Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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Choice Beeves Bring Good Price and
Show Quarter Advance Over a
Week Ago.
Omaha. May It. ltll
Cattle. Hor. Sheep.
... 1.127 7.154 1MI u.tts 4.1:0
4.141 11.71 1.107
8,974 7, Oft 4.141
700 1.(00 1.10
Heeelnta ware
Official Monday ..
Official Tuesday ..
Offlrlal Wedneaday
Official Thuraday..
Estimate Friday...
?Flve daye this week. II. 11 47.114 11.1114
ama daye last waak.. 11.711 4t,l 11.144
ama daya 9 wki. ago.17.2M 44.141 11.131
ttama days I whs. ar ai.VU M.I3I 34 47
Kama days 4 wka. am il (II 11,111 42.237
Uema daya laat year.. 11.131 H,ll 12,201
Ths following tabl show tha rerelpte
ef csttle hogs and ahaap at (ha South
Omaha llva stock markat for lha yaar to
nam aa compared witn laat yaar:
lilt 111! Inc. Pan
Cattla 4M.72I 410, 1T 44,441
loge 1,601, OKI 1.141,114 111.141
Hheap 12.4'I2 110,477 17, IH
Tha following labia annua tha average
prlc.a of hna at tha Omaha lira
inarasi tor tha laat faw daya. with com
- fata.
May I .
' May I..
iiisy a..
1 May ..
t May ...
Way 7..
, Way ..
May 1,
' m I A
Jiy II,
May 11
May 12
Xay 14
May It
May 14
-toy 17
Mny 11
1 1 1 . 1 1 II . 1 1 1 1 4 . 1 1 1 1 ,Jl 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1T
1 11 7" 10 r 17" I II t'mTT 1
H I II I 11 7 12 I 74
47 Mi 7 II 1 10 7 41 I tl
Ills T 14 I 14 7 II I 12
IftVk T la I 17 I IK I tl
I Mil T II I 21 I 21 T 44 i II
7 14 I 24 114 I II
t 1H 7 21 I II I 10 7 M I Tl
ll I II I in T tl HI
tl 7 14 I 24 7 M I 71
I tl 7 14 I It 7 44 I 11
tlH I II I II 114 i
I II T 12 I II I It T 44 t 17
7 42 I It I 22 T III
TlH T 41 111 I 22 T ID I
I tO I il I it 1 II I It
I tl 7 II I It 7 42 t It
t 704,j T ) 2i t j b 71
Receipts and disposition of llva stock at
lha I'nlon Hum k Ysrris, Omaha, for twenty-
ruin hours arming yraierday:
Cattla. Hogs. Mheep. II n
r , M. 4 Ht. P 4
Missouri Pacific .... I
I nloti Pacific I 22 I
: V N -W , esst 2 I
'. N W., west 21
c. Ht. P.. M O . 1 t
I' . ft. (J,, east ... 1 2
'.. B (J., west t 24 1 1
' , H. 1 P , east .... 1
K. 1. P.. want.. .. 1
Illinois Central I
t hltsgn j, hii. ..... l
Total reraipts ... 27 12 4 1
Csttle. Iloii Sheep
Morris fn Ill i
Hwift and Company 2l t.27
i udxhy Packing Company 4 1240
Armour It I n ,. HI ,r,(i;
H'huarll A Co 4Z
.1 W Murphy 113
Lincoln packing Co...... 2 ....
'udshy. from K. C 17 ....
I". H. Lewis ,,,, Jt
I., r. Hum in ,,,,
w erthelmer li-gen I ....
II r. Hamilton
Mo A Ksnsea Calf Co 12 ....
iliggma j i
Huffman I ....
H ot h , , , j
Julio Hsrvay 24 ,,,,
Other huyrrs Ill
Totala dm MIS 1,131
ATTt.B Aa tiaual on a Friday, lha run
t cattla waa vary light and tha markat. pre-a-ntm
no new (eaturna. nracllcallv every
thing offered being absorbed readily at fully
s-itu (iriraa i oinuaren witn a vn ag,
lha fat cattla markat ahowad about 1(9
26o advance, Imrjrnvaruant balng largaly on
tha good to rholca havy baavaa and daalr
abla yaarllnga. Mdluin and common cattla,
aapaclally ttia llahtar arada hava h,an
rathar alow aala for a day or two and ara
noi aamng ao vary much natlar than lhay
wara toward tha cloaa of laat waak. Chnlco
haevra. both hoavy and light, ara quotod
aa high aa It 7 li, whlla tha bulk of tha fair
to goon ataara. walanina around 1.000 In
1 Mt) pounda. ara aalllng at a apraad of
Diiip ma Bitnmm tu lair klttda going
anywbara from It. 00 to It 00.
Quotations an rattls: Hood to rholra
yaarllnga, 9 2lfil.70. good to rbolra
baavaa, t IbiUt ,i: fair to good baavaa
I0t(l30: oommon to fair baavaa. 4.00
48 04 i good to rhnlra halfara, 17, !) . OH;
good to eholca cows,; fair lo
good rows. It S0fl7,l0j common to fair
rows 14. tout 60: good to ( holca faadnra
17 tO0I.IO;fatr to good faadara, 17 107 10
common to fair faadors, 4 7tj7 t0; good
to eholca atockara. 7.76l. 26; stock half-
.. 7 KIM . q.. t. . It.
stock ealvaa, 17.00100: vaal calvna, t.00
tjii.tu; puna, a'ags, ate. It.oosj l.oo.
No, At. Pr. No. At. Pr.
14 ttl 7 70 10...... til to
11 1014 t 10 23 1 100 t SO
24 12)1 t It to 1111 II
I lOtl 7 71 i.31 til I (0
II toi I to 14...... Ill I 71
20 100 It 44 ; 7lf I 44
11 171 I ft 1 HID 10 01
1 II T It 1 1141
HOOfl Rrcalpts wara tha amallaat aa
far thla waak, arrivals baing aatlmaled at
only nlnaty-two rars, or 1,100 haad. Tha
flva days' total of 47,114 haad la 7, (,00
larger than laat waak, but la slightly
smaller than two weeks ago and a falling
off of 11,000 haad as compared with tha
corresponding period a year ago.
Packata were Inclined to hold hack a
llttla at tha start, but moat of them aoon
followed lha ahlpper lead, and It was not
long to-fore trade waa moving along at a
fairly lively clip, prices being In moat In
aiancea a flat 10c better than Thursday.
Moil of lha hoga wara cleaned up In good
Tha Mg end of lha sales was made at
IStift'fltlS, wllh a aprlnkllng of light atuff
el IIHO and under, and a few anlea aa
high u H 15, tha top. Today advance
leavea prl-ea 10n above tha cloaa of laat
H'o-k. and taka valucti back almost lo
where they were at th high lima Men
duy. when tha bulk sold at l0'a n. and
th lop reached to, tha highest prlcce
ptild in nearly alx years.
o. Av. Hh, Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
M .i'H 2'0 9 ,o ; . . 204 200 n no
f i .?( HO t HT, 74.. 197 200 t (17H
f'l .lf ... 70 Tt. Jl'O 40 7Jt
H 2J4 40 I t.t 71 . .241 10 I 10
! 1 , l5 ... t 15
PHKF.P -The lamb run waa a verv
'ni affsir, for. Including drive Ina, onlv
an car, or sOout l, too hesd srrlvert, snd
ih chota houe" caiimatM v,mn fnur cars, or
1 1 to had Thla week'a tolal la 21.204
l"-M.1, tia aaalttfl It lust week. iH.tlilO
i wn ego and 13J a er aao
, A new hiKh mark for the ?biton was set
when a bunch of nlxty five louind clipped
l.toioe that u-,-re rmllilng culra aa to fin
lh. ,0il el 1 ) u. T f. Thla flguta e.iuale lha
re.ord e-tbllalt.-,l In June ar year. tlo,d
hofh e!g,u H"ol at 110 Sc o lo Rnd a
(hi -e inr 'tit it choice nlpet v - four I'dilnd
'S looiKlil Do V- Aa tompored with the
ii. ill Inel acli. current prlcra fir clip.
I cil Umla are In no rna leaa than 3'ic, and
lo no,.t Inwtanie 40 (jfrOc higher. U noled
iemii.., t't hl'll ot!ly a few have been of.
f.-lr-t, 1,,'nred a ipMrlcr (iplurii the flint
I 4 ' flhV'S Of the Wrrk. loll elme then h.v,
! .n- no m-ira hohl their own ll li.k
IJicuali s"'Ol Ihe Im at if (he 4ihI kkli,,.
I -1 l,w.-n a.-cn fi,r tltU acaeuli oh.
l .-olo, ioIiI atad nu,l i.f 1 1( a eek. loll
eli., I IMHe rwlcr'i on the clou
Nit .. .1 h"-p w-r., ..ffcted t..,t.y I'aee
Y.i'.p tlioan a , ii i ' ei i j virongef ton nil
v K noU ate t W'aihi abiut i: atiuve a
w . H I, a ,i
It ' i II s r, H- -T hB run of horea at Hr.tiih
in,il I li Ual tieli was (nlrlt literal
'hi. en i,f the imi, hut !Henit l..r it.
"e , i. , .. f i hroa-l ao.t , i .
Mina an i.flr i er.-t rr,H:. ,iui-a afn
i " ' .horting up lo an. .A' Itliitl.,'. n.
. i i t' ltr in i't". g a re.
e i". t .o. fi au a'ouii.1 bvtOi u: s!..
. .. o u.i a , , a
n nnep and la'ote ia.t
e h it, l 1 1 .' I n ' 1 i . In e
r,,, In g . t e. I I I .' . ; !ii hi
it r ta . h..i. la ."i It, ii.,
ill'l: l.e.l I .-, Unit
I Im.n I u I 'an, ha
I'H'IHK, a ... . (,,, . ,,,.. ,
I '.)'! "t . V fill ,i V ,
i. m 4) I J l-.e.n f ir li i t .
I . a ' - I t i h i- ti.ta
t ,. .... .. g.,-4. i il U, ....
ii'l h!'(io
H y fH a.i't
ij i ' . r
i l.i i
. ' 1
HHti IM I H MtltKiT
atn IW, itai Mt a4 awi
tea l
.s l i mr p.. ,,
t . a..t r, a., a ,a fr..t
i , It ; .- t til ,.,....., 1 1 , I ,
,.- !' ...
! ,4 ,.,. . I t ,
it I......'. 1 ' fc.. 1 ,.,, I
" . ' I ' , I ' 1 i I. M . .1 . , .,, j
I ' " a ' . . ,,- . a i . . i i
i ' . a.. . , i . a , i , . ,, . I
I' i a- 1 i'u - . I
c , ! H . i P t 1 t . - t . I
' - ''. ... ,4 ,
ii-a 1 1 'i , v i ., 44
twit 1 1. a ai.k Matkat
"i' I
a.,i k. i.i a . I . ....
. M k,.t. . iiui,,
tl" a . i
atockera and feedcra, 17; bulls. 11.00
tf77f; calvca. I M ) 1 00.
HOU8 Hecalpta, I. ion head: market
higher; bulk of aalea. 9 70fl9.tS; heavv.
MtlffttO; packers and butchers. It .76$'
I 90; light. 19 f0ll5; rlg. I4.7MJI SO.
KHEEl'-Receipts. 2 lion head: market
steady; lamba. 110 OOiff 13 BO ; yaarllnga.
IIOOni26i wethers IS.SSit I.7S; ewes,
ht. Louis Ut Htock Market.
8t. I,oula. Mo. May It. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 1,400 head: native beef steers, 17 60
V 10 26; yearling atars and helfera, 4 ;.0
75 ; cows. 7.00H't.2l; Blockers and food
ers, 16.601.60; Hexsa and Oklahnma steers,
I6.76'&1.S; cows and helfera. ,'i ml 'fl H on ;
irlma yearling steera and hclft-ra, IS ?.', o
HOOP) Receipts, t.600 head; market
higher; piss and lights. 17.60 t tn: mixed
and butchera, l! 76ti 10 00; gnud heavy,
l tl 10 06; bulk of .!-., 9 71f9tB
8HEKP AND l.A M US Recelpta. 2,200
hesd; mnrket strong; wethera, 17,0049.00;
lamba, 1 1 0 I o I z 00 ; clipped ewea, IT 60
I 76; clipped lambs, .0u t( 1 1.1 0; aprlng
lambs, 110.00$ 14.00.
Hloiu City Llva Stock Mr-t.
Rloug City, la, May 1 !. CATTLE Re.
celnta. 700 head; market strong , native,
M fi5l t0; rows and heifers. 14.60iJilOO.
H(it;sll,,ri!,pl,, f jno head; market to
to lOn higher; heavy, UTOjfttO; mixed,
I9 40WI 70; light, J.66ftl.0; bulk of aalea.
Coffee Markat,
New Tork, May 19 COFFEK While
there was enough realising to cauee aome Ir
regularity In the market, f unties here today
made high reenrrta for the aeaann and
clnaed wlihln a point or two of tha heat. At
llmea. Indeed, demand aeamed to bo broad
ening and after opening at an advance of 4
to t polnia. acllve months sold about 7 to
10 pnlnla net higher on renewed aupport
from bullish trade Inlereais and scattered
buying, which waa promoted by lha con
tinued strength of Hrall, reports of a
allghtly hotter demand for spot, and con
tinued talk of bettor peace prospects. Hep.
tember sold at I t7o and March at 1.14c,
with tha market clnalng at a net advance of
2 to ft points for Iho dav. Kales, ao ono
baga; May, 46c; .lune, 9c; July. 172c;
Augllat, 1,79c; Heptemher, s 16c; October.
I.tto; Ntivember, 19.1c; Itecelnhar, line;
Tanuary, 9 02c; February. I our; Mari-h.
tile; April, I 17c, Hpol nnffce, ateady; Hlo
7s, tfac; Hantos 4s, 10,-. It waa reported
thai there had been aalea of bags III
the spot market here late yealord.y. No
uuotatlona were mentioned In connection
with coat snd freight offerings from Hrexll,
but ahlppers were ld lo be verv firm In
Iheir views. The official cshles reported an
advenes of loo reis si Hsntos snd of 2-22d
In Hlo exchange on London, The Rio mar
kat was unchanged. Hantos cleared 11.000
bags for New York.
Omaha Hay Market,
Omaha. May It. 1'HAIhlK HAT Choice
upland, none here, 1 1.00'ft, 1 1 60, N'o. I, none
here. 14 000 10 00, No. 2. l7 0Of;0O; No. 1.
I4O0U7OO. fhotca midland, nona here.
10 60111100; No. 1. 19 603 10 00; No. 2,
7 O0BI.O0; No. 2. ,4 00117 00 Choice low.
land, nona here, I 60 O 1 0 00 ; No 1, 00ft
1. 00: No 2, 14. 000ft. 00; No. 1, I4.0O4J4O0.
BTRAW -Nona on tha market. Choice
oat or rye. 14,006.60.
ALFALFA None on the markst Choice
alfalfa, 1 1 3 0" J 1 4 00 ; No. 1. 11100911.00
No 2, ItAOQiooo. No demand for No. 2.
It Is quotable, however, a 14 001 00.
fulton Market,
New Trk. Mav It COTTON Bpot,
quiet, niMdllng uplsnds, 13.20c; sataa,
1,000 bales.
The cotton market cloaed atesdy st a net
loss of I lo 1 1 points for tha day.
Futures opened stesdy; May, 1104c;
July, 11.22c; fh lobar, 12 27c: feemhar,
llijc; January, 1147c; March, 1140c.
Futures closed steady; May. 12 0f,o; July,
11 I7cr October, 11.21c, Detember, 1136c.
January, 12.21c.
Oil and Rosin,
SAVANNA If, t!a., May It TI'RPEN
TLVK llsrket stesdy, 28.-; sal.-s, 100 bbls, i
recelpta. 221 bbls; shipments, 172 bbls,;
stock. 1.046 bbls.
ROHIN .Firm; sales. 1.044 bbls ; receipts.
4"4 bbls ; shipments. 244 bbls : stock, 66,16
bbls Quotations: A, . 14 26; C, ll. 14 80;
r F, 14 26; O, 14 46; H, 1. 14 66; K. 14 40;
M, 14 70; N, 16 00; Wi. 16.20; WW, 16 60.
nurar Market,
New Tork. May 19 SIJUAR Raw.
OUlel; centrifugal, t-40c; molanaca, l.ti.1c;
refined, aleiidy; fine granulelcd, 7 4 6c. In
the market for auger futures considerable
liquidation by coinitilaalon houaes waa offset
by an active demand from trede Interests.
At noon prices war unchanged to 2
points higher.
Ht, fouls drain Marks.
It. Louis, May 1 9. WHKAT No. 2 red,; No 2 hard, 11.1201.12; May,
ll 07 ; July, 1 01.
COHN No 2, 74c; No. 2 white, 74 H 0
76c; May, 7241c; July. 72S72Hc.
OATS ,No. 2, 43c; No. 2 while, nominal.
Cash Wheat .is Very Weak and the
Prices Range from Three to
Five Cents Lower.
Omaha. May 11. lilt.
Cash wheat waa very , weak today and
ranged from 2 to t eenta lower. The de
mand for tha I and 4 arlettea waa very
poor, hut there waa a fair milling demand
for the helter graflee.
The demand for com waa not very ac.
live, but the recelpta were very light and
the market ruled ateady to a cent lower.
The oata market waa also quiet and
ranged from rent to 1 ccnl lower oa'a
recelpta were nlan very light and the da.
mam! for thla cereal waa not very active.
Kye and barley were quoted unchanged,
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to huehela; coin, 216,000 bushels,
on Is. 610,000 bushels
Liverpool close: Wheat, 10 3d lower;
corn, fx ffl Id lower.
Primary wheat recelpta were 171,000
buehela and shipments. 4M,0uo bushels,
sgalust receipts of 64,000 bushels and
shipments of 730,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn recelpta wera 340,000
bushels and ahlpments, 144,000 bushels,
sgslnst receipts of 426.000 bushels snd
shipments of tist.OOO bushels last yesr.
I'rtmsry oats receipts were 794.000
hueheia and ahlpmenta. 122,000 biiahela,
against receipts of 494,000 bushels snd
shipments of 904,000 bushels laat yaar.
niicAfio CiR aim Axn rnovtMONs
I, ill, li h
( 'maha
Kansaa City
PI. Louis....
These sales
, . 10
,. J4
. 101
. ill
,. II
, . l
Wheat; No 2 hard winter: 2 csra. 1107,
1 car, l 06V,; 1 car. 1106. No. 1 hard
winter 4 rars, ll.tlta. 4 csra, 'II OS; I
cure. Ml2i, . 4 tare. 1102: 1 car. 11.01; 2
cars, One No 4 hard winter: 2 cara, l 00;
8 cara, tie; 1 car, tc, t cara. ttc; 1 car,
97c; ) car. ttc; j rare. 16c; 1 car. 14c, 1
rare, 94c. No. 2 durum. 1 cars. II 0.1, No
2 durum: I car, 11.02. No 1 mixed. 1 car
(clinlra), l 01 No. 4 mixed; 1 car, 92c.
torn: No 2 yellow: 1 car, 71c; 2 cars.
70c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, t,c No. I
mixed: 1 car. 71c, No. 1 mixed, 2 cars.
70c No. 4 mixed; 1 cat, ttc
Oats: Htsn.tard: 1 car, 4Ho. No I
white: 4 caia, 41c; 1 car, 40Uj. No. 4
while; 1 car, 4014c. Sample while, I cars.
Omsha Cash Price--Wheat: fin. I hard,
11 04107; No I hard. Icj10i; No 4
hard, t.'loglloo; No. 1 aprlng, 11611111:
No I spring, 11 .Ol'tfl .06, No 1 durum, ll 03
Ul 04; No 1 durum, t 011 01 Corn: No
2 whits. 70i,t7Oc; No 2 white,
70c; No 4 while, 7 W Q Vxo : No. 6
white, 7J4lc; No. 4 white, 46 Uj $44 n;
No, 2 yellow, 71071: No. I yellow, 7OV6 0
71c: No 4 yellow, t370Vto; No, 6 yellow,
47S64kc; No. t yellow. 470490: No 1
mixed, 7Ot,071o; No. I mixed. ttVt,70Wo;
No, 4 mixed, t7 VI ff 6t4o; No. t mixed, 17
9c; No. 4 mixed. 4 44 Ujfl. Oats: No.
2 while, 4IV42c; standard. 41 it 41 Vo; No
2 whlta, 40(,S41n, No 4 white, 40$40Ue
Itsrlev: Mailing, I4fl7n: No. 1 feed. 660
1,4c, Rye: No, 1, tfffttc; No. I. l60H7c.
Chicago cloalhg prlcea, fitrnlshed Tha
flee by Logan AV Ftryan. stock and grain
brokers. 116 Houih 14ih 81, omsha:
Art. J Open High J LowCloaa. Jasi'r
Wh t J I
Msy 1 Tin 7l2V 110 I 11 "Tilt
1 11 vt
July 1 12 1 12 Vi 1 II 1 li I 124
1 12V,
Hept 1 12 1 114, 1 lilt 1 12V, 1 114,
ivtrn - - j " f "
Mny'T Tit 76 74 V.I TlV 74 4"
July TIV,, 74 7JV T2 72'
Kent 7IHV. 71V, 7lgl 71V,I 71V,
"'S J J I
May I 46'4 46'41 44V 41 T 4IV
July l:J'i 424, 4144 42 42 V.
Hepl I 29. il 'Sl29V, 194,1 2ts
Pora ';"" ' I T " T 1
May 124 16 124 It ,24
.lillv 123 46 i23 70 21
rlept :Z2I6 !22 47VJ 22
Lard ' " "T l'
It 24 11 124 00
40 22 40 22 67 '4
10 111 87'VJJ 27',
ii oo
ii oo
Lard 1 1
May'lTipjo ill 00 11 00 "ll 00 fl 10
July 12 97V11 00 12 10 II 00 11 10
Hepl lit 07HII1 12 It 00 11 11V ll 0
Kill, I I
May 1. mi li no li so
July 12 I24 12 S7', 12 60
cpt 12 fi't, 12 I7V,i)2 to ,
11 to Till!
12 17V, 12 12V,
12 97i)2 92V,
I'hone Toar Want Arlg to The Bo.
FeHtiirea of tha Trading and ( losing Prlcea
on Hoard of Trade.
Chicago. May 11 Wheat value auc
eumhed further today to the Influence of
current suggestion of peace. Largely In
conaequence Ihe cloaa, although unaettled
waa So to lVu net lower, with July at
II 12VS and September at tl I24j 0 1 124..
Corn finished v,c to s f v,c down, oats off
V,c to c, snd provisions up 2V,c to 16c.
First trades In wheel were at material
declines and except during a br!f period
soon afterward the advantage Ihroliahout
Ihe session remained wllh the bears Kalllea
were numerous, but barring the alngle ln
slailce noted appcured lo be due i hlefly
10 profit taking by shorts The one devia
tion rewulleil In Hie main from Kansaa dla
patches telling of numerous fields having
become a total lose on account of damage bv
Ileitsiiin fly. Hume additional purchasing at
this time wii doubtless owing lo repnrla of
H Ihi k of rain In southern hJ'tisas. n Hlo
cfisulug uptuili, boeever. selling presaure
waa reiliiuhietl, and the market sank lower
than bctore the mlnltiiiim level of tha day
being coincident with announcement that
tieriiisny would make no reply to tha lat
est note from UesblnK'on sod that appar
ently the submarine Issue was at an end.
Weak cables and favorable weather con
trlbuled In some measure to the discourage
ment of the wheat bulls.
Near spproach of the completion of
planting tended In eiisc off the corn mar
ket, lecllnea. however, w ero lo aome ex
tent overcome by aborts taking profile. Oata
aagved wllh other grain. Crop reporta wera
beartah. aava fur damage In Kattsss by
green bugs
Provisions aacended helped by an ad
vancs In the hog market. Lard especially
hs in demand.
Chlciigo Caall Prlcea -Wheat : No 2 red.
nominal. No- 2 red, ll.ov, No J hardl
II 12 V U 1 UVt : No 2 hard. I10l110
Corn No, 1 yellow. 76Vj'. No 4 yellow,
72Vx71c; No. 4 while. 52c oala: No J
while, 42fl44o, etamlard, IK'tfdiV. live
No, 2, !HVo. Harlev: lljllf Heeds: Tim .
olhy, 6,l0400; clover, 17 60V 16 00 Pro
visions. Pork, 122 00 21.16, lard, 112 06,
rlba, I2 60fpl 00
Chicago Caah Prices - Wheal No S red.
nominal, No 1 red. 10; No 2 hard.
II .12 '8 I.UV, ; No 8 hard. Iioxiio
Corn: No. 2 yellow. 76V,i; No 4 velluw.
72'iiiB7:ic; No 4 uhlte, 72c Oats' No I
while. 4if44c; aiandnrd, 41I4il,c llye.
No, 2. Vac Harley: a4igr. bee, Is: Tim
othy. 6,60a00. clover. 7,60(( Id. no Pro.
visions: Pork, 112 1018124 16, Isrd. 11106;
ribs, 112 6(1 8J 12 OO.
Quotations ot lha Day on Ihe Various
Commodities. e
New fork. May 14, FLO! in Rarely
WHEAT fpot market weak. No 1
durum, II 131; No. 2 hard, II 21; No I.
northern, Iiuluih. II 21, and No I, north
ero, Manitoba, 11 21, f o. b. New York
Futura. easy; m, 11.11
coit.v Hpol. steady; No. t yellow. 44 Ho,
C, I. f. New Vork.
OATH Hpol, eeslsr: slsndsrd. tlo.
HA V Firm: No I. l46l60i No I,
11 li V 110; No. 1. Il.jcffllio, shipping,
it t.."a 1 10
HOpH Steady; atsla, common to choice,
1111, UOlIc; Pacific coast. I9lt, lllJHn
HlPICrl - Finn; Ilogois, 2l'if34c; C entral
America, lie.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 7c;
seconds, tc
PROVIHlONtl Pork, firm: mess, 121 10
B24 00; family, 24.00a J4 00; short,
1-3 ,00a-2t .00. Ileef. flun; mess, 117 to 4
1100; family. 119 00 20 00. Lsrd, firm;
middle weal, 2 2612 36.
TALLOW - lliircly steady; clly, lOUo;
speclsl, 11c; riniiilry, I0)0c
KHij4-n,rtv: rerelpla, 24, 4.11 cases,
fresh gathered extras. 24V,26c; regular
packed firsts. 22W2Jtc; seconds, HHHr
f'HKKHK Firm, receipts. 3,024 bsxea,
Staie, held apectala, 1419'ac; fresh spe.
clsla, ltc; fresh, average fsncy, l7o;
Wisconsin twins, held, ISV,fflte.
POUI.'I Ht Llvs, firmer; broilers, 20O
26oi fowls, strong; turkeys, HW20o; oth
ers not. settled. Iresaed. strong; nn
chsnged; fowls, 17Vk22c; turkeys. Jtsc
EtKIH Stesdy; receipts. 24.Sa rases;
fresh gsthered extrss, 24V,(&26o; reguisr
packed firsts, 222V,c; aecuiidg, II it, 2 to.
CHEEBIt-rirm; recalpia, a. 021 bos. a
state, held apedals, llf lV,c: fresh spe
cials. 14c; fresh, average fancy, 7c;
Wisconsin twins, held, 16 iff He
POULTRY Live, firmer; broilers, 20
26cj fowls, strong; turkeys, ttflior; olh.
ers not settled. Dressed, strong; un
changed; fowla, 17Vk,2c; lurkaya. ilJ,Je.
Metal Market
New Tork. May 11. METALU Msd,
17.0ftTI6. Bpeller, dull; Eaat St. Loula de
livery, ltn asked. Copper, firm; electro
lytic, nesrby nomlnsl: August and later,
121 00ft 10 00. Tin, qulei; apot, 141 OOtf 60 00.
At Irfindon: Hpol copper, fiat; ftlturea,
(124; alactrolytlc, 1164. H,o n, (1(7 ta;
futures, n7 10s. Lead, ill 10s bpelter,
Broad and Excited Session Re
sembles Unrestrained Ones of
Some of Last Year.
New Tork. Msy It Today's hroad snd
excited msrket wss In lla superficial aspens
strongly reminiscent of the unrestrslned
sessions of the second and third quartera of
Usi e,ir with the aignlflcance. however,
lltat mails completely erllpsed "war btldgea"
aii'l other Insure of unknown value.
Heading wee again tha pivot around with
Hie enllie list revolved, aome ttiuea In be
wildering fashion Heading common
touched a new high quotation on lla fore,
noon rise of ' polnia to fl 04V falling
had In II 02 at midday, recovering to
l 01, Va, niiiiln yielding to II 01 and rlne
log at 11 02 The aecnnd preferred. In which
Hailing was negligible, also advanved Inio
new grounld at 62c, but cfoscd with a net
loss of IV at 47V.C.
There waa again an utter abaence of
news or atirface developnieiita by which
Heading could be tracked to a reaaonahle
rluelila Hon, Nevertheleea, the speculative
community and not a few of the conserva
tive element aeetned of tha opinion that
the long deferred and much discussed "Bog.
rogation" of Ihs company's seeds would be
other cnatera were naturally Influenced
bv Heading's Impresstvs strength, their
veins rsuglng from 1 in 2 points Vlrtuslly
all ralla Mere embraced In the rise, pscl
inlror Issues of no fixed clsss trailing slung
A sharp reaction at midday, which waa
etlrlhutrd to rnntliiuniia piollt taking, waa
followed bv belated covering In the later
dealings, when United Mlalea Hleel, Cup
pers and Marina were at their best Ad
vsntsges was tsken of this move lo In
dulge In further resllalng and ,1ust before
tile close a conald.rable part of the day's
general gstna was forfeited. Tolsl ssles
amounted in !.290,0f,0 shares, the largeat
oulpiil alnce laat Oclolier Heading, con
tributions lo Ilia day was about 210.000
Number of ssles snd Isadlng quotations
on slocks today were:
Hales High. I,ow Close
1.600 74 ' 71 Wit,
a. sen s7
1 200 41
11.700 72
I 00 100
l.onu in
I 00
11, i0
A m
A in
A pi
Am. He-t Pugar, ,
A merit ml Cs ii . . ,
Am. Csr 4 Found.
lcomollva ,
bint it Hef.,
Hogsr Refin..
Tel. AV Tel...
7, . I, AM..
Anaconda t'rippar....
A tchtson ,
Maid. Loeomotlva.
Hal Ohio
Hrook. ftsp Tr..
Itutis AV Huperlor. . ,
Calif, Petroleum
Canadian Paclflo .
Central Leather
Cliaa. Ohio
I hi , Mil 4Y Ht. P..
Chi. A N. W
t hi , r i. av p..,
Chlno Cooper
coin. Fuel A Iron..
Corn Products Raf.
Crucible Hleel ,,,,
Planners' Heour..
64 61V,
404, 40
704 70V,
II 99
I IIS 112
1.14 IJ 13
to ItVk 17 V,
t 14V, 16
7,n0 1"6 104 V,
as Va
4 nO
llenersl Kleelrlfl
tlrest North pf4
Ot North ore f:td
Illinois Central . . I. too 104
Inierbor. fl. c 14100 lilt
tnaplralton Copper. .1,100 4414
lot Harv. N J
Int. M. M tifd rlfg. 14.100 134,
K. C Houlhern 1 400 17
Kennecott Copper.. lit, 100 64
Louis. A Naahvllla 100 140
Mexiian t'etroiaiim 11.700 lie
tl V
16V. 11
IIV, 11 61
40 111! 11
1.700 J7I 111 171
1.400 122 12044 III
1.400 41 40 41
ii i:
4. lot 171 171
t.too It 61
10 400 44 l
10,(00 91 17
i.ioo 10 tlti
1.700 11 11
2,100 41 41
1.000 10 11 vl
Miami Copper
M , K & T , pfd..
Misoiiti Pacific
Monlans Power ,
Nstlonal Irfiad ,.
Nevada Copper ..
New York Central.
N. Y, N. II H
Norfolk 7, Waat...
Northern Paclflo ,
Pacific T. T...
Pennsylvania ,
Rsy Cons. Copper.,
Kep I It
Hhstiuck Arts. Cop
Houthern Paclflo ,
Houlhern Hy
ftfudebsksr ......
Tennessee Copper...
Texas Co. ........
(nlon Paclflo
I'nlon Paclflo. pfd.
I'. 8. Indua. Ale...
II, H. Hleel
IT. H. Hleel, pfd, ...
t lah l upper
Wabash pfd "TV
Western I'nlnn
ftVestlnghnoaa F.lee.
1,100 14
too 11
.1,100 1
200 71
100 7
1.000 17V
10,000 107 104
I. too II It
1,100 11444 ,111 114
I '4
I. too
04 4,
14,700 100
21,000 24
1,000 111 111
404 4 44 V,
1.104 III 111
17, t0 ! 117
loo l 12
lO.too 4y. iili ia.
1.100 11 14 16
111 114
22 4,
to VI
,'.f '
1,100 111
1.900 12
t 16
I 400
os io
17 11
14 14
41 42
Totsl salea for lha day, 1,110,010 ahsres.
"Oar Countrv! In her intercourse with foreign nations may' '
she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong!'1
Will We Own This Sea-Power Secret?
Thomas A. Edison, Chairman of the National
Defense Board, is credited with the following statement:
"To my mind there i no rcanon why an unclcrsc.i hunt should not be supplied with a
fish-Rill-Iike nppuratus so that it can draw its supply of air directly Iron, the water. Thin
the lives of the crew will not be dependent upon the compressed air supply or on the
ability of the boat to reach the surface. When this invention h ncrfcctcd submarine
igation will be perfectly safe and secretive."
This American supcr-suhinarine can strike even
greater consternation among foreign navies than did Hricsson's
Monitor fifty-four years ao!! Will the U. S. ufVaut revolutionize naval u at fare?
Full Pajjc Announcement In Monday's Paper of the Remarkahle
Motion Picture Production, "The Secret of the Subunrine"
TUESDAY! E. Alexander Powells Novelization of
"The Secret of the Submarine" starts in the Omaha Daily Bee
Wholesale frlree for Proline Charged
hi Omaha TVealera.
BUTTEU No. 1 creamery, m cartont
or tuba, Ito; No. 1. lla.
POUI-TRT-Brollera, llv, under two
Ibg., 36c; hang, 15c; apecl&l moaterg ntl
ttiirg, c; springs. &V; geese, lde; duclu,
12o; turkeys, 30c; old lomg. Jnc; capona,
aOii; grulncaa, 26r; squabs. t1.Soff4.0O par
doi.; plgeon.i, ttlo per dog.
(."HKKJjBlmported Swiss, 4o; rtomea
llo, ate;, ?8r; twins, I Ho; duialea,
Iripletg, Young America, 20n;
blue labal brlrk. Uc, llmburger, 22c; Im
ported FYench HotiQuerort, 6oc; Nw Tork
white. 2oo,
KIHH-Kresh, rr lb : Catfish. lTo; carp,
to; trout, licttc; roe shsd, He; halibut,
I2i''; aalmon, I6llr; shore rodflsh,
I'llrk shail Sir; Hsnlsh msckerel, I Jo ; red
eospoer. He; allow rlke, I lr , flounrlers.
I'tc, halibut, lie, black baas. llf:J'-.
rropplea. Iltfllo; liaiHm'k, 10c; siltiflah,
to; sangera, tv. ttnuhtd, per lb. : W hile,
Itci Kippered, ITr, finnan hsililles. llr;
sslmon, lie.
New York Money Market.
New Tork. May 1 1 MON I1Y On rail,
stesdy; high. 1 per rent; low, 14, per
cent; ruling rate, 1 per rent; lest )an, I
per rent; eloslng bid. 114 par cent; offered
at I per rent.
TIMK UtAVA Ateady; Uty daya. t9
I per rent: ninety dsys. S3' par csnt, sis
montlis, lll4 per cent
MKHi'ANTlt.K TAI'ICH m per rent
MK.lll.INcl KXi'HASiiK-nily-dsy hills,
4 7), ; demsnd, 14 14; tiM'i, 14.74 11 II.
HII.VKR Hat, Tb Vac, Mr-sl. au dollars,
MoNUM (lovsrnnient and railroad,
I, A N 1IH. 4s ... tit, 4rln coupon ... ttA.
M K T. 1st 4s W,V H Is. reg. , . . 101 V,
Mo I'sc r. us 101 do coupon ...lona
Mont. Tower Is . 14 4, : a. is, reg.,..linia
N T. I'. d. Is. ..lilt, do roupnn lilt,
.V. T. city 414s loJ4,Am. Hmeii s...intg
N T., K. H. A A T T. o. 4ks1tl,
H e 4s l1lAngln frsnch is. U
Sn. Psclfln 4s... t2Sl,h gen 4s... II
do Is ... 44SII A O is tl
'Irs, H I,, r. 4s . HHHeth. ej ref ta .1014,
I'se T. A T. ta 1 00 m . Pacific 1st. 414,
Trim (.in. It, sim c. A O. r. IH
do gen. 4V,s. .101 1,1'. II A J It. 4s ttl
Resdlng gen. 4s 14 1,1., el. A HI V.
Hi. I,. A Han K. rv la 1 (IT H
ref 4a Tl r,, R I A P. Tly.
Hn Pbc, rv Is.. 106 ref, Is T4
do ref 4s IH,r A N ref. 4ts. It
No Rsllway Is li W I). A H tl 0. 4s 144,
Union 1'ac 4s . . 14 do ref Is , It
do rv, ts 14 Erie gen. la.... 14"4
tl. Rubber Is lot o.n. :iec. ts ..104U
t' Bteel la . ,.10ll,. N 1st 41gs II
West. Union mi It I C. raf 4a ItC
W. Blee, ev ts III Int. M M. 4V.S. Ill
U. I. raf. la. r . II 4, K. C. Ho, raf. Is. II
Mlnaeavpalla Grain aMrket.
Minneapolis, Vsy 11 WH RAT Way.
II His; July, It 1414. rash, Na 1 hard,
ll II; 1. 1 northern. 11.111 1 No. I
northern. 1 IH, ffl 11
rUXlR Fanny patenta, 14 II; first
elaara. It 00; other gradaa, anrhaoged
p. RAN 111 ftdff II It.
4JOHM No I yellow, TIUtfTte.
OAT No. 1 whits, 41 11 Ho,
ri,AXHKKD II lOVa 43 1 1 4.
r.ra 00 rated Apple and Pried Fmll.
New Tork. Mar 11 K.VA POR ATFT)
APPl.Kf Dull: fancy Ttflc; eholca, 4f
I ttc; prima, tq I Ue.
l-HlKD IKriT Prunes, flrmi fall.
f'irna, 4Htlle; Orgenne, Ttrltc, Apricots
sleatly; clmice, IV'otc; extra choice, t1,
11c. fancy. II I 1 r., stesdy:
choice, liV'tc; extra choice, fiUttfa'sjc;
fancy, ft!li(fl,r. H.tlelns. stesdy; loose
tTHiscsleis. "irttlHe; choice to fancy, aesdad,
I '4 4c; saedl'l.H, b tt 1 1cr,
Ixtcal Htoeks and Bonds.
Quotations furnished hy Rums, Rrinker A
To, lit (imsha National Hank Bldg..
Omaha Neb.:
Ftld Aaked
Falr'ont Cream. Co., T pet. pfd.ioj in
l-'alr't t'ream., coin, es-Julv dlv.Ilt 134
( AT R. m., 7 prt 1941,
Unnch M. A Kle. 7 pel pM"H" t
. It
Incoln T. A T. comnttiti 7 pet
Mountain Mints T AT
Northern Htafes Power pfd.,,
Uniaha A f. B HI. Ity. pfd...
timaha A " II Hi. Rv. coin...
niii A t' II Hy A II. pfd. . .
I I'eera Mill t o pfd ! ill
Sulebergar A I4nn fo. pfd, . , - . , t4l, 14
i niun wioik larua epct stork. ,7 joo
Armour A To 4 a. HI 11 '4)
I'nimnion " i snsos. on. in,i. , si
Iowa I'nrll d C. f". 4s. 1911.11124 tt
I. Incoln 4s, refuniling 4
I In tl, A Klec it, 1041 79
Mninln Trscllnn, Gs, lt II
I'sclflc tl A Klec. ta, 1141 tl
timaha K.I eo. I,. A P. fie 14
timaha A r. B P.I. Ity !, 1D34 14
i lty of nm, water 4a. 1441.
'II V of urn. Intera 4s, lilt
Hullherger A Hons Cn. lis, 1441
Sinclair nil A It-f ta. 1154...
Tnlnn Hto. k Yards ts. 1131..
Hwlft A i"o, Is.
47 II
4 It
114 H
4 20 4 10
11 104
, . tt
. 11
. II v, mo
Cnrn and Wheat Region Bulletin.
Blatlon. High. Low. fsll
Ashland 1 11 "
Auburn 41 41 II
Hrnken flow . 47 4t .la
l olumbua 4(1 11 ,04
(ullierlson 47 4ft .4i
Calrhury . 43 44 .fit
f alrmont IT 41 .4"
Grand lalsnd M 47 7?i
llartlngtnn tl 11 .
lis. tins tt l .11
Holdrege tl 42 .13
Lincoln 44 41 .54
North Platte to 44 .10
Oakdale 44 7 .40
Omaha t 44 ,01
Trkaniah 4 41 no
Valentine H 11 .24
linden Stock Marked.
Indon. Ms II American aharas ware
brighter snd rirmer on Well street sdvices
Kslr business was Irsneacted, wllh Heading
Ihe feature. The clnalng waa firm.
Mt. f It Rar. ltd par ounce.
Mi iNKT-4fl 4 per rent.
tilHtitrNT RATr.H Bhort blllg and 1
months, 4SC per cent.
Kanaaa City Oralo anil Prwrlalons.
Ksness rity, Way 1 WHUAT No 1
hard, ll 4401 11; No. I red, ll.oejl ll,
sley, II 4241 J"ly. II 4
I'fiRN-No 2 mlied. T! No I white.
T14J71n; No. I ysllirw, 7171a. Msy,
le; July. Il4la.
0 ATANo. I w tilt a, 4447o No. 1 mlied.
Irr Ooods Maret.
New Tork, Mar II. PRT OOOPArei
Ion goods and ysme ware firm and quiet
lodsy, local markets amre strong; reedy. lo
wesr msrkais were quiet.
Bank Clearings.
Omsha. Msy 11 Psnk eesertnga for
Omaha today were ll.t4l.zll II snd for
lha corresponding year were 11,411,144 41.
From Omaha
Circuit Tours to Hew York -
noixn trip.
ONE-WAT vIa ChlcaRO, Nianara Fulls and Albany; WAV via rail Hnoa (via WaiihlnKton).
Chicago or St. Loula. SG2.10
ONK-WAY via Chicago, Niagara Falls. Hiirlnoti
rilvcr; OTHF.K WAV coat tcainr to Nor- f
folk, thence hom via Wanhlngton, Clnclnnail,
Chicago or fit. Loula... 62.10
ONK-WAY via Chicago, through Canada and Mon-
trcal; OTHKIl WAV uteamor to Norfolk;, ,
thence via Washington, Cincinnati, Chicago or ,,
St. Loula $3S.25
ONK-WAV via Chicago, Detroit and Buffalo to
Montreal, rail lines to Ney York; OTHF.H
WAV via rail Unci to Washington, thence via
Chicago or St. Louis $05.55 '
Circuit Tours to Boston
OXE-WAV via Chicago, Niagara Falls; OT1IEII
WAY via New York and rail (via Washing
ton), Chicago or Bt. Louis. (Sound steamers
1.25 less) 869.15
ONE-WAY via Chicago or St. Louis, through the
, Virginias to Norfolk, steamer to Boston;
OTHF.H WAY via Buffalo and Chicago SG5.70
ONE-WAY via Chicago, Cincinnati and Washing
ton to Norfolk, steamer to Boston; OTHER
WAY via rail to New York, thence rail via
Albany, Buffalo and Chicago 869.35
ONE-WAY via Chicago or St. louls, Cincinnati
and Washington to Norfolk, steamer to New
York, rail to Boston; OTHER WAY direct via
Buffalo and Chicago 868.95
ONE-WAY via Chicago or St. Ixiuls, Cincinnati
and Washington to Norfolk, steamer to New
York, rail to Boston; OTHER WAY rail to
Tortland, through Canada to Montreal, De
troit and Chicago 870.45
All these rontc mny lee rrveraod. The almve are
atanrltiril line rate. TIhto ere alwi nmny circuit inure via
different!!.! Ilnit which will cave from :I.M) to 1.00 pr
Direct Routes
Commencing June 1st
Atlnnllc til), N. J.,
New itrk
New York
Aalmi y I'm k . . . .
at. tit ) Park . . .
IliMiliin, Maa. . . .
Ilti.l.ill, Mans, .
Miditrr!, In Muf
lalu yurlsra-, P. ,!
lurmiln, I Hit .
Ittiff tl... N, . . . .
MtuffK Vs..
,S (O.IO
Ml 1.1
Alevanttrlrt liny . . 8 15.00
'liinniio, Out., via
Murrain 812.-15
l",4.l. ne.,5U.4j,
1'iitiliuul, Me,, via
llashliin , 85-1.60 Me 856. 15
IWir Martxtr, Mt. . . JrH CO
tui'XAii, n, li 852.25
I ke t.i.irgts N, Y M l.r0
erl.i! HM iliua , , j),,".!!
Hlltllaliill. trill, . , . $ .,0O
Mlattilnnl liuuitvi,
4Hln-r Itoiuea.
lrei lull lUmtra.
i.Hii,.-r. Mmltt Ait iU), 1 hewi tiur aret
eatiil ( Mtn itlhcra, iiclii!titn w, ln
n-Mie l:ier H, Hitilaaui liurr, HshiihI ai-aniier,
iiiil lake, ill. t 'at! I, write ir l-lciilvnii;
til u In li imi i I lie tin. at aniai Hie lour Al
h. loaiat I '"it.
tit. lit kit oi it r.
l arnam ami Huh i. rin.iire, , 4 tJ, It. N-al,
Have your?
They will mnivc bcilcr
1 a II la I c
r i . e . . , . . . ,
a t a . t . . 4 i 1 . , ,t
ttaet I il I Its ., U.,.,1
I - C 11 . V,. - I . ' I I ...
liuo hnr'iiviri Dupt.
r . f-. i. i, ,i
- i . j
i j. i i