Till-: HKK: OMAHA. SATYR DAY, MAY 20, 1U16. 5 DODGERS WIN FROM CUBS, FOUR TO TWO Visitors Drive Hendrix from Box in First, but Find Vaughn Less Easy. SMITH STEADY IN PINCHES Chicago, May 19. Smith's steadi ness in tight places and splendid held ing by his colleagues spoiled most of l.hicago s scoring chances today and Brooklyn won, 4 to 2. The visitors drove Hendrix from the box in the first, but had some difficulty with Vaughn, who fanned cmht men Flack's home run, following one of Mann's four hits, accounted for the tubs run. The victory left Brooklyn alone in first place, bcore: BROOKLYN. CHICAGO. AB.H.O.A.B. AH.H.O.A.E. jiysrs.rr 1 1 o nMann.lf i 4 0 0 l'euni.in 4 o n l flHMark.rf Htan'el.rf S SI S (HVU'ma.ef Wheat, If S 3 8 0 Czim'n.Jb Mowrey.h 2 111 tlNarer.lb luta'w.ib 4 i 4 lMe("y,2b "Mm.ii 4 0 2 SArrlir,fi Meyen.c 4 1 1 PMul'gti.a Hmlth.p 4 10 On.'tirik.p - V a u ' ii . p Total. 14 S 17 II 0 Duolan 1 1 0 1 2 I) 0 0 1) 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 A . 0 0 Tolal 23 10 27 12 nronklin 2 0 fl 10 0 fl 0 I - Ihleago 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 : Two-hase hlla: Myora, Mowrey, Cuthaw Threehaaa tilla Wheat. Horn" rim; Klark Haerlflra hlta: Mowrey (2). Klacli. Double. tilay; futahaw In O'Mara. Kltat nn errnra riff Mrmiklvrt, 1. paaes on ballal (Iff Htllllh 1; off Vaughn, 1. llila and earned run; (iff Smith, 10 hlla. 2 nine In nine tiinlnga: off llftirlk, 3 hlla, 1 run In one Inning. Hit by iiltrho'l ball: .Immarman. Umltn struck: nut: Hy flmlih, 6; by Vaughn, I. I'miilrea oliay and l.aaon. Herts Heat llnaton. Cincinnati, O.. May 1. Clnclnnall an neert another rlnaa Kama today, Hoaion being on the losing end, 3 to 2. The lorala began ecnrlng In lb" Dial, wlir.n (Inth walked, but waa forced by Nealn. llarr.ng flouliled and than Nettle aenred nn Chaae'a mil and llerzng tallied nn Griffiths single. Hoalnn Inada one In tho fnurlh on Kmiet hy'a triple and Umllh'a sacrifice fly, They tl"d It up In Ilia fifth, when Italian walked and waa fcreed b yMaraiivllla, 1 ha latter, he,wver, aeored on I'liHlne' triple, The In eala won In th ninth. I'haa tripled and Orirrilh and Kllllfer wara purpnaaiy pasaen rilling Inn huM-a. Louden then rilod lo nil Patrick, but Wlngij eored C'haaa, Krore; noMTON CINCINNATI AH II O A I? AH. H O A B M'rn'le.ee 0 0 0 Otlroh.Sb 1 0 Kvera,2b inlllnarf FlUp'k.lf Korit'y.lb Hrnlth.Jb Hnndg'scf ilowdy.e Pagan, p fi ONeale.ef 0 nlfarxng.aa 0 Ol'h",lb o D'lrirr'ii.rr 4 OKIIfer.lf 0 ni.mid n.Jb 2 0 Ingn.c. 0 OHihulap 0 6 1 ( 1 2 I) 0 I 0 I ' 7 0 0 1 1 1 J 2 ft 3 0 I 2 0 n o Tntala SO 725 12 fl Tnlala JO I 2D 1 1 1 una out when winning run senrcd. t rloelnrt 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 rinclnn.ll 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Two-base, hit: llerrog. Three haae hltg: Knnetchy, Chaae, t'olllna. Htfilen baaea flrlfflth 121. Knnrlrhy. Hairlflea fly Hmlih. naaa nn balln: (iff llagan, b; off H'htiU, . Hlta and earned runa: Off ftagan, hlta and 3 ruua In nlnn Innlnea; off Hchul)!, 7 hlta and 'I runa In nlna fn- nlnira. Ktrw-k nut: Hy Italian. 3; hy Hhulz, 2, I.'niplrea: Klem and Kinalle. Healejan Mlna Trnrh Meal. Haatlnga. Neb., May IS (Hperlal Tele gram.) Wealeyan won the eikhteenth an liilat Intereolleglate field meet, which UHI held In a. aieadv rain Ihla afternoon. lie aplte lha aoft traek aouie good time waa made and the atale record of 111 feet for the dlarua throw waa broken twice, Imr hafn nf Wealeyan eatahllahlng a new mark of 119 faet, 2 Innhea, rrtl of Ilaatlnga he. Ing four Inrhea behind him. The total aenrea ware; Wealeyan, 61; Ilnatlnga, 41 Iioana, 37; Orand laland and York, k earh Central rollegn alao conteated. There wcr aeventy-acvpii eriirlee. Standing of Teams AMEB. I-KAOI K I AMFR. ABS'N. W.I.I'.t wi.rvt Cleveland .21 9 ."no I.nulavllle ..17 10 Bin Waahln'lnn 1 K 1 1 r'niumhua ..13 g.etj New York.. 13 12 .k20 Mlnneapolla it l.lll Hoaton . . . . 1 3 1 5 .44 Indlan'imllg 14 10 .f.l Iietrolt . . . . 13 10 .44KToledn 1210. f,4S Thlla 12 1 .429' Kan City. ..12 14 ,4h Pt. hollla ..11 1 .407 1 Kt. I'aul ... l:i,4"9 Chicago ... 12 1 .4001 Milwaukee . 22 ,214 WfcriT. LEA(JCK I NAT. LKAUVK. W.l.Pc W.L.Prt W.t..Pct Prnnklyn .14 .i"9 T.lnnnln ..14 a . USD! Hoaion .,.13 10 .MB Wichita ..IS .fins' Phlla phla 14 11 .600 Topeka. ..14 10 . SS3i ( 'hhago ...Hi 14 .M7 T. Mnlneal2 10 ,545'St. I.oiila .14 1 .41? Kloux City 10 14 .417(New York. 11 13 .4fH H. Jnaeph. 3 13 . 31 ( 'InHnnal .14 17 ,4S3 Denver ... SIS ..148 Pitlaburiih 12 17 .414 YaTda.v'e Reaulta. MKbTKHN I.KAGUi:. Denver. 2; Hlnux Clly. 4. St. .loaeph-Omaha. rain. Tnpeka. 2; IJea Molnea, h. WlrhltS-I.lmoln, rain, NATIONAL I.KAOUB. ew Ynrk, 6; HI. Loula, 4. Brooklyn, 4: Chicago, 2. Hoaton. 2; Clnolnnall. 3 Indlanapolla, 2; Plllabiirgh. 4 AMERICAN l.EAOUR. , St. I-Oula. fi; Hoaton, 1. petrntt, 2; New York. 2. Bluteen Inning, darkneaa. Chicago, 0; Philadelphia, 1. Cleveland, 7; Washington, 1 AMERICAN ASSdCIATION. St. Paul, 1; Mlnneapolla, II. Kanaaa City. 4; Milwaukee, S, fiamea Today. Weatarn League Denver at Rioux City. St. Joaoph at (miaha. Topeka Bt I it-a Molnea. Wichita at Lincoln. National League New York at HI, I.onla, Ttronklvn at Chicago, Hoaion at Clnrlnnatl, Philadelphia at Pitleliurgh American League Ht. Loula at ncatou, Detroit at New York. Chicago at Philadel phia, Cleveland at Waahlugion. An Agreeable CurprUe. There are many who have no rellah for their meala and who muat be very careful a lo what they eat, that would he agreea bly aurprtaed If they were to lake a few dene of Chamberlain'! Tabletg Theae tablata gtrengthen the ilomach and enable It lo perform Ha dutlea naturally, lliin dreda have teatifled In lha great benefit they have derived from the uae of theae taSIeie. They only mat a quarter, lib talnable everyw here Advertleeinaitl , Caernowlla t nlvereliy Reopena, fterlln, Ulay la (Hy Wlreteaa to a. Mile I After being rb.aed for nearly iw9 yeara an acoiltit of the ftuaelan Invaalon. the Aualrlali unlieitlty at i aernowiii, ibe ratiltal of lluaowina, baa been re'Menad 1 he fighting (runt la only a aliurl dialetive liom lha ritv Washington Affairs M iftf.iy 1 lr Kttrntit. sn lfe(te4 t 1 t V ' ViH, ee -rcf?i, hf-.yli( its i.v Ut ti-nta inm HiH ttt ht iiMghf t... ,'4i h ti U - t f tt i ,ti i r . , i n ti ft4 i:i ,vi M l-i-i U.. ! tlf.t II ( 'It a Lfl 4f .-.!,,,),, t I'll' '4 I aJ HiJ tt h lll ' It N - (!, ! ' I I Ht rfrll'M' r I I'- - i,l ,4 I t h n f cm i'$ Hsi ) t H f ii ..4 Hii'i'1'' ' ' if i n,io i r f i ,. 4 ,. , t - ' - 1 . 4 i i- . t ( i i U s .4 h i - i , i f,3,. , i".-. Is:"-- sa i,( f..". ' ; ., r 'i ! W-i Uie.. fe-, f, , I !'(. . f ,, K ... J. , , r i -t tw t .., f , sj , i h t Notisof Strike i . From Our Near Neighbors KlkhorD. Mrs. Amy Calvert waa an Omaha visitor TueaUay. Mrs. Adam I.eu waa an Omaha visitor Thursday. Mra. H. A. Ilanaen entortatned the Ladies' ktmnlngton Weditt-aday. Mra. .lames Walsh of Benaon vlalted her slater, Mra. Charles Wltte and family. Mr. and Mra. .1. A. (llbbona and Krneat Schurman motored lo Omaha Thursday. Tho oldeat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Krye la quite ill with pneumonia. Mra. .1. MoCnrmlck, Mra. Harry Clark and Mlaa Ella Hanaeu were taken Into the Eaat ern Htar lodge at Waterloo Wettneaday eve ning. Springfield. Edyth Tyo of Loulavllle vlalted friends her Tueaday. Mra. Will Htllta of Cody, Wyo., la visiting at Mr. Willis Paltnga. Frank Hcebe went to Atchlnaon leal rial urday to attend the funeral of hta brother, Mr. and Mra. Kred Barber nf Omaha were the guesls of Mra, Hoy Whitney Ihla week. Ainna Kateh returned Inat Saturday from Oklahoma Clly and expciia lo make his home here. The Junior claaa In the high achonl gave their claaa play at the opera houaa Thura day evening. Mr. and Mra K. " Wyknff of Omaha have been vlattlng Mr. ami Mrs .1. C. Oclb thla week. Mia. E. O. Wllaon of Falle City, who haa hern vlelllng her parenta. Mr. and Mra. Addlemun, returned lo her home, lust Monday. The Epworlh Icaiiiie elected the folllow Ing nf flora for the coming year: John Zeoriiill, president ; Leon Mtacy, Ellahelli Davldann, Alice Elwcll and Wanda Heaack, vice prealdenla; Eula Ha tea, secretary; John Elwell, ireaaurer, ford Hnlea vlalled hla parenta, Mr. and Mra. 1.. A. Hnlea. ihc fore part of the week. Mr. Halea haa been with lh Lincoln Trac lion company for three ycara, and haa ac cepted a place at Columtiua aa Hhlataiit an perlnlendent of the electric light company. Itrnrtlnglon. Mlaa Nellie (Jrover la vlaltlng her alaier, Mra. Leach. The Itoynl Neighbor visited Irvlnglon camp Thursday. Ilev, Mr. Nuabaum la attending confer ence at ( 'oluntliua. Mlaa Dena I.ebbert la recovering froth an operation for throat trouble. The Royal Nelghbora will have a May fair nd luncheon at ihelr hall. May 27. O. W. Boeache, who waa Injured last Thuraday, la now at an Omaha hospital. Mra Wavland Welle Magee returned home Thuradav after a vlalt Hh Omaha relative. The iimaha Young Women chrlallan aa aoclatlon will open Ita vacation home at Hummerhlll farm nett week. .Mra Chris Harkhiiu apent aeveral days at the John Eggera home, near Elkhorn, where a new daughter srrlved Tuesday. Mlaa Beaale (Irau, who rloaed her term nf achool In dlairlct 13 Krlday, return home Halurday lo spend the Rummer vacation . I'apllllon. Joe Eoreman of Cedar Creek, Neb., vlalted friends here bunday, Mlaa llatlle Patifraon of David Clly I a Kurel of Mrs, E. H. Mikeraon nd Mr. E. (. Kaae this week. Mlaaea Mlna Antladel, Hlella Hallenhach and Kalherlne Dlnulgan of Omaha were Bunday guoaia of Mlaa Edna Wllaon. Rev. L A Thompson and family are mov ing to Hamburg, la,, where Mr Thompson will have charge of Ihe Preabyerlan church, Arnold flrothe, th 13 yer-old eon of Kmll Orolhe, died leaf Haturday sflernoon. The funeral waa held Monday afternoon from the Krieden Lutheran church. The senior claaa play. "The Profesaor a Mummy," waa splendidly given al the opera house Friday night before a crowded bouae, A eecond performance will be given tonight. Valley. M,,n,mv end children of Bonne, la , who have been visiting Mrs. J. 8. Kennedy for some time, leu tor iiom. Iiiornnlng. Th senior clasa of ll Have a pKn o at Klng'a lake Thuraday afternoon or all the liimhra of the class ami inoso who them in the clasa play. Itcv Ralph Iloiiaeman of ("man con ducted the aervlcea at the Preabyi'rian church Huuduy morning. Hla new member were received llllo tne rniiriu. The botany class, gccompanled by Miss Cook Slid Miss HPwn, ane.n afternoon gelling specimens n-ir em - It also visited the weather experimental ela tion. The Valley Woman' club gv a Boon Hhnwer Wednesday aiiernoon n, of Mra, Kred Whltniore. r.ign.een o.-w books and about io inr ." library were received. .uj mnnihlv meeting of the Mla- elonary sw lety was hold Wedneaday after- CLEANSE THE BLOOD BANISH RHEUMATISM RhcunuttiMTi Hue to Bad Blood. Thnukand have been male well. Peo ple in tho poorest neaim, uinni' from Hheiimatlsni, with whom pain waa coiiHtmit. Who believed mat uicn vitality va napped beyond repair. It was proven to them that the fail of their trouble was the blood; that Uric Aeid, the iimst faithful ally of Hheu- tnutlsm, hud gripped them, The poison the blood had sapped Its strength. The weakened Mood had .allowed pol- Him and Impurities, to accumulate, and all energy was Rone. They felt poorly," were listless, pain w" ever present, with poor digestion ano uy. pcpsla. They ti led S. P. H. nature s 'loud tonic They gave lip drtiKS. Thla (impound of natures remedies of root and herbs did what drugs failed to do. It literally washed the blood free from poison, and with the flow of pure blood eamn hack health, strength, vigor and hnppltif . 'let rt. H. H. from your driiKKlat. Insist upon H. S, H, If yourn la lrg sianding rae, write for medl- nl advh to Swift .speiirir Co, Atatili, !a hut begin taking 8. 8. 8 at once.- Advertisement. FREE FLY SWATTERS HAMILTON PAINT I GLASS CO. Room, With Rath, $2.50 Per Dir Up. Suite. $1.00 Prr Day Up. ' " J ' '"" '"' ; j I iW?VavttTa, toSi V aT1 pieces that are shown in illustration, t on- I 1 1 fmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm I Z-JZT'S 'J?? r rr " .i,ifriu the great advance m this miit. riMi lj r Hotel ! A mMs - J g I ., a". ..a k g, 1 iii - . ... yt-Ki m g 'ic 1 a !fjtet t r .- ia Marie Antoinette feSl Mil! 111? i IfpTl Wm ll ;-v-v,;.r::-- , ., iv. i'v.::,'.-;' :.; ; ; fey. (y(BMzlr ...a. a'''t. '--( - ." ,,,., s. - . .1 I t--e-e j i 4- ,.-l''v"W 4.t i ,, i,. i i. i ,.,., ' - 1 t'.- ." - . ( " 1 "" ' 1 ' ' I . If".r i -' ' "" 5 1 " v 1 KKI Ii w Ft fil .1 V.t Its noon at the home of Mrs. A I Zwiebel. i Mra. Monahan waa leader and lha subject was "David Llvlngaton and Ills Work III ' .' , 1 he regular meeting of the Valley Worn- an a club waa h'id Kriday afternoon at the home of Mra. Nellie Euuls. Mra. Holds- worlh gaie a splendid paper. ' National Sonic-" aiifl Mrs II t l-Vu-ii v "lwiu lion '' trwa, I.egiala- Mr. m r,..h. hi-.i ti, ..la. ii.. . 'Bby tertan church Haturday at 1 o'clock. Inter ment will he made In the Marietta ceme tery near Colon, Neb. Mrs. 1'reeha la aur vlved by her husband, two sons. Irving and Kred, and one daughter, Mrs. M. Moss. Weeping Ms I sr. Mrs Charlea Phllpot la vlaltlng relatives at Coaad and Scott's Muff. Andrew Olsen ahipped three cars of fat cattle to the ofuaha market Tueaday. Charlea Ward haa sold to Earl Qulnn hla eighty acrea four miles west of Elmwood. Mra. F. J. Barnea wn down from Omaha thla week looking after some business mat ter. C. E. Butler and Thoinaa Murtey at tended the banker' convention at Beatrice thla week, David L. Ainick, a former reeldent nf thla place, died Wednesday at hla home In B pjatlggt-pa 4fV.xgi.irMJ lkliy,Wk-..,,J a VmafmummmKmmmimmmmmamamammmmmii-nim-i i igaaaaaTJsgaaaaaaaasawssssMsa CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED A HI'I.KNDIU VAI.I'K IN A Kt'I.li ItOI.I- KXTHA niiOMY ANI CoMI-dltTAHI.K IIHUK I! KKD HOi 'KKIt Kxi-etletitIV flnlalied In iiHtiiral or hnriinleaj ini lull' s $2.69 iirnan, mjiihiiio. ri)r Indonr or outdinr Uf(e r Ki.i:t;..vr colunivi, itiM Ki.it -kv- nct:y as illustrated. Mahhlve fiaoir fiinhed Koldeii; broad hack and roomy went, upholstered lirBl'"rHiitee, span Isii I m 1 1 h t )ti leallior. iNever colli for less tlulii IK,. Oil (Hir Haliiidav price, nnly , . S9.75 cm 1-sirt r-k tiai iitr ssvi m.i - AUTOMATIC BED DAVENPORT MWMlM! I Has M.ra ma,slve frame, which I, mado entirely of sorted nolld oak. ,.'M In the neWRHt mlsKion dern. Seat lW MhbWW and bark are. upholstered mooth in g U J I g ii b ran toed Imitation leather over '4-'SA&-ft,!iBSfVsr 1 full Bteel prlng conbtruet.on. Ba-ily MWi operated and instantly changed from 'flJ',' 1 ipl 'fWi' 'w'iiifir' '"i I a beautiful settee to a roomy, full jrXVV lKT ll sized bed. Our low prlre, for Rat- f If WM Lf II $16.75 3T i tfnifi'in,! t--.. ( JtjigrfffN wwfrVi ir.iLIL m i m i n in. w m rr.- i 1 1 'A fnli rS ll' . I XI centlonallv well made Containing- all tho I a I ,! . - M " 1 JCmJ l KW -ill ri...l .1.1-. .. .1.. -....i B fj Ix- ti ."j, LaJ '1 T-?m V W1,I value ever offered at this Mmr Our ape- I I i 1 WuLW $6.25 1 1 n QVaP. ZD i - ii-iri I : I 3 ! ''" II F.f,f !' f ! B !H f 1 ' 1 1 ... I M " I ' ! a III tt H IV V ...i .......a I ' Dlinnn Tiilnr 1nfln l'laltamouth of pneumonia, at the age of 40 i'n ra. Miss Nana Olsen waa an over Sunday vla Itor with her alater. Carla. who la attend Ing the atate university. Mra. R. C. Ooddard and little aon of Omaha are spending a couple of weeks with her friend. .Miss Van Wle. Mra. Mary C. Day arrived Friday morning : from 'California for an extended V her aon. Carl, and family. Islt with I Mr. II H. Wolcott and Miss Ann Hitch- J man returned . Saturday evening from a three months' vlalt In California, ... lrt v lohn II Currle nf Bradahaw N,,r "? "r",,; '''1". i j L . , to' ' ur vlelllng at the home of Aire, U'urrle a aunt . Mia .J . M . llutehlna. Itev N. w. filch left Saturday morning rnr Miirnrd, where he wl i hod a twenty. The Danish women of tho town were en tertained at the home of Mrs. John Do mingo HAturday at an afternoon kenaington. Avoea. Mlaa Donna Straub waa visiting t Omaha thla week. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hawley were her from Berlin Wednesday, Mra. Kred Kuhnhenn left Thursday for a few days' visit at Howard. Mia Pearl Hharp entertained the ml tonary kenaington Wedneaday evening. Mr. M. O. Keedy haa returned front a vlalt with re In lives at Kanaaa City. Mr. Una Mohr and ailse Laura Wits were Nebraska City vlaitora Thuraday. E. T (learhart waa called to Eldorado, la., ihla week by the Illness of his daugh. ter. Mlaa Ilattle P.oyer haa returned from ' : j H A l 'Sri.MKI.V I 'KM ( i MOI ', TWO-INCH CON TIM'OI'R I'OKT, AI.I. HTKEI, PH;i fiLTI'lT Her) piiiimrled white nr Vernln Martin, Heavy angle Iron wire fabric spring gnd a well made, sanitary cotton t"p mattress, cover- fin jr rd w ith durable licking;. Hperlgl prlre) J I U a I U for tliifc plcrra. only A VKItV MOW .Mi.iUDI, COI.KArsiRKU (rii-i'AKT. llavy Hteol fiamo luhliig. Covered in durable waterproof craven cite Large hood, storm front, heavy ruliher tiro wheels flttcl ai ee with mud Kuards. tiur low 1 '" " , r :, n ajf- iu-i ilvi. i wit. ilr ALUMINUM KITCHEN OUTFIT IF TO A AT IV three weoka' vlalt with relatives near tun bar. Mlaa Mary Stutt entcrlalned the Woman s club at her home aouthwest of town on Wedncaday. Mrs, L. W. Kahsenstoek is spending the week with her daughter. Mrs. Charles Voodron at Council uiuffa. Mra. P. A. Hanger entertained the Ladle Aid society of the Congregational church Thursday afternoon. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Honey aoothea the Irritation, line Tar cuta the phelgin, relieves congest Ion, soothes the raw spots. 2&c. Ail druggists. Adv. Angry Bull Attacks Farmer. Shclton, Neb., May 1'). (Special.) L. C. Buttcrsou, a pioneer settler and large land owner, liviiiR in the southwest corner of Hall county, was attacked by a bull and knocked down and but for the lin.ely arrival of Mrs. r.uttrrson no doubt would have been fatally injured. AhhotiKh dehorned, the animal suddenly attacked iis owner. Find Mr. Groundhog. Weeping Water, N'cb. 19 A genu ine ground hoR was killed the first of the week on the farm of M. liaik htirst, northwest of town. KXTRfCMKI.V CO M K O R T A H I, K F I II K It K K I) Hi II I Kit lias delHi halile niNlilnii sent, aupporie.l by nlim coll springs. I 'pholster"! In high Hmdo attiHcllve tap estry, mumble for $7.89 sun rnoin or living; ronrn A WONHKIUTI. V AI.I C IN AN ATTIIATIVK i'o,OXIAI, I iKKKHKIt - Construct.v) entirely of Aineiicaii iiiarler sawed Imi tation "ah, liiilshe.1 gulden, l-rench beveled plain mirror nieHsiirea i'txso ins (11 Q C Specially tpioteil for A I M M tis Dirrr mmr Berg i i yv:' ti' i i i r ll The Best Values and Greatest Variety Of the World's Finest Ready-to-Wear Clothes at $1222 $1522 $2022 An unrivalled exhibit of rllsilnrtlve si j lea if Miperh hnnd-tailored, niaaler made gnnnenla In the new bolted or plnt h-lMK k. Young men'g extreme models or niotleln for slout, tall, nhort or extra al7.e men akeleUm or full lined. We Present the World's Finest Hand-Tailored Clothes $22.50, $25.00, Dashing atylea for young men men of more advanced year. Rain Coats and Slip-Ons New Coats especially prepared for atreet wear. A practical light weight aprlng coat, dressy and showerproof, self and vel vet collar. I7 PA Special, at V OU Tan and oxford. Regular tan style., $2.ft0, $t.RO and $1.00. Gabardines, SIO.OO to 2.no. Young Men's Suits at $15.00 Young men who want style quality and "pep" to their Spring Bult and want the moat and best valuo in America for $15.00, would never dream of buying elttewhtre if they looked over the amazing assortment of patterns and modds we have djl P f( and that are specially priced at tJlliJ.Uv Every irarment a fine hand produetlon of high grade) Tallor'a Belted and llnrh Back Model; full Kngllsh pateh noeket style, semi English and loose hack model, skeleton and full linen pencil point eollara. aoft and flat roll front; 1, 2 and J hutton model; eheeks, stripes, worsteds, flannela, aerges. ete,, etc. Without question tha greatest showlrg In town and from tX to 15 saved If yoj buy the ault here. Boys' Clothes BOTs' CLOTHES The sort you that stands the wear and keeps their ahai. Smart atylea, especially dealK'ied fur us aa bovs' elothes should ha BOTS' DOtTBLB 8EHVICB SUIT, BpaolsUly Fried Made with two pairs, full III. eil trousers, , . . i 13.85 Guaranteed fnhihs In popular mixture and pattern. In the new sport coat or helled hark model S&.00 Many of the JVOo Style Have Kxtra Belts gnd Caps to Match. BOYS' WASH SUIT All rolora and styles, from m to a years. at 91.00 to (3.SO BOYtV JlOaiFrilB Splendid values SOo BOYS' FAST BLUB 8EBOE SUIT -Park navy blue serge.. In fin and I'eavy weave. I hat M.I. strictly all Wool, and KUaraotaed color, it S3 88, as.oo and 17.00 Men's Furnishing HrTB I'lalr. and faney atilped aiue I i f,n, pi Ic HIBT - l ine madras and percales, laundeied ruff. In neat styles, 4Ss RMIHTB Silk Tub Slilita, in aoft. I.lgh toned color. . . S3.SO to ,00 UlDtEWEA - K nit t'nlon. in soft cotton, knee, , and full length, t l0, 1.50 DROISWlAI Mull and nalinook athletic garment, knee. length. 430, 75c, 11.00, 9..M MOBI! -Silk plaited, a.'.c vatti. la Ma Itotnan atrlpel crepe ahlrt ll.SO Suits Me Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Magnificent Creations $30.00 to $40.00 and a revelation of smart styles for Spring Trousers An abundance of new patterns to meet all the requirements ot particular men. Kejular, me dium and peg cut styles, at two special prices $3.50 and $5.00 Soma as low as SI .50, $2. S2.JW) Others in qualities to Sfl.00 S7.50, flO.OO. 1 want your bov to wear. The kinl Specials aolselle. aoft gnd laundered ruffs; , J-lJ Mi , ti u H i'ftui jtfta ti -i I I a I I tt t.M. 111! 1111 EJ M 1 M Ma. VI it.i, I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I U ! I I i i I I I I I I W W f I Vil MX w II'" "wiiu iiiui iwww II. STANLEY (IREEN ' 11 1 11 11 ' 1 1 -StmiaWisB1s '" ". mwf