Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    TTTK BKK: OMAHA. FHlDAY, MA V l'J, lOlfi.
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
yotmV to do this you must estoh your
liver and towels there's no neil of nav
)nt ft Hallow complexion dark rlnij
under your eyes jilmrilrs a hlllou look
In your fsce dull eye with no sparkle.
Your doctor will tll you ninety per
eent of nil elnkriftss coo'e from inactive
newels and liver,
Ir. Edwards, a well-known physician In
Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound
mixed with olive oil to act on the llvtT
and howels, which he gave to hie patient
for year.
Ir. KUwarda' Olive Tablet, the euhstl
tute or calomel, are gentle In their ac
tion, yet always effective.
They ruing about that exuberance of
plrlt, that natural buoyancy which
should be enjoyed by even one, by ton
ing up the liver and clearing the system
of Impurities.
Vou will know Dr. KAwards' fHlve Tab
leta by their olive color, Ku and ftc per
box, All driinklxt
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O,
It will savn you many
miles of unpleasant driving.
It will protect you from rain,
wind and sun. It will give
your car a high grade ap
pearance, 1M us put on a t of Pwfest
Flt Beet (lover- or a Top Iut
Hood. They, too, will help "spruce
op" yonr oar.
CUt Om Adm pn Btpmlring mnd
Ktfooting Topi.
1208-12 Jackson St.
Omaha, Nob.
Phone Douglas 8ftM.
Price Vary Reasonable,
Estimate Cheerfully CHven.
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair In good
condition, be careful what you wash It
Moat snaps ' and prepared shampooa
contain too mtrh alkali. Thla dries the
scalp, makes th hair brittle, and ts vary
harmful. Just plulu inuleifted cocoanut
oil (whU:h.U curt and enUraly grease
leas), is mijh better than tbs '
pensive soap or anything else you can
use for ihumpooliig, as tills can't pos
sibly Injure ths hair.
BImply moisten your hair with water
and rub It In. (na or two teaspoonrul
will lrlak an abundance of rtch, creamy
lather, and cleanses tho hair and scalp
thoroughly. Th latbsr rinses out easily,
and removes every particle of duet, dirt,
ilandnlff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly an4 evenly, and it leavo
It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy
to manage. .
You can ft mtilatfled ooeoanufc oil at
most any drug store. It Is very oheau,
and a few ounces Is enough to last every
one In the fumlly fsr niontha. A4v
Ts !. en intftnr.
..'..'J ! (list. I't lh unit
iiauro Hur.g m ' ti-e
a n I'M. t(,t n nwjiu
I' 4. I y,rH mMr the
ii4 muMtiitfttge (. el
Georgian Bay
Frencli River h"l -I
I ii. t a ''''
I tA N . i j C4 e . ,
I.4 K.4K. . " 4 .4
1. .-. 4.
,. . t ..,- . ! I 4 4
. 4 ht'llM ' ' !.
I 44 B 4 I 1 1
V . ' t r 1'
(VtuJrt Pacify KiiUiy
(... sjH K k. . t S N
tj I " '! " ) '-.
I fr 1 e - .M
-4 'm i , 1
..i t
4 4 -ex - t v W m- 4 -
1 1 1 1 t 1 1 i ti
I . w """-a M
Towassad's tor ftpottlaff ods."
Llgsttag rtxrarss Iturgess-Orasdea
Otaaoad Bngagsmtnt Blags, Rdtaolia
, Korrt rriat It Now Preaa
rirs, Tornado, Automobile, Burglary
Insurance. J. 11. Lmmont, Kecllne Wilg.
nttoa Bpsa's at Oeaoa A. U Sutton
will speak Saturday evening at the
Oenoa Indian school.
"Today's Movls Program," Ualtta
section today, it appears lu, Ths Ilea ex
clusively. Kind out what ths various
moving picture theaters offer.
Osts Thirty Oays I.eo Align. Omaha,
charged with securing a quantity of h ie
repairing matirll from Ham Monseio,
1x2: Karnam street, by fraudulent mean,
was arrested and sentenced to thirty day
In the workhouse after a plea of not
guilty. ,
Hew Pips Organ Installed The new
pipe organ at the first ('hurh of Christ.
Belt-mini, Twenty-fourth Slid SI. Mary s
avenue, will be played for the flrnt thus
Bunrlay at the regular morning service:.
This church hs now tlis largest organ
In the city.
Agrss to Close Early City ticket
agents of the Omaha roads hav entered
Into an ssreement to clone the local of
f l e Haturday afternoon at t o'clock
during June. July, Auguat and the first
half of Heptember. On tlieau afternoons,
after closing hours, tidied cn be pur
clm.eil nt the depots,
uss for loss of Eyes George Cnel.
kovlc, an employee of the Hicks Meflnlnj
tiontfany, Is suing Ihe iHlter for damage
ammiiitlng to IKMHin, fur' the allcgMl ln
nf his cyeelglit. He was giving hillk dim
acid baths when one slipped into a vaf a big splash, and flllli g his )
with the polsonotni stuff.
till Sold Bodovio Joe Itndovlc, sc
'tultlcd on a charge of swindling a Plain
view. Neb., farmer, I not at lllterty rt,
Hhsrlff McHharis Is holding him ss s
fugitive from justice, It being learned
that Chicago wants him. Hodovlo's at
tnrney has commenced hsbnas corpus
proceedings lo obtain his relesse,
Now Charon Organised The Third
Church of Christ, ftclentlst, Is now or
ganising. At the start It will be composed
of members of the First church living
north of I.ske street. This I the second
church within a yar lo go out from the
Klrst church to relieve the over-crowded
condition of that church. H is expected
that the new organization will he ready
to conduct services by the first Hunday
in Juris.
Us Tsx-Tlls" IblngUs. nunderlanOs.
Dr. Usher Tells of
the Working of the
Minds of Peoples
fiome nice differences between tha
working of the Knropebn mind and ths
American mind, esiieclally between ths
Oermsn and ths American mind, were
pointed out at the' t'nlvnrslty club st
noon In a talk by Pr. Kolnnd O. llshar,
head of ths department of history of
Washington university, Wt, I.;ma, Mo, lis
aald ths difference In ths working of
the minds, ths difference In the con
clusions the two minds will drsw from
ths same fa-t, Is one thing thst Is mak
ing dlplomatla rslstlons difficult. He
spoke of ths visit made some yegrj ago
by Prince Henry of Dermany to the
United ehatas. All the way from Cam
bridge to Iloston both sides of the road
was lined with multitudes who wanted
to see a real prince. The theater at Hus
ton was crowded, and all the way down
th road and Into the theater he was
given a grand ovation, tha professor thld.
"Immediately he petted himself on the
chest and said, 'These people must' all
b Germans,' for he wsa not accustomed
to seeing such enthusiasm, hearing such
hand-olapping, such shouting and such
stamping, even for Wllhelm himself."
This the professor gave as an Illustra
tion of the working of the German mind.
In, the matter of the Immediate rels
tlon between tha two countries dlplnuwt-
ally, ha aald tha greatest club the
United Stales la abla to hold ovsr Ger
many In the. talk of severance of diplo
matic relations Is the fact thst the t'nltsj
MtAtaa ooiild Immediately setso all tha
German merchant ships now Interned In
Ihe harbors of ths T'nlted Rates.
Russian Dancer
Has Valet-Boxer to
Keep Him in Trim
In order that lie may keep In prfect
cundltlon for hi dancing act, Ivan Hunk
erf, who Is appearing at the Orpheum
this week, has as bis conditioner and
valet Je Harris, s once famous tlhiillsh
boxer and athlete
Mi Hank. iff Is an all-around athlete
himself, t.elng estmcislly fond of re.t-
litis and boxing lie keepn his l In
i-onll 1011 by wotkutils lth bl l.t.
II la one of th crimen) dmnwra of the
(,tiin'U4 Ituaelan li"inl laliet. hl h
l.i apneared berm royalty In predl'v.
ally tery ecuntry In Kutose. Mr. Hsnk
i'U i niiieMiplate in ihlns bur ai t ous of
th tii-t elat.mte cf p .tml lu Aiurrl a
i.u utmn
.e be aeee.1 ss to wtitlir hi
t:c i 14 4t travile.1 back to h is
tne U"-l II N'i Itai.kuff saut that
HI 't'4.1 t mm thai th
erril le r4 om t (. ( 4
Sit I't I iT pt ! of ttl W(l, Ii.,I4
re the i'l have t rrrv H
l-ui'lec tl. ,. H tr iat i f hi
'' . ' " k l-i tt HlKt Cl K
Htwvy to Killing, I
Frosts Reported j
in Parts of State
' - -4 4 4. t I'l-I ... j
. - . 4 l N 44 1 4 H 4 . n t . , ;
,!.' V -..w . t -' 4 1 i "
. ''' 4 tl
I 4 ' I4'
I. ,
Strike of Laborers Involves Track
Laying of Street Railway Com
pany and Ties Up Viaduct.
Th strike of the common laborer
lu Omaha is spreading steadily, and
very llltle work I now being dona,
It Is not possible to get Inn exact
number of men who are on strike,
but It amounts to several hundred,
and nearly all the big Job in the
city are affected, The latest of the
extensive, undertakings to be stopped
is the laying of the street railway
ttaclis across the Locust atreet via
duct. The contractor are not , making
any effort to aupply tbe placea of
the strikers, but are letting mat
ters drift, as they are protected In
tholr contracts by tbe strike clause
A meeting of the builder ta called
by the exchange for Friday evening
Strike leader w say nothing.
fen o Hark to Work.
Here and there some of the striking
In borers have gone bsck to woik on Bonn
of the building Jobe in, the city,
This movement Is by no means gen-
fial, howsvsr, and mean no comesslon
on the part of the laborer It Is only a
case of a laborer here and thera prefer
ting to work st the rraent seels, rslhy.r
than to lie Idle. Horn pf tha men who
have gone bsck to work are men who
say they were afraid to remain on th
Job Wednesday when a squad of from
V") to I'O striking laborer swoope4 down
and csllcd sll ths union men out
The In borers on the Cast Is hotel snnsx
Job have also gone out. Tha laborer on
practically all the Jobs In tha city sr
out, A siiiisd of strikers appeared at on
of the Jobs under construction by Con
tractor Charles liauer, where on of th
men at work drew a raxor and drove th
strikers swey.
Hpeclal details of police' srs lalng held
In reserve on the lookout for sny vlolcncs
that inuy1 result.
The street railway eompsny was well
along with track laying Semss the !Cuat
street viaduct, but now work'hss cessed,
the isborers employed on the Job hsvtng
gous nut on .strike VdnedHy. Whan
work will he resumed Is not. known, as
the company will not at present attempt
to employ new men to take the place ol
the striker.
The work. of paving between th tracks
oi the North Twenty-fourth trt line,
wher new and hesvlsr rails hsvs been
laid, goes on uninterrupted. On this Job
ths company ha Its regular man, who,
are given employment practically all th
A scor of laborers, walking down Far
nam 'tret yererdy, when saked
where they had been working, replied at
Thirty-third and Dodgs, They said that
the place was guarded by policemen and
that they were going to report to head
quarters and sen If they had to have
their places tsken by "scab."
Independence In thought 'nd action
for college man on the subject of sex
hygiene was urged by Ir. J. M. f'atton
of Omaha at a meeting of th llellevue
college Young Men'a Christian associ
ation yesterday evening.
'Do not bo led Into evil because th
other fullow tells you It's smart," said
tr. I'atton, who la a liullevua "grad"
of the class of Uil, "and on the other
hand do not keep clean becauso you are
afraid to do wrong, but he guided by
your own sense of right and wrong In
thuse matters, which are so vital to the
Interests of the Individual and the race."
How She Was Relieved from
Pain by Lydia LPinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Taunton, Mas. "T had pain In both
aide and when my periods came I had
to stay at homo
from work and suf
fer a long time.
On day a woman
came to our house
and atked my
mother why I was
uffcrinr. Mother
t)d her thst I suf
fered every month
and tha ul, 'Why
il'i.t you buy a
Mil nf I vita E.
Tinkham' Vrgctah! t'omjmmi: ' .My
mother bought It aivd th next month I
was so well that 1 worse., ail th month
without (tayiiif at horn a tlsy. I am
In go.! health now ami have tM 1U of
fir! alxiut 11. "-Ml. (Hail n Mottle,
- Kuell Stre.t, Taunton, Mas.
Thtnnanf of girl sutTer In i!nc
every month rather than nti!t a 'hy
Shun If girt who r tr,iul,! aith
ramfvtl or trfeg 4'r trlU, 1. ka. h.
l.l4'h, drag gtrg ! n etiat.'H,
fintit' wlv tif m.iifc-ti.,n wstld tska
( i ; lnhnC gil.!s f.m.
I'HiO I. a ? arv 1 tirw H al
from t't an I ber' hi;ich ( tfriinf
9 'bt b v.t te.(
W Ml U t y 1 a I; I'm.harh Mwhcln
C, l.)i, M. i.v.t i, i-i,. f. ft
I J 1 ' i I 1 l ie h.t i f.4;.
How Vou Cn Qvlitkly
l?nto,j I Uiry tirowlha
f& J
ii' .' i' .trfi
Aeaistiint se. ietarv t.lnes of the Young
Men's Christ Ian association Is perfecting
plan fi.r htimlllng a Inrge crowd next
Humlity afternoon when Wilro Murata de
livers hi address on the subject, "New
TluirMliiv, May 11, HMO.
Unusually Well
50c to 85c SILKS, Friday, Yard 39c
JNK big pei'ial group of plain and fsnry silks, Indudinf uch deT
w peiidablo f vs as poplin, foulard, messallnes, taffetas, rrepns,
moires, jMir.gopg, etc.: 1, 2i and 8 indie wide, all In
lengths from 2 to, 12 ynrds In a piece. Original value of SHf
60c to 86c:
Friday, yrrd
Burge.Tah Co. Be.mnt.
New 25c WASH FABRICS at,15c
ABI0I.K1TION of remnant of fine wash good, Including aurh pop
ular wrsves as vclles In floral, stripe and figured rf i
fed; gingham, wash nulling,
that regularly sell at 2fic to fiOc
Remnants $1.00
WHITK corduroy Jn Umtthn
y&rd MlA: vnahiihWa vr
yard wide; washable, verv
aulti, A fjORHty that usually eJ for $1.0. Friday,
the yard , ,
nrg-Mah Oo Basement,
AlArtOI5 variety of stylo let
choose from, mude of con
til or fancy cloths In pink or
white; very comforiuhle mod-
Bargess.Vssh Oo. Bssmnt.
Unusual Savings in Women's Juits
and Dresses Values to $19.50
Domestic Remnants 2
RKMNANT8 of bleached, and
unbleacbod sheeting, mus
lin, . eambrlc, tubing, caHlng,
sheet and pillow cases. ICxcel
lent merchandise that has be
come slightly soiled and munned
from handling. All In one big
lot at Half I'rlre.
Burgs.lfash Co. Basaansnt.
Rem. Cotton Goods, 3k
VAHIOt fl gradps, all kinds
cotton goods In short
lengthH, Including print, mus
lin, rrepes, percales, etc., In
solid shades. Choice
Friday, yard ......
Barge-Waah Co.- Bsqnnt.
10c Cotton Vests at 5c
OMKN'ri r itrH sl.e hit
cottnn ribbed vesf. Inw
neck and sleeveless, Ihe fj '
usual 10c karmimU OC
Burgs-Mali Co.Baiuaat.
Women's 19c Vests, 10c
A KAMI'I.I". lot "f aomen'
flue ccthin Csl4, lO'V necg
snd sleetelcns, lull
sleeveless, lull 1 f
1, vala tu I in . I n , 1 UC
Bu(-Bali C'J
$5.00 Trimmed Hats $1.00
f IMIT our lis.eiucni Milltnerv b.-ctinn Kiii.t snd r"
get an I.W ft litis antnlarful ul'rllns Imecrip T"f
lion Is Iih!-(" mbte th'" ril ri ilii.ut v lm
till OH" Inhie )ui alll e- l)(l lte -Un Item I' sw'
TIi snil l ll ie Mad) .l'ir, ..iiiiclit.n iti a n.t A f
ti r a I'-i'i. irrk iiiiIm-h M mltr table Af-
4ii 4.1 (hi. l'l ti"r nm-iliis tin irosu ,&'
t.t.-It -1 ' .1 at 1 ii-i. spe (,, ' Bl.tNt "a
fjS Ull'l
Decided Savings on SHOES, for
EVERY MEMBER of the Family
t tt -x .14 I
Nil V . 4
, t- s" il I'
N ,i J '
. I ,
i II ' .
jHpan. Its Relations with Had Its Atti
tude Toward tho I'nlteJ States."
Mr Murata wirt t In the city Patur
diiy. Suniluy and Monday, enroot to
(uka, Jatmn. where he a III take the
chnir f I'.ible history In til university
there, bralilna taking tha pastorate of a
V'resbjrrerlan church, lutrlng the last
four years ha has hern a sturiant of a
-v- -srv. itv ikv- c)-'t x. t . -w M'kv. -imm .tu-vgwicsi!
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to
Burgess-Nash Company
HToui;Mrv5 Kim "k'kimv"."
Timed Specials Friday in the
ratine, tissue, etc, Fabric I t
FTldsy, the yard
Co. Bemnt.
m. e
of 1 to 4 K ynrdn to a piece; full I
tinnular ftsr ukirim rn.nA ai
popular for skirt and
Ci OIIHICTH that have become
1 tllghtly (oiled or otherwise
they would be selling at $1.60,
Broken tir.a assortment, hut an
exceptions! value If f" Q
your alio Is here, flpee. OaC
BnrgMS-aTasn Os-S ssemsnt.
WHEN you stop and consider tbe Increase In
price of (lilting materials and silk you ran
figure out for yourself tbe unusual aavlnga on
these suit and dress,
Tho Suits at $9.95.
Lstest of the eon model In serges, pop.
linn, gabardine and Hhepherd checks, In navy.
Mock, Copenhagen and check. Womeu'a and
mlsse' sUos. Vlu 15.0B to f IB.BO,
The Dresses at $9.95.
Effectively made of taffeta and erge com
bination In old rose, navy, Copenhagen,
black, black and white chocks and combina
tions. Women' and mlssaV size, value
I 5.05 t aio.fto.
Children's Coats, $4.95
AN ATTRACTIVE! aortment of children'
coats for ages ti to 14 year. Made of
all-wool checks and plaids, neatly trimmed
with belt and full , flared skirt, A Rplendld
value at $t.05. BugMs-Basli Oo-aasaat.
25c VOILES at 15c
L1 ANt'Y dress voiles add or-
gandle, 38 In. wide, small
and large floral design In
striped and figured effects;
regularly 26c; Friday, - f
at, yard IOC
Bnrge-Wah, Co. Bamnt.
89c Seamless Sheets 69c
SIZ1C 81x!9 bleached seam
less, ready to use sheets
Vou will be pleased with tho
smooth weave and wearing
quttltty, !c vlne, at
liir(r-Wh Co. Basement.
Dress Percales at 6c
Off INCH wide dree percales,
0J light, medium snd dark
dress styles: the sale price Is
less thsn hslf the actual value,
limit 20 yards to Ihe
customer, st. v art . . .
Bnrgs-Msb Co. Basement.
50c Union Suits at 35c
R KOI l. All el union suns,
low neck, slui-K'lesii. kmu
length, timbtflltt ljle, i n a 1 -
tif fine hlle colli. u
Butg.Bsh Co, Ba4ut.
fl N44II44
1 1 . j i
, : t t 1 I 4 ll' .. ..!
) ..! "
i i-.. . t
.i 1. 1. , i i I ii i., , ,. ,
i " c t t (fJ Of
' ii VesiOt)
Prrntiyurhin tljeolngical seminary In Au -
burn, V. Y lie took the tegular three -
year course and during the last year hue
been dolus poet graduate work, having
been itrnduated with the (lerei; of doc-
tor ot divinity.
W hen nil other
Want Ad
ways fslt, try a Hre
6 P;M. Saturday Till 9 P, M.
Formerly JPriced $ 1.00 and $ 1.50
HOI'KK PHKSBKH that will ap
peal to the housekeeper.
The housekeeper's working gHT
ment should be of durable ijusl
tty and by sll mean should ghe
the wearer a neat, comfortable and
well-dressed ppenrance. These
are all Important point of thee
house dresses that go on sale Fri
day, Every attention given to Ihe cut
ting, fitting and finishing of the
dresses. Well made of good, reli
able fabric. We consider them
splendid value at f 1.00 and $1.(0
-Friday, specially priced Q
at, each , UaC
Borgsss-sTssh Oo, Bmn.
Neckwear Choice 10c
ATA Illy K of unusual value In
neckwear, Including foliar,
collar and cuff gets, vestnes. Ja
bot and neck ruche, formerly
priced lo f0c; choirs 1 f
Friday, raeh iUC
Btirg Wsh CO' BmBt.
Embroidery Samples 10c
AN A8HOKTMKNT of gam pis
piece of allover embrnld
ery In site 27x27, I'attern can
be easily matched. Included are
value to 60e. Friday 1 f
each IUC
Bars' s-Bssh Op.-Bmn. 1
Val Edges at 2y2c
GERMAN and French val lace
edge and Insertion. Very
desirable for dainty summer lin
gerie; specially prlc- Q 1
ed Friday, at, yard . . sslv
Bnrress-sTaali Co. mnt.
FR INGE, at5c
Jjl HlVoBH In 4 -yard long! h;"
choice of brown, green and
ecru; also ecrlin pillow ruffles,
all color, 4-yard lengths; f"
Hpeclal. at. each OC
Biirgees-sTssh Co. Smnt.
MEN! You Will
Solid Comfort in
At 59'
SEVERAL brand of well known
shirt, luculdlng "Ideal" and oth
er. The values are such that It will be
splendid economy for men and young
men to visit our Ilnsenient Hectlon--to
secure supplies enough to last them un
til next fall. All sizes 14 to 17, coat
style, soft and Inundnietl cuffs, neck
band and collars attached. Home are
slightly soiled, while other are remly
to put on. Having svernge one-third
and one-half.
Men's open mesh union suit, half price. .'Hie.
Men Halbrlggan 3-plece underwear, per garment, ac.
Men' athletic union tilts, half price, -lire.
Men white foot hoie, pair. ttr.
Men' Msro ho, pslr, 12 Hr
Men s leather be'.ts, 15c, Vl.V and llfic,
Mko's blatk saleen shirts, 5r.
Men's it iti Li it- handkerchief, 5e omt .11f.
Men s sen ciillitrs, 1
Mer.'s Hnckford
Attractive Values in Jewelry,
Silverware, Hand Bags, Etc.
Silver plated frill tllnlii'S, f 1 01
.slurs, SI.V,
IliMiity ion. J and S mi a iard,
l Hi i .tiui , ;ii .
While stunt' bar pin. "Si !
tic Us,
ll.ilnl i..., Ii a! pMin, 1 1 t l
lll'. Il .
Mm 444 H4U
Boys' $1.00 Panti 59c
1 I I ; li lit ii .1 l Mf ill e ;i J
' a l,l tut ilitfi.v ,i ti. i tie . lut
k i I. m s . i v Ik, Ui f . r
41 I i I , l''-t t'-'-ll
' iHii-'i' i ' ' 't cq
Ik I I I"' I 1, Kj J V
Ha44 aS C- - 4.W4h
Mrn's 75: OmalU 39c
S - 1tlH i l I N I el "1'ir
mini . .11 I 1 1 1 1. I
, I ' 1 1 ! I 'f i .ti I I
CI... I V I l. !il '1 O 4
ii fi i.i.,,i M V
B -. "ik '''
Uj 50c Blouiri 21c
t6rb you ruag xar ou det au
Dreshcr Bros.
aatl-13.15.17 rARHAK ST.
TrtrrHOWB tyx.eb 34S,
Our Autoa Fast Your Doorg BttJ
I'Ikiiio Doiigtrts IA7.
$1.75 Bedspreads, $1.29
HF;M M FJI) bed " "spreadsT'the
largo double bd elaie, cro
chet weave, asorted Marseille
patterns. Uood heavy weight,
closely woven; a good wearing
spread; regular t - JQ
11.76 value, at T 1 7
Burg Wsh Co. Bemet,
(A 'lNl li 'able damash-, mer
Ox rerlred finish, assorted
pattern to choose from Friday;
specially priced, at oq
yard 3aC
Bnrgs-Kah Co. Wamnt.
AN ATTH'At'TI VIC line of pil
low top for Friday, stamp
ed and tinted In a. variety of
pretty design, in the
Ilakement Friday, each. . OC
Bnry-Wh Co.
$2.85 Cottage Seti$U5
An-VnTcB cottage or hreak
1 fiutt get, pink floral decor
atloni.wlth gold linos; complete
service for B people;, qjj
regtilar 12.96 value, J) 1 alO
Btrrgess-lfssh Co. Basement.
Certainly Have
riduy, 2'
colored hose, ,V,
Co. Bamat.
Iliitiil ban. fcHc Value, itte,
ninh patent leather belts, JS
Vttlllii. I tie,
White tah li. in, plain or em-
litulili l.-.l pisil tmekle, I5o
aliit, lit,
.tr an. ti-Uii . i ( ,fij
elites iV.
C - H 14 ,HI,I
$1.50 Garden Hose $2.93
NTiiw it i.'.i iiiuf i h i)
v , n ... m tnt tv nl,
l.l II u ' I It, tell i J.l, ftf.
it-'.- i ii( n nil ii
: ::ii
...r.V ..( l .... nQ
' ' VO
c- - a........
Window .Screens 19c
tl I1HI,'. ,",, 1,1.,. l( ,!
' ' I 'I ii i. a.t )
' ' "') '-' hUH. stall
ti .1 t 4 I f it . !' ' ! g
.1" M. " ii I I) C
a ... a ... c . km.mi
... .1.,' '4"f I ' -
4 4 --4 4..I . , f . - 4 ,
I . 4 1 .,..-..
1 Hi I 1 m 1 a t f r ' m
1- It- i. ' . i .l 1,1 In . .
' 41 ( I -11
V H 4 ' 4l - . 1 i
I I ii i-nl in I l 1
NW MOtCTirnviLL ti
. .I..!. e ' i i : u
' !.,! t ' ' l! I1 " .' tt 4
M'iece Perry 5ft 25c
1) ' It 1 . I ti! ,ul 4i4.,4
e - . i. . (.,, t,t 1
t I t ' I t I ,1 .-Ki 4 4 1 I ,ti
.1 ' .1 , iMl! .-I S4.0C
a ! . a ..... 1
!., I ..4 1ft j
1 1 1 1 1 , t ! . .
1 4 t
1 ' '
V ; , I I 4 14 ," i I
H 4 it4i-i f lk I'". t B r
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.-) I - - t v,
M 1 ! l i l
If w 4' 'I ' : J 'i tt'4'4
1 1 1 I i ' 41- " . ' S .1 I
l I ' v . . I . h 'm ,4 I I 4 I
II i v i lim ti. t . iii in-1
I ' I' 4 I 1 I ft lit.)
fi'.J li.i'l-ttj nn I li '.' at l.4 .
., Ii " (.)- n j p
ft ; OcC.tlv)
, ti F
I m ii . l-""i l
I .l
21 c
l " 1 " r " " I " ! 0
1 . t (1 i ' . ..j . t
4 ) i iiiot -1 i . ii I . 1,
' IK I ! 'i I ' ' i.
$ 1 .89
: . It ' . 4
... 4 s.ii i'. a4-'
) i 14 ' f' - 4
. t. it ti ' 1 a ..I .1
DIAMOND "C" Soai), Tolra22.
I.. " 1 ' 1 1
( 4 44
I 4 .. f nu. I I f 4 ii i t 11
, n I I 1 41 I I
MM .1) I a.,4i
x r 'u - x :r .