Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    TflK BEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1016.
The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
l.illered at Omaha postnffice a eciind-claaa matter.
By carrier By mail
i par month per year.
Jiaily and Sunday ibc $.uu
Dnily without Sunday 46c i.nO
lAuiliiK anl Hunda 40c g.'iO
l,venmg without bunday Z.',e ion
Minday Bee only JOc I'.OO
I'Hily and (Sunday Hee, three yeare In advance, 110.00,
N-nil notice of chanae of addresa or Irregularity in
i.elivery to Omaha Hee, Circulation Department.
Ilcmlt hy draft, expree or postal order. Duly two
. nit stamps received In payment of email account.
I iisonal cheeks, except on Omaha and eaalern -,
hans. not accepted.
(inialia The Bee Hulldln.
Hoiilli Omaha 43)11 N atieet.
Council Hluff 14 North Main Street
Lincoln Little Hulldlnf
fli I. ago lsl People t,a Fiulldlng,
, ) orsRnnm ll'iD. 24 H'lfth avenue.
Hi. Irfiuia flOJ New Hank of Commerrt,
Washington 7?5 Fourteenth street, N, W.
tldreas communications relating to newa and edl
.iiiI matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
37,808 Daily-Sunday 52,223
Dwlfht Wllliama, cl.culailon manager ot The Be
I'ulilUhlug company, being duly awom, aaya that the
average circulation for Hi monU) of April, waa
ti.HM dally and t.,i- eunnay.
L-VVlGHT WlUJAWsl, Circulation Manuaer.
Subscribed tn my preeenc and sworn to before me
Una M day of May, Uls.' i U. NT tit. Notary fuullu.
t'ubatribera leaving ui city teuiporttrlly
should tittv lhtt lUit. mailed to iLeui, AjJ.
dies hUJ Ihi tliaujgec as of too ava revjutsaUsd,
Rumor ftctorlcg on the Ulo Grande continue
working ovrtlm ragardlas of axpoosa.
Advance) of wagon secured without it strike
noadsyi It (he flncat grade of "velvet" in the
labor world.
It 1 quite evident that Nebraska rpubll una
re not the only ones who, want Charles 12.
Hughes to head the ticket.
It may take Omaha some time to run nalll
more off the map aa "The Monumental City,"
hut there la nothing like a good beginning.
Aa an offset to lt adverse vole on organized
labor, the Methodlit convention declared that
union ia a good thing for church division.
The reported unwritten understanding re
garding operations south of the Hlo Grande Is
not the only thing on the q. t. in Mexico. There
is Villa,
81111, If the senator's editorial alter ego
rally believed democracy is aa strong as all
hat, tie would bardly use up the bigger part of
i double-column space to convince himself,
If President Wilson fa alive to the opportuni
st's pictured by the Commoner, be will coninils
lon Colonel III ya n aa ambassador extraordinary
0 Europe with instructions not to come back
.vitliout peace.
fir Kdward Urcy, speaking for Oreat Rrltaln,
md President Poincare for France, publicly de
ry overtures for peace. Their statements make
1 clear that a neutral peacemaker would re
five scant attention at the present time,
Now that It has been proved that big build
ii it opera Hons can be carried on in Omaha with
in t blocking traffic or monopolizing the adja
cnt, streets for storage room for supplies, the
equlrements ehould be exacted of all contrac
ori alike.
Omaha wants to gat along harmoniously
a lih the railroads, but that ia no reason why
he railroads should be permitted to give Omaha
i he worst of it In their passenger rate-making,
if harmony will not get fair treatment, we may
nave to try discord.
Nothing unusual about banks making 50 per
ot or over In a year. Two federal reserve
bauks in New York City cleared 62. 6 and 71.6
per cent last year, and one of the two dlxtrlb
utd a dividend of JO per cent. Hut the earn
ings ere actual, not Ink made.
A teacher protests against the intrusion ot
.mtaide "stuuts," such as dandeliou picking,
upon the school children, taking time they ought
lo put on their studies. Why. If han rating the
laudt'lion crop Interferes with school room
oik, let the evhools be cloaed down.
One by one ceremonious ItiHtltutlons revered
I l.y long iisalte limp towald the Kt rap heap. The
oid u!e'' in the marriage rle 'a no
loiiKer lahhiotiable and ha been discarded b)
eewral denomination. The Methodist lOiil
nurxUitt oil ritual teUalon faoi elrlkiug out
the a.ilcmn luimuU "With tu) rdlv good
thee end' " Modern lt and knole,lne
ot poi keta rendela the plevUe utitiec ry and
iu le
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
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Border Trouble on Both Sides.
Not all the border trouble orifclnateg In Mex
ico. Quite enoush of It has Its source north ot
the Rio Orande, and some of It quite a ways
north. An Interested, and In Bomn measure in
fluential, circle is actively fomenting the queti
tlon of intervention and possible annexation with
enough of effort to give Mexicans reaHon to
doubt any protestations of sincerity on part of
our government. Those who are responslblw
for the agitation may be honest enough In their
effort, but are open lo the suspicion of being
actuated by motives not entirely devoid of self
interest. The restoration of civil government
In Mexico is necessary In order that many mil
lions of American money invested there ran be
secured from total loss. This applies equally
to the property of other foreigners, which Is in
Jeopardy, Some responsibility for these Invest
ments will rest, on the United Btates finally, If it
Insists on the application of the Monroe doctrine
In Its literal meaning. All of this is recognUed,
and will be met In order, but the adjustment U
not hastened by the talk of annenatlon. To re
store order and to assure Its maintenance Is one
thing; to take and hold the country, Incorpor
ating It Into ours, dividing It Into states and ter
ritories and assuming direct responsibility for
its people, is quite another, and Is hardly what
the American people look forward to as the
solution of the Mexican question. Annexation
ists on either side of the border are bothersome
Just now, and their activity Is doing no good.
Teaching Journalism in the University,
In a stratght-lo-the-polnt article In the Nor
folk News, Kdltor lluae calls attention to the
backwardness of the University of Nebraska In
cultivating the field of Journalism for which the
University of Kansaa, the University of Missouri,
the University of Wisconidn and various other
progressive Institutions have long since eatab
llshed and mtilntulned successful departments.
He emphasizes the urgent need of better trained
newspaper men, and also the value of well con
ducted newspapers to the locality where pub
lished, "The L'nlveisliy of Nebraska owes It to
the state," be concludes, "lo do constructive
work in strengthening the state's newspiipers,
and owes It lo the young men of the slate, look
ing for useful and compensatory occupations, to
give newspaper training the importance which
It deserves and which It Is receiving In other
' To all of this, The Bee ia g!nd to add Its en
dorsement, and while perhaps the university
authorities are not to blame for going slow In
taking on new work, the demand for a depart
ment of Journalism Is surely here and the time
now ripe to meet It. Lack of this Instruction
at home Is the cause of many of our young
folks, with Journalistic ambitions, going to se
ll ro their education In the east or In more nearby
slates, many of whom would prefer to attend
their own statu university It they could obtain
desired training there.
As a climax argument, we know of no asset
that would prove more profitable to the uni
versity than to have graduates of Its Journalism
department, day by day or week by week mak
ing the newspapers that reflect and guide public
sentiment ot the different communities In the
Poincare'i Peace Proposal!,
The speech of the French president, purport
ing to outline terms on which France will ac
cept peace means nothing at all, aside from the
utmost limit of what might be exacted were the
Allies In position to dictate the basis for settle
ment. This outline has been frequently an
nounced from the councils of the Allies. On
the other band, Chancellor von Bethmann
Holweg recently gave notlco to the world of the
conditions under which the Teutons would give
over the war, suggesting terms that can only
be enforced by completely vanquishing the op
position. Apparently no approuch Is being
made to the settlement of the strife. What la
going on behind tbe scenes no one may say
save the leaders who are in the secret councils.
It was secret diplomacy that aligned the nations
as they are now found, and it will quite likely
be secret diplomacy that will arrange the pre
liminaries If It docs n8t definitely fix the terms
for peace. The belligerent nations may be
tiring of the war, but its Immediate end Is not
In sight. At least, no "tradiug points" show
in the public announcements of national ambi
tions. A Study in Exports.
The tide of exports from the United States,
though running at thj flood for months past,
continues rising beyond all former records.
For the nine months of the fiscal year ending
with March the value of exports reached the
unprecedented total of S S.&V J 3 2, nearly
a billion more than the record of the same,
period of the previous fiscal year, and nearly
double the value of imports. The greater part
01 the Increase is accounted for by war muni
tions, steel in a n 11 fact urea, automobiles, rail
toad rata, copper, bias, fine and chemical.
On the other hand, exports of foodstuffs are
eretng well as the exports of hore and
i.mles and cotton 'the f'guics hnw an enor
mous trade balance In favor of this country,
vhl.ti ialie.1 for a lie! impoit of I i ' !,S 1 J.SoJ
in gold, a volume of American securltiea held
ahtiud and !oil loan lo effect settlement.
I lie rftrtrt of the h in lnsiiie OH home price
i tmorevaivelv hoit 1 1 the advance In rxpoit mmplle.J b the New Vor t'tty National
Uaitk. i"ee billet ad"d tnct the beam
lung f the I per rent, iitoniofctU t4
per ceat and ether tnetat maouf ,fture In fto
portion !lore e-ored an advance of II per
t.t 1 canned I.' M per i.t, r p.-r cent
all wheat ' S-r eet V of pioM
,. prHiiltf ot war t.ri. tve I
I It li Heutied. f"t ' flirt 4,t..
heftt'Met h mi.i l t ertl art t e.Rt'fMi
hc.sf.) i iii'Ute-l war Villi,-
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Union Pacific Wealth
'Wall ttraat Journal"
Wlttl.K earnings of tho Union I'aclfle are run
ning htavy and the cash position of the rol,
as pointed out hy Dow, Jones -'o.. Is so
strong that an extra dividend might he declared, In
ill.utlons now are that no action of this Hind will
he Ukcn at today's meeting. After clearing of for
eign complications and aettleineul of Hc pending
l,.,r controversy the matter may be considered.
Union Pacific, will earn about U a share for
It. common stock In the year to end June SO. only
J of which Is being turnel over to stockholders
In the regular dividend distribution.
Union trifle has no need to add to a 00.0'M
profit and lose surplus of unusual sort, In that it
la a surplus ev.ry dollar of whld, could readily be
turned into cash and distributed without Interfering
In any way with operation or soundnesa of the
Union Pacific property.
Union Pacific hsa not sought or acquired a repu
tation as a dlshorser of extra dividends. Morn
over, sane railroad management In this country t
this time Is not prone to persuade government le
glons that the land's railroads are burdened with too
much favor, The fart is Hist with the ending of
the hesvy war traffic the roads may find themselves
shortly back on the unpleasant droughty plains they
were traversing before the Plurrfan outbreak. And
neither administrations or commissions can commit
the country's roas to wars to save them from
Nevertheless, hacauoe of Its "other Income"
Union Paolflc, though earning leas than for
slock from railroad operation In poorer yesrs, lias
been abl to lay aside all the reserve II needs.
Therefore, the Intemtata Commerce commission
would find no text should Union Pacific dei'lda to
distribute something mora than the regular qosr
luiy 12 a share, In view of larga earnings, due. to
the war. With other prominent railway offlclala
Judge f.ovett bos given plentiful backing for Presl
nent Wilson's call for better treatment of the
United Htates rails, by decision over the last several
years, that not a dollar could be wisely Invested In
new railway development of this country until thers
Is some assurance of treatment fair enough to en
able the earning of a fair return, it la this wall of
unfavorable conditions shutting" off new Investment,
In fact, which makes It more likely that earnlnaa
dun to extraordinary condition will be given to
stoikholdurs Instead of put Into extension of thu
Moreover, Union Pacific need worry less over ex
pansion of Ita lines than almost any other toad In
the land, Uulslde of Its rich Kansas field Union
Pacific la a bridge connecting the avenues of vastcat
traffic In the east and the west. To load Ha rails
it doea not. huve to do one-tenth of the soliciting of
other roads, lluirlman picked the national high
way. Il'is successor management may say without
doubt that their Una will receive a large ahare of
tho lands tiaffld, whether they build more feed
ing lines or not. More than that, the double track
ing was dona before dictated by circumstances.
Union Pacific is prepared now to handle four or
five times the present volume of bualneas over Us
double-track Una.
Why Union Pacific thinks it wiser to keep on
huud any largo part of its 1 1 OU.Ouo.OOo surplus ia
nut obvious, auvs for one fsut: the Central Pacific
may he on the market when the supreme court be
speaks its Judgment in the government suit agHliit
Himiliciu t'aclflc. Than Union Pacific, without Issuing-
a bond, could, if it desired, buy its steel ave
nue right through to tha 1'acific. When that pos
sibility is out of the way It Is decidedly piohablo
that Union i'actflc will ceass to be tilt banker, and
lor the siike of forcing from the land a fair treat
ment of the vlla.1 buetnaee of transportation, will
divorce Itself of all but its railroad properly. Jf
Central 1'aclflu ia not bought and no better railroad
conditions are begotten than exist today lo encourago
additional outlay, It will probably mean anoUixr
kiibalantlui distribution to shareholders to clean the
Union I'uciric treasury of all but Ita railroad prop
erty and assets fur actuul operation.
Aalde from some !30,00',000 cash working capi
tal in sight by June 30, Union l'aciflc, in addition
to 170,000,000 par value 6f slock In other railroads,
has about lJ,000,OMo invested in equipment trusts
and notes of other companies and some $85,0110,000
in other compauloa' bonds, all commanding a fairly
teady market. Union i'aclfic'g "other Income'' from
these investments in outalds companies In thu yeur
ending June 30, 1114, waa 113, HO), Ml. Union Pa
cific's fixed charges on Its funded debt the same
year were 13,03,0. Therefore, Union l'aciflc can
pay la fixed charges with Its "oUier Income" and
have Its net railroad earnings free to give to stock
holders. The only bonds of the system maturing in the
next ten years are 114.831,000 Oregon Short Line ts,
due February 1, 19:2.
Union Pacific already has 470 all ateel pasecn-ger-traJn
cars out of a total of 1.324, and of Us
i.':21 ficlght-traln cars J,7 are all steel and S8,63
steel underframs.
Incidentally, Union radflc owns cosl land In
Wyoming which are of great vaJue lo a big railroad,
of Ita t.uOS miles of main line 59 a laid with
nliiety.pounq rail and 21 with eighty-pound 1 all.
hmiiue It Is in such location and such condition and
state of advance preparation Union Pacific lias f..r
years been operated with expenditure of smaller
percentage of groan earnings thsn any of the other
western trunk lines, location ia Involved because
to this la due partly the company's ability to (ui
good load for Ita traina eaalhound And westbound,
reducing empty car mileage.
Hut theie are a half dosen of a hundred ail
shllary glints at one of the country', grentet tall
load sv stems, which ranks with the leaders in flnaii
clal strength and ability of railroad management
Whether such a road, with an annual im-omr well
ehoe it, dlMribution t (ekh.,i,..t a, and a hnk
account pulling Ha k ,nlo , (if
Ilea, ahnuld not attract lvetm.t on e. ,,,
n yield when other atocks of lrar ,,ei, do la -
"U," ,!"" '""""I " ' be cot ,.,, ,
cow. c.,.. ,!lv , Vl, tlf ywt h) r-n
People anil Events
nnlhr "eilflnsl hl.oinr gir- ),, ,,, ,,,,, ,
New J.i.-v, ,i d Sv louiMit Hurt, mut ,u ,!,,
ti l.l.Hituer laurel
Marvland 1 talma ! i.iiut lntn Ii, ti, urt
Aft. lMt, v, t. an .m.t,,;, , .,.,.,,
h iSfOloaiifcl to lh (trn f, ..h.i,, ,,, ,
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Editorial Snapshots
Washington Post: Home congressmen
arc in) alert to the penpu'.'a nwds that an
Investmatlon of the high coat of radium
may be ordered at any moment.
Louisville Courier-Journal; Secretary
Morrison of the American Federation of
Labor says countless men will be on
strike by the middle of May, mostly for
ehorter working hours. Undoubtedly a
man doea begin to feel belligerent about
bis norklng hour when he gets beyond
May day and I" bound for the good old
summer time.
Philadelphia Ledger; A New York pas
tor has had the courage to strike 1,3:11
names from bis church membership roll
of some 2,300. This action is not to he
viewed ss excommunlcatlve no doubt If
any of the members who have been
dropped csn prove that their seal has
not waned they will he readmitted. But
this minister sets upon his realisation
of the fart that In all enterprises there
are men whose weight Is a mere paper
weight; they may have subscribed their
mere signatures toward a good cause In
a fitful blase of enthusiasm, but when
It comes to steslfast underpinning of
performance they are found wanting, end
If summoned to an accounting they beg
to be excused.
Signs of Progress
The annuel product of the American
chicken yard is estimated at gv,000,OW.
More thsn 12.M0 students are taking
courses in agriculture tn tha colleges of
the United Htates.
Th per capita wealth of our country,
says one of the unquestionable statisti
cians, was l-ios in 1W, and Is now ILK;
Statistics show thst the number of su
tomoldle accidents Is decreasing steadily
as compared with the number of ma
chines tn use,
For smaller elites and towns a recently
devised fire alarm employs an enlarged
and more than usually powerful automo.
bile horn, electrically operated, to sound
To display posters In Inaccessible places
a gun has been Invented that shoots a
nslt carrying a roiled poster, which un
ions when the nail is shot Into a surface
that will hold It.
America heads the list with iM post
offices, Germany Is second, with 4&,MH;
Iheu follows England, with to.tti; Huaala,
with M.00Q; France, with 13,000, and Italy
and Austria, each with ,I00.
Antimony ore production iu the United
Hlates In J'J16 Is estimated at about fi.OuO
tons, containing 1,000 tons of antimony,
valued at about IW.OOo.OoO. The largest
previous domes! lo output was 110 tons of
metal and KM tons of ore carrying tu per
cent of antimony In 1802.
Ten sacks of hubnr.rlte, or lunsten
ore, laken recently from a Colorado inlna,
proved so rich In that much desired min
eral that they brought $Mi0, an average
of about W cents a pound, which goes to
ward explaining why tungsten has be
come so magic a word In that mountain
and mining commonwealth.
Tips on Home Topics
Cleveland Ph'n Dealer: Seven of Villa's
bandits are to be hanged In New Mexico
in Mav. There may be luck In odd num
ber, but It would save a lot of expense
and trouble If Villa could be there to even
it up,
Spring fbld Kepubllcan: A congressional
Investigation of who financed the 60,i00
"peace" telegrams to congressmen would
not be worth the candle. There la uo
law against sending telegrams to con
gressmen; nor to compel congressmen to
read them.
Philadelphia Ledger: With the. grcutest
war In hlatory piling up anguish every
day, they are brave souls who are antici
pating the great "Induatrtal wars yet to
come" snd are already shivering appre
hensively as to the possibilities of a coin
petition ruthless and world-wide, with no
quarter and the devil after the hindmost.
Indianapolis News: Now that the com
mittee of the anthracite miners and
operators have agreed, and that thers la
a good prospect for their agreement to
be ratified by their principals, It looks
as If something ought to be done so that
we enn lay In our regular summer supply,
and thus he prepared against the times
when the weal her bureau breaks Into the
error column, as It did so often last
Well Ptreet Journsl: Union Paclfi.i
promises to show surplus for common
tnck of approximately 15 per cent for
tbe year to end June no, 191H, This would
compare with 10 !tS per cent In the previ
ous year. The gain In net for nine
months endi-d March !t was W.M.8M, or
!,! per cent. There I eveiy prospect
tuat this rale of Increase will he at leat
maintained ever the flmtl three months
of the year.
The world. p.-pulaihoi maM 'i.if of
itA glee e m the lO'irre of ChMi
It i generally e, .1 that a' the low -et
f'.mi wiipt h been a falllitul
tettant of mankind fir iff
A Vienna statietuun fig . tt h
Auirun mfM' b fnvl 1 '.i'io
a-ii i-l and the sHileiy t;.,"o ,h.-!n
in the hr. lining uf the wi
saM'i'an nbbni'a tmtiP !':
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tented." he said. "Mouths are never sent
without hread to fill them."
"Mflybe you are rlsht." said the parish
ioner, "but the mouth are all sent (to
our hours snd the bread to Jour.
New York Time.
Old cirurnp Why doesn't Ktl-.el marry
that young idiot? I'm getting blame tired
of his coming here so much.
Hi Wife-1 believe I'd prefer to have
him come hre If she marries him he'll
slay here Hoston Transcript.
Mnrtorie Do you believe In eugenics?
Petrueia I don't know. But If I ooiil4
once get married, I wouldn't care what
happened to me. Judge.
"That callow voutli acta as i" the
world depended on Ills chuh o of clothes."
"Well, In his salad day It in natural
for a man to be particular about bis
dressing, ' fialtlniore American.
Huh Look here. Mary, It was only last
month 1 paid a dieeniflker bill of 174
and here I amdher one for Wo,
W ifeWell, dear, doesn't that show tht
t am beginning to spend less? Uoston
The telephone tang and the new maid
anxweied It,
"Hello!" came from the receiver.
"Hello!" answered the girl timidly.
"Who Is this?" again csme the voice.
"I don't know who It Is." nld thn glii,
"I can t see you." Christian Heglsier.
Herbert 8, German In Toetry Magailne.
Within thn wood behind the hill
The moon got taiiK'ed In the trees.
Her splendor made the branches thrlP
And thrilled the hreeie.
The satyrs tn the grotto ben
Their heads to see the wondrous sight,
"It is a god In banishment
That stirs the night."
The little satyr looked and guessed;
"II. is an apple that one aeea,
Wrought from that garden of the west
"It Is a cyelops' glaring eve,"
"A temple dome from Pabylon,"
'A Titan's cup of Ivory."
"A little sun,"
The tlnv satyr jumped for Joy,
And kicked his hoofs In utmost gigs,
'it Is a wondrous silver toy
Itrlng It to me."
4 greet wind whistled through the him
And caught he moon and tossed 't
A hubole of psle fire it flew
Across tha sky,
The satyrs sped and looked and smile,
And wagged their heads from side to
Ivneept their shaggy tittle child,
Who cried and tiled.
AND HE'S Supeh srvnuf
"Ho you think Hacon wrote the Shake
srw'sri, ilays?"
"What's the use of worrying about that
now?" prolenied Henator Horahum. ' What
we've gnt lo worry about now Is who I
going to write the parly platform and
what he Is going to put Into it." Wash
ington Blar.
Kawler-LId you ever go to one of
thoee astrologer?
Mis, Klundt-i'by -No: but my rinughltir
Kate la Jim! eraxy to have her periscope
read,-Philadelphia Ledgei.
The childless parson souuht to heT
the paieni 10 mi overflow Inn household.
"My iiiun, you moat learn t" be con
Avoid AH Substitutes
gMMaaa ipmsm a-. mi iniiiun arr-anaiii'ia 1 ,,,nmMmMtmtmmmimmmmma.
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Sometimei, not often, something
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