TTTE OMATIA SUNDAY BKK: MAY 14, 19R A MEEKER TO MOTOR OYER OREGON TRAIL Easy Biding "Schoonennobilc" Will lie Vehicle of Famous Old Pioneer. WATCH FOR EZRA MEEKER AND HIS AUTO PRAIRIE SCHOONER This photo graph of the transcontinental traveler and his "schoonermobile" was made at Wash ington, D. C, as he started on a cross-country trip to Olympia, Wash., a distance of 3,560 miles, Mr. Meeker, who is 85 years old, has made three trips across the Oregon trail by oxtcam. 10 Hi U. 1 T L'I'V. . '-, I i I i: IS WELL KNOWN IN OMAHA Fnr the aecnml time Kira Meeker will ttieke a Iranm 'rn:iliirii(nl tour on Hif now nearly K"t fi-rijnii l rn II. lie main mie trip from iosH to count driving joke of oxen In the year WIO, 1911 and 1812 Jll flnt trip waa from Iwllnnapolle to Ore;on In W,i anil wn an almoet ln1e errlhabl erle of linrrlrtlp and prlva tlon, Jll ptment trip will b. far dif ferent. InMut of In oen-drawn pralrl ( lioonrr, cramped and uncom fortable a a rage, rreepin and bumping long a ribboned near arroee tha deaert, th llrferneim, end the inowy lloekle, to a promised lend of plenty, thli Journey will b nude In a twnlve-cyllnder motor rer, equipped properly for aurh a long rllnlanre and on roade, which whll In many placaa leavlnn room for great Im provemetit, by eomparUon are tmooth a pa per, Kara Meeker (a old now, or, a b , "M year young," but th tin-oueii'-hed fir of youth atlll burn In Jii vein. He la Jio longer tba atalwart young man with tha Indomllabla pioneer i-ouraga that waa ready to fc th weary march, the contlngenry of meet ing avg IndlMna, dleeae and tha gnawlnga of famine. 11 la allghtly atooped now and hla anow wlilt hair flowa to hl ahouMer". but In aplrlt, at b aat, h la no older than lb -t year-old oulh of '6! -for he(ha a mlaaln In life. Thl la to Inatlll th flower of patrlotlam tit th breaat of each pereon with whom b come In contae.t, and to fittingly rommemorat with olld neomliima th work of th pioneer In punat rating the virgin weat, by arerllng atone monument along th old Oregon trail, .., t Riwall Flrat Trip. Much of thl work ha already been by Mr, Meeker by driving a yoke of oxen from th Atlantic to the I'arlflr, a trip which took twenty-two imohiIih, '-lllng bl hooka along the route, the proceeds of which are donated to a aelf appointed lank. Mr. Meeker wa born at Hunla i llle, o , Iienmlicr ro, 1W0. Hla parent nw.ied to Indiana near the village of firing Town, now called Indianapolis, when he wa only a toddling youngaten Here bn grew to manhood following the uaoal Ufa of the pioneer boy. Ha hunted nd flehed In Ilia dlatrlct whbh I now coered with foHorle and realdence. Ma wa unnble to aecur much achool. Inat motilhe wa th actual time lie attended achool-but he h alwy been a voraeloua reader and attrlhutea th ability be poep of apeaklug and writ ing the pureat Knirliali diction to reading the country' leading newapapera. For a time Mr, Meeker worked In th Indian- poll Jonrny printing office a "devil" for B. V. H. Noel, At the age of 21 ha married and aoon after, with hla young wife, et out to an unknown dent I nation, veiled In th niypterle of '-ret danger, that led lilm after much delay to Tortland, Ore. "When I decided to mak thl tranaron tlnental trip Iti an automobile I com menced looking around for a eultahle ar," ald Mr. Meeker. "Th rathfltider tln ali appealed to me a th logical motor 'car for th long Journey. Th honestly earned reputation It poee for aound mechanical ability, road worthlnea and long touring eaa mad It tha on car for me. Then, too, my early horn waa very near th alt of th fectory and many a day I hava hunted mobile and 'coon' where th big rath finder plant now atrttche wct of White river. Pralrla gchnnaer Body, "Th cr I a apecial Job, being atrlppad to th chaaal and a pralrla ec.hooner body and top built on. While there la of tour nothing beautiful about my 'achooner-moblle' In comparison with the graceful liquid line of the regular Oar, 1 thoaa thla type became 1 Intend to live In tha car until th trip la completed, lly careful planning and minimizing u.e lti. apnea, it la lurprlalng how much a prairie achooner bod will carry and atlll b homelike, Indeed. "1 waa delayed In mi lateal !ok wa left thla city April Monument 1'laca, or h It Waa formally called, be for th beautiful riiopiimcnt wa even a creature of dreama, I expect Jo leave tha rapltol nl Wa.liltutlon. 1. C, about the middle of May, driving by eaey atagea Into th heart of the ar t ting aun on the long trip o erland." Mr. Meeker la a familiar ftgura to oniHha teopl. who have aeon hi oxen nnd a hooper on the at reel , Indlanapolla. while being printed, and ii, atartlng from Governor' Circle," Saxon Opens New Branch Factory For "Sixes" Alone Te .ii'i'I.'iucht th fa tlltir of It' main fa-lory, the r-n Motor Car company ha otwiicil a branch plant, which ml! I tltuotiit to toiiullug 'ill' r"lin tt.r th lt tin. to.-niii thl fattniy I iHliliiig, containing ,) )ur feet of f'iM'r )!', b n loe t a a eeivlce itnjn fur tba f.i liii, but the tJnoaitu for niuii vara ha ttiat It eceeai it fjoip It, wuhj Mttnllliig liva, lilner od I on ii utcr i iimimfat luring Thur Ur a f r. of . .11.0,-0 (tartrl r iii.l log '!" lti tht n4 th pt n rih wilt I twenty fn ear )y bi th plant, knin a lit rtank I, '. ! I . t. It I fe p'a of th n ixinranv I b.'l'd prarli. !' all ef I'a ' alt- ta.t In thl Iran h, ln( It.a nln f-t"t' f'.'f t(Mf iioet of th tour IO lf III Moor Iataf& IK1 ar II, f'-. i. h,.f i-i ke up am " a .1. (.. i ti it ,1 n o4 rti'r U , h .,nltf ff, ei,ii t.f On t itn i, t ! teeal f'i ei .) t llm I .) tt ,,i.mi lt t i th, -i ik r ft i M '.u' I,.,.,., , '' ' ' " at i--t nix i, it U i.,- ,i, I H' EZRA rtCCKt- J W ' -. ,,".' .. I AMD HIS "SCHCXBX i ft -X'"'r''rn-m. A ' 'V'' ' ' L-el I yioaiic' I tVrJrr' ' ' Tfe'Jtri '''' ,"r xZc -r 4f?0 .,r I f ' kk 4: F0kr ' -'kU:! I ;',t'j iiini,rii!'ia-rairriirrT-w T TiiiirMairinniaaiiaiaaiaawiaaiirMMigiiiTiiifrilf1T rrr-T--n-iimriirii i Omaha Automobile Club Motorisms Co-operation from City Officials, The Omaha Automobile club 1 receiv ing aplendld aupport from tha city com mlaaloner on complaint filed by motor lift rrlativ to bad condition of certain atreeta, building conlraotora obalructlug the atreeta with building material, and broken glaaa littered on th atreel. Tl. Omaha Automobile club la not making an obnoxloua Inihlt of p'-aterlng buay cliy offblala Hh minor complaint of no Ino porlnnce, Kvcry roniplalnt filed I fl"t bwiked Into and If of a aerlou nd Im portant nature, then action la rc'iuealed from Hie city commlaaloner. New Club Tour Strips. The 1SI tour atrip will be off the pre In a week, and will ahow the highway mark, rlty exit, town and mileage, tour map, hotela In principal rllloa, point t,t Intereal and ramping alt'a, and flahlng, hunting and auto llcenaa re'tulrcd In th tale paaaed through. State Fisheries Illustrated Log. The club algn car recently logged the rout to the (lata flsherle by way of Millard, going down, and returning by way of Fprlngflald, 1'apllllon, Boulh Omaha, Syndicate and Klvervlew parka flcenea at tha flaheide will b Included In tha log, which will b off th preaa U DRIVES CADILLAC EIGHT 10 000 MILLS ON ONE TOUR fa r.p ' tl .k , t vi , e f ! ' Hm , f Winrata, , - tv 4 ta.iv-ti f;t.f, amd o.t i ..f el ia i t"t ; i i- t t aiftt " '' . ai,ii ,-. imh, i, i . l-i-i t f'tl- l a., lt 4, a ulioilly, and ready for distribution to inembcra. Blue Book Road Reports. Th cluli la receiving weekly road re port from the lllu book head'tuartenl giving genral road condltlona In th country, Cheyenne, North I'latte, Denver and other rltle have promlaed to -change dally road report with th local club, High Water at Davenport. The rlub I In receipt of telegram from Iavenport, la, on th Klvr-to-Klver and Whit !'o road, aaylng th high water of th Mlaalaalppl river ha made travel nearly Impoaalole on main highway, 0. L. D, Good Roads Meeting, t'ouneel Welle of the club attended tha good roada meeting at I.lncoln on Tues day and report that th cnlhualaim of tha delegate for bettering road condi tion In Nebraaka wa prophet lo of tha pood condition of highway tourlata will find her thla glimmer. Tha OmaJia-I.lricoln-Deiivor highway la on of th in out progreealv road organisation In tba country and baa recently marked the road acroa Ih entire atat. Th new route book from Omaha to penver will be off the pre liortly. "On Your Right ii the Auto Club." found Ilk road direction from th Blue Hook, or a aplel from a lght-ealnf tar, hut It' lmply th remark dropped by hundred of member and frlenda who pan tha club room door each day. titiiimiMiHiiiimiMi'iuHmuiuiiHMHir'W fjtTViimili'w'MfiiiifiiiiiiiiiMiiiMiiHtiiiiiii'imm Ar-'.ciM ".p,;.';f, e-jl .. ' ; .,'( ' V :..'eKW- , . .:; V-''; i i. . . 't r " W V- h V i ' f ' . ' , r ' - - 'I ' r: . . . . : ...... ta k ' ; ' TTie Bearina-with A-, 1 , pi Tire Company Has Method to Recover Stolen Motor Cars "Th pollra departmente of every large elty are about th only organization that have any Idea of how many automobile ar gtolen In a ar," ald Cbarle M. Du Puy of th Tennaylvanla Tir com pany. Ther atanda or Ifi.W) of convertible wealth, all ready to ha moved to a point where It can be turned Into raalt. "Tho man Willi perverted Men of prop erty right o reaaon and un a reault the loaa to motor owner haa been enorrnoua. "Th owner of any car e'liilpjied with Pennaylvanla vacuum cup or ebony tread tire who will Immediately notify the l'emiaylvftnla Ktbber company or any of It branches of tha erlal number of hi tire will receive without charge tha co operation of an organization which hoiiid reault In th rapid recovery of hla prop erty. Naturally the detail of thla organl ration' method will not b printed. "It e ffbieticy, however, ha been proven !i' gevarnl of the larger cltlea and th ayatem h now been extended to cover th entire country." Character in Cars The qualities of permanent success back of the Packard Twin Sixdefinitely indicate the type of service to be expected from the car itself. It is the product of a Company which, for seventeen years, has been the recog nized leader of automobile progress. Upon the character of its performance is pledged the Packard reputation for producing the highest possible type of motor cars. The "1-25," w!h any Open Ilndy, $S750,f.o.b. Detroit The "1-35," with any Open Jiody, $3160,f.o.b. Detroit ORR MOTOR SALES COMPANY Farnnm and )0th Htrecta i J Ask the man who ow?is one TWIN-SIX r; The Bearina with . r ;.JahG hollow flexible Vrollor was used in, 'i ' v ; fmanyof th first t' ' I I e automoDiiesc ; A It is beinq installed : Jn nine out of every . tehcars built today , t - . at wUr , titer Ur J Jt vLjr OF. COURSE a ... n-: r !Va. -'V-- ' j 1 l,Vf,i, ' ViajteniHat' Dougtat 2643 Overland-Omaha Co., DISTUinUTOKS J. H. JmUon,rr, ti4'r-v4w Itarwawa 1 WtM Sua,-.-, .,, .C; 'I??r!T3- , .. W . 1ariJau.jJ' . ' . i ' 1 1 MUi '"""Tx xrtwMWL;-rr ' ii ft ii ' ,f.i 1l-Mtw ni.'ffi. i i i rw.--, . . ' , , a n y . v" - -rTiii-FMM'4 Nr1" nn; ff QHHBEERSDL I i A -REFINED MOTOR CAR THE Chandler Six is built to servo discriminating families na a pleasure car. It will, if you nsk it, po faster than out of any hundred car owncra would ever want or daro to drive, but it is not a racing car. Its motor has power ample to tako tho car loaded anywhere that any automobile can go, but it U not a truck. It ii a beautifully constructed motor car with tho finest and most attractive of tho season 3 bodies.' Most flexible and easily handled, full of life and go, richly upholstered in genuine leather, economical in operation ami five from any hint of experimentation or untried theory, tho Chandler is deservedly the mo;;t iopular medium priced car in the whole American market this year, . ff'.a. 144 a ! , Ilawla, . II Owen w. .-. a ia tt. CARD-ADAMS MOTOR CO. nUtrOnitnrt for Nrhrkd, W rtc rn Iuha uml South lkot, nctltaia-. I 1 1 1 I'M. f t tire a ion, ltMlllll liMim .i ,. .(!,., ,. 1(1 . I CIIANDLKU MOTOR CAK COMPANY, CLFATLAND, OHIO 1 1 1 . N an i . . . , . . i i i . ,f. A t I fv,.. t 1, It 4 I I ' - 1 t ' . Ol1 bs, ( ' " (' I fit . , , !', ! ! I I I' U' t,'l ,UI4 .w .-wf,. - - 1 wnMmMmirteawewh ......