Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1916, Image 1

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Call Tyler 1000
If You Warn to Talk (o The Uee
or to An; one Connected
With The lice.
VOL. XLV-XO. 289.
On Trains, at Hot)
Roi Standi, to, So
JLL JL i .l J
Five Hundred Come Up to Spend Day
in Omaha, and They Keep Busy
Kcjrardless of Kain That
Poured Down.
Festivities End With a Dance at the
Auditorium, Following the
Lap Lunch.
I lie climax of a big day's enter
tainment came last night when the
visiting htudents of the University of
Nebraska enjoyed the lap supper, fol
lowed by entertainments and a dance
at the Auditorium.
Although the rain kept many away
from Omaha, so that only .lot) stu
dents came on the special train, it
proved that many had eoine over on
lluiisday evening, and Mill others
came on afternoon trains Friday when
the rains ceased. Thus when the
crowds were all gathered at the Audi
torium in the evening fully 500 were
For an hour the students feasted
on the big supper prepared by the
manufacturers and jobbers of Omaha
and handled by the merchants' market
v.-eek committee.
MareiV colored orchestra struck up
taglime and even before the tables
were chared a score of couples were
And the Dance Is On.
Noon the tables were cleared and
.hutitlcd out. Then dancing became
general. Joe Kelley, chairman of the
merchants' market week committee,
stepped upon the platform and made
an announcement. No matter what
he said, no one Jieard him, for there
was lots of noise, and, anyway, Kelley
had not finished his supper. He had
his mouth full of ice cream which he
uas getting in big bites from an ice
cream brick in his hand. Following
the announcement, the program went
on in good shape, so it was assumed
that he had announced its continua
tion. Scores of students had pocketed
('ranges from the table and they be
gan to roll them across the open
space on the Auditorium floor. One
Mopped in the middle. The students
then began to roll at the one for a
target. The snort developed into a
big game of bowling with oranges.
"I 'op, squash," and i two of them
came together in a head-on collision
in the center of the floor. Others
struck the wreckage, arid in a moment
broken oranges were scattered over
the floor. v . ,
Engberg Restores Dignity.
Dean Fngbcrg walked with charac
teristic dignity out upon the floor. He
began to kick the oranges out of sight
and to clear the floor in general.
It was wonderful how soon the
orange rolling stopped. Dean ,Eng
hcrg is the man who signs all the blue
envelopes that "can" the hoys out of
So there was silence and the orange
howling stopped.
The Knights of Columbus Glee club
rendered some lively selections. Ga
latea danced some of "her" noted
writhings and Henry Cox's Omaha
Symphony Study orchestra rendered a
number of selections that were highly
appreciated by the students.
U. S. Ilarkson, a student, leaped
upon a table in the center of the room
and led the college yells until the big
Auditorium walls fairly bulged with
the pressure of the shouting.
The dance started and continued
until shortly before 9 o'clock, when
the students hurried from the Audi
torium down to the Burlington depot
and boarded the train for Lincoln,
pretty well pleased with the day's out
ing, even it it did rain most of the
time during their stay in Omaha,
Met By High School Band.
When the Burlington train carry
ing the students arrived it was met at
the depot by Vincent C. Miscall, Dr.
Irvine Cutter, V. C. Ramsey, Samuel
Hcese, jr., Amos Thomas, Frank
Huilta, C, 1". Foster ami F. V. 1'ar
i, members of the general com
mittee, and Sam Cottner, L, A. Hig
Kins, L. W. t'harlcsworth, J)r. C. A,
,M()rr, Dr. R. A. Moser and t", A.
lit-iiitctt, guides. As the students
climbed down oit the cars, a rousina
cheer went up trom the crowds out
the gates, and ii was quickly
ti'tiiiiiiiiinj n J'g T, Column Oiw.) '
The Weather
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Archbishop Who Comes to Omaha to
Succeed the Late Bishop Scannell
Washington, D. C, May 19.
The appointment of the Most
Rev. J, J. Harty, archbishop of
Manila, P .1., since 1903, as arch
bishop of Omaha, to succeed the
, late Bishop Richard Scannell, was
announced here tonight by Mon
signor Bonzano, the aportolic
delegate. Archbishop Harty,
who is a native of St, Louis, or
ganized the parish of St. Leo's
''tere in 1838. His successor at
Manila has not been announced.
The newly appointed prelate for
Omaha is 63 yeais of age, having
been horn at St. Louis November
185,?. He was educated in the parish
schools of St. Louis and attended Si.
Louis university and St, Vincent's
college at Cape Girardeau, Mo., com
pleting his divinity studies in the lat
ter, He was ordained priest April iS,
1878 and was at first assistant rector
of St. Lawrence OToolc's church and
later was stationed at St. Bridget'
church in St. Louis, where he was
commissioned to organize the parish
of St, Leo' in St. Louis, which lie oc
cupied with widely recognied ability
until he was appointed archbishop of
Manila June , 1903.
Rare Elevation.
His was one of the rare cases in
which a parish priest was elevated
without intermediate steps to the
rank of archbishop.
Late in 1914 he returned to St.
Louis on a vinit and was given a re
ception at St. Leo's chapel church,
which he founded twenty-eight years
ago. He later toured America and
went to Koine, After a journey
through Europe lie returned to the
Philippines, 1
Extends Omaha Jurisdiction, v
Cathode clergymen of Omaha who
were asked concerning the amioint-
mcnt of the new archbishop say that
an archbishop here will bring under
the supervision of its head the bis
hoprics of Kearney, Cheyenne and
Lincoln, Omaha's importance in
church circles will be greatly en
larged. Still all are in the dark as to
the plans of the head of the church
and have no other information than
that reported in the newspaper dis
patch above.
Knows the Situation.
None of the local clergy is ac
quainted with the archbishop, but all
arc satisfied that his long residence
in St. Loins will make him thoroughly
familar with the problems existing
here and they look for his administra
tion to be of the greatest benefit to
fhe Catholic church in this territory.
Bishop Scannell died 'January
I he usual procedure lias been fol
lowed with relation to a successor
and'. it had been hoped by. many
churchmen that a member ot tn
western clergy would be elevated,
Forecast Says It Will Contain Strong
Flanks on Americanism and
Protective Tariff,
Chicago, May 19. Preparation of
the republican platform, which will
be submitted to the national conven
tion next month, has started, accord
ing to Fred W. Upham, chairman of
the local committee on arrangements
for the convention, who returned
from New York today after a con
ference with Chairman llilles and
other members of the republican na
tional committee.
Strong planks favoring American
ism, military preparedness and a tar
iff for the protection of American
industries, it is said, are among sub
jects being considered.
The plank on Americanism and
military preparedness will, it is de-'
dared, be sufficiently strong to meet
every reasonable demand of progres
sive republicans, according to re
ports received here.
East Favors Root.
"I talked with nearly all the 'old
guard' leaders in the cast and left
Sew York convinced that Flihu Root
is the must favoied candidate for
president in the Atlantic Mated," said
Mr. t'plum. "He will havf a major
ity of the delegates 1 1 dm New Voik
and the nther eastern state nu the
early ballots, but the leaders are still
figuring and have ft tlrudcd
whether they , will he able .i Humi
liate bun. If Root is tutiH,tiiiii,ii.
t think a western man will he h"ri,
't )ne of the must pr i-niiiient inrm
tiers of the ld g mi t' tnhl me l't
tie fell eiuin ihjt !tnirvrlt wi-ul)
i t iM'nr ni'iic than i ik' $ v , i tut
tho in st lb.t. I thi-ik thuhrt' hct
vlun-e will be i a t.miit. ii i ,p m
diiUte if the v'i tiventii..! jiilii linn f
t' 4i in e iti) i "
Limit on Silt tth'i.
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Calvin, Tark, Scott and Farrell Are
Suggested as Possible Successors
to A, L, Mohler,
Speculation as to the identity of
the successor of A. L, Mohler, presi
dent of the Union Pacific, who re
signed Thursday, 5s rife in Omaha
railroad circles.
It is purely . speculation, however,
as to who this successor will be, it
being -asserted that if any person
.iiiows, "the one pernou. is Judge Lov
elt of Nvw York, the chairman of the
executive committee of the road and
also chairman of the board of direc
tors of the Harriman system of roads
The board of directors will hold
its meeting in New York next week
and immediately thereafter the an
nouncement of the appointment of a
president is expected to come from
the executive committee.
For years it has been the policy of
the Union Pacific management and
the management of the Harriman
lines of road to make promotions to
important positions from the family.
In fact this has been the policy ever
since the Harriman interests, ob
tained control of the properties. Tak
ing this view of the situation many
railroad men arc of the opinion h.
E. Calvin, vice president of the Ore
gon Short line will be the next presi
dent of the Union Pacific.
May Be W. L. Park.
Vr. L. Park, vice president of the
Illinois Central, is looked upon as
another possibility as a successor to
Mr. Mohler, Mr. Park was with the
Union Pacific for many years and
left it at the instance of the Harri
man interests to take charge of Illi
nois Central affairs, f
Another possibility, it is asserted,
is Y. L. Scott, president of the
Texas lines of the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Scott for a number of years was
general manager of the Union Pa
cific, being succeeded by Charles
Ware, It is asserted he went to the
Southern Pacific fr the nuiuosc of
bulking after the I iiiian interests
in that property.
! Farrell is Suggested,
J. !. Farrell, Portland, (lie., presi
dent of the Oregon W ashington Kail
way and Naviatiiin ninpanv, our of
the subsidiary propeitit-s of the Har
riman system, n suggested a another
man who may be dicidnl upon as
president fur the Unn-i Panne. He
is not known intiuuitty here, but it
is said that he is a thmuiiKh tjilit,4'
nun, is till good rnvtisivt' ability.
Might Select Felton,
There is snme I that it tSc exec
utive c.iinnintf e t.( the llriirnnan
Imes Ux-i.' t g, nuii .) tit ihi- uuiilv 4 .ii ii.tict i i i -..!,,( v K
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is of Fresh German
Attack French Positions
West of the Meuse, Ac
j cording to Paris,
! Germans Attempted to Recapture
Small Fort on Slope of
Hill 304.
Paris, May 19. --Violent fighting on
a hu ge scale was resumed on, the Vrr
dun front last iiikIiI. Two fresh di
visions of German troops attacked
French positions at Avocoiirt Wood
and Hill .104, west of the Meuse, The
war office announces (hat the attaiks
in the main were unsin crssful, al
though the Germans obtained a foot
ing in a small post south of Hill ,'87,
which lies just to the east yof Avocoiirt-
'1 he Germans attempted to recap
ture the small fori on (he northeast
slope of Hill .1(14, which Ihe French
took on the preceding day, but their
effort failed.
Infantry f tulif inff was confined for
the most part to the sector west of
the Meuse, Hast of the river and in
the Woevre the artillery was active.
The official statement says that the
troops eniplojed by the Germans in
their attacks had been sent recently
to the Verdun front.
Sublieutenant Navarre, cme: of the
best known French aviators, who re
cently engaged in a fight with five
German aeroplanes, brought down his
tenth machine in an aerial combat at
Dolante, in the Argonne,
Germans Take Trenches.
Berlin, May 10. (Via London.)
French trenches on both sides of the
llaucourt-Ksnes High Road, on Ihe
Verdun front west of the Meuse, have
been captured by the Germans, the
war office announced today, Nine
French officers and 120 men were
taken prisoners,
Mitchel Accuses
George Thompson
In Big Wire Plot
New York, May 19, Mayor
Mitchel, in a statement issued from
his office today, accused Senator
George F. Thompson, chairman of
the legislative conmrittee which has
been investigating wire tapping acti
vities ot the police, "of treachery to
the United States" because of bis at
tempt to investigate ihe tapping of
the telephone of the munitions-dealing
firm of Seymour & Seymour.
Mayor Mitchell in his statement
demanded that Police Commissioner
Woods be given an opportunity to
explain publicly before the commit
tee Ihe activities of the police in tap
ping telephone wires "so far as they
relate to the local situation."
"Treason to the government" read
the statement, "is defined in the law
as giving aid and comfort to the ene
mies of a government or a nation. To
deliberately destroy one of the most
powerful weapons in the hands of
the government to detect and prevent
the operations of public enemies; 1
brand as treachery, Every repetition
of these attempts to disclose the op
erations of the city police force made
in the interest of self-advertisement
constitutes a cumulative act of
treachery toward the United States."
This statement was issued after
Chairman Thompson had announced
that the inquiry into the wire tap
ping would be continued at today's
session, although in executive scs-,
sion. Thompson told Corporation
Counsel Lamar Hardy, representing
Mayor Mitchel, that "there is not
now and never was a question of in
ternational interest involved in the
case." This was after Hardy had pro-
i tested against further inquiry into
I the Seymour case on the ground that
the national interests were at stake if
publicity were given 10 the case.
Northern Baptist
Association Takes
Steps Toward Union
j Minneapolis, May lf'.-hat was
i ' ilMiacteiunl as a step nearer a cutu
I (ilcte union wnh ihe southern I'.ip
' list 'Mivriititii! Mils taken by the
Northern B.lptut i ctuel!tl" tl ttv,
V ! t 'I by U'1411 ;tiuiil Vote. 4 11 i:m u
ilni t api'K 1'H d l srtt'e diiiiilri
, .u t il-iiii ull'i i l ilren a't atiiiuud
i- '( tim
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tii-'itv 1 I r!;'V'i member (-j"",,'!'d
tesd r.)v t He. t an i.ilgaiuai'-'n
i-l !-r A.ui-ii. n lUt-t"' I niili.
? ! t'iv A (.,. lit iaiiit
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Germany Considers
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Here Are the Badges for Presidential
Conventions at Chicago and St. Louis
j Pinned to the coat of every dcle
gate who attends the republican or
i democratic conventions that are soon
to go into session for the purpose
j of nominating candidates for the
'presidency of the United States, will
jbc one of these badges. Those who
j will attend the republican convention
helil 111 tim ago. wm wear the badge
shown above Those who will attend
the democratic convention will wear
the badge similar to that shown he
low. No matter whether one is the hum
blest delegate from the smallest vil
lage or whether one is the general
chairman, he cannot pass the vigilant
men at the door unless the badge is
conspicuously displayed.
"Ihe badges are made of silk rib
bons and pendant medals and cross
bars of bronze and enamel. The fin
ish of the badgu is different and the
inscriptions are different according
to the classification of the person
who is to wear them. The officers
and commiticemen and the national
chairman have their badges made of
Bold. Those of the delegates are of
gilt and the Mihordutatcs of nickel
or original bronze.
Official Report Says Army of Dual
Monarchy Forced Its Way
Across Luan Valley.
Berlin, May IV (By Wireless to
Say ville.)-Austrian troops are con
tinuing to advance at points on the
Italian front, the official statement
of May 18 says, althotigh Ihe Italians
are undertaking vigorous counter
strokes, The Austriatts i rossed the
Luan valley and captured Costabella. j
Today's official Austrian report
"Italian fronC In the coastal re
gion and on the Carinthian sector
artillery operations were impeded by
fog. Southeast of Monfalcone the
Italians attempted to recapture posi
tions near Nagni, which they lodt re
cently, but they were repulsed.
"In the Col. Di Lana district re
peated hostile attacks were made
without succes. In the southern
Tyrol, Austro-llungarian troops at
tacked and captured the frontier
ridge of Maggio, between the Astico
and Leno valley, crossed the Luan
vallev. southeast of.Pia7a, and took
Costabella. They repulsed . sevcrajj.
hostile attacks souttr ot juosciierc on
tW Zegnatorta.
''Yesterday we captured more than
900 Italians, among whom were
twelve officers and took eighteen can
nons and machine guns.
"The official Italian reports of May
16 and 17 state that the Austro-Jfun-garian
losses in these engagements
were enormous. These reports were
invented in order to diminish the im
pression made by the Italian retreat.
J he losses of the enemy can be es
timated only by those who hold the
battle field. The Italians are not in
that position. The Austro-Hunga-riafls.
while appreciating at its full
value the sacrifice of every brave sol
dier, are able to declare that the
Austro-Hungariaii losses have been
exceedingly small, thanks to the
ability of the infantry, the powerful
protection given by the artillery and
the experience in war of the com
manders." Cotner University
Is Badly Damaged
By Fire and Water
Lincoln, May IV. Fire this evening
in the main building of Cotner univer
sity at Bethany Heights, four miles
from Lincoln, badly damaged the
southeast corner of the building anil
caused Ihe flooding of most of the
rooms. The estimated value of the
tnMing is vd.oim) ami it carried m-
surance of $M).0o0, which it is believed
will .-,.1 f.r 1.,
Cotner i the di tioininational school
1 f the Christian church of Nebraska
and J.iil students are enrolled. It is
believed repair tan be made so
piiuiiptly that clause will be link
Intel 1 iiptrd, Ihe lur slatted 111 one
of the tudiiiiltul ilas room 011 the
third floor.
Swedish Employers
Threaten to Lock
Out All Union Men
l U:s!-.4tia. 'rri, Ma l -Or
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Presbyterians Approve Scheme for
a Big Inter-Oenominationarl
Atlantic City, N. ., May 19. By
the adoption of a recommendation
offered by its permanent committee
on evangelism today the 12Rtli gen
eral assembly of the Presbyterian
church look the first step in the es
tablishment of a proposed interde
nominational evangelistic organiza
tion which will put religious revivals
the country over on an efficiency
basis, under the immediate direction
of the church m America and an ad
visory nondeiiominational lay board,
The plan, when carried to its con
clusion, will make, evangelists sal
aried members of an evangelistic
committee of all the churches. The
evangelists will be assigned to eer-
! "! u at neen uiem. j n.s
1 ,11 1 nu 11 1111 ill vim riilllllillic lllf; IIIUI 11
icritiitseil thank oflenngs at Uic end
'of levivals,
I the revivatiitic merger of the
.chiirvhel is piuvided fur III a lesolil-
, tic 11 to co tipi-iate with the federal I
council of Ihe Oniuhev (.( t hnit in
'America t'i drvitop stcmatii' con
! 1 1 nl of rv rfiiKrliitic wotk Wifbiii the
i net m tminihs this resoliitnm nr its
J cminli'i ,4) ! will be adopted, it is
prinn,.'d, bv cat b t.f the liventv sts
'denomination 111. the inlet! 1 innu it.
! Men. 1. 1 t a I ,iv l...i 'I w ill be j f (he i ? -ii. I ( i.mtiiillrt', j
I In tlin.l.-gii al t.rainli of (he work!
, tl Ie u .1' r pie lu e, unit t.f t'.e .
i lull t U I iiilllii.' !t .
Motor Oar Takes
Fire and Burns!
V. rej.i' i
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'.o. N, 1. , Mar 19- -st
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No Answer Has Come to Request of
President Wilson for the Dela7
in the Execution of
Protest from United States Had Only
Three Hours to Reach British
.Dublin, May 19. (Via London.)
.The sentence imposed by a court
martial on Jermiah C. Lynch of New
York, has not yet been promulgated.
New York, May 19. The fate of
Jeremiah C. Lynch, an American cit
izen, who was to have been shok it
daybreak in Dublin, is believed to he
screened by strict censorship. No
word regarding the man, who had
been convicted of complicity in the
Irish rebellion, had come over the
cables up to 9 o'clock this morning.
President Wilson made an eleventh
hour plea for slay of execution just
before midnight last night in Wash
ington. Owing to the difference in
lime Lynch was to have fared the
firing squad about three hours after
President Wilson had directed that
a cable be sent to London asking
lhal the execution he deferred until
the American government could
make an investigation Into the ease.
It was not known here whether
President Wilson's pica reached the
bullish authorities in time to save
Lynch from being executed.
Trial by Field Court-MartiaL
Washington, May 19. A report on
Ihe trial of Jeremiah C. Lynch from
the American consul at Dublin, dated
yesterday, was received at the State
department today from Ambassador
Page at London. It said Lynch was
tried yesterday by a field court-
An apparent omission in the coded
message made its interpretation un
certain to State department officials.
It was suggested, however, that
Lynch was to have been either sen
tenced or executed at daybreak to
dav. ; Secretary Lansing's message inter
vening in Lynch's behalf apparentaly
had not been received by Ambassa
dor Page when he fotiudc4 Jii.r
port. 1
State Department Gets Busy.
Information telegraphed here last
night ,to Senator O'Gorman by
friends of Lynch in New York was to
the effect that he had been sentenced
to death and would be shot at mid
night, New York lime,
President Wilson was at a theater
when Senator O'Gorman called at the
White House. Secretary Tumulty
hurried to the theater and laid the
facts before the president.
Mr. Lynch was a former resident
of New York City. He was promi
nent in Irish circles there.
Beading Shares in
Sensational Kise
New York, May 19, The spectac
ular advance in shares of the Read
ing company was resumed with
greater vigor today, the common
stock- rising to the new high record
of 06li shortly after 11 o'clock. Yes
terday's final prices were 99.)$ for the
common and 51' for the second pre
ferred. Buying of Heading so far as ,
could be traced on the floor eman
ated from large banking interests.
Blocks of 1,000 to 3,000 were confi
dently absorbed at steady gains.
The entire railway list moved up
ward with Heading, notably Balti
more & Ohio and New York Central,
which have large holdings of Read
ing shares. The Pacifies, Erie, West
ern Maryland, Ihe grangers and prac
tically all other divisions were active
and strong at gains of 1 to J points.
Total sales up to II o'clock
amounted to 4(ttl,iKl, or on the basis
of a -',0S), day. Heading's
contribution to the firs! hour was
estimated at about .10 per cent of Ihe
w hole.
The pace slackened near the mnl
m .Mini and Heading sustained a sewn-
reversal in Ihe final hour, hut
1 lined at I'-M, a net gain of nnints
Toitav's tmal business o( 1,!,ihki
thare. of wlurli Heading supplied
11. . Irj t '.i 1 .'.t!fnl, w the Uig
rtt !. 1 1 'In r '). i
who take your Want
Als at 77; M; are
t'H'cially traiued for
that kit nt of work and
can kivo you many
helpful stitftfi'istions in
tapiutf up nu ail.
lVv Want-Ail service
i-s eo?njtete,
Phono TyliT Um
I I . I
' f II.