TTTE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY i:, 1016. Want-Ad Rates lr CASS WITH OUl per word each linerUon pcial Itttii Frm and Ranch Lands. 1c per line each insertion (Count six words to the line.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HKLP WANTED ClAS4-.lFlCATIO.NS-i: "e per word one tima l'jo per nurd. ..three consecutive times CKAKQE BATES i te per line one time "c per line three consecutive tlmea (Count six words to the line.) 0 AO TAXXIf rOB ITt tmab A TOTAL Or SOe OK tint TKAM 100 rZM. DAT. CARD Or THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 10c par line 'urn Insertion (Minimum charge iVO cent. .Monthly Rata for standing ad no change of ropy) 1 1. DO pr Una (Count alx words to the line.) Contract ratea on application- TftR FEB will not be responsible for more then one Incorrect Insertion of an IvertlBement ordered for mora than one time. ATiVERTTPFRfl ahouM retain receipt given by The Re In payment for Want Ada. aa no miatak can be rectified without them. vpk rim m.vmnyrn if vm. cannot rnnvenlent'y bring or snd In your ad. Ak for a Want. A'' Tnker, and you will rclv tho Mm rooil ,rvlc aa when delivering your ad at the office, . PfTONR tyleR" ions. WAVT-AT rrtT.T'MNH CLOpl PVRvrva rniTinvf.' imi m. MORMVO EP1TIONH nn P M MOVIE PROGRAM Current offering of the bt Motion Picture Thoster tn Omaha. (Changed Dally.) Daeatiimi. fclUPREHS. 15TiJ t DOUGLAS "The Girl From Chicago." I,ove, ad venture and crime ml si'fl make a flc litihifiil drama. "The Return." love comely, "Slipping it Over on Father." Idol fun ut home. '1JIU F AhNAM", '"' 141 5 FAflNAir Now the house of feature, nrcbeatra and pipe oman. toduy presi-nls: John ilav'ii and Claia Whipple In ' The Reapers." A photoplay thai will make your hair atand mi end and whh h you will never fnrgt. Alfto a good ai t of coined y. Worth. ixmjiioi. ma LOi'liitOP. s rilllle Burke l "PEGGY." Booth Mile. Bfc-SaE, 2 ITU AND N. "The Trill of Danger." Kalern, "A Double Barreled t'oui tehlp iH. Pou klni. Kahrn. "The Mini limit," Vita. "WHO'S Cil'JLTY," fi storing Tom Moot and Anna Nelson. oitFH-,CJM. TH M Five red of good picture. Mil I' A --. KMBI Ml hi. f L'HK "white reinforced" cement grave marker, with name and dai. I- -0; trot-, $3.00. Pel. in 3 (lave Kedinnn Mailer Co., 1MB 0pt mr. VVebsie-r i,Jiiiiir .Hoiiumenl urn, notuao leunia. all klnda niarkera. lath A Charts. STAK FEATURES M e, lal Ettra Heel Feature now appear' Inc at the following Theaiera: DEsSFj JlTH AND N llaa a doctor the right to opuieie on iiii-mbcra or hi own Imnlly? Kee, "Wh"' iuilty." i.KhutuV. :im AMi'lxifiiitor. nulla flurke In 'Tfiiy." THK FA UN AM The Hanpara." 1IU FARNAM rxoiiiai't. wUAl-tTV Cut rUOVVKua or piania. Art coiiiinnaiii'iia. aiiipped every, whera. avxcellont airvlce to our cus tomer In tmat yrar itconinivnda llr.Mi HWftHnHA. Ulli FarnHin ht. U iuUt. 7.rt7tiTiT'l AsnuHTMKNT of fraan flowera, delivered or ahlppeil anywhere. U, HKN hKKSi IN, lattf l arnam Bt. a . Tio n a J i i T.'V,7 ' i jV lui-iH'jfj" i'ii n'liT iiATII. floilal, 1MI4 Fainunrst. V. LOST-FOUND REWARDS UAtAHA A; ui.M'lL Hi A'. KKS bl'itKLT K A I (AV A V UAI TAN Y. I'crsnuw linking lout nmnu nrtU't wnul 1 do ell tu call up I ho off Up uf tltu Oii.aIi & roui.i it IMufm Ht ri lUllway tutiipiiMv t j i'llHlu wlu tlur thry Uft a in Hie vtrwi cnrt. Many atti- i tuvh tlnv me hnnnl in dim! t net ciituieiiiy m Hiixtctm to ithUm t hem to Lhu i t-Miul ow nt'i . t at. tu ltl autelr Hn i'vr H tf fnun4 hv an Hon . rin hnuii hitii i at tntuftbt ihk t-.wr"i'i bo fma iMtciva ( t()rt!ffU tn (iTnimi tbal Ih iti U tir.rl t.i rvMjutf tua lhou lo wl lK ftnr (hrnuih tviti)iint ni uthrwlM n4 (attttri i-j lu u it r t- prua, la- twl i vrj lyfiitdK I .- T - ti.-al.M. t' tl t l i ti l i..4, rv lirt'k Hllt (rMflt. t ', lUltt IMI. rrw imiI . iofj r-r I i whi' ii hut iwu lrnkm i lt'tuv tutnittf-f litrnt lit t-oiur. t i'..inUi'i I t-t t n- AHii if rruiH'ii i K. I- rj mrf!"ti, I ,t t (iH itllH'O t' I It I Ht. Itttttittl fmn, 1'htni .'u ( f 4 ,1 ! t.i'Vf ( .y I sri'H-h in ltt t'.r ..n . A ril . a ' ;i l ( t-'i, i it; n' -it um i r-'t k( u In it ii .if nl h vihniii'h S V 1 M I .' t ; f g ti ) r" fli.i I It U 1 : k ill) U (4, - It V ! I "M I I'H ft v 1 1 t m lie- i 4 ( I " r ' ' 1 1 V t i i ' i s t ' ' V . e s - FOR SALT MISCELLANEOUS t favM tr fta.4 M '4, f I St t ' H- rs t f -r I h. , f ..... n. I(ie ()(, , : ' f t , tr - s s i (i i- ; i ' t :. - ki ' i I w H I i v (Viii) latins i'.)t ,( t f '., M , v f Ni ' V i w i . - M k i ( i .1. aj ; t ! ,' 4 . -I1 L " ' ti 4 . 'i :r. f , r . ft - .f b a 4- p , - (' D - ' , . , f ) i- v ' ' i 1 ' 1 ' fc - ' - - . a V t. t i: , , ' v 1 1 t' k ' , -. i i t ; . M m4 I'll t4wth) i.H 4 l , 4- , t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS t'lwm.a nail Mnalral taatrament. Vi IANOS FOll "kKNTT Good makea, good condition. n..v per month: new pianoa, WOO per month. A . HOS 1'K CO.. 1M3-IS Jouilaa 8t. i'i'UlTTilT,-inalmtfaiiy piano. Iln toned, for nilc at a hMigam, leatlng city. tU H. :"Mh Ht. SI'I.ENDITi violin for aalc7 '$2J.""Phone llarney l'l"2. are andl.iole. FUI.1 line of cariH-nler'a and murfutriia'a trHtaats2K por Mint off. H3 N. Hith St. Trprltr a!wplte'B. f.rKW rnaiiiinea aold the me aa rent: 11 per montli. Beo ui before you buy or rent. Whipped any pla'-e on ten daya' fre trial Hulta Tyjiewrller tchaiie. tilt fl. lth. Omaha. Neb. TYI'KNN III rt'-l'S Void, H'nli-d and re paired, lteot an Oliver typewriter 3 month j for Central Typewriter tx ihanK". I'"i5 Farnam. MIDLAND RJBHON AND CARIN CO. fonaolida'ad wph lha lir llnn' "o., i ow Inrgiat In th wet. 228 He HldB. 1'OUK. HKM I NUT iNB MiinjirVna and limit h Premiere lor rent; nt anywhere Item InKtou TypejvjJJer J 'nriifinMy.nJ; llonta, Vni-hta. F.ln. i pf.KASfKF. Kollne boaia, 1 1 f t , I It ft., I It . flrat-rlaaa eondltlon and (rood riiiinln ord'-r O. F. Pierce, 4217 lliirney. Walnut 32.1?. , Jvlr llami.ade, Wn"h-. HHOI 'F.tA A HI 'H "lucky wcddhiit rlnga" Bt l'ltli l'ld l""llilHen' llaililiirrr nnn .nalnr, "tcv m AM reKCON'l I i A i V MOT ' H!l. NKKTF'TKANtt AND 12h Ht.. Oinaha. C)NK"de livdraulic wi-irdrilllUK outfit for inah aiilo Bt. one-fowrtli lt value. Address V M, Pee. . Illlllnnl anil I'orUrl Tablfa. FOIt HAMv-MII.MAUn TARf.F.H, Hrand new carom nod poiket, with complete outfit IIU; Bicond hiiiid tnbloa Ht ra dured' PrKffl, bowllriK alleya and Blip, ulli-a; ey Jmymi'iitit. ClirHr Btore, drug d-ll. ateee. n and od.i f o 1 1 1 1 H I n 1 x I u r THK liHCNHVVH'K - HAI-KI'- ''' I.KNHKH CO., M-W Houlh lOlh MaBil"ry Kmilnae. lu'ilLMlH,' atrarii, " electric, aaa cnulm a, Joreerr7 leia l'a. iTF7i v ituN u T'i yl:o, 7i ? t h a iid uod k. Office l. 44'w: Ilea.. I'olfaa ll. rver-beu ring : t rawherry plni. hoi"- grown. 13 per hundred, olfal W. "Vl .n'eod B"d Hiid.'lhg done WeheterJiWiK (ax.laa 'Mariinrl. ISewTngMachines W rent, repair, iH need! and parti 0f .a '"M7i:.; , NF.rtRAHKA cycXE CO.. Uth andjlani-.vm Pw-J".;- l.tin.ber ejnil Hiilldlii Material. Jd h-ind " lumber" and kindling. llodgln ("net t (., l iH Cuming. Tvler i.42. ""Prlntln " nupll. POMMKHCIAL IJiiiilhatlng Co., Circular Se.t.r. Public ateno. velnpe or card, etc. Call D. M raxiori ma OKT fC it price on Job printing:. CAMI'AION CAIIKH A,hPKUAtry. II H PT CO., HKK lll.O'i. I), im. . urlntlng. Tel I "oust. M.K H. 13th H. Mla,.rlllllirll. MVTlgh atalidard of 'l"'1lJ,y w,u' maintained; 4 quart i of Old Kontn.ll., lili bottled In bond. Henry Pollock mall order houa. Doug. 71W. IK2-IJ4 N. b.lh Ht. . LAKESlDiHCE CO. FOR 1CK. PHONE COLFAX Wl. On, office. Illth and Manderon Bta. iXt;xJKTTt;s uquuii Houaa. Thirteenth and Douglaj. pott led In bond wnlaUy. 'I 00' full ana t. FOirHALK-l5lt liarlev-Davluaon ino torcycle. Two -apeed with P''"'-"'1' and tandciii aciit. Hargaln at I3(.W. A. I., llutchlaoiiMHtilllB, l. Golden We.FvVhiHky. I full if-.J.-U quaria buttled In bond, prepaid. Cackley Hroa., tmiuha. "WANTED TO BUY IvVANTKD II 1Kb ciuaa gurveyor a tranlt, an Innlruiiifin tnai ia aeiiii"i rial land aurveylng a well drainage work. Prim mt b light. Addrcaa X New deaka. ued deka. boiight. aold and trailed J. C. Reed. 1207 Fainnm OLD Clii'l l 1 1'.'H WollTIl MONICY. linn't throw away your clothe Hlid hot-. Doug. WU1. W pay beat price. It A i HM AN will 'pay you more for fur niture, cloth nd hoea. Web, olio. HlKhuat prlco paid for I'd hand clothen hoe, trunk, aiillcftae. T. fM or l Si'.!.. IlbirMKH "tuiy "your lube for ;'d hand clothe, ahoea and hat. Web. 3120, " OUCIrrHF.8! bl.f"8HOKSl W pay highest prlc. Webster l,2t. ANNOUNCEMENTS UVk'"tniorB."r.M7C.A.JthU Prk. HHOKKtiAAIli' S """"I. ncky Wedding Jtlngi" at Ifith atiil I inug I a Bt. niauinml and Watvhra. OlFTS fm giadunlloii. IMaiiioiid rings A wet. -he. ir.:i up. Friedman , l.'H 2'iiuglua. I.innmiinrri, CAt.l.KI' for and delivered. Repair work guaranteed. Saw filing. Pougla T4 '1 I. AWNMOW Kits ahiirpemd. Ilm ney i; viator Itepelr. rAllll.I, K.I.KC. '.. ii.Bblg..l.."-L ( ariieMter and ora-tora. ItRli'lv rrpairlng iid leiiu-m woik of all kuidi .-U Cuming, tlarnev 4t2, 0 AltPK.N THH.' buililliig uud npaliiiiK. InllaK 3SI... TIN ttullk, Crntral Tin Hh.-p I 44 1( pilling, lobbing, leeiung. Web lit md A Hi-n, tvi Capitol Ae. T I J.' C W. H.. ken... ii, t.nlh. 'I vl ;-l.-l 4 Iraarra aeil Ityera. WIAt'K l Cl.KAMNU IM, Ul) N. I.ll l. I .J tlretwWln. Ai i'oHOIi'N, Mil". Kinle. Pin Pleating, inv li.iUt.n. I l,-iiil it. h(ng .NU I'I. hi ti u A lut t.'ii c. I'mi. ii Ink It OiJ II. tl ili- U Mi l A C,'lii l . i ....! I ' n I .mIi, I' in. n a i .... i,. i ' i.n t i lion- I u mi--I i I -r I -!.'. t- ll--e t" U I "' , . i ,.. . i. i.M. u ... i.. V I I i,.. ,i.u..i p'. I h -l.e l-'tiifc 1 I ..hi . i- .1, ." .!. i-t A In .1,1 .. i. v-i w . i. . K - . ' I I I M !. I..H ! I ' T..f p.o-,-. - t FT'. 4 .MWt ; I I- V I t V, ( I u i.. t f i - i . i i Ni i i. r .- ,n ii H.lh. i-r M v i- n I I. - i i i : i - l 1 . t . I - ,.. k.ii.iiiiii 1 . I I. I I . .-t N .. .1 I. 1 . -; - . t. e v . . . .H - -, . i.. (.. i I h l'--t -t tii I t,iiHa 4.4, 4 M i . 1 1 . t ., . I , K , . , I , 1 v i A! a'v( : : n K vi , ,. I .--I .i-m ,i I. I .v Hi 1 . .. !,... I .MM. !, t ' IN lti I ..-- I I - . I ' I ' - . - I- - - -..,-,. m . j ft j . ft e .i.4 , . Ii l.i I ; . -. . " t 'I V - ft it .- I i ' $ ft s . I t I c ll ) - ANNOUNCEMENTS Piano Inatrucllua. PIANO e.on. new system, Hhort meth f.d. Worder chart, H, ' ;allup.Wcb1 -M. Rai-tlme piano playing positively taught in 20 leaaona. 4i2."i Cuming. Wal, rUTtt. i h Iroiirni-tor, plnMl ArliUNlnient. DK. HI HIIOKN, 414 Hone llklg. U. IW47. Pnlmer -School trad. i"onuliation free. 1 1 1. Viint-f-H iiHM'iin. Doi-3 Rua'j; llld. 1 T.j. C." I,a wreni o."! Hand Hl ig. I). MH1. Iloiiarclennliiu. ELKf'TRIC house cleaning, our aork and price will please you. Let us remove your storm windows and put In your screen. Tyler Ml J. Miji:SKCLkANI.N(; by exp. man, best of ref, furnished. WS N. 32d. Harney row. " OetVi-ll i e. PHIL 271.'i Dewey Ave. Kxpert, low rtellarney ;,7nS. JAMF.H ALLAN," 312 Neville "itiock. Kvl dence secured In all caaes. Tyler li"6. Kvldenno secured; sll cases stibtly confl- dentlal; consultation free. Kin flee. Ty. Il. Ilnltons anil I'leetliia. DRBS8 pleating, bemarltchlbg and cov. ered button. Van Amain lresa Pleat ing and Mutton Co., 3d Floor Paxton Itlk. long. 3109. Kerithlna for Women. ACOORIilON, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating; covered button, all sizes and atyles, hemstitching, plcot edging, oiii broldery. bending, braiding, cording, velet cut work, buttonhole, pennant. it'FAL Hl.TTON AND PJ.KATI NO CO. 2n0 liouglas f ilk. Douglas m.1. t,adle--Vou can iaaflnd ready-tnaii clothes at Mr. lloherlsoiiJty.H Ijike. ' 4eeonl nl. E. A. DWOKAK, C. P. A. 4.3-4:r7 Rnmge lildg. Tel. Douglaa 74QH. Juallee "of the I'e-aee. ir. It. CLAIHollNi; 512 Paxlon Rlk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition stono. 0wrilRITT, ;tbl Marker Itlk, Vftcntitii ( li-uni-m. CLKAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH KCI.II'SK KLKtmilC; Iif;NT H AND .1 to PKK DAY. iKiCGLAriJJf'i, . t-'lttnres Mild Wlrlpa IlfilMvIV Llectric washing maohlneg, iUJlljx electric Iron and reading lamp. 2223 Cuinlng Ht. Douglas 2M9 Tnllorlna. H. MAfl'TK, tailor and cleaner, presalng snd repairing. 3 N. loh Ht. I). MS. OAleoimili Ph Mlclan. ML- ujJv!i!"',"k- i Hn"" I'LJIy.Pfli- Makrrlra. " CAKKH, pastry and fancy bakery goods, supplied to parlies, lodge and entertaln- merit. 7. II. lieeder. IfiOH N. lth, W. 27. i-'nrnarea and 'I'Tntvare. RfMJFING, furnace and general tlnwork. H, A brains, I Hog N'.JIlh Ht. VVeb. 44. 'flATtkltBTUOH". I iiHTilrtoii. Wal. ' 2W1. Ilam-lna Arndeniles. nF,LI'XW ACADKMY. Ill H. lth fit. iilvrrtlalna ovellle. LF.Jhafer A Co., 121 h-Fnrnnm.JOJIiJi. Urdilln Hlnlliiarrr. WFDDING Bfinoiincementa and printing. 'll:'.'Ij!!LJlri"u'"'. ' '" .'r"-I0""-fM- "' Alloriie. rjJL ?'''""" Psnton Rlk. D. 1W)4. Tailors' Trlmmlnas. OmhaTr in'g Co., 42 K'hach Mlk. P. 82BO. Itrntlsla. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. BI2 W.O.W, Rldg. T;'l''nrK'ti"iB.", 3W4 liiijHrttr-.raw; I.Nttfi-ri. FRANC1H MORGAN, 613 Pee. Doug. 40T. i;iei-trolrlil. I'loa Allender. i.'4 Mea Hldg. Red JkifJ. HrMN anil Iron Foundries. Pa x t nn-M Itrhell Co. , Jfit h h ifd Martha H t s Watch gpeclnllsls Christiansen, JUL lloseMI(g. )XI.P; Wall l'irr ('ieanlntf. Wallpaper cleaning by room or hour. Reasonable, Phone D, 5W4. GeoHumple. " Wine and I, Minor. PPT your family Honor at Klein' Llouor House, f.32 N. Pith. Douglaa He. SWAPPERS' COLUMN A FI'RNITl.'HW for rooms, '1 large rugs, coat tit'; refrlgenitor; coat ;-; kltcneii cabinet, coal ); dining room suite, golden oak; parlor suite, mahogany; MayUg electric washer, cost t(W, na olhcr ar'.lcks of furniture. til trade for Foul or other auto, or what have you? Address 8. C llWi. Hee. KLKt'TRIC incubalor, 73-gg aie; cos' t'2..'.U: been used but weeks; 2 uc-c.-sarul halchliiga; 112 chicks from 121 fertile egu; will exchange for electric stove, good 9x12 rug or chickens. B. C. Ml, Mre. tnOltllCtmirKKD Muff tiniington hens, roosters, setting hen, mother with chicks; will trade for davenport, lc chest or what bav you? Address S. C. 1IIU. lice, Folt HALK or rxchan, t2.000worth of merchandise for auto, acant lots or ruiilty In house and lot, Address L 122, line. TO KM 'Tl A Nil K 'Wisconsin Sanitary re frigerator, cupailtv loo pounds: only used short Hme. Addn-sa (1193, Hee. KUI'ITV lu 4-rooni cotlago lo trad a for team of horses or auto. Phono Wal nut r,. TWO-1'Yl.iNDF.R coni'piVsseV, -100 "feet of hose alt- limit for X or what liav you.' Aildiecs A 114, Mec. II , I iSi l F. hu ge lui-natplu; also ring, for buffet or good gus r,tn,io. or what have you. Address H. '.". ll'si. Pee. . FILM (4 DKVKLol'" Flti'.k when print ar or.leiid. I liilaigiiiients from any negative. Kase Hludlo, P'.lh and llarnev. 5-ISOO.M cottage, price I2,2n0.' to awap for a good'. W. K. Craig. 131? City National Hnnk Rldg., Oman. WILL trail plarr nPino snd city lot for good A-nasBcnger v.Hf. St. C. K1. BUSINESS CHANCES lUMiii paying movie show, town of ft.OiKj, only two show in town. Llvs wires act nulck. Money-maker. 404 Ware IUK. Pbnnn Red I'.I4. L A I- r;. anted.' man to conduct cafe. All liewlv decoiareil and furnished. Will make rent free. A fine business t liaiK'e. SAVOY HOTF.I,, Fifteenth and Ja.kson M ICS'S fin iillilns good buaiiii. ail new itni k, for sale quick, A-l prnpn. lion for right man, XV ill bear Investi gation. "!(,' oiiniln ii-,-, it N. Main St , Council UliitU, la. F'H SAI.i:-Oii a.-ouul of failing Ttcnlth, my wall paper business. A fum opp,r luiiily lor the ilgot in.-m per rent ..(( rp. prh-ea and e- tarui. iieoi ( I liSF.i. Moll t'ltj, 1. f Al t i.N l eg fin huvu,.i, lull t, ,t Ijlllt k i.Uirl l"lln,., H Ware I'ls I'l.i-I.e r, kll.'. Ml.i I'bture tht-Mfer irai i.i fcui, ms.-hiMe, n.i'fi, ,i.pii a- e...ri'. p d K -.ll'l hi-..f Hf. n ol Ml 1 I Mt.A I KM tU V CO , in. li ,1 lwu( ..( FM iI.L Neo li o( div ,hu,' ti(ii,' r-r.l- i -, p"i.ffi In t..i lotl .-0: 1. i.lll" u --.-.I ..'-Him wot 11 f l -, (' !'ll -.. I oil - I , i . .tl.- I ...... I.. i l 1 1 a . V t. i.rr I, In ...... e ..,.! lm.tha a.Kiuit.!! l-.-e '..' d I' '. I to lull l-'f .. i a r -" - i -i r l-t. r .--re n'r i,i. t. t I-. ti , I i; v l 1 ,,. .1 , ., ,i . ..( , , V ,i,.;w' ,M.ii t -. I - ' i'lo i , A 1 ,i--.. V . !.. j I - ( Vi I I II i - t- ,-.., ,; 11 i t-v -fl. l(.i . S r. vi i v s i. m ''. I o i ., .. i .- i..., i. . fl ...,t t,i-'. - - ' l"t, i ..( . ... i , I a n . o .. i.,, 1 'O t i i. i . ii. . , ... - , ti I - - A I 1. 1 t.-.J Ii ft I . I.S1 t .ii...., v t . . h' .! 4ii iii .'., j t.'l4 - I ,, . , S,l I, , , !( -1 i . - r ---.'... V. -i 1 l 'I !. . I i ! . I.'.. VI tl , N If . ft-1 , u., , (..',-., If' f V I - . . m 4 ft , V ' "- " I ' ft. , I ,. (.,. Ii 14 '-... l- I 4(1 '' i" a .-. I a j . - , I ft v t I . s at I' -t !v! I ..- ... .. '', - i '! " n ( ft ',- .1 . t . . -.CL- -.1 i ft . . ., I 'a I )- -4 ft'. --14 ft . 1-ftSft f I ft BUSINESS CHANCES Bl'SINKSH lot, near hig Ford plant. Call owner. Webster 117. Hooniina llooea. TO sell for cah or trad.- for team, room ing house, full of roomers. 4'ti f. 2lth, -A floor SITUATIONS WANTED wi:i;kly rati:. ;:,c PKR link. day work or bualnesg ads resular rates. i lines one week 3 3 line one week lie a. h extra line i',c rx-r e. k. YoC'NU men er woman who want good roHltlnns should advurtlse in Tn Mea t I the paper big buslnes. men read, bankers, brokers, retail and whoiessi merchants. VrA NT KD -Position in packln.-, ahliipln. inoeiilriK ilepiutineiit. waiebo iaes. or what have you? No li'iuor u-d. 8. P. Gray. 201 Vi Wth Ph ine Dougliiajk). WANTLDi'osinon. alramait lor be cream, candy makers and bakers' sup plies In machinery In Iowa and Ne- bra k s . Add res8 !;.Bfi4. A NKAT, experienced colored man would like a position as cook In a good pri vstfl family, hotel or cafe. Phone Web ster 4731. MALK 'nursing or attendant by male nurae of experience, of city refer ence. Addre.- A 101, Pee. Pl.UMBKR wants ""out-of-town fob. year' xperlem e. SIut be hte-idy wor.(. Address I, U, Be. MAN with Ford truck wants work. Will contract If desirable. Addre J 107. pee. llntela and Hvatauraul. Kfc.LiA MLK EMPl-sJYAIKNT AOrJNCY, 1610 Iiaveiiport bt. Douglas IM. Hediiuarter for hotel help. Mlsi-ellaneous. MAN and wilo and sister, ages M and 2j, want work on farm or dairy, together; experienced; No. 1 references. Phono Jlarney 2;n;'.ii Dep't 14. "La I'FKI KNCLD man and wifo wishes oosltlon on la on; have two boy, aged 3 and 11 sou i. Call or write, 2tiU Dewey Ave. trean FAH.MIOM.S -VMieli you wniil help wrlio or call Kmplre I,abor AgL-nc, 2o H. 13th. Phom- Doug. imif,. VVANTk.i Houaei leaning by the da y rellshlH eolored nisnCull Webstar &. WlNTiOWS wastieir "rug beaten, auieen repaired, wlillnwaahiMK. Walnut- 2121. ASHFS or "refuso hauled by C, Nickels A Co. Phone Douglas nolo. COLOltBir couple want house cleaning hy the day. Phone Webster M44. fjV WNH mowed; ho socleanlng. WebL 71U H APLING ashea and rubbish. Wb. tVW. ijfflc.w cleaning; best of rcf. fylnr TiioC. Frmal. THE MKK charge lor "nituailon ads' la lower thn any otner form of edver tllng not enough lo cover coat of printing. . VVANTF.D By a' young ladyatenographer with experience, a position. Phone lien sou Its , GOtiD colorecTgirl wunts place caring- for children. Webster 1W9. Lanodry and" lay W ork. KINK washing, lice curtains, to take home; first class work; white women, Tel. Webster7s:,7. COMT'L'i'KNT colored girl wauls 'ley work or chsmbcrmald work. VVeb. H20. MCND1 .10 washing ; will call and deliver; prnmptervlcegUKr. Mi". Kaat, H, 3k4. KKAT colored girl want day work of any" kind. Call Webster ll'!.Anna Mitchell. W A NT Kb Posit ion as "iTmi'd or day work by experienced co. woman. Web. I'M FIHHT-CLASH " Tu'uniiT'. (.-leaning; by colored woman; best of ref.W eb. 5244. uT!Nl7Licor" lamiiy "washing called lor A dfLjvk. gusjl- lonable. Veb. ... Bundle washing, day work, or housek-r p Ing posit SonMs sCiiniei-on. . Red S .tib til NDLK wiisliing. pfece work, lace cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster J PJX PKl'tl KNUF.I iaiindreiii wants any kind of day work. Phone Harney tua. Col.oHKD girl wantshouse cleaning; references. Phone llnrney MM. I'M RST-cLAnS" laundress; lisy work. 11. ttl. Cooking or day work. IMi Uard. Tyler liifl. Com.' woman want Ironing; day. W. i'J.. CHAMHIiRMAlD orday work.Web. jgtl. LaundreB," day work. O. Jackson. VV. i!l."7. KXP. laiindriias jnoirs slirts. IL . 2M2. T ,A IT N I T RYa niljcin y work. Web. 3401 . MijNPi7Kahlng j)ay woi k.VVeb. US'). WBhln a nd 7; cuirytnadjin..'ryiil44. WANTliD Day" work ; exper. liar. ltoi. HELP WANTED MALE Mores and Office. A FIRSf-cCASSi, competent etenogra pher for wholesale houne; aiary ). G. 1329 Omaha Me. rr-feslona nnd I rn.le. WANTKD A few experienced cutter and lining cutter. Good wages and working condition. Permanent work If qualified. Address K 117, Hee m.:tf iih KOll PHltO JOBS. CO-OPKRATIVF, RF.FKHKNCE CO.. Established Ten Year. lOIR-HK'lty National. V AN"TF-b AT ONCt-i-Kxperienced tin ner and plumber; steady work. J. B. Nauser. ( rolton. .Net. i-TKST-i'LAsa inside and outside paint ers wanted. J. P. Pooches, 709 Main St., Le Mars, la fTrug store snaps. Vilia Knelat. Hee Mlilg. PAINTKRS and paper hangers wanted. Call Red Wt Iivllllnn. ' Naleaineii nun ,ll(!Uu-a. WANTED Salesman hy old pstablishotl novelty jewelry manufacturer. We desire a man with first class record, a hard worker, who is willing to start by mak lug large cities in middle west. Kc plies will he confidential, nnd to he considered must state aire, experience and salary to start with. This h an unusiuil opening for right man. Address ie Plies, NOVELTY, Y .".!:, IU.E. SALESMAN WANTtJ ., l i tk tiit.p.ii ili u 4 the rp e if en ctt'ci icni c. an rf f'tlint '. i j-i I'!i. I . i i. fit t-- it'. n n. iu be ii.a.Ii h g)h: fs 'i' '.KM Uloi1 Cli te;e 1 1 " ' mi ''vi If ( r Ht o it Sii. n I jrc M t I -, l' . '. V N . , l "ft t , !, , i I' t 1 . 'V ft . - ... ' P i.' .l V V ' l ' ..' , . ft ft . , 0 l . 4 . ft..' .1 , I ft - ft . -v , ft i - ! - -1 ' Ift ' -. ft t - - r"-ft . i., - -. '-'-ft . - , 1 1 ' ' I !'. HELP WANTED MALE Salejanirn and Solicitor. SALKSMIvN to sell aulomoblle specialty In Nebraska. Iowa. South Dakota and Kansas coodlde line. 2m Hee Bldg. 1F YOU have selling ability e Stand ard Sec. & Inv. Co., 101? W. O. W.. Bldu .Ornaha BOMKTHlNti extra good, big money for the salesman who 1 a business ct:r. . 1017 W. O. W. SaT.F.SMAN to travel in Neb. Standard Sec an-1 Inv Co. Id? W. (1. XV. Bldg. SA f.KSM EN fry hai.diing our lino of office and household specialty, hlei clara; eosily demonstrated. P,n ticulars free. Addies Ihe Wes'ern Mer- handD Ing Co., lir.x 4IC, Concord a, Kan W N f V. I )--K X perU'ticed " hardware and tool j-nlcsman; apply by letter In own handwittlini, stating experience, refer ence and salary expected; none bit experienced salesmen need apply. Jaiuca Morton Son Company. HIPF. line or "full time! Ford foot throU . Sell owner, dealers. Investigate ih'. Bl-j commission llotnlls at 2.S0 at tached: ample l.2.1 prepaid. FORD SPECIALTIKS CORPORATION, Davenport, la. Trade Mrkwofa GOOD MEN WANTED, to learn auto work for tn big iprtng ruih. Fine training work on auto and lectrlc atarting ayatem. ' AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. ViA Farnam 8t: Omaha Nb. W UN warned lo learn the barber trad. Tuition 2&. IW 'as St.. Omaha. OMAHA HARMKR OOLLF.OE. HOLER'S liAKBEIi COLLEGE Uen wanted to learn th trade. VV nave originated t plan to teach it aulckly and earn bach tuition while learning. Toola Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, LlO Ho. 14th Hi., Omaha. Neb. LFARN barber traue, more than mak your tuition while learning. Bet of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRIM JTY PA It BK MJJ.OLLKGi S Ibj.JIm aeuoa. A It M Y0 F Ti: I l-i l-J N IT K 1 HTA T 10 H. .V i K N WANTKD. Able-bodied unmarried men between agea of l and S.i, cltUena of Cnlted Htatea. of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the l-.ngllsh language, r or In formallon apply to Re ruituig Offh er, Arniv Bldg, ICth and Dodge Hts., Omnia. Neb.; 207 Hlxth Ave., De Moines. Ia.; 27 Fourth St., Hloux City, la.; l;i N. Tenth Ht.iJ.lticoluNeb. WA NTF.D-Names Vf" Biiiblllous men. I to 4. wishing to become Omaha mall currier. Commence 107 month. Addre Y34.H, Bee. ' FIHIOMKN, MHAKF..MKN, beginner, tl' monthly; permanent position. Addre y Mh, nee. OA RTHI DF.'H I RON RUST SOAP CO.. 4'M lincaler Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Oartslde's Iron Rust Hoar) (trade mark, frlnt nd copyright registered In the :, a. i.atent office) removes Iron rust. Ink snd al) unwashahle alalna from clothing, marble, etc.; good eeller; big margin; agent wanted. The original Sic s tube, HewBre of Infringements and the penalty for making, selling and using n mirmgeu sri u-ic DMI'NK. sick or crazy rot us. but our plan lota you collect the money and keep II all. W get oura later. I'. 8. Mfs Co.. Dept. 25, Columhua, Ohio. PAN if ART kitchen aprona of rubber cloih; agent wanted. 10, L, C 23 Colum bia St., Boston, Mai. AGENTS ANDANVASSERS PPT Ford throttle on trial. Collect weekly. N'-t i"H. ViO per cent profit. Heisll at 12.50 attached: ump e J1.2S pre paid. Big opportunity for general sgents. Fxclnsive territory free. FOItP SPKC'IALTIKS COUI'ORATIO.V, Davenport.Ia. STBHcTlll'f ION rigenl. Fat seller. No turn-in. Sherlock, Dcs Moines. Ia. HELP WANTED-FEMALE rrofeasloii and 'Irnde. WANTKD iJtdle to icarn barber trade; special ratea and inducements. TRI-CITY HARHKR COLLF3E, 1402Ppdge8t. FIRSf -CLASS waist finisher, steady po sition to right party. Anna Sislck, 2U1-4 Pity National Jiunk Bldg. I. EARN 'balrdreltig ai fn i.pnoim. WANTED Girl ili' fiat work" dept. Apply Kt-an Model Laundry, 1 1th nnd Pougla. IslMWomrn and Solicitor. INT KLIGKNT "woman" "to selfhlgh grade coraeis, must take special training be fore beginning work. Nu-Bone Corset Shop, Mrandels Theater Lobby. HoomrhofO aim liomelle. Til IS is a splendid opportunity for a girl w no will appreciate a good home, where kindnee Is used In every respect; have a nice, pleasant room for you; good wage; small family. Phone llar-ney-m- call at llo N. 32d Ave. WANTF.I While girl for general house work, no uptalr work, house cleaning all done. L. Hlller. 10S So. Will St. Phone Harney 37f.!. GIl'tL for general housework for 3 weeks, while girl is on vacation. Call Harney a:.i, . VVaSTKD-A neat comretcnt girl for general housework; small family; goo i wage Mrs. It. J. Coffey. :2 ro. .ih Ave. Harney 3.:.'7. WANTED A competent took. good wages, fnmllv of two; no laundry. Phone llamey 3"3. p.ealdence 3721 Dewy Ave. . ... . WANTF.l - Uirl" foi- 'geneifll housework; boiiceileanliis tlnisbed. good wage. Webster 426''. H. N I'l-KIKNCIOH while girl for general housework in family of 3; good wage. Mi. W. JHUie. Phoii8llainv 471. WA.sfElV A white woman for general housework, family of 3, i, without washing. Harney wag. WAMKli Co i ii H i e n t while Kill for gen eral hoiifcewoi k. Mis. McClanahan. Walnut Ho2. I, X I'EKIKNi 'ED w hite second girl. Phone llarnev 4.'1V WANTED Young girl lo selt with Keiural housework, no w nailing. 2M2 1 lodge- Ht. W ANTED- ilii I "for K-m-rai Ihiimwoi, 2 In f-imlly. reference required. W!- IM II .''.IH 4 WillTE girl for general housework 47.4 s Su'itn (itna: a V 4.ST1 l A reliable cook or i ompeirnt rootde. mall tamllv. Ciiuii. II B uff.'. W WTED A slit Lu geuil' houwork. fvten.-r r-'-rilrrd llanir .1' V il e .lo 1,1 ho-.K'Wol llitiev 1 Molrl and HMlrn u V 1 i 1 1 I- ,- -1. ... .- I w .' i c -a - ,. n ' i .' H t?'b 41 U,-rtlnaeua. 1 1 a. ('. as ,.li, I . ,1. .Hill, p- of II 1,1, . oo ill I M i.iou'i A t ,, -.. Hee EDUCATIONS t ft ) M. e .1 i-m i si (.! .; ft . . , , , ii-.... . i ,i . , . .... 1. 1 ,i. it . . , j , . . . 1 t. . . I ,-4 -, : . : i . i - - '1 . 1 , , - "i - . . , -v v i ; i. H I, 4 ft', :..-.-, ,l i I',' iM'ftll III- V 41 i. I I . ' I i ft- I - ( It, . ft f - tv .' ft a- Till; VAN SA NT M IImuL i N 1 " . Ii ft I 1 1 V o. ' ft K I. ft I .J, , - n --.-; i ., l -.i.f vv . v P'.. i-n I ..' Vi.n ( v. .... . i-.i .- u, I- ',- . ii,en tMg- .4 4, ( ( N t' ,,,, ( VI , ftaft ft-'ft .' ; S I .....r .. ." I ,l,-. -g ,,.. ft I ' .( I iw In-1 t4-e;i I . -...iim PERSQcUL PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. R, Tarry cure pile, tlctul and other rectal dlaeaa- without aurgl cal operation. Cur guaranteed and o money paid until cured. Writ tor boo a rctal disease with IMttmonlaia DM, i. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg., Omaha. iVo. THK- salvation Arm) liiiluslriai com ao Hells your old clothing, lurnlture. mag sine. We cd.lect. We distribute, pn one Dougla 41 and our wggon will call. Call ana inspect our new bom niu-U12-14 Dodge fct PI It SON A L .Misses Slurles and Shaf fer, bath, electric treatment. Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. ni., Sunday, 1) a, m. to 1 p. m. Doug. 713. 401 Ware Mlk. If II PT II Ii ' Successfully nested IV U I A U it. A-l runout B sntgicai operation. Call of write Dra. Wray A Matbeny. Bee Bldg li'lllM h'Y 3-day drink and drug treal L t-fiiiiijx mnnt is but known cure; booklet free. TUB FLRLEY, .U',7 Kar nnm. Omaha. jPhne HftrneyJ74!. II E.N rUF.TTA M. BREGMA N, scientific masseuse graduate, Prof. Ylmell school SweUiah massage. Maths, ateam and shower. 2oh Karhsch Mbig. Red IJ27. EAKN "bin; money; be a photographer; easy to learn; complete course, (25. F.morv School of Photography. 612 N. KithS't. I'hrme T)Mer 243. DRS. j"(TMNMf)N, Chiropractor, ll'i-V W. O. W. Bldg. PougU 6.i29. South Side office.2407 N StSouth )!. WE make a speclaily of ctout women' and surgical cois-ts. Nl'-MONK Cort-t Shop, Mrnndi-lsrhca. lobhy Pmig. 423rt. PI FT Y I ashionabie prini t d linen calling cards, IV-; UK). 2fic. Modern Card Co., 2Sf,l H;Llncoln St.. Denver, Colo. M ASSAOIO ANI e'i.ECTRIC MAT UH chiropody. Misses dray I nd Head, 2: i 214 Mnlrd Blk.J'th JllL?.,'.,.,,J.'J,4r,,-. LADIES, if voii wish 'to look your best get our troatments. Indu Kosrnellc hnn 9!HoeMld Tvler I2WI CHlLOTtEN lo" board and rare ror. lVi" Harney St., upialr.Phon Doug. 379) LI' EL LA VV 10 BST Kit , ""masseuse,"" tig Pnxton Mlk.. 10 a, m. tn p. m, P. 3227. MIHS" WILSON Bath and liiaiiiourliig; No, J Pavldge Blk., phone ooug. KTf.1 PRIVATK "lioine for liiaYenilty 'cC Bables adopted. Colfax '2Q42. 4416 N. gftth. WANTED Tiny or night nursing by col ored graduate nurse. Call Veh. !. RTTeI'MAT ISM trealed succes'sfiilTy;" re- aulls guarant'd. Dr. Mow-fer, 314 Bee Bldg. f I S S H A 1 ,1) R A N. " HC I K N TI F I C M AS SAOR, V iqNEyILLE BIX)CK. BClKNTiFlC' niaseags. i,;u te bldg. P -n Pougl.'i 6272. FOR RENT-ROOMS Furnished Itooui. ATTENTION, ROO.VI H ENTER: If you fail lo find the room you deilre among I bene ads, call at The Bee office for a Room Llat give coinpletu detailed descrip tion of vacant rooms In all part of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. iinil give your name nnd addr, and a list will bo mailed to you at once. New list are issued every week, . The COCHRANE, The kind you Tike, Room. 4KM12 clean, comfortable, Swetrwoud Ave. chery, Simmons' beds, aagles springs, abundance of clean linen. Electricity, ga, phone. Reasonable rates. Nothing cheap. Call D. Tiifc and let Inlk It over. We have alo 2 modern 2-room housekeeping suite. S.9 PA If K A VE. -Furnished room with private bath, south snd east exposure, suitable for a gentleman. Phone Har ney 1875. i 2 FURNISHED rooms with hot water heat, electric light, to let In new apart ment for one or two people; reasonable to right party. Harney 67C FTlt.vTs'TlEb room Tn private family; board If desired; newly decorated and furnished; very rennonahle; reduction to right parties. Colfax 3X26. S FI RNISHEI) rooms for light house- Kreplug at 2o!i! Leaven wort h St., over office, tl per week. Phone Douglas 987, 2,'iM HARNEY 1 large south front room and other rooms, all well furnished, modern conveniences. Pouglas 5W2. NICELY furnished room in West Far nsm district, breakfast if desired, Har ney JW70, GOOD rooms In private home, modern conveniences: terma reasonnble. 1902 J'tilL PhoneVeh.JSVH. Tl4 NO. 26TilTweTve"-room flat newly furnished and dcorated; strictly mod ern; sleeping rooms onljk. 1 LARGE furnished sleeping room, mod em home; walking distance. Web, 7D70. 2 NEWLY furnished, strictly modern rooms; reasonable; private famly. Apl. Hi. California Apts W A N'T ED A lady roomer; furnished room In new, modern home. Tel. Harney 11o? LA RGB cool room. Ideal for unim;i. Modem home; near In. Jvh r 4h2. NEWLY furnished room In private fam ily. l;toiK. 29th, Harney IW2. NICELY furniened room, ciua? in; all modern Ml J MM. 619 S. TtiTII ST. 12 newly furnished "room. Mrs. J. M. Pollack. tloilsekeeplna Kooni. the Norton; 6.4 s. "2.1th;": New:iy" fui-- nUhed isii-roiini apartment with klteli eiinett and pantry; every convenience and compleie for housekeeping. Refer ences Harney l".A MCE coiy room sllh kitchenette and bath, In new house, on car line, walk lug; reasonable. 1(720 S. 24th St. Doug- i is 3121 'i CALIFOKNIA Housekeeping looms, 2-3 room, furnished, modern, uroitnd floor, nice vnftid. lis r, eft'l. HAHN'EV. 2.J..T Two south tiont room, il.oly fiiriilxhed for housekeeping ; gas I Hiftg-; Icefttox, walking distance PEA I' Tl EC ELY fin nlelu-d 2-ioom apart" nii-tiiM, piano, Mhaile. walking dlslan. e, l Hhiik-v ftg s tli 3 MoDIOHN furnished houik-eplntt rooio. good loisilon. walking ditiot, I -a eiiiio t TlfK l 'ft illt.VNE. oolll, IU4li sel- wo.,,1 A' D ;. Read our ad In far- ii.:ir,l rtift.iii-4 .V: er MAHV AVE, iii.-U fosnLhe,! i.un f .r litil.l lioii. ke.-po g 4, ft , j ft . .ft ft Two lio e. airv li ,i;.rfteft.. in r.o'in a tar-fti. wsima d.'na, , 4 ft, I ft ' " t vi,.tvi ' .-v. Iftfto .on., . tin... o...,i. ,' II, ft --ft . t loolOft, ft HM'.-, .Il't' lu - k' ll-ll .n. lit. ft " I .'" i Ho... , l r.-.oo ii', ft .1, .4t,i : ti . (...rftthiug l'.i rlfti-.l I ft - u I ,.. ,. ...,-'. . in ' ,4 . i . 1 , i . , , . I e . .1 ." I f:t-t Ml Ift I'. hi, . . I --I ' l ' , t H . : I f Mk-.. m l -ft. I in el i I ( ,VI, v,uft ft I ill ll.ll'. . 'I ! I. I ( ,1 i-..,.... I I IHft ' . 4 .O ,o ft- 1ft 4 , V I l . I"' 1 . . J ft,ft..,l.l, 4 4 't I 1 1. I, It I . - ..4 f- -. ' I .i. r I , ' I - - ' O ft i A 1 I V. - , 1 ft.'- ft ' - '.-". t - 'ilft f . H v't , ft : VI t- ..'( m . -ft . I. K i I r i ( '. . , a i i ( i a . ,ft...-i i , I I . I .. ' - I H.MI4 ft.ft (.. j f 'A I ft -ft I ft ftft.l . ft.- ft ,4 4,- ft .... , - - ( , 1 1 , : i N , , 1.1. I... ,-- -A j',!-' I I I ' 1 ' ft ! ' ft - t t ' .1 - - I ; . a -1 ' FOR RENT-ROOMS 1 nfurnletift-il Koom. CLOSKON. cneap rent; 4-room. modern apt., light, water, phone, laundry; sum mer rate, f.-i ,."o. !.lft Pavenport. 4-RoOM aivgas'a'nd toilet, tl": 4-room apt.. S; a room, trt. IVftUgsfvl. fVo nice unfurnished room for house keeping; model n. PhoneTvlerJl. CNWiftNTsTfF.iY rooms "t 1328 ' S". Ht St." Phone Harney 27.'.. ftooin Wanted. YOE PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FCRNISHED ROOM GUIDE. Its a plan that Is helping many people rent their room HOTELS HOTEL HANFOEU. HOTEL HARLBY. 19th Farnnm. 20th and Farnam. Special rales to permanent gueati. FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartments and Houses Apnrtinenl. SPLENDID, NEW. FCRNISHED, TRAVERTONf FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LAN PON COURT. Catering to people of refined tate Apartment 1 completely equipped for housekeeping, up-to-date and comfort -ole. TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Dour. W0S. 70.'i Omaha Nat. Bank. Or Call Douglaa 7A21 . llonaea. DUNDEE, 8-room house, good location, near car, lor lummtr months. Walnut 1112. FOR RENT HOUSES ftV ft4S. NICE 7-i-oom houae, 33d and Howard, nd gaiage. ALFRED THOMAB, ,lt Nat. Bank Hldg. FOH R K N f -root n inodern houe,8fiil Howard St.. fine condition. For term apply to II. Fisher, 401 City National Bank BUig.PouKla IM. FoR RENT A pleasant J-rooin, sfrictiy modern houae for fW.iiO at I No. 40th St. Inquire of Mrs. H. M. McClanahan Walnut .1102. FOR BEJVT Six-room huuae with thr quorter basement, all modern except heat, large lot. 300S Webster Ht. 8-ROOM "house In" Dundoe, 10ii-ft, lawnT nun. ires, snruua, cri,;., im tni un, bsrglnal IVCali D1472. 35i8 " "Lincoln blvd. TT-room hou. strictly modern, with hot water heat. Prle.t(V)Doug!aaJsil WEST FARN AMT"2J ST"tb, l-t., 2 bath, with garage, $.'.5, J-ROOM mtidi-rn fTaVrTlernii Park, t:iZ.&.' ( Sil ftvainui iww, Norlh. irC'i1 N. 2ttH ST One block to car, two atory double frame, very reasonable. 947 and Mt) N. 26th St., two )x-room cottage, f IK each. 2111 Michigan Ave., six-room cottage, iv block to 21th St. car, (16. ALFRED THO.MA8, 3ii FlrstJS'at'l Bank Bldg. f-KOO.YI "houae, newly decorated, oak floor,: all moderp, Inquire of Kand berg Studio. Telephone Pougla 2W7. At night Walnut TM. a.m6nth free rent. Nlc house, block to car; garden anace; modern except heat; room. 120.(4); new paper. Dougla 73".; eve nings, Webster (V0. I-ROOM" modern house, hot water heat; tile bath room; garage. 1920 Spencer. Wehater 1390. 41K N. ;TH ST.-V'ery fin brick house; eight nice tooms; east front, large yard, plenty of shade, aelect neighborhood, one block to car; references require i ALFRED TH0MA8, m First Nafl Bank Bldg. WALKING distance, 263S Dodge, S-room, modern house, ia, w. w. Mitcneu, owner, 1120 Bpenfer. Phone Web. 475, lil GKANf e)l'" 7-r. com,, modern. T. F Hll. 4M Ramge Bldg Doug. 74.) 2-STORY, 6 rooms; furnace and fire piaee. zoz . thi. Fhone wetiater 447 oath. 1-ROO.M modern brick flat at 1304 B. 2Sth St., oak floors, electric light; good neighborhood. $20 per month. BENSON A MYERS COM PANT. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 74. $26.005 ROOMS and bath on on floor; choice. a2() vvooiwortn av. Tyler Ml. 8-HOO.M, modern bungalow with sun room, garago In rear. Vacant May l, f0. K.39 8. 25th. Red 1811. FOR RENT Cottage, 6-room, modern ex cept heat, walking distance. 2n Pierce. Tvb-r 22i". MODERN 6-room cottage. W a month. Ha H. 22d St. Miaeellaneon. "FO Rt3 A R D E N I N G A N D PO 1 1 LT R T r 6-r., downtown, colored, (12. Also a 2 and 3 (like bungalow) and ACRE GROUND, ii and $7, Also 6-r., Cali fornia bungalow and acre, $14. Tel. D. 2107 . 607 Paxton Rlk. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIGH, SONS A CO,, tot BEE BLDG, DOUG. 200. BK1CK. 612 North 23d, modern $27 50 20H South 41st, modern, 7 rooms 23 An L'Wi, F'oppleton Ave., 6-r. and bsth.. lsn) JOHN N. FRF.NZBR. POUGLAS 7.54. :0R HtNI-AP'VS AND FLATS w. MOT'EH.N -foum nparliiieiitr iiTcluiiTng leepiiig porch, well located. Har. 13:9. 1 FOI R-IlO(JM apartment, fireproof. soundproof, automatic elevator, two disappearing beds, roof garden. Har tley ,n;t. The Angelu apartment. 2olli Ave. and Douula st. ri.M. ift,aiii-iiMatutj a,'iriiuent. either I or r rooms, on Vet Farnam street. ICIHN W lOHrINiJ IftlW FftHNftM T. MCE 3-room modern pi liueiil, anil Chi- caso st north. ' 11 1-9-ruuui apartineut, all fommomca live. Ideal for rooming hou, opp.nlli the Ford plant, new building, sit ,. Kill St. II. A. WOLF, .11 Wu HI. Doual Wt NuHTH tub St. C t-To and thr r-H-ni miMiein aipartmrnts, (10 pel" month and up Adult. Mi'l'KUN .artmnt, U and uriNr pofttofflr O f Htebhln. 1410 Chicago SftliiDEKN Bit ? I.i, nr fo!. ft.ffl.-e i) P ldrbl;in, l-lil l't,lrgri Siielk, M.tft'.ftifti iii( .uiiiimiii. alii ir . am '.) i,.. a'ft't al , ln el ; tci ii iiiunii. look ti.u oftr, ill i s ia e.ftlig ijs ',. .1 fini', tu'avek nm !,., " ' , . ' . I ll 4. 4 . , .ft, I - ' ft. 4.411 ft,. 44,941 ft, , t,0 ft . ' 4i rii tii in. , ii. Ma .il I "i ..i"H r.s,d u,ii4l tt ft l . - ,.l.i hrlf 1'u ftg WANUD IU RENT t aleaikti a4 rial. i VMM . ,.i, ,i o, f i ... , , !, , J,, I v ,, j ,,1, ft IAsii ,. I. i liM." IM i't NlCk n l - i i.. i a ft. . i i ... , , r MUV.rvi fU ilOrtAUE Ul.uHh VA.N Jt hlUUAliK tt.e wi.. ft .S4 ft,iM - I ft-i, I 4 t ., !!, t) (ftift a--..lift s...r,, , . - . - ' ' ' I 4 tftft i ft", ft I l I I . "ft-ft 4. .-,.., ft I I ... - ft . - V .- '-'( - 4,ft-.,-. I ..".ft '-ft -. 1 " i - ' i ; t t I V I - .. l" -ft-. ' ! I 'l . ' 44 (ft-.. l 4' I ft , I t . I -f ft i. I-,. t a b. :' 1 . ft ! t . v t - . i . r.- i i a ft -14- ft I '--.. .--i.ift I. 4 j -' ft - ft ' -it:-. I I v ., , ,. ft I .,, . 4- ft 4 ' - I ft fte - I (ft ..V) a....... ..... I I'-i-iM ( i ft ... i ft V- . ,- 4 t ; .;ft' .. ftftft . . , I .. 1 ' ft '.' ft-ft 1 ft . I ft,).,,... , I, t I ' ' - I" - I I ftl.ll! ( at...!. a ft - - ft - . 4 ft ' '.4.4k , 4 Hi4'i. ,..,. UUHIMIN VAN CO, r- -ft t , i Yft ft - V. t . ,-. . i I . f.,4 ' - 4 .-, ft , t . . ' N (.., ftj4. I ...,- ' ! i.i M av , ; - ft ' ' Ift .-..... - , , , , j . ft 4 . I ft I , . r 4. 4 . 44 . ft Uft. I I JsWiViVW -tSW tmrwxv.