t TIIK P.KK: OMAHA. FIJI HA V. MAY if. lOlti. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKE Cash Demand for Wheat at Prices Half to Cent Lower is Strong and Sale. Are Heavy. COBN MARKET REMAINS ttUIET OMAHA, May 1, 1116 A atrrnit rilh demand for wheat con tlnuerl today and ihi aaiea of thla rerel were rather heavy. The wheat market was OHoted (morally from Vie to lo lower, (in tar of ih"lce No. S wheat brought the top prlra of II 15, but the hulk of tha threes old around 11.0701 Q7V4 A fa ealea of No. 4 hard what were made at about a So deellne. but three earn pipe ware of poorer quality, the batter sam ples eauma about la lower. The porn market waa aul.it aaatn today. The raoelpta rontlnueil Itaht. l orn anld at Hnrhenfted price and oata ranged from to 4i lower, the dmanl for both tbaao cereaia batna; only niwinr,IG. riya auld at a fractional deellne and bar ley waa Quoted nominally unrhanaed Ctearanrea were: Wheat and flour, equal to l,7,on bualiela; corn, 274,000 bushels eats. 2.000 husho. Liverpool rlnnt Wheat, unchanged to jfi lower: cotti, unehanaeri Primary wheat receipt, wera 729. Ono bliehela and ahlpmenta 127,000 buahela, eaalitat rei-epta n( 631,000 buahela and ahlp tnente or 7S8.000 buehala IhbI year Primary corn racaluta wera HHs.oott hush ela and ahliimenta 4iS,0"0 buahela. against receipt of 1194,000 bushels and ahliimanla or rzn.uno euaneia laat year. Primary oala receipts were 1.061,000 hueh ela and shipments 1,11 1,000 buahela, acalitat recelpta nf 4M.0O0 huaheia and ahlpmenla vi lii.vuu puaneia iaai year. CAKlyOT RKC KIPTH. Wheat. Corn. Oaf a. til 61 221 , ...!0H SS J02 11 11 ; 24 4 Ml bi 24 I hlraan tlnrieaoolla t mini h ornsha . , . , Kansas- (lty ft. l-ouls .. Wlnnlpi-n 8:11 Thae sslea were reported today: Wheal No. 2 hard winter. I car, 11 10 No. t hard winter, 1 car (.lark. 11. lb; I nr 41 1,1.1. O 4 4 ........ I At . A - 41.1,0.), u I4, l in. 4 ..Kin, 11(17. 10 rara, 11.07: 3 rare, 11.01; I care, l.ue; a cara, i.titift; 1 car, fl.'xv: No. S hard winter. 1 or (dark). II. 1H: 1 II 0JU; I 8 6 rare, (1.03; 26 rar, ll'lj, 2 cara, 11.02; rare, tt.ui; a cam, it uo; 1 ear, 17n. Hample bard winter. I car. lie. No. S anrlna. 1 car, II 06. No. 4 aprlnc, l 'ar, II 02. fro. 1 while prln. 1 car, 11.01 No. 4 durum, 1-6 car, ifci. No. 2 mixed, j car. 11.10. No. I mlied, 1 car, 1107, Wo, 1 mixed. 1 rar. I10f, : 1 car. II 00. Rye No. 4; 1 car, 17c, Maniple: t car (white), 6c. Corn No. I white; 1 car, 70 c. No. white: 1 car, Ittto. No. 1 yellow; 1 car, I2o. No. yellow: 3 cara. 71 Vic. No. yellowi 1 rar, 70c. No. yellow: 1 car. 7e. No. 2 mlied: 1 car, 71c. No, I mlied 3 cara. 70n; No. a mixed: 1 car, 70c. Sain pie mlied: 1 rar, 60c. oata No. I white: 2 cara, 41 lie No. t white: 1 rar, 41a. Hample white: 2 ran, 41o; 1 car, 40ic; 1 ear. 40o: t cara. im. Hilt l-rleea Wheat: No. t hard, 1101 H 10; No. 1 hard. 1 1 ,04 U I. on ' so. hard, 0 Oil 04; No. 2 eurlrii, ll.0tl 07; .. 1 sprint, li mn, I No. 1 ourum II. 021. Oh; No. 2 durum. II 0I4S1 02. Corn No. 2 white, !0'A70c; No. 2 white, 70 70'c; no. while, e a inr ; no. wmit tiHiallUe: So. Willie tBUftlir: No. S yellow, 7l7mc; No 2 yllow. 70m71c; No. e yellow, v'uminr; iso. b yenow, 70c; No. 6 yellow, '4670c; No. 2 mixed, 0i71c; No. 2 mlxd, ia,70c; No. mixed. 'A70c: No. 6 mixed, ',470r No. mixed. r70e. oata: No. 2 white, 4242'c: alandard. 41V42c: No. 1 while 41W4M1V'. Nu- whlto, 'l'0 4l. Barley; Mailing, No. 1 leen. 6'aOC. Jiyo! No. 2, 9b " ; No. 2, K4c. t'hlcaao i?lorlna: prloa. furnlehed The Bee hy I.oxun & llryan, ato' k and arein croaera, 316 Houth Hlxtecnih aireat, Omuha: ) ArtJ open, j HIb.7jUw.JfUo.Jpr4itJf; wh t f r ' "1 r r May 1 1 1 ." t a. 1 1 1 6 V 1112 July ill'4 IUt4 ll-a Wept lHlfltt lla H 112 U21 118 nr. in fni" I "I I I May 1764, I7&H j74 i 74 7S( ' .luly 74V4 CHV, 73?4 73 74 Kept 724j 73 V1 71 'A 72S H faiaj L I I .May 4V H July 41 48 42 42 4 sept it'ii 39 ny, iy, '"jkj L L L I . May 2400 2405 12216 12400 2400 July 22', 2J67V, hl342Val 2267 2310 Bept 2320 2227S4 2320 12327 2320 Hard I I 1 " "1 '.May 120 ,120. I12B0 i0 1277ifc July 12X0 I1297MI 1277 1210 1271 Kept 1212' 1300 112X7 1800 12Ttt Hl'l.a ' " 1 I 1 I May 120 127V 1120 1 2XS 1266 July 1267V Il2a74 12i7Vi 12a2V 1266 I 12110 Hept 120 12VV !120 1292 1278 CHICAGO GBAINAvn PBOVIWIONS, reaturea of h Trading and Cloalnc Price on Hoard of Trade. Chicago, May II. Burmleea that dellnlta movca for peace had begun were accont panlnd In the wheat market today by eharp hrreka In fjiiotatlona. The rloee waa heavy, 2c to i1tf. net lowr: with July at 11.12 and Heptcmber at II .13. Corn loat to 1191c ana oata r. to 14c Provl aolne flnlahed unchanK'd to 20c higher. VYeakneaa In the wheat market tonic an acute form In the laat half hour of the aee- elon, Juki after n waa primed that the iiniien mreign aecreiary ofllclally announced the Vatican had irifida reprcHHiitatlona to ticrmauy in an enori to nave trermany ubHndon nuhnmrlne warfere. Tradcra were iiuick to cotiiiie me tiding with earlier ad tcca that PreHld"nt Wlleon had a.n epted an Invitation tu adilreea a meeting of the league to enforce pcan; tlmt a former French am bassador had been charged with a mleelon to the pope, and that fount Von Hernaiorff hud warip-d G-rinn In the I'nlted Htatnji to Klv" ei ritiuioux oncoit'ttco to tho laws, t'nloadiog of Hpwulatlve holdlnga of wheat licceme gcncrel end oulcMy Included much ,.'Hlng of an automatic atop-loea character. Tho prevloue felluro of the market to re. epond lo bulllnh crop newa had cauecd dla-coiirag-nicnl on the part of ownere, anl had l.rt'par' ft th way for a erneah In valuee. In 1 his connection a leading authority waa iUolcd to the effect tllut the general proa j,c 1 of Hie Kiiiihmh crop wee not alarming, tleepltc hlg Iohn-s In tile central and eouth cro ,m llooa of the elate. Healdea, there were fHvorehle crop ailviica from the la KotM and M Irm-milH forn ileclin.d inelnly aa a reauit ef the break In wheal. It'-portw of record-break-tug Iniluetrial deniMiol fulled to act aa an .,lt.-,. i'Hta look Hie Htne courae aa other Kreln rop ri j.orlti vm-im favoiahle and re- celntM I:iikc thher i-rlcen ,,n hog l!fid provtelona. ',i,eMiwe of ,.ieMi h.i. ignored rtil ago t'aeli I'ri' ' brat . .Vo, 2 red, Klliiltial; N. J red, l ll I I.'. No. ' hard, I 1441 I S.. hard. 1 1 II 4 V, tl I I S i orii. No 2 .-lli.u, TefiiH- . No, 4 yll,,w, TTSc Oaia; N 1 whit-, l .glii ; alatidard, nS 'fll',. I:ye N'MT,lnl liarlcs, tilhlc Meed. Tlltioth). . ,'.. S Hfl, clover, lii'ift' If, i" pruWalone fork, l.'j On if 4 00, Urd, IU in. lU', H3 11 9!. MIV lOKk I.IM.KAI, MAMKKT. guotcllnm of the Day on the arioua I nnitlMiiltdee, New Vori,. mi n - I't.ni H -:): .pneg l'.,l.'li! - I ' i' , f U Mliit..r 4 r . r. t a, , sif.l". -lulrf ',ilghl i4'iyS4 ltt;,T etn." Ii.eteel. week. No. 1 ..f...o. l ;.. N 1 bard l .4, No ..t,rl-, rn. l.ultl'h, l il. So I noriberu, Vll-lt-.l 4. I I '. f e l NeW Vera - U- I u. . w . e a 11,4 . . 11 S . i t U Ci.,.1, ii,fl Sm 3 yrtlew, T'e t , I . ,.re I, I . .i,l e- , altri.Wf.l ' I II K - r..i . N. I, lijitflj.l Ne Iti-'llt , I. lMt4.', ihilplna, I I . ,.. I 1 1 -i e' - ! x.4'e i m,i,-.i,, i . ben e, ' ' ' ' v e. I .ei i'i li i ti t. HI'.'1-1 - i'-t . ilt, I'ehllal t !... ; n "". Hu... k I' fata, IK I .1 V I . t'-.ik .!. . J. n ... t e -1 'i 4 . I H t . . ., t i 4 t, . 1- ' i i. . i : vi ., . -.i l ', left .4t . I, , I I ( - ' t ' i i It I I I . III-'.' Ki . 1 i icr ..... I ll V i. s 'l t 54 4 t. ... . I n, ( ; . .e , . II t . , '!. PJI.,,, - ,. i. ' . . , v.- ' I ' II l ' !' I i- " it .'- -.i i a. ,;. , , I , - i l 4 4 . 'i ' '. ' a . t t. fc" I fit.. y f-l , - . 4 1 , S 4 , 4 ' 4 . , ., t a t h . i ' . if i 4 - Mt- 1-44 ..-.. -... 4 k t , 1 ' !",:. 14, ..-I".., ' ' i . . i . . . . fe 4 .. ft , 4 I x i 4 ' !. l !' 4 ewavtia 4a Wailjtt - r v4. , i, . H - ' 1 ,4 . I t : u a i -, 1 im t - " I 1 1, , t . i , . , . . -.,'( i white, 7!9j;;He; No. I yellow. 7 3c; May, mUlt'nr; July, c OATS No. s white, j.i;c; No. mixed. 40tt4c. HfTTKH freamery,. !9c; ftrat. 17c aernnda. i.'.c; packing, J3c KOilS Klrete. !lt,c. POl'I.TftY lletia, 16c; turkey. 10c prlnga, 2ic. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High-Grade Railway Shares As sume Leadership of the Session. READING ISSUES ARE IN FRONT NKW YnrtK. Mar 14. High arade rail way aharea aeeunied leaderehlp of today'! broad and active market which win not without lla perloda of uncertainty, deeplte a preponderance uf eubatantlal galne at the eioee. ieuoiiig laauea led the movement from atari to finleh, the common and eec- onu preferred aharea making tiew high rec ord on their extreme gaina of 7 and IV polnta, reepectlvely, to par apd tivtj, while the preferred advanced more moderately. HeaMnga in Heading leauea amounted to fully 160,000 xharee, or about one-flflh nf tne nay a total operations. The movement agoited much goxalp and aurmlee, hut no ex planallnn waa vouchsafed In official quar ters. Reading common haa been foremost of the rails for several weeks, but nol until recently did the preferred Issues develop any activity, wall street Uellovea nevelop menta of Importance are Impending and mat a niatrttnjl Ion or the company a valu able aaseta must follow In local eenuenca. Pronounced strength waa displayed hv other standard rails, eapecally Canadian Pacific, which advanced more than I points. wtih 1 to 2 points for l.chlgh Valley and other coalera, as well aa New York t'eniral, New Haven and Hi. Paul and the Kouiliem Olvtalon. War aharea and other Industrial and foulpmenta were overehedowed by Ihe prominence of rails and were subject to further profit taking and ahort gelling on recurrent peaca rumors. tleneral Kleetrlc. however, made a sub stantlsl addition to yesterday', rise and Mar veeler Corporation waa III renewed demand No-celled whisky atocks were active and strong for specific reaaona. IdstlMare' Hecur Itlea responded to the resumption of dlvl denda at the rate of I per cent, while I'nlted rttatea Industrial Alcohol was sup ported by further rumor, of prospective Denerita to stockholders. United rilatea Hteel rave promise during the forenoon of regaining Ita old-time lead ership, advancing a point to 66, but soon losing moat of lla gain, only fo come for ward again In the feverish activity of the close. Total aalea of atock amounted to T60.000 bares. More gold Imports from Canada added to the ateadlnees of sterling and most other rorm. or foreign remlltancra : hardened with the exception of franca. Honda were firm, with total aalea, par vaiue, ix,7 in. one. I'nlted elates bonds were unchanged on call. Nurnbar of aalea and leading Quotation on atocks today were: Halea. High. Jy)W. Close, 13.200 74 74 74 "4 Am. Beet Sugar, . . American Can ... 6.200 Kt 67 67 H 1..10O 6I4a 60 4 611 4, 1.700 71 1 V 71 3.200 IIS "' Am. Car 4 Found. Aln. Locomotive . Am. H. Sc K Am. Hugar Rf... Am. Tel. A Tel... Am. Zinc A H. 4.100 114 112 113 1.1.00 121 1H 1Z, 2. 000 10 ' XII. Anaconda Cop 6.100 US 14 M4 2.600 104-4 1M 104 ' 6.600 XX "4 7 17 H Atchison Haldwln T.OCO. ,,. Halt. A Ohio 12,200 10 9 10S Hrook. Rep. Tr. 600 X6K, X6 , as 14 Hutle A Hit. Cop.. 3.200 tt Cal. Petroleum 200 23 23 Canadian Par. ,., 1,600 177 14 n44 1764 Central Leather.... 'in t iai nt I h. A Ohio :., M. A Ml. Paul.. Chicago North.. (' II 1 A P Ry Chlno Copper .... Colo. K. I Corn Prod. Ref . . . Crucible Hteel Diet, hecuritleg ... Krle 1,1.00 63 1,000 7! 621, 13 4 I7U. 6 121 V 11' 63H 4,100 117, 2,r,00 63 S II' 6314 1.200 4.1S 424 424, II 10" 600 22.2110 n 33,000 63 T4 64 V 66 14 1.2 '-4 62 Ta 31 23,600 n (ietieral Kleetrlc... 1. N. pfd l. N. Ore rtf.,.. 173 2,600 121 120 121 600 41 4 41 41', 704 1024 102 Mi J024 600 17 ! 17 17 2,000 46 '4 4!t 46 lllW Illinois Central .. Inter. Con. ('orp.. Inaplratlon Cop,.,. Inter, liar., N. J Int. M. M. p. ctf. 23.100 II 'i tl t K. C. Houthem... 2.700 27 26V 264 Kennecott Cop.,.. 30,500 r,6 Hi Hi 3.700 131 lit 4i 13014 24.X00 110H J04'4 10H 600 U 36 Ml 16 14 10 'I i.ouia. Nasn.,,. Meg. Ixroleum .. Miami Copper ,,, M K. A T pfd..,.. Missouri Pac Mont, Power , , , . National Fad ... Nevada Copper .. N. V. Central N. Y.. N. H. H. Norfolk A Weat... Northern Pac i Paclfle Mall Pac. Tel. A Tel.. 1,100 14 77 00 614 61 61 , t.0 17'-, 1714 17 "4 20,000 10K 1064 104-4 2,700 62 14 611. 61 '4 . 6.100 124 124 V4 126 V , 2,700 1134 1I3' 1134 200 24 24 23 400 35 .'14 33 , 1,200 67 67 674 600 2 22 2214 166,400 100 17 HI4 1,700 414 4il4 46 4 , 324 7,100 11 !!' 3.900 234 22 2314 1,700 141 '4 14014 141 46 Ill 12,400 13714 136 136T4 2"(i H2 624 12 Ml 12.400 I67'4 1664 167 43 100 116 14 44 4S 30(1 J16. 1164, 1161, 100 10! 60Vt 60 , 6.400 2 274 27 2,100 1614 14 04V, 1.000 624 61 4 624 Ray Con. Cop. Rep. Ir. A Bt.,.. Rhat. Aria. Cop.. Routhern Pax. ... Houthern Ry. ... Rtudebaker to. . . Tann. Copper ... Texaa Co Irnlon I'actric . , Union Paclflu pfd. U. H. Ind. Al V. 8. Hteel U. 8. Hteel pfd... Utah Copper . . . . Wabaah pfd. "B". Weaturn Union . . U'eat. Electric . . . Total aalea for tne aay. tou.uuu Htiarca. New York Money Market. New York, May H. MERCANTILE PA- PKR 1 per cent. rTKHI.1N( KXl'tlA.MIK Ntxty-flav HUH, 14 73; demand, 14.6714; cahlea. I4.76. SII.VEIl Bar, 76Vc; Mexican dollars. H0ND8 Government, ateady; railroad, firm. TIME I.OANM Firmer; sixty day., 24 ( .1 i.er cent: ninety days. 3314 per cent: alx months. 34 pr cent. CAI.I. MONKY Firm; high. 1 per cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, i per cent; rioalng bid, 2 per ccnl; of. fered at 114 per cent. M . K AT. 1st 4a 76 It. R r. !s, reg.. 914 Mo. P. mn. s. 10114 do cougnn... Mont, row, he. H4Ti.'. aa, reg. N. Y. C. deb. 6a. 114 'do coupon . 101 101 v. N. Y CI. 4Mia H. 4s. reg . 1I0 . 1 1 1 Va (1116) 1074 'do coupon N. Y.. N. H. A Am. Smelt. 6a. 1041, H. iv. 6s 112V4A.T.HT cv 44e07Mi No. Pacific 4a.. 12 ' Ang .Kronen 6s. 16S O. 8. 1 r. 4a... 02 Atch. gen. 4s... II do 3a .. H. S . 4s II 14 Pac TAT 6a.. I no Heth. Mil, T. 5x. . 1 (I I V 'enn. con. 4 Mjs. 1 06 vc. n. Pac. 1st ... S do gen. 44a.. 101 ,Ch. " " -Reaillng g 4.. 14 1' H A 'j. Jt. 4e 0X4, HI. ASK. r. Ii. 1S C. M H( p. 0 6al0Tl, So, l ac. i v, 6a. . I04M.C R I IV r. 4a.. 7S do ref Is.,... iVnl. A rSo r I'i XI So. n,. a l'llV,'1 R tt c. (. 74 Pacific 4a.... in, 1 Ma gen. 4s..., 74V, do cv Is . . m Hub ti. H Meet 6e, 11 "'ten r.iec, us 111 HI N 1st 4 V4 a 74, ' 1"7'4 I .if, a, in i mt r 4s W I 1. 1, .11 44S 144lnt M M 44 veel. r.. cv. I.e. ,meK. C. Ha. r t. l 1 It tl r. (a. 61 L. A N. un 4a . 14 1 Hid fnffea Market. New York. Mty IX There w as a further adieu." In the merkwl for ierte fuiures here tmUy, with prti ea rOMelcg i,w bi.li re, , 1 , r.,r Ihe k,H,.,ii 1 lading w 44 more tlv iliMit r- enliv, and while . g ,.,d tart f tile .nll bUVlOg at.l'.Sletl III ii,l,M ri,,iii I." al I01IU, tiliaii'i seei,., j,. ttr,,Miten d'ir. leg tbe dev. ae th',gh li.eUen.il bv 4.141. ie,iitien' in t. 4 e rMiooie, or t.y th. , ., li.u- .t lir).,o. (f l',4,il The (iiing waa t I.. 4 p. .una bi.h.r and a ,r ,1 Ji..,i:4 e ,i,l 4l-."4l Ihll potofft el ipt, ,1,1. Mg Ihe uli.-riotoa Wlttl f.ll, t i',u bin. l an t V(4rb.- 9 i 1 1..4.1 g it' I a , e e ' ,le I e-i er IXe N.I, .f , 1 4 w - ' a Ue-.ce -i v.ii t., 1, 4 ' '. J $ I . ' ' f-4 I 4- f-4' "4 , r,( I. t4le d.l..ra. T .v 1. , 4 4. , I . ml Am 141 ,' i e. ...e. ,,l.4. K It. ... .,,1. s i, , i.-l, 1 4 .4 i - -. . 1 4 4... I' 14. 'ek.4(r . V h I. . .i rl. te "I '.4 I Pi. . 4 4 4,.... , t I : i 4 4 t I I .1.41 4 ...4 . .1 t- 1 i ...an . 4.1 .... 1, ... 1 . , I' I I I. -I- I 4-1 4 44 4 4 . !, !' , t ....,.( t . I U 'i .4 I . 1 . m 4 .. 1 ,l-.-il 1 1 4 . t.i4' Vl4kt . 4 " . I Hill IT I I . , T ' ! I. ' 1 .'1 , ll - , 4 I ' '"' 4 '. i II 4 I x - . 1 I etreeel l.tvlit 4lk.l 4 " I -f i 1 1 I is I I I !( Mattel Vl II . t i OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Moderate Run of Cattle, with Strong Market and Higher Prices. HOG PRICES ARE HIGHER. TOO OMAHA. May 1 4, 1116, ftecetnfe ra fsttle. . . 3X27 .. 6,1X1 . . 4.641 . . 3.6H0 Hogs Pheen. 7.324 3 Of,;, 14 9ii6 4 l 20 11.7:16 7,. n 7 7.4110 2.400 Official Mnndav ... Offlvlal Tueaday ., Official Wednesday Kalliitato Thursday . r"nur dsv. this week 11.0!, Pa me dava lest week .14.121 Heme dava 2 w'k ago. 16.666 Hams days 8 w'ke ago 2H.7N.1 Same riaya 4 w'k ago. 21.43 Kama days leal year.. 1. 171 4I,4! 31.11! 43,382 60 74:i 44.0.1X 47,6i7 14.111! i6.r.,vi 24,700 30,731 S4.0M 1,637 The following table show the receipt, of rattla, hog. and sheeu at the Omaha live alock market for the year lo date effi in- pared Kith last year 1416 1 1 1 5 Cattle .. 4X6,661 316.273 lings ...1, 494X91 ll?4 6:.i. dhecp ,, Xl;!,3li0 1011,729 lnc XI, 276 220,336 Dec. V.S49 Tha following table shows the average prices of hnga at the Omaha live stock market fur the laat few Uaya, wlih com parisons: I at . 1 1 1 1 6 . Tl 1 M 1 114 191 J 7 19 1 2 ". 1911 May 1 9 fix. us 7 Jill I 17 3 II 7 61! I 61 May I.. May I . May I.. May 6.. May 6.. May 7.. May I.. May 9 May 10. May 11. May 1 2 May II May 14 May 16 May 16 May 17 May IX I II 6 24 2? t 24 I 30 I 16 I 21 8 14 7 ix; 6 74 1 47V, 63 '4 60 '4 66 V 4 I 68 "4 IVa I 62 62 61V, 61 Tl4 1 60 I Mix 6014 7 2l 7 24' 7 2i 7 46 7 63 6 63 6 6 I 61 I 66 I 11 f 77 6 71 i 64 6 16 I 17 f 7 44 1 l 6 21 1 141 I 36 r 40 7 66 7 , 7 66 7 21 I II 6 101 6 23 6 0 I 24 14 7 24 T 24 7 I" 16 7 46 7 44 I 19 I 32 7 42 I ,11 If. I 11 I 22 13 7 I. I 23 8 29 61 I 16 66 6 16 6 241 3 1 29, I XI 6 64 271 I 30 Sunday. Receipt and dlpo4lllon of live .lock at the Ptiinii Niock arii. for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock tealerday Cat 1 In. Ilngi C. Rt. P 4 5 Wadset) 4 3 Mlneourl Psclflc ... I I Union Psclflc 44 36 ('. A N, W , east . 1 1. A N W , west . 34 27 C , Rt I',, M. A 11 . I,. i C, II 1 Q, east .7 C , II, A Q , west. . 36 2 C, ft LAP, esdt. 6 C., It I. A P , west. 4 Illinois Central I Chicago lit. West,., 3 Total receipt. 169 16 riHPOHITlON HEAP. 'attle, (og Nheen. , 422 1.I.2X 4 4l 1,412 l.lnl .1,601 1,344 . 7t,X , 737 1.62, 671 , . . . 674 244 16 10 ... 277 164 I 1 16 36 16 24 4 9 74 6 16 220 ... 266 Morria A Co. , , Hwlft and Company Cudahy Pscklng Co... Armour A Co Mc.hwarta A ('0 .1. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co, Ho. Um, Packing Co.. Roth Packing I'd ... ('udahy, from country Cud., fin Jr. Worth,. Hill A Hon V. 14, l.ewls L. K. Jlues II. V. Hamilton Hittllven Hrog ....... Ml). A Kim. Calf Co. . Illgglna Otaxaborg Manner Proa. John Harvey , Iiennls A Krancla ... .lensen A l.ungren... Other buyers Tnlel 4,174 7,0X6 4.643 CATTLK There waa a moderate run nf cattle today, about 3. 600 head, and as haa been Ihe case all week, the ituallty of the offerings was very fair, tleneral con. dltlons were much tho same -as on Wednesday and for Ihe most part price, were in about the aame notch"., tha desir able grades aelllng readily and the com moner klnda being slow throughout ami closing perhapa a little easier, Roma choice beeves from lb" Nebraeka experi ment atutluu sold at 19 76, which I. the highest so fur thla and the highest prlca ever piild here for cattle during the month of May. Compared with a week ago tho fat cattle market la 166o higher and undertone to Ihe trade la an- cldculy alrong. Thar were only a few cow. and neirer. hare and they found a free outlet at steady to atrottg prices. Business In atockera and feeder. waa very light, aa coinparallvrly few atock cattle and feeder steers ere r-ntng at tht. time, and It is probable feta there will not be much activity In this line for at leaat six weeks. Quotation, on catt : flood to choice yearlings, I36!70; good to choice beeves, I9.i,64f 9.76; fair to good beeves, I1009.:f0: common to fair beeves. IX. 00 O.I.0U; .good lo choice heifers, 17.1.01100,1 4 ' itii r 0 "vvRt f1 mi pr--v ' ::: 1 U V" v "C' fit J4e " kii ! aaaxaasaj m J.J L ',--?.(Hr l-Ti.'o-r.M ,1 iat iiiii,.wiw.,i..sii. 11 '' ,r. . . . JaBl-e, g - 11,1111111141 wiwpp'sejiiwT.iiii.NB.i.ni.upmnniii.i iiijininniiJMMi4.wisamcn' '61 "a1 f-.. , ,t - hhiiiih i4nisaiei si m"'"'" Amrlcri ltnc Co , 50 S. 1th L, D 1481 Brnjaia Slargg, teirt and Daugli Stt,, D UU BurjiGrandn Ca , 1M Mo a re) st , T (It ftui-cjaNgai Co , 1"i Artel Hcrng tit. D 11. ueklvgrl, Frgnk C . J' 5. 1th St,, 0 Tt urwg, Jng M , A Co , .'04 N ;4trt 8., Sa. Vdf. So I K) Cf, Je.i. f.:'.eic Co., . ft lie, a,!., O 444 Og'kB. Tham,), 1, Cuenlni SI, 0 M44"l Stacf, Ills, aa.4 04 ktg,, 0 XI ,4 .... Sjx I i -to- 1 good to chnl.-e cows, 7 30.fl4la, fair to good ,-oe.s, 6 60tf 7 60, common 10 fslr I 1 owe 4 60 'fl 6 60; good lo , h,,, n feeder 17 9i)n k. 60. fair lo good feeders. 17 Ml (o T 10 ! common to felr fee,l..re, 1 7 .', nf 7. 60 ; good I to i hoi. e steckere, 7 Ti, ft s 21; slo--k beif. era. 1 1. 2 m x.i6 ; mo.-k cows, iiMne7t6: slock calves, 17.00 it D CO; v. -el calves, 11.00 till. 60, bulla, alalia, etc., 6.00l.u. FIKRI' STKKRW. No. I. . Ar, IT No. Av Pr . 7 l 40 7 hh .t 16 44 1049 40 inoft I 70 3 10 1)0 61 . .lilt 0 20. . . IX. . , 11... 10... 10 .1116 .110 4 .1074 , 1211 1 .'so 9.. t7. . . 10S.I ..1211 . .1240 9 1 10. 10, 60 . . IH54 6,-, STKKHH AM' IIKiriMiS 4. 3. 41. 20. 7 411 26 2 0 76 13 26 16. . 30. . .ll'Oo , 6. '3 , .CM XI4 694 20 I I IIKIKKUM. 2 646 6 76 I ! 00 x ; i'i 6 6.i,i 9 HOtlH Receipts dropped lo s very mod ersto notch today, the run b.-lng oitlj few cars larger iliau Monday a. and hHIi that ed.-epltoii the wnifill.-el uf the week to date. At'rlvali wcih celllliateil at tKI 1 arn, or 7.40.) jn'iid, bringing ill.- lolel for the week up lo 4 1,421 I d. This Is ifl.liini larger than last week, but emiiller lh.111 two weeks ago by l.oili) head, an. I 6,000 nghlcr then a 'ar ago. itcrclpla were short of rpec!ntlona all around the 1 Ircult, and the market reHctcd at alt polnls The Im-itl market v. as no exception to the rule, scoring S general ad vance that amounted lo nearly 6(dlnc Hhlppers bed more liberal nrdi rs loduy and took a pretiy decent share of the nfferliiKs on a generally 6c higher bueie. Packers were not slow to follow Hie lead of the oulnlders sn.l before Ihey bad gone very far went tliein otic heller, lor they laid 642 10c higher .rl,.s for Hie bulk of tbelr hoga Movement wee fairly a lUe all the aay through and a g....d .'leitraii.-e was made before 10 o'clock. Most of the salea landed at a spread of H.l,i.i1 1 8,1, wllii a sp rink ling on up tu II 7i, the top. 'lo.lsy a silvaute i llts pit. ea almost back tO Where Ihev Were at lest Week's close Monday a Id.- advencc, which set new high leveia for the year, was morn limn text, when prices broke 20c In the following hoi dava, but with today's upturn prl. re nie w 1 1 1 1 1 ri a point of two of where tiic v.,ro laat halutild), despite Ihe el:aii flu. ma llolia that have feutured the nnilUi..t n.i fur thla week. No. A v. (.2. .217 71 . ,S2 XO. .217 66. .206 Rh Pi 240 19 40 , 0 I f.6 ... 1 66 0 I 76 No. Av rill Pr 71. . i'i') 1 2(1 19 60 41 , , 24r, 21.0 1 HO 67 . . 303 160 9 70 HHKKP Vesterdsy'a liberal run proved In he Just a flush In Die pan, for tdny arrivals were ihe xiiiullesl of Ihe Week, supplies being reported as Olilv ten cara, or 2,400 head In addition to this were a couple of cms of dilvelnx. Total for Ihe four days is 16,192 husd. as against 16. 61-3 last week. 24.700 two weeks ago and 1,637 a year ago t'p to closing time yesterday packers failed to come around to thu seller, aay of thinking 011 several loads of wonted and heavy clipped lambs and six caia were forwarded and another (arrled over for tu day. With a smaller assortment this morning demand devlveii somewhat and wooled Mexican, held over from yesterday sold fslrly early at .price, that looked steady with Tucadsy. bring 112 36. Clipped lambs showed strength, aelllng at figure, that looked 10 Ibu above yesterday. No chol.-e handy weights wore on off-ir, but a pretty good lot reached 110 60 and exlremely well finished welghly sniff reach, d II1130 What aprlng lambs were on offer found a weaker tone lo the trade .nit sold 011 a weak to 10c lower basis ( allforiiles from tbe .sine bund Ihat beve been selling al 112 60 all week took 112 40. while a small package of unlives n.ade III 00. Hid sheep were almoet loo eearee to make a market, what were here selling In yester day'a not. bea. Wooled westerns iiinded at p th. while felr clippers look on, Al ngether tt was a very Irregular deal, with 'lothlng showing strength cvopi clipped 'xmns. Which were rjlloted Inlji:,,. ulinvo yesterday. As noted above nothing loppy in oji offer, but choice ha rid y weig h is .ifiould .el) at p'MSt to !0 6ii, end soiio. tr.dera express the belief thnt Something prime .nd not tuu lleayy la lioinliially quotable to 110.76, luolaltons on ebeep and liimbs: Lambs, good to choice, handy, 1 1 2 1 0 u 12 3It ; Ismbe, felr to good handy, 1 1 1 7!, 1 2 1 0 ; lambs, fair to choice heavy, 1 1 1 ,00 ft 1 1 76 ; lambs, dipped, handy. 10oiiwi0 66; lambs, clipped, heavy, 11260 10.30; Iambi, spring, III 00 13 00; yearlings, fulr to choice light, II 0 00'tf, I 1.00 yearling., fair to choice, heavy, tlofifflOOO; weihnrs, fair to choice, X 26ft 9 76; ewex. good lo choice, S. 7f.ee It 60; ewes, fair to good, II UCUV 7;,, cw4, clipped, 16.7641. 3S. Kepreaentatlva sale.: No. 46 native aprlng laiiibx., 62 clipped ewes 646 California spring lamba.., 364 cull spring latnbs, . 264 Mexlrail Tamba 636 clipped lambs , , 126 Colorado spring lamba. 13 Colorado clipped ewe..,. 24 Color'tdo clipped ewes 12 Colorado 1 lipped lamb.., Av Pr . , 62 II 0(1 , , I "6 6 00 ..66 12 40 . . 60 10 00 ..XI 12 36 . . 12 10 30 .66 II 00 ,106 6 on . DX Ii 0(1 . 61 10 6li Metal Market. New Tnrk, Slay 1 X M KTA LS Lead. I7.20tf7.40; speller dull; Knat Rt, Irfiula do livery. 116 3714 esked. Copper firm; electro lytic, nearby, nominal; August grid later, WW Www " vw wvwv a " - - - - wv.rnrfrnV4l4TII Vf fff I J 4...44..;::.::i..t.44s..ss. xsi.it a.,........:.::;:;;;;:.::;:...: ::::::i iii,44X4M4M4sHsiiaaHiiMiaiaafaaaaiau44si4a4aataaiuaiaaaiia6l pREPATtK for tho hot Kiimmor now. Oct an JMectric 1' lat Iron and cool comfort will be yours dur ing the warm weather when ironing by an open fire would bo unbearable. Make Ironing Quick and Easy The Electric Iron saves a vast amount of time, time usually wasted in waiting for tho old-stylo iron to heat or to eool, in useless walking baek and forth to change irons. And its smooth polinhed surface glides almost without effort, lightening the work im mensely. May Be Had at Following Stores: OmahaElectric Light &P ower 'l no st 10 on iren siea.lv and unchanged. 1 In si, ,i,, . spot is.xo :..i 0.1 At . or, it. 01; Nml nipper. H41; future, (Ml, clc. irolyllc, Clin, a,.ot tin. Il; 6. futurca, tin; H'e. Lead, III 12 a Hi, e-1 1 t . (HltAt.ll l.li K sloth MAIthKT. 4'nttle, I'lrini Hogs. Mmng; hheep. I n. setllrd. Mav . I - CATTI.K Clll.-ego, Receipts, 3 00.1 b.n.l. nnirkel, firm ; niillve beef entile 1 0 (( I 0 , nclern .Here x10fl10. lo. k-ni and fe,.,l,,ie. p; .i.iii 1 ID; cows and In If. '14. 40i)i 9:..', 1 e !.., I "0"t 1 1 "0 Hi m;,s - It,-. . leu. :'ii"'i h.inl. niMrkei sllong. 10c hlghet. bull, of rules. !"t ")'.. light, 10 I, I, .,! I . Oil, mlyed, 1 604fin06. hem), 1 .... - 111 n7 1, , toimh. pi. ,1,1 9 70. i.iu. 1 ; . 0 .1 ii i". MHKKI' N I I. A M MH--Receipts, .oi) lien,!, murU.-l iiiikci t led ; wethers, 7 7f4l 111 no, i-weii, 6 ci 'tt Id 110; latnlm. l'.i'0'o 12 0 M. Inula I. lie (Mick Market ,l l.nuls. Slav 14 - CATTLK- Hecell. is MOD he .1 . nmrket blglier. iiathe beef l;.'.'i fo 1 11 26 . -.t r 1 1 uat -teem sml heifers. i !.cii ' .'.'.; 1 una, 2.'.'n 2- .In, kere iilxi fi.,-iliT4. Jfi r."( 1. i.O, '141,,. end Ik 1 ,1 hutlt ,t Ht,-I4 .'i ;fr(l Xi'i, ,i,w end belfeie. $,' 00?. on . punt,. icarlllig sml hetfera. Ix 56 IK 2 i.: unlive ci.lv, h, ii fniy, II mi, prliiu. M.utherii aieein. ID 1. oil I 60 Minis. He, ,.i, la, 1(1 ,(io lien, , insrkel hlulier: plan H.i.l llghm. 1 (1(1 hi S . mixed an. I Lutein is. I'i 71. a ) 9,, . good hemy. l 9 u ) 9... bulk or e.ib-e, 4 70',, ') 90 Mll"-:. AMI l.AMIIH- Receipts. 2 101 h.-ed. nnirkel hiuher; weih-re. 1; no ft a 1,0. laillha, HO "II rj 12 60; l'll.ped -Wee, ,';,0l( 7n; 1 lipped Isinhs, 9 aim) III x.'i; npiiiig lauilis. lie cc 14 nil. Kansas 4'lly Mil Mock Market 14 - Cil Tl.lv- It" KnoKiis I'll), Ms .,,t 4 0(111 betid; ptwrkel sirnl.g, l'l In- fed steers. IU 40m III 00, dreeeed beef elcre In x (m 9 : , welern ateerti. H 231 " 71. ; ..1... lu re and feedels, 1 7 2 6 41 4. I, , bull. i, nut 7 76, calveii, 6 (,()'( 1 1 on HIIKKP AM) I.AMHM --ll(cel,is ,Htl bind, markel higher, Intnhs. 1 1 0 1111 It 1 : In ; waitings. 604 1 1 36; wclbets, x:'!t9(i0 ewes, l Oit'if 26 . . slum City live block Market. H leu x Clly. May 6 . 4'ATTI.K- -Receipts. O'ol In. .(I, H141 li-l hlgh.-r; nellve sleir s iiii-o 1 :,'). I.ni.heis. f (. 2t l SO; -os em! Ii.'lfei,,, 6 tHxtfl in. bulls, slags, eic, 6 'ti x (1(1 III IUH Re, elpls. 4,000 bend: insrk"t 10. Illgh.i. heavv I9 60 U9.IU; Inlxe.l, lf.6'i 11.011 . light. '( 4:, a 1 .'.'i bllKI.P AMI I AM UM Receipt. 300 head Rt, .loxepll live Mock "llnrket. Ml Joseph. Mo. May l CATTLK Re. celpla, 1.X00 bead; merket active and Meiidv; steers, i en Q n en , cowe snd helf ere l dust I f.. rain a. 6 0m(0 60. Ill 11 1.1 Receipt., 100(10 hsd. msrke) higher; top, (ODO, bulk of aalea, 66fjt0 MIKKP A N I ) l.AMIIH' -Receipt., I. Ico heed; market higher; clipped lamba, 110 2!. 4 10 76. Receipts of l.lva Muck. Receipts of live stock at Ihe fiva prin cipal wcaiorii pt.rkei. yesterday: I 'si tie. Hog. Rheep Omsha I 600 7.4o , 1.400 Chicago 1.000 21.000 1,000 Kanaa. City 4,6110 7,700 6,400 HI Louis I.IOO 16.700 1,100 Hloux City 100 ' 4.000 3'tO Tnlals U.foo 60.X0O 0,2"0 llmnba liar Market. ritnsha. May 14-PRAIRIK HAT Choice 11 pin ttd 111 00 w 11,60; No. 1, none lure. Is 01. 'if ID no. No, 2, 17 1104 9 00, No. 3. 4 (in. 7,00. Choice midland, none here, I0 Hiii II 00; No. 1, 19 Miff 10 00; No. 2, 1 0O61 on; No I, 1 4 OO47 0O Choice low land, none hen., (.I'll 10 00; No. I, X0('u 9 01), No 2, 6 00t X(IO; No. 3, 14 00(,4 00 'IKAW None on the market. Chub e owl or rve. (! 0(1 6 60. 41.1'AI.KA Non. on the market Choice alfalfa, 113 001)14 00, No, I, 112 009( 1,1.06 No. 2. 1x0111( 10 00. No demand fur No, 3 It Is uuolalile, however, a 16 00'g X 00. 4111 and Hosen. Hiivantixh lla., May 1 x . -T I ' R PKNT I N 1 Klrm; 3D 1,. (, .11) lc sales 212 barrels, r. shlumeuta, 64 barrels; celpla, 4D3 barrels; .lin k. 7 96 barrels. ROSIN Klrm, sales 1.261 barrels; re. celpla, 1.222 barrels; shipment., 660 barrels; slock, 6,r,,l36 barrels yuole A , H , 4 364 4 6.., C., i., 14 40; K , II 60; K.. 1160; II , II 61; It , 14 70, I . K , 14 .76; M 14.10, N., 15.00; Wtl., tn.au; WW., r.60. KvaiKiraled Apple and Dried Fruit. New York, May I x KVA Poll ATKI) AI I'I.KS dull; fancy, 7(9 In; choice, 6 6'4c; prime, b4J 6V,c. liRILD KRI'ITH Prune., ateady; Cali fornia, 444jQle; I iregotia, 7 4J I On. Apricots. firm; rholeu, 6401. ; extra chnlci, v,i( lie; fancy. I 1 U I I 1, e. Peaches, steady; choice, 6(j,6V4c; i-iiia r holed, kHlMio. Nugar Market, New Tork, Msy 11 -RldlAn -Raw, mar ket aaay: eentrlfugiil, 6(2c; liiolassex, 6 76c; refined, steady; fine grtinulnted. 7 K6c. Hugar future, showed a sharp reacllon under l.(iil dslon prompted by lack of demand for raws and labor trouble on the docks. Al noon prlcea were 10 to 14 point, higher. If! ! 1 '1 ' i aaxE f t Iaw Ti Hi M a y e "IK'- ar 4e iasv' "im aw axxf S"ff 4sf avm l.C... Ill M MiHort rtogen A Sont Co, tV'i Maene, , 0 !?4 Nttbrtiki Cyel Co . IMh nd Ha'nr, S1t . 0 UJ OriH EUtli-i4ll Work, l.'M Mgrn.a St. D1IH OrthryJ A Wilhalm Cacpri Co., 44 S Ulh t, OIH ring Pop. Ce'Pa". Inc., reigr SI , D?4l hifooJ, W V , 1) Ss ."4 fit . 0 .'' T'e A U(. I' N I'tx ! . O y W.injm., J , f' H 1,1'X 81 , T 31 I Wa'H tit. Ins l a , t U atn n Sit, T I44 Co. r ') era .V t V i -J J - ' .1 4iij,v.l4-.ea,,r W.'lf TliE-MIOF t "GSILHAIKE at 6:05 P. 171. A Oliirntfo I rain for Omaha people, which meets tho most (liHcriminalin demariil for tfood service ami equip ment. Jt leaves Omaha Union Station at fi:()j l. W. via the j Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway arrivinfr (liieao, 8:10 A. M. luxurious louninp; ohservnlion ear with, private hmokbif,' compaftment, lihrar' and buffet, steel sleepers with "longer, higlier and wider" berths, dining ear ner- 1 .vice that cannot be excelled, cnair car. Ilii.s is your train, arranged especially for your con venience and comfort. Telephone us for j our reserva tions and tickets. W. E. BOCK, City Passenger Agent, 1317 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 283 Kxr--r-: rxisrae-.r: iiitJasaES. PATRIOTS AWAKE! Our National Existence Is At Stake!! The U.S. Alone Must Possess It Means Control of the Seas! 1 1. S. submarines, so equipped, could muuin submerged iudeiinitcly, cuuld lc rrtric the oceans tor ihtutvuid. tl n.ilci anil cuM t rtcr the 'Uuunci, Kiel I larbr or the l)artbuctlc w tt ni t be iii vliicuxct id and lif.k k c c a I lUit ut drvaditatttht ) ! t Watch TliiaH Newspaper for Bi Announcement HEED THE CALL OF MINNE-SOTA I-uten to the call of welcome From the land of Hiawatha; listen to ten thouaand voices Of the lakes of Minnesota From the depths of boundless forests On the eool winds of the nortliland Leave the choking smoke of Cities, Leave the paths of stone and concrete Leave the madd'ing ruth of business, Lrave the hrat and grime behind you, Come to play and recreation, Breathe the health restoring pine air, Bring the wife and all the children 1 hey too, need a month of resting. Here your sleep is never broken By the hot blasts of the southwind. Here is youth for all the aged, lere ll health for all the ailing, I lere is room for all the youngsters. Bring your rod and catch the sturgeon, i le, who's called the "King of Fishes." Lure the Bass, the Pike and Musky r rom the depths of sky blue water, Cast your fly in sparkling trout streams, Feci again the thrills of boyhood. VI 'hen "you feel the scorching southwind, When the sun is high in heaven I leed the call of Minnesota, Get our folders, maps and guide booki, Let us give you information, As to cost of board and lodging. As to cost of transportation -"Co the Land of Hiawatha. Atk P. F. BONORDEN, C. P. A T. A. 162! Pamam Straet. OmaKa (641,4444 IS, 1.1441 ") eomlortablc coaches and BHH . - , i i y X4WI ' B ae- I ... , Hit I...44 Dt.l.l GEO. II. HARRIES, Pre.xulcnt I' I