TT1K BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MAY IP. 1!H. PIMPLY? WELL, DON'T BE! People Notice It. Drive Them Off With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. A pimply fc will not ambsrasa ynu pinrh tongr If you t a patkaaa of Tir. Rdnarda' Oltva Tshlets. Tha skin should h-Kln tfl rlfar after you hava takan tha tablets a few nights. Clrans tha blood, tha bowel and tha liver with ollva Tablts. Iir. Edwards' Ollva Tablets ara tha stir cesaful substitute for calomel there's never any sickness or paltt after taking them. Dr. Edwards' Ollva Tableta do thst whlrh calomel does, and Just as effect ively, but their action Is (entle and safe Instead of aevera and Irritating. No one who takes Ollva Tablets Is ever rursed with "a dark brown taste," a bad breath, a dull, list less, "no good" feeling-, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply fare. Tr. Kdwards' Ollva Tablets sra a purely vetffttsble compound mixed with olive oil; you wllll know, them by their ollva color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tlenta afflicted with liver and bowel com plaints, and Olive Tableta are tha Im mensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. how much better you feel and look, llo and 16c per box. All druggists. The Ollva Tsblat Compsny, Columbus, O rjisittiBiaisBisiiiatssiBiaaiasia til I D?T(? Javana for routvxe smoking is a "Itehl hearted lavana TOM MOORE CIGAR (Tfavana filUd.) TEN CENTS atothenberr at Behloss, Distributors, Kansas City, Missouri. Omaha, Branch, 1715 Douglas Btrast. A reliable. . a mm m m safe skin treatment You need never hesitate to use Resinfil Ointment and Resinol Soap in ilie treatment of severe or simple skin-troubles. There is nothing in them to injure the tenderest surface, Resinol ig a doctor's prescription which, for over twenty years, Ikis hern con stantly used by other physicians for eczema and other itching, burning, unir;ht1y skin affections. They prescribe Kesinnl, knowing that its remarkable Soothing, lira ling action is due to inprediems go gen tle and harmless as to be suited even to a baby's delicate skin. AM rirngtiitt ,' Kinn e.nep end Finol Ointntent. For trial mi ol mi h, write to ltpt. Jl K. Kttm..t, lUliumne, Mil. Teeth Made White and Glistening In a Jiffy I Vt ime e Jurists I Sly s i.ew sni afrov rtrii.. t-f- -. t, a ".. l- s -' citter , , ,ts n H- t. !h. en rt. 'h "s 4hi y ,1i,.'fl..iil(.i.i titt..p', In ;utl i i.t...i I! it .-Li. n. miii; ' i tuii il i.-iu wua -f, "t tit1''! ) - ii r -.1. en ! . . ., s - i i- . ' t. I" ! .ii'. - t I e r. t I. ' f t Is M l ! . -ele-l ) M d s I ..-. I I . r., i t""""t ! I'm 1 !,'t 11,1 'f."l. 4 i l &- I '- I f : . , f , . a . ,'" f t .- . i . , h . e fc . t i i ... .(.'.' - . ': e".i c, ih.. f..,) t ! r- ei- titt s - ie ih i ,. , . " - w K . i ... e t ' '" , a s.J ' i ' I . ' .1 . . i i ' a i - ' , '', ii I - in I i F i ll rrrTrrTi'iii i iiniinm rmi mn Ft I I : S : i II BRIEF CITY NEWS "Townsend's for Sporting: Goods." Light Ing riltnres HuSfssOranden. lilamond Engagement Kings Kdholm. Hbt Root Print It Now Peacon Praaa For Sale. i'Jm and ner rent city and farm mortgages J. It. Diimont, Keellns Hldg. Peterson Fined O. 0. Peterson, 713 North Sixteenth street, was fined U and costs tn police court for keeping a disorderly house. "Today's Movia Program," classified sec tlon today. It appears In Tha Bee exclualv aly. rind out what tho varloua moving pic ture theaters offer. I-ahe.T and Hrlde Return Petertlve Den ial J. Lahay of the Omaha police depart ment, and his bride, who i Mies Louise I'rbach, have returned to Omaha to sot up housekeeping. .Andirons, Fire Screens Sunderland a Buffets Incorporate Incorporation tides have been filed with the county clerk by S. it. and F. P. Buffet, who propose to stsrt a genersl grocery and meet busi ness. They are capitalised at IIO.OOO. Ready for Remodeling Plans for remod eling the city hall are ready for advertlalng of bids for tha work. It Is estimated tha coat will ba 126,000, on the basis that the city will buy heat for the city hall from an outalde plant. Tsa "Tes-Tlle" Shingles Sunderland Many Pay Their Last Respects to William A, De Bord Funeral services for William A. De Bord were held from the family resi dence, 3520 Woolworth avenue, at 2 o'clock yesterday, with interment in Forest lawn cemetery. The at tendance at the funeral was larce, there being a Rreat number of friends, neighbors, attorneys and Masons present. The parlor in which the cas ket reposed was a mass of flowers. There were two large set pieces, one sent by the members of the Omaha Bar association and the other by the Masons. At the home the funeral services for Mr, Deliord were conducted by Rev. Charles E. Cobbey, pastor of the First Christian church. For many years Mr. DeBord had been an active member of this church. A solo was supk by Mrs. C, ). Picket. At the cemetery the services were in charge of the Masons, James I?. Cain, jr., past gran'l master, officiating. More than 200 Masons were pres ent at the funeral. Most of them accompanied the body to the grave, Among them were a number of prom inent Masons from out of the city, including S. M. Whiting of Lincoln, Thomas M. Davis of Beaver City and James K. Cain, sr., of Falls City, all past grand masters. Robert E. French of Kearney, grand custodian, was un able to be present, but he wired a message of condolence to the family. Accompanying the body to the cemetery, besides t)ie Master Masons, were large delegations of Knights Templar, The pall bearers were: .Tudge Troup Judge Oay James II Taylor J 61 White Thomas Davie Ed. P. Smith. All the pall bearers were from Omaha, with the exception of Mr. Davis of Beaver City, All were long time and intimate friends of Mr. De Bord. C, R, Sherman Buys Store Frontage on West Farnam Street A string of lots has just been pur chased by Charles R. Sherman of Ware Hall, facing Farnam street and extending between Thirty-fifth ave nue and Thirty-sixth street, on the north side of Farnam. The deal involves in the neighbor hood of $45,000. Mr. Sherman intends to build a row of one-story stores along the whole front, which is 222 feet. Architect Raapke has been employed to draw the plans and the work is to start as soon as the plans are completed and the contract can be awarded. Mr. Sherman said that the Sher-man-McConncll drug stores are even tually to use one of the store build ings for another drug store. Counsman Objects To Being the Goat County Assessor Harry G. Couns man is complaining against being made the "gnat" for all the hundreds of protests against increased real es tate and personal taxation. On account of increased cost of operation the school funds had to he supplemented by a boost in taxes of 25 nulls and the increase in city maintenance cost required another boost of 50,8 mills, making the total increase about i per cent more than a year ago. "hvcrybody is complaining when they pay their taxes ami the treas urer sends them to me," protests Mr, Counsman. "1 don't have any thing to do with il. Wait until next month when they pay their real es tate taxes. Then you'll hrar a ftrst i lass, 42 t ciHiinctcr how! Irom the Uaets 1 he ,U per utit in crease t applied llirre, too, and there'll br )int i many kiiks. Any u'll llliult ,t4iliet high taxes should !r in it- to iie irfaMoer, nut to the HENRY WIIKINS DECLARED LEGALLY DEAD BY JURY Unit : i: 1, t.'l.t'l W In. I "I I I ..( 1 i i'ti ' ' !.! ! I t w r S v r .t U t'.i. ! V Hi' . , lf. r 'r i ' c int i t 4,'c,i"' I'n Modem VS tnii-if it "I Suit i .. n o llit'l . I in (its ;Uv.' ,! ' !."r-1 t'rr jou'ent ! ' 'a 4 ,' t' J' V , ith ';:'(' HI at ' l'- - ' ' . t I '. 1 r . i r ' e '' 1 4 ! ! I !' , W4M. ...'' 4 'I ' i,k , t ' ,.',,,' If il V, ' ' - t I ? ! ' !l a''!4 a a ' !'. j ti !'' I'.' I e.(4f fl ( ! ! FINED FIFTY DOLLARS f OR SUALING TWELVE WOMAN IS KILLED WHEN AUTO UPSETS Marcella Barrett, Enroute to Dance at Ralston, Asks for Ride Which Troves Fatal. RIDES WITH SARPY SHERIFF An inquest over the body of Miss Marcella Barrett, 2516 M street, .10 years, a waitress, who died at the South Side hospital following an automobile accident on Sixtieth street, between L and Q streets, Wednesday night, will be held at the Larkin undertaking parlors, South Side, at 10;.10 o'clock Saturday morn ing. The accident occurred, according to Sheriff Charles Hutton of Sarpy county, who was driving the car, when one of the rear wheels broke and the machine turned turtle. In the car at the time were Miss Barrett, a friend, Miss Lydia Wilkin son; the sheriff and E. A. Rulf of Panillion. According to the report made to the South Side police, the two women, who were on their way to a dance at Ralston, were waitng for a trolley car at Twenty-sixth and Q streets when the Sarpy county sher iff came along in his car. One of the women recognized the occupants and asked for a ride. They were in the tonneau when the ma chine, said to have been going about fifteen miles an hour, reached the scene of the accident. Three Boys Born; Mother Dies After The Operation Following a Caesarean operation performed when three boys were horn to her, Mrs. Herman Richter, wife of a Murray (Neb.) farmer, died at St. Joseph's hospital. The babies will live, according to reports from the hospital. s Mrs. Richler was seized with con vulsions at her home Tuesday morn ing and upon advice of physicians was .brought to Omaha. Local sur geons decided that an operation was imperative. The operation, which was the first of its kind in this city when three children were born alive, was performed by Dr. A. L. Der mody and Dr. C. C. Allison. She regained consciousness long enough to be told of the arrival of three sons. Her husband and mother, Mrs. Walker, were with her at the end. Mrp. Richter was 23 years old. Col Cunningham and Mrs. C. RGurin Wed Claude C. Cunningham, aged 74, president of the Flconomic league, president of the Omaha Philoso phical society and formerly of the Jacksonian club, is a bridegroom. He obtained a marriage license at the court house and Wednesday after noon was united in marriage to Mrs. Christina Paul Gunn, aged 54, of F lor ence. She is the sister of John Paul, former banker at Florence. Rev. John B. Butler, pastor of the United Presbyterian church, per formed the ceremony at the. home of A. 11. Chisholm, in Florence. The marriage is the culmination of a romance growing out of the death of Mr. Cunningham's son, who died recently as the result of injuries re ceived in a foot ball game. Mrs. Gunn took care of him during the illness and her tender care won the love of Colonel Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham was a captain in the confederate army and served all through the civil war, having joined when he was but TO years old. fl. V. Morrow and Lvman O. Fe.-- ley, two of Colonel Cunningham's closest friends, acted as witnesses to the ceremony. J he couple will reside at the Holly wood apartments. IMarrhoea. For this dlar-ane you will find Chamber lains folic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy unsurpassed. One ,,r two doses of It are nearly alweya sufficient to check the attack. It Is not disagreeable to take. This remedy contains no AMrtnircnt snd for tlist ri-aon leaves ihe bowels In a natural condi tion. ibtainalile everywhere. Advertise ment DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST, 8y w will both look and feel clean, tweet and fresh and avoid Illness, (Nhiif! V f ietf hkN of ! ritlA rapir t' fin fit huniftittt v Th tt r f . irtamttittlttfi lht i i nrfy to Mnt i Inm? Man l th tlrlinii m m t-f Ih hjniin ll t it ih v whan risri nn irv( b. am itnl fmiili lrA .1 ft I 4 ' - ft iS f'ti 1 ftittpftiiig ai.4 V Ht 'tlKi U th ft U.J Cf I h lilf 14 J .4l E-( -f hh is i f- esc f At f f tt tt ., J , ta.,4n h v, , , . i ft a f m Ih i '- ml tk , . - ' '; ! (HI' ' - ':' stt F '.! 4i t 1 Pflf i ii i )nt . , i t, - , i i fr w . I n i. r , il ft M H i k : i ' ft I h.U ,f V (' a - .-r . t4j ft, a i g . r i ' (f 1 i 1 - i t . ftl . 'r MM, 1 (!'. Hi t f w nM.i't k-Ml'M' 'ft fe ftMi r ft ' t I Airft 4r i . ' f t , - - ' d i -4 -t I- 4-4 l ft! tl i v " 4 ' 4 I ft 4-ft , s , i- vft ' '4 4 4' t 1 Thurnilay, May IS, llt. Friday Will Be a Day of True Economy In The Big "DOWN STAIRS" STOR H LOKH'S a budget of timely specials in meivliaridie that every instance there is a marked saving. Children' Hose 15c Children'R ribbed black cotton hone, seamless, all nizpn up to 10. Splendid wear resisting bono for children, Friday at 2 pairs r25t.r.!,er 15C Women's 50c Hose 35c. A selection of women's smnple hosaof good quality cotton or lisle, full fashioned, specially priced at S pairs for if 1.00 or OC- per pair JJ BurfasaHaih Co. Baiamant. Underwear 10c Odds and ends of women's and children's underwear couslntlng mostly of vests and pants, 1 A including values to 25c, at 1 vC Union Suits 35c Women's union sulls In regular or extra sixes made of white cotton, low neck and sleeveless style, lace bottom, Friday 3 for or Sl.OO or each OOC Boys' Union Suits 25c Boys ribbed balbrlgRan cotton un ion suits, high neck, short sleeves snd knee length, sUes to Of. 34, very special nt. . . . . , sfaOC Burg-aaa-irash Co. Baiamant. $1.25 Corsets 79c An out-of-the-ordlnary cornet spe cial for Friday, (iood comfortablo snd stylish models, well made, in sizes to fit the average fig- rf Q ures. regular $1.25 values, f JC Corsets to $6.00 at $1.39 A broken 'assortment of high priced corsets, corsets that have been used as agents' samples and as display models, including cor sets formerly priced to f OQ 6.00, Friday, at J 1 OU Brassieres at 25c Women's brassieres with embroid ery V shaped neck and bark. Mado of good quality muslin, well shaped, special, 0n at, each aCiOU Biu-gan-Waab Co. Bmnunt. Notion Specials ."cissors and shears, all sizes, VZUc pair. 100-yard spool silk thread 5c. Darning cotton, 3 spools for 5c. Hair Barretts, each 5c. Dust caps, w,h10r. Fsilk flnlBh crochet co7tonTsp. He Cotton tape, bolt lc. Bias tape, bolt 4c. Inside skirt belting, yard Be. Machine thread, spool 2c. 500-yard spool basting thread Jc rM"'iTTrndeiii"2M cj Needle books, large size, 10c. Hooks and eyes, 1 card lc Large bottls machine oil 5c, Dressing combs, each 5c. Hair nets with elastic, 5 for tOc Waterproof baby Til hs, each UH7 BonThair pins, box 5c. Safety pins, 2 cards for 5c. Burg-eaa-Naah Co. Baaemant. 75c Chiffons 25c FVlk chiffons, 40-lnches wide, gray, green, brown, lavender and red, also mercerized nets, 4 0 inches wide, dark shades, nf were to 75c, at, yard .... sVJC Embroideries 5c Swiss and nainsook embroidered edges and insertions, also colored embroideries from 2 to 4 ( Inches wide, yard 3C Flouncings 10c Swiss and nainsook embroidered flouncings, also corset cover em broideries 18 Inches wide, JQ Embroideries 7y2c Swiss embroidery with Venice lnce edges, corset embroidery edges, from 2 to 4 Inches wide, "T 1 yard "2"C AUovers at 25c Allover embroidery 1 1 Inches wide, fine swl embroidery floun cing, 2 Inches lde, or. yard a&OC Barf asa-Wash Co. Basamsal. Bed Spreads 89c Hemmed r rochet bed prd tn the Urge, (limbic lieil H, good rtght, easily Uunderr-d, aiirlrd Marselllea patterns, t-'rl QQ Ia. earb . 07 C Barf Ba Ca Baaamaal. Men's Pants $1.00 Men's partii, i'ida if 'd at nr. I) matrUl tn i!itaiHl I rd n, alia 3J to 4i, at'l'M J 1 if di'l !ica at V aVU Boyt' $1 00 ranU 40c !, fcn'i arrl."c'r pants . f ti,rati! n a'rr;al l ' lrr a.- I'1 " ,iQs , hulmi valtira t.i I ' Ul. $1 50 Wh Suits 40c U,,.ts sh ;la in pot. n.1,1'! .) U'aan lra. tl . S , t v . t ail I nl "ft Si' I' l ' r..rl, , t " I ' V, JQg $1.00 WaiU Suiti J3o It t s H ' II I r i I frtv.l.Jl u ; a $ i ' to i i " ' . 23c .V'V Blouse tc !'. l f! l t , ' s s 1 ' St, t .ii. ! i c!v.-. n I 1 1 1 1 a I W 1 C .illlM ;Store Open 8:30 A. M. to 6:00 urgess-Nash Gompamy "everybody store' MTOUK NKW'H You'Il Agree These Are Rare Values Women's Summer Dresses Wear They are in ine new green, copennagen, lavender, white and black, a guarantee of satisfaction with earn skirt at ..... . Remnants of 25c to 75c WASH GQ k jtojYarBs in Piece, 95c HHHH-ts indcoil a rpmarkobTe wflli ko1h voluo, otio. largo counter piled IiirIi with finn wash fabrics, in lonfrths of 2V3 to 6 yards, voiles, tissues, fiC? ginghams, ratines, etc., in figured, striped PViday, per remnant, 95c. Burraas-Nash Oo. Baaamant. Just Note This , Smartly TRIMMED HATS at "$1.00, "That Were PriceTar$5.00 YOU will be pun'riser when you see t ivlmf t1 Ofl will Vinv in fho wnv nf .. ...... ..... ... j - m a retty trimmed hnt here Friday, t The hats" are all late c,rentiona, in large or small shapes, in milan-hemp or Iiserw braids, blnck and med with flowers, fancy feath ers and ribbon bows, were $5.00 Friday, nt Bunrass-JTaah Co. Baaamant. Children's Wash teed Colors. Ten Styles at 69c EVFItV one new and made in a variety of pretty little styles for nges 6 to 14 years, ginghams, chambrays, percales nnd madras, ten different styles, a&t guaranteed fast color, extreme values, Friday, at 69c. Burgaas.if aah Oo Baaamant. E x t r a Spec i a 1 ! Women's $5.00 PUMPS" and OXFORDS, Friday, $1.98 "XXTlIEN you take into consideration the time of aoles with leather Louis heels. Shoes that have been transferred from Dm Swronrl 11 r. nil hIzi's regulur ues. choice Woiiien's Tan Itiurln. dull calf and patent bonis, were ! OQ $ and 15.00. at ; V M is,.' ankle utrap. pump". H'cs H ' ' 5? 1 .(.". t t OQ mt.f 1 1 '-j In 2, ursssa.Hasta MEN'S SHIRTS That Will WEAR ami WASH, Friday 50c MMrlt i'!iiiil s!uH ! it! .( f.-r f rl'U i"l l M !.tt.. Mti i lh btl f ti'ti Kri.ta s,-i"ilt In Ihu tnt s .ft i"iUr iin Ihrve t ; fi.ild n., ,. a'.' h tl''. i. ti i .! as i ii.' a it it ' r p Hit i- I Ini t. "int 'I " i . 1 its 1 1-f p i s i. tMl't .t ttt fit. lt!t .l..n a'. 1 "'" ' I'iut a!ti.'.H-r 1 1.. ;.!. If tl.ta f. a ,n 1 1'iaal !;, h:rl t t 11-4 i . t , .. t l j s i . i X t rtl tttlla, !. V it wi it t ' ; -, tt.r I'ni't n, f. t tl i! sj ? W t'u ' ' ' I ' J ?'.'!, "(U. a l. tit.ttia, Htitrla IV ai. ., , ... I. t, lS S. l:4 .liftl'i" t.f t US ,H "I "ll ilrttg Mt I si.trsw etf. .III. , ,- 'S t- tA' .,.,.. , ' r . " ' irrii'h I ' , r a l ' ' I .! a (V. .! P. M.-Saturdays Till 9:00 P. FOK FKIUAV. will appeal to you regardless $5.95 ABEAl'TIr'Ulj new selection of women's summer dresses, mado In a variety of pretty ways from organdies, batistes, voiles and rice cloth in striped, figured, chocks and combinations. We consider them unusual values at $5.05. Burraas-Haah Co. Saasmant. Petticoats That Look Like Silk, Feel Like Silk, But BETTER, at $1.00 the new Boston silk petticoats, mads run nare siyips, m navy, diii roar, styles, in navy, old rose, $1.00 Burgais.Va.ih Co Basamant. colors, trim- $1.00 Dresses in Guaran ' tho year and that you have the entire low ahoo seaHon before you, you cannot help but realizo the extreme importance of thla offering. Included are piilnnt colt, dull calf pumps and oxfords, light welt .In H Ml m m f.uo val- aaX O Women's dull leather and white 10 canvas pumps, were $4.00, at J)OaHO Women' pearl amy and champagne col ored kid pumps, new models, jJO OC were $3.u(, at, pitlr J.aOJj Women's dull calf ami patent cult shoo, button ami luce, were H.5, fan at, pair J)aCaOl If A J J Cn sssinsnt. hr I ..." I'liiHH a',!niti ! 'lilhi "i r' : 4 I i . n tt'it'im i .ar tMt i;f t V . ill if M. I'honn 1). 137. of the weather conditions. In Bed Spreads $1.39 Snow white bed spreads, scalloped with cut corners, in the large bed size, assorted patterns, a splendid wearing spread, spe- t j OQ cial, at J1 aOil Table Cloths $1.29 Table cloths, 72-ln. by 2-yd. size, good weight, closely woven with & permanent mercerised finish, hem med and laundered ready for use. A splendid service J JQ cloth, Friday at . , . . J Napkins, Dozen, 98c Mercerized napkins, 20x20 Inch site, good weight and permanent finish, assorted patterns, hemmed and laundered ready for use, apa clally priced, at, QQ dorm tOC urjaaa-iraahCoH aaamant. 75c Cretonnes 25c Yards and yards of French cre tonnes, variety of tub fast, pretty floral designs, In lengths of 1 to 10 yards to a piece, formerly priced to 7 Re, Friday, nr at, yard OC 35c Scrims 15c Geneva scrim and voile, ribbon edge In white, cream and ecru with pretty colored borders, some have slight Imperfections, f r values to 36c, at, yard .. IOC 45c Marquisette 19c Two-ply mercerised marquisette, ribbon edge In white, Ivory and ecru with pretty floral borders, some slightly Imperfect, y Q values to 4 Sr., Friday, yard laVC urgaaa-Wash Co. asaman. Bungalow Aprons 50c Cool, comfortable and neat bun galow aprons of cadet, navy, black and white, figured percalea, tape bound, cut full and long. C A splendid value at .... OUC Muslin Gowns 25c Women's muslin gowns, made slip over style, finished with ribbon, run beading, special for or Friday, choke sbOC Btirfa-Haah Co aaamant, 25c Organdies 10c Excellent quality white French organdie 30 Inches wide, very de sirable for dainty dresses, -l f at, yard IUC 35c Ginghams 19c Part silk checked and striped tis sue ginghams and 36-Inch wash silks in plain shades, regu- irt lar 36c kind, at, yard .. latC Chambray Ginghams Sy2c Striped-checked and plain colored chambray ginghams, warranted fast colors, on sale Frl- n 1 day, at, yard OjC Unbleached Sheeting Ql2o Good grade 39-inch wide un bleached sheeting and 36-lnch. bleached muslin, soft finish, de sirable lengths, on sale, r 1 at, yard D'2'C 25c Suitings 9c Waist and dress length of various grades of linen finished and mer cerized suiting poplin, repps and oxford weaves, mostly dark shades values up to 25c yard, nl sale price JgC 25c Batescrepe 12 y2c Batescrepe will give satisfaction, for making strong serviceable, children's playclothes, the colored stripes, checks, plaid and plain, shades are all warranted to be fast colors, 26c value, 1 Q 1 at, yard IZC Wash Fabrics 6y2c A great assorted lot of all kinds, fancy printed and woven wash fabrics 27 to 36 Inches wide, the sale price Is less than one- r 1 half actual value, yard O2C 25c Curtain Scrim 10c Fancy bordered curtain acrim and ribbon edge etamlne, all are S6 Inches wide, lengths suitable for window curtains, 25c val- f ues on aale, at, yard .... IUC Fancy Percales 5c Itriunaiila of 3tl Inch fmify figured. tsr;iy percuh, amoakcag apron checked gingham ami fancy prints, title they last, t.n bargain .ii.tif. r, yard ...OC titgaaa-iraali Cn aaanal. Window Screens 19c Ail joatalile i tinl.s screen, hard wti'iil tram. I Inches Q high I n. tat. lit 1 JC 19c Sauce Pans 10c Kii.r itirt iy tnamtk- lipi'M ante iuu, Ps'iUr He f '' . hii.. ....... 1 UC Lawn Mowen $119 isirt lii,.ar, ,1 tUiia IB' Sj hst, S tn , i Q l'" '! for I i !., VW 1 $3 95 Dinrur Set St-05 i; c it.Hisf i, f..r i pas-. iti. (i.nk iii tf'irliii. t!H t'. vl JD Dinner Set t 17 95 l ' l'l' d' ai lt(: 1 ti r'1 I M t.i, i f f !I1 t.t. tl II s! .a. I'J s i. J)5 $15 00 Dinner Jkt $HU5 l '' r il .. ax t ishi ! h-'fet wt itu. a.ij lUi, !t., IliN tat C f f 1 1C ft iv l at , ,, s 1 U JD )vai W- ataaatsMsw. ?l sMaWeU 'Ssajtf i " v1 1 fl e f j t I t 4 4H.r H