Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE r.KK: OMAHA, Till'l.SlUY, MAY 11. 1916.
Named for Membership in Societies
of Innocents and Black '
Harold Jfff.
OllTtr X.hmi-, Mrr HtlUr.
UVCOLN, Miiy l().-(Hwilul.-!vy day
xtrclf at th L'nlverjity of Ncliranka
brought honor to three Omaha ntudvnt
In clertlnn to th two ifnlor wein of
Innocent und Black Mquet.
The Innocent are cnmponed of th? thir
teen tnnit populor m"n In tlio Junior
baM upon aitlvltlcK In coIIi-rc.
The Black Maaqura are choaon from tlio
Junior jtlrla who have alao been promi
nent In colleKo artivltlna.
The two aorlrtliM are ainI"l to
pnnaor all aetlvltla In tho iinlvoraity,
The Ivy day eierclaea were the moat
aucreanful In the hlalory of tho m'liool.
I'erfert weather ma1 thi ceremonlea at
tendant upon the rrownlnir of the Miiy
)neen, Mlea Florence Antsle of Mncoln,
a inamhflr of the Kappa Alpha Thetu eo
r.loly, uniiainilly pretty.
The throne wan placed at Hie en'l of a
carpeted walk, lerln from tie admin
latratlon bullrilr.if lo the Hrniory. The
ojieen and her attendanla walked butwern
two rowa of aenlor slrla, who rntng a
rliorua of vali;cim.
Dnnre of llainagr.
When the queen una frowned the
Mlaaea Lnclle and rnmllle I,-ydti diinrod
an eathetlf! danee of homox ' ,'r! ln"
twve little attendanla followed and the
enlor glrln then dmi'f.1 the tnnypole
The lrl who took part In the rere
nionlea all wore drerlun continue of alin
ple white, their hair done up In 'laexlo
atyle and caught biu'k In yellow bunde,
Fifteen hundred atiidcnta uml Iliiitii
people itw the rtaneea.
aldney Mtndent la Orator.
Before the reremonlea Ony i;, Chamhera
of Sidney gave Die Ivy day oration,
"Pernor ra'y, Nchraaka'a lleritaue." lie
ld the tmlvcrally waa fiilfltllnif lis pur
poae aa a d-moi rntio Inallluilon,
Mla Lucille. Leyda gave the aenlor elina
poem and the two cba prexldenta
plnntad the Ivy.
Arniouneenient of tho Innorenta and
Hlaek Maaiuea were made aa a part of
the afternoon ceremonial.
Following are the Innofent:
Melvln M. Oarrett, Madlaon. prealdent;
Hoy J. Harney. Norfolk, vl'n president;
Harold Holix, Randolph, aeiretnry; Tliiv
niond J. Haiindera. He. I t'louil. treaaurer;
Alfred Hrvnon. Fullerlon: lleniy W,
Campbell. Kiijln; I,owla ft.'Poyle. Lincoln:
,lohn Elliott, rnlvernlty' IMare; Vlrall
llnaKBrt. Ht. Paul; Harold N'eff. Omaha:
Arrive K. I'otter, Nebritaka City; Halph
Thleaen, Weat Point.
The girl awarded lllai'k Mnit were:
Kth'l Stone, Lincoln: Lerllia. Prill,
meler, Lincoln; Olive Lehrner, Omaha:
Mary tialler. tlmnha: Mjirion Kaalle,
Vorth Hend' Edna Oaden, Minna: Ioulwi
Coe, NeliraH! 'lty: Miltm QnlKley, Lin
coln: rmrothv Kllaworth. I.lm-oln: Mar
anerlte Kanffman. Hnrdv: I'oria fierot'
aln, Oak: Geneva Heeaar, J.lncoln; Ilor
em.e Wirt, Llneotti. I
l,EWI.TOWN, Mont.. May in (Special
Telegram. )-Sheriff Flmiln Tullork and
hla deputlea and Ira M. Flankln, a real
dent of York, Xeb., were at work todiy
trylna; to aolve the myalery of the dla
appearanre on April 14 of J. II. Afflep
bach, a homeateader, near Oraae Ttfinue,
alio waa for nearly twenty yeara a dep
i:ty aherlff and ahnrlff In Nebranka,
Sir. T'.nnkln la Ma on-ln-law and he
arrived here yeaterday to italn aiich In
formallon aa he could, but today the offl
(era aisree that Afflerbach la In all prob
ability dead.
Lent winter a homeateader In the Itoy
district named Randolph, who came from
York, went back to that pliu.e for a vlalt.
The day ho left an nuto disappeared.
Hherlff Miller of York wired Mr. Affler
bach, who waa acquainted with Ran
dolph, to look lilm tip and try to locate
the car. Thla the ex-chcrlff did, finding
that linndolph luid driven the car to
rillllni, where he li ft It. Ho kept Itnu
dolph In i-untody and wiil that be
would return the prisoner to York, al
tlioudli the sheriff notified lilin not to
do ao aa he wan enmiiiK m himself for
the man.
The aherlff arrived about the time
Afflerbiieh and the primmer ueie pre
paring to have. They were at the local
office April it, when Itnndolph waa given
en extenelon of bin leave of ahaenoe.
Tnnt waa the iant ever siien of Jhcm to-'
dither, althoush Sheriff Miller learned
that'Ulh had '- n e"' n riding to
ward Umaha In a paaaenncr tnilii.
ni .Note ttt tobrnra.
MOHItAitA. Neb., May 10 - Speelal ) .
Mii Claia iir le the new o,,il phone
M It l'ii, aupetlnlelideni nf (In
iiima Indian achwda at lienoa. eh ,
made N'loluaia ttii!e nd I'orn miii.
aneiiry a viait
Wllllatn Aililinttuii la re modi lln C.e I
fool hall hoi'dtlig -nl of tte V ulinuc ;
hoipt anil til open a firt ei.i.iff r
tnd l'l'-n lu men aio intii.
bto at t'lttallB iel;iii-ii I 'ill .
'. ,Uf I nil i.' i ineit i r i. i.,i a I t -.i-.-l.f. ii t-ti j- I l - tcit
t nf than t itiiv 'ii,itn M I't.u
n.t In no i, ,ih, n li.i I tiilni
Treasurer Ure's
Liability to State
May Fall on County
i From a K'nff Correpmiilent )
MM'lil.X, May 10.-(Hpccia.1.! W no will
n ay the p imliy mi'urred by e-.'.iaoti i '. tl e
action of County Treaaurer I're nf l).jiiii
Ih.h county refui'lnir lo tiuilie it'miti'.lv re
iiiittiuiccs to the atuta trea..ui-;r I. n iw
up to the Htntn treaaurer to d"ici rn D '.
Today he received a reinU'iin Ironi
Mr. I re, but the penalty of nwr
duo tlie atate did not ncvtiinpiuy the
n iultlance. Treaa irer Halt la .if I'm opin
ion that the pemilty tnlnht bn chiir 'd to
the treaaurer rieraonally und ma luindt
men held fur the amount, althoiiKit It 1
poxplhle that the amount mlxhl hive lo
come out of the county treiianry.
It will dciMuid whether tho c.oiimy treaa
uter followed mi action of th" tm iity
board In refiialtiK to make the ri iciCaii
an waa the cam! In Iairaiitei' Coiimy,
whero, the county had to atond for the
penalty. In audi a cnnc the courty would
have to pay It iiiiIchk eotnenno pot -ut
an Injiincilon lentralnliiK the county
treaaurer f i out indnif the fundi.
Kimball Organizes
Commercial Club
KI.MIIAI.I-, Neb.. May lO.-tKperlul.)-Miuljall
luia juxt completed the oinatil.a
tlon of a Commercial club. Fifty biiil
tiena and proff anlonal men have Joined
and ninny othcra will be added to the
llat within the next two wceka, accord
ing to the report of the niemberahlp
committee, W. H. Ilodinan waa mado
prenldent: J. H. Walki-r, vice president,
atid It, K. Ilollatid, aecretary. Mr. Hol
Itind la county aKrlcnltural ageiit. The
liilenllfiti la to tnakn the club a county
organization. M the meeting la Tuea
day night It waa voted to apend l,0O9
for n Fourth of July celebration.
!FA'Irf'N', la. May 11.-iHpeclat.)-Jurgen
I'eteraen, "one of the ilcheat and
beat knon (ieri)ifin fanner of Ihl
couiity, died thla riioriilng at lil break
f.'int tiiblo without, warning. Ho bad
moved to Deiilanii from off hla farm thla
aprlng, expecting a long life yet of com
parative cane, ns came to thla county
in b7t, aettllng In Hanover towiiahlp.
n!l Hanker lle iir ( hlcaiio.
HHN'IWON, la., May 10.-(Hieidnl, The
funeral of M. I,. Houlihan, Jr., of VH,
took pluco at thla city yeaterday. He
waa a member of ono of the moat promi
nent Irlali-Anierican famlllea of thla
county. At the time of hla death ho waa
ut the head of the citizens' Htato bank
of Vull and aome yeara ago waa the
county- recorder. Ho died at Chicago,
where, he had been taken for an opera
tion. An Immeiifip number of people
fcnthered at the Catholic church for the
Governor Moiehead Reqquested to
Select Candidates to Take
i From a Ktaff Oorcapondoul.)
LINCOLN, May 10.-clM Three
young nun who have had a year or more
experience In the Nebraska National
dual d will have a chance to take mili
tary Itwtmetlona under the direction of
tho government at Went Point, according
lo n meeaago received today by Governor
Morehead from the War department, at
WaahlDKUm. The meaaage reada:
"Act approved May 4 provide appoint
ment to Went l'olnt from cnliated men
of National liuard. Twenty-two lo bo
admitted to Military academy. July 10,
thin year, ni rcaillt of competitive ex
nmlniiUoiia to be held June ti Competi
tive i xamlniitloit aame a regular ex
amlnatlori for enrnnco to academy. Can
didate miiMt be between 10 and V year
of luge, unmarried and moat have aerved
a collated men not baa than one year
on July 10. 10!. You aro requcaled to
select not exceeding three well qualified
candidate who are willing, and to hi
nt met them lo report to commanding of
ficer. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 9 a. m.,
Juno ti, Pip;, fur mental and phyalcal ex
amination. Forward to thla fflce by
letter full name, company, ' regiment,
date of birth, poHtoffbe uddre. Pamph
let giving requirement follow.
"M'( 'A IN, the Adjutant Oenoral."
A realdenl of Iteliree, New Kouth
Walea, ha offered to give V'.'ffl to the
flral man from liU district to win the
Victoria Croaa.
OHANI) ISLAND, Neb., May la-iHpo-clal.;A
medal conical will b given at
the lionie chapel on Monday evening,
May is, at 1:M by the aludentH of the
IJaptlat college.
At roll call Sunday morning the an
nouncement, wua made that on Thur
il.iy of tin week nil member will fall
Into lino to nnawer to tli'dr name, that
being the day before the. regular inuater
by the I'nltid Slate Inapectur, which
Hill bo on Friday.
.lame II. Null haa relumed from an
extended vlnil throughout Colorado.
Matron Ilradburv baa returned from n
week' vlalt at Omaha.
William K Faater ha just returned
from a furlough, during which lime he
lilted at Lea Ml due and Mui aliulltow n,
Mm. Klla, .M. I'mry and Mia Kmry of
I :ilclion. Neb., vlalied at the home on
May J. Floyd Hammond of wetuvla and
I.ewia CmldeiiMtelii und Lewi Keiker or
I'olk, Neb., aluo wcie Htora lure, the
aame. dav.
Captain Noell accompanied Jamea
IIiiiiih to the general hoapilal in Oraiiu
Inland on W.'ituidiiv for an operation, and
uent afier him Mmidiiy nioriilug, aaaiat
Iiik him back to Kuikett.
Kx Coniioander immcivr of the liui -l;elt
Home, lalted at thla lii.illtulloii
the latter part of Hie week. Hi- ("luted
that Mr, .iiinnerer wan not In i;ood
health, and Hllee the ttllie Mil' auffered
;i full at Iturki-lt haa been nmie or Icm
an invalid. The mate encampment la
to he held at IjoMiiglon, Mr .linineii i'i"
home, nil May Hi. 17 und IS The La
dle, i" Hclicf eul'pa plan lo eend three
iienelita!twji lo the enca mpment at
1 vxlngion.
j n'An.VKlt. . D.( May 10. - (Special.) -I
At Greenwood recently Kev. John P.
'lllimon, ft veteran preacher to the
Indiana, and Mr. WilHamaon celebrated
their golden wedding annlve raary, their
i aeven clilldreii and twenty-two grand-
children being preaent und taking part
I In the celebration. Another peraon t
: tending the celebration wn Mr. Fdward
C. lirace of California, who la the only
aurvlvlng II neai of the marriage cere
I mony of fifty year ago, Ilcv. John P,
Williamson, who ha the degree nf dni
i tor of divinity, waa bom near Fort Pnel
i ling, Minn., in 1S'4. On April 27, iwu, IA
wa married to Mlaa Ha rah A. Van Nuyi
at Winnebago, Minn. The entire half
century of their married life ha been
apent In work a mlanlonarle to the In
! dlan. Tho flrat three yeara Mr. and
Mr. Wliliainaon were atntloned at Hantee
1 Agency, N'cb. fine of Ida aona, Hev,
j Jeaae I'. Wlllhiniaon, I tatloned at fan-
ti , Neb,
I Achy Joints
Foretell Trouble
A creaky joint
often predict rain.
It alao foretell In
ward t r o u b I . Jt
may mean that tho
kldpeyi are not fil
tering the blood and
are allowing poiaon
oii urly acid to clog
the blood and cauae
Had back, rheu
matic pain, nine,
aching Joint, head
ache, Ulzzinc, ner
vous trouble, heart
fluttering, and ur
inary dlaorder are
aome of the. effects
of weak kidney and
If nothing (a done there danger of
dropay, gravel or rirlglit'a dlaeaae.
Jinan Kidney PHI, the moat widely
uaed, the beat recommended kidney rem
edy In the world.
Omaha People Testify:
.1. V, Metealf, Sir, Pacific Ht., Hay:
"Some year ago my kidney became
badly dinurdered. .-Viatic rheumatlam de
veloped and aetiled In my hip and knee
joint. I oan'a Kidney Pill drove away
llm pain from my body, removed the
uric acid from my ayntem ami rei-tutcd
niy kidney to a normal condition.''
1TT fmyPirhm
fjr?yl touts?
50a all Drugstores
Foahrr-Milburn Co. Prop. Buffalo, N Y
rtttr Bnoinaa.
j tVt 4. . . A I
i Stall Trads Specially Invites j
! II. .on., tl mi an. I l VI
till li.Ci. Ml i.. I p '
Caf the Very Hvtt
te .T ..r r:r ' "
A" w- ccy -- . r- ' v
r h x . v
a fM;tH'H'.1' ", ' 1 1 ""z&t- Xiy !f
mhiiiw in ii iiiwi i mi' i i" en i inn 1 1 mmm&mimmmmmmmmmmikimamAimam
After roturninp: from tho
jrolf links you will partic
ularly enjoy a cold bottle of
Ak for it at the Club
Onkr a case sent Home,
one )uiif u ISS9.
Luxus Mercantile Company
Company B of
Beatrice Elects
Jones Captain
HKATKICE, Neb, Miiv l'.-i8p-clal.)
At a n.eetlng of Company C last evening
l'liwt Lieutenant Lawrence Jotiea was
elected captain to micceed Mac I.. Abbott.
resigned, Set ond Lleulemiiit Hurry Aim
tin waa elected flrl lieutenant and Ser
geant Kobcrt Kmei clei-ted econd
Tho iiuartei'lv meetlm: of tle llaire
County Medical aociety wn held at the
rnddock hotel lal evening, paper being
rend oy Dr. I. ,v. I'lcaett of (Jlell. In.
O. P. Fall of lleatrlce, lr. A. Slo
of Pe Witt and Ir. II. K. Ilrown of
, Heairlce
County Treasurer Andersen eterdny
pal I four court house bond of II
r i h. Thl.t 'leeve outstanding bond
j .uiloui.tltig to li'.'Xrt yet to bo paid.
Frank Hurgcr ani Henry Weldeman.
1 who reside eleve.t mile outhvet of
jliealilce, dug seven young wolve
jyeteiday on the Will Mulge farm.
At a meeting ol the city commlen'.onera
i.veatcrday the cliy engineer wa In
structed to draw plain for a r.'.fO mu
iiiclil lighting plant. The will be nh
! milted at tl.i" nevt meeting of the com-
j nilaaiolier.
j chaile V., Ciay. i ho had hei n hi
I charge of the llm llntiton lunch i i'iintcr
hern for mne time, die I yit"iday innrn
ing of pueiimonla, age. I .V, cm. lie l
rurvhtd by one son. The funeral was
held till afternoon, and the body waa
taken to Wood Iilvtr, Neb,, for lnt-mnt,
One Thousand More
Tailors Called Out
Bell-am s
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
ClflCAOCi. May 10. vine thouaand tail
or employed by II, Kuppenhelmer & Co.
were colled out today to join the 600 :
euttei a ii. I trimmer who aliKck yeater
d y,
Frank Kosenhlum. ccre(ry of the
,nialgiimaud i 1. .1)111. oikr union,
who i hi 1 haige of He strike, plan to
cull out about Murker a day. Htrlk-j
cr aliilioned p ( kei at the riant, which '
are under police guard
!l7 i'll
All Men's
Underwear From
King Peck Stock
Saturday Sale
' T. T li,'!"'T IT!77" "
""""H"l B'.'r'l'il W"!!1.
, HI, 1 ,1 j 1.11, i,ii 11.11,1
"if 'I iff iV"' "Vi m 1 "" YT '-) "-' ljl! l";i)iie'rl"ll.''yesLi!
:;. i., j.,Jjil.l). ;-,- " - -- li-li.-- ..: ........1..I....L,.. . TTT. j A
1 ri 1: hi - -TH "
Take Advantage
of the
Now Going On
ri'Jf I 1 ' J 4. . ar"Jr.
Sale Women's Suits,
Skirts, Coats
v y
Asttnindinc vnlurs aro the koynofp of this nalo. The beatify anl
KinaHnoKH of the increhnixli&e. eoiinlcil with the pxtremelv low prices.
niakeH this ovent unquestionably tle most remarkable of the year.
Vou are to profit through recent efforts of our buyers while
Kast. The prolonp'd cold weather had brought about accumulation
nf Mocks among manufacturers. Our buyers jumped in and, by pur
chasing at unheardof prices, enabled us to plan this sale at unheard
of reductions. Remember that this is the highest grade merchan
dise when considering the following prices:
Tailored Suits $12.85 and $18.85
Silk Dresses $13.85
.Skirts ' $4.85
Silk Petticoats $3.85
FashionsealandSampleSuits t $35
at $18.85
Tlii MAnufacturd'H of Hie Knmoii Fwgliionscal Tailor
MflileiH iniKlo h a coiifcHNion on a Ntnall lot of Hiiits, and
what will lo hi) pxtnioriliwiry fvont will lie our M'llinp; pf
1 fiCHf? well-known (rarnifiitit. Thfrf am aliout TiO Fushion
rchIh in th lot and about .00 very finn Tailor-MadcH, many
of which are wimple-. Choice for $ 18.85.
Suits, Worth to $22.50,
at $12.85
This lot in of extra infereht, as every one of the suits
are the very latent and Miiarfpht models. Many of them are
sample ((arnients, and were made for showroom service,
which insiin-H their extra finiHli, All kindi of (rood, prac
tical fabrics in every wnnted color. Sizes 14, 10, 18
and to 44.
Choice of 400 Skirt, Worth to $ 1 0
at $4.85 .
A manufacturer who found he had more skirts than
he should liave on hand made us an offer if we would
take the lot. We purchased the entire group, and you
will find values you could hardly expect at this time of
the season. Every Rood sport or dress model is to be fourtd,
in Corduroy, Taffctn, Gabardine, Poplin, etc. Every good,
popular eolor.
: ; -
Silk Pettitoats
(Including Klosfits)
Silk Dresses, worth to $35.00
There ar" about 00 Fine Silk Afternoon and Dsneing
Frocks in t h ih lot, mostly manufacturers' samples, and in
some instances duplicates of very high .priced models.
Taffetas, Oros de Londres, Crepe Meteor,
Crepe de Chine, Shantungs, Etc., Etc.
Meant i fid Striped and Checked Effects and Plain Hose,
Belgian HI uc, Copenhagen, Gray, Tun, Navy, Hcseda, etc.
For the ciiiniiig occasions, such as the opening of the
summer clubs, Ihe summer dancing events, afternoon af
fair, etc., you will find in this lot. some very appropriate
..garments at about half their real value,
at $3.85
The announcement of the faet that Klosfit Petticoats
were to sell at $3.85 would be inducement enough to create
great interest, but we have added about 100 sample Taf
feta and Jersey Silk Petticoats to the lot, and you can se
lect your eolor and size from some .'500 or 400 skirts.
Every good, desirable color is to be found in the lot.
Choice of 200 Sample Wash Dresses
Worth to $15.00,
at $5.00
One of the most interesting purchases are these L'OO
Sample Wash Dresses, because they are practical, all new,
up-to-date garments, made of the most desirable of wash
fabrics. .Many garments in the lot are worth three times
what we will sell them for. Sizes for misses and women.
Every good wash I'nbriu and color in the lot,
While iu iti iii iiu Inn noil
miII)Ij dii'tkliitf up jniir nl
liiMiune for fui nil me m
kllleo Hint i''iiiireineiiiii .if the
hirlnu (t .ii -- i -r; : ;s (lnii e
nrf Ihim niitkliiK I'ti iiii .it Inn
fur tun
lili Ii ii ill in il r
Saturday, May 1 3th
N .ilile llm (i't rl f hip
Mini l0 llil Kile,
ll,i I1111I114 i.mi ut )i ni
mi l Mll l.t In. imnl hum
l lii ' limn tin I r t. ii It I it
Ii Hi I' II' I I tllllk
fli( it HIM III' III Hint It 1. 1, tilt
wll, II) ( I III! I kiMIp U If
tlutrl rtli.l tint " Mill Kit
tint ..inn' lutU iitiln uiU lit
ll tHlHIIl ("tiip H'lll. In n
mm- Ni k inm la .
HHt I klt V !- t I
I Hint
i .in i l J ,mf nKJt-
Ml N Vi M. ,n-, 1 1V k
The Very Finest
White Bread"
lie,in of 1 h- hilt ipislit of fvrrv initreil.i'nt n.
lircftuti of tin' r't rt kkill of our baiter Yu n
eArch tl.f nr 1. 1 in tutu tnr While Mtesil fiUni tit
Tip - Top Bread
't;.lt hf chnnf! nf ItijjrfiliftiU ni',ltiliti!,'i t,,
Y it !,.'uiiiii,f n nf i i .rt r! i it,.-r t
t'fi'i'ig W tu' llrt it lt
0C tT a I argc Loal Of
AH OftHM-i rtfominjnd
rvd iU Tip Top Hr,l
Hk.4 Titth nt!y by U
l Steam linking Co.
pkt Hi r
i't i i m n i4 it