maha Daily Call Tyler 1000 If You Want to Talk In The Hee or to Anyone Connected Willi The Heo. VOL XLV X(. -2SS. OMAHA, FIUDAV MOKXIXU, .MAY 10, I'llfi-TWKFA'K I'ACilvS. Oo Train, at Hotal Kiwi Btaadi, to, 8 SIXOU- COPY TWO CENTS. AUSTRIANS PRESS ON OVER ENTIRE ITALIAN FRONT RAILROAD MAN WHO HAS RE TIRED AS U. P. PRESIDENT. MOHLER RETIRES AS PRESIDENT OF i UNION PACIFIC; Operating Head of the Bin- c'stem in the West An miv j ORDERS CONSULS TO GO TO EL PASO TO SEE FUNSTOH TURKS AIDING GERMANS ON THE YSER In an effort to break the British lines and get to Calias, the Germans have brought their Turkish allies from the Balkans. The photograph shows a detachment of Turkish infantry in Asia Minor preparatory to entraining for the western front. Note the steel helmets of the German type. 0 "TT'TJ t JdEE. THE WEATHER. Showers i tm Forces of Dual Crown Begin Offen- sive Movement from the Alps Mountains to the Adriatio Sea. HEAVY FIGHTING REPORTED Many Bodies of Soldiers Said to Be Floating Down the River Adige. HEAVY GUNS FROM GERMANY United Statei Agents at Five Mex ican Cities Are Ordered to El Paio to Confer With the American Commander, l.cT tt ' STILL ilS WITH COMPANY J; r m -." . ....-:; 7 i Geneva, Switzerland (Via Paris), May 18. Reports from Innsbruck in dicate that the heaviest fighting of t It c war between Italy and Austria during this year is in progress in the region of Kovereto and the Sugatta alley, while there is every evidence that the 'Austrian have begun a gen eral offensive against the Italians from the Alps to the Adriatic. Many bodies of Austrian soldiers killed in the fighting arc said to be floating down the Kiver Adige. The Aublrians have brought several batteries of their heaviest guns from ' f iennany ami have installed them near Gorizia and Monfalcone, where the staff of Archduke -Frederick lias arrived. The Austrians are also rush ing troops from Innsbruck into the region of Trent. Swiss troops on the frontier report that the Austrian positions on the Adainello range have recently been greatly strengthened and the artillery duels arc increasing in intensity. fieri in, May 18. (By Wireless to Sayville, X. Y.) Artillery engage ments arc in progress all along the Austria-Italian front on which the Austrians began an offensive move ment vsccral days ago. The official Austrian statement of May 17 reports the capture of new positions on the Dobcrdo I'lateau. House Committee Rejects Five-Year Naval Program Washington, D. C, May 18. In de ciding upon the increase of the navy the house naval committee today vot ed to abandon the five-year build ing program, recommended by Sec retary Daniels, and to recommend th;i five battle cruisers, to cost $20, 433,5.11 each; four scout cruisers, ten torpedo boat destroyers, twenty sub marines, one hospital ship, one oil supply ship and one ammunition sup ply ship be built during the 1917 fis-"j cal year. The committee voted 13 to a on name cruisers and submarines. London Hears Pope Asked Kaiser to Stop Subsea War London, May 18. Sir Kdward Grey, the foreign secretary, an nounced in the House of Commons toilay that the government had been informed by Sir Henry Hdward. British minister at the Vatican, th.u representations had been made to Germany by the Vatican with a view to inducing Germany to abandon submarine warfare. French Occupy a Greek Fortress Eicrlin, May 18. (lly Wireless to Sayville.) The Oversea N'ews agency today gave out the following: "It is reported from Athens that French troops have occupied Fort Dowatcte by force and that the Greek government has delivered an emphatic protest to the ministers at .tnens ot the entente powers. Greece , m me 11)1411011 in me : gospel. 1 lie .4tn it) prisoner in lort is contrary to promise w Inch ! t .ernun v, most of whom ate Rus haJ been given. ! siaus. open a great in Id for the ! , : ecangeliatioii of Russia. In the rpi t. ( camps, m lite hospital-, m the prison , xIlO VYCatllOr tramps, is an open doot id Impr, lie-! mrtuloiis and mighty that will at-! i.,rf.i on t t itt i'rttM !'"' every church m I. mope. ; l i.r m,i. ., ..!. ii iii,tr n4 i. initr j " I he bird Iratioe is personal- ' v:i... ,.,! ,, i u.i. nrs, that it, pu n more than ever1 i lriMarrlrr ai Omaha, Wtirrili;, ;, a rn .ii , ;j I" ''!!!!!!! 11 ti !' 2 E! ; 'J I J ' . ts ! J' J - ' i K i ;i , , ' 't '" ' i '" 'iMMiillH ! Hre4. ' " "J "'' - i - i ilia ii.t t i ' ;., tiliM It. itait-t at I t l -.:.- il.. - I' i l 1 .ii j. A. L. MOHLER. PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY MEETS Indication That Rev, W. S. McEwan of Pittsburgh Will Be Elected Moderator. BIG ISSUES TO BE CONSIDERED Atlantic City, N. J., May 18. Inter est in the first day's sessions of the Presbyterian assembly which began its 128th annual meeting here today, centered in the election of a moder ator to succeed the Rev. J. Ross Stev ens, president of Princeton Theologi cal seminary. Leaders 'among the 2,000 delegates predicted that the as sembly would set a precedent by se lecting the Rev. W. L. McKwan of Pittsburgh. It Is customary to alter nate between the east and west in filling the highest office in the gift of the church. Other candidates prominently mentioned include Rev. Dr. John A. Marquis, Cedar Rapids, la., and Rev. Dr. Hugh A. Walker of Los Angeles. A successor to the late Dr. Noble of San Francisco, the per manent clerk, was also to be chosen at today's sessions. The gathering was considered one of the most important in the history of the church. Among the matters to be considered are an overture from the Cincinnati Presbytery for the ex pulsion of the New York Presbytery on charges of ordaining to the minis try men who, disr laim many of the essential" beliefs of the church, and the proposed consolidation of the col lege board and the board of educa tion. War and Christianity. The reports that have been pre nared bv various committees for con sideration during the week reflect some of the new phases of church problems and particularly some of the effects which the great war in Europe has had on church work. These reports compiled in a book of 200 pages, which were placed in the 'bands of the delegates to the as sembly here today, include some optimistic views as to the effects which the war is having and will continue to have on religion. The executive commission of the alliance o the reformed churches through out the world reports: , "Instead of showing the failure of Christianity, this war has revealed the strength of Christianity, for Christianity has been the only bond that has not snapped because of this war. (hit of the present condi tion in F.urope three facts are1 emerging that bear on the religious situation. The first isthat religion over there has become largely phil anthropy. The people have passed from faith to works. All the coun tries are full of charitable efforts to relieve poverty and suffering, Opportunity for Evangelization. "The second peculiarity is cvan gcliatum. The 24,MHl,iMK) men of the different armies afford a grand opportunity for the spread of the! lui become a prrsoinl tiling 1 t.r war Is nuking L tirnpr Irani that if- i;iil is a pri shiuI matlil, lathe! llu" formal our 1 hi !mr In- Iweeu (irnoiiiuiatiMlit afr Uf grlv j bndrri down m a".... s and limps : 'I ailb l l m K piiid'cd, si-am unrrabl) are luirim-ii out,'" Aim the wf, I'll- ti...fl n.iM out. time it-ay lie ureal iall f..r Anra' t take u; V-t t m muatn. of I m'lsH ibiiil Hi.ia in tt.nti ; I, il l i. t in -ipe, l aitH'iGi'v ti( !,( n t'y - utia hikii- frM.:r ' tray n,u la' ag.i-nit .iiisiitr it Divert and Sunday C)tiviu 1 1 unit V I V-c! 1 i .lit Mi,l I; I ' . f I iii. i I r . t:. Si I ' 'III ijt h 4 i . 1 I ! Will Be Identified with the Or- i ganization in Advisory ' Capacity. EFFECTIVE ON FIRST OF JULY; V L. Mohler, president of the . I'uion Pacific railroad, is- to retire from active service. I He announced his intention last! nigth, which came as a surpiise to his ! any friends in Omaha. He says he i will lake a rest, but still will be iiJen- j tified with the road. Mr, Mohler's announcement as1 given to the press follows: "Mr. Mohler announces that he lias 1 decided to retire as president of the j I'niou Pacific Railroad company and! the Oregon Short Line Railroad com pany on July 1, but will still be identi fied with these companies in an ail visory capacity." Two German Ships Reported Sunk by RUSSian Submarine London, May 18. The sinking of two German steamships by a sub marine, believed to be a' Russian, is reported in a Reuter dispatch from Stockholm, The steamships were the Kolga, Hamburg for Stockholm, and the liiauca. Stockholm, May 17. (Via Loudon, May 18. ) The Gentian steamer Hera was sunk this morning off Laudsort, in the Halt ir. The sinking of the Hera marks the first activity of llritish submarines in the Baltic this season. 'I he Hera left Stockholm on Tuesday to take on 2,000 tons of iron ore at Oxloestind. Its captain was ordered on board the submarine with the ship's (tapers ami taken prisoner. Sufficient time was given the crew to leave the ship. All on board were saved. The report of the submarine ac tivity lias stopped 4he movement of numerous German vessels with car goes of iron ore now at O.xloesund and other ports. ' 1 he steamships were torpedoes . , , ii ,1,. Hind oflZi in" the'.n. - ir1 Kolga was shelled by the submarine for twenty minutes. I wo of the crew were slightly injured. The. Kolga was then torpcrloed an I sunk. Thirteen of the crew were picked up by a Swedish steamer. Four others are missing. Half an hour later the Rianca wai shelled and torpedoed in the same vicinity. The crew was picked up by the vessel which rescued the men from the Kolga. Two were injured slightly. t Revenue Agent is Charged with Taking Tips from Dealers New York, May 18. Christopher J Fortman, for more than ten years a deputy internal revenue collector, was arrested by the federal authorities to day on a warrant charging him with demanding and accepting bribes from tobacco dealers in return for making false reports to the government. As sistant L'nited States Attorney Mc Donald said other collectors would be arrested in an effort to break up a system of alleged grafting, which, he said, has cost the government ntore than $J(K),0(HJ within the last ten years. Fortman ws dropped from the service two weeks ago. than ten years, Assistant Uistriet tornry Mv Donald charges, l ortmaii has collected an average of a week m "lips" frnm the tnhaico men. Ills duty wa to cheek iit the re. turns made by about m) dealers each niiiuth. lortmaii, the government charges, without making an inveu lor, ccitifii d the dralers' returns and tereurd f'ir this serene "lips' of fl or J.' Itum each dealei. Tofim.ui was Itansirrred to I'hiU 1 t,v 1 ommissi..ier iletiiliia some lime ju.i Hi airriHi"io aii'l a ball Ku.s .nit j Ilit- leicut lit. in tiiK-nl ,. sMiMU, ,Nr l.,baiio ileabrs mil tiiaiui'aclnri'i i on (hf iliariiif of If- tilling i Kat b.isrs with. ml i a in i Ibn , thr tminte tiamiis 1 urtitiati ua a'taifc-m I brfofe I Hitel Ma'rs loin hi, si.. if t I loit'-l, mi and rrtiasrd n bad ol f I'M! i,,r a he an. w on I '.in if Mine Laying Ship San Francisco is Badly Damaged II i) us. last- .'... Ni ! " ... i, ... lo. ! h,U a . l . ' .... i ' -i t ' - a ' . . a o oi ,i , " s i n . i ' .. i u. t.-. i , ,., I I ' e I s, ! , . ,1 ,1. ,(,,,,,, !- i- ',-.. '. I. i II!, , i, t i r- k , i, t, ,l. , t , f -I ' 1 ! 5H I ' ' ., t, 4 , Fwo Hritish Annv Aviators KilKnl I i . " , is I . . . .. i- i t nt .. , t . a ' ' ' ..!.-., 1 , . , , ( t , t -it IU - . . . . i . .. I '''!' if !.n H l' . s , ('. -i I '.- - a ( . i i I.. ' ' 1 .-. ti', , i i f.n ; , ,, GEORGE ROGERS, CIGAR MAN. DEAD I Expires at Hotel from Heart Failure, After Bcinf at Work as Usual Wednesday. HAS SUFFERED THREE YEARS George Rogers, for many years a prominent cigar man of Omaha ami candidate, for the nomination for sheriff on the democratic ticket at the April primaries, died suddenly from heart disease at the Fontencltc hotel early jesterday morning. Mr. Rogers Is survived by bis wife and tliref; sons, and lived at 2010 liin lie y street. Mr. Rogers took dinner Wednes day at the I'ontciielli" with a cigar salesman, who was endeavoring to sell Mr. Rogers a new line of cigars. He had been at his usual labors dur ing the day and attended the Rotary club lunch at noon. .Mr. Rogers seemen" practically nor mal, but when his host ordered coffee, Mr. Rogers said, "I don't be- 111 'c win nave loucc. i in noi I ... II I - I ' ... . - """ Taken Suddenly 111. A moment later h threw his hands over his heart, announced that he was very ill and asked to be taken out of the dining room. F'rieuds im mediately rarried him out and Dr. II. M. FiUgibbon, who was in the hotel at the'time, .was called. The doctor advised that the sick man be not re moved from the hotel, but be put to bed there. When the doctor had worked with Ihc patient for a few hours he seemed to grow more quiet, and about mid night fell asleep. After a few hours he woke, again in great pain, and again the doctyr worked with hint until he became quiet. Farly this morning he awoke again and after a struggle with excruciating pain about the heart he passed away about 0:30. Mr. Rogers bad been suffering for some three years with arteriosclero sis, or hardening of the arteries. Candidate for Sheriff. The immediate cause of death i aid by the doctor to have been what is Known as angina pectoris, or the hardening and blocking of the arter ies immediately about the heart, oth erwise called "heart block." The campaign Mr. Rogers made for the democratic nomination for shentf of Douglas county this spring is said to have had ninth to do with aggravating his trouble, as he was known as a man who entered any kind of a campaign with considerable At-;vlK''r al.',(l cl,, t-v Mrs. Rogers, was with her husband when be died. She was i.illed in tin es cuing when be was l.ikrn ill and stard with him throughout the night. 'John C, Drexel is Somewhat Improved rr e till s. I"" '" ""t 'hs weik is ,lij.litl ntipt..i I "r " "'" "' 'Urg'i, sou, 41! iv ei j , t Ilerliiil, llu wuiiifci t , fiom s, h., .1 at Aboil, III Mrs hfistuia I , Dti-s. l, th , tills, I. .In I limtli. !. is brltl I I site was rli s.(a . nil ' i ttian French Stiiamahip Mira Reported Sunk I .,, .1. .it .n-. t . . i,. .ic.i. t-. i M it a 1 i.i : -i I i .. 1 ' l 4 I . a i I .! s Criticism of Bryan's Pet Dogma Starts Row - V 1 i -. i - I ) . . . 'A Judge Day Asked To Hold Hearing On Decatur Bank District Judge George A. Day has been requested by Attorney General W. L. Reed to gi) to Tckatnah next week to hold a bearing on the appli cation for receivership of the defunct state bank at Decatur. No date has been set for the hearing. LYNCH CONVICTED BY COURT-MARTIAL American Living: in Dublin Found Guilty of Participating- in the Recent Irish Rebellion. SENTENCE IS NOT GIVEN OUT London, May 18. Jeremiah Lynch of New York lias been tried and con victed by a court-martial at Dublin on a charge of participating in the Irish rebellion. The sentence was to be promulgated today, but no word has beetr received by the American embassy here as to what sentence was imposed. The news that Lynch had been convicted by a court-martial was re ceived by the embassy from the American consul in Dublin. Previous lo this last news the embassy had of Lynch was that under the defense of the realm act he was prohibited from leaving the five-mile zone of Dublin. This provision as a rule only applies to hostile aliens, but can be extended to friendly aliens. It was extended to Lynch, as he had been making rips to western Ireland. Lynch was a resident of Dublin for some time. Formerly Lived at New York. New York, May 18. Jeremiah C, Lynch is a naturalized American cit- j izen, it was said today by his friends in this city. Cp to four years 'ago, when he returned to Ireland to en gage in the iiiMirancc business in the city of Cork, he was prominent in Irish circles here as president nf the I'hilo-Ccltic society and as a member of the State Celtic league. Two years ago be returned to New York and spent six months here as representative of the Gaelic league from Ireland and has since been in Ireland as representative of the Gaelic league from the l'nited Slates. He is about 40 years old and first came to this country as a young man of 20. Northwestern Has Raised Pay Check of Many Employes N i iw company e Nut th western Kadroad la come in nli ,ni tie crease in the pay o many of its em- plovcs I hr iro n asr will be 5 tier 'iriit and it will make its at.i.eai aii e ( in the envelope containing the slept anjthnkn (,,r w of k prrfnimrd Mav v (tight. . Wlulc ihrrc air srsrial tlioii-aiol lis ton- , Sottliwrsterii rmplows sib,, will iitliiiinjll ,lire in the 5 per tint inrtrase In ik''i, thrte are also sisrial thou ,,,,) w, will toil Ihc linicasr I ..... I . 11 , nor nor atviy n ticihs i, 4n r, , l ru 5iHI or In. mi- tin m.tlt. ilors It apply tt It'iit t ate w o i k ii g on i hrdidc pav, m Ii t tvr, (ittn-.fii ot tniiilii, i,i as i Kt- ; WARRINGTON NAMED FOR I RtCISTER AT BROKEN BOW W a,io-ki, L II .1, hi W .!- ..i I ,.!,,, W 4wi,j.... ,, la i t: i t. r ,1 tie Ui I-, N.I. .Mavl Pi, . -ii. i. I VI. .ii iti . t, I ' , Jl o .k in Peace Meeting .1 I n V i,i t ! ' ! I- FRENCH REPORT BIG GAINS AT YERDUN 4 Fort and Trench Taken and Numer ous German Rushes Repulsed Wjth Great Losses. AEROPLANES BOMBARD METZ Paris, May 18. everal attacks were made by German troops on the Ver dun front last night in an effort to rapture a redoubt at Avorourt, The official statement of today says the Germans were repulsed each time and tljat they Inst heavily, French troops, after severe fighting, captured a German fort on the northeast slope of Hill 304, One German trench north of Hill 287 was raided by French lorces, which killed or captured the occu pants of these positions, On the Verdun front east of the Meusc the artillery on both sides was active during the night. Two French aeroplanes dropped eighty more shells on lite railway station at Mctz on the night of May lo. Germans Renuls French. Rerlin, May 18. (Via London,) The repulse this morning of three attacks by the French agaktst Ger man positions on Hill No. 304, north west of Verdun, was announced by the war office today. , Dakota Wesleyan Orator First Man in Mohonk Contest Mohonk Lake, N. Y., May 18. Frances Case, a student at Dakota Wesleyan university, representing the western group, won the eleventh an- nual national oratorical contest of me interrollegtatc reace association today. Five college undergraduates took part in the competition, each being the winner successively in three preliminary contests college, state and geographical groups. Their ora tions were judged the best of about 550 representing 130 colleges and uni versities. The frist pric is $100. Chase won the right to represent the' western group, made up of col leges from Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Missouri and Kansas, in an oratorial contest held in Omaha a few weeks ago, Wilson to Address League for Peace Washington, May IS. President W ilson loilav accepted an invitation to speak either I riday or Saturday of nest week at a meeting here o( the League to l.iitotce Peace, of which ..i Hie! I'lCsnlent gf( is lit, I lie ii--i.riit, in speaking to an ami piepar ediii st i mmntre recently, tt'KKrstril that atlrr the war, all na tions might lofiilmte in a league in! piesitve pra e with a coiiiiuoii polne' lour. I In i cli'l. rati. m ol tlie anniversary ol j the littt Hague lolriifrtuf. reprrsrn-j taturs ot tiie W onu n't trait party ( day mgr. I I'tcsnbiil W ilson to ukr J iininfdiair -tips lo iall a i nnMrin r , ol nrutial tiation. i, tiake tliortt to, not ll.p 4t nt I urope. lit sn .i!. "" " - irUI'tatitig It fust liio-i 1 v s i u. i , sslinh was I. 1-1 n i s .i j tn- t,-i. i-cl l lo.liy in lli,iti Mli'.tall i ...... Ii i, . ' l- W I man ol io i. : hi , i l-'ia! l-umli ' cm, a. l inr I W . -n-cti i '; a. . I l.ln I I . .. I- .. I w i I I!., ti.. h n i ii 1 1 a t. .. .. I.,. I- fc (., , . :,- .-. a l; (. a "'i' i- a1 !-t 1 i t,, , , ,.)., ,1 .,.,-, I i i British Ship Eretm Ls Sunk by a Mintr f . i Mi, ' ' 'i ' . ., ,i .; i " ! ti i,i I , i . ' ' i ' --a U.i ' . '' ' 1 1 ' -! 4 ( S , . ,. ViS t'- . ',' !- - pt, . . : , t ., , , ' y -.., . . ' M ' ' 1 1 ' i ,. . , . I 1 - t '- - tc I 1. 1 f WANTS TO GET REAL FACTS Government Wishes to Amnje for Closer Co-Operation Among the Military and Civil Officers. DEEMER SAFELY ACROSS LINE BULLETIN, P.I Paso, May 1H. An American soldier who crossed the international boundary, a mile and a half east of Juar.-z, early today, was shot and killed by Mexican customs guards. General Gavira, Carrauza commander in Jaurer. informed General Bell, stating that the American was in toxicated and fired on the Mexicans before they shot him. General Hell immediately detailed two officers to Juarez, and these, in conjunction with two officers as--signed by General Gavira and the Mexican military judge, began an in vestigation of the shooting. Washington, May 18. American ' consuls ami vice consuls at Chihua hua. Juarez, Nogab-s, Duratigo, Aguas and Monterey have been ordered lo I'.l Paso to confer with Major General Fimslon. It was ' announced that the purpose is to pro i ide closer' co-operation between the American civil and military authori ties in watching developments in the border rrgion, but it may have a bearing in ultimate withdrawal of the American forces. Consul Letcher of Chihuahua probably will later come to Washington lo make a report. Official advices of the rescue of Deemer ami Payne, the two Amer icans rarried off by Mexican bandits after the Glenn Springs and Iiorjuil las raids, say Colonel Sibley and tha expedition after the ltorpiillas raiders were yesterday at Ixjs Alamos, forty miles south of the border, while Major I.anghorne's troops were last reported near Cerrero lilanco, where thev struck the bandits, wounding" ami taking two. Iloth forces now arc out in small detachments. Deemer Safely Across Border. Marathon, Tex., May 18. Jesse Deemer, the Hoquillas store keeper, and Monroe Payne, negro, kidnaped by the liig Hand bandit raiders and rescued by Major George T. Lang home's cavalry detachment, have reached Iioquillas, according to of ficial reoorts received here today. No official confirmation has yet reached here of the reported engage ment between (he America" troops and the bandits, in which six Mexi cans were said to have been killed and seventy-live captured. It is thought that the story of the encoun ter may have had its origin in a fight that occurred when Major Lang home released Deemer and Payne, Bandits Are Surprised. According to the official r"port, the rescue of the Americans took place in the dead of night. Major Lang home, with a detachment of the Kighth cavalry, drove in automobiles , and trucks to a ranch house where part of the Glenn Springs raiders were quartered. The bandits were surprised, but, although surrounded, they put up a stiff fight. Two were wounded and two captured. The remainder escaped in the darkness. The Americans had no losses. Scarcity of gasoline for his supply trucks is said to have prevented Ma jor I.anghorne from immediately tak ing up the trail of the bandits. Major Langhorne is reported still' pushing southward through Coahuila. 'Residents here are in receipt of tn formatioii from lloquillas that 400 armed Yatpii Indians have left Cuatro ( ienrgas, IdU miles southeast, riding in a direction that should place them near Major I.anghorne's advance col umn shortly. Army officials say they cannot confirm the report. TO FIX DATE FOR THE STATE W. C.J. U. MEETING An i uitation lo meet in Omaha the latter pail of Mav and decide the dale for the state Women's Christian Temperance union convention was voted P be extended the state tem perance rummr committee. This aitiotl Wat taken bv Douglas county Women's I I emiieaiue union ottiirti, who met Wednesday at the oiii g Men I hristun ao nation, I lie irmiiruiur convention it ti bctliiii l to be In Ut brie smite lone in the !,H. drligaKoii ol b.ial Irmprrancr wofkrfu wi'l to lii'ioln Irulay t .r a iliv I. 'efalioit tonfrttmr ..,i.i l' eti a e I I I lioitiat, V. I! k'i l an I Mt W I . CaiiUi, Mr a .l Mm W I t.'a'um, Mrt D I f. ... Mrt W Pffrv. Mfi J M KtlMil. Mr. lb- mat Dim-1-.., Mt i I . 1 I !. it : s ai t Sk - 1 '" l t a i. -. ' i ii , ..,, t f I., l" i . . s 4 ., t . s , , ' ' 1 ' i i t t l a .i.j , i , I t p" oi-f.-tti, a Ovff Kio;;- MOUK 'PooltW !,. M ...I., it; ... 1 1 - iii ot ..I . I ' i ' I ' IM ' t .1 l s Jlj V,. : -. . 1!, . . I I t