-J" f Want-Ad Rates UCA8K WITH 0BIl per word each iinertlon pgclal Kates t Farm tuid Ranch Lund a, 7c per line each Insertion (Count lx worda to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGiONTS OR HELP WANTKD' CLASSIFICATIONS: 2n per word one tint I'.sc per word. ..three, consecutive times cxaxciz Birrs: o per line one time Jc per line three consecutive tlinea (Count iix words to the line.) 0 AP TAKTM TOM IMS THAW A TOTAL Of 800 OB X.BSS THAU 100 FX SAT. CARD Or THANKS. HEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES; lOo per'line.. -each Insertion (Minimum charge 60 cents.) Monthly Rate for standing aria no change of copy) 1 10 per Una (Count six words to the line.) Contract retee on appUoatloa. TUB BEB will not be reeponslhle for more than one Irtrnrreet Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one lime. ADVERTISERS shoillfl retain receipt given by The Bee 1n payment for Want Ads, as no mistake can be rectified without them. fPE TITO TCT-FPrTONT? If ym cannot conveniently bring or send In your ads. Aek for a Want-A'' Taker, and you will rerelve the snme good service aa when delivering your ad at the office. PHONE TYLER lnl). WArr-Ar cotpmnfi clope EVEVTNft EnTTTONS 1M)f) M. MORVlNfl EDTTTON3 9:00 P. M. r MOVIE PROGRAM Current offerings of the beat Motion Picture Theaters In Omaha. (Changed Dally,) Dsnstows, EMPRESS. 15TII & DOUGLAS A great story of the rejuvenation of Mas. "DASHING DRUGGIST'S DILEMMA" An unusual comedy. "Out for the Count." fun in tha ring. PRINCESS, 1317-19 DOUGLAS Another iiis feature CARTER DellAVKN AND FLOKA PARKER DcHAVEN. The t Hrosdway musical comedy stars in "A YOUTH OK 10KTUNE." THEFARNANL 1415 FARMAM o the houae of festurca, orchestra and pipe oraas. Today pranli JACKIE SAUNDERS In "Twin Triangles," also one sot of rom- North. G'RANbT 16 Tit AND I1INNEY Th Iron Clsw." Kplsods No. 10, Mrrlly Msry." J-il Vllsgrspli drama. ,ori-oms Luke," comeily. IU Hi OHOAN DELUXE ' J.otj i HOP. 24 i iT" &"I,oti I hop DE WOLF IIOITEU IN "DON QUIXOTE." MlERMANi: 161 H iiURDETi'E 'CARRIAGE OK DEATH," WITH MARION SVVAYNE. Weekly, . , Knocking Our Knockout Kalley, ' B OULE V A R D. 33 D if "LEAVE N'l I Emily Mrvcns iupported by en sll-siar raat In s "Thg Hone of 'Iran.' , KOHl7FFr6rLEAVENVORTlI BESSIE TtAURlSOALE "THE LAST ACT." oath Sid.-. ""'24Tl'f ANDN BESSE. "goelal riraies." Tribune, " "Love and Pullets.' t.tibln remedy. ORPHEUM. 24TU & M "THE LAST ACT," fealurlng Heaala Harrtacale "CINDERS OF LOVE," with Chester Conklin snd Slim Hummsr vllle. STAR FEATURES Special Eitra Reed Features now appear ing at tha following Thsatarg; EMfHKIoJ 16TH AND POUULASI "The Prnfltiats.' A great story of the raJuvenatlonefMa j. J4T11 AND N 8TM. Soeial rirates," P-illleta " "Tribune," "(aivs snd ItOCI.r.VAKH. SI I.KAVKNW'lHTH Kntlly rttevana, sui'iHirteil by an all-star cast In 'The Houaa v( Teara." rARNAM. 11 FAItNAM ST. Jackie Sauaders in "Twin Triangles " tfRAN CT 71 T 11" A N H HI NNIC X "ST . "The lro Claw," Kolaed No. 19. 1 ,1T ( H i 1.""" l' 4 I H AN U LuTH Itul'. T-eWelf Hopper la "pea tjulot." tif.i'iiri "Tha, Last Ae! ' 4TH AM! M Ht!) ' featuring Hl la"rl rale iHit ! I..ue. a n i , ne,. ca m and Sum rKINCk.! ' Hit il !t Kt.AS tatter i'eHsven snd kbits I'aiker n tthen. I ttauaav muebat vt"''! fiat, fl ' A f -.'h of 'u. e jjtiMH.t'e'. """"" I! I.KAVtXWottTH T Meaaie lrt.-aia la "Ths t-aat A .'" jnlKMliiii "14 til A Vi' I'l ftl'HTTK Cantata ef Pasta,' suit MaMea waia tK t T H t Mt. '' . I'lii ittt - '. a-.,,. tfe ef t i m reu..t. M 1. st a ansae 4 .is. - '' '' e - - i a a e ,t . t. , V , i 4 t S at ei " " - - ,t'r '" 1 k.,s -v-,ie at,- ,i-vi. - t .. . l Ul '' - . I ; a .1 . II ,! w. I.. ', ktar ' , t fM' .i , j , t v fc;. . ,,.. .j-..t MiMltlt i . . i , ;a 1 1 f !". (......, a ',...,..., if i-l-o.l 4rk . .m net's.. It, l U Mi . ' "'! Hi a ii. .m el "t 1 m ' 'I' : , ' t - t .., A (ms !'' . n ll'f l--.it '. l Room advertising for March andAorii shows big gains over same months last year; 686 Vy MORE ADS (over 80$ gain)--Telephone your room ads to The Bee and get them rented NIIMMKIT A U f ltWKT'IUK. rt'7;Ewhite reinforced cement' grave markers, with name end dine la.; crori-es, $3.00. Del in 3 days Redman Marl erfo.l'tti 8(m noer. Webster 2'i. tautm-ourr .vtonumorit Wora. inauao leums all kinds markers iih 'hrles MABHLEiiiui"fiirevrundr ground, buy marble HA It'.'oPH AUl'8. FRATKRNAI.ORIIFK.1'. A. (, V. W. Not Ire, " Washington lodge. No. 27. Degree of Honor, attend lha funeral of our Ibi rhar tr member, Maggie Hrlght. at Ilulso Helper), HI t l. m., Saturday. May 20. Signed, Msry Klnaei;, I. of II. Hrldgei l.onnelly, lt"Corder, a, AL1, menilinrn of Ruth Kebekali lodge No. 1 h r rctiucaicd to aitond the funeral of Hlxter Maagia Hrlght, Saturday, May 20, at 2 p. in , from Hu1" At Rlepep, parlor. VI A It Y 1IALHK.K, Noble Grand. TtOSB Col.HKN, Secretary, MIHTIIAlVO DKA1IIS. hfrtiia fhsrles and Klia t'offoels. 27611 Meredith avrnue, boy; Percy and Margaret 'overt. Florence, boy; Itumiell U. ami (llady Klllann, 2827 Harney, toy; Peter and .lesncttn .lohtmon Martha, girl, K. W. and Herlie KurhH. Hoiillt Twenty-fifth, loy;VV. n and Clirlatlne l.ll Jenntolne, 4r,ll liard, hoy; .lullll and Karon Martin, 420 X, boy; .lohti and Itoale I'nllnakl. 4do Houth Twenty-aeventh, girl; John and Noll Hymuell, U South Thlrty ssf'nnd, girl, leath J. M. tlrown, t, nospusi; rrana Protoull, 7, 1U Wouth Klgliteanth; Har old l Olnf, 4 months, 21H U; .1 II Hakr, 1 dnya, Klris'a :ourl; Helen Crows; Anna Thomas. '4i, 34''4 Parker; tleorge Kogera, II, tot 0 ftlnnay; Harlx-rt Moors, 38, 44 Houth Twenty-third BIII.DISO fKRMITS. Tf. l'helnn, atidl liavnniiort, brb k dwelling. ILOOilj Mr, t'oonrr, :t032 Lincoln' boulevard, frurne rtweiiins, II.MSt Kllca betll 8. Netteiu 4216 llark.'r avenue, frame dwelling, :i,(iM; Mrs. (iiant, 422.1 Mason, frame dwelling, $2.t0; Mrx, Holt, 2761 North Foity-ftftli svenue, frame dwelling, la.dO'l; Kouleky l'avllk 'o , 4H2K Houih Twenty-fourth, garage, $i; Barnuel olm. !D27 North Twenty aoverilh, frsino dwelling, LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAil A t.'UIJ N '1 liUl.l I' l''4 HTlt u; b.T HA 1 LWAV lOMl'ANV. Persons having lost some article woul 1 dn well to" calf up the office of the Omaha A l.'oin.cll Din. fa Hlr-et lltillway coiiipativ to aacerlulti whothcr thoy left It In the street cars. Many arti' lns each day are tinned In and the company is anxious to restore them to tne rightful owners. Call To.iig. 41. lt ui! line enythtita and will nrtie It hara. fuo will aurely rai-over tt If found b ss honeat saraon, Itamaikaliie ra-orerlef ate biougUt about every rlny thrrmch tbia cnlums, III LAW-Paople bo find loat articles are Interite4 Is knowing tbat ilia state law atr;rt Is reenlrlng them le aeali I ha eeoer tarough adyertlsesient end otheiwlat end thai a failure to do o, If eaoie c be grovte, Is- tolvea a severe eenallr. jroi'ND White horae wlth'grsy blanket on. Found Friday morning. Fred UarlrPh, till l.ln'-oln Ave. . . LCST---Illai k po ket book I'on'alnlng checks and currency, Liberal rward to finder. Call iMiug. S. Lest. Kye glaaeti big rims, 'lesse return to kl7 H, ll.th HI. tlu.kert Mi'tronsld, LOUT niamond ring wrspped with brown cord. Hewsrd. Call Houth j'itHT Hterllng sllver'lnillsi link brscelet, ; finder plesns csll Dnulas I24. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Knrnllnre unrl llouseliold fioda, ATTENTION! bargain seekers. Tha most extraordinary vulues- In high gratia furniture, rugB, stoics and refriger ators can be obtained only at our store. Do not huv till von see us HI A T IS FlilliNI 1 l r ' Cor, 14th snd Dodge HI. Douglss 1317, UNBlair 111) rope 'velvetjiortlcraa, M; four imlr new lai a rurtslns, 1; Hire pair sirun curtains, IS, one home-mads com furtar, t'J; one Amlhtr rug, 3i70, II; I0 set of gilt hand cliche, !. Oth.'r aninll articles, all fur IJO. l'hons l.'olfaj HI, OMAHA PILLOW CO.-Kelt and hair i nutttressei made over In new tlckg at half the price of new one. Phona Ul for sample of ticking. Mall orders tilled. Iu7 I 'umlng J4L Douglas 247 FOR SALE Talented Ironing board, neat and well built; will last a lifetime. Phone us for particulars, Doug, bllsi. liAVF, nearly rmw F,cli,a gas range, wllb oven st able; too big for kitchen in our new house. Call Harney 14. , , ii K'K boxes, Si ga siovcs, - rug's of" all kinds, poultry wire and netting. Open till p. m. 139 N. 24th Ht. lore "and 4flire rtllarrs. UfcBiva. sales, ss-ais". Ihowcajtca, stia)v lug etc. We buy.. sell. Omaha Fixture A hupply Co.. 414-18 IS H. 12th. Doug. r.U. liats ass M uatcal laslra men Is. Ft A NUS HUH KKN i. Hood makes, goud condition, M. 60 per inuntb; new planua, 4 tw per montn. A. HOHI'E CO.. Ijiia-U Douglaa Hardware anil 'loots, Fl7i.i7lne tf carpenter'a ami muchanlo'g tools at per cent off. (da N. Votht. Tgkarltera as( uklln. NEW machines sold tha same aa rant; LI per month. Kea us before you buy or lint. Milppcd any place on ten Uay lre trial. Hulls Ty lie writer fcxchatiga. I1U 8. 1Mb. Onmna, Neb. . TV PEW Kl I'l.Uii sold, rented an5 le palred. Kent an DlHcr tjpewrltor 1 inonthJ for !'. Central Typewriter Ex chang'i, 11" Farnatn. MIDLAND H1BHON AND (ARHoM CO. consoll.laled with Reliance Co., now largest in v..at. 221 Hee Hldg. l. KKM I Nti'l't INH, Moitarchs Hti'l Smith i'remtera tor rent ; sent anywhere. Hum- luglnn Typewtllcr i ouipiiny. t. Hoala, Vsi'hli, F,le. S I'l.KAHl IHO gasoline heals, I l ft , 1 li ft ik-tl ; Urat-clasa condition and good running order. C. F. l'lcrc, 21J llaruey. Walnut 8-J. " Jeelr, illaaaoads, Waiehea. Hltoi'KtiAAKD'i ' I tcky wedding rings" ntlV.lh a ml Douglas Hts. , Marblurrr ana Eiia'aes. "ViiW AND M'.ruNlMIANit MOTOtt!. KXPKHT Fl.KCTHK'IAN! AND MACH.MM'S. IE PROS Kl.K THICAL WORKS, Sitt a) H. '-'Hi Ht.. nmaha. IliilLKR!4etam. rleetrlc, gas coilma, ldl e.. dross W r king Co., M unlug Htlltanl ami ocl.el Tables. Fiilt WALE HID. 1ARD TAHLK8. P-rand new carnm and pocket, with complete outfit, lua; BecoiKi iialnt tfituos ai re duced prices; bowling alleya usl sup. lilies, raav i.aym tila, t'lgiir slioa, drug. dellcati aei-n and aula (."lutein itstmra TDK MHl'NS H 'K - HAI U C - i 'L l.fcM'FH Ci . to.' f-i'Uih Pth bl. Careers, es and I lasts. (veclearti g airat ry plants. h gtwn, $4 per bund ed tolf.g T't hone- e,,d. "d H.l. log i'ohi W vl.atei .i, tuinher Hull.llua Materials. I I haiol I in.' i ai l k itirtiti.fc li.eitjta C.nai Co I 4 i 'liming Tyler ;,;u, trltla aaeS tilllee apaea, (VMill ll IAD t i "' '.". ' t u. ulal (altera I'-.ti'l'' sei. Addrnig eo vei.'ps or tatds, etu, v'a'l t .xl e, I sx'.h. Hlk tit (' "I h p.-- I lnln.l'.g i M'MS I "AH Del A f'Pi i I U.'Vf C H PTil t HI' I . P I", I i' X W A! I lint i AIIMl A Ht l(t I... .. -...- Ilt,l. 4 '1st l.,ys H a. Iim n, ecla H,itiik IS,'Wi:i'4 Macliitios We lent l . l. Bed Hdll Bi'l I-1 ' I el ail seeing ...a in. K i. i a BiVttM I.SB, V H I I H . Iltk, I li... 1! - 1' .4 l $ XI ', eMflsvesi i T .!.. H a'.. ,tid ul mi'i, t; be r.ioa.w, ' 4 l tjd ( ,., ., I' h I.it'e4 la lit'nd l.eeit I ... . a e ' lr a. I LA Kt 'slDE U Et1 14 I O.n. t : ' in r i . 1 I tl WI ki. 1. 1, m . 1 . a i - a ix i,i I I .( I. i-.,4 fri.;,4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS M UcellH neons. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteenth and Douglaa. Rottled in bond whisky, be $1.00, $L2S, fun Qa t. WANTED TO BUY ,VANTK.LWIbth I-lTisa urvi-yor' transit, an Instrument that i designed for gen eral land surveying as well as drainage work. Price) must ba right. Address i New deakj. used desks, bought, sold and traded i. O. Reed. 1207 Frirnam. OLD CIytllKH WORTH MONEY. Don't throw away yuur clothes and ahora. Doug. Wil. We pay best prices. lllnheit price paid for Zd-hmid clothes, glioes, trunks, si'lt'ascs. I)J1 of D ' IIOLMIOH "pay Tyour price for 2d hand clothes, shoes and hots. Web. 2.V0. OLD ("LOTH EH! OLD"bH6E8J Wa pay highest price WwhalerJ, ANNOUNCEMENTS BIDS. BIDS. BIDS. Klactrle light plant for the vll lege of Psjioii, Nebraska. Hnd blls to Ailtllu , Kclkat, Village Clerk, I'aston, Neb UVK ouliloors. Y. M. C."AOjit Park. RRi IDKGA A HD'8 'Lucky Wedding - Rings" atjl h and Houglaa Dlsmoutii and Watches, OIKT-S for graduullon, DlHtnond rings A watches, 17.5m up. Friedman's, 1211 Douglaa. Motnr Itrpslrs. CAIUI4JCLWj(;X,Je.MIlg. 3tft. Carpenters ana ( onrae(ors, P.ItICK repairing and comcnt work of all kinds. 21)3 t'uiitlng. Harney 42. CAKPhi.NTKH," building and repairing. Coirag HKIu. -. Repairing, Jobbing;, screening. VVcb, 17117. lssar'tl Hon, 1!SW Capllul Aye.T. 1132. C" I Iritanson", W LvingthTyljilK-j,. Lavenmowers. CALLED for and Ucllvered. Repair work guaranteed. Maw filing. Douglas 742s. LAWN M ) W K Hf4 shrpened.l I arney M79. 4 leanera and llyers. BTATli DRY CLKAN1NU CO., 12 N. UUi St. D. OTif, ItreasinukliiK. ACCORDION, Hide, Knife, Hog Pleating, l or. Hultons, Hemstitching, Neb. Pleat ing A Hulton Co. 431-2 Paxton Hlk, lt.4li Kli st-i lass work." Mia."" R. A. Connolly. 2Q Hitlnl Hldg., 17th and DoiipUaDJSrtH Vliit A I'lstdicr, ladl 'M'Tiriored" garments fur all oci uslons. 4US Rose Hldg.J y. K37. Kladame Michaels, downs, sulls, No. 4, Klorentlnii Apts, Ph'tie Douglas 7 FHshlonable drofsTnaklng. 7o;j H. Jlal Ave. Holster s Dressmaking Col. 1!S i'lty Nat. Tetry DrosKinok g college, SOIh Fnitiain, I't.A IN sewing sod day "''k.W'eb 27i (ualaniea, TIIKATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for ront.l'l Njjfth Ht,lohr,J'ldinaii1 Hatha. DR. HEN DA Sulphur, Btesm, slodern Turkish MATHS AND M AHHAtJB lot tireil nerves and rheiimatlstn. i'rlvnle apartment for ladles with Isdv tiUmd nta. Ii: Farnatn. Phone Doug;M.7. Miiif Itrpiilrlnn. CAREFUL WoRlv utilt:kly dona. I'.lec trlc, Hhoe Repair, lstrj Ht. Mary Ave, Hhofl rep'g, hat d ug i2l Ear. il4' Z Mot I luinlnit and HlocUlli. BTRAVV, Panama, all kinds huts, cleaned st,d reblot'ked, f.lo lt:'0 Harney lit, ALL KINDS of hall i cleanod and blookeil. J6;l Karnam Bt. Phona Red mi. I'Uprrss " it ompanles. TWIN CITY Epresa Co., 1D'J3 Cass Bt. Douglaa 1 . 17. Heavy hauling a kpectHlty. V'ole'a Espresi" Co., i-'lls Farnatn. Har, a. a. llnlr llreialng, JDKALHair Parlors, rt Balrd Hldg. Manic-tiring, toiler articles. Doug, 1lf'i brr arils. CUT rales, quick service. Penwork, Pax ton (Ilk. fctudlo, Room till. Doug, tug, mnnl as l Tapering;, Otnnha Paste Co., IIS H. l Hh. Dmiglas 3760. Porch and Window gereena. FROM factory to you. Phono l,d4:W rianu Inslruellna. PIANO lessons, new system, short meth od, Wordor chat ty H. (liillup, W'eb. :i)43. itaalTme piano playing positively taught In 20 lessons. Kii Cuiiilng. VVal. F htroprnolore, Siilnal Ad liialmenta, Pit. HUHIIORN, 414 Hose Hldg. D. o,l4i. Palmer .School grad. Consultation free. Dr. Frances Da son," Rose Hldg. Ty. 2.M. jr; J? CjLnwii.net?, f Halrd Hbigr jb Ml. Iloaserleaiilng. ICLFCTRIC liouso clcnning. our work snd price will please you, Let us remove your glorm windows and put In your erreens. Tyler 3I J.- HOL'8F.cr.rCANlNii hy" ep, man, beat' of ref. furnished, m N. ai'd. llrney3l. , iirieriiies, . PHIL WIXCKLKH, 271u Dewey Ave. Expert, low rales. Harney 67"8. JAM KH ALLAN, 312 Novllle Hlock, Kvi dence secured 111 alljasee. Tler II. Kvltlcnce secured; all cases strictly copfl- dentiaU coimiillntlon free, m R.Ty. Jos. ' llnltona and I'leailna. DHKH8 plentltig, hemstitching and cov. eted butt. uis. Van Arnam Dresa Pleat ing and Hulton Co., ad Floor Paxton Hik. Doug. aii. Ker thing; foe Women ACCORDION', side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating; covered buttons, all slr.es and si lea, hvmat Itching, plcot edging, em broidery, bending, braiding, cording, eielet cut wrk, buttonholes, pennant. D.:,IL HliTToN AND PLKATINU O. t.3 Douglaa Hlk, Douglas l. Ludle-You can aiwaja find ready made clothes at Mrs. Roberts.. 11 1. 2bll Lake, Aci'iiiintanla. E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A. 4:3-4.7J r.mit Hldg. Tel. Douglas 7lil. .Insllcea ( he Peaer. 11 II. Cl-AIIiiiRNF.. (12 Paxton Hlk. Red 74i. .Notary public; dc.sition jitono, C, W, HltlTT, M darker Hlk. " Towel gaatplles. OMAIIAToel 8uppl . -at; 8. Ilttr D.5J. Vacuum I lriter. CLKA.N QI'U KLY AND I I lOHOI'fll ILY W I I'll F.CI.IP8K ri.KCTRl'', HK NT II AND II i PF.R DAI. DlH'tiLA.- !7''n, I'laliires Mud W Irlpa m'lMvIY l'-l',,,rU wsnldiig mschlnet, It IN Jtl ,.,.(,!,. irol)ll end reading latupB tJVj I'unuiig 8t Dougiaa S.l, I Bllorlna. II. MAIb'l 8, taller am! cleaner, preaali.p and repairing CI N Dili m. D . llslropaOl Phislclana. ,lrs Miisb'k H.e lu.tg. Tv i'Vl II IbJB, Ma krrlrs, I AKF. psstri sii l Lim y bskeir -. Is sut'pib.t to latum, bidses snd eniai tain . memo T, II Hec.t.r 1.. N Din W ;,!,' I tsreiMi'rB bihI llaware, ttimFlV.i r ri.t.e so. I g 04- -.1 tipa..tll, g 1'- . lIh ft Web bibb. II ltd H Titoll s lisiPi'len W l ?'"' 1 1 ...... .. k J. u. 1. jj'l l O. .'(IH 411 tl! P'tl ! tdxerllatae xtwtellleB, m V' -.1 , . . a 1 1, . ;ih r 1". 1 v 1 4 VA r d .1 1 a Blall.ias-rx w 1 ; 1 1 s . ; .... iitiei.u a,s rit,i'4 1.1 not ks I'tmititi .,1 ,.'t 1 U 1 1 mit, C T I ';,., ... 1 l'.t!.:..i I'lk ! twH llratlBla. ). H ..t' ,.. i S 1. W W He IB ,....! .., U,b p II l r Si 4SHII -. .1 P. I'll I e I I .UmIi bIb. X ,...l,. . I !- i l 'I - I I'M, HveSB w4 lieirt I wBwt I a, ... "!. Bl'-I -Mb. ' ' A ei b a.t iwloiB h.nt,.. B ten-' 'I '4 . k M ! ks 1 IrBslMa. I .4 V ,!,.,, I, r,-l.. ... II l. . I k w '' 11 '..'- Ili.l.., ! u , u4 I ..,, I (tt 1 . r " , i .'- I I !.."" lk'B. "' si ''.' 4 t 1 SWAPPERS' COLUMN FCRNITLRK for 5 rooms, 2 Urge ruiss, cost IM; refrigerator, cost kitchen cabinet, cost j; dining room suite, goldi"n oak: parlor suite, mahogany; Maying electric washer, cost Iflu, and other articles of furniture. Will trade for Ford or other auto, or what have y nil? Address HvC;!lf.Beei. lFyou have "anything to trade, make up a IIKIw afl and run It In this column for seven ilaya It only eoals 2ic and ,lo p"r answers. One or two answers are suf ficient to nmka your trade and thu whole transaction only coats about 30c. Try It. KLECTItKJ incubator, 7!-t-gg sie; cos been used but 6 weeks; 2 suc cessful hatchings; 112 chicks from 121 fertile eggs; will exchange for electric stove, good 3x12 rug or chickens. 8. C Vis. I'.ee AlJl'INtl MACHINB baHen Adding Ma chine, very good condition, will exchange for Cnderwnod typewriters, plcturea, good books, or what have you? Address r), J. I 1. Itee, EVKRY "person has a" lot of Ihlnga which he no longer Uaes and which It would be. difficult to sell, HUT trade them off. t' a little ail In this column and gat some other thing youran use, "j,Oti Have fine white ma'ia terrier dog" which I want to trade for an electric fan, flood dog to have atound ehlldicn. Address H. H. MJ,H(t. TWO half barre'laraf gallons each, good houaa or barn iialnt. What have you to trade, for one or both? Address 8. C. Hi, llee. . Ot.'ITAIt Want to trade my 4-year-old guitar for a casting rod or reel, or what have you 7 Write care Hoe office, B. c, . NKWhlgh grade cabinet phonograph, n.ver been used; has excellent tone. What have yuu? Address . C. 1197, line. FILMH DEVELOPED FttKlfl when prints are or-Jored, Enlargcnietits from any lu gstive. (Case Htudlo, inth anil oarney, i-iiMT CAKlV camera for trade. Want real ..uii, lot or regular nlcliirs camera. What have youT H. C. Hee office. 6-ROOM cottftgrprlo f2,2o0, to awap for a good automobile. W. K. Craig, 1317 City Nutlorial Hank Hldg.. Omaha, H Nl (HOME large breastpin; also ring, for buffet or good gas range, or what have you. Addrasi H. ;.'.1IH Hoe. HAVK large" uuarterxawnd aldsboard to lrale for roll-top ileak, or what hava you? A'ldress H. ('. K;l, Hoe, a'l.DTH, l,xl4,"'ln Nowata", kl for sale or trade for car or anything of equal value. Address It I27, Hee, UNB I.e'tJ! feed itilllT new, for sale or trade. Heeii lietwn snd 4 In the afternoon at 4015 HurdeUet. Ftirt WALK or"trdrfurnlshlnggs of t room flat, 714 H. iUU Ml., 8d floor. Fliona iMitlglaa 32. A" I.ITri.K art In this "column will bring about some, remarkable, eschanges. 'fuCNO Htiof h eollle, male, for anything 1 can uso. Address IS. C. 0, lies. BUSINESS CHANCES IHJHINBHH OPI'ORTIINITIF.K. Oet Into business In Omaha, the gun shine City, whr nature smiles and busl ncaa men proair, the city with a great future; unlimited opportunities for the insti with energy snd ambition.. I can i.lace you In most any business you de sire, and with small capital, rtee me first for great bargains in business opportune ' ties, buy, sell, exchanges. ' fillHINKMH UPPOitTUNITIKH, 4H4 Ware Hltlg, Phone lied 44. HAHOAIN OFFKK Flrst-clasa cafe lunch counter In connection; IS tables, 24 stools at counter. Finn location heart of busi ness district. Floor spars 46K&. Imn.a .nam ooeseaslon. Hst of reasons for Bell ing. Address Frank Davis, Box Hit, Lin coln, Nb. ,i FOH sals by o'wner: I4.00U stock of men's snd boy s good staple shoes and Uoodyr-ar shoe repair outfit. Hesl location in l.ln- , (Jood reason for selling. No agents. Address L. U. No 22 Wtieoln, Nob. . tiKLIAHLK maiiufa. Hirer wants capable huslm-aa man to open office snd ni" sslesmnn. Liberal contract. I2U0 to iu cspltal necessary, possibilities unllml ed. Kapens-s pant to Chicago If acc.utad. Manager, l27 Lytloti Oldg,,J.'hl. ago. ISILLIARD pitrlor and cigar store, $2,800. TIiIh is one of the best paying slorei In Omaha. O'her business, reason for gelling Do not answer unless you mean business. Address C )Zh Hee. ' t'OIl WALK on account of falling health, my wall paper business.. A fine oppor tunity for the right mv . 2u per cent off I'jiti prices und cajy .erms, Oeorgo l-llerd, htoux iiiy, FiiK 'gALK jilaclismith shop In the best farming county In ths slsle. Reason for selling ollior business. if Interested, write Theo, H. Paa. hke st once, Hatiip ton, Hamilton County, Nob. MOVINii 'picture Tlina irs. real bargains; machrrres, repairs, ai.,,lies. accessories, pew and second-hand. Be ' us. OMAHA TIlliA'f LK SUPPLY CO Pnlrd Hldg. ,Doilg, $20. WANTKIiPar'ty with $1,000 to take an in tercet In an accessory suto device msnu factured In omsha. Hlg money to bs made. Pay you to Investigate this. AO drse 1- 'J. He. . - W A NT "to" rent or buy on Installment plan, furniture and leaao of hotel In good town, Are esi.erleuceit bote! ijeojile. tan give bank references. Addrns Y 403, Bee. FUHMTl HM slock'for sale, In town of 00; new, up-lo-daie merchndlse; Invoice about $1,000; have other business.' Nichols Hon, LaCledn, Mo. . Foil BALIO-Uood, tieati stock of hard ware; live town central Nebraska, li.a.d reason for selling. H quick. Ad dress Y XL Hee. l.If'T WITH MIC lor uulck results. Have live customers waiting. YoliNOM AN. 230 f I M. NAT. RANK,DOl'OLA8 147. RKTACRANT ""fixtures, complete outfit, best In imishs, for aale; location good; for lease. Call Thorson, Pouglaa 24l'6. WILLIAMS, established 2 years. To buy idg. Refeeenc,. U. S. NaL Bank. or ecii i. - -. ,. .... w-.-w ....... . uowd sale ami Auction ijo., .muma, ti closed out moie mdse. stocks than any other firm In V. 8. Write for termi. "" MOTION PI'JTL'RK MACHiNF.S. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Kx:hangIM 8. 14th SL OFFICF, for real" est?i or insurance, snme floor aa Hee office; 1,1x21 feet, W. The Hee Hldg.. Offlca Room lot. FOIt 8 A LK- Hlack llllla 'rJ- .1" otto of largest towns. Bales. $lt.rt. Ad dress Y 3esl. Hee. . . HALO' N doing fine busTnees. llth 81. Act oul.k . other business. 404 Ware Hlk. phone Red tU. To SKLL or huv a buii.ea, call on Ituscb A H.irKltnrf Kronser Hlk. I1- a'l TO OFT in or ou: of business call on !ANuR8TAI. Pe Hldg. Doug 3177. ROtiMlNO houses at grent bargains. Call 4o Ware Hik. i'huno Red tit. SITUATIONS WANTED I WFFKl.Y RATI:. IV rKW LINK. day work or biislnesa ads regular a. a line one weik t 'lues U1C l.ei-k...- ,,. , .,,,,,.40 eah ex Ira line IV' per Hale. YtH'Ni"liieii of iiu wha waul g.o4 i.'M I-na should advorilssi in Toa He It Is l ha taper big bi,ame uwu read, bani.ria. bnBcis, 1 etau Bud halea, .1-1- '-Bl.t . v nn with ,-iti 'il." '!. !n cleri. wast !" " il.iK I .g s ,. ,at a . ...a. 1,4-1 iulof (1,. ,!,(( . rent langBB'S I h " lt" .-I., S, .! sirt Afl'.sj ,..-.i 1? lBiiu t',',,' av.i . ..llAUl Milt."- ,l,l;,.f iii fc. us, a ,, ..,.1 ,1 ,... 1 . ' "1 lb I'. .... tf BaB4l I'IBl-i !' l,l .. , ,.t -14 kd.tie. P 1H , VI'H PoilH-'l I" I'' ! l'.tllg i... ell 11. a it-'Mtlmwit. tn I. at I .- , N - i " 1)11, ji 8 -lib t'be I i,,i.iB a tkt r. im,4H1". t r ' Ion - a . p - I 1 h il , -., a ! I M -V a -. -t No . f. - " v--s '..-..' V I I. . ' '.II Bill X ! i s .,.4 ''' I , a-. ' 1 ".is ' " ''''- W.-4 ktlii . . ' . - X tl lli. V" 5 I i . X lj llwkel a BBtaa. 4. t,iii'!; 1 hh 'D; t v I, l -... p.. 1 I . S',,..1B I, ll'-i. IS '- 'S4 tie a C T ,,T OMC WAMTtn ' Mr r UVAIV, I CU V Hfc . lcellHnein. MAX and wife and sister, ages 'ju and V. want work on farm or dairy, together; experienced; No. 1 references. Phone Harnev ZH. Dep't 14. ' iuXJ'hRIKNCHD man and wife wishes position on farm, have two boys, aged 3 and U yea. i. Call or write, 2S13 Oewey Ave, I rear); FahMICKK WTtt-n "you want help wrleu or call Kmpire Iabor Agency. 2vS) 8. l-'ilh. Phone roug.IOK. Colored man and wife want work; man ss bouse and yard man, snd woman ss cook. Wi-bater K,; . i WANTKD liouseideaiiliig by the da,- y rellableoolored man. :ajl vt.sjer20j!l. AfiHKH or "refuse hauled by C. Nickels Ai Co. Phons Douglaa WdU. fA w mowed; h" '.scleanlti Weu. 7!12 HAffLINO ashes andrubblsh. Weh r OfflVeTleanrng:" "best of ref. Tyler . I1 Frmalt, THfTitK c ha r if e for "Situation ads" la lower than any otliT form of adver-tllng-not enough 10 cover coit of btlr.tlng RBFINKD marrieit tarty with 2 little girls, 4 and , wants work ss housekoepor for respectahla gentleman; city or amsll town, 14 per week. A d d resa Tjl I . JBe. l.aanilry anil Day Work. COM FKTKNT colored girl wants' djy work or chambermalcljsorkvvel), ll. iiCNDLK washlng; will call and deliver; prompt service guar. Mrs. Knst, II. NIC AT colored itlri wants (lay work" of any kind. Cull Webster )!, Anna Mitchell. WANT1C1 Posiilon as maioTor day work by experienced colwoman.VVeli. WJs. "Til!NDLK"or family washing called for A del, wk. guur.: reasotiable.vVebl7J, itilNIiLI-; wttshing, piece work, lace cur tains; work guaranteed, Webster FIltHT-CLAHH laundress; Cleaning; by col ored woman; beat of ref WeJM4. COL' RKl ' "gii-T" wants" house cleniilng; references. Phone Hariiey W4- COLurtF.li "girl wants day and bundle washing. Webstar 3027. Flrst-i lasa laundress; day work. n. Ml. CHAMlilCRM AID or day w'oik. Web, J0I8. Cooking or day workriel7 lrd.Tyler 119 KXP. laundress A metl'f ahlrta. II. iMt LA I'NDH Y and da"y work.Web. JMOl. 1tJNTiJB "waa'hTmi y7J?rk.yf-. Wesbliig "and" JaeJUruiYiig. d'm jry. 1144. DAY work. Mon. "andTimg. H.2lfi HELP WANTED MALE glores and Of flees, ilRPR., to" take "complete charge, f 76-16 ; steno., wholesale, 10; bkiir., some sts nogrsphy, 7k; retail salesman. hdw 176; office ilk., good penman, 166; of fice elk., experience unneceaaary, 140; Jr. office elk , Ii6. Western Heferenee Bond Ass n., Infl., originators of (he Haferenes Huslness. 762 Omaha Nstlonal Hank Hidlding. aTMPPtNii ciHtlr tsin.t.r.... 16.00 Hlano (wholesale) 76.00 Htono (fins plan) 16 00 Honkkeeyer (good penman) 66.0(1 Multlgraph snd typist COOPKHATIVB HKFKHKNCK CO. lOIG-Hi City Nal'l Hk, TIMKKKKl'KIt 'out of town),,,, $ 0 II. it. CI.KltK (out of town).,,.,, 6 HTF.N't, (K. B, out of town)..,,,, 6 UHAFTHM AN (It. K. work). 100 HAI.KHMAN Imp unnecessary) 60 TIIK CANH AOKNCY,. 00 HKK 131,1)0-, BTKNilT and offlce elk", '$60;" sleuo." and bkpr., I'iO; steno, snme experience, $46; seat bkpr., wholesale, Ji'; office elk,, good penman, $.11'. Western Ksferenre Bond Assn., Inn., 762 i 'main National Hank Hulldlng. 8AI.K8MAN,' bond experience; steno,, $l: steno., 76; rtletapnone operaior, tii steno, $10; office clerk, good penman, ISO to 116; office clerk, $36; office boy, 126. Watts Reference Co., 4 ilrand, Thes. H'ANTUD F.xperlenced soda man who Is willing to work. Frlckle Drug Co., Coun cil Hluffs, s. ; J-riff-sslnns and Trade. WANTKD A "first"-class shoemaker to do repair work. Must be steady and sober and able to eperste Champion stitcher; good wagei and steady employment to the right man. No tlreeks wanted. Ad dress A. Kyser, Kearney, Neb. WANTF,DA " few experienced cutter! and lining cutters. Uood wggeg and working conditions, permanent work If Qualified, Address K 117. Hee. HKK C8 FOR DHI'O JOIIM. CO-OPKUATIVK RKKIDRBNCa CO, ITstsbllehed Ten Yearg. 1015-10 City National, W A NTKD to contract with man with Ford truck for delivering. Address B L'K. Hee, Drug store sns i.e. Pibs. Knalst. beo Hldg. .laleaioen nnd sollcilors. SALESMAN WANTED MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN HANDLING SECURITIES, IN THE MIDDLE WEST, CAN SECURE HIGHLY DESIRA BLE CONNECTION WITH A WELL ESTABLISHED OMA HA COMPANY. THIS PROPOSITION IS OUT OF THE ORDINARY AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE IF YOU HAVE THE QUALIFICATIONS. GIVE ALL PARTICULARS POSSIBLE. ADDRESS A 140, BEE. 8AI.KHM AN Tha hook of the rentury. Hook salesmen are cordially Invited 10 Join our forces on the book of the cen tury, "The Story of the Ureat War." the moHt complete, the moat graphic, the moat brilliant history of thu war evr written. Tremendously advertised In t'nliler'a. Kx cIusIvb territory; llsta furnished. Apply between ten snd twelve. Saturday. F. L. drowning, 313 Halrd building. I PI A N'l I salesman wanted, for faetory-to-homo apeeisl sales work; only sober men nmd apply, snd who are capable of earning from 7 to $126 per week Ter ritory. Iowa. This connects you with one nf lbs largest fsctorles In Ih fnlted mat. a and puts you In line for lapld pro motion. If you can ijuallfy writs t. 402, He. BA I. KHM KN w anted to sell mercnandisB In oiuaha, Netiraakt; l'-a Moines. Hloux l ii y and Waterloo, Iowa, Call (23 8. II1I1 Hi , Omaha, Nebraian, tiALKS.MKN to sell automobile specialty In Nebisika, Iowa, Kuuth Dakota and K nnsns, good side line. !M Hee Hldg. JF VDU havg selling gulllly esi, stand ard tiec. A luv, Co.. 1011 W. O, W Hidg , Omaha. r iOM K'l'illN'l extra gouil, big money for the smesman who Is a buslnesg getter. 10i7 W, O W, g A I.F8M AN to travel In Neb. Hlandard Hee and Inv Co , '!. W. O, V. Hldg. W A STFD -Salesman "is drive the country Tiler H 1124 Dodge 81..,. . , $. 7 7 .. r lioTS Bsnisd with ehee's. musT Is evae tt 1 ears Apply W eatem I elon. W, o. W. Hl.'l Trade IfkesiB GOOD 11K.S WANTKP. e team auto wotk for In pig spring rush, line irali.lna "ig u auto suj S.e.trlt. B'srtittg BkBtema. AMI.HICAN AWiO tOLl.KtiR, ax4 I Bir.-ini t Oiiisha N glk.N aatitBd to isaitt the baiber La J luttli M I ! I i" l . OniBtiA, OMAHA H X.IO-I.H .MI.Ll.MS,. MUl.EU'S DAHBEU a)i.u;uK Men aBi.tiid l (. tha rd We $) 1 "b i-t a tusoi taH It .. 1 sera ' a l-ii'iot, whll HBHIH I tic H.,.ld I'VB.l l .e, t fkt, IX Mis t I . BlB.-gUB. l'$ w I4l a- 1 ,'..,' , sa Lk Alt's 4o-f 'ib-ib. m..ie It.ea gsa'a 'iu,ir 1 ,.i...i ai. is ' a-". l -I 1 B (,. : 1. -I ,L .g g-..B-i.i-.l ai i,f Wi . lit lll'IIH 'I I ' ' tkMiele aad MBteis, .1 IS I , 1 . V ' - ! ' bi 111 ,. k) rel.iaei $'.". s'1' -a . 1 w , h a - h 1 ,1.. , Ike' U - I ,' - ' ,. O-BO til W ,,., '.., ?.- I'" M tstellau.ons. ARMY OK TilEllNlTKD'sTATKS .IF.N WANTKD. Auie-Doaiea uiinsui uto,, between ages of IS and 35, citizens of l'nited States, of good chnraoter ami temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Kngllsh language, hor In formation apply to Reirultitig Of fleet, Army Hldg.. 15th and DoiIrb 8ts., Omaha. Neb.: 3"7 Sixth Ave., Des Moines, la.: S27 Fourth 8t Sioux City, la.; m N, Tenth Bt.JJncoln. .Nel'. No other" Omaha newspaper la showing anywhere near the prog ress In Its Want Ad columns as TMH BEK .24 WORK .'All' A US March. l1. than Msrch. t.'. 6.K64 MORS PAID ADS April, llll. than April. 1916, "Til INK 1T.VEB" 26 WKKKl.Y earned st home by stesdy ivorhers In now Industry. No selling. Whole or m.ero time. Write for particu lar, Hayns o., .ToledoJI. . OLHHMOIULK dealer wanted for Omaha and other Nebraska territory. Proposl Hon to make you money. L. K, Tslt Auto Co.. Distributers, 12IJ N Ht., Lincoln, Neb. WANTHI - -1 a r t v f o r u n "e I e (; t r 1 o light and' water plant. Write at once, stating ex perlence had and salary wanted L, L. Keith. Village Clerk, Curtis, Neh. AGENTS A,,D CANVASSERS AilKNTH "WANTKi'Hesporialbie" man wfth Ford car to aell and demonstrate patented cooling system for Ford care. Mystem lakes well with owners and has been aeii Ing rapldlv In assigned territory, .lust out In Nebraska. Kxcluslve territory as signed to right party. For ' particulars ad dress H. P. Harris, (le.noial Agent, Hooper, Neb. , PI T Ki.r.l throttles" on trial. Collect weelily. Net $75. 1 Vr "t prof't. Retail at I2.8U atU'hfd; sainp $l.; pr paid. Pig opportiinlly for general agents. Fxcluslve territory frea FORD SPKCIALTIK8 ;OKJ 'ORATION, Davenport, la- KVKHY family uses soap, extract, toilet ar tlclos snd perfumes every day; why don t you get this profit by selling our guaran teed products r Hlg profits. K.xcluslve territory. Pearsall Msnufscturlng Co.. lies Mollis Iowa AUBNTH wanted to tk slats rlghta for selling practical folding labia pedes. s (patented) for tables from ft. to i0 fl In length. Liberal commissions, Ad dress Y 406. He. LADIF.M "AND OKNTH Like finding money; automatle repeat sillier; particu lars sn.l samples frae. Luxor Pen Mfg. CO., Amory Bt., .lsmalc Plain, Mssa. A'lKNTM Hlg' money maker, 100 per cent profit, (let territory now. For Information address K LlO, Hee. Agents Wanted - 270Cumlngt;. upstsjrs HELP WANTED FEMALE " Ntorra soil tlfflei-s. HiiOKKKPKH snd" typist (xp). Hteno and bookkeeper Itle tunhot.a onr. Two atano. and multlgrsph Muitlgratih and typist ,,. D it V exfl tvnlet CO-OPBKAT1VI0 RKPKHKNCK CO, 101 6-1S Olty Nst'l Hk. WKsn "always pisee" ''miptfnt"steiiog. raphers and bookkeepers. Mi MLI.VJ FKK. Only 10 cent! to investigate rul- THJMARTI CO., 1227 W, . W. Hldg, BTKNO. snd "dlciaphons operaior, $76; atano.. 140 : offb a ciera, o. i . " operator, $! otflce clerk, 122.60 per m. wi la Kef Co.. 140 Hrsnd Thea, alts Kef. Professions Biil'rde. VaTTdKVILLK actresses, chorus glrla; amateurs considered; ststs telephone. L ICS. lice, . WANTF.D 'ilrls in "flat work dept. Apply Kvans Model Laundry, llth and Douglas. WANTKD Toting girl to assist with house w,rk and children. llarney4022. LKARN hoirdtessing at The Opprnueim. Ilvasrbol.1 suit iueslla. WAN7! Kti Whlla slrl for general house work: must be good cook; t In family; no, wsabing. Mrs, 'lien C, w nsrton, 4 n. 7th. Harney 2a. , , I HA VK "a" nicely furnished apartment to exchange for work; man and wife pre ferred. Call fit Park, Ave., or phone Harney 176. WANTKD Middle-aged woman to care for Invalid and help with housework. Ref erences. For parllculars call Webstar2Sl. COMPETKNT "cook and laundress who can go home nights; reference re quired. Harney Hl , ii, a we . i'L- 1 1 r i f.,V aanaral housework; foreigner preferred, l.Binsky, 713 N, 20th Ht Jta 4761, COMPETKNT girl for general housework; small family. Phone Harney i04. 1020 H. :6ih Ave. EXPKHIFNCKH whl"ie girl for g'""' housework and laundry; small family. Harney 63 WANTED foung girl to assist with house work. Oood home, easy place. Phone Her- lly 2S76. WANTKD ood girl for genersl houss worli, no washing. Wsl. 227!, 4241 Far nam Ht. , WANTKD Young gfrl lo care for baby. 10 a in. to p. m. Mrs. Frank Eustls. H. li4. WANTKD A white" girl for general housework. 404 M. Mlh Ave. Harney 1 A WA'NTB'D lleusekeeper;" five in family ; $6 par week. 2633 Avenue II, J o. Hluffs, WANTKDA competent girl, I wo In fam ily. Ijm H. 32d Ave.lfarney 717. WAN"f Kt Kxparieiiced ,nurs girl. 133 8. 3lh St. Tele.hnnellarney . WANTFD Hri "tor f general" housework. Walnut 302. MIS vteoe.or Hnteia ami Reslauranta. WANTKI' F.xpsrlenced waitress. Calrmont Inn, AC'S 612 17th. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL, BOY LeW COLLKGE, NIOHT HCIIOOL. Kvery dnv Is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotipe, Type writing. Telegraphy, Civil Service-all Commercial and Kngllsh branches. Cat- "oguB 'ho'ylkh COLLKOK. Ikth and Harney Hts. Tel. Douglas IMS. "TILE" VAN" SANT SCHOOL 8TKNOURA PHY- HOOK K KKPING. Hay Bchool for Young Women, Kvening School for Voung Men and Women. , , . ... Saturday morning class in typewriting lone C Puffy, Owner and Manaitsr. 8. lih St. 4jmha. JlARP-Summer term offsr to student beginning April i.V. Harpg f urn shed. 6 Lyric HWIg. Irtta uelsjne Studio. PERSONAL PILES, nSTUt-A CURED Or, B. R. Tgrrj eurag piles, flituig ad other relal glseag. altboi.t lurgu a operatioa. Cur U4raate4 and aa 01 easy paid salll lured, WrH for og r- tat dUwassa ailh (ailmoatla OR, kV R, TAMii. iJ U 'Jg. i uiarta, Na tut AU . i-Bl !'! I """ . . am 1 . 1 is. I lo oil lie I . n a 1 t ''..i " nil"', punii Mb 1 tith pi, a .-i x. ox. Jl e , - . . . j sill B .I,, v '.a I 1 ' .4 1 . t - ".Ii I log 1 -a bb ,.iIhiBIm 441' ! I. s f,,,r ,s ,i- n,, is. bib g'.idB el On I hi '.!. . i'HS ... gi. n A'.m l ,eit vl . ,..B t I . b ,u cid ,1 ii'lag, ""..l. 1 b nog a.n... Wa ... . 1 We J'l I L 4 U.M Issualag 4i"i'. end w'4 ; l'.. '( Bo l IOb.- 4 Vol 6ts I, , 11. ,l I -4.B lit x 1 1 is a -11IMM ,. ,4 Alt , . , . 1 ' , 14, i t .1 '4B I ' I I' , f , , 4 l ' t. .......,.- . B B M , . 1 . .- . i B f '' I " ' . If I ! I 'P I ' lit ."'' Iieaiexij (tl'l i I Hit b,,,....i a e-.. 4 ! iiiia. 4 4 t $ o' ) tArai Ai Vl.l.ot I I. ' 0 00 66.00 16.00 ,. 140-176 00 60.00 60.00 HFNKTTA M. HKCGMAN. sclentlfie ''i-r-.- .-i .H.,.!,, Prnf. Yhnell s school Swedish 1h ; bs. "team ana shower. a Kui'bachHl.iL5l4-'5; . itiiri-BTHK Vniir" nronerty as though you believed Its aale or rental to be Impor lain, vj i""B - , , . 4 ,, ii,,t,i House, Home and Heal Lstale Luld a... I.., b..,inn It tint ah in lii ' THKHKK. , EARN bill" money, be a photographer, easy to learn; complete ''ourae, $-J. Kmory School of photography, 12 N. K,th St. Phone JTyler 243 TO look' our best call at our Haauty fhop. Omaha'a superb hair dreaalng and treat ment parlors; prices very reasonable. Indu Kosinetle Shop, 319-20 Rose Hldg. DHr "JO 1 1 NSTdN, '"Chlroprto, u W, 0, W. Hldg. Douglas 6.2. 8outa SldeofflceJ:4u7N8tJouth4)l", , Wt-rinag a specialty of "stout women g and surgical cors ds. NC-HONK Corset Shop, UratidelaJThea, Ubby.Jmm:jtm.ii FlFTYfaalminabIe"pt'iii"ied Tlncn calling ' cards, lie; 100. 2!,o, Modem Card Co., 2S..1 8. Lincoln St.. Denver. Colo. M AHSA'IK AND "EI.KijTRIp BATHS, chiropody. Mioses Gray rnd llend, !' 214 Rnlrd RIk., 17th and Douglas.J . 3jt-' Ih"".;LLA WKiaTKr"i'iiaseuae;.' M Paxton Hlk., 10 . m.to 8 p m.D. J227, JIIMH" WIL.SOS-Hniha and "manicuring; No, i DavblgeHII -. phone iiokiu. s7' l. PRIV'ATK honie "for malertilly cases. Hnbleg sdopted. ''olftx 2ii42. 44tS N.3.Mh. CII li.lJHK.N to board "and cars for." ISi$ Harney St.. upsinlrs. Phoiia Doug. .7797. Till EL'M ATI8M "trealeiT'giicreasfuily: re sults guarnnt'd. Dr. Howser, 214 Ree Rldg. M IH8 IIA LLOR AN? 8CI KNT'l I'TC l A8- H A O F, WK' -1 nN KVILI ,K R UK K "kjCH'i.NTiriC masse g "a tiea Uidg. pl-n Dougl-t 6372. FOR RENT ROOMS Fornlshrd lloonia. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTER: if yoi on fall to rma tne room you desire among tnese ana, can des at l no H' e oiiico inr n.j.ui i.iAfc gives complete detailed degctip lion of vacant rooms in all part of the city. If more convenient phone The He Want. Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once, Nr ,hU ai Issued every week. UKAl TIFl'Ll.Y furnisiisd. very Urge rooms; private bath snd porch; wltft good board, If desired, private tsble. Phone Harney ITM. "ia PA RK A VI';. I' urnlehcd" room with privalo bath, south and east exposure, soluble for a gentleman. Phone, Har ney Isi... . , $"i)'CRNIHiriCD "ro(7ms""for UghT house Itieplng at & leaven worth Ht, over office. Jl per weeit. phone Dougloi ; 9k,. 111' NO, 2tTH-Terve-room"" flat newly fiirnlflhcd end dworalcl; strictly mod ern; sleeping roomg "' , TIIKKK lib clv f iirnished" rooms; good location; closo in; very rcasonabla. 2H N. 2Mb St. , N!i'i;i,Y furnished" room, private home; walking distance. 1020 , 23d. Tyler r,-w, OLF.A, pliiiaant room mouern . ooaro tf desired; in private family. Har. 3.l4. board NP'i; large room with sleeping porch; also two larga front roofos. Phone J.oug.jOO' PINKNKY. 'alr 2 f urnbitied rooms, gen tlemen preferred. Webster 1C. NH'KLY ""furnished south roonui, modern) walking distance. 101 8. it lilt. . TWO b.outlfni (root rooms, close In, for couple or two girls. Tyler 27W. 2517 Dot'CI.AH Nice cool front room, suit able for two gentlemen. Doug, tis3. FRONT room at " ltn and Farniim, ver reasonsble. Call Douglas 76L NH'KLY furnished room in West Parnam district; boat lfdealred. Harneyl37o. 2)24 HOl.'OLAM HT New flit nicely" fura nlshed; cool rooum; plenty ef hot watetj NTCBI.Y furnished room, middle aged psr- sons. )I0 S. 17th. Webster 6200. 2l "FAKNAM Nlceiy furnished roomT private family; deslraWeloeation, 2,I4 HKWF.Y AVK, newly" furnished room; modern flat; 'j,lntyhotwoier. , NlCELYfiirnisiied room, wloao In; au modern. Ml 8, 22 St; 31 c.AHiT'iL AVK Houth front reom with kitchen. Doug, 4137. N"icBsnuih room, well furnlsb.il Red 142. 2243 Howard. . 324 n'."26TH BT -Parlor and"two sleeping rooms Tyler 76. r NKWf.f furnlshed rooiiis, rant reasonable. 1402 No, 26th HI. . llouarkeeplna- llooms, ThKN?RToN, M"rl."jth, ,Newly7ur- plshed two-room spsrtmeiu wi.n eo'...-n-ctle snd psntry; every convenience snd complete for housekeeping. JtefBisnces. Harney 160. l' OK 4 furnished modern llght-housekeap-Ing rooms, 2510 Jsvenport Ht. Host rooms In illy for money. Phone Had H 2009 Harney -I ""Ice large room for house keeping: all newly furnished; also slasp Ing rooms. Harney 330 H " 27TH, 809Two " cozy, light baaeniani rooms furnished; gas range; sltik 2112 I'AHH Newly ""papered front house keeping rooms, with kitchenette; Davenp.irtr 2o2l-Outside 2-r. apt., refrlg., elec. It., ga raiigeklleh. cab. (3.B0 up. 13k H. 18th 3 .r 6 houaekeei.lng rooms cheap. Csll or phoneIi. 6191, rARNAM, "23.Nlce front rooms, ga' ratigo electricity. Price right, jiof. 8. :iith St. 4 roo"ms for housekeeping, (10. Phon eT y lr2 1M) J . Board and Boom. NTcKr"cTean front room, good board"", suit able for 3 young men or man and wifs; also slnglB room; home cooking, tine lo cation. Phone Websler 6971. GOOU German cooking, clean beda. for $5 00 per week, tor respectable workers Chil dren cared for and boarded for $3 00 per week. JJCJ Leavenworth Ht. LLKOANTLY furnished room, modem bun galow; four windows. 1 south, 1 east; with board, on ar line. Webster 196. FI'llMHIIKU " rooms, with or without board' modern and private home; rs soi.Kl.le. 643 H. 2lh Ave. R.-d 4:. TO ANYONK who wouln appreciate a tiond lintiie nnd board lu private family, Walnut 2477. liool) room end bard, private family, for' Iwo men. Uuforence required, Tslephnne l'-64. . .... J6S2 HT MAHT'g Ave, board snd r.uo, Jl 1.0 snd la 00 per wek. H sl i f service Hooiii Wanted. YOI'" PKi'Pl.l-; WHO RKNT RrMlM'li." CALL TIIK RK F. WANT AD I'EPT and find out all about the Ft ' UN ISII FJ ROOM liril'K Its a plan nisi 1 helping many people rent their roomi I wf wrulstietl Ix.iiMiia. ,(l"g 2: til l.nfuinished ho.iBk.-e.iiif rnotna. sing's or en tone Mather 7l. 4 p.ooM apt , g and toltel, I 1 , 4 room act. x 3 r..o.... p. I0...S t - J. FOR RENT FURNISHED ApartmrnU anJ tlnusxx A part menla, " aPl.l NI'll'. Nt' W' H IIMSIILU, TiAi:UT0N I HO FIHH'P t I II AND I x l ' "Cltr t lining t-l - -1 la nf IV 1 lls'BI A , J. lo.- (. t IB .'!,,; tr',.'' B I pd fc t b 'i.-i pii.g, n- i '..' b a. .it otiif U- T H V '! fin oS TO. l e I V' IlBOW. I 1 jcnn ) x, 1 t f'.i .,1. i., A ap-irioi. '. tt-l t 41 11 IOI dl' I 1 r t I lloaara. .4 x - .. l ' - iii x. a HOTELS Hi ( t' i i, - Mo I,. I ' t''.-n 1 1 . B 1 a 1 , ., . 1 '''T ' '" . Ut OMl... M O t I . ' 1 k Ii i . 1, 1 , t 'raa. .'-o. I I ii..-b.x Bt- 4 -. I a J ,,4 1 I y