THE BEE: OMAHA, MAY 1116. ( ( i i,i I If V v FOR RENT-R00MS II onarkrr iiIuh Hoouia. 2221 lK'iDOK Onu front ruuin, well-fur nished, with oa. price reaaonable, i'lione Don. B-Mft. TWO nice housekeeping rooma, reason able, i-loctrlelty, gas range. 2K3 Far nam, STS ts. MH S'f. MJudurn aDurtnn-nt. front looms, oninilte, adults. Harney nr. I'avetiuort. SMI Uutaidti 2-r. ayt., refrlg.. elec. It., nan range. klfh. rah J3 60 uo. "OR 4 unfurnished" rooms .or light houao- eepirut. All mode rn . 2674 J pa. u I d I n . IiU N. I3D 2 or S nicely furnished rooms, with kitchenette; reasonable. Hoard ttuA Ruoiot. BKAUTlKUlXV furnUliwT ry large rooms, private halh and porch, with food board If desired, private table, 'hone Harney 1X1, J'tkMSHKl) room with board In mod ern apartment; bustnuea woman pre ferred, l'hone Harney 274. HOARD and room,-private family; car line. zii4 Ijavenport at. A STRICTLY niodarn home In- private family; board If rjreferred. Webster 1Sj. ETi't AVSf, sllPNawl furnlhe.d7ront room, with hoard, for two young men. I. nf wrnlsfiea kimmi. e-kOOM apt., gas and toilet,"" 4-room pt , m; I ronroi, W E&TaITOX Ave.. Polls;. south front with kitchen. Doua;. 4M7, njSrTTlNl'SITwb robmV'MO fl. 21st Ave. all Tyler n. Hooma Wanted. CAIJi THK RKE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all alxiut the FTTRN'lHUliD ROOM OX'II'K. It' i a plan that I helping many people rnt their rooma. WArJfKt) To rent," two 3od f lirtiisnifl room for Unlit hotisekeuldn-. Rooms hail not be far from tiee building. J. Koebn, Room 4, Hen Bldg HOTELS Hotel hankord. hotel harlM.' lth A Farnani. 2oth and Kanmm. ,.tffilfl; ratesto permanent Jjin FOH RENT FlRNIiHD ApwtuifnU aixl Houses Aparinienta. SPLENDID, NKWT FL'RN'ISHED, TEAVEltTON FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catatinr to peoula of refined laalea Apartment la completely equipped for bouaeaeeping; up-to-aate and tumiort- auie. TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Pong. vx 7i Omaha Nat. Bank. Or Call DoUKlaa 7S21. FOR RENT-HOUSES " VV KM I . ia LINCOLN BLVD.-li-roum huu.a atrlotl modern, with hot water haat Price. Wi. DouKlaa MH. FOR RENT-blx-rooni buuae wltu three quarter baaeminl, all modern except neat large Jot WS Wehaier at. WELL BUILT HO if E8 WWi Ai.iAit. .11 . ati., -r., i bth with vuiaice. VA tVEHT FARNAM, 321 X. SSth, t-r., i hatha, with garage, fiB. ?-KOiH, oil mojori) Fouaa, Dundee. Walnut 2M8. near oar, 7-ROOM7aU nioiliTii houae. riaar car, Dundee. Walnut J6f.. Aurlk. V4-MONTH FREE KENT. Nice houae, block to oar; garden apaia; inuilmn xxcent heitl; rooma, tSl.fO, now paper. Dougl&e 701; e nliiga, Wabaier KiO. -ROOM inoiluni Iioub, hot watir heat; tile bath room; garage. IViO tfpencer. Webatar 186. EI Uheruian Ave., mod., 14 roiiii...?,3"0(i 2427 Charlea, 7 rooma, bath IS. 00 JOHN N. FRKNZKR. VHjVOlJA 604. ivALiUNti dlatanee. 214 judatt,B-ioom, modern houae, W. VV. VV. .ilu;huil, qwner; 18a mxner. Phone Web 4i ; f., IiU u jtA N i' Oi -.-r vuiu.,, . X. f Malt. IU Hainge Hmg Doug, i NOKTII URDe-rouiu modorn Tutw galow, acreened porh. Web, (lil iiila jfciiaKlyifi'Bu, S'rooujg, E.5(. To land 'i ruintiuli, 44N llee auuln. l-KUUil, modern bungalow with aun r-Kjm, garage In rear, Vacant May io, ItiTTT of 6 iunin each to reiiL. H. Fh. tl.67W. Tiiland A Trumbull. FOli llbAi-May i, i -1 ' '.Jin. all uioutsl l houau 677 M. ZMh. Ilurlicy 2i)H2. a-RCXlM modern house; big yard. H. llutli. 1'rlre, tai. 2447 M UeellH.ieous. WE HAVE WHAT VOlf WXSY. HOCHEri AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4- IL W12 Carter Lake iilvd 114.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- R. 2114 Saratoga St 20.00 tf-R.-22.J2 So. th St M.du e-R.-2l No. 17th bt 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6- R. 3.r)) No. doth St., (now) 25.00 6-R. (W2 So. 31st St 6- R. tuAt No. 21st St 2U.00 -R. 4646 No. 40th Si , 20.00 -R. 1S14 Laird St., (garage; Sii.ou 7- R. 4ftt) Bedford Ave H.Ou 7-R. '.H Bo. 3oth Ave 26.00 -H.-63ST No. 17th St., (new) SO.. 7- R.-OT7 So. 2Sth Bt IL.iO I- R.-4J4 N. 81st St 8- R. m.M Dewey Ave., (olose In).. 82 M) t-R. 212 I'ewey Ave 82 So 7- R. 4i8 Krskln St 22 8- R. S04 Davenport Bt- -R. H421 Dodge St 60 oO 9.R...M So. 2h st rr.eo II- R.-411 Bo. &ith Ht 7S.U0 FLATS. 4-R.-2046 IIowar.1 St 7-R.-13" So. 2Mh St.. rbaraaln). I IEATF.D APARTMENTS. CLYDE, 1j0 OHIO ST. S R. Apt No. S M.60 25 00 U.OO it oo Ill Apt. No. 1 Choice West Farnam apartment, oun- slstlng of five rooms and maid quar ters nd having two private baiha, T6. WE HAVE OTHERS BEE OCR COMPLETE LIST BEFORE REN T- '"rORTRR & KIIOTWICTaL Offl'-es Wi'li American Security Co., '.iv, rb St l'hona Doug fniil. " FO It ( A K ! r.V I N'i A N' D 1 'At 'LTM Y. ar.. downtown, cob red, '3. A!"0 a J and J (Ilka bungalow) and A' l'S OR'H'NP. In snd ., Also fc-r Cll foritia bongiilow and acre, 1:4. Tel, D, giu; Pax'on B:s. Il'ii' i!'! Ft.R KKNT. " flti lull H. ...4 CiX, a in.!; I'LiHi, l.i') p. Iii1.AH. a'l t .l-. r m-. U & lieee ' 'M I -!) -.ft r )., I CPTti.-) 1.' i r f , l AP IS AND FLATS i T "i S I II-, A . M.IH t rt i 4-r.i.. I i . . ' . t ' I in. d 1 M ' 4 ' t.- I o I:, V. I ll' I', .11.1, II A w . i' V I - H tff- e l. -. Vi - v S . At i .1 I I : ', ' : ' I 1 I ) i I I ikavi;i; nut s t f FOR RENT APTS AND FLATS Miscellaneous. CHOICE FLATS AT REDUCED RENTALS. 15:!0 N. :4th. 2d floor, 7-r. modorn ex cept neat. reduced from S15. Now 111. 1622 X. 24th. 2d floor, fr-r., modern except heat, reduced from Ili. Now 111 24ii6 Seward St.. upataira, reduced from ia Now 1007-09 X. 29th. 7-r. each, strictly modorn isaucea to tis.uu. A. P. TUKET BON. Fhone. Douff. m. INtfs W. O W. Bid. wm-t.i.j w.TmTff-r r.r r - WANTED TO RENT Furnliihed Hnium and Flala. WANTED 4-room flat or apartment, fur- nmnea; witnin walking dlatanee; no rni:areii. r . i s, nee. t nfurnliti. il ll..nea anil flat a. Wanted to Rent Hou.e. in DUNDEE. W. L. SKT.RY A HONS. Poualna ISlrt Hl6H-eLAMrd"eslra7)le location, I or t- room ounaaiow; win leaae for one year lonKBr; aiaia ruu partlculara. Ad- areia o. 1Z7J, Bua. MOVING ANU STORAGE GLOBE VA & STORAGE fetoraa move, packi. oa; l-horae van ana man, par nour: atoraga. vr n-onui. nariaTao'wm gturnrutf4. uoiiif ib and rvier an. GOKDON VAN CO. I'acklng. atorage and mov ing, m N. nth at. rnone L'uuglua S4 or Webnter FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE He pa rate locked rooma, for houeehold gooua and ptanoa; moving, packing and j mpuillH. , OA) AH A VAX AND STORAGE OO., ovn a. run m. Jjougiaa 4itii. FJDEL1T1' SMk FJIEE I'hono Douglae 20 for complete i.i ci vaoant nouaea ana apart mimta; alao for iturage, moving, liith and Jai kaon rlta. i'acklng, atorage, 14 "OapTjtvg. TyierTiM: Maggard Van and Storage Co. ilovinc. Dacklna. toraga and atilpplng. J'hone Dugltta WW, t'KlUtIN VAN & STORAGE Parking U,raae. A Cap. Ave. Tyler IM J. 0. REED 5K?- ??5, wovin,, FOR RENT BUSINESS PR'PTY Itores. hTURhiliK() IILllT Wo era making plana to remodel the building at Jkle-le-U Harney L, putting In a new front and making one room tluxuil with aecond floor and bassment under tjie south algly feet. Will iaaae '! desirable tenant the entire apacv or """ io sun, N. P. 1"I 'OE.jyij l Whlfnell Bldg. HTliRKIiniiM Three dandy fine siorsrooms at 24th and Leavenworth, one of the beat Ioce u.H.a in ine city; rent veiy reasonable, Calkina & Co, Jig;"1"? C"y Nat. Bank Bldg. alTuHEaj. " l, Uu,'l?D'!Lor!l ft tna basement, w. '"' f-; sine looation for grooertea "'in riiwaia. CONRAD YOUNG, v,'9 ItrM.rtet. Theater I lone IiU oi'JKiu hiwms at 1W9-1H11 Farruun Bt 7 hoi, F. Hall,423 Ramge Bldg. I). 74U. itmiv, alwit 2ix40t living rooma In rear, reasonume rwnt, Douglaa lsfis. STORK building, living roome In rear, 36 vi.i. aouHlna ilti. FOR RENT SUBURBAN A-citUit aouta of Country olub: -r. "o.ise ana oaxn; nne for poultry. F, I). i'wou, m a, jnin vveaa Jblrlg. HEAL ESTATE IMPROVED Veal. CASH BA LAN CM M(JNT1iLYT the CathiHl 5 l rt "1,,r.n h"L"e.,ln 1st? d'fwris tale. i?ierf t.i.,,,.U. "i" '.'1; l t 2al,W rpl" "f""1''". full (.smeui basement, f imm-a Iiaai. v o.a large lot on pvd street. Two' block omu aunooi, one Dioug rrnm car. Now la your oliance to own a good home on un" pauiriis. PAYNE IN VJilHTMENT COMPANY, i J.l?iitn loor Omalui Nat. bk. Bklg. bil LINCOLN UOI'LEVAUD, BKVKN ROOMS, $4,760, A well built home In a nice location, facing the boulevard and handy to Har ney oar line. Will make term Very easy. Anxious to sell and will consider of I or. Do not bother the tenant, but us ior appointment to inspect OLOVKU & SPAIN. Dougla mi. City National. MODERN. ok finlsli, Fnindee home for Mia cneap. oy owner; leaving town; 1 imwvr i.oin oiiiier ear; 4 Dad rooma. closets, bath, living room, den. hall, dtnlng room, kitchen . baaement, garage; FUH SALE OH TRADE A new upF date -rooni htiinn. near Omaha uni versity. For riarili'iilar call Webster KlJ. i.ill SALE--7-rouni niodVrn house in Field club district Nearly new. Owner win sen in rinrgim. i'lione Har. 7a, i Or lt-ili'U,n uunaiiuiw luel n-niig ouin pieted Only l cash. Amoa Urn ni 1 1 UK i Ci, rri. im home or income proprtyCa-thedral-Beml Park district, call Wab- eiwr ii .T Norh. 1)6" YOU WANT XRfTATr NTARTI Four nlc rooms, . Iilcken house, fruit. Ab..ul one-halt acie; Iiiai duwu and ti tv Prt e l. w. Dati'.W hi leg fouii iiiU.i. fuil - . ,r, eleo, HsM, bst wall .f water In tnnaha, fine for oii ksns. ilHoinl'.d for iai.loii, good l.ighm.iw I. nd, building up fli.s. l 'ui y f, (Jkln "'a ia to suud ear lliv. a. li u sbow yuu, T l.'io Nt I ik D H"4 SACRIFICE Her Is yuur vhano tj (.( , .rt T i first m a in i 4. v u ' b i thi f......l ,....( haw l-u.-gal-.w, , I!-, a fr.'ltl A.. J,,,, 4, f. .cs.d f,... and fruu, 4ideit epvi 1 v.i .r ) t.. I' v .r,..r t...,. 1 ' I ) 4, j? . r,,. ... . . . ..,. , i , , , . , , , , ;,', tie o If i i t R i a , ! a it h w it uutKrr C" t'ni ,; h, f-. i,. (-, In 4 4: V .1. I 4 . I- ,i -! ) r-. .r us i in . f -lit . I ' H . r f f ' " H,.. 1 l h ',., r t'la'T ..! t I t I -f '. ,' -u .. I., K , II D . U" I U ' H i. I x ' 1 1 r . t i t '!! Y .. t '! i. . ' i la, " - I . .! t 1 , e I ) . I I a... ,. ' if t sat r-. J 1 ' t !w li. i i . "l 4 ... h a i. . ... ' ' ' i . i v .1 ' t l I! V.TV ' l V f i I I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Aerth. Kolt SALE 3lt TRAD"ETo brand" new a-room riousea, corner and Emmet tvts., Highland Park, opposite Kred Brodegaard beautiful residence. Will lake Chicago property or choice farm lajia m trade. Key with air. Brode- Kaard. F. W. Hanson, i737 V. North Ave, Chicago, hi. l u dandy bungalowa for aala at a aac- 9-ROOMl atnctly moilern home In fine. condition. uuartered oak floora. east front; paved (treat; on Kamara car Una double aarae, a bargain, leaving city, son . nn hi. mono walnut woo. oulb. EXCEPTIONA LLT GOOD HO M K. 6.7f-z;ttJ S. 83J tt, fttw aat front, atrlctly mod. house, oak flulah anil floora downatalra; rei'eptlon hall, liv ing room ami dining room finished In aelncted oak with oak floora; nice kitchen, pantry, refrigerator room, eta; full taa.mont, with laundry, aoft watgi' In laundry and kitchen; four nice bnd rooma and bath on aecond floor; blroh finish and maple floora; larae attic. L.'t Ua ehow you. D. V, 8HOLK8 COM PANT, 915-16 city Nat. Hank bldg. Doug. 4. XKW BUNUAL0W FIVE-KOOil Strictly modern and up-to-date, large living room, bullt-ln booacaaua, large dining room, two bed rooma and bath, kitchen and rear entry; oak flulah; full haaement, large attic; aoulh front lot; paved mrwet, can be bought on n' terma, one block aouth of Hana'oin ""SCOTT AND HILL CO. rioug. liHift. Ground Fir. ilcl'ague Hld. VOL'H uppurtiiiiity, owner leaving city, muai auii atrlctly modern 7-room houao in Field Club dlairlct, I blooka from Hanaoom park; lot 6mUQ or loiixl), lartte garage. Prloe right, caah or terma. Ownor, 3i24 Walnut St. Phone Harney 4flot S-ROOM bungalow brand new, all mod ern, oag rioors tnrouguout; oak riman In living and dining rooma; large, light, white enamel bedroome; good location, roatrlotid addition. A baraain at t.i.iM. .u sy lerrna. BKNSON ft CARMICHAEL, 642 I'axton Elk. Doug. 1722. snrsf Bit hfini: Two 7-room oottaaea at 1746-47 S.. 2fcth 8t Itented for liw per month. Price, but want offur. WRJOHT A LA8WUUT. DOUO. U. M la.'ellaiiaoua, READ THIS. 12,860 on Payments. 1300 cash. Hal. t22.eo Month. iseat s-rooin, full baaemant, 3 rooms upstairs, small but tenantable; I lots. ail kinds of young fruit; shrubbery; bloc k to' fine scnool; i bircks Omaha'a finest Dark; 1 block to car Una, 6-mln- ute service. Thla la hiah and i-oritro s elegant view that will never be ob structed, and alwaya a eatable place. inn lor iamny m 1 or I rn men. or. in fact, anyone. WILLIAM COLFAX. Douglaa 1M0. 70J-4 Keelina Bldg. SAFETY FIRtjT. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE FIRE AND TORNADO INSUlvAMfc EH O'NEIL'B K. K. A INS. AOENCT. M Rrandela Thee tar Rlda, Tyler 1024 A BARGAIN ONLY $2,000 Fnr a atrlntlv modern Lronm nnttaaa. Three rooma downatalra and two bed room and bath upstairs; good furnau ana every tiling complete; good location. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglaa 1009. Qrbtind Floor MoCague Bldg. HPECIAL BARGAIN. 1 lots, corner, south and east front: one blook from car; e-r. modern cot tage, fine atuuie and fruit, 13. M. B. P. ROWTWICK A BON. Tyler IW am Use Blda 0 KiXJlla and sleeping porch, finely ar rangeo, completely modern, mahogany ana enamel finish. Slio Haveiiixjri Hi PETERS TRT'BT CO. POUQ. BRAND new home, 7 room and sleeping poron, au mouurn, oak finish Dart I tucoo, oorner lot. Price ROTS; easy term. I'hone Owner. Walnut 2219. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPRUVED Aorta. AFTER looking at MINNK LUSA, 800 .'"' uYMt JI"1 that It .J the best Proposition on the market and " .i.A., V.i.... . t .i . v they baoked Lbslr ludament. bv 1U.V. if xuu will come out today you will uiiiiwuuina wnv otners are buying. LUAKLE3 W. MARTIN & CO.. Tyler lXi. 742 Oman aN at" Bn n k Bid g. CL'MING, noar 20lli St.. ti ' or44 TiTi ut be I soia to ciose estate Orlmmel, 841 umana int i Hnnk Hidg R. " ir "I jvNii;it you; Real I-itau. Inauranoa. 21 NevUle Blk. Tel. Doug. WOO. goatn. 20 Acres Near Fair acres. MUST BK SOLD BY MAY 16TH. High and simuiy. witn guod liuuruta oienis nor price and terma. oalL IHATT COMPANY, 24V-7-l Omaha Nat'l Bank. Tylar 0. RKAJJTfiisT" " " U.000 buy on of toa finest lota In the Haiisciiin Park DLstrlcL Juxl.A Thu lot i worm fl.uvu, but owner 1 willing w saoritwe. I'Ai.NE INVESTMENT COJaPANY u. nsi. om rtoor 'mhuiiii .-sat. i'k. lll.lg. M lstiallaeuae. RE.UAJN L'NwjLD. I1.iv TO J. 1 DOW N, du CENTS I'EH WEEK, Near car line on the aViutu Side. See thaui wUU they laL Phone iKiugls pui4 and wU all (or yuu. SHUlXit A WHI, Aeaillie liklg. AN acia ur two bougbt now In lisiisua uaiusns win uiaae you noi niuiiss Uiau iinr otasr a.nil uf iimuu.,.,.. tail, write or noons ua. Tv. .... I reading ins tier, tailing more about Weu. vu Uaitlana. nMl eu , Mijpi, llarn.. gt I l'Ali.iAi..a u ita. as. all and l. f i ' I a r ' r li a . Uiiiu .b in. i4.t'Nii LOT a. J4ki.ll 1. NfcAL. MMi-Aa-Aaah ... REAL ESI ATE -EXCHANGES . - - I. A . I V. V. . . - i ui. ..s fust vv uta (.. I. I WiiAt faliaia l !. i giul'i Tl.r Ua. i is-a I .!.. . In,. ,4 i.-u W li UVff 1 H Oi'm ,N s it (i; .) 1 1 ;..t mi !!. I 4 ll .ll. t 4 4 ' -,,i,i, i -. i . ..' , t.d If, t ' - . 4. ' I. )U. I si k I J I I.,, j A ' A l ,a. I ( )' " I III' I HfcAL tSIAf t UUS HiGP'lf, REAL ESlMfc -SUBURBAN UTARX VOL' It HOME IN UENSONI BUT THIS U)TI 110.00 down and 10.(K per month: price t.w w; alae, rtixU'X', locales on Locust St. between Clark and Hurnham; nut far from school snd car line. Ueo. R, WrU'ht Hee offline. Omaha Two a"cre " and'bi n'oalTTw New bunkalow, electric :lght. lurgu barn and chicken house; two fine ai-rcx of ground In henaon Acres; (40 canti, balance easy payments V. J. Tebluiua Co.. e Omaha Nat l Rank. DuidN. DUNDEE SNAP MUST BE SOLD $5,250 Here Is an eight-room up-to-date modern houae on a. beautiful aouth front lot only one-half blork from tin inr line on one of the very beat ntreois in the village. Oak woodwork and oak floora. Every room In the houae la large. Houae alone could not be du plicated for less thin U.Mk but we want an offer. IT MUHT RE BOLD THIS WEEK. Bee ua at once: ARM STRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1M6. M3 Roaa Ulna. 5KOOM houee wlfh eleeptng jKiri:h; close to school; tilgKesl baigulti In Dundee. Tel. Walnut I'M. Iiunilee Runyfilow-firat, clmfnT attra tle prop i y, wall ioe:ea, at reswouai'l pfi' e Thoe Campbell. Keellne Mldg. I g, 4-'. r loreliea. ID- AcRlf lRl'lT FAR47." Hhort distance from Florence. All kinds of frull and In ftrst-clasa oomll. tli'ii. Horses, wagons and all farm Im plements go with the place. To be auld at a bargain. WRJQHT A LASlinRT", DOl'a V.l Mt-E Netnaaay tot acreage. Florence i Miscellaneous. 7F-T FAHNAW CORNER-Praitlcaliy new Dresneri rirtck flata. Two boautirul detached building. Could not be dupli cated for Will offer for fu.W and will carry mortgage for la.Otaj at 0 I per cent. Mrst time offered. SIMP.-.ON Hit' ifl , Ui Roa Rutldlng. Tyler lL REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS INVESTMENTS. 4Mj1IU ft. on Fartmm, near 2th t. with valuablo Improvements. Prtea,, HI.'BI. Mxl3l feet, adj.'lnlng the above; come tv 0. Price. ao,'i"0. lt)-foot front wllh substantial brick Improvomenta on Harney St., near lid rrice, ,', J II. HI 'MONT CO., 4l-lgKeellne Bldg. llione Doug. . t FKET WALKING DISTANCE. nwner say v:n reet on Dnwty at iiith St., across from Winona Apt. houae. The price will be more than right If you want to buy Go out and look It over, then see ua. PAYNE A BLATEH CO, 111 Omaha Nat l. Bank Bldg (2O.0OU (V) FOit "brand"newbuTIdlng,"close in. iteming lor v, a year, n.w.uo casn, balance long time. J. B. ROHINBON, at? Bee Bldg. p. " 21 ST "AND DOUGIiA S. MxlM ft.; some Improvements; lld.OOO. Jeff W. Redford . Bon: Doug. S392. REAL ESTATE WANTED Good lot wantedT as part payment, with some cash, on new 9-room, all modern bungalow; one acre of ground; chicken houae and gar age. Address L 12U, Bee- FINANCIAL wuTvy to lAjXtTGtf Anur.maM l..i.a 4I.U I ... I. 1. ........ I.VVr.J., U'lUVIQ UI'kH IWIMMi 1 single bousoa, buslneaa property and rami lands at 6, f and i. W. H. THOMAS, 22 Keelloe Rldg Douglaa 164J u i'.i lor loans on best class city resiaences in aruwun'S t.oju up; also rami loans. Keaaonable commission. PETERS TIG HT '(), IIL'2 Farnam Ht. i 1 1 ll'l'l 1 a", ! I.' tIAVU f rur li M. t"k -110 HT -n. i R' Ine Bldg 'nd 4M. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farma O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat. Phone fiouglns 2718. MONEY to loan on Improved faring arid ranches We also buy (,-ood farm mort gages Kioxe Inv Co,, Omaha Nu HKLAY W. T GRAHAM BEE BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN, for S year, on Improved properties, H,JJr'1:;NAJ'lV' 1)oJ!5 4lm MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. II. W. Binder. Cltv N atlonaRoti k fJDI g. till ami I n l in loans, n. u. ti par cent. j. n louiiont ii i n, 4ih Keeiine Hlil iw to IiO.kju made proiuptty F. D VV'ead, w ean Ming , ith and harnam Hts GARVIN BROS. v.,W.uiuA, MONEY tlAHKlSoN a" MuRTON" Dili Omaha Net Bunk MM 7o REAL ESTATE Loans, six per ci'nL. Hee D. E. BI.CK A CO.. H12 Omaha Natl. Bk. Stocks and Honda. Two First Mortgages For Sale. 11,000 due In five years. Interest 7 per rent, paynbla semi-annually, on J ) ire of good, level tarin bind In Weld county, Colorado, value II. no. Ii0 due In five veins. 7 l er cent: n. able annually, n Its) utres i,i aood level faim laivl In Weld county, Cola redo; value, Li,40j. E. T. Heyden, Mt Harney Bt. 'Iniaha. Nab. TiLIjAGE of i'titfti. Nub., I Per oeilt eieotrl') light tMinds for sale bend lids to A 1 Relket. 1 aCeti Neb, KiS 'STOTltOAt Jfi" 1aiiiig" :,i,UiZ Dual; secured t y prepeity value. '.i.' Taiiiisite Lootnis Inv Co , H.nlV i.dK ai.sirae.. nf Ml. "v7 avsuaui i VI UltrUIll l it bl'ins t.t.aet ,.i llllll II f,(' '.! Auskia.i "art short roil- H M'.mai1 it. .hi amus lli.i.lari. lei o a a irtii' Tit hT' A 11 " ! A :U1'. ,'.. 'anitsls offti la N't.' ,Kaa FARM AND RANCK uANDS 4 r l m A m I m tft 1. nrrTnT:.! ' '.' . i .1 fan et fttwrs. H is gUMa raiMts ,1 I and ' I' - t iH-iIlm. laags. rn'-i'-Tity in 'at nil;. I" .'. ! in new .M A ,i I tad I" '4 ; HI.-! i I. ,i t-i . ".ii'-a , '4 b. f r.. sf ncti V. - s pet a alt. I ' l'l ' a s i t 'a ii I a l. I l i li I . I I . e . ' t . " i . I i i j . at 1 'j lui B1, , . r - i n-e ' I I if i tv I ,t I" I i r i li I r l i it.,. , i,,, .a' , , ' 1 a t 1 a i ' tw k f 11 I. I ' I. ll' 1 4 ml - e it to- . i ) i I a I 1 m I 1 1 . I i . 1 d . , ... t i .l I .... FARM AND RANCH LANDS UllirH1 I.MltltM. KclM' utu'i..tnvu tiuinesiead; Kon.l aoll: Kinple rainfall; artealau v.'iter; near free timber. Price :. f; u.g fee and all. I. A. Traov Ft M'tiHn Colo FOR aT E- ayCaire" nMlTiuTiJhi'mMiT.' wheat land, Kood Improvements. Wm. t JStct'lalr. H'lTltnir. Colo. Iowa Lands. IOWA BAKGAINS It you want farm, see ua to buy aa Iowa ANNIS & R01IUNO tt PEARL T. TEL. IDs. CtHJNi'iL hi I'tiS IA l'OH'SAtlli-I'flne" fajtn" oTET aorvs. situated about twelve mllas of Council Kluffa, la., and about three mllaa of gM)d town, 16 aciea of alialfa, eu aures wliout, Sv on in ; good email orchard and vineyard, cluse to aohool; K. F. D. and leleutiuiui, comiortatila liniirovnuieiiia. Will sell on easy terma Address llox I, Glunwuod, Is, FOR HALK-iiimiii-acre Inifiuted larui. itJf. Skiff, li.ya Falls. la allehlaan l.aads. FUU 8ALE-14 acri'a. with newiouse and l.iWO fnilt trees; good location, loo rods from lake and summer resort. I'i'lea. li.oiO; easy terms. J. F. Lwe, Henton Harbor, illch. Mlssuurl lBils. FAftii For sulu. good H0 aires. Co bciP torn; well lociitud, on ro'k road, I miles to tow n, 4tl mil. s to sU. Louis; ill acres In cultivation, growing ciops; prtaa Ml per ai re, a tmrgiun. W rite for parti lurs. j, i Ennor, De boto, ilo.; R. Mo. i. ho r7. CIIKAp Missouri" tlrins. any slie. easy lerrna. W. H. FRANK. Nevine Mlk Kebrasliai Lands. Oranlm FREE-LAND TRIP TO GRANT, NIUJ. Fara one way, If you buy. Western Nebraska Iand Co. will have a party of in nMj-tivs land buyers leaving Omaha, Alay la, for Grant Neb. lie one of thu bunch! Tou will sea sums of the finest land on earth, both In grassing and farm land. Here la a chance for Investmentbatter than a tmrik, because YOU have the land. Wiilch It doiiblo In value after this jenr s crop! We are offering now land In this beautiful country at llii to per acre and tracts from W to 1.000 ai ro H O-M-E baigalnsl Don t lot Ibis get away. Make part payment I'.ilamu time NOW 18 YOl'R ritANCK FOH PER- KINS COUNTY, GRANT, NET). Fluent land under the sun. No better anywhere. And right at your door. AddressWestern Nebrsaka l4tnd Co,, J K. Kelly, Harley hotel, room VI, Twentieth and Farnain streets. Btie clal ladles' party for May it, with lady In charge for the trip. fii-AC'ltK. well iiiipioved faun, 7fi miles oi Omaha, n) per; no trade. Relyea A Olfford. 2ld llairme lllda.. Omaha. Neb. iw ACRF.B"lmprovel7rr)ust be aoFd Jur-" irtg May. hox y ziiron now, Neh Oklahoma Lands. POSITIVELY a bargain, W have seres fine orchard land to sell at 13 Per care, cash, or 12.50 with time terms. h. H; L( " 1 J LJ1" ' fir n r .O kl. VilsoonelM' i. anils- THE best land In Wlcoiialn, adjoining b heat market In America; very low irlce; easy I rm Amol Co., superior. Is. Spring Opening Lot Sale Leavenworth Heights 42d to 45th Streets, Leavenworth to Pacific Only 15 Minutes by Street Car From Down Town No addition to Omaha over showed piich rapid development. A NEW fTOUSE ON AN AVERAGE OP EVERY THREE jDAYR, and this through the winter season. This is "going some." The location and the prices of lota and nothing elso did the business. Spring Opening Rale will begin Saturday, May 13th, 2:00 p. m. until night. We will bo on the ground 4:00 p. m, till night Friday to show lota. Prices $500.00 to $700.00 a lot Terms: $10.00 to $12.50 cash, and $10.00 to $12.50 a month. These prices include water, newer, ga.s and sidewalks all in and paid for. Building restrictions tiuch as to make it an ideal place- for homes. Omaha i starting on an era of unprecedented growth. Now is the time to invest Yon will never bo able to buy as cheaply again. If you want n lot for nso or for In vestment. If you want to begin putting away something each month and coon own a part of the earth, don't fail to see theso lots. We will be gla4 to put our timo against yours mid show them to you. Two esperially attractive five-room bungalows for pale. Take lVavenworth Street car and get off at 4uth St root and you are there, or rail our office and go in automobile any time before hour of nalo, Benson & Carmichael, 'VI. n-iu'Ln 1 7-J. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 4 I. t i i .ran ti-t FARM AND RANCH LANDS 1.CTKR3 WITH THE MONET i U IN V EST. (nun I. nd ads ptaceii In these col umns reach the kind of people all over trie west who have ainpla funds wlih unkh in Imest in lurid. v iBilty nod qiisnUtv are both found In Tin; HKF'fi oountry clicalaUoa. The subscription rate for The Hee la mucn higher than any other Omaha newspaper. Natur v The Bee la read by a class of wsll-to-do larmeia, Bend I your n.i mid reavb some rial tii)Hie. l uifouav aiui illy properly fef sale sin' eachanxs. ('. K. Cumtii, Hr rhn'r, 'Orljr ilnnr W HORSbS-LIVtbiiuCK-VEHICLES ONE gai.tle family Trlvltig horse, elTy bfi'iie. r- V C. rtltss (-.1) H,ith m. HA V. a ton. A W? W'agnerT WM N.' in. POULTRY AND PET STOCK B1LKO CHJO FOOD Made of pure grain. Bast In the mar ket. If your dsuler does not handis It go to A W. WAGNER, il N Ultra Mt. I'ihikIsh 1H2. I i.i.i).K piiy fsr lietler tuali chlekens, always lulieil up: little space ueeilwl to lam. free book explains alt Majeette Munli t o , liepl ! Adnl. la. t IV 1. 1) voor canary on KIT 0l.!or Roller-s. ed and Genoa ii Rlrd ble- i.ult'' and be will sing all year round. VII .4 eisiar Hlrd (Vi M Xl r ii . I . fereenliiaTTfli -r Tlli II lillrr. llM.ll "rv tilth r AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE QUICK FOB CASH. RARE USED CAR BAROAJNB. ALB BTAKTe TODAY. 1W Ovwrlnnd Blx. lull Overland. VI 6 Overluid Ctiup IvU Ixislar. Mi Hudson. 1U14 Auburn. im Mudsliaker BTARTEtat AND ELECTRIC LIOITT& OVFiRLAND OMAHA COMPANY, K7 Farniun Bt Dougln IM). AUTOMOBILE INflUHANClif" Special rata for liability instiranoe on Ford cats. Including proptu t Y damsg 126. Fire and theft at lowest rates. KILI.Y. ELLIS THOMPSON, MS-14 City Nat I ank Hldg, Dong. 2J 114 -'ylln,ier, rCpeasenger "Mltchelir tfa seat cover, extra winter top, eleotrlo lights, starter ana new tires. Car ha Ixitm run only In oily and I In first- clusa shape. ow nar want runabout ta only reaaon U. Bee. for selling. Address 0 AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2200 Farnam. Douglas 1210. Carnation touring, 1276. 1912 Ford touring, mechanically right. I'i4 Ford touring, fine shape. Ford touring, electrically equipped REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I iv .-. . 1 VI I " . H'lv'l t ' I t i, a. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LOOK OVER THESE EXCEPTIONAL USED CAR BARGAINS, Every car below Is in good condition and rati be purchased at rldlculouxl v low prices. Come In this week and look tlt. iri over; f.-P'i.-n. rag tont) I 'emitter, elec. light and starter. Ruick. ll'bl Maxwell, like new. Maxwell truck -...iOf) ;i Ford roadsters. 2 Ford touring cars. And others at a bargain, C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., SW Farnaiiv Dong, Hig, THE AUTOMOBILE WONDER Make a ton truck out of your Ford car Everybody la buying this "Form-a-Truck." It aolvea vour delivery prob lem and sslla like wild fire. Agent wanted. For particulars see or write l"H NHQN.PANFi iRTH ('O.. ir, N. nth. THK- UTOS 1 IOP-' r vTciT?lrst price tight. U41-J Jackson. Tyler k;t6. Auto re pairing and sen blacksmlthlng. Uaed Fords for sale. W E will trade you a new Ford for youF old one. INDl'MTRIAL OARAOE CO.. fffh and Hsrner Pong, r?M. GENERAL Motor Company truck, two ton cai'S'Ry, good enndltlon. Can be bom ,. rlKht. Call Douglaa 8X34. AI'TO WRECKING CO., Jll Bo. 24th Bt All kinds of repairing and part for aala. Used car bought and sold. D, 4412 used car bargains at murphy obrien auto co. Ii14:ll Farnam St. A ntrtiiioiYtlea t iin'teil. Vi?Sfr"rildenre " loLworth H.100 for slightly used standard car. P. O. Box 724, Allii Ile.nlr1i,u nn.l Patnlliie. NEB. Auto Radiator llepafr Servjoe) nT price rlkht, 211 S, t9thSt.P..'1I. loo reward for magneto wo ran't rerilr. . 'nils repal.d liaysdorfer, 210 W.1M1. JOE MCRPirY iufo ropalrlng. 112 S, 17ti7 Ht Tyler IT; ntgi.t Red .04 Omnha Redlutor Hap. Cx.,V(lA FarTD"V't lilii Taraa anf) anpnllaa. TIRES I0x.,., H.7I n 7i These are new, first grade Urea Limited stock. DUPLEX TIRE CO., ZGlf Farnam. ALTO TIREB ttrTTUHLT. 12 00 T" 18.00. miO T1R K CO., 1lll Chicago Bt. DON T throw away old tire. W' make one new tire from t old one and v you t. t In 1 Vulcanising Co., 1611 Davenport Bt , Omaha. Neb Doug 21U. Klvetrla A anMttillaa. W. -r Audio s. in, tip t n i g electric A -fterles Htoraire T'm Fstnam f 417, MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLE9 Ha RLKY-DAVlDSoN (JotfiRcVtli; Bargain In used moliln-s. Victor Rooa "lha Motorcycle Man.".'7u2 Leavenworth- ('.-' Pattim I.lo. k. Ml 4 HI TM I 41. 4111 It K l''h dtr i.f W,f in ta iaid of li .- vf li.ip..,,tan a tar '.' I . .,f !,. .11. n( . .,,,, I, r,, , t' t.a.t, '.. i U a-ar Vii ' ' " M i i' 't ' ' -Ll., ; Il.f I '111 l l-f It '!.!, ht I'i i a f tin i 1. i , l I ' . M I it I I f l- i .,, "I'll 1 - "I if. I. U kl. ll It ... ft ( . I i t' t. -V. V n r i, ! I 4, I 4. I St Wl'li'l'l M! V ' in,..' 1. 1 a 1 .i f i. ' .. t'- i. . , r I u i, r ''i ' t t t H't ' e. t. ..iti I . ' ' ' ( ' I f H . IV It ' t t . t 1.. - 1. I I ' ! - '( v;' !- M,,. i , . '- ' 'i r ,t '"' I I K ii.' ... '- I t n . at!,, .. .B ,,. ... ' ')'. I . ,M. .. I .., f ' It. ah t te -.'.! a I 1 mt. 4 . a. a f -r . : - I I t. ) I k -.! ill.! f ,. l f ( r, , j , ' "' '' !. I.- i a. a, i 1 ' o .a i ..f .'t 4i, ,..ii! u I't-. l t . a ri. .-t l t u4i t t -' I ri t,.l I . 1 I - ir'"' In se 1 ! I I ' I ' f4 " i . mi. a - .'. i f to I i It". 1. 1 Nui'tm I r. i, i -: ! .-I.' I S H I 4 ( ' 'ill?! 1 1 W UP i I v )l,-.V J , 4 a . ' " I. .. ,i. I t ' 1)14 til t I' 4 I .. 1 1 m t i.i ' ' I f t . f . il- fs- a , ... i SriM A N rr.t, . li- Ii1 it i rj if !. t , ' hi t . i, Si. iis-t y- ai .a. I I t. I " - a I. - Vl ll .H 4