Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    TlIK 1JKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAV 20, 1016.
Ex-President in Address at Detroit
: Favors Universal Military Train
ing and Service,
Detroit, Mich., May 19,-Hundrcds
of -school children waving American
flags were among the throng which
greeted Theodore Roosevelt at the
railroad station today when lie ar
rived here to he the guest of honot
at the American Day eclchration.
Before Colonel Roosevelt was
driven to the Detroit Athletic club at
the head of an automobile parade,
he made a short address to the Boy
. Scouts, who were lined up in front
Ycff the station. He told them he be
I Ijrvcd in their organization because
it taught them to fight for the truth
and "not to be mollycoddles."
After luncheon at the Detroit Ath
letic club Colonel Roosevelt spent
nrarlv two hours in private before
1 went to a local opera to
JT deliver an address on "Americanism
and rrepareaness tor rcace.
After this Colonel Roosevelt was
to make a short address to a mass
meeting in Grand Circus park in the
heart of the business district. Be
fore he returns to New York late
this afternoon he is to make an auto
mobile tour of the city. It was an
nounced that he expects to spend a
few moments visiting Henry Ford at
the latter's automobile factory.
Mr. Roosevelt's Address.
Colonel Roosevelt, in his address,
reiterated his opposition "to all kinds
of hyphenated Americanism," advo
cated universal military service based
on universal training, and declared
that we must abolish "pork-barrel"
methods in our national defense, stop
talking and get down to the actual
business of thorough preparedness if
we arc "to make this nation as strong
. as are its convictions in reference to
1 i ight and wrong."
t Colonel Roosevelt prefaced his
speech by saying he had "come here
to Michigan because in the primary
for the selection of delegates to the
republican national convention Mr.
1 ord was victorious, and following on
his victory here he showed a marked
popular strength in Nebraska and
Pennsylvania. The effect of this
showing has been immediately visible
upon many of the politicians within
and without congress."
People Refuse to Learn.
'"We, through our representatives at
Washington," said Colonel Roosevelt.
"have absolutely refused in the small
est degree to prepare during these
twenty-two months of world cata
clysm. We have refusfd to learn the
smallest part of the lesson being writ
ten on the scroll of torment in Eu-
I rope. We have fatuously refused to
take the smallest step, cither to do
y our duty to ourselves or to do our
duty to others. We have endeavored
to deceive ourselves by announcing
that in this policy of supine inaction
and of failure to perform duty we are
actuated bv the loftiest motives. I
doubt whether we have really de
ft' ceived ourselves and most certainly
we have not deceived others. I here
is not a nation in the world which be
lieves that our course of conduct has
been dictated by anything save ti
midity, unworthy shrinking from ef
fort and responsibility, and cold and
selfish love of money making and of
soft ease.
"Jn any serious crisis there are al
ways men who try to carry water on
both shoulders. These men try to
escape the hard necessity of choice
I between two necessarily opposite al
f ternatives by trying to work up some
compromise. Hut there come great
crises when compromise is either im
possible or fatal. This is one of those
K crises. There is no use saying that
wc will fit ourselves to defend our
selves a little, but not much. The
only right principle is to prepare
thoroughly or not, at all. The only
right principle is to avoid bitting if
it is possible to do so, hut never un
der any circumstances to hit soft"
Wilson Does Nothing.
Colonel Roosevelt derlared the
Wilson administration "lias taken no
step for preparedness and has done
I nothing citicicut to sustain our na
I J it n a I rights." Ht-cause, he said, the
i administration had at intervals "ven-
Hired feebly to speak in contradiction
of its nun. action," the ultra-pacifists
I and i heir followers have refused it
I any wholehearted support. They
oliKri, t oloitel Kooseelt added,
('even to make believe preparedness;
t : i f - insist on even more thorough
I going hflplesMies, than that wlneli
J c had so amply proudrd at Wash
j utyt'-ti."
"We mnt make th's nation a
strong a-, are its con irtmiis in refer
ci,ie to tight and wrong. It In t lr
nutters what our ideals may be and
v. I a', achievements ue may hope j.,r,
it l!i se ideals and a Inc. t mr n t . ran
l ot lie rrdiKcd loaitiim I he tentr,
it the ta! and the twin-, of t-,iav
Mk s'-mv ih,,t national nhrtU amount !
4V m.-i '!: if the tiaton la, kv tlo- hnu r
lo ivaiiitain them an.iiii.1 ip- 1 1 ion
"Ihfictoie, it we air .i v lit at
j '"Hie ag.iti,t t ! i . . - i, onr ti',m , who ,e!i,ve l(l i)r ,,, v ,,,
. j-. i air ! ' . - t' , i. ,.t , a--.,. j
s,,.infi 4!i: mriii, )rm k- r milt
i nv and ,..,.
d f'l-'i n thc",i -4!'!,
, .Vol '! in:. ;!, , , ,, , , r4
MM "I i' eeii, ,.( ), J ,.,.(
' I film mi-l n! tor n'n-ttos,
i ' ' ' ' ' '" "" or luh (,; ii r ? i,
t ' n 1 1 1 a r i' ,u v r ,-! i ,
of us alike. If in this land the citi-liens of sonic other national origin : what their creed, no matter what their j spirit, not of birthplace or descent,
ens of one national origin success- j will repeat the experiment; and this i national origin. It will he eaten by tyc a su, together for our
fully set the fashion of influrr.unu ! country, will be left degraded andi' flag and onr common conn-
ii,; . i . , , ., . " ,f , Kreat-gianucniiiircn just as mucu as
""uu1 iu io unu (icirininit 111 tnc ncipiess among inc nations, u sucn ,., Injne try.
. . .. tvunitj it, , V, lilVII 1411 r, VII I l.viMil ll-, . 1 1 v l I L 11 I ,,l
they originally caine, sooner or later! of humiliation will be eaten by all
it is absolutely certain that the citi- who dwell in this laud, no matter
Americanism Defined.
Wc must so prepare that this
country will he a good place in which
the children s children of all of us
'Americanism is a matter of the j shall live; and to do this we must so
prepare that we can repel all foreign
foes and preserve the inestimable
right of settling for ourselves the
fate of this mighty democratic repub
lic. But the essence of this policy of
full preparedness, which, remember,
is not only military, but at least as
much industrial and social, is that it
is purely defensive, and is the best
possible assurance of peace. No na
tion will ever attack a unified and
prepared America."
Turn old furniture, household Roods and
clothing Into cssh with a lice Want Ad.
u t
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Sale of Ribbons
Worth to 19c, 10c a Yard
4-Inch Warp Print, all silk ") Yflrrf
4-lnch Moire. In white, pink, light blue I '
nd other colors f 1 f)r
--Inch GroHgiaiu Molro, good' colors. .' . ," , . J
fSZT!!'"t "' "n'Q'ig , "iiji mrm:m.m i,,,i.iV;.m..i,w rn.rn.iy m
i ... m mi, i i j-, i I, i in ,n I,,, , , jijif ilTim. , J -i If ill' II I m 'limit ii I i
g 1
Women's Newest Sport Hats
For Dress and All Outdoor wear. With the open
ing of the Country clubs these Hats are much nought
after and wo do not ever rcmemher having had a
more charming line to show.
Second Floor, Millinery Department.
"Regardless uf what the
former prices were or iho
style of Iho suit, we will
innke no restrictionsyou
mny select the wool Miit
you want arid just pay hair
Urn regular price for it.
$25 Wpol Suits
$35 Wool Suits
$39 Wool Suits .
$49 Wool Suits .
. ..$12.50
, .$24.50
4 J ? flferA
Special Lot of Sport Coats, $8.75
tt'e have a fcroup of sport coats, consisting of Silk
Jerseys in plain and stripes, Fancy Corduroys, Chin
chillas, Velours, Wool Jersey, Knit Cloths, etc. ' Made in
the popular sport models. Colors are emerald, copen,
gold, rose and white. Sizes 16 to 44. Values up to $15.f0
at $8.75.
New Sport Suits and Dressec
The most effective apparel for the coming season for
wear on most all occasions are the nobby and practical
sport apparel. You are not required to be an athlete or
to participate in sports of any kind to wear sport apparel,
but you must have the effect if it is for afternoon, semi
dress, street or driving.
The wonderful fabrics and the loose easy-swing gar
ments make them practical and enjoyable for wrm
weather wear.
Wool Jersey Suits and Dresses.
Silk Jersey Suits and Dresses.
Crepe de Chine Dresses.
Taffeta Dresses.
Corduroy Suits.
Knit Cloth Suits."
Prices range $15.00, $19.00, $25.00 to $59.00.
Hand Embroiderad
Under muslins
$1.00 to $7.50
The most, notable feature in this
greatest, of May SalPs of Llngprle.
Creditable and exeellent as have
been all our offerings In this May
Bale, evidenced by this sertion's
heaviest selling here are values
that are superior to any we have
yet offered, in Hand-Embroldcred
Ami -French Hand - Embroidered
Garments . .'. 81.00
Lace Trimmed and Hand-Embroidered
Chemise, (towns, Envelope
Chemise, Skirts, Drawers, St OO
to SW.DS
Corset Covers. . . .50 to 82.08
Hand Embroidered
Executed In the Inimitable man
ner so well known to the Jfdand
Needle Workers. Exquisite hand
drawn work, bow knots, flowers
and ribbon garlands. .
Perhaps the suit you
have wanted is still here.
Just think of the oppor
tunity of buying it for
half of what you were
asked for it a few weeks
$65 Wool Suits .,, ..$32.50
$75 Wool Suits . ...$37.50
$89 Wool Suits . . ..$44.50
$98 Wool Suits . , ....$49.00
Any Child's Wool Coat
We have a splendid assortment of Girls' Coats, both iu
dressy and-school models, that we are anxious to close,
and will offer for Saturday selling, your unrestrirted
choice regardless of what it is marked, at
Just Half Price
Beautiful Poplins, Gabardines, Velours, Check?,
Serges, Coverts, etc, in all the good practical colors. Ages
2 to 6 and 6 to 14.
Babies' White Summer Frocks
$1.50, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $5.00
A complete exposition of summer fashions in minia
ture in the Babywear Section, where there is everything
for the wee tot.
Summer Play Frocks. Ill Summer Ifornpers.
Summer Creepers. Summer Underwear.
All with thatvtoueh of daintiness mothers like. Little
white frocks in voile, lawns and organdies.
The better figure is result
of the better cornet. That does
not tioecKwirlly mean the most
enpennlve corset, hut it jneatis
the right model for your figure,
so that the corset fits every por
tion of jour body perfectly.
designed In a variety of models
that every woman and miss can,
be fitted to a Warner Corset, our fitters help you select
your corset and fit you cor
rectly; no charge for fitting.
Warner Corsets are Just as
carefully madn and materials
are Just as fine as they always
have been. Every corset Is guar
anteed not to break, rust or
tear. Prices
$1.00 to $3.50
Warner Brassieres, to mold
the figure above corset. We are
nhowing a romplets line of these
brassieres in lace and embroid
ery trimmed patterns. These are
wonderful values, 50C
Women's Shoes
White and Colored
$6 and $7.50 Values-
Pair, $4.85
Ten lines of the most, popular
and much-wanted high cut
hoots that we have decided to
rlose out, as owing to tha high
price of leather we cannot du
plicate. There are White Washable
Kid or Calf, In button or lace;
Ivory or Oray Kid, In lace;
Chocolate Tan Kid, button and
lace, and Imported IVronaie Kid.
All have hand turned soles, and
Cuban Louis heels, and are 9 V4
to JO 'A Inches high, iteguiar
$fl and $7.5" val-
ties, Saturday, pair
Shoes and rumps fir Infants,
Children ami Mls, nrnti over
orthopaedics lasts and patterns.
Infants' les, 2 to . .8o to 1.M
Oill'Ircn'M nltr. tn It 980 to 13.23
Ml"!' sizes, 11 H to 2 !
In 1 3.B8
2,000 Pairs Women's Gloves
On Sale Saturday
This Is a very important announcement, a
wonderful low price for high quality gloves.
The colors are chiefly black and white;
some in gray and tan.
Women's 2-Clasp Pure Milanese
Silk Gloves, double tipped,
beautifully ennbroidered in
many different attractive de
signs Women's Ifi-Button Gloves,
double tipped, either Tricot or
Milanese silk. .Reach several
inches above elbow
Women's 2-CIanp Kid Gloves
and Guaranteed Washable
Chamois Gloves
Women's Long Kid Gloves, lfi
button length, .lust a limited'
quantity of the long gloves. . .
All sizes are represented In this lot, although
may not have h!1 nines in every style, hut tho
lot Is very ri piesenliitlve and prudent shoppers
will find this a must umixunl opportunity to
stork up their season's supply at a price, far be
low the iisiihI.
Wp advise early selection. The sole sians
promptly at S:3n Sstur,ly. While the ipmniKv Is
rslher llheral, ue do not expect it to lst long.
. ill
Blouses for Spring and Summer
The styles this season represent so many different phases of
the designer's art that every woman will ho ahie to find just ht
rhe most desires. FRILLS ARK THE REM. THING.
Georgette Crepe Blouses, $3.98 to $10.00.
And (lis material W always acceptable to every woman.
Light, filmy nd beautiful.
Crepe de Chines, S3.98 to $6.50.
I tlllUrlan Minuses. In flesh, white and the l.iH-M tints.
Pussy Willows, $5.98 and $8.98
A pretty s the nume shskkc! and charming to the extreme.
x Clearance of .
Garden Tools
ru vx " M ,n ,;"r
y X f . ,!,, Tooli f M net hat
i V I 'trdr rMie i.r cost
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Fletcher's Castorla, 35c, size
- 10
Horllck's Malted Milk, hospital
ize for 82.69
Eagle Condensed Milk, per
Mellin's Food, 75c size bottle
'or 55
Sloan's Liniment, 50c size bot
tle for 29t
fit. Jacob's Oil, 50c size Lot
tie for 29
Lydla Tinkham's Compound,
$1.00 size for 63
Kilmer's Swamp Root, $1.00
size for G3
Father John's Medicine, $1.00
size for 63c
Mentholatum, 50e size jar 29
Sal Hepatlca, $1.00 stze..67
Hood's Sarsaparilla, $1.00 size
for G7
Danderino Hair Tonic, $1.00
size for '. . -67
Wyeth's Llthla Tablets, 3-grain,
bottle for 19
Sulphur and Cream of Tartar
Tablets, box O4
Beecham's Pills, 2 5c size bottle
for lGt
Stuart's Inspepsla Tablets, $1
size for 67
Pluto Water. 35c bottle. 28
Hinkle's Caseara Pills, 100 in
bottle, for 19
Toilet Articles
Graves' Tooth Powder, csn,..14o
t'anlhrnx Hhampoo, eflr slze...89o
V iolet and Exquisite, Tollot Water.
$1.50 sl7.c 9Bo
Ida May Face Powder, box.,.. 180
PonO's Vanishing Cream, 26e size
for lao
Violet Cold Cream, 2,'ie slie..,18o
Madam Vale's Tooth Powder, the
can 14o
Kniodont or Hu hi foam, IU: run.
for 16o
4711 Toilet Water, the ho'tle.,18o
l.r. rust Hlossnni perfume. the
ounce- for S50
Mm lam tse'hell's Fare ponder, ;",.
sl? 390
Itentolri Almond l.otion, th hottle.
for 81e
I'uruinher 'reHin, 15c le l,ottle
for 180
Melorfn Rouge, line slue 390
MaiKuertlo tiylva Faea Powder.
.Mir slue 89o
Itlue Itoso perfume, regular 12 00
entire, at $1.00
Luxor Nsll Polish. ISe lze...l8o
freaiii Merldor, fiOo slue tio..390
Herry Kreinola. $100 ,l7.e, ,...890
Jan hosrt Talcum Powder, the hur
for lid
Peroxide of Hydioaen, 1 -lb. bonis
for 31o
t.ustrlte NhII Polish, ?5r slie, 140 t 'ushlou Hi ush . , . 6o
'.' Inrh Matilnire. l-'iles Mo
White Ivory Huffers, regular
'nlues, st 690
Whin; Ivory Hair Hmsli, rul.,r
$2,ti0 value 93o
v Inrh liresslntf Cuiih, regulnr
t,0,' value 39o
J"V.M.ite Team llor.iv, l-ll, pai miKe . . , .
ftrolllo Selt.'er. II I'" lr "Itln fur...,
Jon Itlrr I 'are. I',,il,-r, trie U,
"Inr-Klss l aie I'lmln. lie t,u
Ciloiu'H t-'ml', ' n W , f.,r ,.
eanliul Tftii Paste !-. fur
KirliK J 1 1 v . nil., ui. r!,e itile- ......
Williams' Miuvlng Kop, J lei- fur....
... S
, ... So
... 10
Bag Sale Saturday
Worth $2.00 to $5.00 MWM-
AH kinds of leather are very high and YLJj''' '.''i! V-VdV1
ry scarce, and it was only because of jiijlV
great good fortune that we were enabled
to obtain this wonderful lot of hacs to sell at this bargain price. When
we state they are worth from $2.00 to $5.00, we are giving a conserv
ative estimate when you see them you will say they are worth more.
The lot Includes all newest shapes and styles, 3 to 6 fittings, some
silk and some leather lined; all colors. Made of Real Real, d1 ft
Real Pin Seal, Real Walrus and Real Morocco. Saturday,., vl "V.
Knit Underwear
Women's Colon Suits, silk top,
lisle body. Reinforced, cuff knee.
All sizes. Pink and white. Worth
to $1.25, suit. 8r
Women's Fine Lisle Union Hulls,
in the NiiKhiipe, "Ciinify-Cut"
and many other good fitting
brands. Cuff ami umbrella knee
styles. Iteguiar and etra sizes.
suit . ..- rOr
Women's Fine Llslo Cnlon Suits.
Morrell and "('unify -Cut"
brands. Crochet beudlng and
French band tops. Cuff and um
brella knee stylos. Phell edK" or
lace trimmed. Iteguiar f'Oc qual
ity, suit 3f
Women's l ine l!ibhei ests.
plain and tlulntv lace yokes, Reg
ular and eitra tiies. Wort It to
I Wc, each, at
V2 ' r
Women's Silk Hosiery, shades
for street and evening wear;
some, fancy clocked and striped
hose, embroidered and many
other designs. All thread silk,
pure dye; full fashioned. hUh
spliced heels and toes, double
sole. Worth $1.00 and $1 2".
I 6.)"
Women's Novelty Hosiery, all
the latest designs black and
white stripes and plaids and
embroidered Intiteps. Also all
shades in plain colors, Satur
day 81.00
Women's Threat! Silk and Fiber
Hose, fachlotii'd and seamless.
All sui'x. IU, nk and white, dou
ble e, heels and toes, r
T tups 35
Aev .e M.-.-I It. i luk
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Dollar SALE
III I lie l'i I lire t icp,M I uirnl .
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It- te I i Of t I
Boys' Suits (
$5 Values., )
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I- - ' '-II- 41 ' 4 I fS
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