Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -;- Household Topics
'iappincss for the
hnbitious Girl
n. . h.v.
Th amhltiou (rlrl, If hp would pre
rv happln 1 on, of thnne who
inuld avoid matrimony. There In rinth
g to bo aald 'invalnat Tier rapacity for
vlng, which donhtleae Ik not Inferior It
i.v other wnmii'ii, Hut hr mln1 I !
'i winning fame. and. therefore, when
;ie novelty of maiTlnge wnara off, ambl-,-in
reaaacrtg Itarlf, mi an Important, per
ip, th main fa rtnr In her arhrm of
'ltenr, when, of courae, hunt.nn'1 and
m auf fer.
A man la. or pretend to ha, pleated
It K a woman' ambltlonwhen he in
?r lovar; at that lima ha will even
-nmlaa that hla atrong arm ahall put
rlh Ita ulmoet atrerigth to help her up
i hill to feme, Hut after marring th
( Ife aeldom, If ever, find In bar hua
and urh a hatpmat. flh flnda Ihntead
,iat If he doe not rotri.Nl bar to aban
!m bar chrlehd dream tralght away,
a will, by hla roldnaaa and Indifference
idravor to gtarve liar ambition alowly
ut turely to death.
.Vo doubt It In of tan through Jmlouny
int ha hueband haa Ibla contempt for
la wifa'a plana, for, n a aiilr, tlia am
Itlou woman marrlaa a mart mai llv lb
ntlthaala of hrrrcif - a mnn who, having
o exalted flfaina of hi)' own to lonvcrl
ito regime, folia to unrtrrrtland her,
(id who declilidly object In hla wlfa
ring a, mora Important perron that hltn
lf in tha wotai.
I nder theae rlrrumafancc how-ran tha
Ifa bo happy At almnat the comment.
cnt of bar wedded Ufa al,r la ft' a to
', with two rroaarnad of tit. To
ka iha r"ii'J to fame mean tlv't aim
III have to fight her way miaHed alonr
it lonely road, alipplug with every
tap aha Iria firt In r ano finder away
om the tiinn whom aha had aworri to
va, donor and obey, '
Her only alternative la to abandon her
hart' had drram. hope and plana, and
"Ilia down lo Die roinmonrl ace dutlca
f tha ordinary wife. '
Kllhcr rout' la rntl;cly cry bard,
ut ona mno' ! clioaan. no half ncaa
ra will rwi Ilia r xlaiunlfa of Iha i aa'
If aha dpi lda to (limb upward and
ara, Indaad. Kor ah' la daprln-d of all
ha old !d-ala of low., and chc liaa had
i iva up all the plana ror lb" naw life
hat wara mada under th" Influrnr of!
nurtahlp'a glamor. And In (haaa ilr-
umalanraa tt la hanllv to ha wondrd
t tha alrl. drunlta iiii'aaaa In liar Ufa
itrb a mu a tnl, u liui'f mnrl ii.rll,.a
Oman, th fallura of bar niarrlara hav
if atuntad tha bfllir and blither In
(Inrta of bar wutnanliood.
On tha other hand, lo itlva up har am
ltlrn will not tnand inaMara; tha
hanraa ara that alia will (trow equally
ard, For that moment, If U la worthy
ha nam of ambition at all, la part of
lera'lf, and Ifa aeverauea from har Ufa
a painful aa If It wet a limb,
A man doea not realUe Ihla. lle'auaa
In wlfa doea not ra'l and atorm ha
titnka aha hai given hersolf up to tha
ommonplnrra of rtomeatli-Uy, and ron
rratu atra h mae f that ha haa knix-kei
ill tha "amhjiloua nonacnaa" out of her.
Proper Ettiquette
We Should Teach
Our Children
Ftltnatta la too oflen eonaldrd ai a
ayalem of good mnnnra to ha rorifnrmd
with only after a paraon haa reached tha
ata when ha or aha limy appear In pub
licat danrea or at dlnnera, In the recep
tion room or In tha parlor, F:tlpiette haa
no aueh tlmltatlona, and thoughtful, ra
flnad parejiia will riot wait unill thalr
children heroin youtha beora they In
atlll Into Ihem Iha elementary prill
clplea of pollfeiieaa,
There la io doubt that tha early train
ing of children, amall rhlldran. la fra
ouefitly neglected In (hla rv-a-t, Thera
ran ha no iueallnn that a great deal too
much overlndulgenre haa become Iha
faehlon, with iha reault thai ona often
area fainlllea where Iha ovarapolled and
adored lltlla daillnua rule tha household,
bnlh parenta irnlllim wijh foollah delight
on many tlreaome and onjactionania
faulla and aoalng the aeeda of many a
bitter harveat.
Huch Indulgence la a great mlat-ke, To
moat young mothera a lift! child la a
very prerloua charge, worthy to ha
wrapped In fondeat lo-a and aurrounded
hy all that can contribute to Ha happl
neaa. Mut It should ha realized thai tha
aelflahpeaa of love aometlinea piodKea
grav t onl!Uancea and one of Iheni may
he aelflih children, f'arenla ahould, If
at all poenlble, pernnally teach their very
young children, and aa aoon aa a child
i an tinderatand It ahould be taught con.
alderatlin for other. Thla la, In fart,
the keynote of all good living. The boy
who la kind und good to hla mother la
Invariably hind and good lo hla wlfa,
but who la lo g ve , I m hla flrat laaaona
in aelf -government ? Hla mother, of
Ohedleii'-e la an abaniute naceially, and
It ahould hi) gently but firmly Isutihl
not with the ainarka that bring tear Inlo
lh" little mil a eyea, hill W illi klndneaa
.ind pgllenea,
Heepect to parenta can bo ahowft even
by the tlnleat child If en'ourad from
the flrat dawn of Intelligence, Aa aoon
il a l.nblra lira able In alt at tha table they
ahould tie lauahl to fold the handa while
grace la aald and not anatrh at thlnga
ncnirit them, aa lltlla nnea will do,
Soma will ray thla la teaching Ihem ell
quetia veiy'early In their career, but tha
carPer the heller.
There la no doubt that very great harm
la done to young children by tha fool
lah habit of leaning. In Iha flral plgra
It la rude In do an-It ahowa a want of
conalderailon for th" Icellnga of olhara,
and children who ai laughed at and
rhiiffed on every o'caalon are apt (o be
come rhy and awkward ffiya, then,
ahould bn taught early to treat Ihelr
mothera ond eletera cnurtenualy; lo do
all that la aUed of them promptly and
pleaeaully. They ahould not hav ona
manner for brune and another for their
frland'a bom. Tha aama auggeatlona
may apily lo glrla, hut In a different
wn jr. In their raea Iha early Inculcn
thin of hnblta Of gcnlUneaa, forhearanc
and iinaelflahnaaa la moat daalrabla.
Uidden Temple of 20,000 Buddhas
Garrett P. Serviss Writcx Ccncmiinfj the Amazing Pyramid Structure in
Central Java, lwt to Sight for Cmturies
A "
- : ,W jt mm
V, r - . - 1 ' AfTrr't t
a-,-, - - - Q ,m0.m. I ' ff ',-, 1:
ft'.,, rizevzczJi )-rit , -
I h ' I i ' J -I ',Uyf ; -
v L' ?&dt i "S t f -j " t
? la, 1 '
,!a.t an'" r ' &
cure, a icrlea of fl' rectangular ter
ra rea. Ordered with maaalva atona walla
lah' feel. In height. At, frequent In
tervala along th topa of theae walla rlae
alodvu. or nlchca. acrvlug na rhaprla,
. h of which rontaliia a atalua of
lluddho. and la aurrnonnted by a curloua
ar.d iichlj ornamental dome,
A door In each wall gve acreaa to
Ihn nrit terraco above. letwen the
Hl 'o-.ea, or chapnla, tliera ate haa ro
llrfa on tlia face of the wall. Including
f;-lrei of Ruddha, aa well aa purely
oinainental 'leafgna, Th Interior walla
of the rj,ar'"'a ara lao covered 'ltl) a
lirofualmi of oarrlnga, and the front of
the r.f- te' a" batiea'h lb chapala
great b(-rrlf aurrr'lfiding
Sweet Sixteen
, Br HI, ATI. Ml", rAIHTAV.
A number of my girl rendera and their
mothara and one father hava repoud"d
to mv oueailnn, "wher la aweet alxlcen?"
I am glad to hai ao much cldcnce that,
though fairly well hidden awav. ah la
atlll villi ua Mrrr of llirglrla have
aed for aiigncailoiia a to how to alart
a cwct HUieu club, '
"I tin) a hliih choul glil, lij my alx-
IneiiUi jeai'. ami innijiir llika II would
Ban on
Poor Son-in-Lmv
a Mistake
nr DoiioTHV
1'robahlv Hi moat unpleaaant qtlgrtef
of an hour that a man aver apenda i
l hnl In which he facea a cold and unro
mantlc father and arka him for hla
daughlrr'a liund In mainage, f)f rourae,
If llicre are entenuatlng eltoumataiicra
In the way of money or poalllon-lf ha
i an offer the girl a country piaca ana
1' hlc for me lo atari a Wel Hlcn I .uiin.ibllaa-thc alluallon la robbed of
cluh If o,i would Mduec ua bow lo run .,. ( i. terrora, and th parental
II," rll Marllm II, "1 will be vary ! i,u,iu la a formon ronclualnn.
mm h piegacd If s ou will ge a few aug
geatlona aa to how u would hao Ur
draaa and Vfar our hnlr, etc,"
I bop lhal aha and all the other glrla
who wrote for auggeatlona about fcweet
Hlien cluba will i-ij keep their In-
If, honever, ha la an Impeciinlnua
jonlh wldi nothing lo give hla wlfa but
th oe of hla heart, iind Hie work of
hla handa, he would fare a giHIng gun
with Icaa trepidation than nu old rnan'a
aiern inquiry: Voung man, ran you
trt In the Idea and form Iheac cluln. i aupporl my daughter u lite afyla aha
I VAW-.,i.--4..., ,mt -
t6toeaHt''t44.m-v ii' ""Tt raw
v e T'lre a'r"r(ure. arid i epreantlng
ai en from fluddha'a life and from the
celebration of f mjat'rle of hla ra-
It la aald that thr are nior than ..''' I
large figure In th l.aa-rellefa, not iciln'
In; the Jaea coriilruoiia onea, Hinldhi a
ilatuea alone number IM1. Tarhapa no
oilier divinity w ia -er aa mullltudlioualy
repieenled and honored A 1 1 h t!ua III
li a.m.e temp;, '
Arjne tiie r" 'lingular terraraa , rlaa
lifira circular trraea, without walla.
The lower and larger of theaa rontaJna
thirty-two, the next Iwetity-foiif, and th
third almeen amall ahrlnva. or'dngohaa,
shaped Ilka bella and roofed With alopa
laitbe-work. looking through whlrh Iha
(lallor can a, aeated within each ahrln.
" figure of llurtdha, Trownlng tha whola
la a gigantic dagobi, reaemhllng g cupola,
m fret in circumference, Thla, It haa haen
thought, waa the moat Important part of
Ilia atrurtura, fn Ita center la an empty
chamber, tan feet deep, which aetn to
hiva hern liilcndid to contain tun great
;md :ui loua relic,
All the aork upon thla wonderful alruc
Inra la of tu inoal eloboriilo kind, Itg
jielghl. to the cupola la tlV feet, Tha four
ecrlea of alnlrwaya which lend from haa
lo aummlt pnaa, aa rlraady aald, fbroiigh
doorwaya In th anreeeelva tarraca walla,
and a.'ich doorwav !a annnned with elp
ped arch whoa keyatona la ornamented
with a groteaqu maak. Among tha acenaa
repieaarited In th Innumerable baa-rallefa
are prnceaalnna, aea flghla and baltlea,
aa well aa rallgloua "eremonlea,
The edlflc haa been much damaged
hy earihquakea, whlrh ara fraquant In
Javn, hut It haa managed to aurvlva In
gurprlalliaT complotenaaa. The Kedoo vab
II ought lo he a very aliuplr flatter
Flrat of all, wh doean t ilir H-year-nld
girl art her eldera the a.ampla of tnod
tl; In r; recall. g? f a he j it cniublnaa
good aen and good taaia and tnodcrty,
ah will hardly ii"d ma to ugge,t thai
low cut bloni-ea and very aher material
haa been acciialome to live?"
or courae, a father la doing no mora
than hla duly, and la atrhtly within bla
rlgbla, when he trlea to protect hla
rtnughler from grinding toverly, but
when he goea further than that and oh
Jcela to ft worthy man aliuply hecauaa ha
acd aklria grant, where Ihey nughi to he I can't offer a girl ull lh liiur1eg to
full. nd ghaurdl) rhort 'If ah haa the wlib li abe haa b en grcuatonted ha la
f gui of n wfiiuan can while aha la a going loo fur.
Utile girl) are particularly out of keep- lie la demanding Hint th young man
:ng with "wt a!tee, jalMif In where ha la leaving; off. It haa
'lua a grown up ao er long and a taken hint many year of hard work to
lltlla girl for aneh a ahoit lima Hint the j be gbln lo give hla family Iho lunury In
fully of piling outh a hlr on top of Hal which they now live, and It abanrd
head and having It drd to ape age Ito enpect any young mini lo bntf
la a very pathetic one, Indeed, I achieved thai much aucreaa.
.Than glva your akin g chance, glrla I If Iha young man haa a bank account
l.'on t rotar y with rnamellea and clog to match lh glrl a father, h la hound
lo have Inherited It. M linen t had lire,"
lo make It fur hlmaelf, linking at (ho
matter from a bunlneaa point of view
L ' ' U,.rr..W, rX,;w ,-a -l.
t m- -t -a
When the
Baby Bites His
Then watch out. Teeth
ing time is near. Some
briRht morning ioon, you
will see a tiny white tooth
peeping through the rosy
gums. ,
Thig It th tima above all
otharg whan hla atomach lg
antltlva to tha tlnli ihnrV
Thli g tha time whan tha wrong food will bring on fa vara and wakeful
.nightg. But ha will coma through tba taathlng time without trouble if
big food ia right.
Nurte your baby If you can. Tf you can't, malt hig teething; natural
and ear by giving him tha naaraat thing to mothar't milk
(A Complete Food Not Milk Modifier)
Don't force your baby to ttruggle
through hla haideat lima on taw
cow'a milk. Don't tiy to force hie
little gtumeth to gtruggle with the
(ndlgaatible cutd of cow'a milk.
Don't eapoae your babjno typhoid
and consumption and summer com
plaint, Raw cow'a milk go often
brtngt til than, gm cow'g milk
alone doag not give him the right
ubitancea to build a gtrong
The good In cow'a milkthe part
yoiit baby naeite igall in Neailr i
Kraad, but the dengare are not.
Cow'a milk, gurlAad, (rem rlaan del
rlta, la th haila of Neaiiara- with tha
tough rurd rrodlft.d, with th baby'a
neaJa added, Il coniaa to yen In a pw
dar - pat aid In air light ram. Na hand
I our haa II. Vsu add only tiaah water
and hoi I. It ran't apall,
Band the coupon naw fn' eample can.
r,fwaai igggatagaaa
LttaaWfM.)aaWlg '-I ll llaMgegig gliajli . IJIljJI,UUJIMIaaU
NESTLE'S food company
104 Woadwwlh BuiMhig, Naw Y.rk
fiaaa tend ma FRKB your beok and
trial pacaag.
TIicm' Arc Two of Hip ncflaiiiilurly Knunctl Sculptures of the Butldlui, in High Ilftlief
There Are TIiou.-hikIs in All on the Wnlls of the Teinjtle at Tioro-I'ioetlver, in Java.
Kndi Sculpture Tells u Chapter of the Story of Bmhllia. The Picture Above
Js One of the I ypieal, Ornate, Stepped Arches of the Temple.
By (.tlUliCTT P. ftKHVIftS.
The recent ruppoaed dlacovery of tha
grave of Huddlm, tho foundnr of tha
rellgloua Hatem of Huddhlam. which haa
epread ao fur over the eaaicrn world,
glvea renewed Inlereet to the "tirent
Puddha," Hnro Hurlor, or Boio Hocdoer,
pyramid temple. In th rentral prut of
tha Island of, tt la the floral mon
ument of HuMblitlc architecture In ex
latance, and. although partly ruined, la
Hill ry Impressive,
Variolic dnten have hem aaalgned to
IV foundation, aomo of them going back
aa much aa l,X year. Other lalltnatea
cut theae flgnira In half. Hut, at any
rale, the great temple waa for centuries
leal eight of ami forgotten until ha re
(llac(.cry by Mir Htainford Italflca, lit
It at.tnda on an rlavatlon In the iuldt
of a beaiitlfub vallev tthhli la aur-
TaT roS
L "-t. tuaiiiisissamssw
: I'U'.ivV, Ait-
' 1 o r Jv i .
ImJk to TXag mm
iH'Ikaki'l MiaaaW
I j
t J w
rounded by four ancient volcaunra, whnao
aolldtflrd Ihvoj form the material front
which Iho alouo lilncke of the trnipla
Icy, ii which It Ilea, progenia ona of the
moat pe-autiful tropical aoenea In the
world. It muat bava been a vaat tamer
were hewed. In form It la-aemblra the of pllgrlmaxe In lh dava of the alorv of
trp-pyramlda of Kgypt. It ri.ea from a iha great pyrninlrt-teiopi. and that It
aquare baae which meaaurea r.;o fret t, ,hn,j h,,-,. ,wt of fof ,,,.
a aide, About ten fret ohove Ihc bnae . ,,.( ,g ,trikln confirmation of
Ihcro la a broad platform, rnuallt tiling ('hnrl-a F. .t .hna.m'a Una! "Hurely the
tho flrat alep. Above thla Hue. In auc- . .H dnu-na t ihi. .....
i calculation!" s
ceaalon, each dlmlnlfihliiK In rlrcumfrr-
5 - .M ,.
S .e-" -w
h am is
imokrj in hn
Stociint Covtrtng.
Tt.ii Ar ev!t the th
ia ivl a'l the fne flvvr.
Star reaches you in th Stock-
Ii Iha por, which fulrly lonif to drink
In aunahlna and freali alt. Don't pile vour
hair on (op of your head, hut leave It
down In g braid or loop lo do Ua healthy ' and with reference to tho glrl'g bread
growing m air and aunllght, lie Juat ga nd butler, It la a etrunge thing that It
iialurel aa aver you ran, doean't oftener alrlka fatherg that (ha
ll'a a good habit to gel Into, and you j young man who liaa ancceaafully held
III I'rok much (irettler than when you j Mini place In an offlco or a atore
nr an abanrd lltlla painted Imitation of 'or four or flv yeara anrf aaved tip i
thouannd or two dollira while 'clerking
If la a thouannd llmeg heller match 1
for any girl than flic youth who never
earned a dollar In hla life-, who know
I neither how to make money nor (o anve
It, and whnac ona atar performarira In
life rnnalatg In hiving been born the gon
of a rich man.
Only too oflen, however, the well-to-do
man tnrna a, cold and unfriendly eya on
th anltor for hla daughter who telle him
that he haa nothing bill g good allunllou
with a rhanc of doing; better,
Father aternly remarka that when h
married he waa a bin to aupport, hla wlfu
In th atyle In which aha ha been a
ruatomed to live,
ll fotgela that h took hla bride 'o
a cotlaga or a humble flat white h t
prt'le hla aon In-law to InafatI lita daug i
Irr In a fin) menalon. Ha (gnorea fbu
fact that hla wlfa In thetr early daya
d'd her own rooking and mad her own
frock, while he dmanda (hat hi daugh
ter' huaband ahall provide her with n
retlnua of aervant and rnltllnrry from
of couraa, In frying to keep hla daugl"
ler from marrying a poor man tha father
truly aaya that ha haa nothing hut h'-r
happlnera at heart. H belleveg fhr.t
aha will b perfectly mlaerabl living
In ea alyla, with fewer clothe and
plain' r anrroundlng (ban Ihoa tn whh-h
he I acciiatomed.
Thf depend on (h girt..
If ahe I th kind of g girl whoa hearf
la atuffed with rhlffona and whoa gnu!
will go to fart when aha d'e, aha will
never b fndlaereet enough (o fall In love
with man who lan't atrlrtly ellglbm
f'om a monetary point of view. Pb la
Jnal aa Incapable'of loving a. man without
a noa a one without a big hank rroiiil
Put tha girl whoae trna heart beat
Juat a faithfully and warmly tinder vel
vet a It would under homeapun, whoae
eye, unhllnded by wealth and faahion,
aea tha man and not tha poaltlen and who
la willing to exchanga llttla of tha
tlnael of aorlety for tha fine gold of an love, know what aha la about
whan aha rilrka out her own parllrulir
Jack and refer him to papa.
And papa makea the mlrtake of hla bf
when be refuara hla hleaalng for no bet.
ter reaaon than that the young man ran I
euppnrt the girl In the gtyte n which aha
I acciiatomed to live.
Ther la alao thla other point of vv.
that If tha glrl a father haa rataed her
with audi hixurloua taatea that ah can
not h happy on th Inrnm that an
ordinarily aurreaafnl man ran offer br,
II I nothing but common falrneaa for her
fond and foollah parent to provide her
with a dowry that will offaet her demand
for frllla 1
That l on wav around th dlfflnultv
and certainly II la onlte a juat a lo a
fVcrt the young man to ha ahln to humor
the iinreaammbir cxtravagaiva and
wanjefulne Ii, whhn the daughter of
ao many rh h pnreiiia are reared.
Ad II la. the average worthy young man
flghta ahv of th rb h girl The Idea, of
woman nlm .at ' " " lamuv in wni. n ilr i.
not oeirei hecauaa he la poor la not Neither la u alluilng to fa,.
(bat bla wife In o,,kr,i upon mamr
'or having munlrd blni
Ihr tuodetn fatlur inuai. adopt a Under
rt " be dor-an ,,, ,n r, ,rf,
1,1,1 '"' n o'd maid dgughtera on bia
a re her ordinary tvne of woman
0 much for the appearance of the girl
Who I aweet i-en and proud to ehow
Vow about club. A your age h.
longed to two, One waa railed the
Junior Mllalcnle, There wera allien gfrl
In It, and w met at one another'
houaeg on Hatnrday afternoon, Nona of
ua wera "ariiatea," hut eri one of ua
mum piay a mtir r ,, pUi or vr,
hnf. inannga g luna on Iha banjo or
H'o aludled the Ifve of ll,f rninpo,-
and taught onraelce in appieclalo good
mualo And on holldaya vto uaed lo go
10 horpltala and give entertainment for
.Irk children, AI our home partlea wr
had alinpla refreahmcrm, and when we
went out we gave almple entertainment.
Hlmpllelty vena ol)r yHnoie, and we
learned a great deal ar,d had a very
happy Kin, too, rttudylng mualo earn
eatlj didn't Iraie ua much Urn for run
nlng after hoa end worrying about
drae and aoclely,
Tha other club to which I belonged at
1 waa a Huuday Afternoon Walking
club, Thera were only gig f
ua, and each In I urn acted aa hoalraa,
planning a flv. mil walk and bringing
her five frlenda horn, for a lmplo teg
gl 4 o'clock,
A cooking club em to in a partlcu
larly worthy Inalllullon for weet Hlx.
teen to ronalder. A regdjjig club will) u
mappd out couraa, of claaalcal tudy, or
a aewlng club either for charily or wllh
a charitable, intent to learn mending and
lo lake aome of the burden off mother'
ahouider would do aplandldly, too.
Jt would be vry eaay for th achool
girl of ID lo lntreal aome kindly teacher
In her project and get concrete
auggeatlona from her. The girl of PI who
la working ran do nothing better, f think,
than form a walking cluh or a good
reading cluh, Hut whatever your plan,
b aur to have ao'me definite thing
around with Vhlrh lo center your Inter- '
eat, and he anre to have your program
alinpla and iinpretenllon,
Advice to Lovelorn
By Beatrice Fairfax. ,
atudy the Ilu),
DearMla I'alrfru: My Intended bua.
hand, hi aon and I ha a all boarded Htn
In aam family for four month Wt
have known each other all our Uvea.
Miortlv alter our engMg-iiicnt, the eon,
a hov of Jn. told me of hla love for me
anrj aa men, ami la no, apparently un-
I recently forebnda the on hla uaual
goftdbv klua and he who go unhappy It
arirciirl to all three. noil,, an In
clination of laic for the father to take
the ann a aide whenrtrr a point arlae
Until father an.) ami are kludneaa Itarlf
lo me. am . nm M,.n gVt,
the other I lie- higlieat type ,,f love.
I there any chance of happlneaa?
Would I be more unhappv wlthnut hint
than wllh "theiu" . , M nsi,,
hlnre you are a inilac nu ought to
lave aome iindeiataudlng of I hie boy a
nature of courae, a lad of ;i cant be
aerloiialy In love wuh
lwi e hit age, hut he ian eaaliy IniaKln.'
he I hen he la mothre and hungi y
for a ooi1 uoninn a line If v..,,
I capable of Ireallng thta ,oy aa a mollin
J aim winning hla reaped and ..,ic,t,,,n
' thtough an iinaelfiah attempt lo under
I atgnd him and a inpal hire in ,! f,it,..
j love for him marniiga a in be happ.
nut ir von arc going lo he anif.ah
i oinnier ynutai If (it ai
lo a re. k th there v ea
"o'ung mat a unman in
I feaalon haa barnert o Utile
hi are l!t,e
I lannoi i c
of It
pi o
Fashion Fads
A New Dish Macaroni Italian
I .'
I4M'- '
m tt htl gotlUlUv. Th Ul
Vatll nv. Bat
rwh fiavereij a h ful,
Hay Antunit a Sr liaciy
j ha ;.ai Vr awaa. v
- -. ei . I ua a i4
, l t
. M. . W l, a
. 0 Tel.
fry Th:
"Vm N Uaf mi
Wn aae
Nmaakvt I Waft
k'Waat I Waa Wt
I la lae
aaMl VKaaaHtH
vja !' !
k) fc V laai.
T-aVrRYONK la fmltlr ih ihr
j ' uual dlah tf macgfoiil anil
I rh, bu IM varlHoit rwill
t meant rnUr roeUr, rompSelely
) II Irenefptmad
! I'm una p.mnl svf mtcaronl (nin t
ie pan rciUlnlug- dottbit tha
: aui-'uai tf air n. eaaarr In t-or
j V tngi trunl. add Iwn tab:rp.'ti'il
of nil. and una ontn atip k with.
fovr t lotee, and let it b 'll r'tMfvn
(it twenty Minute Drait It wall,
(; lit toll !f, ut lif n
I the Ihttlimt t'f a i bu'lf if I ra
tmall ptrcat nt mr, ibn mort
macarviul, and on, until lh tftth
t nilad J'our cr Iha hn1a, t cup
of ahll ai.-e nrul.h Iha loa cf
tha me.arviil t it lg aib ea of hard
Mlad titt tnd ftli t ht. fr
Ittt Iha (itlliialpf ttui t In eam .
Nl lt 1 tlewpaa. ktlf (Int tf
.hx aftclt, three rt lllctd lamg.
toea, Iws fh.'ppel ettlnue, tail
tptwtnfvtl ( ttprlVt p.r, Ita JHiir
of nn lamoit, f -vtr tghl.infutt f
,t.,d rutier, tiir inthrf mi ioutr,
ee.l or ttheaar dutt t n n W add t pirn h of Mil. .. i etrtlt
nf thl. ut(i ! ihee. tndiu
n I haneron Sar.lrd
Tea, M. t,,, ,
h-eii engag.d v "i. loan rf. ,
I" f ,, ,., fr - , ,
! f auouuar .,, h, h,P ,,,,, . h
.... t.. t,-, ,.,.,, ..... ,
I l i,j.., ! , . M1, ,,,,,,
it. n there Ao .,.at, M. . ( ai . ,
aecilrtMi ta t r.( .i , 1 1, , w, ,",,
ll 'bt ga to wh'ibei h.,t a .., ,,..'
. ". !
" l"lle pr..)e1 fr ,,
j lU va n i .,, , ,, ,,(,,, , ,
I I" a
. a ut re'iir
lnjit weaauii
ri'ip iei
b.Vp. ra
faaliinnahl ai t
m.' i a feature ..( the n
. I?'i
1 1 , , - r i
! S tUflle.M f,.at 1 1,.
' ' i i r. r
l,.(l, ( (,,,,
I ... ci f ..(,, n I,,,, .,,..
" W " d " llr In. ,( II., J. , ,
.' -..l h. ..a., il (..,, ft.
La-a .i,....,i,., u ,! , tl (
on i.. $ ,i n it i,i K. , ,
' '-. )!. - t a!, , II f. , ,
ii ia r ..ii. ca on ato'-ar
i i 1. 1 a a a a t i. i
nan I 4 . n, ..u,,,, ,
'f "-r e t'-i "f (hai
I d.M t k-'W I t t -u I .....i.
M a
Ii f
Mi'lue i f Ittg lieaiaal (.,,,
In l,apf
j Sav v bin ami
I 'tui'tiiaii.m
, Thar l it ,.m, ,
mar .-.( ,n
I lull e l,
1 lll la .,(
ai'p'a -
l t fahl,.nah
U"d en iro
i'. hie
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Hi- a ' I ,11 .
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h.i I . I. (-! g ,t ..f hi l i t I. .
(1 !'.' . im v .i i ',.ii ia if
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