THE ISKE: OMAHA, SATl'l.DAY, MAY 13, lfHfi. 9 TYLER HOLDS CUB BAITERS' HELPLESS Boston Braves Win from Chicago Team by Score of Nine to Four. HANK GOWDY MAKES FOUR HITS CHICAGO, May 13.-Except for Zim merman, who drove out two homo runs, Chicago' aluggers were In the main helplea before Tyler today end Boston won Uie rubber game, to 4. Ixd by Gowdy, who made four hits, the Brave poumlnd I-avonder, whose wildneas paved the way for several run. Tyler's home run accounted for two runs in tho eighth. t?cor: BOSTON. CHICAGO AH. H O A B All H O A E. Maranrtr, ni Oil Mfnnn, It.... 4 0101 Eirara, 2h...a ! 1 0 Ol'Uck. rt..,.H 0 0 0 O.lllna, If... i 0 J 0 UWIIIIatna. rf a 1 0 tlillinit, rf. . a I 1 0 (iZlmrmau, 2b 8 I 1 SO k.Mialcro. lb 4 1 I 0 hl-aiar. ID.... 4 0 A 0 1 Sn.llh. .11).... 4 0 i i OYerku. :o... I OHIO MtnxlKnu'. cf 4 1 2 1 OAivlim, 0.... 8 17 11 lii.W'tv, S a 7 0 OH.iultn. h... 3 1 4 8 0 'l.lar, p 6 a 0 3 Oljumnlar, p. 0 0 0 I l ITiiOri'pt, p i 0 0 t 0 TtRla 17 11 7 1 unci".), p. .. 0 0 0 0 0 Allen 10 0 0 0 Tol.ln S 27 13 3 IJattc.l for Prendorgast In eighth. Huston 0 2 2 0 0 10 3 1-9 Chicago 0 1 u 0 0 0 'i 0 1-4 Two-base lilte: dowdy, Konetchv, Wll holt. Three-base hits: Williams, Archer. Home runs: Tylor, Zimmerman (2). Htoleii base: Hnodgrais. pontile play: 1'oolnn to 1 erkc to Malar. First Imao on errors: tloatoii, II. liaata on halls: Off Tvler. 1: orf Lavender. 4; off ('ruiidergiiRt. 3. HII end earned rune: Off Tyler, 6 him, 4 run In nine Innings; off l,avendar, 4 hit 4 run in two ulnl one-third inning; off r'rendcrgast, t IiIIh, 2 runs In five and two-third inning; off I'lorco, 1 bit, 0 pin in one inning, ritruok out: jiy Tyler, i. ry rreniiergast : by l'lurce, l. um pire: Myron and (julglcy. I' I rate Loan in Giant. nTTHnUfWJH. May n.-Plttburgh lost 11 fourlli straight game to New York when the lattor won tho contest today by a m ore of 8 to 8 In ten Inning. The Firato mode two runs In the sixth on hit by Johnaton and Coetallo find three error by Fletcher. Itohertsou knocked a home nm In the eigho and In the next inning McKechnln fled (ho score when he was passi f, went to eec- ond on Karlden's hit third on Kelly sacrifice and scored on Horns' saorli'h ny. mw lnrK won in ma lentn on double by Kuuff and Fletcher. Moore; NJW YOltK. J'lTTWH Hi HI. AH II OAK' ") A K. Burn, If ... 4 0 A 0 (r 'aray, rf i l & n o Jtolierla'n, l( 1 I II oJkiiiibuju, )h a 1 k u (I laiyls, 3I.,..4 0 1 2 0''.aHall, If 4 1 2 o u hauff. of.... 4 12 0 lilllnuluri'a. rf 4 0 2 0 0 t leoimr, a. 4 1 t tluilil. ill, ...4 I (I 0 0 M"rki.. lb... 4 I) lb 0 ('hi, .hi, ill... 2 0 2 2 0 .M'K hue. Dl4 12 1 fi-miih. ..., 4 0 I 2 U, 0... J 111 (, .,., I 3 a 1 II HurH.r ,.., 0 0 1) 0MlliiiI. p. . 4 0 0 I 0 Jluoln. 0 0 1 1 0 Wrifr, B....0 0 1 0 0 lou, 24 20 I 0 Munition. D I 0 0 8 0 llull 10 0 0 0 ftflnton, p.... 0 0 0 10 Kllr 0 0 0 0 0 prnauor. p.. 4) 0 0 0 0 Tola in ....a T 2(1 II 2 Kan lor Uurldeu Jn ninth, Balled for fu aLbewmiu lit HOVdUh. Butted for i:eiiLoii in ninth. ,Nmw Void 0 0 0 v 0 0 1 1 1-3 i'UUbuifch 0 UtfOOiiOOO 0 i Two-buiio WU: haufr, Fledbel, JIo Keclnile., Ulliaon. Tre-I)ae biin: Jolin lon. Home run. hoheneon. h)'ol-n huHe. Kauif, Laity. Double pluy: JVb; Ke hino to Murkiu. u'lrst bane mi erroi: I'lli burKh, i. Um: on balln: Off benton, 1. off Manuttix, ti. II Ha ami earie-d i uiu: Off MutbeWHon, 4 hll.i. 1 run in l.x iiiiiIiiki, oft Hmilon, 1 bit, 0 run in Iao innliiKX, off Hehauer, 1 nil, u run In two Innioii, off Maniiiux, 7 lil 1:1. 'A rium In t r IihiIiiks titrucU out. Hy Ahilbewiton, 2; by Uviiton, 1; by yohauer. 1, by Alainuux, tj. l.m iilrcn: Klem aiul Kmalle. I'hIU Defeat taril. ST. IX)L"iS. Jlay U-Nleliof f inMle with tlie bases full In the fcnlh tuning of today's drove In two run and gave i'hilauelidila, a victory over tit. I.oula. a to 4. Jtlxey went In for the vlnitor In the fourth, aflur .Mayer iave two baaes on ball. IUx y did not kivo a bit. until the niiitll. In tho tenth the local acored a run on aintjlea by lirottciu, .Miller and Jlornaby, but the latter ti led lo at retell hi bit. and was thrown out at toeond, eteiliiK tho rally, tnjoie; PIIILADKUMMA BT llTS AH. 11 .0 A E Alt II I) A K Banrmft, u. 1 2 0Jfotir. If . 4 1 t 0 II ihtt, 21,.. b 3 9 & U.-M1111I1. rf.... 4 if 2 I if (ooek. ab ... I l a 2 u'tioimit. ih i ii u o Crvih, rf.. 4 10 1 OHrtMl, Jiv rl S i 3 5 1 WlilttKl. It.. 4 1 0 0MIuii, rt i(4 14 0 0 I'UKkfrt, rf.. 4 10 0 D'llruuem .... I 1 d 0 i I.llderua. lb. 0 14 I! 'IMillrr. lb 2b 4 2 II) 0 0 Kllllltr. c... 2 16 0 (li erban. . 3 0 2 2 0 JUxr, P.... 1 0 0 2 till,,i i.Hi,r iu, 1 I ! I (I tllxr, D 2 1 t 1 USrivrter. o ... 2 12 4 1 Vleitnrlar, pO 0 0 0 Oitnll, p 1 0 0 19 1 - inn ler 1 0 0 0 o Total! 3j 20 IS OMtaU.'Va. p. 2 0 il I 0 Total 34 8 ) U I Ratted for Hall in the fourth. Batted for Smith In the ninth. Hatted for V llaon In tho l-tiih. Philadelphia ....1 011000002 fit. Ixnu 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 Two-bos hits: baneroft, Hornwby. Threo-b:iae hit: Pankert. Wilaoti. Home run: Baneroft. PaTlflee liltx. Ttlney, Hornsby Corhan, Jiouble riay: t'othiin to Betzel to Miller. Hiaa on err r I'bll- tdelphla. L l.aHe on hall; Olf Mayer, I off Klxey, (,, off -Meadow, . Hit nrt earned run: Off Mayer 4 hit, 3 run In tliree IniiuiK ileum nit In fourth): ?f f Rlxev, 3 hlta. no runs n si v and one hlrd InriiiiKM; off Alexamb r. Iblt. 1 run n tvo-t hint Imnmt: 'ft Hall, f. bit, I fun In four IrinliiKM. off Meadon, t bit. I runt In fix innluu Hit hv idtehed Nill: Mv M"ad. ma, Ktllifer. Struek out; Hy Mayer. 1; bv Hlxev. 4. by Mad'tw. S l iuiiltin: O'l'ay and ortti. BIG BILL WOULD MEET PETERSFOR NO MONEY Thill Pill llokuff will meet Chrlr Vfi-rs 1t!iout ny cimr'oatbin what, yver I the ajwertb'ti of Carl Mtrf'al who handltnaj IMf Pl'A't Imi'" nf'lr "Hnk'.ff Hid wrraMn l -iem f ,r ti"tb ." I Mir'l ! "fli mil t - ihr-h!r any admUfll in la tb N.rd or net, V l ureal hi and irix the ie.-rv ' tliarttv, r we". I r',.' ...tV!y f r i' !)'. nutt. 1 i. ink It ,rf fin I nit f'U and l l I (.'link I'a I'-ui. I'l.i A I . --.t i f ti t li.Mr rt .s-uff ran ' In r'.u ' V . t . . ; I .f I ti.. t ) ! i .V ,'f a . 1 i .t a rt V"'- : t ' r s .1 -,'f !- W1n. : f - ftar h K J 'II .'.... t . t I .-.... r.,1, a .t m t . I r 't I'nl H " ., 1,, l I . t' ; f 4 . .., . ,ii I a ' i U'CKY HOLMES RELEASE'S HOFFMAN AND SCi!MA0T ? . ' V e a-r i ' 1 ' t. ..a i.f f " r , , -.,. ) t i, .( ),.,, ,,. ,, t . . 1 ' - 1 ' ' ' 1 I ' I I . ' t. , . ,- . ' 5 . - 1 , b i . 'I I . a e I i I r , ',,, i , HOLLOW tt t;?i AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA South Side Hay Merchant Active in Organizing: Hay Exchange. MEETING HELD TO DRAFT RULES A. A. Nixon. local hay merchant at the local atock yard, I taklnf a promi nent part la the organization of the new hay exchange. Nixon la chairman of the oommlttee on rule and prealded over the iocalon held, at the Fontenelle hotel Wednesday evulnjt at wfilch rule and regulation for the new organisation were adopted. A majority of member of the exchange a well aa member of tho committee were preeent Mr. Nixon B.iy that everything will be In running order ome time In June o a to be ready for bulne at the be ginning of the new nay crop eon which open about July 1. Among thoao preent at the nieetlnK were K. A. Knapp of the B. A. Knapp company, M. J. Hyland of the Otnnha Hay company, C. M. nice of Caaco Mill Inff company, J. M Welch of the Welch firaln company, Mr. Rosenbladt of the Weatern Hay and Oraln company, Nel l'arson of the I'araon Commllon com pany, If. Koley and AV. A. EIU. Jury Tall In Deride, A coroner's Jury wa unable fo ascer tain tha cause of the mynterlou steam pipe exploalon at tha Swift A Co. pock Intf plant that reaulled in the death of Jcaeph Dypua. KO-year-old ateainflttcr, who waa analded fatally at the time, In an ino,uet held yesterday morning at tha lirkln chapel. The funeral of the man waa held on Tburflay morning from the Hoffman un dertaking parlor in the north aide. There were few relative attending, nothing be ing known of the young man' parental relation, I'nllee llrlna Complimented. Ijocal police are being complimented on their efficient work In the capture of the two notorious fugitive, Jim Jone, Mlaallppi negro wanted for murder, and Penny Thomaa. wanted for eeveral local robberlea in the laat few month, Dulsctlvea allien and Allen are atlll at Winner, S. D attending a grand lar ceny Ciia wherein two cattle thieve who tola cattle from that point are being tried. They are acting a tar wltnno In the cae. Ilartraln at Flynna. It'a a good time, take our word for It. These Flynn bargain won't be to be had after th preeent tock la gone. Good nniKlIn, bleached or brown, 7H. Wonderful values In children' muslin garment down to 6c, Iadi' spring coat, good variety, at coat. Ladles' suits, handsome ones, 17.(0, $10. $12 and $115. Coy' suits that will match your ide of a bargain. Hig hoys' walat band overall. 2Sc. Tempting value In men's and youth" ult. JOI1V FITNN CO. Three) Htory llrleU. A new thre-story brick, teel and con crete building 1 to bo erected at a cont of $i,e00 la in Hue for the South f-lde, ac rordlng to announcemcrtl of Winter & Thomas conelmctlon firm yeaterday, rttilldlng operation will tttart within a few day on the site Junt north of the Packers National bank block at Twenty fourth and N atreeta. George Kuller, an eastern real eatate man, la building the new etnicture, whtoh will be lined for rental purposes. Kuller I being complimented on his faith 1n South Side real estate. fleneflt Dance Tonight, All 1 ready for the big dance at the r'xehanga room dining hall in the Ex change building at the stock yard thin evening. Nurse from tha South Omaha hospital, tinder who au.spirex the dance I being given, will be there as entertain ment committee, and one of the old time dance crowds la expected. The program will open at o'clock, with George Green' popular band fur nishing the music. The money cleared will bo used to add on to tho hoepltaj building fund. Mettle City ftoaslp. Mothers' day- will be observed at mot of the South Hide churches Sunday morning. A special program ha been ar ranged at the Gra -e Methodist church. A large crowd I exoeoted at the Dre- seniNtlon of the comlo drama, "Hunker's Postornca, at tha Temple hall st Twen ty fifth and M street, thl evening at 8 o'clock. Members of the lidle' Aid so ciety of the Central Interdenominational church will take part In tha cast. SCHOENMAN REGISTERS WIN OVER "EPH" TERRELL "Wolf" P-hoenman registered another win last night In the Individual tourna ment, "i:ph" Terrell being the victim. Mark Kent failed to pot In appearance thereby forflettiig II match wllh Wart chow. No more game until Sunday night when. Wartehnw plva tflitehl and ('on rsd meets Kent. I,t nlbl' eores Terrell f'l IT 11 1? V 1ks 1,ej Seh..eiitiian .. IM 14 : .'4 $H !.-!, UJ "THE R1ALT0 GIRL" MAKES BIG HIT AT FONTENELLE Tiorta riatre Mecrd. "Tha R!al1. Girl." !.i appeared at the )I"tei rotiteiielia t i uUt t. made a dec lnl hit l-tf re the !ti.r t lli!l Fnitiitll Th lualn OHim an md-t f..r her tv. p ir. and tha famous llit! re'", lo ( ! ! a o " ' n aa a I " gli-l. n at aa a iH.ibiaih aril tai a brmisM aiarm pi'lui It ti , , i- i,l,u.i THE "ENDLESS CHAIN" DANGER OF CATARRH S. 3. S, thr Tropcr S.Ufjunnl. t a M " l -,V Hi H s hi' V ft s4 h I Krn. m h . ; 'ft 4 ' : I t tt It S v i,( a . a. t. ) 1)H .i it r ' ' - '...uH 1 1 Ih I I i, ! M1' ii ' ; . 1 ' - "! . , a . , ' r t l , f m t-. ' f f4 I' aj -1 ; t him ( ( ft : ."-flW ft ! i . 1 f4 I t k: h- l . V U ' S' l r- v-. . 1 N -- -i "l! 1 . "I its i m' n ' -i '-J . , ' ' - f ' ' HUSKERS WIPE OUT FOR MER DEFEATS Come Back at Nebraska Wesleyan by Trimming Track Team, 00 to 27. FINE MARK IN HUNDRED DASH LINCOIaN, Neb., May 12,-Speclal Tel egram. Nebraska wiped out the sting of two defeat In basket ball thl sean from Coach Kline's athletes, by outpoint ing Wesleyan in the annual track and flold moat betwean the two school, by a store of DO to 27. Tha Methodists never had a loukln. O'Hrlan, with fourteen points and wlley with ten polnta, were the busy athlete for the Huakera. ficott reld off the 100-yard daah In ten flat, equalling the university record. A small crowd saw the meet. nummary : 100-yard dash: ,Scott, Nebraska, first; lrn, Nebi'iiakii, second. Time, u 10 i'-O yard Mah: Ket. Weslevan, first; S-ott, Nebraaka, second. Time, ti:2;itj, Hroad Jump: Wiley, Nenraska, first; O Brian, Nebraska, aecond. Time, 21 feet I! Inches Half inlie; (Viicr, Weslevan, frlst: Grau, Nebraska, second. Time. 2-Mi. ."O-yard hurdle: VVHov. Nebraska, flrtt. Bolton, Nebraska, second. Time. 0:y.'Y Mile run: Garrison, Ncbraaka, first; hpohn, Nebraska, second. Time, 4 b'.'H. 120-yard hurdles; o'Hrian, Nel)ika, first' Mnltrtn MhsiiMltn u.,..A..a i'i.... 0.17V "'""' role vault: r.lebendorfer, Nebraska, first, Oavl. VAecleyan, second. Height 11 feet. 410 yard dash: Owen, Nebraska, first; Ibites, Nebraska, second. Time, O.iiu Two-mile run: Kicker. Nebraska, first Grnnlg, Wesleyan, Seennd. Tune, 10 4Mv. Hluh 1otnn' llua'xiil, VV..-I. ....... O'Brlan, Nebraska, second. Helirhl. & feet 5 Inche. Shot put: Shaw, Noliraska, firat; John, son, Wesleyan, second. Iilslance, 3! f,.et Inches. Hlscu throw: Corey, Nebraska, first; O Brian, Nebraska, second. Instance, 320 feet. Hammer throw: Corey, Nebraska, first' Ilucknar. Wesleyan, second. Distance 115 feet (ii Inehe, Helav race: forfeited by Welevn to Nehraska. TENNIS SHARKSTUSY AT CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Penny ftvai; won the chamnloushl Ih J-la class In tho tennl tournament at Central High achonl, by defeating It. I,. ( am in two straight game. 21-l'j. 21-14. It. H. Wllhll won the noon class championship by beating Krlon. The winner of tho Soeley Mclen match will play Jimmy Alnacow for the rhamnlnn. ship In the 8:15 rises Tlie winner nf ach class; receives a medal. The winner and runner-up In each clns and tw other chosen t largo from tho other ntrle in the tournament, will meet In a championship tournament. Drawings for thl tournament will he made as soon a the Keeley-Jlclan match has been plaved, The winner nf thl tournament, wlm will play C. K. J Ann, preent champion, snd the runner-up. will receive mid LARSON LEADS INSECOND GAME OF POOL TOURNEY The second game of the clly pocket billiard tournament was played last rilfcbt at the State Billiard parlors. ficore: I-arson, 100; Reynolds, S7. Tonlghfa game will be played at (he Subway Rilllard parlor, 2i4 Hottth Fnur tnenth. Tho contestants will h mil.," Owen and Harry Hhcpard. Admission free. a YOUR DRUG STORE WANTS ARE AL17AYS L017ER PRICED AT THE FOUR REXALL DRUG STORES SPECIAL CANDY OPENING AT NINETEENTH AND FARNAIYI Our lieiiiillfnl new aiot-A nl lOlh anil l'rnnm is now retuly for biisltmaa, but Ha furnlshlnga are) not iiill conipli'tei, ro our formal openinR will be l.ttrr, hut THIS K.iTI'llOAY, MV 18TII, we shall lone our fortiuil (unily I)'iuitincnt 0xnln(!, 1ioii ho shall give it way 1,000 package of niinlnturfl slzo MukH'h lllcct (1iM'4ilnt4'a, Amcrica'a rholrest rotifi'llon, ovory piece coiiIjiIjiIiik fruit or nut cen(tr ht'avlly ronterl wllh rich, pure horolate. Theisf tree iiickaRes nre for 1h1I'n onlv. tjHm from 7:00 A. M. until mltlnlKhl. ITH AXI FAUX AM HTKKKT SfOHK OM.V, HATI KlrAV. PATBltT MTDICINB Prlcea Sharply Out. We obtain these good in mot,! In atauca, direct truui the iiuioulac Luivr, ami tnu aie in a poriuod lo giiJalil.- g'-iiiilliBlnsa and ulsu inal. t Jiu lowcet n Una. Ek: CuJttra Little lJver Mils Uuu J'aynu'a Kidney 1'illa, Saturday, at i'lC Sl'll tf 1 lli, i tiunuLlle I M . . , fo Jad .alts, for iiUc l aps Dlapepsln, Saturday, at 1.UU riukhoiU'B t oiopound II lm llyomel, complete, for ;5 t'ualuiia. I t'l I. :,rr $1 Ul) H, P. . for I I 0') C elloa' tnrup r-r - I I JS l.'lde' I'.t.M Msiaau, at (.eauhoi'erlua, I I in s e. . f " 1 1 mi Vine r I it. I i .uti I -, 'i -u T)'!i-t ' ,. als t"t. . . . (1 1 l .e'il't I c ,' i' ..i f r I2c! 29c 5Ac! 29c i 64c i 89c! 21c C4c 04c ! 98c 59o 54c 34c 64c t ios Wu I.f Oo a'.if1r f. I . I . ' ' , . .. . , , , 1 ... ' ' ' aaTNAawtti-r t si 14c i 1 fa4 1' I aa t'l(t't rowbf I4q 15c llltlli rttll1 t i. MUt e ItaH sOt iiitrsi'i ti t 'it vitrii OMAHA'S LEADING PRESCRIPT ION STOitES SIlERMAfl & r.;cCOi!IiELL 4 REXALL DRUG STORES an a a w , m a v i i i kin in, i i u t nt t- . i , i u . .. a. a H :. . I t a a . a - a ' . . ' . . i i km - SK4Ptirt a. at Hiitt a ru,al St autlln isaaaii . .1 . .t l...a ea THREE WILL TESTIFY ABOUT BRANDEIS TODAY WASHNOTON, May 13,-Threa wlt- nasa, Ixiui K. I-iggett, Goorge C. An deraon and Frederick K. Snow, all of Boton, were uminoned today to testify tomorrow before the senate Judiciary sub oommlttee investigating tho fitness of IaiuI V. Brandels for the supremo court bench. They will be examined in accord ance with an order of the Judiciary com mittee regarding Mr. Brandel' connec tion. If. any, with the merKer of the fulled cigar stores and the Hiker-liege-man drug alores. Culls from the Wires Measaga from the by wlretea to Pan l.nts Obispo brought no tiding of tlie crew of the steamship llostioke, which went down Tmsday In a ksJ off the California oost, wlih a posalble los of from forty-six to fifty lives. Terrene V. Powderly, chief of the Canadian Information bureau of Immi gration at Vancouver It. O, warned American agalnpt going to Canada In miest of employment. The loiter says there are more than l,or men unem ployed In Vancouver and that many able-bodied men In British Columbia are dependent upon public charity because tl ey cim find no work. Cleveland, O., Is filled with delegate THE SEASON'S CHOICE OF ANY CLOTH 8UIT IN THE HOUSE SATURDAY, AT SILK SUITS A wonderful assortment In the eeaaon s umarteat style and col or Among thn fahrb a are Tiif felas, J-'allle. 1'oplina, tiel eh', Choice of our entire assortment, Saturday $17.50 a BOWOFF'S NEW YORK SAMPLE STORE Omaha's Original Sample Store. 206 NORTH 16TH ST. BVBBEB GOODS DEPABTMXNT Our ltnt.her (looils Iepartrncnt t a 'J ge ooo, und haivlie, by act'iul '"in. i, mir I.eO'l itaina In tbl mo. We l,o (Mte. t from f t'iorl.H I'Oi,, a". I 1 1 ti 's art able to furnlsu freh k - n i rt g'laratite and t a low price. Train, alsladla In thl depart, "'ant. " tkiI fii'inta In N I M I . K e . i".c! lo tin rtHv a I ' 1 I I he' o'l. I Mvi ln... I . , . , ' I it. i i I-'. a f. I t. sb .(,, s . . , 59c 29c $1.49 35c to S3 '-'$2 to $3 49c to $1.75 ' v -i i 1 l"n i.i I o I" i In. ; :' . V Us.s, . a -, 1 " v .11 r U- f i" t a' f 1 t ' a i I ' ri. Wa-lolnal ,i..', a,.a, rioar. r. tlirll, Itnot. l-aaa. Tl Sat B,i.'a t.n lUHt 1 I , -I I. . . a u i , i a.'He,a, ton uii I t a. .'.( 1 i' iitlM m.H.ti) aaaat s.t t . i vaaa4 at4 I M., al t. . It ig turn's Milkweed Cream -w,!! r tat y wuttt n t'.r t'.tv y,u h i m itr il . ttjktsr l-sti t.. i I a f I. 4i.tir; liu i t tuty ( it I a r, i ! " 1 1 1 , ' I r 4 It ;!;, f iliit t-' -..a..,! a t t; to 1 U 1 from ail part of North America, tonight for the opening of the International con vention of the Young Men Christian a sedation. The report of the interna tional committee will carry with It the voting of A $l,il,0) budget lor Ih su pervisory work of the association. The report will show that tha association maintain 174 uprvlorv secretaries In tlie I'orelmn field and elghly-flvo in the home field jid will pay peelal atten tion to th work In the Kuropean wr none, where lieoofn) ha been spent tho hist year In military and prison otimp work. Washington Affairs genatnr Shermsn took up th fight against lb H3,A),ii0 river and harbor appropriation bill after Senator Kenyon bad spoken more than two day against the measure. Th llllnol senator was speaking when th senate recessed until II o'cloc k Friday. Secretary Baker announced that wage Increases, to be determined lalur, would be ti ranted to workmen III the govern ment arsenal at Hock Island, III. II said that th Increase would be hosed on the eale of almllBr private plants. l'cderal aid In the care of Indigent tu berculosis patients, a contemplated In ton Kent bill now pending In congress, uaa condemned end defended by sjieskors at the annual Tneetlng of the National ssoclalloti for the Stndv and I'reven Hon of Tuberculosis The bill would provide for subslill.lng hospltol for the treatment of tuberculosis, Tleo Want Aria serve hundred dally. K '.-Wfc.'. uwri" BIGGEST SALE OF MEETS SPITS AND DRESSES This is the ono big opportunity of the year in which women of every taste can get exactly the suit they want at a tremendous saving. Most of these garments have been received in the last few weeks and every one a bargain of astounding value. They include French serges, gabardines and wool poplins, with guaranteed linings. The jackets are trimmed with braid and buttons. All have flare bottoms and skirts of sweeping fullness 1111 SILK PETTICOATS 1'lKliC fit Trril rrtllroBla 1 1) tho tntit4il color. I usally 9')ll at Ir.T-.'rO AT FlONOHf'S $2.50 TOttET ABTICXES PEBTTXaTIlS In thea line our stook ar iin emialled hereabout. Our prices lull I heir own lory. tt: Mennen' Talcum (4 kinds i, per can I'Bc rackera Tar Soai, for Cfio t'utlciira Soap, tor ;?' Pond Vnlshlng f 'rea ro, for , , . M" Social llvglenhlue Heap. ll'iMple wriipi er, big caki l.e.'iitlug lo,- I'arfume, SHt'it'tav, at, per o .,, I. He I'el co Tooth ' I aale, for. , . l'.r l.yon Tooth i....i.. , ?..o Mlsflstoe Crein f..r. fee ,'nv l!b I'nwder, genuine, si .. Ir t l.aries' riesh I mil, f ,r, F'l. ;.lnte Massiig i'c',,1,1, f..r For ri!.ntl luHitjl toini'lfi' i.'H nl 1 1 ti a r r I ti t 4ul I nl in fl' l.ti.ipi iv leirjm i M . r t I ta-aitl, i f.U'lj! ilaPJ.ti' i',t! til VrlvrxU N.iirl line )' i f l'. -.lrr .l.t ' ' iitiiii luu. St, atll'IKM i .' M.s.. a R H I: ' 1 ,","Vll tin jnr-lto-Jta..? alumlcnm er I, oos. i i. ' ;, m v -rnn i I it :,m' r- I p!mk.$ Il ;,-u.,v.rr:.98o 39c r, I - l ' IX-7i J 1 1 . "e et 1(1 in . . .....i.,. ! 'jjv&a? ;;j Household S Garden Specials f? ' !! -rzr. charge l. . rorrrcf. i Zf WISH l ft PyX I ' ' For . nJ.sf.ilr ' i.. fv :'u1,' ' , i 'dim:',' (.;n'i' f- l w r,iii:!""ri;"(i'-- ,y, (- Fabricoid Leather 11 I EflafatAMaakJ vpilUISlCreU J Monthly OCKER OM SALE H Term,: .'T-''.-'jS i nooVi !'- , .' l- v- ' ' " i 'i -Monthly. I 'V.V-:.''- .( I V y,. i "i . , ! v . '- ' i , J . pi ' v ' '"' j f k I - -in i I ' I ' P i.f. EXACTLY LI KB THE I LUSTRATION SHOWN AHOVB. An4 an j j f'gri'pilc.imlly flrir vgluo In a aplendldly mad rocker or chair, l.'phol- ; i. i aterd In a M- lii Rrarln of Spanish KahrlroM fcttthpr that i pogillvoly ', ; (tuaranlMoil not to crack or peel off. It Is conntrurtcd on. hi, utroitK, r t 1 11.. . A .... ,t.A ltl.,..i...llAn a..... .... n.. I .IA ... ml.. luiuiy iiuna aiiu, (it iii't iiiunuautni nuuwn, aua nimi aiu wiugn. i lira It cat Is upholstered over ltlgli tempered oil springs that augur you fl 'A of rentfulnPHg. Cai h" had either In a rorbnr or a rhnlr Jt mm mm g li a iid at Uia above .yreMinJially low price It la xsl lively the het rorfcer or chair value In tho city, and you have almoHt a your to pay for It. Easily worth doiitjo. Kpcclal price, only , 7Bo CHh 76o Monthly. i SOLID OAK DREHBERB OR pxr CHIFFONIERrt. Just HUo illustration, except that top drawer of dresser is divided, giving you twn small drawers instead of one large one. They are constructed of solid oak, finished la a fine gratia golden. Have genuine French bevel plate niirrora and you can have either choice of dresser or chiffonier, you wish you can select both of Jj as they are perfectly matched. This r i 'Zrii I J i! as they are perfectly matched. This Is an extra special value In a sub stantially made dresser and chiffon ier. Khould sell for considerably more, but the apodal sale price for y ler- Khould sell for considerably -Ji-w- K If more, but the special sale price for T&ymTi'ltl ti ; it::.". 4IU.3U )"'',iPJi I Tanaai 11.00 Cash and 91.00 Monthly. , jw' jj Saturday, your cholrn of either dresser or chiffonier, Is only Tanas i 1.00 Cash and 91.00 Monthly. y uooas bold out ai lown jnj;sitjr I 14c I f V tionn and this " i ! .,3r' rdliniWa OrBfonola, the f 1 1 c:5pS.:5K ;:':::122.80 j 34c I r ZJDZ ' 9100 wc I hi' minnm Stock it i 34C I L S' - a ,' f'X . a ... A II are Brim ' I J Li ( I'll If I Ki alumtn. 1 f . It ) I - .. 1 K . , - ' - - - a pi nr . MJU (,.,, ..a1' a' .1 - - l ilLaua-l.f ., 4I I If I ,-. , 'i-p-.ttnNti-pt'fl.- ir-ir irr.T "tiij f :!' ;fl i:,,r'Hi"r"iiPi"iiiiHin':,i trrrhpll,(i(l.,,or,.,( J 75c Cash 75c or CMA1 SATURDAY $750 your or If J thorn fiTl ,htp- -xi-i. -' f.i t r Niirs .ws t . 1 t I !.' li.iai, a a n r , ( e. . . . , , . . t JO , T... . , . ,. Jka a., ' a a at., a . a t ' ' , WtlliU i i ' a r a as, I rt :'.'. .. . . OU5 ....I.., .... . . If , . ' . SIM'-. I- p.,'l I 'J 3 wf fi; li.ij.:?i 1 1" ll.'lll .!. Li ? n n 1