Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    .fK REE : OMAHA, Tl'ESDAV, MAY Ifi, 101(1.
Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
Bachelor ii Willing Hit Friendi
Should Know, But the Woman
ii Reticent.
Widow do not take kindly to an
nouncing their engagements, es
pecially when a court decree, and not
the Grim Reaper, has liberated them.
When the man is a bachelor, as in
this case, he is perfectly willing that
all may know, but the woman holds
him back.
, Just what ethics here is fitting to
the society editor?
The couple areso well known that
their intentions to wed each other is
"a nice morsel of news to all the city,
exclusive of their own set. And news
is news that is as fundamental a
principle in the newspaper world as
the law of gravitation and attraction
in the firmament. But how far is
the society page immune?
Surely the woman active in the
social world should be given as
square a deal by the society editor
as a criminal may expect of the no
lice reporter. No matter how des
perate the record of a member of the
light-fingered gentry may be, no
newspaper would dare print that he
was planning this burglary or that
holdup. The police reporter would
have to wait until the deed was done.
If a perfectly sweet and gentle
fouled woman does not wish to an
nounce her engagement, it is surely
her own affair, especially when she
has passed through the period of
youth's effulgence when all the
world seems rosy and ready to re
joice and be happy with her in her
newly found joy.
It is really true that this marriage
is to be three matrons, who really
know, have said so, and the man has
told every friend that "she is the
sweetest girl in all the world."
Orpheum Theater Reservations.
Nobody today will admit of giving
an Orphrutn party one and all, they
insisted that they merely had reser
vations. They were going yes, per
haps the other scats they have
bought would be filled.
For the matinee this afternoon are
two larger reservations, Mrs. G. W,
I'pdikc, five, and Mrs. H. L. Olsen,
For this evening the C. C. Georges
have a box; eight reservations; Mr.
K. M. Syfert, four; Mr. James Wood
ard, six; Mr. C. F. Schmeiger, seven;
A. H. Richardson, six; Mr. Morris
Brown, five; Mr. R. B. Zachary, five;
Mr, A. V. Kinsler, four; Mr. O. C.
Redick, four; Mr. P. W. Mickesell,
four; Mr. R. L. Huntley, four. For
the Wednesday matinee Miss Emily
C'Icve has thirteen reservations
Comus Club Notes.
The Comus club gave the last of
its series of evening entertainments
to the husbands of the members Fri
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. -Dan Tillotson. The host and
hostess were assisted by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Everson.' frizes were
won by Mrs. J. F. Dimick, Mrs.
Charles Lanstrum, Mr. J. W. Hood
and Mr. P. O. Jennings. The mem
bers of the club will meet Thursday
afternoon with Mrs, Charles Lan
strum. Those present last evening
Mauri. end Mreflamae
rn Tllloiann. K. B r.rrla,
H.n F Marti, lharlea Lan.trum,
P. O. Jennlnga, Hurry Evrni1n,
P. J. Urmnn, -I. w. UnoA.
W. W. r.rmlcheH, I'tierlaa Mnrrl.
Arthur Hoover, i'harka kvararn,
Mla Tillotson.
Mr Arthur I,ae
Mrs. Cole Off to Biennial.
Mrs. Frederick H. Cole, chairman
nf the civil service reform committee
of the General Federation of
Women's Clubs, leaves tonight for
the eat to attend the biennial con
tention in New York. Kn route east
Mis. t le will visit the national char
ities and corrections' conference in
Indianapolis and the Kentucky state I
ierlnation meeting at Maysville. Mrs.
t t ie plans a mnlcrrmr with I'nited
Msiri civil nervier t onimissioners in
W,i-htngt,.ii aUo.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Reed Coming.
tine i( the bright promises of the
cf! nt tin im ,ri t h will be the advent
nt 11,11 piipmm, when Lieutenant Al
len 1 Reed and Mr Reed will ar
rive from Panama I" iit for sev
eral werk with Mr Reed's mother.
Mr tienrgf Nfoorhrail Mrs Kffd
i Jmi mtri .t U llarrv I iiUry
1 he Kiieiu from Manama te rrnm-
p.itiieii ri v lln ir tuu. ihihtreri, llrvtiil 1
,, Aniui
Today's Affairs.
till' ' ' l i ii hi ririii'r, in inr
.i!arknn Memorial hotpiiat training
.ihi ul mil tt hrld this evening at
'flttitv , t?'f ltl, fi'lovted hv a re
ierii.n at ,1a ha!)
I tie preulf i.t ,.? ili I I W hit
.!uh. M' N l Rii I a' li'UI. will t
' i tiinijit.l at tHf Oip'if.nii at t
tneatei rurti I i twenty guti'.l i
Ik t , en tie A t witr rorjit s
lenelit f' tine ftf ' rin,ri St.
tKf h.- !! if Mm. t,.t W V tti
Widbng Plans.
t rr a t t,'- 'i !
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Miss Alice Clough, the president of the freshman class,
was crowned "queen" by Miss Rebecca Meaker, the presi
dent of the senior class. The annual May day exercises at
Wellesley are witnessed by thousands, who journey to the
historic college gtounds in Massachusetts.
Atrce cloven, T
Mill , P
r i w ' w
man and Miss Dorothy Sloman, Mrs.
Will Kopald and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
To Honor Guest. (
Mrs. David Crowell is planning a
Russian tea, to be given later in the
week, if her health permits, compli
mentary to Mrs. Charles Crowell of
Rogers . Park, Chicago, who is her
guest. The affair will be at Mrs.
Crowell's apartment in the Colonial.
Personal Mention.
New arrivals from Omaha at the
Elms hotel, F'.xcelsior Springs, Mo.,
are Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Root, Mr. T.
K. Dailcy and Mr. W. T. Auld.
Tested Recipes
Tuo ciipfnta brown augur mot tro dnrki,'
thrpr-f(narlern rupliil milk, llirtn tatiic
pnoniiilH I, utter, - one iu.u nut iikhH,
threr- -i)irlir riipfnl mflll and ope-half
traapcinnful vanilla.
Poll sugar and mtlfc tonreth until a
foft hall ' forn ed when a llitl is ilrippet
Into a nip of cold water. When almost
done add the r-uttor. When tt form a
eoft ball, rnmovc from flra, cool, add
nt mrau, broken in pl"f, nnd vanilla;
heat until e'reamy. Pour Into buttered
rsns. t'ut in a'luarra.
1aple I'arfatt.
One cupful mpl ayrup. four ejiga. two
eupfulu thlrk orcam. almonda
Heat ajrup to bolllnB point and pour
alowty on th beaten egga. Cook In a
double boiler until It thlckena. , Coo).
' Whip cream atiff and fold Into egg and
raapla mixture Turn Into a mold and
! park In arpial meaaurtt of finely ernahed
li t and rock aalt. Let (Land three anil
ona-half houra Pere with (hoppttd
browned almonda
(rlatln Tnalarri.
i Cinn tabloapoonful gTannlid colatln,
thr-iiiarlr-r cupful cold at'-r. thri-"
'gg, three cupfula milk, one half cupful
a.iaar anil on taepoonful VHnilla.
Plaaolie the gelatine in the 'old water,
letting It aoak for about an hour Put
the milk, th beaten egtra find augur In
a double holer nnd rook until It (hl-kina
Then, while It la boiling hot, atlr Into It
th dlaaoh-rd ttlatlnc Add vinilla and
tour ti e mixture into h mold V hen cold,
unntohl on a aervlns dish anil serve with
Fashion Hint
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Samuel Hill Home .
From Visit to the ;
King, of Belgium
New York, Msy 15. Samuel Hill,
who has been associated for fifteen
years with his father-in-law,, James
J, Hill, in railroad enterprises and
who has iust returned from a visit
to King Albert of lUlgiutn, left to
day for Washington. Mr. Hill ar
rived from Liverpool last night. He
was in Eurone five days and said he
made the trip to obtain certain infor
mation and that he succeeded. He
declined to disclose the nature of his
Mr. Hill said that he dined with
King Albert at the king's Headquar
ters, visited the firing line in west
ern France and Flanders, visited the
British fleet and saw some of the
British harbor protections against
"King Albert, whom I had known
personally for twenty years, was in
excellent health and confident of hav
ing his country restored at the end
of the war," said Mr. Hill.
Since his retirement from railroad
business Mr." Hill has identified him
self with the construction of high
ways all oc.r the United States, the
most recent being the Columbia high
way, between Washington and Ore.
gon. His home is i.ti. M-aryvillc, Wash
'ThedfordMan Kills
Self at Broken Bow
i Broken Row, Neb,, May-" 15.
i (Special.) Robert H. Braden of
Thedford, fi.l years old, committed
suicide in the t'hrisman stables here
some time dining the night by shoot
ing himself through the head. He
went to the stable last night, said he
as broke and was allowed to sleep
in the office. When Mr. ( hrisman
opened the place at 6 o'clock he
found firaden's body on the bed
Two bullets bad been used from a .'2
caliber revolver lying on Ins breast.
Letters written to two of his sons
and other parties .showed the ac t to
i have heen premeditated Braden is
I thought to have gone trary over
l !onie land trouble lie had in 1 liomas
I count .
U ln!f the llii.-li Sbnol ri f'niii.
iiiirrir held, a Hindi I rlcrtiini latt
uetli to ai iju.t in t I he itudcnts willi
(he i 4 11 ii r I nf hnldinx ttlv rlectiona,
it mrikes the nnliinker that
flit ' iMjin; iiu .it Initial Hixli
nhmil i all K'e Hu n tMers le
lKimten mi l" tn 1 1 1 : n In elrr
i ion 1
n iiiiincnie red. )el)c,H an I Mue
M,et, f'fariiij Yr m . , irii :mii , ' i,i ll gt-V ami Horr1 ' b'tt ''l
litiautes manager " i- t'rUirr.''
SS thiti It'iui the ii'ii! i .r hjl
v el t titi el M i ii"i'.. the- Ui
Iffilla- f li r I I (tmllt
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Guests at the Welfare Department
of the Brandeis Stores
at Noon.
Omaha's best known clubwomen
were the guests of the Brandeis
stores' welfare department at lunch
eon at noon in the new cafeteria and
lunch room established a month ago
for the girl employes especially.
Headed by Mrs. C. V. Haves, chair
man of the social science department
of the Omaha Woman's club, the (
clubwomen watched the girls enioy-
insr their lunch hour, partook of an
excellent luncheon furnished the
girls at a very small price and ex
pressed themselves as highly grati
fied at the latest effort of the Bran
deis stores in looking to the welfare
of their employes. Over .VH) girls
are served here each noon.
The clubwomen were the guests of
Thomas F. Quintan, but a committee
of saleswomen, including Misses
Margaret Kerr, Josephine Urady, ma
Llovd. Nell Donahue. Kebina Ham
merer, Elizabeth Zimmerman, Cesiah
Jones and Mrs. Sarah (iary, and Mrs.
I'illie Secord, acted as hostesses, ex
hibiting as great a degree of gracious
attention as in a professional ra
pacity. , i tnera neip uuu
Ervine Brandeis, Karl Louts,
Charles oethen and others in charge
also covered themselves with glory
in actinar as hosts to the proverbially
critical clubwomen, who attended the
luncheon to the "number of twenty-
five. ' .
The restroom was a gay scene dur
ing the lunch period. A young chap
struck up some lively ragtime tunes
while the girls danced. But .-alas,
they danced alone, or rather together,
for here, as everybwere, there seemed
to be a dearth of men!
. Sigh (or Men. .
"Of course, we enjoy this im
mensely,' but I do wish there were
some men to dance with," sighed
one roguish maiden. "Sometimes a
few of the men come up here, but
oftener they don't."
Aside from this, the restroom is
the center of much friendly activity.
"Meet me at noon in the cafe or rest
room," calls up rosy visions of good
things to eat, music for a dance and
a few moments to rest and chat, cro
chet,' tat or embroider, as the spirit
moves them, for many a busy needle
was plied during the noon hour.
"This achievement of the welfare
department will work wonders with
the girls," remarked one of the work
ers. "In the health results alone we
feel highly gratified, since many girls
who had but a small sum to spend
would usually make a lunch of ice
cream and randy or something
equally unsatisfying."
Japanese Speaks
Before Two Omaha
Audiences Sunday
Rev. Shlro Murata, en route to Japan,
after four jeara epant at the I'reaby
terlan aemltiarytn Auburn, N. V., de
livered two addreaaea In .t)malitt Hun
day, apeaklng at lUa - Young Mnn'a
Chriatian aaaorlatlon- ','rooma In tht
afternoon and -at tiio North Prtub
terlan church In"' the evening.
In Rev. Mr. Murata'a "afternoon talk
ha dlacuaairl the New : Japan," tilling
of the educational and induatrtal ad
vancement niado by hta people during
the last twenty-five yrara Ho ridiculed
the Idea at Japan being dlroua of en-gating-
In war with the United fitatea,
a.aaertlng that "Jnpan lnoka- upon tha
United Htatea aa Ita bust and warmeet
friend" m
In hta evening addreaa he told of the
advances that riirlailanlty haa made tn
Japan, aaaertlng that at tlila time there
are 200 OnO people on (lie inland pro
feeetng Chrlatlanily, whereas fifty
yeara ago there waa not a f'hrlatlnn,
Re-v. Mr, Murata addreaand the atii
denta of ilio fnli-eralty of Omaha
In the chapel yeaierday morning
No Prohibition
Ticket for Him
Tf ynn were notirtrd nf y un numina
tifiii ae elate arnalnr on the i,rhltiinn
tt'kef aa w.-ll aa the repiihli-an, what
wciulil you j"? U'ell title ariawrr, rirn.l
t aik at Klpi-tum ('nnimllntirr .Vtn.n .
teail. ahnwa what F'laiikllii A hhftlwHI
rlia unaer thnao Irvuniaian .-ee
"I am In reeel,t nf your Imior nnnfv-
iii me Ilia! 1 ant the rinmitii.
r ti
r'il.llrii etui piLhlhlilnn raitlra
f r
lli ,tn ,if slain arneiiir.
' t rtm llni. i w .'etiilhlete r.f the
I' HI. m trt he. ii 1
am a 1.
I 'il.llreti I iai lii.1 rurar,t tw ihiIiIi,
irlha I ..II w.t ,,n M,,r , ft,
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ci!,! the trp ii II. an e-mli a t..i he.-e (
tt 11, ma tl. li.rf 'r,
uta ihii. ,1 1 -
;ESTATE"W0nTH J30.000
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Former President
Taft Witness in the
Biggs Bank Case
WashiiiRton, D. C. May IS.
Former 1'rrsident Taft appeared to
day in the perjury triaj of three offi
cers of the Kings National bank as
a character witness in behalf of the
bank's president, C. C, (ilover, one
of the indicted men,
Mr Taft said that lie had known
Charles C. (Ilover (or twenty-six
years and considered lys .enuution
for honesty, standing and character
excellent. Mr. Taft related bow bis
father and George W. Rifc-gs, founder
of the bank, were classmates at Yale.
"Have you carried an account in
the Kiggs bank," asked Mr. Stanch
field. "Such as I had," was the answer.
"It grew as it got into the presiden
tial portion," said Mr. Taft, and then
as an afterthought he continued with
a broad smile that made the judge
and most of the spectators laugh with
him, "It diminished after losing the
presidential portion."
Package Comes to
Omaha from Denmark
A rubber giAjrip for cancelling jioetagn
atampa ha Juat returned from a trip
to Ienmark. It waa received at the
local poatofflce with a abort note from
the poatmaater at Krederlcia, Denmark.
The stamp probably got Into a, parcel
poet package ht mistake, Aealetent
Poelmaatar Woodard thlnka, and Die
honeet Panes returned tt.
: The city council committee) of the
whol directed the elty clerk te ar
range with the City PlannlnaT board ff
a conference with the Southwest Im
provement club on the matter of wid
ening Twenty-fourth atreet
; A delegation aent by the club met the
rlty eommtaalonere and urged thet eoine
action he taken on the improvement tn
The city council reforred to tha park
dartment a petition of Boutb Hide
rcaldcnta, reouoatlrig that the route of
the proposed Hlvrrvtew-Hpring Iake
park boulevard be aurveyed along the
river bluff, which afforda a plctureaiiue
CllCW it
Business Agent Sayi They Have No
Intention of Going Out
with Others.
In spite of the fart that it was ru
mored Saturday and Sunday that the
teamsters of the city would go on a
sympathetic strike beginning yester
day with the laborers, the teamsters
were all at work yesterday and de
clare they are not even contemplat
ing a strike.
J. T. Gruhn. business agent of the
teamsters, personally denies that a
strike is even contemplated among the
teamsters. I be teamsters do not in
tend to strike," be said. "They are
not talking strike, nor are they con
sidering the possibility of a sympa
thetic walkout with the laborers. The
teamsters' union is only a new organ
isation here in Omaha, and we have
business getting on our feet at pres
ent rather than striking "
The strike of the laborers still con
tinues, and the building jobs continue
to be lied up, except in tlte line of the
steel work, marble setting and few
other jobs that require only skilled
labor and little or no common labor.
The steel work continues to progress
on the First National bank building.
So far as outward appearances go
there has as yet been no conference
between the laborers and the builders.
Mlaa Martha. L. Palme, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Palme, and Mr. Karl
(. Weatfall were married by R. Charlee
W. Havldge Sunday at t at tha realdenee
of the bride's parent. 61 2S North Heven
teenth street. The attendants were the
bride's slater, Mia Lillian Palme and
Joseph J. Kendall. A large company of
Invited (ueats were preaent and a wad
ding supper aerved.
Mary Knutson.
Mary Knutson, aged 2 years,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
If. J. Knutsofl, 4905 Seward,
street, died Saturday night of icar
let fever. Funeral services were held
this afternoon at I o'clock from Jack
son's chapel, with interment in West
Lawn cemetery.
is a happy companioiL
It adds to the joy of
living for millions of
peopiq the world over.!
After dining or smoking
lit sweetens the mouth,
f soothes the throat
removes breath odors.
Stimulate the flow of saliva
help appetite and digestion;
cleanse mouth preserve
teeth: this is the constant
message of the Sprightly
Send for their free book in hand
some colore good cheer for young
nnd old. Wm. Wriglcy Jr. Co.,
K09 Kesner Uuilding, Chicago.
Seated tl(ht t.rpt right
Don't Live in the
Kitchen Emancipate
yourself from kitchen drudg
ery by learning the food
value and culinary uses of
Shredded Wheat Biscuit.
You can prepare a most
wholesome, nourishing meal
in a few moments by heat
ing a few Shredded Wheat
Biscuits in the oven to re
store crispness ; then cover
with berries or other fruits
and serve with milk or
Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
w er iuuu a
ytflju' mi
Dilraved Printing Plate
Allra'f Kim th tnlltwmlrt p(Vr to bo
tialim Into tha thorn n4 tutti tn th foot-twth
It tfllM t Infui. fwoilMi, HmftrttLi foal an4
liiutfcntlj' takt ihm irftnit out of ctra ftnd bunion,
In ih ffiirt digwivorr 9t th at. AItn'a Ft.
fUati la unrtaln rMf of awa.(iac ealloua and
h"t, trMl. aQhlrta: taat. Hld tf Iruajr)ga vrf
wbara, Alwara a4 It to Break to uw ataa
Iri.l Mukag KHlfB. Addrvaa, Mn . Olm
ataad. I Kujr, ti. f.
how much
butter you
wilt teal