Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -.- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Prominent Business Man Passes Up
a Perfecto and Tells Why
He Did It.
At a recent men's dinner in Omaha
a well-known manufacturer and man
prominent in western commercial life
wit noticed to pant by the cigars and
sit without smoking.
"I've given up smoking all to
Kether," he said to the man on his
"On account of doctor's orders?"
he was asked.
"No, on account of my wife."
The man on the right smiled, as
he was a bachelor. "Women do fuss
rrrihly about it," he said slowlv. as
ii strengthening: previous resolutions.
Follows Own Rules.
"lint mine didn't fins," said the
manufacturer. "You sec, 1 did not
permit smoking in the tactory and
hail to follow my own rule. 1
smoked when I got home and all day
Sunday, twenty, thirty cigart. I don t
know how long it had been when I
discovered that my wife collected all
the stump!) the last thing at night
to put them on the back porch and
that she always aired the living
rooms just before going to hrd. Then
it dawned suddenly upon me what an
unfit partner I was for a dainty
woman, My wife never said a word,
but she stopped my smoking."
lie is of quite fine clay, that manu
facturer, but contrast what tactics
the wife of one of the foremost C'lti
tago financiers had to adopt before
she taught her husband a lesson. It
was during a financial crisi, and the
fcreat banker came home every eve
ning to mm outlet lor ins over
charged nerves by fault finding with
everything in his home, espctially
the food served on his table." One
evening his wife warned the guest
-there were ten that if Mr. il.
found fault, not to mind anything
she did, that she had to teach him a
Then It Happened.
The bomb burst when the fish
course was reached, the host
doubted the freshness of the fish, the
wife took a carving knife and de
clared she'd run over to the market
and kill the meat man and the gro
cer, that they were both in conspir
acy to poison her husband; that
they had sent nothing he could eat
in two months and his health was
failing. She c'uoted his own com
plaints at every meal as nroof of the
conspiracy and struggled to get
away to be about her killing.
The guests, forewarned, sat quietly
in their seats, rather enjoying the
"melodrama," while the husband
begged and pleaded and implored his
wife to come to her senses, telling
her that hi own nasty temper had
driven her to madness,
It worked the banker is one of
the mildest of men in his very happy
home today.
It all proves how very many dif
ferent tacks must be taken with the
different men in this queer world.
For University Visitors.
Local members of Delta Upsilon
fraternity entertained the visiting
Lincoln chapter men at luncheon at
the University club at noon. Blue
and gold, the fraternity colors, were
used in the decorations, and covers
were placed for the following guests
from Lincoln chapter:
t'h.-Birr Thompson,
mouth guests and other P. K. O.
chapters at the home of the presi
dent' Mrs. W. B. Woodward. Twenty-five
out-of-town guests were pres
ent and after an auto drive through
the city left late in the afternoon for
their home.
On the Calendar.
ihe Maderians are Riving a leap
year party at Turpin's academy to
night. Noted of Interest.
Mr. Walter Rerndes. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Uerndes of UM1
North Thirty-fourth street, and a
member of the class of l'JI6 in Ober-
Iin college, has been honored by being
elected as one of the dancers in the
May-pole dance at the anijual May
day festival held by Haldwin cottage,
one of the leading Oberlin dormito
ries. The Haldwin May day is one
of Oberlin's traditions of long stand
ing and is one of the chief events of
the undergraduate calendar during
the spring term.
Fashion Hint
Eastern Star Tea.
Mrs. W. M. Mick was hostess at a
lea from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon
at her home. The affair was for the
Fontenclle chapter of the Order of
the Eastern Star and all the star
points took active part in the after
noon's entertainment. The hostess
was assisted by Mrs. Katon, Mrs.
Turpins, Mrs. Mettlin and Mrs. (', D.
Srott. The honor guests of the occa
sion were Mrs. K. M. Reynolds, re
tiring matron, and Mrs. 1). C. Kl
dridge, wife of the patron. A mis
cellaneous shower to the retiring ma
tron concluded the afternoon's fes
tivity. The decorations were para
sols of guelder roses and pink candles
and shades, The color scheme was
white, pink and green.
Farewell Party.
Mrs, Isabella Garrett gave a fare
well party Thursday evening in
honor of Miss (irace Maloney and
Miss Agnes Maloney, who leave for
i Denver Saturday evening. Those
present were:
Ml Vfldni
Ur' Hn Mrl, Mataf flnhr(.
ina Malnnv. Ih-ll 'lurrflt,
(ilaidva KhcIoh, MiiiiiI HIuqiti, -
Hary M, lrniilt, Mlanrh onhr,
May Sleltrrmnll, AIM" Hnliharaj
Kill Vraaanlilll, HHcrt Mall,
Mr. and Mra W. .1 Hualan1.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Albert Miller and Miss Anna
Moran have returned from Roches
ter, Minn., where they took their
mother, Mrs. Kdward Moran, to con-
Klmar Ornybell,
KhtI Tuung .
ijuv ChumbTB.
1.1,.) d Tulli-y.
i lHrn'' Hplr.
Aifri-il ir-nlHf.
J:.iuin1 VfHv,.r.
A if roil ('. MunffT.
In Wsrr-n Thonir'ftoif
K"nn-lh ThniiitJinm. I ir
V Irior l"Ufn.
.1 V Hh 1 1 Hi.
I Arthur Jimr
V (I (tri-n.
I! II. Xinrtl'v.
Dr. y. It Kufl",
1 R. V. HllkK.
Kl. hard Tlt'imi.H'in.
Kaymund HVMnviT,
Kritnk Andf-raun,
W tllnir .fimia.
H. M . TunUu'i,
I; II lUif-rialik,
I, . M. N-Uiin,
HI 1'iair
!: ,M ll..ffmr.
f ; -
1 f . r ''
t Y'ffir i
j j.'i.
'ioiini rm tmmmtmmimm a 14
I harming combinations are evident
in the new sport sweaters and the
general details are more attractive
than ever. A vivid green silk sweater
is shown with trimming of while, thb
forming the deep rever collars and
border. The detail at. the waistline,
in the form of a double belt, is unique
and interesting, as are the small metal
buckles that atford unusual trimming.
Odd bone ringed buttons are ar
ranged in clusters down the front,
serving to fasten the coat.
suit with specialists. Mrs, Moran is
slightly improved in health.
Junior Quinlan is convalescent
from a sick spell of several weeks.
(... U' II 1 ..( I)..,.,..
.viia. ... it. ... v laiiiiiiiw t 1 i'i uiii,
who was called here on account of
the illness of Robert Wood, has re
turned to her home, Mr. Wood is
improving as well as could be ex
pected. Mr. Walter I.eminon, Mr. Daniel
liolmau and Mr. Walter Irwin were
visitors at the l'ontenelle and local
golf courses this week. Mr. Lemmon
and Mr. Ilolzrnan are well known
eastern clubmen. i
Mr. and Mrs. T). I lirttdford are
in Chicago this week.
Mrs. Herman I ohn and mii, Mr.
Loyal Colin, are at I tot Springs. Ark ,
to spend some weeks
Mrs. Alexander I'ollack left Thurs
day evening for Chicago to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Kmmanucl Kilistlci.
Past Festivities.
Mrs. L. 1). lUackwimil entertained
at supper upon the una ion oi her
birthday Tuesday ccenmg at her
home. Miss Ruth Ivtei-on nave
several numbers on the piano. I lnc
present were:
Mira nd Mrdnmii -Arlhur
NpUhii. Ktml ivi.-r.r.n
Aitnlph heatadl, I. I ' Hlirh"."!
Mlf M I, - -
Tlorothv N'Unn.
Rulh I'rtairaiili,
Paill HIi.rtiiviM.d
Arthur riorson.
Ir.-ii.' IV.rii
.lii,.)hlmi HUtkrt'Ofid
Kiwi s-h!.tdll.
Nt'leoit ItlwrKvn
Organ Concert on
Sunday Night at
St. Paul's Lutheran
Ldward Kechlin, concei I urgani t
from New York City, and Mr. I.oiih
Schnauber, this city, will give a re
cital, Sunday evening, at K. at St.
Paul's Lutheru Church, Twenty-fifth
and Lvans streets,
Mr. Kechlin has made annual con
cert tours through the eastern and
middle western slates, and gae a re
cital here a year ago. He completed
his studies under (iuilinant anil
Widor at Paris, from whom his abil
ity received flattering praise.
Knrt Cur Kri-h
a. Niitialtn Ha.-h
b. Melanc hllqii N..I.I,
e. Ilnnd'l IIhiiiIuii
. hrp'Pllao liodiir.l
b. Iii'lilir Sallll Hm-llii
Violin. 1.. H.hiiauli
ImprovUaf ion n a given ihi-tur'
a. Ahrndfrn.din ................ K. Knndtr
b, HnrwiiH'lH .........,..,.,,,...1': Kirhltn
a. Mlnui ,, IWHutvn
b. Houvnntr IVietiriUH Kihlrh
C. Marn4n 'haniii. lloladi (frt
Violin, I,. H'hnaulirr
Alllujah I.omt
"1 have returned from a trip to
many cities and I wish, to slate that
Omaha need not be ashamed of its
streets and traffic regulations,"
stated George Kleffner, superinten
dent of mails at the postoffice.
Tha lritMt i-mr l.rfv In lha u,,rlrf la In k. t
i)ral-rt on l.nka Ml.hlnan In
wllh lha Ann Arhor rallioad.
15th and Douglas
Saturday We Offer You Unrestricted Choice of
Any Woman's Suit
In Our Entire Stock
This Sale fill he the Suit sen
tation of the Season. Absolutely
every high grade suit in our store
is included without exception.
Sale starts promptly at 8:30 A.
M. Saturday.
Spring Suits
$050 $1500
Tbfl 9.5l) group Includes
suits worth to $20. Th group
at $15 includes aomo silk
units and values range to $25.
All the lute styles mid colors
arp represented,
Silk Dresses
Every silk or eirg drem In
Mock priced from $-!0 to $.15 Is
offered Saturday In this siile,
They Include) plain and fancy
Bilks in all colors.
There ia one $90.00 Suit
there are three $80 Suits
there are five $75 Suits and
scores of others at $45, $50,
$55, $60, $C5 and $70.
May Sale of Pretty
WORTH TO $8.60
WORTH TO $4.50
WORTH TO $3.50
Wash Waists
6 1 lg htly Mussed and Soiled.
(3 FOR $1.00)
The stock includes silk suits In
gros de londre, taffeta and s7
jersey and cloth suits in poire t
twill, gabardine, poplin, serge and
whipcords in all new colors,
Spring Coats
$10 $152
Th $10 Coat ar garmntii
that nold up to $l7.f0, and at
tiZ w offer coats worth up
to $25. Including silk coats,
either belted or flared models
In all sizes.
Separate Skirts
Separate rklrtii are. fashion
ablu this sen no n. This sale lot
Includes solid colors, plaids and
ulrlpei In the very newest models.
i ii ii i
111 A TT1 O Q IT TI T3 tl uygl.A'Vl 111
A anon Ir eiiers mk taturdav
'I ruMmn Uui h,
A K. Hurr.
Ir. Mux Mothi.
I- i ii I. WHIM' s.
W'lli W.iilw.ii'lh.
In. Li'i'imrtl,
H II HnMllllHta
A .M'.VnKii, II
II Nova.
Invitations Recalled. ,
(Jwing to the illness oi' little Kath - j
rime .schnlt. daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. A. T. Si hull, Dr. and Mrs. I'.
M. I'oynier have recalled iuvitalinus ,
1. 1 llu ir dinner tonight. The atlair I
, ,i- to lie in hoiiiu oi Dr. and Mrs.:
m hult. who will leave Omaha in
i!e c.irly Miiiiinci to make thrir in l
n' l'ri!h
I.IMMI tlllS
ard pat ty
will he the
I ,
All Saints' Season Closes
Ml McuitV N i mil n Mi
i lull W ill l h 'M H MH Ijl
i veriniK uitli a Ian. I ami
.it the parish hntin'. I hii
!,iit aueial ailaii ut ih kind until next
epteiiiher. The miiiumier in cluige
I ttif tutri tdiltuieiit l Messrs
tiemge Mm ton N I! i andirtt and
Daniel Dunham I hr ioiern i.i
t eiemiiH. wh.i will have cha'ge it
e re tre.tiimi.t v a' .vir. ltfr
I linnet, !.!t. lhailet liallcf and
Mi, I Ii . I ii k 1 1 e i
Carttr lk Club Optninf, .
I lie '( ! oi itite. tun i,i t a'lfr j
! ukr i luti aMji tff I an rUm'e pru j
.m t.,f li e mn-iiiinj ilav. turxtat.l
Uav i'1- the cl uia". i t l. ird wi'l (
4 t. li.nnci t.i..r ; i' i p. )!
l.l.iil'i I r i IH ll'"H'l'i IJHK !'4lt, IH.VV
g iiutiiia '"l a I i.. I nl 'MiMf
nt n )
it ." II j 4 ' !
!- ta'
ntv.l t v t
i i ' i ! I'
ai ' .. i ! in
l! ! I ' Li..,,
le -I I .'I,' it h n, t
I : 1 I. S ..(
" I I.,
a lit
- S 'is" jTi
kdT-h kit iry J
Looking through a Gaelic dictionary for the meaning of the words "Sinn Fein,"
now in guch general use, the best interpretation seemed to be "We Selfish" and I take
it, that, as applied to the recent participants in the Irish unpleasantness, to be a Sinn Fein
means to be for Ireland first, last and all the time. "We Selfish," with the addition of
three words, and you have" We Are Selfish for Ireland," If this is to be accepted as
long, light or medium. Here, too, the little
I t t I II. II i ill ' ! I'l.H .
S f I M -'It . ' I I I i. ..
(.11 t'J'A V ... at .'' t,
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f .. I ,1 I , ' t , . ,
, . , , . . , ( , , I
I I , I,, .,,
$15 Suit Sale Saturday
Here you get the choice of some very
desirable garments, including Navy Blues,
Black and White Checks, etc. You will
recognize at once many which sold up to
$10.00 for Novelty and Staple Coats,
some made from Jersey weaves and other
seasonable wool fabrics. The jaunty, the
sedate, the sober or the sport styles, Navys
and Blacks included many similar have
been favorites at $18.50.
Last Year and This Year, perhaps, the
most popular of all garmenta was and is
have a stirring sale on Sweaters.
One division at $3.05 colors, Rose,
Emerald, Gold, etc.; $5.00 to $6.50 former
Another division at $5.00 colors,
Rose, Cadet, Reseda, White, etc.; were
S7.5C and S8.50.
BLOUSE STOCK. Saturday on one table,
Blouses of Organdy and Voile; new styles
which cannot help appealing to you the
price, $1.98. Blouses of Silk, Milanaise
and Crepe de Chine many embroidered
White, Flesh color and the other wanted
shades Saturday, $3.00 each.
In Children's Section
Hats for the Hatlcss
Ai well m thoio who can vwe an extr hat,
some riw-uty food pickin' Saturday, We
hat' ?ui.;hI toiiether Hati prtctd from
S i hi) .u luOO. Hats for all es; choice
at .yj.OS each.
Suits for Juniors
815.00 D..v Saturday - Suit hy suit we
took them eff the hanger; one by one ih?
rtnv one, pnrd, if you plcuf, up to $-7 5 )
S.utt-d to iht- ity,tr Kitl or the mull
wo!n.m--some jmt the thirg for lithe maid
mi r..t trl;i, nn)l figure. You got the
FrU'? S 15.00 SaurdAy
'. tft fi yrt, v nt ht ; nen.
did fCAti, iot,i im to $12 DO - Saurhy,
SU.75 tch.
Gut of l-ircfi erowth v.Ur v.u
! ! will ftrd rtm t' Check Co.U ,! tt.
t: H 11 . V -".'.V... 1 '.I'rt'I. T...'" 1"T
women can be fitted. LISTEN Coats in
the lot were $18.00, and the selling price
Saturday $10.00.
There is no garment for women so satis
factory and, indeed, so necessary as a
Silk Petticoat. Taffetas, of course, are the
ideal fabric. We were lucky in placing
orders early long before the prices soared
skyward and long before the dye question
became acute. A stroke of good fortune
for you IF you are wise enough to profit
by it. We doubt if, during this whole year
of disgrace, any such value will be found
for $5. The wanted shades, ruffled and
specials in White Garments for Satur
day we offer a Gown, either Muslin or Long
Cloth, low neck, attractively trimmed, at
70c4 a dollar would be a low price.
Somebody asked us-WHY DON'T
replied. "What under the firmament have
we been doing?" We wire almost caught
asking what under the Sun?, Such the
force of habit. It looks as if old Pluvius
has a fixed habit, alio. Just as we write
someone remarked "Predictions are rain
tomorrow." What of it? 'Twill only
make us FORCE the harder. We will all
be glad, perhaps, later, for we scarcely
ever get too much rain in Nebraska.
If price counts, we'll have a ennvd, um
or thine . THREE GROUTS! READ'!
Lot l -Pnntfd Voilev Tub Silk Wrpi,
Pique, eti; sold up to 3'c, at I7
Lot 2 -A ; itl rm.' of Pit in CMn
Print in Stripes nd V.kjund 1'ir -,
Silk Warp, Krt'iv. etc Pon.u rlv up to
f v. t :;o
Lot 3 I" r i 1 1 Overira Nvtlun,
brol.lnrd VttiSt and Org vntlu
the literal meaning, are we not all SINN FEINERS?
This sale of ours for Saturday, then, ia one which should appeal to the Sinn Feiners,
for in the last analysis we are all selfish and isn't this as it should be? You owe it to
yourself to expend your money to the best possible advantage. Along this line and in
keeping with this idea, our sales are "SO DIFFERENT" and "DISTINCTIVE."
when the summer evenings come, you
will be glad you had this chance. Some
which were very high price and exclu
sive, indeed, sold up to $3.00, at, yd., 89S
If you are Komtf aw,V you'll .(Ml an extra
hUlrl. We make to measure at S2.2.". " " )"
want on you Ml HT OKDKIt SOON. We have u
Sl"l,i:MII) SIMi STOCK. Kvery day Hoinelhtrix
nm lal on Hie counter.. You nIiouIi! never piuvs
without n peep.
Deliveries have len hIow here, hikI still are.
Price, have lulvametl. NTtH'KH SIIOItT. Still, and
for all that, we are well tlveil. We took a rhant'e,
ItoiiKht lilxTiillj aixl Rot the riuhN. And no we ran
Kive ))il M)ine real kmhI things fur Saturday. We
have h wonderful fone of Milehwotnen at llii m'
lion. Women who have ""led nitli Imiiois
from an iiiiprrnllceslitp to the Iuimiiin. Ahle to
roun-el ami advlne NOT l .AIUNti Kill .11 SI TlIK
llVli Sll.i; hut anxioiiM to iimke a consiitiit vw.
(oiner )-a, more (li-sti cmi of iiihMiik a fiti inl a,
well. And they rotuit their frteml-i lj the linn,
win 1 1 : sum KiM.s w.wti i mhi,
SATI ItHAV a lot of fllire Imhh mm ktiics, HtC
11 It I'M It. I'hv u ! lav in a hiiiil).
I'l 111; Sll.h hli ,i,s vllh a ll-lr i..i, tit
lilmk or while, UMall !ll.H), at 7J.
All the new I. im tea, in Mt'tte, einlii iiidt'l ie,
ell.; .ri) itttMotlM- Mini Bmil, 81,115 It lMllt.
V le uiiini'ii vtlll Inn while the iuklii i- ti'xxl.
'ul right for now. 5J) lM'' itariiieiit.
t. It It hiH nek, of en.. I liale, IJlT n" '
! I-K I'lMlsol.l.. uii wont frrl ruin If ,ni
tin fur a . k.end ttnle )un uhiiu
one or tun for that mailer, ru-ti Hrli-drcsard -I1..11M limr a fr. ' ,t Htlimiui- K,t,
.tHi, Mu.
IHM NIW I i: M III at IN I N Ii IN st lis
I' he i lomnl ,iii ,u. l lite 1nl, li.-.ti, sill I
KNIT I l!l!ll H I'Mtnl. ,0. r.tlf and 8I.OU.
Cobb! Candy!! Confccti
Cnramel!!!! Chocolates!!!!!
Iln-ie' I ! II r .ili.. And t ' f.. r, I ee 111"
I i.l.l, i. sii l ii t'l.l i. n f ill Into I-ii....m,hi l.,
lOtl l l'tr. .lil t ri,l ll' tl )l, In,, j..!,,. Ii', l. ( .
t ttlit , all' III.' Mf N lutott in - II (i. lit i !, ,,,,
i..ln. It't-I ll.-l,, tt,, til. Ill l,r a, I f h I a,
ii.( .nl H ll'l.h lut ifdllt n the liHlill
ih ihli s
, ,,,l.l,. Mil! Htll I'tt t ,
I ,. '1 I ' III tilt Il t. i. . t .III. . ,,la
,..... n a. .it I '.. nl Ut I tt I. lit Nl I'Ullli
lllail A l.i. l IM. I "Iti t" ("If II, r tl.i, .
. t. t -rum ui i iih m .t , ii i , ,
i ti .in unill l. ti rfi I ll4Wlu'l' . ,1!', ,
t,i, .i,....- iK tii i. ,.,t im.-t VMM nio'
HNl HI I I I I .!.... . 1 !.. ,,, , ' I.,,,
I of the Sinn Fe.iuer, ohlonff In hape, Jacket of
satin, filled with rreuni, flavored with mint. Talk
about your mint Julep! not In It H-I.H IU)X,
15l JuM. the price of a Julep or waa when
had our laM one.
dainty, Hwcet enough to make the very heea Jealoua.
Mttle crinkly eella of mohutae, covered with de
llclotm chocolate ?4-lb box at the .peelal price of
2() Saiurdiiy.
NdHtHS tiltAt'lv THK Kl NIAV DINNER with
cream dlped t'nlifornlM Cherrlea, nailed large Texan
lierann, almond, raaliew ntitf, died mHrshmal
lovtN, I ton m n noiiKalN, glace nuta, freNh Mrawberry
ice cream M)l'(;i, As nt Mr. Vost'a rourteou
oM-rator tOltll That' the comhlnation nece
Mivy ttt put on your table Junt the rljchf thing to
top off the Sunday dinner. Try it Saturday.
MEN never have frequented the average dry
CimnN utore In large number. That l, nerer un
til late year. The muster of the Iioihh' unually
did the hii)iuu for hi l.tumiiience. Thing have
changed, lu TlllS STORE AT LEAST. Not only
do they come for candy, hut they line up Ht the
liiriiishliiK hectltm. .1 U K SALMON I aa well
known a the popular politician.
Saturday the ItrM complete khnwing of the
IHILLAK line of hliliis tilM"t ami neat figurTa,
aiifl or laundered cuff. Shirtia at 81.50 more
like the rpenhe, matle-lo.order liln than ever,
tilnghitiii, tn-ik ami plaiilt, iriitkli'tl eerMU ker
and other iimcl Ideiia. t'at jour evpeitencetl eve
ill Lail Imliiw ten pa.Kniil Did tun gel that?
Mill i, of Tub MIU. 85.00 'lk 'ri c. 8(i.(HI.
lh lint i mil. I coiiipitte price, with the high-
htaa t i IiisIm fiirillkher.
We are kboulim that one-lnuioii Men's Intuit
siiiu at SI.OO ami 8I.50,'I iii
l I I IN, I. i In- word.
N MNHimh Hi 8 I. OO and 81.50, I',i-mi lie, Dalbrtgiiaii .nil..,.. 81, IH)
ll.Mil mid ( 'iillilni tlll'li". )
tll LI Hit HON I'M limn t.lti.-tiiie Saiap,
l',; t .tke, Ittt Wii ker'a t... t,titi'. u Itulrl Snap,
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I lowef tmp, .1 kr ,t ta, lilnHf, Metl,
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