event in 9 4-5 sec onds and the furlong dash in 22 3-5 seconds; V. A. Savage of Bowdoin cleared the barrers in the 220-yard low hurdles event in 24)4 seconds. In the broad jump J I. L. Worth ington of Dartmouth leaped twenty four feet, three inches, surpassing the previous record, but because - the wind assisted him the record will not be allowed to stand. Income Tax Will Yield Hundred Twenty Millions Washington, May 20. Returns rom the income tax for the coming iscal year are estimated at approxi mately $120,000,000 in revised figures ' being compiled by the Treasury de partment. The exact amount within a few thousand dollars probably will be known within the next few days. The expected return of $120,000,000 is $35,000,000,' or over 40 per cent, iniore that officials estimated when congress convened. Individuals are expected to pay ap proximately $62,500,000 and corpora tions $57,500,000. The $120,000,000 estimate includes omissions for previous years due to mistake or attempts to evade pay ment. German Sea Planes Drop Thirty-Seven Bombs in England London, May 20. Three Ger man seaplanes made a raid on the English coast last night, a British of ficial announcement today states. One of the aircraft was brought down ntf the Belgian coast. The seaplanes dropped thirty-seven bombs, killing i one soldier and wounding two civil- American Army in Mexico Reported Moving Northward ii ii I a in, ,i a I '--inmipi iimi a, V .1 ' I ll ' .1 I'MiinmnMi j in j u 1 1 , 1,1 tmUy l.e l;jd received mtnrnulum .. " i ' . i ..,.i. ... i. - .i, ..t .'e h "Ik1 t el Amfiimn iroip were paning i:ut pun on ineir W4V north. v4rd. Hi l"l"ruuti did not ibt !ne the tiumber it troops, he aid The Weather ..I ii i. i. il., I - , 1 1 ! ' - IS 1 -- - I. ...fc. ,t .,, 1 1 . at l.k ta44l ' u 1 : , j; s i '. , ( i , ..J - ... t , it i I (T, V j - i i. I ! -''ZsA4 If : V. "V ' LZ J i GOSSIPERS BUSY OVER UJPjCHANGES Railroad Men Believe There Is More to Mohler-Ware Resig nation Story. NEW YORK TIGHTENING STRINGS The resignation of Charles Ware, general manager of the Union Pa cific, quickly following the resigna' tiqn of A. L. Mohler, its president, was the gossip among railroad men yesterday afternoon, and while rea sons for the two men quitting the high and important positions are given by those H who have resigned, the public is hardly satisfied with the announcement. With many who discussed the resignations, there was an under cur rent of sentiment that this is the be ginning of the breaking up of the official family of the Union Pacific and that the real entering wedge was put in six months, or so ago when Superintendent Cahill of the Omaha division for many years, handed in hi'i resignation. Gossip Going Full Blast. T he gossips have it that while they are still in the vigor of manhood and in reasonably good health men are not going to voluntarily throw away positions that are paying them $15,000 to $30,000 per year, as Mohler and Ware have done, unless they have money to burn and then after that, sufficient to make them independent during the remainder of their lives. The two men who, have just sur rendered their authority over the af fairs of l)ic Union Pacific have been lately instrumental in building it into one of the beat railroads proper ties in the world. Jt is contended that they have given tneir best efforts to the conduct of the road and that thereby bettered its physical condi tion by rebuilding roadbeds and sup plying new equipment they have placed it in a condition just about as near perfection as is possible. Lurking Suspicion Persistent. While it is given out that both resignations have come voluntarily, there is a lurking suspicion that the recent viit of Averill Harriman to the city, his stay of several days here and the resignations following soon after his departure for New York, may have had something torlo with the decisions to resiRii. Railroad men nut connected, with the Union Pacific assert ihat if the resignations weie suggested by Har riman, or by any other persun in au thority in connection wnit Union pa cific aiUiM, it the unkindi-st cut nt all. It being reritnisei that the the two men lm have nut tendered their iitlitiil puiii mm have bren i l( nUm4 ri Tut. ( ultima Tou t Ted Lets Nothing Interfere With His Duties on Every School Day It you it M be walking d iwn iitf'lfinh l(f( inylittt brlmrrn ...ct 4 iu.ti,-n .. t hi'vl day l ,1.. ... I 0 ... k )ou fe p'rlt t'i " l'J 'in ii. I- W (f un t'.f b dh . h...t ..1 ... - i . i ... I . . I (' ! l" .S T llllill . I " . , , ... s-i'-i ' i.i "-' '. M- f!ri r.i-.''e. t!' ! tn l .1. !! t..t s-'t .. I'fi.l'l I' c I w-'":! - ' ' Vt St is V nr , VI ,st i' 1,',' i. t .'. sf " K .( ,' tit.' ft.I g i ' i l' , '1 4 1 !' i' b..-'t i 1 1 ' J s !.-.. . i ; ! H n V t t j U H I ' 4 1 I ! l.v'j .; '' ! ' 'i i -'?'i u Hi" ! I -" l f 1 I l' 1 1 1 1 1 t, I ' ' I HI President Arrives at Charlotte, North Carolina. Reviews Pro cession and Makes Open Air Address. THOUSANDS PACK THE STREETS s Executive Makes Address at the Anniversary Celebration of the Mecklenburg Declaration. TWO GOVERNORS ARE PRESENT Charlotte, N. C, May 20.--Presi dent Wilson and his party arrived ere at 10 a. ni. to attend the cele bration of the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence. The president first reviewed a procession and later made an open-air speech. Thousands from all over the state packed the streets and gave the pres ident a great demonstration. At the reviewing stand he was welcomed by (iovcrnor 1 raig of North Carolina, tiovernor Manning of Soulh Carolina and their staffs. The procession, headed by the North Carolina National Guard, 2,500 strong, took an hour to file by the point where the president stood, It was made up of not only the military but of industrial floats and exhibits, veterans of the civil war, fraternal orders and numerous other features representing phases of southern life. Wilson's Shipping Passes House in Unamended Form Washington, D. C. May 20.The administration shipping bill, designed to upbuild the merchant marine and strengthen the navy, passed the house today by a vote of 211 to lol, virtually in the form it was intro duced. The bill now goes to the senate. Kepublicans voting for the bill were: Dillon, South Dakota; Young and Norton, North Dakota; Moss. West Virginia; Cary, Wisconsin; Miller and Farr, Pennsylvania; Mooney, Ohio, and James, Michigan. Progressives: Martin, Louisiana; Nolan, California, and Schall, Minne sota. Two democrats, Ohiey of Mas sachusetts and Slayden of Texas vot ed against the bill, and Kent, the California independent, for it. The bill proposes to appropriate $50,000,000, to be raised by Panama bonds, for the purpose, charter ami lease of ships by the government, These ships would be sold or leased to private capital as rapidly as pos sible, with the government reserving the right to call them back into service as naval auxiliaries. The operation of such vessels as the gov ernment was unable to lease or sel' would not extend five years after the close of the European war. Baptists Will Be Asked to Endorse Preparedness Plan Minneapolis, Minn., Mav 20. Dele gates attending the Northern Bap lists' convention here will be asked to go on record regarding national pre paredness, it was announced today. A resolution on the issue is under con sideration by the resolutions commit tee. Reports of various committees read today, covering activities for one year, showed marked progress in all branches of endeavor. I'roosals for broadening the work being carried on by the Woman's America!' 'laptist Foreign Mission society were considered at a meeting of that body. Speakers predicted bet ter results during the present year an a result of a deeper study of ques tions facing the society. Cornhusk'ers and Gophers Meet Today Lincoln. Neb., May 20-The Uni versity of Minnt-MiU and the Uni versity of Nebraska i;iret here this afternoon in their annual dual track and tirld inert. The Coriihuskert have a List train, bin Uikmg in r v penriu i" I he (Kipht rs litr a strong team and the inn! n cupritrd ,, be i lose. I be tiiiik ii in )4l slwipr on i mi" t ni i r s nil i .in, " t nine i-n t-t a.t tit w ith n 1 I "'!. i 'I i" " , , ;! " ' UV ; " ' . ' ' .! j . lit, ft lull. 1,1 I'iri. rin a' l l. I - i 1 it',- .(! ' . I"'-'. .1 (Ml I t ! 11 i mi i'. s-i-iiM. (, !,( in, i . . ii U'i a !.,;.! hni, i. ., i' m ,,, i.. , ,t , , , i, , "i i-i.......! . t tie ... ,, : 4, .'! Jin . i , i k i U ' ' - 1 ' . . i i - . : ., ! 1- i 4 . ) , r .-.. ,.;,; ) . i 11 I . , , 4 , r , ,v 1 , f ,....,.'; , '.if j . , . tin ' I V (fc I I I . ' ill -I ' J I i c 1 l .t . t. . I , . i n r i-Jv "t vi-i - -'i i FUND STARTED FOR DENTALJNFIRMARY Omaha Banker Gives $1,000 Many Children Are Treated Each. Saturday Morning. NOTICEABLE HELP IS NOTED Dr. William L. Shearer, member of a group of local .dentists who are holding dental clinics every Saturday morning at Creighton Dental college for the benefit of school children, stated he received from an Omaha banker a tentative offer to give $1,000 toward the establishment of a perma nent denlail infirmary where children with defective teeth may be corrected without charge. "Our vision is to get an endowment for an institution which will be worth while, something like Boston has. What Boston - can do, Omaha can do," stated the doctor. The management of Creighton Dental college is furnishing the space and equipment and the following den tists are devoting their time and ser vices to this public work: F, F. Whit comb, W. L. Shearer, K. H. Bruning, A. O. Hunt, M. II. Dunham, F. J. Despecher, . A. tox and Blaine Trucsdcll. Have Treated One Thousand. Since this movement was started two months ago, 1,000 boys and girls have been treated. Yesterday 125 were attended. The nurses of the schools make the observations of the children's mouths and send them to tin college. "It is a wonderful work, more so than the public yet appreciates. You woiibl he mii prised to know tbe ex-1 trnl nl the physical and mental de- licieucy lausrd by defective teeth. Al-1 ready vvc have had t.ciasuiii to ob serve the ilfeits on childmi we have treated," said Dr. Sheaier. I I lie dm tor explained that about t $.?iiih) would start the piopused ; piiMii denial infirmary mi a i viimII, but piaitual siale, with the j h'ipe that the work thus aiiom-! plishnl vsmild awaktu public spirited j . . .If in li e necessity I't a pei n a nent .nut well equipped institution. I he work Mailed a( the t if igbtnii : llrnUl iiil'egr is tenipoi'aiy, t'Ut h rsn'ii',1 iii much giKid. , , ! tin.. I lui) i4ine m nl -ho-k hands wiih Dr. Mieaier, I ,. iittie irllnw slmwfd be bad snine "pep") Jim I imuul f litlnisiasiri nl icu'H ; Uiilv, ItW ff 1.1 K-1 I'ul 4llif 'n'i, . 4n,e t rie t'l tie 4 t Imne in1 l is npprr !4vt He was tnean, hag k' d I He l'4-l a lapi'l J.iiltf lli- .s llig beliiml ni hss ilii.ri i, I' ll' I !'4 srfli ui Ins Uir t)'4t 1-mrltiHi n I4.l1.4il, 'a 1 hi, d Willi ' hi Just ! '. 4! '"tii rii. He 1 . . J k' f.l 4 i'i,v.f ' 1 ni!,i;lic, ..,' . ., (., CihI It lltlp.! V .-Vf H'lHIfl' III! 4 g ll s . 1 . I r 4 in 1.1'fii. 'i.'. i ' .-.i ! Ir . ' ii 4 . I , 4 , 1 4 .1 ' I Wl. -. 1 ; f ' ni n. , I . 4 1 1 1 , t : .. Inf., I - p 4 ' H II n , . : I . ,'( ' I ! 4 1 I -1 M (i 4 , I I .1 ' 1 ..'II I." I, I I.I I . A j. 4 . - i t ' ' ' 4 -I - - I i I 4 1 1 ' ' 1 !. i i t i ' . I I .''III It . .1 (,,-. l ! 4 4 tui l l. , . ' . I .;', 4 I it I i I1 II i '111 I I j I .-,. i . I f I ,s i 4 -' ' s I' i' 1 4 . I ' ' . I I I 4 I 1 i . i I I . I. I I I'.l First Bull Moose Delegate at Spokane Meet is a Woman Chicago, III., May 2. Mrs, Sarah L. Flannigan of. Spokane, Wash., a delegate to the progressive parly na tional convention, arrived in Chicago today and was hailed as the first bull moose delegate reporting to local headquarters. "If the republicans get gay we'll fix 'em," said Mrs. Flannigan as the was greeted by Secretary Davis of the progressive national committee. "I've fought for Colonel Roosevelt since the famous Aberdeen state con vention in 1 Si L2. In the republican primary in Washington he won outj 1 to 1. The republican delegation from my slate will be for him with one exception. All through the northwest and Korky mountain slates the people, especially the women, want the man who can bring victory to the combined republican and progressive forces. There is only one man who fills the bill." Mrs. Flannigan left later in the day for Oyster Bay, N. to confer with Colonel Roosevelt. Animal Mascots Will Feature in Suffs' Parade Chicago, May 20. Animal mascots, it was announced today, ill form an unique part of 4 lie women's suffrage parade here on June 7. Twelve states have already sent word to the parade headquarters that their delegations will be accompanied by animals. California suffragists started the move by procuring a lame gri7ly bear. Illinois followed by adopting an elephant; Wyoming, a bullalo; Colorado, a mountain goat; I 'lab, a porcupine; Idaho, a black bear; Ore gon, a rinnamon bear; Washington, an eagle; Arizona, a liard; Kansas, .1 pig; Montana, a mountain linn, and Nevada, a mustang. House Approves Conference Rcnort On the Army Bill 4hii'giiiii. Mav .'(' lly vol ci in '.i tlip In, u. imUv adoptrd the rniilrreiHf repnii on aimv toil ai previously adopted by thr riite Work Begins on Great Memorial to Confederacy 1.4, Mn lf vs,.ik j I piitiii, ii i,i ii e mi I, 4 iiifim. t ml . i i ' war t.rt'iirii l,',.. uir .s lin,, (.if in ii . 4 1 4-i ! s -. , i- was . ! Hi in i , t. .4- M, iiin, i,i4i !fi' I " : 4 1 I ht n mi ii 1 1 ui 1 4 1 '- nl l-U" ', 1 -I t , . I ! .1 . j- . i ' " 1 -r -,.,,,-.l, ..I, J r , S 'II I,. 14IV. I 4 ' 1 rl, li'.-l in 1 1 -..St. -I I. I. .,lf, t I .. ( ( I ,,,!, j.i, 1, 1 '' I - -Hi -. ' ' ' ' i'l l'i- t - 4 1 - ' ' ,1 . t ' H'i 1 . f !-,.. j I- - t t . i...,.l ., i ,. . . .: I , t... ' !,! f.i ' I ': - I v I mi'.l, t. . ' ' I i '" ' I'' K I" I l' ( I ..' I ' ,. I' 1 I J .1 I 1 4 , ,1 t - 41 (.1. , ( ' !' 1-4 ' -l ' I Wti.. ' - v . 4 . I 4 '' ' t ' " ' ' ' - 'I' ' " '' - Ii I ' ;".'' ' l , . I I - I I I n- 1 " 1 1 ' n t , . I ,H , i 1 .- , , 1 . I I i , ( V . , ' 'I - I I ' I' , I l I 4 ' - ' 1 l I 1 ' , . , 1 1 1 4 U - ' 1 1 '.' .4 , i I .'. . , ... 1 .41 v. i SWINE SHOW BIG TOPIC INJHE EAST E. Z. Russell Visits Several States and Finds Keen Interest - Everywhere. BREEDERS ARE ENTHUSIASTIC The nation-wide intetest being laken in plans for the big National Swine show, which will be held in Omaha, October I to7, inclusive, is attested to in a significant way by Ihc expressions obtained from big eastern breeders by L 7.. Russell, as sociate editor of The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, on a recent trip to points east of Chicago. The National Swine show to be held here in the fall is the one, all absorbing topic of the prominent breeders of the east, Mr. Russell averred. The best known breeders throughout the cast, Mr. Russell as certained, are unanimous in agreeing that the porcine stock exposition scheduled for this city in October will be the Mecca for all of the coun try's leading hog show men. Mr. Russell's itinerary included Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Michi gan and Kentucky, and in all of these states the local farm paper editor found breeders preparing to bring their ribbon winners to the show in the Nebraska metropolis. Inspects Famous Herd. Amonir the nrnniinnit nLr herds that will be represented in Omaha is the one on the famous Hood farm at Lowell, Mass. This farm has a Berkshire herd that is known in every nook and corner of swiuedom. Mr. Russell made a spe cial trip to Lowell to visit the Hood farm. The blue ribbon i oiihiigeiit of the well known herd of Duruc-Jersevt oil the Mi Kee Bros, farm at V ersailles, Ky wilt be brought to Omaha for ihr N'jimiial Swum- show'. While in Waslnngloti, ). t' Mr. Kiiksi-ll aiieiulnl the meeting of dairy men. He found disi ussimi (,f mining mi show brie was one nl thru lavoiiir topics! AiU'Miglhe lari.:e lilies that Mr, Kussell isilnl weir 1 1 1 , aih 'I'gtim, New N ork and I'liiladi Iphu Hi- also in.n!c an rsinisive tup through Kentucky and Mulligan. at Stone Mountain i4si-.i, I !,c i rir In 4l'.l I ilr j i ii i i, 4I ipn'im i.n,iiiin r,i wire i r-l. il Li-U t"i.iv- ,,.,., 4,,! f -'Ii 11 I ii-'f liiiiri t.ntj .n I urn a t 11'., .t .1, wiil ),4if tl.a'gc ' 1 ,.- w ,,1 k 1'.: Mt f nf S I'Ht.m. . . l.l.rft IS I -I t ,,,;,.('. 4-, t WMtr, I f. 4. V I ...i.i . J.,(,.,. J,, ,, ,, !'...., j .li,K J, ,.) f : '. . 1 ' li I yilit V. II, I'-'-.c .! I . l ' 1 1 , , , , .,'' I I i 4 ' 1 !" t, - , ., I , I,.,.... . i ' r 4 ll . '. I I ., I 1, " 4!, . -I lilll ,,, 4,.,,,., I I 1 U 1 l ..-. 4 T. ,, t 1 I 'I I ' , ' ' , i 1 , 1 1 1 I ' 4 I , ' 1 5 J I f ' 1 i'l 11 I. 4 ' I I'll 41 1 ,4 .t, t " ' '' i l-r 11 Iff) I ,4 i . ' . ... I i .. ' 4 I ' ' - . .- . ' I- u I I f i i i ' 4 I ' ' . . 11 r i i ' ' ' . i-1 4 l ' ' ' s I . , I f I , s I ' 1 I t w- t , I I I 1 ' ' , ; 1 i iun,i r. , ' I ' i " I ; , ' I ft I 1, " i I r ' f ' 1 ' . 4 t . t - French War Office Sayi Attempt to Cross Yser Canal, Near Steenstrait, Belgium, Failed. ASSAUIT IN THE CAMPAGNE Teutons Also Make Attempt to Ad vance Under Cover of Asphyxiat ing Gas Near St. Hillaire. B0MB3 DROPPED INTO DUNKIRK Paris, May 20. German troops tok the offensive on the line be tween Steenstrait and Het Sas, in , Belgium, last night, the war office announced today. An attempt ts cross the Yser canal failed. The Germans also attacked In the Champagne. The war office an nouncement says that asphyxiating gas was used, but that the assault was repulsed. Dundirk was bombarded by Ger man aeroplanes. One woman was killed and twenty-seven persons were wounded. The town of Bergues near Dunkirk was also bombarded by German aeroplanes. Five persons were killed and eleven wounded. In retaliation for these attacks French and Belgian aeroplanes dropped bombs on Ger man camps, On the Verdun front there were no important developments. French po sitions at Avocomt and at Dead man's Hill were bombarded violently. 1 he statement follows; "In Belgium groups of enemy troops fillcniptcrl to cross the Yser canal between Steenstrait and ifet Sas. They w ere checked by infantry huh artillery lire. "In Champagne (he Germans dis- charged dense i loud of gas along our front on the road between St. Hi lauc at Si. Soupb i, and on the Zou-ain-Zoninie-I'y roa. , win i in lain oi m e ma'le it impos -i siblr for ihc enemy lo launch an aiiack which it bail prepared. "West of ihe Mruse (Verdun front) thcie was a violent bombardment during the nighi against our posi tions between Avocourt wood and Vadman's Hill. There was no in JJJSiTtUrk. "i"- osges an attack was made on our of our small lisiening posts. Five German Planes Hit. "Sublieutenant Navarre brought down yesterday his eleventh German aeroplane. It fe,ll within our lines at Challancourt arid the two occupants were captured. Another German aeroplane was attacked by Sublieu tenant Nungesser and crashed down in the Bers forest. It was the fifth aeroplane brought down by this offi cer. Three other German aeroplanes were hit by our tire and were seen to fall vertically in the German lines. Bombs Dropped on Dunkirk. "German aviators during the night threw many bombs on Dunkirk and Bergues. At Dunkirk a woman was killed and twenty-five persons were injured, At Bergues five persons were killed and eleven wounded. In reprisal a French squadron set forth immediately to bombard enemy can tonments at Wywege, Zarrcn and Handzaetne. A Bclgiati squadron bombarded the aviation establishment tit Gliistelles. The greater part of the bombs hit their mark. George B. Cox, Ohio Politician, JDies From Pneumonia Cincinnati, 0.t May 18. George B. Cox, politician and theatrical magnate, died at his home here early today. Mr. Cox was stricken with paralysis February 2, from which he never recovered, although death is said to have been from pneu monia, which developed in the last lew days. SAFE IN P0ST0FFICE AT MURRAY. UTAH. BLOWN Mlirrav l'l:ili Mm ll Blowing the sate of the Murrav post otlice this made oft mm miitf at 1 -Li, rolJn r w ith I In iUv s 1 ash id i' 1 j ;ts and .1 I he afo iiltrogty . led to get there wat small amount o st.inips door was blown oil wuh urine, but Ihe rubbers Ui into an inner s.ile 111 whuli a tridmir mini it iiiniirv V pour was formed, but no tiaie o f the io! bers lut bent tiliitnt The Young Ladies who taki4 your Want A(!sat77;;;aiv rspi'vially traiiunl for that hint I of work and can uivc you many helpful surtf ition in hapiiur up !- ad. !hv Want -At I tivico niinpi ii Pimm Tyler loot) i i i l s . I ' I ' ' 1 1 . 1 I . .... i (.!. I I i - , i. I '. ..i.'i r v t ! , f i i ' . ' - , g : i . .... '.. ' 1 4 1 t I ' 1 , 1 . 1 ' 1 I ' I i i it' I"', m I ( i ; Mi tit (i i , ..