I J I K BEi;: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY JO, 1f1. STUDENTS VISIT BEE'S NEW PLANT lee How Great Metropolitan Daily is Printed on the Latest Machinery. ALL WEARING CARNATIONS The students of journalism of the University of Nebraska, who were in Omaha Friday with the other stu dents of the institution as guests of the Commercial club and business men of the city, visited the plant of The Bee during the afternoon. In charge of I'rof. M. M. Fogg of the department of rhetoric the future newnpaner men were piloted through the different departments, showing particular interest in the editorial rooms and the new, ultra-modern equipment of the mechanical depart ment. , ' The following were the members of the journalism group visiting The Ilee : Ethel Arnold, '16, Valentine; Ruth Heecher, '18, Hastings; Adrian R. Brian '16, Columbus; Albert K. Ilryson, I7, Fullerton; E. M. Burr, '17, Aurora; John C. Ceynar, 'IK, Omaha; tiara R. Dodds, '16, Iiroken How; D. ti. Eldredge, Law '18, Omaha; Charles H. Epperson, 'IS, Law '17, Clay tenter; I'ansy Follnier, '16, Oak; Theodo Fox, '18, Lincoln; Harry L. Gayer, '17, Lincoln; Ross (jillia, Lincoln; U. S. Harksnn- '16, I'ortlanrf; ( arlyle L. Jones, '18, Ke ligh; M.J. Keegan, 18, All iance; Eric T. Kelley, '19, Atkinson; Corinne Ii. Larimore, Lincoln; Alfred A. I-ook, '19, Lincoln; If. T. Lndi, '18, Wahoo; Henry I'asrale, '16, Omaha; Marcus L. I'oteet, '16, Tawnee Uty; J. IJ, Raymond, '18, Norfolk; K. U. Scott, '16, Kearney; Doris Slater' '16, Lin coln; Jeanetie Teagardru, '18, Weep ing Water; Viola U'eaiherill, Lincoln; Edward W, VV eaver, '18, Columbus. The Alamito Dairy company en 'tertained thirty of the students of the University of Nebraska at a dairy luncheon when the students hap pened to be at the plant at the noon hour. The Omaha Tress club entertained the thirty-five students of the school of journalism, headed by Prof. M. M. Fogg, at a luncheon at the I'axton hotel. President Fred Carey wel comed the students on behalf of the dub and a half dozen of the local newspapermen and several of the vis iting journalistic student addressed the gathering. Each of the visiting students wore red and white carnations, the flowers being the gift of M. E. Smith &. Co oj Omaha. A special representative of the company was sent to Lincoln Thurs day night with 1,000 flowers, which were distributed to the visitors on the train. The students showed their, appreciation of this courtesy by giv ing the firm a rousing cheer as they passed the corner of Tenth and Far nam streets, near the company's- big buildings. STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY HAVE JOLLY TIME HERE (Continued from Tags On.) taken up by the crowd on the Tenth street viaducts. There was a brief period of Intro ductions and handshaking, after which the students, men and co-eds, climbed to the street level, where they gave voice to their class yells, and started on the trip uptown, pro ceeding along Tenth street to Far nam, and thence west. The procession was led by the high school cadet band, and behind the organization marched ten com panies of the cadets. Following them was the university band of forty-two pieces, the male students on foot and the co-eds in automobiles. All along the route of march up town large crowds assembled on the sidewalks, while most of the windows of the buildings were occupied. Flags and bunting waved from a number of the buildings, and from all these buildings came hearty greetings. -Assemble at Auditorium. At the Auditorium the students were grouped into their various squads, according to which the itin erary of points of interest they de sired to visit while in Omaha Forty men, alumni of the Univer sity of Nebraska, now engaged in business and professional life in Omaha, took rtisige of the students here and acted as guides lor the va rious squads, The day's program was 'inder the grneral management of the bureau of publicity, l'rofrsors and heads of depart ments accompanied the students to ( )mahs. The students of the School of Com merce tinted the I'nited States, First nd Omaha Nstional ban and th I'Vtue Hammer and M I-. Smith ln'lflr bouses. Visit South Side. The students of the courses of ft ( Ifigv vmlf-l the smelters, South uiah ti-V )rdi, tli fArVn hm an! 1 he vsatciwotks j'Unt at I I'ttni e. I he I o'n-" t si 'f im t inned the l W t N !!kVi and the I ' i'viin- ' i lffi ..(. tn l"t t it-It 't. I'i'tf tnmr thr i r mhi-'"i t n,!r ( I II f mi , f ii h !" l'r Miilv itid rn hf'. M.I'M-l'rH tfu Mf He ' ' i "k- M (t m t ' ii' Unn t ' !: ir f( 41. Hit l'U". t...l ''' t-l I h i ! ii. I -jrn i 1 cal'a.l t 1 ('..! .m-mi, It'. f.Mff 'fi. (man! . I r i I I . 'I l-'tiU't (''iM'l I MimIK i ' M a I t !''( I 1 ' f.lt I I . a ! ' t "-'! '.t . ' . -i I i ! t f mi:: Ci.nfi(t AtUa.t M any f i- stt . I - i . ; t itt.i I'm p,ti . i"-tJ I I " M-'ii Ml . t i ' I i v'.t i - It.-ll M .i ! he t " '"'I t I't !-! ii'i-. t It t j I I I , '.a " I !. I iia', ul j 1 , r a l , . I i . t . I , ,r, . -I i l I "...! -.. , le t .'.!' I II 1' i I. I j. I , ,! !., I't f a 4 J' (iii '.. i .) t ' I H 1 1 i ' i it f.i ,-a, a I (' ''.' I la '4 I't; u'limil t''y..l I , . t I '. , .,! II. ,' ,,, Forgot to Consult, J , iJlllj I i J ! TO THE HIQUT. 1 1 -! I I Jj I 'l I i t IS THEL-'ZTC. J I Ilir.lilwWl I rail i I Jm ill ,: ' '4 MUCH SPECULATION ' OVER NEW I), P. HEAD (Continued from First rax.) tern ofwhich Judge Robert S. Xov ett of New York is chairman. Mr. Mohler decided to retire on account of ill health, of which he has been a sufferer for some time. J I is recent illness dates back to the tinre last winter when he fell while skatinc on the lake in Miller park and struck his head on the ice. Following this accident be was confined to bis home for several weeks and, in fact, has never fully recovered from the effects of his injury.' While he continued to direct the more important affairs of the two railroads, Mr. Mohler has, for some time, spent most of his time at home, His strength would not stand the strain of the duties as active head ol the Union I'i. fic system, and it is for this reason that lie decided to re tire. Our Country's Leading Men. Mr. Mohler is one of the leading railroad men of the country, who, by dint of liard work and untiring inr dustry, worked his way to the top from the bottom up, There are few railroad men in the country who have covered the whole transportation field with more thoroughness than Mr. Mohler. In the humble capacity of ware house clerk he started in the railroad game when be was 19 years old. He rose steadily and rapidly, and hi suc cessive promotions came as a result of untiring industry, and in recogni tion of demonstrated ability, Mr. Mohler began his long career as a railroad man in 1868, when he ob tained a position as warehouse and olfice clerk with the Chicago & Northwestern at Gait, la. He had been working for years previous to this time, having quit school when he was 15 years old. Ilia Long Experience. Two years after he entered the service of the Northwestern he be came station agent at Erie, III., for the Rockford, Rock Island & St Louis railroad. In 1871 he was a clerk of operating accounts in the auditor's office of the last mentioned road, at Rock Island, 111. From 1871 to 1882 he was with the Burlington Cedar Rapids & North ern Railway company; two years as traveling auditor and pioneer agent; two years as chief clerk tn the freight department; one year as assistant general freight agent, and six years as general freight agent. In Ortober, 1WC, he was made gen eral freight agent of the St. Paul. M iiineapqlis Ac Manitoba railway, con tinuing in this position until March, "Follow the Beaton Path" For Real Saturday Drug Bargains tlf 0tfM ... .It . s h Pri - - 'V anM tii"i ' a" t'.tf. t It.- '. lei a t "f ' In . I I . t " ta , i i a"" a I Ui . . -.i..ita H. ! tai , j I ., . ! . I f 1. , . SM j , i. ..'('. II i-' iti . JMu ' , m v mi . t a j , t t ! Il ' lit ! 1 I . a il - 1 ; , .. -,a.. . ... 'M ' I , k .- -- ' - a 1 4 I i , ., . 1 1 , I a ' 111' t 1 1 ; 4 - e ' ' ' sa , j , i'i a .. - la M )'"' M H.. I 11,1, I t,, . ... U'U' j i-M'. '.!' .'' i aa ; i ..,( H Hm ! ... I ., . h i '" 1 I'l 'i a v j v , . ( ,., , . v' ... .t, , ... a,, 1 - ... '' I. .!, , j ' . t K J 4 ' ' ! ' ''-!" I' J 1 - .! Mail OnUn ivp Our Prompt, 'Atftlon. BEATON DROG CO. 15th nntl FnniAm the Weather Man 1886, at which time he became land commissioner. The St. Paul, Minne apolis & Manitoba railway becoming a part of the Oreat Northern railway system, Mr. Mohler was, in January, 1887, made general freight agent of the last mentioned lines, of which, from April to October, 1888. he was general superintendent, and from Oc tober, 1888, to September 1889, assist ant general manager. In September, 1889, he became gen eral manager also of the Montana Central railway, and served as such until December, IW3. In July of the following year he wag chosen gen eral manager of the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad. From July, 1897, to April, 1904, he was president ahd gen eral manager of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company. In April, 1904, he was appointed general manager of the Union Pa cific Railroad company; was made vice president, also, in 1905, and was elected president of the company Oc tober 1, 1911. Prominent in Social Life. Mr. Mohler has been prominently identified with the business and so cial life of Omaha and is a member of several clubs, including the Omaha, Commercial, University and Palimpsest, The Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line head has often said that a man, "to succeed, should pick out the occupation which he likes best; we can't all be Dr. Johnsons and suc ceed at a lot of things." Another of his favorite sayings is that "the wise man will live by the way, and not wearjhimself out pre paring for the time'when he can en joy himself." Itrpart inriil Onteri. Wanhlngton. ft. t"., My II. (p Tdftamni.) Ahmhitm M. Kein bu bn npulnlxd plnn,ir tit Jordan. Trlnn county. H. I)., vlr II. U Anm. ramciv4 Civil nervlri rtamlnatlnn lll bit hld on Juna 24 ftT Iflttor rnri'lprri at Fradnhaw Anthem!, 'nitlH. Vlrf Inla, b. John (1. Maioti of l.lui'oln, Nh , haa bean hiuioIiiI.'.I a airtiftural cnKlninr In ih Timmiry drpariiiicni, ,ry Jl.suo per ami uiu. i hamhxrlnln'a Comb Remedy. t'lir In no opium nr othr narrotlo tn Chambarliin'a I'onfh Ramedy. It may ba lvn to a rhlld aa confidently at to an adult. It la airellent for rouaha and colda. .Oblatnabl a vary where.- Advert laemant. Want Ada nevar shlrH tneir work they will get re-nil! If anything will. II ll l arararl U . . J Si.i'M t'i't''a lahan ' I HI a M Inak t iu ,. , l'- tfi I r fi... tl 1 "il'f Vla't W M , 1 .! la tt. ! .. " '"1 ') 'M' '1.' t.r, 51 , l ,.( I. ' ..i. I . I' I' I ' ' I Ik a'ie'a a--t ''ll.l.i fa m tm Ikta) i I a 4 ,n ; i i".i a I in'a I If ( . ci 1 in gi.M 1 a j .-.. . a 1 I 4 la. Ila ft 'k ' aa , (,. ' ll.t I 1 Ii .. a .- ! ' I 1 a . ' j '"' , f t ns. trtt tata, 4 ft 4 ) 1 la l' '!' -a, 1 :." t . , I r. t t I 'l 14 A I I ' "! M ..I, t a- ! j 4 ,- i - H .1. ( a 4 . ' . , k kl . V I i y s .k k , 1 41 i a I'- ' . a- 1 a 1 i-a a''l a s t fa . a a '4k f ; OPTICAL CO. I Nl CORNER FARSiAM AT Ifjns Mexican Bandits Are Hanged for the Murder, of Americans Brownsville, Tex., May 19. Jose Puenostrico and Melquaides Chapa, Mexicans, convicted of the murder of A. L. Austin and his son, Charles, in the Mexican border raids last fall, were hanged today at 2:15 p. m. in the Cameron county jail. Austin and his son were captured by the raiders, carried a short dis tance from the town and killed. All the raiders except Ruenestro and Chapa escaped. Evidence submitted at the trial last April tended to show that Buencstro fired the fatal shots, while Chapa stood guard nearby. Three American witnesses whose lives were spared by the bandits, gave the principal testimony. The men were tied together, hanged in a double trap and died practically at the same time. They issued a joint statement in which they thanked the public "for what they have done for us," and both declared themselves innocent. One hundred civil peace officers and Thirty-five United States cavalry men guarded the jail yard. Cambridge Priest Dies in Omaha Hospital Rev. Carl Stapf of Cambridge, Neb., 4.3 years old, died at St. Cath erine's hospital Thursday afternoon from concussion of the brain, which was caused by a fall at his home two weeks ago. He was born in Baden, Germany, and made hi priestly studies in Louvain, Belgium. Immediately after his ordination he came to the United States and for the last twenty-two years had been in charge of parishes in th : Lincoln dio cese. He is survived by a brother, Ferd inand Stapf, of Humphrey, Neb., and another brother living in Germany. The body will be taken to Lincoln from Hoffmann's undertaking par lors this afternoon. Pontifical requiem high mass will be celebrated at the cathedral at Lincoln Saturday morning, Bishop Tihen officiating. Interment will be at Cambridge. Hughes is Elected Bishop on the Twelfth Ballot Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 19. Dr. Matt S. Hughes of Pasadena, Cal., was elected a mishop on the twelfth ballot, receiving S49 votes, or four more than was necessary. He is a brother of Bishop Edwin P. Hughes of San Francisco. Dr. William F. Oldham and Dr. Charles B. Mitchell of Chicago were elected bishops of the Methodist Epis copal church on the fifteenth ballot taken by the general conference early tonight. Only one more bishop is to be elected. The Store of The Town. Browning, King & Company ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO GET A $15 SUIT SATURDAY MEN'S And Young Men's , SUITS $fl R 00 The values of these Suits are the Browning:, King & Co. standard and are backed by an unrestricted guarantee. Models: Forra-Fitting, Pinch-Back and Regular. SPECIAL!! SATURDAY ONLY MEN'S SOFT HATS All Spring Models, The kind others get $2 50 for, $1.35 AND FOR ONK DAY, SATURDAY ONLY CHILDREN'S WASH HATS OUR REGULAR Wo SELLERS AT SATURDAY ONLY Browning, King & Company or.o T w II -SON. M,-t Bryan Delegate to Meeting of League To Enforce Peace Lincoln, Neb., May 19. Governor Morehead of Nebraska today named William J, Bryan a delegate to the meeting of the League to Enforce Peace at Washington, May 26 and 27. Other delegates from Nebraska are the congressmen and senators from the state. Whatever may be your need, a Want Ad will get It for jrou. Be u, eg , Displays of New Fascinating Neckwear Worthy of Your Consider ation. A very complete line of small pieces in roll and Dutch effects, for 35c, 50c, 75c, $L00. Attractive large Cape Col lars, also a full selection of vestees in organdy, mull, and Georgette. Collar and Cuff Sets from 35c to $2.00. Fichu Ruffling in Georg. ette and Net for 60c to $2.50 a yard. Especially pretty for the spring gown. Ask to see the New Jabot Collar. Redfern Corsets From $3.50 Up Unusual Values Saturday In The Apparel Sections SUITS: Any woolen suit formerly priced QQ1 HK to $37.50, Saturday, (one day only) P1. O A small charge for any alteration service. DRESSES: Dainty, new styles for summer wear. A showing that is one of the most complete ever shown in the middle west. It includes dresses for country club wear, outings, picnics, formal, and porch wear. The prices start at $13.50 with very unusual values for $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 SORQSI Stylish Pumps We Mjbmit for your approral this nevet Borouls Pump. Just tne of the recent arrivals. The. My!e tUiMtrated comes In gray It Id with whll Middle, and while kid with black mddle, both of uhirh lire eiceptlonAlly attract It. Tin- price Is 85 and S", GAYETY 17, CniiM.kM H It r. . tow Id'l Crmplwi I tifni J jess Hiiidru Am4 r.. tmttt MkMl kyMllW 3-itound tihlbU Clu!n Cr'i-i .t, at.i. it, , ,i tt,, t. BO Y D TODAY J 19 EVA ON LANG" TRIAL N., .. -- t.4 vwa mvvn TONITE m . T , , -l .' V L?LiiSi-c 0D(EOXffi $ . ttninirvt. j mnrMnt ami rM:iTt. Cass County Feeder Makes Fine Eecord Bunch of Steers Weeping Water, Neb., May 19. (Special.) J. V. Colbert of this place has a beef-raising record that is phenominal. A bunch of steers that he had on the South Omaha market yesterday showed up with a record of more than 5S0 pounds average gain per head in five months, and the gain in price over what he paid for i The Corliss Shirt for Women's Wear This Summer 95c Dasement Balcony Made of men's shirting fabrics in plain white with dye fast stripes, collars and cuffs in white AT 95 this waist (illustrated) is a truly great value, as they are usually sold for $1.25 and $1.50. AKXOI NCIXO STHIPFD MID DIKN, Most ftttrartlve Mylott wllh white) belts u a contrast to the col orel string material, 9.V. Bawment Balcony. Wash Skirts In new one) and two-pocke M.jrlos, plain white reps and cotton (tahardinrw; also striped material. rrice, $1, $1.25, $1.03. Itanement. Women's Sum mer Underwear Gauze Vests (Kayser) low neck, no sleeves, 25c. , Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, fitted and wide knees, both white and pink; a good selection, 65c. Lisle Union Suits, low neck, no sleeves, fitted or wide knee, 85c Children's three-in-one Un ion Suits, all sizes, 50c. , Main AUIe Ulii floor. SPECIALS . Trailing Arbutus Talcum, special for 19c. Listerine Soap, 15c a cake. Non Spy, 45c a bottle. . ruj sum. ii)l, sua. vm( Mt or vautxvutt riin t lik- tinUf. Iwl Twik Tlm, MATINIE TODAY 2;1$ TONIGHT I:1S I . Iki; l I '! - M 4( yi--- , M ' S k' M. 4 p rarnam Theater tTCT f,h 'l, v ,k- k,kffft i r. WUlUlt llltlt Tan Twtw tiuisi.1 . U 4 I MltM' mi t f Mill h a it vr rxtn MVttt I I till Ml V-mtt IIAkA-t them was $3.0 per hundred. Mr. Colbert bought the steers em thr South Omaha market last fall ami has fed them at one of his farms southwest of town. When lie bouglit them they averaged 1,050 pounds aii'l cost him $0.10. The average weight when he sold them yesterday wa l,6.!t pounds and they brought $9.50. Mr. Colbert says there is nothing freaky in the record he has made and believes he can repeat it. All he lias done is to have a strictly modern -feeding plant and feed them snapped corn for the first two months, then shelled corn and alfalfa and the last two months added a little oil meal to the ration. Summer Furs Just Received Genuine White Fox Scarfs, $30.00 to $42.50 Genuine Red Fox Scarfs, 12.75 to $22.50 Genuine Cross Fox Scarfs, $27.50 to $57.50 Genuine Taupe Fox Scarfs, $35.00 to $60.00 Genuine Sable Fox Scarfs, t $25,00 The Imitation Furs are Priced from $4.540 upward. THE STORE FOR SHIRTWAISTS New arrival of dainty blouse Ideas keep this popular section ever In the forejrronnd. Dependable .Middy Blouses, 91.25, $1.50, 1.05. -N New Georgette Crepe Blonse. $3.3, O.RO, $S.RO, $9.75. Dainty Wash Blouses, $1.03, $2.30, $3.03. A Linen Blouse Model, $.50. Silk Hose Black Silk Hose with the "Way New Foot" lisle tops and soles, $1.00. Popular shades in pure dye Silk Hose, also black and white, $1.00, $1.25. Pure Thread Silk Hose, black, white and colors, $1.50 Misses Silk Hose, sky, pink, white and black, $1.00. Thi Cifl With The Cmn tin "THE SNOW CUnt" MUSE frihr,n Villi Vttl & Ctorgt lCurt "THE TURMOIL" 4MI rM NTI. 1 I BASE BALL Omsha V?. St. Jouph H IM I'UiK r.ftf Mt It itfitt H4f ", l I., , , tt . :n,- ltkixv i (