Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    thl; omaha, thirsiav. may 11, ion;.
wmiming Actress Relates of Suffer-
ing She Saw in Europe' to the
Omaha Rotary Club.
Churning Anna Held mad yes
terday'n Rotary Hub meetini? at the
Henahaw one that will never bo for
Slip an the riickI of honor, the
one wnmnn In t ho roomful of men
the, only woman who has ever ad
rli caned the club.
And aurh a aprerh an t-jpo made!
A platform had been erected and
covered with oriental riiRH. t'pon
tSat atepped the dainty little French
woman amid thunderous upplauae
tliat followed her Introduction by
Chairman W. h. nurgen.
Mlsa Held fold of conditions In
France, told her own experienced,
rmn ni inn norror or rno wur. i
wldown, tlio orphans, the maimed,
the blind.
flha ahriiKiterl her ahoulder. she beat
with br fists, h foMei her rmi, alio
mote her breast. V'tre flaehM from her
far.iou eye a she lenounce4 thn rulr
who ran bring about a war. Hit voice
nl tn a whisper of horror a she teld
of mn with thslr Ixt off, men with
ens arm. rnsn bllndcil for life.
Knb Triumph Ovrr Hong.
"Ah, nevalr enn Icaw me the lght of
the hospital of the bt'.tiJ, where I went
to gf-criif." ha brentlierl In her dellahtftil
booken Knjllsh. "Va came upon the tn
anil vhen ve tw those j.oor dear men.
blltrl for life. v eouHl not a'-miK. V
could only v.fp. Oty thou- dear men, all
nvsr Frwc Ft it? ai fame n-n Kvg
lanl, en ijermany. I do not cure vhere,
ilw y urn all brave men.
"lit all the younrf boya even
are going out to nc dhot. Zhey do not
even nee whom hey shoot. Oh, It os
horrlblo, horrible."
And bcr final plea "to you dear men, no
utronsr, so lila, ho hunpy." was to "be
prepared, but keep pence, keep peace,
keep peace."
Mlsa Held eat at the upeaker'a table,
with rhalrnim V", L. Durgaaa on her
left and her rnannjT and "Hilly'' Hyrne
of the Orphenm to her right.
Ladle, you'll want to know Just "what
she had on." Well, her hat wa made of
white fur, round top and fit eloen to her
head. On top of It wo a white sort of
Mml-e1reiilflr fluffy thing and above that
were two little curving thlrKi, like al
Wimple lleyonil lrrrlptlon.
Her dree was black with quite an
open epae In front filled with white
lace and a. white luce thing up around
her ne"k 'the telephone girl ay It wa
probably a sailor collar, or It might have
been a "flahu" or a "Bertha." Our de
scription, we admit. I rather vague.)
Anyway, It looked very nice an6 almple.
8hi wore long, black allk glove and one
Jeweled bracelet on her right wrlat and
five or al on her left. .She had eeveral
ring on the fourth and fifth finger of
each hand and onie diamond-looking
thing In the back of her haJr and a
Xenrl necklace.
That' about everything. Oh, yea,
black Upper, too. And her eklrt came
within ten or twelve Inche of the ground.
It wa the largeet Rotary club meeting
for a long time. (Strange, Watson. What
do you uppr,a could be the reason?
Moat extraordinary!)
Taken by XnrprUe.
Ml Held wa talking to omeon-t
her right, when Chairman Burgeaa rose
and struck a blast on the automobile
born, which o etartled the little actre
that ehe gnve a leap and aereamed. Then
the latighl, put a hand to her hcrt and
exclaimed "Mon dleir:"
The club Bang with great gusto a little
.ong that ran "Sweet Anna Held. Sweat
Anna Held, you sre the Idol of my hear',"
nr something like that, Ask your hu.
iand about this, madum. If he la a Ko
larlm. 'Moat everybody wng It.)
Will Wood furnished clgara to the com
pany In honor of the arrival cf an eight
pound boy at hi houte. And on motion
It wae decided to "wnd eight pounda of
fir.mcra to Mrs. Wood.'1
Sneak Day at Omaha
Uni Proves Foozle
fs'r.eak day, which was to he heeri
hr1 'it CnlC'I'V "f Omaha yemerdav,
proved a .mplete (allure when upper
c'Miicn lefufcd 10 Ink- part In the nf
fmr. The ui' r i lruf men rharactcrired
It,,, evrnl i. nut" cr n lne college Mudt-lit.
I rct.ld. i l Kdw ui K' lli' of h eenlor cla
(n cnnnii'tit:nj on the afTatr eald that
l e pimi iiH hd i-aMcd the atage
When (lev i i,i,-cieiil It a Jnke ( cut
i-tNee. Tim fe eMdflll-i Who ehiiwed
III. t ,-'!U'M,-.. PUB MMfldlV t-
t nurd ! r . i i) " in !h attcrnwm.
Two Bound Over on
Charge ot uurgiary
,.,., .i t !:.( i.l i irint. I ' "
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ir, iuuu) sor guilt r
Police Judge Takes
Witness Stand in
the District Court
After having paaxed Judgment upon
him, i'olke Magletrate P'oaier appeared
a wltnee for the pioaecutlon BKHltiBt
Harry L, Anthony, who I being tried
In dlatrlct court for burglary.- In polka
court Anthony pleaded guilty and wa
bound over. Later he got cold feet and
changed the plea to not guilty.
He ay he thought hR won pleading
guilty to a chargn of petit larceny and
not, a felony. The, polle Judge tentified
to the contrary. Judge Hedlck la bear
ing the cae, Anthony I accused of acv
eral burglary Job.
New Records Made,
for Lambs and Ewes
New record price for lamb and ewe
were etabllhed again vea.terday at the
flouth Fide fiber p market.
Woolcd Mexican lamb Hold for $12, 1')
rente higher than Tuesday III.!) price,
whli h Itai'lf was a record. Price of lamb
were o high two-moth old lamb
brought $16.
Kwea alo bit a' new high mark. Bel
mont , Co. of f-'eottblnff old ft load of
W ewe t $'i ), which la' the highest
price ever paJd for ewe of any deecrip
tlon. Ewe old from 15 to 25 cent higher
today than Tueday.
At a meeting held Tueday evening the
Decatur Street Improvement club waa or
ganized. F, W, Selroe wa elected pres
ident and C. rtarrowclotigh secretary. The
purpo of the e ub wl I be the general-
Improvement of the territory from Twen
ty-fourth to Thirty-third atreet and from
Charle to Parker atreet. The evening
wa pent In outlining plan for the. fu
ture. The club will bold It next meet
ing at Ing ehool, Twenty-elxth and
FTanklin treet, Tueaday, May 23 at
$ p. m.
Moan's l.lnlment Kellevea
4 oogeRtlon,
A aoon a you apply KUmn l iniment,
the congestion disappear and, your pain
I gone. Bodily warmth Is renewed. ?5c.
All druggists Advertisement.
Gas Range Week Is Nearly Over
Only Two Days Left
j Many More Join Those Who
j Walked Out on the Larger Jobs
' on Tuesday Morni.isr.
The ntrlke of laborer ou the
building Job In Omahu r-proad over
wider area yesterday, 6 that while
the walkout Monday Mnd TueKday
were ou the larfirr Joba they oc
curred ynatprday on the John of
leaafr magnitude in varl'a rr,
of the city. Mono hae returned to
the larger Job,
Lanorer employed by Alexander
Ileck, contractor, went out on the,
rontruction of the Milton and th
Melroefl apartments, N'lneteenth and
Jnne jitreet and Thirty-third and
Cf.lifornla atreeta, respectively,
They walked out o the contructlon of
the new Mate honpilnl at Forty aerond
and l'cwey avenue.
Kninr May at Wert.
('rant Tiirfon. contractor, report that
five men walked out of hie Job yeter
day in the conatrucllon of thn big garage
for the Omaha Van and Storage company
I Seventeenth and Uavenworth afreet,
Three of tho men refimed to go out and
kept right on working.
Al noon It wa reported that work w
till In normal progren on the construc
tion of the Idella apartment, which Job
In In the hand ul inter Klewlt flon.
The Btialne Men eoclatlon In
Omaha i holding daily meeting, but
making public nothing, of it plan or
contemplation. Thl oc!atlon I or
ganised to eonlder way and mean of
convening the bulne men' Inleredt
during time cf atrlke or threatened atrlko.
Calif ornians, En
Route to New York,
Visiting in Omaha
Touring from conat to col In a high-
powered machine, Mr. and Mr. M, C.
Utearn of l.oii Angelea, enronte to New
York City, arc vlaltlng In Omaha for a
few day. They made the trip from the
fouthern California metropoll to Omaha
In two week. The weetern motorlet
regUtred at the downtown headquarter
of the Omaha Automobile club In the
Hetel Fontenelle.
Other automobile tonrlet who applied
at tho local club headquarter for road
herniation were;
P, J, THman of Tork, Neb., enrout to
Davenport, la.
H f) Kraane of Kna Olty, Who
motored to Omaha and who will re
turn after a few day' vllt.
John Wakelcy of Chicago I enrout to
El T'ao, Tex.
. AH of the tourlat gve favorable re
port on the condition of highway led
Ing Into Omaha.
The ferry at Bellevue ha riot yet begun
operation. Manager noiman is in ne-.j (
of om financial assistance perore ne can
actually bgln to operate, and the ( om
merclat club ha taken hi case up, and
hna ppolnted a committee lo help (I
nance the protect. The operation are to
begin ome time thl week.
C. V, McC.rew ha accptnrl gn Invita
tion to de Iver an address before the
northwest Nebraska baiter' meeting at
Gordon on May 23.
A special cr will go out over the
Northwestern for lh accommodation
ef hankers from Omaha, Lincoln and
eastern point.
Willi m
' 5 .
' 1 in" i I
No. 487 Eclipi Cabinet
SI ;!
I: I.
. $
Mercury Makes Eig
Drop, with Killing
Frost in far West
Q lit. a droii In temperature wa reg
Intend at Omaha and other Nehraaka
pnlnta Tue..iy. In Omaha (he fall was
from V) degree Tuenday at $ p. m, to .
dcgrcei at a. m. Weilneaday, The wind
lti hi d from the outh to the north.
Ill t!rnd Inland the temperature fell
from 1") to 4-; In Holdrege from SI to .t
! int In Valenune from S( to 44.
Krnut In predicted hv the wnalher h i
rau fur .Nebraaka tonight, though It ia
not mentioned In the Omaha forecaet, the
! littler being "fair tonight and Thursday
Much cooler tonight. Tuning temperature
Killing fiol occurred Tueaday night
In one of the great fruit regions "f Ihe
country, ouihetern Oregon, Idaho and
northern Nrvad.i, mina tenipeiatnre t
ported being low a sn.
Women Help Picket
McCormick Plant
CIlH'AtJO, Miv 10.-.eHil a thoutand
women gathered wlih the picketing trlk
I er at (ha McCormick planl of the Inlei
I national llarienter compmiy toilay In n
effort to reclaim etrlker who were re
turning to work. Several of Ihe flgh(
were broken up by the police after
arreiit were made, official of the com
pany raid Hint additional atrlkcr bad
returned to work, every department wm
In operation.
Mure (hn 110 motorcycle rider at
tended Ihe "get together'' meeting of the
Omaha Motorcycle club Tueday evening
Fifteen new member were elected to
membership. An address w madn by
the president, Harry Htryker. Other
penkers nf the evening were Arch Norcn
sen, Ioul Klesher, Victor Knn, Jme
Van Avery and Kev. Ft, W. Taylor. Piano
selection were given by Mr. Wright and
Mr. Kllby. The Loose-Wlleg and Iten
Plseult companies donated bone nf
cke, which, together with lemonade
and punch, were aerved for refreshment
When Feet Hurt
"Tiz" for sore, tired, puffed-
up, aching, calloused feet
or corns.
"Sura! I dm nr
wary tiina for toy
foot IrouUo."
You ran be happy-footed In a moment.
fee "TU" and never suffer with tender,
raw, burning, blistered, swollen, tired,
aching feet. "Tin" and only ' Til ' takes
(he pain and soren'k out of coi-nn, cal
loue and bunion.
As boon a you put your feet in a
"TU" bath, you bitt fee! the bap.iltien
oaklng In. Mow good your poor, old
feet feel. They want to dance for J.iv
"Tla" la grand. "Tin" Inslantly draws
out all the poisonou exudation which
pulf up your feet and raise tore. In
flamed, aching, awesty feet.
Oct a';5-cent box of "Tlr." at any drug
store or department store. t'Jet Instint
fool relief, Caugh at foot suffr rer ho
complain. Ileemiae your feet are never,
never going to bother or make you limp
ny more.-Advertisement.
All Fourteen Play
Supervisors Pass
tho Examinations
Chairman Hummel of the r.eerestlon
board announces that all of the fourteen
young women who look enamlnat Ions fur
positions as pln ground supervisor
pan"d the required tests. The nnmes
are: Vlleu ll.ipkln. K. A. Ran, Nor
Altstadt, Alc McMahen, Alberta P.
Iladley, ftuth Rliiehiirl, Anne Mullen,
Cornell Mai Dougall, Jean fiei ger, Hee
Howard. Cordnla IIiiMih, Anna It. At
wood, May Taylor and lidore llreese.
Member of the ftecreatlon board e
lected fifteen from l.i applli-ants fr the
examination test. Fourteen of the fif.
teen were examined. The name will he
sent to the city council for confirmation
itt Tuesday morning, and on Thursday
evening of next week the Hrcreatlnu
hoard will make the assignment to (he
pla ground".
Twelve of the fourteen will he assigned
to regular places one will be engaged
relief stipenlsor ti"d the fourteenth
lo be engaged s senl'-e may be needed.
Chrle Knley tins been rreted en a
charge of carrying coneealed weapon.
He will be arraigned on the rharg dur
ing the latter part of the week., Foley,
who Is separated from bis wife, went
to the latter' home 5.W North Tweii.
ty-eventb street Tuesday nd threatened
her life. 'When the rase was brought up
111 police court Knley' attorney objected
lo Mr, Foley's etlmony on the ground
that a wife cannot he compelled to testify
against her husband.
Dr. tVlcKenney Says:
"j'oor 1'M-tli, lml breath wil failniK health foiiii a pretty serious liaii'liea, loii't they?
Iluve iim fix the teeth and bo your normal felf aRain."
Itewl KIlTer
licet TZk
(iobl Crown,
oar I Si30 A,
)I. to W. M.
end Saturday
Till tiOO F. M.
Mot Opaa
a nanaim or oeaitii
E&CH golden drop of BUDWEISER
is alive and sparkling with the vital
energy of Northern Barley and the tonic
vigor of Saaier Hops. Because of its mild
ness and exquisite flavor it stands alone
the undlQik)ged sovereign ofbottlccj
beets Its ever-growing popularity is pram
bf its sales, which excaxl any otlierbeer by
millions of bottles ami nusia-nusa i-stiouiausA
Driver in Tolicc
Auto Accident is
Paroled to Pastor!
Hoy I'urstenhurg, a chauffeur, who In
liecemlur. IIML', ran down and kllledhsa-j
dors I,cvln with a police nuto at Twelfth
snd lougls treets. Is now a free man.
He w sentrnced to erve three year
In the penitentiary (or manslaughter, but'
was paroled lo Hew Mr. Houseman, for-1
merly pastor of Hie Canelar . hurch. The. j
, prol.tlonary period ha expired nd 1
I Knrstenhuig s now restored to his cltl- I
: yenshlp.
Mrs. Levin reently wa awarded a
j ardh t of lv) agiilnst the city, but ap
Ipeal has len taken to th supreme court.
I The city denied responsibility for the kill
! In on the ground that Kurslenhurg had
j taken the police auto without proper
j authority slid w not a city employ
lit the lime.
Aecordlng to dtpatche from Prstog
ftprlngs, N". Y.. where ihe Methodist gen.
era! conference I being held, Po Molne
delegate were unsuccessful In thalr fight
to have the pl.npal residence removed
from Omah to the Iowa ipltl, Frank
M. Milslol Is th Methodist bishop sta
tioned In iliusha.
The final vote wa to ?1 In (sor of
the ,Vebrska metropolis, The vote were
taken at n meeting of the delegate from
tho conference In the (iinaha rea and
Hi re.'on.inendatlon to tho general body
will be unanimous for Omaha.
JW S?-35.t H.-. f-i.
Wonder I'litlea
Miull) In '2,"V.
$5, $8 and $10
I'lionr IfoiiRlna 2H73.
MTI ll iit-of-liwn palrona run gft I'lntew, Crowns, Itililttea anil
Ulllngs Coiiiplctod In One la).
1 Mill llirill'llll IK :-; i iSwUKrfeVr
Every Glass
You owe yourself
This Rare Treat
after the heavy meats and
the canned vegetables of the
Winter with a jaded stom
ach and rebellious liver
Shredded Wheat With
Strawberries a dish that
is deliciously nourishing and
satisfying a perfect meal
for the Spring days, and so
easily and quickly prepared.
For breakfast, for luncheon,
or any meal.
Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
un ii iiisllrr s'lfr uilns Allsn's lront-Ks,
lh sntiwiitlu ).ji4rr for tlx fed. ehsksa Im
ihs sbaes nd ue. Inl'i th fu.ii.hstb, Allen
tuH Kt Billies listll ot l lioS (Ml
ll.n Insitnt relief to enrni s4 l"l"l.m, ortteiils
Htlilsrs, CI..H Slid ai Spills l 6 (reslesl
f Ion i,.r..erv nf ths
". Tr II t.i4,.
I'll eg ui, i psciists.
U llur. N T.
H"U SKltsbTe. fit
SJOKis A I I'll I lUnlil
Thone Your Wnt Ad to The Pee.
We Please You or
Refund Your Money
Heaviest Ilriflgn M
Work, r tooth. .
.No Kliiilenl.
Don't mil the opportunity we nre offering you.
A Waffle Iron and Toaster With Every Gas
Range Purchased This Week
1 1 i r t t; t. !;". 1 ot'icr A; '
id ..or H r tt f.-t. H-.a 1 1 r M s -lri n
McaIos MoJcratiou
Anheuser-Busch Co. of Ncbr,
. oi M iiiiu n i v.t r fv. , ! vh
Itw rjtt 14ifi ot lb tl,rjf. tt 4(f ut 4 h'm it 01, lltt bt
Smith S.U, S.nOt 2UH M
m li. Mr