Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    ! 2 B TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 14, 1916. -
' , II -- III - II I II. I I J ! IJJIIIII .
is Going On
in Society Circles
Country Club Opening.
Interest Is centering about ths County
! club opening on the 77th, and It Is said
over diners will honor the ocoaslyti
; with brtdrs and out-of-tr.wn guaets, the
' Inspiration of many of the partis.
Mis Harriet Met 1 to be the gut
of hnor at a dinner given by her ooualn,
; Mini Olga Metg, and Mr. Oeorg Thum.
. mel, a bride of lnt February, and Mr.
Thummel are to be given a dinner by
Mis Mary Burkley. Mr. and Mra. Donald
McFerren and Mr. and Mn. Will Mo
Ferren of Hoopeeton, III., are coming
for the opening night, and will be the
guMti ff honor at a dinner given oy
Mr. and Mra. Charlea T. Stewart of
Council filurfi.
Judge and Mn. Kedlck are giving
dlnnr at which Mr. and Mr, W. K.
Sweatt of Mlnnespoll were to be the
guet of honor, but their prreene no
la doubtful, owing to the 111 health it
Mra Sweatt. Othr who aro giving din
ner! are Mr, and Mra. R, U Huntley,
Mr. and Mm. Jnnxn I'nxton, Mr. and
Mra, W. A. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mr
' A. W. Gordon, Dr. and Mra. H. B. Davis,
! Mr. f. W, Hull and Mr, and Mra Meti.
One of the largnr perlle will be com-
pod of die nuinhr of the Tueadviy
liridga rluh, who. Willi l.hlr iiuauandt,
will form a "rulch tri-at" party.
, 0;nahani in the East.
Mm, Miriam retti n Hnyce will re
', ninlu pant tn atfnd the wedding of Mia
latitude finrdnn and lr. I'ary lirayaon,
'; nbii'h Iti fi Ifiko pined t lift latter (mrl of
I thl.i ii'rjnth. Mia fiordon and Mra. Itoyr
(f ill to ' bfinl t'gi'thcr at Ihn Cathedral
n-linnl In Wnnhtrifiton and Mlaa tjordon
fr.' lr fullKi r r 1 1 f-h t a at lh I'nl-i-oi
home several year ai on their
; v ay east from ( b tlfrtr ritu .
y.r, nrid Mm. ft J. Dinning left Monday
' i Hi r e r'l' and frrm I In re Mia. I 1 rtnn
will u on to I'lilladi Iphia end New York
i i" "( in r mn. finhert, and Mlaa Ixmlne
. I' i:nli.n, Th latter finishes her three
month''' oure In Iralrnd iwralng June
i .Mr. Dinning will go from fiatrolt to
V'cj.- Union, Imi.
.'It, It, (.'. flows rrtunifd Monday from
' r V'-ik and har daughter, Mine Mirlon,
vil lf linine In shout t n iltiya or two
t"n la from In r winter of mimic in New
Viuli. In June, however, Mlas Home will
r.r, in Cleveland and to Michigan to at-
id lh wedding of two of h,r frlerd t
m.'I he plana to go bark et next winter
to fintlnuii her iniialcHl studies,
Mra. W. It. MeKeen left for the eaat
luat eaturdny to be gone long enough to
tried furnlahlrna for the aummer home
. h and Mr. MuKern have taken at Den
nla, Mts, Later In the aummer they will
both go to Dennis for two month.
,' Gunt of the Crowelli.
I Mra. i'HVi'l M. C'rnwell and Mia fda
M. 'Crowel! hv aa their gueat Mra.
j Charlea R. Crowell of Itoger Tark, Chi-
I riigo, who expecta to apend a month
here, In Fremont, th8 former homo of
tha Crowell family, and In Uncoln,
; where ahe will be the gueat of Mr. Crow
j ell alater, Mra. Herman B. Oleaon. The
(ilfdona have Juat returned to Nehrnaka
j to live after a realdence of aeveral years
j In Knna city. In June Mra. Crowell,
ho la a memher of Mu I'al Epallon and
h graduate of Iloanier Hall, will leav
j for St. Louis to attend the annual re-
j union- there. Hera alia will ba met by
; her huahand and they will return to
i their home.
i Notes of Interest.
Mtaa Dorothy Maullck will aenompsny
' hrr lter, Mra. E. M. Fyfert. prealdent
I of the Uninha Woman's club, when aha
i Rcea eiint for tha biennial convention In
New York. Mlas Maullck will stop In
; Washington for a reunion of students at
Xetional rrk seminary, of which ha Is
; an alumnus.
i Mrs. Charles Offutt left Wednesday for
the enr-t to vlalt her sons at New Haven
and Cambridge. Bha will also visit Trot.
; and Mrs. Boa at Bouthport. Conn., and
will arcompnny her daughter, Mies Vtr
' glnla Offutt, home from Mia Bpenra's
erhool. which cloea May 38. They expect
to he home the first week In June.
Mr. :i!nhelh Oowdy Maker, the arttat
' who mi the gueat of Mra. B. W. Nash
j and Mra. J, M, Metcalf, la painting a pr
a trail of the latter, which will he rnm-
leiid tin aummer when Mr Metcalf
j via t the nrtiet at her home In Oreenwich,
I Conn Mra. Hatxr ha ibme a portrait
uf Mr B. J. Cotniah. Mr. Metcalf
j lrther.
.Mr Arthur C Hmiih and Mrs. Warren
j wen- ilrli'gntr to the
' (Vilimlal Dainre nun riitlon In Waahlng
mn l)it wfk, returned Monday, Mr.
I.nwrie t'hllitn, alio was alao a delegate
j from hr, wm fiom Waahlngton lo
Mit mother al her country home,
'Mount Marrnn." ut the Hudson, at1
rompaiited by Mlaa Martha Folds,, who
waa in Vahlnton a'o
Mr. II Heed of ManlU waa the
t i- v di. !y and Thuiaday f Mr.
au I Mra Wakland Maij"- en hit wy
hi a in Mann from a trip arnuiid the
world Mr. l! 1 and Mr Uiim wr
f t Hrarit Mia. td, a
foint( !lun''4(.ia alfJ. U fco 1'aria
1 inli(i lit the tl. ru.-f oia ii.t
Mr. a'lJ tr. Ma ih"I Itt to i.-p
! v on hr mt hat a 1 1 Matiita,
i " "'
Erowuell lU'l Comnif nee mrni.
'.(', ii rnKi.i ita ai t tow ui) Hall
wi'l T t. J . , ai, t
-;a .f Mtntsra to.'ii4.ta fn
"Sa .,' an I lani wm utu it fl ( a
V' " Himl rt lh K
M Mara (Vm, t Mr r I:
.. Mw Mi. t etit, tU j!i!f
i( ! I l M il ! t ! l
aifii4 V--rm IW-.ia ' ', a.!.'
f Mr I Ml I t i ' it Mi
It M t.1' VI . .. . 4 t i. M- a, I
Jt -a .hoar., i era i w-j
.i J ft ft ll,l, W. tha
i ii'4i,i i 1 1 a
rf,. wa hI li.a M;i t
a t rat :' in .o a-
.".a S l"ttert.itf Eh!jat
I a . ai aat , . i a a -a V i It
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I It n r juat
' . Ht'-' 4? tt4 li H It1
1' a i. t v .: Haati
,..!( I ti . i ( a M
a I ti r j n n ' l M 1 V
Wadsworth-Scott Wedding Party
; f f''f' ' ,rt "'
Lyyrf a J-VZry '- V ' C
i 1 y ' v X'
iZZua L2rd2 iScotc J
J I fry ?,: I y
" f I v5 (?' :
H s I - i.-:..- f
: rK V""" l A r - ' ' ' !
Hmrf -phot
cog at tha latter' home In Council niuff.
At (ha opening dinner and dance at tha
Country iluh Mlaa Mel and Mr Hchnorr
will ho giieata of Mlaa Olge Mela,
Mr. and Mis. lieorae Hedhk will give
a dinner mi tiatordav. Juna 1. at Ihi
t'onntry rluh for Mlaa l lliabath Cong Ion
and Mr. Ilohert Korgan
Birthday Surprise.
Mrs I. Carmony was surr'ld by
lwnl uf hr fririoli at b-r home Thura.
lav Antiig up ut tle o. ,-a.l -n of hr
I'liilnlar The etanlug wia pnt at rarda
aol pria wre Wf.ii hv Mua Csimnny.
Ml Mal-ell h at In an t Mlaa Julia
St.waa, Mr J k W Mr J II II-!
and Mr M J M il'en Tho ,'rn-m
a !
l ra snl lcoa
V I. ai .u. ti i 1 i" l"lfn,
l ) VI i! o J ,ho il f
H ll.-l . Mia 4't-U
VI t.M 1 'a
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i ti a' ' a Vi.-wa i
vi. a . a a -
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i'i.,n 1 1 I a '.-4
laii- '..! I"i"f l(.-.i
Afrm n( rt Wffk.
In i... .( M a Itan.-f
i v ! '.t Wak-l-l . I
.iii. Vf A' ! -no'l'-fi ao'ai
'I I tl- .l.uii t V o la
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4 mt W'H I I ' i VjS a Ml
i.l I U.i'i ' a- nl vti nun
t. - a
6 -
v . t y
TCildrcd Katr
ol'idod Judge and Mr, fiedlck,
Warron Hogera, General Marries
Judge Iloheit Patrick. .
Vail-Jaquith Betrothal
Mra. Arthur Pyron Jaqulth announces
tha engagement of her daughter, Alice
Luclle, to Mr. Kllaa Cornell Vail of
Poughkeepale, N. T., son of Mra. Wlllard
Cornell Vail. The wedding will be some
time In the autumn. Mlaa Jao,ulth, who
ha been considered one of the prettleat
members In the younger at, has been
active tn church affairs and a girl upon
whom the charitable organisation and
tha guild might rely for efficient help In
a basnr or charity affair, (the Is a grad
uate of Itrownell Hall and of Dana Hall
at Wellraley. She flrat met Mr. Vail at
a hmiai. pirty at Lake t'hamplain,
Mr, VhI! r a descendant of the great
educational phllnnthroplat, Klla Cornell,
whi ae great liberal Idea expreaaad In hia
words, "I want to build a school where
any uittn may learn anything," will at
waya ha remembered and nuoled. Cornell
unlveraliy hIho aland iia a Inattng monu
ment to the memury oftlils truly great
Amonu the Visitors.
Mra llnnrv Perkins of Clrand ftaplda,
Mbit., arrived Monday and la tha gueat
of her roiisln, Mra Arthur nemington.
Mra Muni neckr and daughter, Mr
ilcrtn de Mett uf .Mil' hell, era the
gueata nt Mia. II. Iloaenatock
Mia Marlha Dolman of M. Joaeph, Mo ,
arrive.) Mondtv and la tha gueat of Mr.
8 II. Harkalow and Mt Tarotn Purka
low. Mia Mlldrel Mary of Kanaa City, who
ba been Iho gueat of tier alater, Mr
t'harle ltiidrn-kain, lait wk, wtll t
with hr other alaier, Mr. I.ewl luring,
thl Week.
Sin Ula.tien .limn formerly Mtaa Julia
Nagl. and hi-e oilt daughter Jaquelme
r the (ueai of Mr Juiwi' mother
Mr M A Nal! 1 h lirm.klvn gueat
III ha bar unlll tii fall, tia lhay wi'l
I olne. hy Mr Jm
News of the School Set.
1a (imaha gill (laliiatlng la the ut
iM June ' !. ih.i who will pn-b.
a'l up .1. 1 i-.-'a l at pan
n a i' I i l ihaiaf i ta In the nil
l-aaia . 1 aa r ia aula ( f. C-r.
en,H baU Vi'.a J. . i:ns t'oag t.'a l
th i.v . 4t a I a a a - i t'.ao,
f a at V 4i I . an 1 .
na h.'oin in iln.s f'i fcr u'r !
t ( h i ll
( Ni'iii t ' pi a !, fr..ot
'!' ' I a a lator w lata Mi . In
Vi a-it , iliii4 Ua laar Mr ml
Vt I t Vi.a Ma i n H.m
a - t f f t t'.a .... o 'ri t. a I
'! l ' ! 4 'a' I l l ' ta '1
a .ai Miii at I " a( ill W ' a t
I "-! k ...
V I VtMfc'ia H!f ui tk lt -tl.
,,!. l at i i'. i a k... I i hi. i . Hi
.i , ai f.i ial ''.! Ual aa
I .1 . I . a .'. 'tuliii i ,.(!!,
I ,i,a a I .. I VI. Va ai f
i l vi .ia mil tef I -a !
. .. t aii
VI a .' N 'a at-ia' al R a.
tia't, tnt.i ,. .tt iira !) n
j a f 0,: V. ).-.-. . 4(11 Vli
V Mr
Lucilc Xrown
stops at Cleveland and Cincinnati before
reaching home tha letter part of June.
Miss Elizabeth Reed graduate June fi
from tha Bennett sVhoo! at Mlllbrook, N.
T., and will be home about June 8, ac
companied hy her sister. Mils Erna Reed,
who Is Untitling her second year at
MHas Ora" Allison will flnlah her stud
ies at tha convent at Manhnttanvllle,
N. T., and will ba home this summer, and
expects to have Miss Phylll Hartmann,
daughter of Major and Mrs. Carl Hart
mann, with her part of the time at Itoae
mere Lodge, tha Allison summer place.
Geneva Club May Breakfast.
The Geneva club gave a very pretty
May breakfast Friday morning at the
Young Women's Christian association In
Council Bluffs, The hours were from 7
to o'clock, and tha affair was In charge
of Mies Ora K. Johnson, secretary of tha
Weddinf Plant.
Mr, and Mra. E. R. Smlsor announce
tha engagement and approaching mar-
rlage of their daughter. Ml Nell Bmlaor,
and Mr. Wllher Lewcilen of Larnod, Kan.
The weddlnn will take piaio Tueaday.
following which the jounj people will be
at home at Lamed.
One of the lnV'reatlng May wedding
will be that of Mlaa Oretchen Eurdlc,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. Eugene Bur
rtle of Herman. Neb., to Mr. Robert B.
Daugherty, Tliuraday. Two Omaha girl
will he In a'tendance as bridesmaids,
Mia Ida Darlow and Mia Helen Patter
son. The brldeagroom brother, Mr,
Lloyd Rurdlc, fiance of Ml Darlow,
will tie beat man.
Past Festivities.
The membr of the Jolly Glee club
gave a surprise to Mr. A. Adler at her
home Tliuraday afternoon upon the oc-
raalon of her return from a seven
months' sojourn In Cheyenne. The hoateas
of the affair was Mr. John L. Nlederst,
aaalated hy Mra. Amelia Welaa. Prlzea
were won by Mr. Amelia Wela and
Mra. Louis Blavln. Thoae preaent were;
Mind.imca Meadumea
A. Adler, ' I.oula Hlavln,
Ani.'lla AVele. H. Pregler.
John I Nlederst, It. Hhwart,
If. ('. rtend.
A. Allernaon,
Kmma Kliaclibniim, H. Pollack,
L. I.evlne,
K. Rellrniin,
Mrs. J. i'. Hammond entertained twelve
gueata et her home nt luncheon ynter
daj'. Mine and lllle of the valley dec
onitc'l Ihe rooms, table and place card.
Mra, Thomas Falconer entertained th
memlT of the M. K. S. club, Thuraday
ofieinoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. J. il.
Hell mid Mi. Falconer. The members
I'lixenl were;
J it, Hell,
('liiirlfa Johnston,
Thoiuiis III' h,
C. A. Urenden,
i V. Myers,
W. 'J. Cettln,
!., i. Myers.
Thomwa Falconer,
The La Icn cluh gave, the laat dance
of If season Friday evening at Prairie
Park club. The hall ws decorated In
the club color. About eventy couple
were present.
Mr. Kmmi B. Manchester entertained
flftin yuung women of her department
In the Woodmen of the World at a mitti
noe parly t the Orpheum Saturday.
Mr, C. C. Sandon entertained at din
ner Haturday evening for Mr. and Mr.
Paul Tllaon of Harutoga, Wyo., and Mr.
Middlewood of Ri;land, Wyo.
Social Gossip,
Mr, and Mr. A. I. Boot are In Kansas
f'lfy a few days of this week.
Mra. V.. W. Nsah and Mlaa Franc
Naah ere In ExccMor Springs for about
(n dsya of rest.
Mr. Alleri lie s of Houghton, Mich.,
who hue lieen the gueat of her couln,
Mra. Willie m II. Bowen, will return home
thla evening.
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord are In Wahlng
ton to attend a medical conference. From
there Dr. and Mr. Lord will go up to
New Hampshire to visit thslr son, Pren
tiss Lord and Mrs. Lord,
Mlas Lucy Hawk of Battle Creek,
Mich., will arrive to ba tha guest of ths
jAck Webster at the opening of ths
Country club. Mlas Hawk Is always a
popular visitor and will ba xtenlvely
Afternoon Bridges,
The Friday Bridge-Luncheon club met
with Mrs. Jack Webster last week. Two
tables wtr placed for tha gam. Then
were no guests.
Mlaa Mildred Marr of Kansas City e re
tained two tsbleg at bridga Friday after
noon at the horns of her sister, Mr.
Charles Hendrlckson. The affair was In
honor of Mlas Uarda Scott, a May bride.
Promises of Social Calendar.
The George A. Cuater club will glva a
benefit card party Monday afternoon at
tha home of Mrs. George W. Wlnahlp.
Tha Amateur Musical club will meet
with Mrs. N. P. Dodge Friday afternoon.
May M.
Tha Pigalco club will give its annual
May dance Thuraday evening at Krug
Of Omaha Interest.
Miss Dorothea Rich of Minneapolis wa
married yesterday to Mr. Joseph Dain,
jr., of Motlne at Christ church in Red
Wing. A special car carried rueata from
Chicago, Milwaukee, Molina and Minne
apolis. Among tha Minneapolis guests
were Mlas May Mahoney of tha faoulty
Inclement Weather Conditions Compel Us to
Delay Celebration of the Corner'Stone Laying
4f 3 OXhck
Arrange Your Plans So You Can Attend
of eft Catherine's college, Mr. and Mrs.
Roswell Barker, who visited Miss May
Mahoney here last summer, and Mr.
Richard Nevins, who has been the guest
of the Chsrles Kounties. The brlda Is
a schoolmate of Mrs. Ben Eoyce. botn
of the National Cathedral school In
Washington and Mlas Finch's In New
Luncheon Series.
Mr. Harry Steele will glva a series of
five or six luncheons, followed by bridge.
The affairs will ba at her horn and the
flrat will be Tuesday afternoon, when six
tables will be placed for the game.
Informal Reception.
Mrs. Jacob L. Hsrrls of Chlcsgo, for
morly of Omaha, Is the guest of Mr.
and Mr. W. L. Harris Mr. and Mrs.
Harris will be at home Informally this
afternoon In honor of their house gueat,
Omaha Girl in Plav.
The amateur theatricals, which have
played such a prominent part In the
Minneapolis social BfMon, are going to
cloae next week with two benefit per
formances for the French hospital. The
affairs will be given In the ball room of
Mrs. George Partridge's horn. The rola
of Antoinette In "L'Ktlncelle," by Palller,
will be played by Mlas May Mahoney.
Vesta Chapter Affair,
Officers of the Veata chapter, Order of
the Kesiern Htar, surprlaed the rctlrm
worthy matron of the chapter, Mrs.
Fank A. Hug1 e, nt hei- home Fr dav
evening. Twenty-five itueate were pres
ent. Personal Mention.
Mlas Gladys Tree has moved from the
Colonial to the Claremont Inn.
Mr. and Mra, Ralph Meters will move
the latter part of this month to 3421 Dodge
Mr. J. A. Palmiulst nd daughter,
Irene, left 1iat evening for a month's
visit In California.
Mr, and Mr. Newlon K. Berkalow, who
left here a few weeks ago for Denver,
have taken a bungalow t Colorado
(Continued on Pega Four Column Two.)
Such Is the Title of Late Comic
A song with a quaint Idea Is the one
hearing tha above caption and said to b
quit a comic hit throughout the country,
mellowing Is a musical extract of the
chorus I
There's A Quaker Down
In Quaker Town
e. ......
Thar' s Quik-er sown in Qul-tr tywn,
s tin. i -i -i-i..
when I tro 'roped tm Ifhi,.
But down la bar heart, 1 know, eh'
not ae dew, For eh, oh, ob, eh I
Those yl Lik lh ws.tsta.gdU sha't
Tha Unas of tha gong were written by
Dav Berg, a new writer of the metro
polls, who is making qulta a mark as a
ong genius; while the musio is tha crea
tion of tha famed Alfred Sotman,
Tha Quaker ditty I on of the mot
popular of the various songs written.
IhuclTsum School and Camp j
JOTtU 91 TO ATJOUBT 1, 1918.
. Thorough School Work and Healthful Recreation. j
iladlTtdnoJ lustruotloa In College JFrepsratory, Orammaf Orada and I
Basin gntbjeota 1
for 19011 Information Address 8KATTTJOX BQ1IOOX.. yarlbanlt, Mlaa.
Special Gradua
tion Offer for
This Week Only
buyg tbJg imall convertible brace
let watch for the gweet girl grad
uate. The gontiment U deeper on
this oceanlnn and will be forever
remembered by the recipients. You
could not buy a more appropriate
and lasting graduation gift.
See Us This Week
about this watch, which we will
be pleased to lay aside for you.
Brodegaard Bros
17th and Douglas
At the Wftn of fhe I'rown.
I i the Golden Stairs.
We Will Heml You Oio Of These
lly Mail.
An especially fin hampoo for thl
weather, one that dlaaolve and entirely
removes sli dandruff, exenas oil and dlr',
ran easily h made at trifling expense hy
simply dissolving a teaspoonful of canth
riv In a enn of hot water. Pour slowly
on scalp and massage briskly. This
creates a soothing, cooling lather. Rine
Inv leaves the sralD spotlessly clesn, soft
and pliant, while the hair takes on the
gloaay richness of nstnral color, nlao a
flnfflneas which makes It aeem much
heavier than It I. After a eanthrox
shampoo arranging the hair is a plenn
ure. Advertisement.
hip in ter
Honrs, Ladles a. M. to I r. tt
Oentlemen, 4 T. M. to g Jr. M.
Then S. 7482. 1319-80 W. O. W. Bldg.
Llargarctto Lemen
14 Tloot frtlwes BUu
lTIk and r arc am. Bougla 7608.
Omaha. sTab.
.,-. i VJ n (, lit' I
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