TIIE BKK: OMAHA. TIIUKSDAY, MAY 11, 1116. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings -m . "V n 1 f 2 ii h CIAL AFTERNOON AT COUNTRY CLUB Such an Idea i Being Considered for the Outdoor Season About to Be Opened. MEN MAY COME TO THE TEA My MM.I.H l I 4 -! 10, (i may ha that the i 'on m t-y Huh will I li ve for the) aeanuii annul to ! II a ' '! I afternoon' i-very arek, mm h mi I Ihi auine tno(l''l ii a the. fur-famed after noon affair lit Meadow Hinoh, or Unit Mill newer pnttnrri nf rouiitry rlub n. M'lllMlff, the, I'lplhtf Hock l llltl (III lain Ii land. Tim afternoon rlumrn will t 'Ithnr Turaday or Thuraday, do a lo full i pirn iiiic of the Uiiim Imk bi, r rullur DlvliH. Wcdiieaday uml paiuidiiy, Jf thin dla Of ft dpicllll afll'I'IHIoll, H r"i billy fcnttirrd In the i lull dulima nf .1., I. - ..-..li,., ..II W ... W, lliriiiip-p l'lll7, ""I "fin ijiu .u iiihkw n imiiii n; iii nil i.M'''iiliinri, and H aronp nf Iniilroii'i he. bourn ra'h week fir Hi" J1i'rtt-f Willi mil to four ti-ii. Tin only nhatarln wliloh now drrinn !o aland In llm way nf mn Inl afiernoniii hi tho I'oiKilcy clnt) In, the ii,emloti whulhur llm mii cull fliiinh with t.halr I.imIium nffiilfd rarly enough In th day Iii hn In time fur a rup of tin lint it rhut all aroff1 with tho matron and glrla. "'t.Iffi" )iii fjtrnMoijMly rifiinij In dm floeklng nf men to the Meadow Hronk Inn In liny tltria aa "meeting uf llm un employed," Omaha unemployed do nut belong to tha t'ntmtry dub-alid imn I tho problrin 10 b naed. rundee Woman'! Club Luncheon. Th Dundee Woman' "lull rnloyed a In n neon followed by flto annual Iinnl nea mnrllng tO'fny at llm reai'lruie of Mm. T. It, Comb. I'lnk io. lirlKiiH'J ili dining riKiiri mi'1 lllu ii iv' rn iml pro fiiwly In thn nlhr rnnmi. AnnUilrnt In H. illtilnK rwim w rt) Mr. '). '. f tWrly, itlrln pr"llrit of llm luti, unil M'- nme W, J., Hrlliy, J, C, KwrniiMnn, A i.lrKn, K, A. Hunlly mul K. I, !;(- It 'll k.r j,lnlt m.i.au.rM i.n.,..l u,. j. vimii iiwiii "wi w vi" ii.. r 'fi n A) lim" .yl'lim fiiflkllli, Mlnn" OH VI) l''l'IHHOII. AI'Iiip fi. I. VoniiK. :ilrli Mi'MnrtJIt, K, K. Miiu,,. . W, Marnh'll, flnyiil ), ,Mllir, H. limynon Mnorc, John A. Moorn, J. II, Alurloii, Mi-llc II. Ot.rt, J U. (irni,, W, O, l'.v, 'ori( i J. f'ry, W. H rihondni, r"mil"V Koimwu.tir, MKWliimn r II, Aiy. ir. ;.'. nini. J K. flu rion, K. A. hcnmiii, T. H. iroilrn, W I. MrHvliitv M. A. i"olvln, '". N. f'ronliy, A. (', ('riifwrriAn, l(, M. C'riiMniM. W. M. furt li, .1. K. tiiirtrti, .1 J. Owtili, Kuun(i IiiivdI, W. II. KMiintrk, jon iioin. Ixiuvi.nft iiufhiumy, W, f HiHr, V, M, llowirrl. W, K. Mhif-jr. J, HiMr4, l, Ii, Johnwui, I, i, .on, A tlf r Kofh, ('hnrlfti faille, l,i'lKh Leelln, K, Tt, Birnlirhl, rr':y Hiovenii, W, K, rvp, !!. If. WnnfwrfluM, '. W. WPIinrchm, J, O, Ylr, For Mfdi Scott. Minn ('UNI H-ott It firMn of n"1t Viiin'liiy, will lm no altuniJifitu, Tli tx Klrl frlt'ndu of ttm brlrto, wlio fitvn ,n chon t trtih rllinon' f. tli ncildlnr. r Mli MHIdrnil Mnrr tit Knn -im f'lly, Mla Kuth OnuM, Ml f.iiivlls drown, MIm (jAorrln Jvl, MlM fliir ii limb n1 Mini On cr!vr. Thr will ho , rhrnri4l of tfl wuddln it : Im homo rf th futur brtd Mondavf (vnlnf. MIm Rmh OouM ia imrT fnformul linfn lntich'm tbta ftrnoon fr a few rlo frluftd of Wi Bcol.t. Tb tnlil .'nicrplot Win lurgi buifcot of pink rodii, find with pink tuiw. Minn Mil" Duvtil will nli'llr lli formnlly tn mJI party of MIm Hr.ott frlmvli timorrow. rrlliy, Mm MIMn-il Mrr of Kvn City will hav twa in bin t brlilnn at th hom of her hIMt, Mr. fliarlnf llti1rlnim. In Mli .tf honor. Pr(lln Jii inorinn Ulil'i roatlnua arrnir pamrany, miwi uucllft Uriwn will ntrtiri tn party 'lit liinchnon at th Trnlvrity ciun. Honor Bride-Elect Mm. IL Xt. Mlldnr n1 Mlrni Auiu Milder wi-r hniiiiiiw at a mlioellaiwouji howr filvcn at thu ll"tl ttnm early lit iha Mk, crnpllmnntary to Minn Anna HihfCior, a My bride. Mini Ruth tln, of ! MoIiimi, and 1IU Wma Mar kowlls of Kunaiil flty wr tb out-of-town fnrntH. CHhr irioitu Includadl Mi'ddnmea .1 Mlldnr. IWll Mllilrr I,, M.illimislnr, Vloirld Milder. N. 1 1 Irvine., Urn lirmlkxy, Ion li I 'ru.i, I. mil" (l.ii.diimn f-.iilil U nlimtnltl, I imr Tut' I. MIiiiiI" ArKln. Hnn M'l'liHti. Ilnnilii Mlnllnnelf-I, Sldlll lnlf, I iinnl" inmaiillml, Imrftln V'Hi.r, I -fit lit AiUi r, M"ilm' J Iwimky, M, Wnlnfntdt, H, H.'hrlJlr. Mlmiiw ,-iirtih Aill'f, I i, til. II. .in. Molllr fi.itiy, I. ia Alplrn, Lillian i y, I i in I Kri Iiii-r. HiiiimhIi Mn.dikin, Murln A'tl.i. I'l.n iIih i. I'humi f, JnmriHln t'lianin, Muni ir.'llliH 4 l.llll.iti AdliT, At Tiftirie Park Club. Tim Train Tur- N"dl-f." i.' ' I'm., ajirrnnon ' ' I'll'"""'" " MlB II VVHII..m, Mm . I'H'-i.rii-i 'n i , N WBdi-nti-vr I"1 I l,..iiiim Wlllioitl Hl.il Ml" L ,. Mm S III, .il 'I h, Wllh.irn Mir. IiikI i.r win i ai'-.h .in. N"' , and Hn i u o.ii. i f lh -!'. M," iiii'Mni mn(. ul nfi.iiii . Illlk f I ho rB. a Vin My Brt.l. lllll r Wilil-ir , . !., l...i- I ' V I nd'' .,!. L n 1 1 la l'"l IH A morning delight a noon-timfl luxury an oveninj; necessity irlyon's PERFECT TflDiii Powder $ r tftwiJ y a V,i t,A , . i t l l w.l... I Sm . t,u.. - Timely Fashion Hint 1 't , " f i r A rharrnlnR ard"ii frla frfHik la abornn In whlto ambroldrrcd ballm. Tha llna rn dimple and youthful, Narrow rufftva ara arrangcl on Oia Imltoni tit tha aklrl, whleh 1 dlitlndwd by a hoop nf bonlnc. 'Monday venlnT at thn homa of Miaa Jaidln Mallla In )lrnain, ftvan by IIir lioyal Pauyliter'a flub, Th ilairatliin wr aprlna" flowr Th nvaiiJnK wn aiMsnt, In humming ta lowrld for Ilia honor jurat, Thoin pre cut wi-rai Maadnnwa--. J CKlll IiiIIIb, Hi-Mlfili Hvird, liubr liavav, I MLlina Hniirwlnm. I .In liyard, MH(f'ioiwa- M, K rnyir, J. fulvort, Anna ' 'ampbHI, Myrtla Hmlaor, Irmft Muutliropi Isnl iiibor. Waidatna flay Mir.lly, Eaffre Club Annivemry. Tba tblrlyOilrrl Wrthday of lha Kaffi lub, tha oldt aorial club In lha ally and roniroaid of (Wrman womn who hSiva bn frtand almost for a lifitlma. waa ralabrilrd by an rlaborati luiubaoii at tha Hotal Ilfyoa todny. A hu birth day aka praparad by Mra. William Itlea wni a fealura of tha dacorntlona for lha tniiclir-on tablo and ftrsit wrra plafad for flfly. Mri. ( Bohaff'-r haa brin pridldnnf and Mra M. A. N1, rtary ln-o tha I'lnb waa orsanlxad. Other iliarler mam bara who attrndad tha blrthduy party ara Mri, Hophla Ttlcbarda, Mra, Fannin KYuobauff, Mra. Marnan-tha Iianna and (Mr. Prank fishnet. Maadamaa William rilea, flottllab Htrm, John Haunter, Hen Jobat, It. Tabtiani, Ferdinand Hehnili, Mnrlln Tlblia, Auarnat Upaiiht and Neltl Jlnr.ktnan ara alao early nmmbxra of lha club, On the Calendar. Tha Thuraday Brtdaa eub will mt tomorrow with Mra. i"harai Hrndrlkaon. Tha guaat of tha aftarnnon will ba Mlpa Mildrad Marr of Kanaaa Clly, alatar of tha hoataaa. Today! Affalm. Tha W. W, club ava a kanalnifton thla aftamonn at tha homo of Mra, Trad Miirtta, Mr. Ward M. Hiira waa ho!, at her Imma thla aftarnoon to lh exeeuilv oniimiltlee of the Omaha line Arta o olity. The Pnl'imPlan club aave an enti-rlaln-melit at their bail tbld aflernunri. I.rave-Takin(t Affair. Mri T II, Traey anlerlalnt'il tha inm hra nf tha I'ale HiMga eluh Tiiwnlay afieriinnii In Imnnr nf Mr. A. i", niha ii.n, wlni leavea tM week f.ir her nht h. itne. Kn'klaivt. Malna, Ilia''""! . ii. ml.. I v Mm A, f; i I i-1 . Hi innl lie a i, .ii,liil wllli a linetulnt!i lunik Mleil hii'I i.llulliel pnilr WUHeii l.i tha niinl!ii cf lh i'lnb. Wnltiwi to Have Picnic. Mm M.l i". Tmplil anil Mia i, mi v I'nii.iH will ni(ii,m. lb bi-i-Ulv .-I Av,ifl.!i Utdnwa, lh..ir .HI ,i ri- ii, I i iiii ( l Mi I'attoti e-il-l iii i en ilat.'r. at f arter I ik . Iiih. .-I in tn- Tin- l,, llir nirellli lll t ft '4 1'' "" I u W.JTikXi.N.T.fitf ! i l i , I 3 mm . I p .... 5 " , jf 1 l'l!': ytti'AVA -' 1 i 'h , i i . i ' ' . 'i I Loruf alev and a V nark ara faaiurai of tha boiJi:a, A ornahrd ribbon alrdla In Joffr hlna afford a mart nolo Tha liroad-brlmniad bat with ribbon atraamani la a illdtlnotlva noveliy. held Tlmradii.y rvanlnr at T. o'oloek at lha Vouna Wiimwi'i Clin Ian aaaocla- Hon. Univernity Club Sotei. ' An iinuiial Intaraat oanfara about tha luni'heon apeaker at Ilia tint rorally club Thuraday afirnoon, Ir. ludand (t. .('abar. Kor tha laat IWi yar no au thority haa ta-:ii mora quot4 on Intr nallonal firojai'.la tlvtn fir. Uahar. HI work, on "lan-ianrianlm" haa a atand ln In I'Jiirnp eipml to Ii Amatioan, and baa ben wiiiflh rufarrtd to. by Tranrh and irtlldh afndent of tntarnailonal af fn Ira, lir, I ehr Ulk tomorrow at th rlub will l upon "ItitarnaUooal Toal Hon of tha fulled 0tara," Arnont; th ofhor worka of thla author whlcb have madci a world aeorlnit ar "Tha Challanva of Iho future,' and "I'wi-Amarleanlam.' Th" rlub will tlva Ita clolna dlnnar-daui-e riitturday, with lh proinUn of th Koverriom that the affair will bo a parly and a KOd on. Immantiel Baptiit Luncheon. Tha rterjittlva ronimlttaa of tha wo nmn a orcanlzatlon of lb linmanuel flap, tlal ihuri'h nut I hi aftarnoon with Mr. Obiirle A, Hherwood for luncheon and to mak plan for th work of tha com ln yar, an annunl avnt, tn tha year juat i lonod tha womtn todl4 hoina and fnrelan mllnn work arid iin4 for lha Vlaltlna Nuraa aaaorlallon. Tha offleera of th inniinlttoe ara; Mr. Charla A. Hharwood. preatdanti Mra. J. B. Almy, vli'o pioiildint; Mr, ("harte W. Hlmon, racordlna ae-cratarv; Mra. J. W, Mivire, onrraaponiilna; aee.re.tary; Mr. Cbarlai T. Hodman, trenaiirer. Orpheum Party. Mr Haitian Hlinhlr wa hnla thla afternoon to a party of ten ftiaata at lha KrphiMiin and later at laa In tha I'rb kt room, OHpinal Cookinp; Club. Thr (iilarlnaJ (.'ooklnx elut waa anter talnad at luniliaon at tha hnina of Mra. lienrk Hrruliard Trim tbl afiamoon at lha ri-anler ffiftiillitly futherln Prmonal Mention. Mr Murk A l'iilla'k of Havana, l uha arriv.il thl in. u ulna In ha lha rue! (or 4 B3 -i.- .mi r r .lMiiWwi, I HUM t ti ( Mothers Day I A t The expression through the. tuMutm of bfAUttful (lowers of the wre4 nentiment of "MOTHF.KS' DAY" h cuatom which h&vi bftcom universal in the ju.t few year. ' Rrijht flowera if mother t itiil here, Whit flower if mother hm rieil v ' MESS G? SWODODA FLORISTS im FAHNAM STREET. TAXTOH HOTEL. n,. !.., Uei.ia tt-nnt lull a. OMAHA CLUBWOMEN TO VISIT GOTHAM Good Rrprcnriitation at the Biennial! Convention of the General Federation. JOURNEY ON A SfECIAL TRAIN Omaha Huh women v. ill hive i( , emit. abl ieiiriitiitioii at the l.'i mi nl run vaiitlim of Hie Oeneial l . .! mtinii nf Woim n bib In New uik I ll, whh li opeim May . '. I, e il-jleanl fmni til' Omaha Wniiii n s i Inh lii' lnd. (In- pieil dimt, Mra. K, M. hyfi-rl. Mm I'.tliiai A I Ian, Ml, I'. J Hilda wii.l Ml I , M 'Lord 'lm tin I Inu the Win ley. Mi'.' Hnee IjllK feniiio anil Mr (lenne W Muitm wH n a a It. i tin ten. unit Mi J. T Inhiidtuii ami Mih l.nln i'ii Iiimii urv elm iilamilna to atli'iiil Mm. l. Uliinfl hl will he Hi New Vorli nbont l hli I llini! and II po lilii Will atli'iiil I lie iliei'lliiK. 'I In-1 me nlhir iilnalui Hmueii who l' tl lid hy Urine of l tit ti till I ol ntnte "f fhr. .Mm. I'iimIiiIi Ii II I'nii, i hilrnmn of 1 1 1 1 M'i'i" i ' fn) id for th-. io.ieiiil fidnr.itlnli, find Mr." ' W Hind, MM K l( .1, Killn hn mi l Mm M. !. i'iiiii ron. who hold rta'e nlfleea. mi oilier niiililieri if llm Iinnl t'luh wlio will 40 lo th hlniililul. Mil. Ilme head lh" i kldlatlv eiiiiiinllti e; Mi".. Ldlioliu, health, ami Mi t 'iiniemn In atalr e 'i tary. Kiom tha lit imoii Wuniuii ' ilnh Mi IJ, H. Hmokii, the predldint, Mia, Hoberi llcaaley innl Mr I W. Wihh will an Tha Punde and foulh Hld iluna hava no di liiilea thl )dir Th ih Irani M Jln a p'lal train from lha wat fut tjiiluy, May W Suffs Plan Work Among Club Women at Big Convention N'KW VOliK, My 10. -Th Nalloinil Arnrlean Wmwiii Huffraa dorliiton la maklnc arrangement to prd ur- fraao propsaanda airion" Ilia It.ono de- antaa ipanted to attend th eonvenllon of tha lleneral Kedi'latlnit Of Women' Huba liera from May S3 lo June '.', Huf fiaae leader nnouin;id today tht lh dalecaUia will b In lied to attend a maaa martin, at whirl) Mr. rrrl Chapman Ctt, praaldent of lha or.l. IJon, will prelda. John D. Iloikefellar will open hla ra tal at Tarrytowa on Juiu 2 and lva Ht of tha niarnhar of tna aornnna niuim an opprtrfiinlty to e hla Jpana. Al- plna and Italian aarden Ulnar oaia- yata will 1m ninaineij ai inn inniien of Mr. Helen Gould Hlirprd and Mr. 0, H. T, Halmont. Th I'hambar ol rjommrre will tak K on a trip to Wat Point. Bishop Bristol Speaks at Ashbury Memorial Service ' HARATOOA KPHINOH, N. V May 10 -After a hfb'l blna elon of th fonriiJ coiifefama of th Methodlat Kpl aopal chumh today the remainder of the ttma waa devoted tn a rv!o In eoni tjiemoratlon of tho iiantfiiitlul uimlvrraary Of tha death of Hlahop Kranrla Aahury of tha plonr leader of tha rhiir'h. Klalmp Abury, paakra aald, durltm hi life' travalad aiinually approxlmatnly , nill, prlnolpally on liinbark, and during xh yeaJ prcaehed from IKK) to rtnon. Ampn th apuakara at tha arrvlre, w Hlahop Frank M, Hrlatul of Omaha, Neb, A rolulon wa iinnlinouiy adopted rniiieallti( ronara lo niart a law pro hlbltln lha aal and manufartur of plrttuoii ll'iuor In 1h Ilawatlan lalnnda, Th aame prnpoaal wa referred tn a oiinniltfw yaatnrdny flr rrltUUm lutd bran xprd of a hran tn the rwiliitlnn wlib h w rharaetarlaed aa re fleetlna on tho moral of tlnltud Htal" aoldlara. Th refeionce w llminalei In tha renoliillon adopted today. a few day of hi mother, Mr. Alman nvir Hollack. and alatar, Mr f'barla Stanford r".!futtr. Mr. I'ollack I n rout from Hiui Dlen, fat., to New Turk, and pM to return to uavana In a few week. Mr. Tiinma Wllhnm ind Ml l.mia V llbiirn of Atkinnon, Neb , ro th uet4 , of Mra. Jma Moirla. Nbw rilvl from Omaha at Th Klin hotel, yurelalnr Hprln, ara Kffla M KnarHfe, Mr, I. Ilajileu and Mien lln dn, Mr and Mi. Vr Oauahariy ! tonlalit fur an eiiemlail wtein trip. Thy will vllt Arlmiia, N Me- and California and altl ba jmn a month. MAY MTU Zr::,T.) Tri.EI'HONE SUPERINTENDENT METHODIST HOtflXAL 25 YEARS, ' i- 'atP" ' w q .VI u.' Aiu.ir, r, M LA t h II II,! v J .4.. " Here is One Writer Who Goes to Aid of the Poor Sparrow roinirt on vr tor the Bnkllah par row Uui liae thla prtiferiiiia anlp of a bird turn alandered a a no-count p!u. Hut now, II I louiiil to have on nnmna virtu. What? It will enl dntiilellon eed No, 0U don l havo to ulu-ll Iham, thieah than), inn thm llirouxh n rotlnn (In and a faiinlna mill to refine thm and than erve theiii In a til him tumbler In a bird taa lie not a bit partirular. Il-vry demoi-ralle. In fmt, thl prrow 'hap. II will hup rlnlit down on th nren laan and enl lh erdd, cotton and all. when (dry ara rip. II eatoh them Jut hefiim thy t a ebanr lo hak ihentdiih ed lo lha wind, and rallr their hired over lha lawna of lh fallow who linn piinrhed their (nulti out of lha urniind with a dandelion punnher Thl dimrrow, If you dlrturb him not, and wnlrli him wall, will b found to de vour Kl-rt mouthful of th dry fllniy rolloii-llk (iibrtanra that rarrlr the red of th dndlon. Neither will ha t tha flower when It I realty pretty and would delight th heart of vn a Villi!. II walla patiently until th flower I ded, until the ed I dry and about redy to ba blown about. , Than he feta, Thn I th aparrnw vim Hinted and re deemed,' " Tha relet lenglh qf tha fJarman m plr. meuaured from northeaat to aouth wet, I i mllea, ' -mm ONE DAY ONLY THURSDAY Remarkable Sale of IVomen's AND Hisses' Suits Regular $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 0no Day Only - THURSDAY One Diy Only THURSDAY Women's and Misses' Suits Regubrly Sold at $27.50, $30.00 and $32.50 No lay-twiyi, no chirp all ulef on the ibove suits ire final. Sale on Coats, Dresses and Skirts continues lor the hlineeol the week COATS, S4.95. S7.95 & SB.95 DHCSSES, S5a95 S7.95 & S9.95 SKINTS, I, y m Woman Delegate Beaches Chicago Clllt"Ai;n, HI, Ma to Anion the: flint ariitnl of dleaale tn the tepub-l f- an natlniiul ron iitton tn he hrhl here t Jane 7 In Mm, Loume I-', I.uek of Mid i nla HI. ml , who Id here ioiIhv In atuyj lilll II aflei III I'linventlntl 111. I.Uhli ill one nf the elalit delejiiito alerted In the' Montuim fiate wMe irhni leu out of a' fold ol twenty-two rnmlldal The; ileleantlmi in Inatriitted tnNote for Hen ,n,.i i nninilin for iiehli-ut Observe Mothers' Day at Omaha Uni .Mnl tier ilv ulll he nnerved l th I nlveiiH) n( Oin'ilia lrtlda aflnrtioon ! wtth joint pini.min given by the Voun ,Mu' ami iinn ti n I'ln lntlHii anao' la- i Hon Tha llev t'narle Cnhhey of thai I'lrn i lit lei Ii. ii clum Ii will he the prill-1 i l.iil ,.n nker All male dt nlent of thi I'lliool will wear red rai iiu'Iimih In hoimr nf ii event while all ro-eda will wear limen. PRIZE WINNERS IN CONTEST AT ST. MARY'S SEMINARY Mien Al.m l."VM won tin gold medal and III ii In Ur i the diiuufil eluriitlon ioiit of Mount Hi Mliiv'n eemlnaiy, whirh w held hi ft. lien hiiimi arad emy. Mia lernodi'l'i' Murtln rarrlad off ecinid hoiitii, ... a ii re Thlna- "Healtlir 1 1 1 t " i 1 1 1 ii 1 ,1 av no' We I have i peril n leeoid of no deth If tt were not for the diU'r." "Ho it' In dnriorn, not tli plr, that 1 tha eauae nf mortality?" "Nune-pluro," "Hut yon aahl" "Yea-plaoe doe It It the doutoi that ilia off-tiv.i in denih -liiilai ai- 1 ISI3H3I5 V7V MOWAKuoi. Will Savo You Money" GET OUR PRICES In our iirimrnrw block of now nrrivtiln for tin living room ami library. Ucvc uro four valuoH too strong for you to lot pflHH. Among tli o many huii drfil pifft'H you will fiiul in tliirt wrtion lit our rvcry ilny altrart.ivt ri''H nsk to hcc thew four pieces. They com bine high quality with the low ( jiriiv on them. Thla Library Tnlilw I 28x42-in. lop; Kniilno qtiartrred golden oak, In rlrh dull finish, $JQ 75 t rxixx Thla Ped Davrnport In ftitnerl or den oak; full Inngth or duofold upholatored In moroc-roline $19.75 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. SO GOOD YOU WILL TAKE PRIDE IN IT WHEN YOU HAVE GUESTS AND SO INEXPENSIVE YOU CAN ENJOY IT EVERYDAY 4- ONLY c i lha fauna If ft ara ol ;i t)MAII VIAIH e rait Let I'er.tn ! v etll'S II aa aft ailertn. in ditliicf e..! i.- lb' t li vere I teal 1 ."t will Hltd I' delMoud tll Ihea etv It fs r be, 1 1, a wall 11 k hn .at lifiri. nMi VUlli U at ttin-l tou ill bn roii.J t.t pie.Hl uf fuitia ftitej in Omilit hv McCORD-DRADY CO. OMAHA, NliRAIKA Phone Tyler 1000 German Sailor Lad Walks Across the Country for Health Walkln from New York to Han Fran eiaro to leKfiln Id health, Walter Wad dei wel, 21 -year-old Herman nallar, With rr.'ltnl of n derle of highly-colored ad venture In the laal few yen in. la makln a hort aolntnn In Omaha. Hn h;i a letter from Hie German eon iuiiite In New Vork to tha German son ant In Hun Kranelaco, and while In Omah vlalind repredentatlve of local German nril'tl. Tim ynun Teuton' wanderlmt and phlt of adventure have taken him to widely armterei! part of the world. The bid -for h I but a Utl-wm arretd aa a epy hy the HrtHah nuthnrltle at Banta I,u. la, Hrilldli Went Imlen, hurl ly after the outbreak of the European war, ac-i-ordln lo hi atory. He wa rlened after twenty-lx hour' 1tnprlonment. after havlnp relined hlmelf to hla ex pected fatato he allot a ft apy. Young Wd.lnrel, which, hy th way. lan't hla rlKht inniie. lin pnaer to how that he ha been III the merchant marine arrvlci of ileniuiny, Krmliind, Norway and the fulled Hiule. He wa on the Hr'ili eleiimee I'I'ii'ilii'rhall vlmn th" wnild "nr aturted. W it.ldei iv. l' f.ithc i died recently after trnt-nlne yei' nervlr In th Herman army A younger brother 1 In the trenched at Verdun. The family boma U In rnrn. In hi wanderlnna tha Ormn youtli h hen throiiKh Kuropa, Afrlea and Hniiih America. II Intenda to lalt from "FrUro" to 1'lilna and the orient. Ha peak aeven tanuiie. Ill "field iulpment" on hla tran rontlnenial trmp conlta of a Oarman rttliHlon army krnipnack and a walkln etlrk, Ha wear kne panl and goea hat- le. Jii, mm TTfX - . . r -r ereSAIteaSon - It ALWAYS PAYS is: , ' aj. Iia ,. , "i I Tbla large genuine- Lfather rhiilr or $97 (( (Like llltiHtratinn exeppt tUflH.) Samp Chair or Rocker, In laponlry, at i $14.50 1 Thla rioi-ker haa allp aprtog aeat; beat. SnanlHh loather. Funifd, oak, 7 25 Bark pi7 O gol . - n " 'llw- . ' aaiu'iufc'....L' M'XUl t i I 1 . ' r , . . ., , - .i ' a fnaa t " p ' - 4 ; 1 ,1 mi yjy w'a nxn th w.ti twttm tenia at Y&i f dl'nK'l .! J ?U WW;. AitalHCIUOTxtlaPtrut J l C WW ti DauiUt I I . ') m i i -t a- ' m t 1 H MMWakJ Mla