Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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    Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
"An Interested Toting Man" hag writ
n m b iik In me to plead with my glrli
i behalf of tha much-abused Kngllsh
Hen la part of hla letfler: "It haa
eurred to ma that glrla are forever
akin the aame grammatical errors,
id that even If they are beautifully
cased and very pretty, they will be
ended a ordinary when they make
eh blunders aa 'I don't know nothing'
id "he ain't auch a bad feller.'
"Not long ago I tmd near two girls
ho were very nice looking and well
essed. They vera discussing one of
lur articles. They expreaaed really
ought fill views, but their grammar waa
plorable. Girls give thought to faah
n, why not bring aome thought to
tar on how they apeak?''
It me follow this quotation by one
nm that charming writer, William
vke: "We have the richest language
at ever a people hna accreted, and
e Use It aa If It were the poorest, We
tard up our Infinite wealth of words
tlween the boards of dictionaries, and
speech dole out tbe worn bronze
Inage of our vocabulary.
"We are the misers of phllologicej his
ry. And when we ran aave our pen
es and peas a counterfeit coin of slang
a are aa happy aa If we heard a blind
Get the Round Package
Uwd (or y Century.
A Very
TTTflTH welt sole. To be
YY worn with or without
buckle.- In gunraetal, tan,
Russia, patent colt or glace
V, t
tf& I f --.'V.
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C Caotiow ,
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Ll ... . . vO J 5. 0' UUU
214-216 flo. 16tli--!
beggar thank us for putting a pewtei
sixpence Into hla hat."
Charming diction mark the real lady
and the cultured man. Any of us tan b"
rich In words. It requires a little watch
ing of our own verbal tendencies and
quite a little study of good literature.
But It la wmth the effort.
Aa my correspondent wisely observes,
beauty and good clothes are not the
only hall marks of refinement The
ahabhleat woman In the world ran win
a certain amount of respectful attention
from thoughtful people If she talks in a
well modulated voire Hhd expreswa her
self in well chosen words.
Americans are famous for Ihelr allur
ing, slou'hy speech, We drop our g'a
and elHe our final vowels. Most of
pronounce "to "tuh" and act as If the
conjunction "and" were the article "an."
The double negative, the split Infini
tive, the singular verb with a plural
subject - all these are loo common.
Why call everything "cute" or "peachy"
r "bully" or scrumptious?'' These are
cheap words which may be Idly flung
about by any careless creature. Ufa a
full of nice shades of meaning and If
you question my use of the word "nl' e '
here Is our prime opportunity to search
out the dictionary and begin to acquaint
yourself with the beautiful, fertile plains
and the lofty mountain tops of our much
abused but vldld, glowing and dignified
Ask For and GET s
Made from clean, rich milk with the ex
tract of select malted grain, malted in our
own Malt I louses under sanitary conditions.
Infanta and thildrtn thrio on it. Agre with
tha wtakttt itomach of tha invalid or tht aged.
Ntadt no cooking nor addition of milk.
Nourishes end sustains more than tea, coffee, etc.
Should be kept at home or when traveling. Anu
thttoue food-drink may be prepared in moment.
A glassful hot before retiring induce refreshing
sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men.
Substitute Cost YOU Sam Pries
Toko a Pack ago Homo
less Ck. DOUGLVS.
Make Strength Food
Your Food!
FaustSpadhetti builds brain
and brawn with the least
tax on the digestive organs.
It is so appetizing and deli
cious that it pleases every
one everywhere.
And economical! Ten cents' worth
feeds a family of six, and sivre
nourishment equal to II. 00 worth
ef meat I Quirk and easy to couk.
Recipe book mailed free.
Yonr grorer s
ff Spihtti
MAULL BROS., St, UuU. U. S. A.
150 Women's Silk Taffeta Suits
Direct Manufncturcrs' Snmplcs-in the
Newest Models and Highest Grade
Values-Worth From $15.00 to $22.50
' .ivi .w.' nn j
For All Hours oj a Summer Day
Reproduced by Special Arrangement jith Harper's Bazar
Striped linen is effectively han
dled in this tub dress for morn
ings. Soulic again shows a prefer
ence for the plain bodice. Swiss
embroidery and black ribbon vel
vet are Ibc only trimming.
Hullo is a lover of the p-aintings of
Watteau and Fragonard, else he
could never attain the airiness and
frace of hi; creations, says F.mile
)c Joncaire in her letter from Paris
in the May number of Harper's Ra
lar. Some of his evening and after
noon gowns have tmlined skirts of
voile or chiffon, but a short under
petticoat of silver or lace falls a little
below the knees.
One evening gown of white tulle,
called Mon Keve, is trimmed with
circular strips of heliotrope ribbon
embroidered in silver thread, giving
the impression of brocaded silk.
The skirt is caught tip and draped
to give a shortened effect on one hip,
and a garland of pink roses is drawn
across the bodice and into the tulle
drapery at the hip.
Another pretty evening gown of
pink and blue tulle is entirely without
sleeves. Silver ribbon shotilderstraps
and a touch of silver at the waist line
blend delightfully with the pink
roses which trim the bodice. The
lower part of the skirt, from about
the knees down, is of blue tulle,
which lays very full over a petticoat
festooned with pink roses.
For evening wear liullo has cre
ated superb brocades by embroider
ing raised flowers in varied tints m
faille, the leaves often being covered
by a thickness of tulle touched with
threads of dull gold. One of these
creations, made for Mary (iarden, is
an emerald green embroidered with
pink roses, draped on the hips, and
has a simple waist relieved by dull
gold lace. Another "tiarden" gown
is of black net, embroidered wilh
motifs of silver and thuictonrs.
For street wear lUilldo shows a
thoice of voile and taffetas com
bined Willi (Inlfiui gnd faille, nuiiy
of the voiles bring trimmed with
taffeta in IJonun stripes. Many of
Ins street suits have the moat fas
cinating little mantles and capes
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Flowered marquisette, showing
pink roses on a white ground, may
indeed be sophisticated when made
in to a costume for the summer re
ception. J Iravily braided cord and
tassels of pink silk.
crossing in front, leaving the back
straight and loose, thus assuring a
youthful line.
The tailored costumes have full
skirts, most of them bring of the
length to which we have become ac
customed. As a general rule the
sleeves of his tailored suits are long
and the collars are of lingerie.
Bulloz has the reputation of creat
ing the most spectacular dresses in
Paris, and among the great houses
now oprn, he is the only one using in
his color combinations the modern
palette of pure color as seen in the
decorations of Hakst.
The two most marked details of
the Parjuin collection are straw
trimming and the collars, which, by
their special cut seem to lengthen and
broaden the bust-line. The collars
rather resemble fichus, being high at
the back and quite low in the front,
leaving the throat free. Skirts shown
by this house are not very short, and
Household Helps
Insteal of destroying the enamel on
saucepans by scouring with atrltty sub
statirea, try the plan of bollln In them,
now and sanln, water mlxni with a little
chloriila of lime. It almost Immediately
restores the most discolored surface to a
condition of snowy whiteness.
then cleaning wlne-stalned decanters,
put into th"iu some tea leaves, a little
! sand, and some warm, soapy water.
Shake well illl the stain la removed, then
rlnao tlHimnahly In clear water and
stand upside down ta drain dry.
Colored hendkerehlcfa, or handker
chiefs with colored borders and spots
should be suskrd ill cold t"r fr a
short tlino befoi they are ashed. This
III lire vent the colitis fioirt runninj or
Tis elisn pier make a paMe with
Hires i upf ils of llour, three tMc"HHii- I
fill if amm.tiila and "lie and a lutlf i .,(. j
tula of ler. It, ill ii iiiio hulls and rli i
over tti ii-r. Il niasrs It a cl an ss i
h"il lit '
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Sonde's attention to detail Is fit
tingly displayed in an elaborate
costume of embroidered chiffon
crepe and gros dc I.ondres, all in
white. The high collar is distinctive.
souve are trimmed with bias strips of
slraw which help to give the neces
sary flare. Several of the models
have mousscline pantalets of .the
lightest colors, only visible when the
skirt is lifted.
Tailored suits at Paquin's are fairly
tight fitting, the coats in some in
stances resembling basques. These
coats arc full about the hips and gen
erally a Jittle longer than the hip
line. Sleeves are long and tight, but
leg-o'muttons are shown,
In the I'aquin group there are sev
eral good-looking, very loose taffeta
coats specially made to be worn tjver
fragile gowns, and also silk dresses
with tight fitting bodices giving a
slender effei't. The skirts, charming
combinations of tulle and lace, have
most interesting lines. One of tbe
loveliest models is of mole-tinted
tulle and lace blending harmoniously
with old blue satin and giving the il
lusion of a faded pastel of the past.
If things are coming his way, any
man ought to smile otj a rainy day.
Lots of wives don't know the value
of money because they never see any.
Small vices never save a man. He
is just as apt to have a lot of big
ones on the side.
A little knowledge is a dangerous
thing when the other fellow holds
the gun.
The real gentleman never worries
over the thought that people may
think' that he is not one,
A Delicious Dish
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Girls Who
Win Out
Teacher's Final Success
Miss Smith taught school. There
was nothing remarkable about that
fact, nor was there anything extra
ordinary about MijjS Smith herself.
She did not loo!; upon her work in
the light of a prolcisiou, nor of a ca
reer carefully chosen and painstal:
iiitfly adhered to.
She was j'.ist ono of a thousand
other school teachers. She had
never heard of ,H-c,ial branches,- or,
if she had, i. never occurred to her
to think whether or not she was
suited lo her v.ork. She simply
taught school because her edtwalion
in the normal college made it pos
sible. Irom die lime (hat she was a
small girl her mother had always
aid with a gratified smile that they
were making a teacher out of Maud.
"Her father and I never had the
chance, but c want Maud to have
a real education,"
And ao Maud had conscientiously
worked her way through the high
school and normal, and was now a
regular teacher. She laught arith
metic, geography, history, spelling,
reading ami nature study. She bad
no knack of majving these subjects
of peculiar intercut to the children
who met in her room every day.
She simply plodded carefully
along, preparing her lessons care
fully day by day---borcd, if she had
stopped to think of it at all, and yet
she considered herself a worker.
However, there was just one
thing that made Miss Smith differ
ent from some of the other teachers.
She loved children. She liked their
shy attempts at friendship, she liked
it when they brought their small
problems for her lo solve, and,
strange to say, discipline in Miss
Smith's room was not so necessary
as it was elsewhere.
It all came about through Johnny
Deering, who was the acknowledged
bad boy of the school. Teachers
dreaded him, and when it finally
came time to hand him over lo Miss
Smith. Miss Bascom of the grade be
low gave him up with a sigh of relief
at the knowledge that a year of tor
ment was happily over.
Johnny knew all the dodges that
are usually employed to make teach
ers furious. He knew how lo aim
spit balls, and how to draw atrocious
pictures of teacher in heavy chalk on
the blackboard. But Miss Smith
never struck his fingers with a ruler,
nor did she keep him in after school.
She just laughed at the awful pic
tures and pretended not to notice
when Johnny aimed balls across the
room. And when Johnny discovered
that he was not making such a hit,
he didn't find it as much fun as be
had under fidgety, fretful Miss Bas
com. Other teachers asked Miss Smith
how she endured life with Johnny
Deering, and Miss Smith always
made some laughing rejoinder. F;v
eryone marvelled, and life continued
to go on for Miss Smith in quite the
same way as usual, only she was
really interested in Johnny Deering.
She wanted to make him like her.
One day she encountered Johnny's
eyes regarding her interestedly as
she explained a point in nature
study, and their absorbed interest
made her think of a story that she
promptly told, to illustrate . her
She forgot herself and told the
story well, the children hung on her
words, and for the first time in her
life she was flushed and happy. Tbe
principal had come quietly into the
room as she spoke, and coming up
to her desk after school he said
"I think you have quite a knack
with children, Miss Smith. I think I
shall put you in charge of the chil
dren's special,- you are certainly
Miss Smith's usually quiet hands
tightened in her lap, but her cup of
happinrss was not quite empty.
Johnny Deering slid softly up lo her
desk and held out a lough little
hand impulsively.
"Say, you're a peach," he said shy
ly, "I like you." And Miss Smith at
last knew what it meant to have a
real career.
The heaviest rannon vised at the time
of the American revolution were eight
een pounders.
Curried Beans.
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Engaged Couples
and Love
There is no suhjeet concerning whlrh
there la t wirier dlffereneo of opinion
that there Is about tho ctlika of a be
trothal. Among foreign jioople. a marrlane
eiigiinement la Hlmont us solemn and seri
ous a mutter hs the weddins. In the east
of our own country an ennHgement Is n
sort of a quHfiintlne Jinf keepa every
other man cxo-pl her fian'O away from
a girl, while It doesn't hind him to tho
altHi" If ho hnpperiit to ehanse his mind.
In thu south, where they know how to
play the lovo tmine, uri eiiKsgemunt la
merely a nrellmliiHry nlvirmli-h along the
nmlrlmonlat line, and, short of the wed
ding dny, either purty tan draw hack
with honor, rj uri without lireaeh of prom
iic suits.
Nor do Individuals niee as to what
privileges and ilslits till enRnfternent be.
etown upon (he belrolhrd. There r.te men
who think Ihut an enuanement gives them
the full authority of matrimony and that
they have a perfect rlBhl lo boss their
flHii'-ers, and do the Jealous Turk act
whenever any other muti shows their
particular ladylove, the dlgtitekt atten
tion. And there are glr'r: who think that.
iHru rngaKod to a man gives tliem tho
prlvelego of policing- their betrothed and
to rnlse fain every lime their own
Romeor. look at another woman, or givej
ivldenee that they are awino that Ihcio
la another nklri In the world.
This Is tiiishlrig a good thing too far.
This Is tyranny of the most gnlllng do
mestic brand. It Is time, enough for olio
to assume the attitude of a keeper and
one-who-miift he-obeyed whet) one aelu
jlly marries and the engaged should re
flect that, after all. until the wedding
ceremony has been performed he or nh-i
has only an option on the party of the
'ithcr part. The trade has not been
'losed nor the gooda delivered
II Is selfish and nerbearlng for a man
before a marriage to risrrow a girl down
lo his exclusive unclelv and whatever at
entlons he chooses lo bestow upon lier.
.There's time enoiigh for that when she M
his wife and can make him take her
ghout to places she wishes to go. Like
wise H it both silly and rgttlnli for it
woman to keep a man tied to hr apron
strings diring the days of her engage,
ment. lie will have plenty of that sort
of thing afterward when he will have to
produce an, alibi for every evening ho
spends away from her.
Aa a matter of fact, there would be a
great many more happy marriages If
engaged couples looked upon their be
trothal as merely a period of probation
during which they undertook tha eer:o is
tajk of flnd'na; out some'hlng about eac'i
other's character and disposition and
whether they were temperamentally
suited and likely tifmake of marrmmy it
glad sweet song instead of a Kilkenny
eat fight.
There are a great many worthy men and
admirable women who, with the best In
tentions In the world and even with a
sincere affection for each other, are so
antagonistic by nature that if they marry
they will make each other more miserable
than any deliberate villain could. Jt
should be tho province of the engagement
in reveal thla state of affair and to give
the hapless couple a chance to withdraw
on the safe aide of the altar.
It is a thousand pltlea that engaged
couples. Instead of hilling and cooing,
and asking each other "oose ducky Is
oo?" and will "oo ever get tired of me?"
and doea "oo love me a million, billion,
trillion bushels?" don't use the precious
opportunity to find out what each other
thinks of the real problems. of real life,
and Investigate each other'g taates on
every subject from politics to pie.
There wouldn't he so many divorces If
every engaged man Would pin a girl down
to brass tacks before he married her and
ascertain If she was prepared to do her
own cooking, and make her own clothes,
and undertake the hardships of a poor
man's wifo. Npr would there be so many
family spats, or so many neglected wtvca
If the engasred younf man would find out.
whether hla awcetheart had advanced
views about women's rights, and Intelli
gence enough to understand when ho
talked to her about iho books In which
he was Interested.
Nor would there be so many discon
tented wives If engaged girls would get
the vlewa of their future lords on the
suhjeet of a wife's rights, financial and
otherwise, and find out whether the mini
she was purposing to marry Intended to
make an unpaid servant, a plaything,
or a real companion of her.
livery engaged man and woman i.honld
he a Mherloi k Holme on the trail of th
man or woman he or tdie Is purposing
to marrs'. Kvery characteristic, should hu
studied, every word welched, every art
analyied, and If the Investigation eon
timed I'lliicr party that the marries
would be a mlst ike there hould he no cllf
j flcul l y In breaking the engagement, and
no discredit attached to doing so.
I I'i'i' this termini the Im a, , of promise
' u 1 1 (Imnid be thrown nut uf roui t. and
tlir matt or wonuit who lrn'K an en
g.i ,'ciiKlit, huti-ad of h.-liig pp!J.ed
Mo-aid t't o-oioi, t for having the c.mrts:
I to own u;t to hstlin made a mistake.
and tiliciv st' lo eorreel It fcof.ire It
jwn l'io late At nit a broken eng,.
iiieui is n p:n pri.-h lo afre.tion n
l.rt, but a dh ere. or mlsi!'le m
ritt i a S!U t ths very betn .,f
t c '
Advice to Lovelorn
1 Hea'riee Fairfax,
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