Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Cfefe Doings
Two Chicago suffragists will ad
dress a meeting of local votes-for-
women enthusiasts Monday aficrnoou
at 2:.'t) at the Young Women's Chris
tian association. Mr-. William S.
Stahl, formerly Miss Cora Gosney, a
teacher in the South Side schools,
will be the principal speaker. .Mrs.
Stahl, who is the guest of her patents. ' plan tor "White Elephant' day.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gosney. willi Miss I.illie Starr will tell some of
tell of the plans for the big suffrage j her observations of the practical
parade in Chicago June, 7, during the j working of the ballot, as used by
national republican convention. She i Chicago women Miss Starr is visit
will also speak of Chicago suffragists' ! ing Mrs. George H. Iiligh, a former
friend, in Chicago. Miss Starr is ac
tive in organizations whose principal
work is looking after crippled chil
dren. Miss Starr also attended the
convention of the Episcopal mission
ary societies here,
4.1144 A J.V UiiUll
Time is Fixed for the Formal Open
ing; of the Social Season at
Summer Clubs.
By Mellificia May IS.
Talk of an informal opening of the
Country club next Saturday ban bren
quite given up, and the afternoon tea
idea is still hanging in air, depending
all together upon bow the men may
manage their time.
The Field club opens very gayly
Saturday with a patriotic spirit most
evidenced in the decorations, flag
galore intermingling with the roues
and ferns and a profusion of spring
flowers. The attendance, however,
will be limited strictly to member
of the club, a restriction necessitated
by the sire of the dining room.
I he hevmour Lake Country c ub
will follow suit six days later, open
ing rriday, May lb. I he Country
club and the Happy Hollow club
open on the same evening: Saturday,
May lI. the tarter Lake opening
is deferred until the following- week,
opening Tuesday, May 30.
Daugherty-Burdic Wedding.
Miss Gretchen Burdic, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Kugene VV. Hurdic of
Herman, will be married this evening
to Mr, Robert Daugbtery, on of Mr.
and Mrs. James T. Daughtery of
Omaha. The wedding will be held at
the home of the bride's parents with
a pink and white color scheme. The
bride'i attendants will be from
Omaha, Miss Helen Patterson, maid
of honor and Miss Ida Harlow
bridesmaid. The bride will wear a
trained gown of white liberty silk
and Georgette crepe, trimmed with
pearls; her long lace veil held to her
head with natural orange blossoms.
The maid of honor and bridesmaid
will be in shell pink, pussy willow taf
feta and silk net. jjttlc Betty Roc,
4 years old, will carry the ring in a
lily, and she will be attended by Kit
gene Burdic and Marion Rose, each
6 years old. The little one will be
frocked in white and pink.
Mr. and Mrs. Daughtery will be at
home after August 1 at 4103 South
Twcnty-iccond street.
Wedding Plan.
Miss Besse Harriet Amo, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas Amos, will
be married this evening at 8 o'clock
at the home of her parents to Mr.
Gordon Stanley Bennett. The mar
riage lines will be read by Rev. Dr.
Franklin Young, pastor of the West
minster Presbyterian church, in the
presence of relatives and a few inti
mate friends. A wedding dinner will
follow the ceremony.
Delta Upsilon Luncheon.
The local Delta Upsilon fraternity
will give a luncheon at the University
club Friday complimentary to uni
versity students here from Lincoln,
The guests will be fraternity mem
bers from the university chapter and
Lincoln and Omaha alumni clubs. P.
S. St. Clair is president and Will
Wentworth secretary of the local fra
ternity. Afternoon Affairs.
Miss Marian Coad gave an after
noon bridge of five tables for Miss
Mary Pauline Fordtran of San An
tonio, guest of Miss Alice Coad, at
her home today. The rooms were
decorated with spring and shrub
Mrs. Charles C. George gave a
luncheon at her home to twelve
guests. The decorations were spring
garden flowers.
For Mrs. Weed.
Mrs. Philip Potter had a number
,.t li. tr:--A A ;.. . .
ui auuuvc ii ivijui tuwi iii io taut h a
with her this afternoon, complimen
tary to her daughter, Mrs. H. 11.
C. Weed of St. Louis. Mrs. Potter
is expecting her son-in-law, Mr,
Weed, who will make her a short
visit before returning to St. Louis
with Mrs. Weed, and she i.s looking
forward to a visit with her daughter
when she goes to St, Louis next Oc
tober as a delegate to the triennial
convention of the missionary socie
ties of the Lpi.scopal church,
Birthday Festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Hitchcock en
tertained a party of little people Tues
day afternoon upon the occasion of
the fifth birthday of their son, Hugh
Olin, jr. The little ones idaved
game and had great sport blowing
soap nuniiies. J hose present were:
V" ' '"jfeatNtft '' 9
Ituth Holmzs
Rev. Albert Murray and Mrs, Murray
of University Place, have been the
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. O.
Hitchcock for a few days. Mr. Mur
ray is a nephew of Mr. Hitchcock.
Happy Hollow Club Opening.
The board of directors of Happy
Hollow club announce the opening
dinner-dance for Saturday itcniug,
May 27.
Club Women Going
East Pass Through
Omaha Saturday
Saturday is to be a sort of gala
day for Omaha club women. The
biennial convention of Women's
clubs of the United States is to be
held in New York City, May 23 to
June 1, and the delegates from the
west will pass through Omaha.
Saturday morning at 7 o'clock, in
private cars over the Union Pacific,
the delegates from Denver and Colo
rado will arrive, thirty minutes later
going east over the Northwestern.
Saturday evening at 815, traveling
on a special train over the Union
Pacific-Northwestern, the delegations
front Portland, Seattle, San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles and Salt Lake
City will reach Omaha, remaining
thirty minutes before proceeding east.
The delegates from these last named
cities will have special cars from
their home towns to Green River,
Wyo. There their cars will be con
solidated into a train that will run
special through to Chicago.
M i1tti,'H
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Ilaltlrl till hi iKft.
On ths Calendar.
Mrs. W. (I Muk will rntrrUm at
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Millions of women
wear this corset, have
worn it for years, and
will wear no other
because No. 322 ex
actly suits them.
f a v
l ur it rr.i? (till figure
i(tnt Jiiini hrtght - tlit rc
dire fit mjrty n(
a u j i o w
No. 324 ) tawt, kul tf l
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AM Mrf
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.lit MQM 1
Before it is Too Late?
Every business man, every buyer, every housewife, knows how rapidly prices
are rising. In all that goes to the making of books, this rise has been especially
Many kinds of paper have doubled. Some kinds of ink have cone up even more. Some
kinds of leather as, for example, the morocco used for one of the most popular bindings of
the Encyclopaedia Uritannicn are now almost unobtainable. Even the paper boards used
in binding having increased bOfc
One result of this increase is that wc can obtain no more sets of the "Handy Volume"
Issue of the Britannica at anything like present costs. After the number contracted for
before the war began is exhausted we shall be able to continue the sale only if we increase
the prices from $11 for the cheapest binding to $19 for the most expensive. And there
is no certainty that we can obtain any large number even at these higher prices.
Sets now on hand are going rapidly. In some
of the bindings only a 6mall number now remain.
If you do not order your set of the Britannica now, it will cost you a
great deal more later; and you may have to wait a good while for it
The New Way
With the remarkable offer which we make you cannot go wrong in sending your order
now. If the books are not exactly what you want, if for any reason whatsoever you want
to send them back, we will refund your money and the shipping charges both ways.
This Offer
brings Ml C
you lT3
1 I m 111 r
entire 29
(complete) J
Some people were born to hesitate. They just can 7 make up their minds.
, Get out of this class! Here is an opportunity to have the Encyclo
paedia Britannica in your own home, take the volumes out of their wrap
pers, use them, read them for three whole weeks and learn how valuable
and interesting they may be to you and to all your family.
Read the remarkable offer we make below and then ,
Sign and Send This Order Form Today
Just pin on a dollar
and ugn below
Ploanii m-nil mo th "HANDY VOLUME" liiu of the nw EnrKlofedit Brllnnlr. Elrnlh Edition,
printed on lninri.T In the atria of binding I havaniarkrd baloir with an X, tor which I aaclo. (1.00 tw
a a tint parmant and aitrea to par balance In monthly parmcnta aa printed oppoait tha binding ohoaen.
You arc to giva mt a racaipt when I bava paid la lull and tbea tha Encyclopaedia becomea my property.
II It atrtti that I may rrtum the hooks vtthtn
thru vitki It I am not entirely tailsltd with thtm.
n Round In Cloth payment ol fl.M T found la Craihad Crean leva Craiasd Morocca
monthly (a total of pH.Wi. I M paynoenta of 4.00 monthly (a total of tm.OOh
ir Bound la Full Rrowa Sdmb Morerra I I Bound in Full Cruiaed Craea Lama Grained Mo-
Cinedil piymenla of J.SO monthly IJ focr.o 11 paymnnta of 4.W monthly (a total of
llOll74.MII. IIUU.UUI.
Fend me the eaprrlally dxlgnrd Mahaf aar Bookrata at $3.76, which I will pay on month after my
laat tnalalment. i'ut an X In aiiuara if bookcate la wanted.
you drtirt In pay cash, trott out all ahovi thlt and mark tht tlyle of binding drttrtd at tht bottom.
I have alwayi hrn faithful in paying my ohllgatlnna and am making thla atatrment for the pnrpnaa of
( AE tnduciug you to maul ma thia credit and to ataure you that you may feci aale la truaung me to pay aa agreed.
Siin your name htrt plainly and (airully)
Street ind No..
I have ht-rn loratrd In thla town iince.
Wy profriiion, bualneaa or occupation la.
4Thn Full KhMptkm binding
a cm iptciilly rvrnmmrntf.
The kand.nnia rlih lron
l-alhrr la made frm the ilm
of Ilia mountain thrn. It la
full lliirknoMof the leather and
! owioo o gralurd.
wa lull a ii .
U warrhautet In 13 tittrt and ailf lAip yimr tct mm th ixiiKit
111 prirff ar tlsurtato tow that ihtprunt (hart'l rannnt M pre.
at I Iht irt. hottd for thipmtnt, t-tght Uut than eu poaniia.
riotk, iu.m
aa p.c"ff in I tit,ri,i
H4 al ,'ft
t'lt. I07J).
n Mtr in "'nift.ia
Via tr9nwmtonf MnS
iV$ IB i.Ui.rla iMMle
HfW. 114,71).
full Motc. M.M
Our Offer to You:
A UO-Pagc Book
If r da k-4 alt a (
te I II' If i '4''. It ,lft.;, ,
ta a,'i. i,i i iiaeo
ai-a 1Mn4iiu,i hi, i M
iiua l,im ka ( . 4.
ta ttvt,i ,m. 1 1 u a.
U .1 itit,.,k
l ! 4 a k. ' t
Ha aiH l , l it a. ,pe
Mlill.aiMa I li l. I I
ti'.i,'.. a k'-a at I a.t
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aa f MWt iau . . t . n a kiM
a4 ixlufa,!, a Ik, i a I ii
m ai a t aty ai.4 e4
latiKi,k af
late la ai"f a-i
aa a ai iw4 a aju. t
MM la I a r t M4
We have l-nilt up tht larrst rtlnil nit-rchantlisini husiiirs.i in
the wnrM, iit-w fxttctlms; f IKMKIO.UN) n year, jtolrly nitM n
hasis tf niisi.lute ccnfiiliiici', Kvery one i t cur five riullmn
ciistomi-ri known that every article jiurchast d will Ihj exactly
ns r'i'rrsrntrit.
W'htn e cffi .r the new !",! n!ti liil.tmii (.f the J'ncyt lopatHli.i rtntanm'e.i nt one-third the
Wt" ( t the l.tif r ji ijt it 'Tamil i'L't t'nivi r:.i!y" iviiu uf the mhu A'ik, they knuw that
i! i i t i) t!i!!:.; we y i f it n wuiiil rfwl larvvnn f.r A 'iu!erful wrk.
(ur r iiru fvilie tilftt of tiiin n v 1 1 .ati y Vt'lunic" I .! now tfii'ct the Hritanmci
wiiinn the tr.wh i t thole .tittU t f 4-rtHii. ha tu-vt r tlrfanu d t-f owmtiii it tx; anl
tikfwwe tf t! ' (;ii!iU tf jn r-wiii . Iiaita ti't know itev-r.' ty aliu in tin evrryluy lnm'.
W'e w.tnt tf,t :n t' know if. We w nt yvti t- know It. riii wo make mi e.tfer tfut ha
tn vt r ! f..i I'i ' iv ilo mi t!,! iu (iijurt.le h i k t-f n fvn-tK-v.
..ti ih a im.iU .'.'... We .ih'p V'ii t!n- Tin n we allow three
Htt'.U I'l t.- h teail. !i t! i Mm tiiilll, (ilul tin ir value til JiHl. If tllffl, f'f
u'ty ii."'" n it AuriiViif, v n ,.h l it t un the lnnA.., jou may tlu sa uiul )vur inuitey
l-t i hm.j.-l .IU fn'iitiharp' ny
t a A nfl il in- ti juii ,j;,V:,' I h tv,t the, V t r amine, in jour ofl home,
If s it f. mI tally- itott'.e r In t r nu nuU inl,v mi ik h tt rn ai tht-n, ti wonM
't S tie km.', if th 1 jirt. e .t rjt t, I he J iu e IS rht. Y U t'hUitl the Ijw yvli'JMiihl
I'.f.tjm-M M e i.t-w ,.'l.eit!i IaIsI'vii, at tne thait tlia I'tiu thar. vj Ihe lartvrue
H'iu.t il..!.-e riiker-.h" I- m;'.
N -rlr ''" i i -fe h w !rr y I nvrr (I l.ftm f r the new IVihtnni, a. Kie.;i
i f f ,!',, t.t la.'i i f isutu .)-. th in!, in i ,uvr t t the w rM aln tty w n it. Yet it
n. m the !.. . i th en h irit tu il . tk f r lu-.v nu n iu wiin n
It i ht t ' t " i;i K:f l,"fm It t i uM t h' av t.Iahle t ) )f"ir ihhlrt n Ye'l iH HrVrr
i tui luve i.ui tt an t-p'itunity ui thu I i nt hen tt
Read Thil
Elf tXuarantf t
that h ' Hi4f VoUaj' la etkrti4 r Ike
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