7JTE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1916. BRANDEIS HEARING WILL BEJEOPENED Senate Committee Wants Informa tion About Proposed Merger of Dm;, ind Cignr Companies.' KOMIKIE ADVI30SY COUNSEL WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. (tfipenlng of public hearings on the rumination of Louis D, Uraniiols to thr auprr-nift rnurt was ordered today t- tlm enat Judiciary committee forMnQiilry Into Mr. Urandela' con nection with a proposed merger sev eral years ago of the United Cigar 8'orea company and the JUker-Hage-man chain of drug stores. IxmiIb K. Uggett of Hoaton and Oeorge W. nderson, t'nltnd Stateg attorney at r.cston, bare been summonM to up pear In that connection Friday. Th mmion lo reopen tli liriirlnst wa fund hy Psnatnr Hulhsrlanil, reputilrn nf I'feh. who nld soma Information ri rently li1 come 10 him In connection with the frflnfl merer which ntver wa eonsummeted, awl on whli-h It If M Mr. irnl-l n rwatiHM In an advisory mpfUK, Tlisr wa no S'n'-rsI illafiisslon of the new .hss of the cnw awl the whole rommltl'-e d,tourtii"d wMhnut further r Him tin II ot Monday. No time wns .flxsil for a vol on the nomination. PERSHING ORDERED ) TO CONCENTRATE MEN Cnptlnweil from Pse Oris.) timletli! rrsaMInK the entcome of the conference. ' ' It I not fxpsrtsd that A. J. MoQual er, the rnlriln men who withdraw from lent n1ht mftllia, will tiike further jurt In the rtlsi-usslon, Osnsral Hcott 'iplelned teday tht In view of the atti tude of OnnTel Obrfsjon he hd not tlioudlit It proper' to Insist on, Mr. Mo cjiiettere' atfnndanre, espsrlally nn the Jnitrr hd no official standing;, i Ofnerel Kunaton selrt the coast guard ordered to the horder would be assigned to towns, which It could beet protect. The tnllltla, will be divided anion; towns, lrldn end easily ocssltil point with rlneii communication, relieving the cav alry now doing patrol duty for service tn the leoleted section of the border. Two troop of th Twnty-flrt Infantry no to n t'aao to guard the big bridge near l)el Hlo on h Southern reciflo line, Amerlnun military men today an Id they could not ncci'pt the fact that a ''ar rant!, rommlealon ws found on on of the Molil alia killed In the (ilrnn Hprlnit raid proving the raider wr Car nlstas. They etplalued that many Menlcan carried Carransa commissions "obtained before the split .between th first chief and Villa. ( onfrrence Not onrlnslrr. WAHIIINGTON, May Ift.-HecrMary Jiakpr Informed I'realdciit Wilson today that the conference between Deneral f'Mt and Oeneral ObreRun laat night wa not tniirliislv and that It would be con tinued today. Jle Indlrated that the out look wis more favorable for an agree ment being reached. Th exact point of difference war not reveled. 1 -i 0nral Bcott ha adviaad beeretary iaker that no formal counter proposal tmvt been submitted by Uennrel Obra en, but that Olnrgon arranged to submit pepi-r containing hi views today. Oen eral fjci t did not dil(i the depart fnwit wlint counter proponal were under eonelil'rfitlni) Secretary I'xikrr today . recelvi d iui bffer from Governor rinkham of Hawaii, tendering th service of the Hawaiian National Ounrd. 1: 1 K It I It taiiilrr et Ilnrder. : MAHATHON, Ten.. May 10,-Th 1 ighth cavali y dnt hmrnt from Kl I'oao, n t Into th Dig l.jnd dlatilot f r pro taction agalnet bandit ralda. u at the b'rdi-r today. Automohlllata returning fiom tho iinlgtitMirhood of lliiullla.a anld they panad the Eighth near Mi Kinney lTlnti leet night. McKlnoaj, Pprlng I only a few miln ftom Olenn Fprlnga, where the heavtc.it tll cf th lat raid w fina iid and It ' but fifteen mll frHni (ilrnn i-prln to Hoo'iilla. Th two troops of the fourteenth cav alry, dispatched rmm Fort Clark, ramped at Henderson Itancli lat night, from thete Colonel rreilertck W, Plhley pushet on to Koonllls to tsk command of th troops under Mator Oeorge T. Inghome. ' Pub-bf at blrg aalablliihed at flan, (trieiin Hanth anej Miller Ranch. I'rrparlng limn at Sea Aaienlo, f AN ANTONIO, Tl May 19.-A hoard of army officer today began lay. Ittg out camp altea for th mtiltla am) iular troop that will bln arriving hr elthln th neat fw days, aublect to the orders of linrl ronston, The tutal niiiiibr ( tosn iuohild at this point fur srrvlce along the Lit hr and til Ml o will s,o men The lrx. S ordered to rn .nionlo In clu,te all t' er.uiH.t nitlllla of Ten, luso cemttil of cet artillery from gi'f ami Atlantlu board p,ltits and th . httHn of the Thirl field amlisry rumt Tohmt. fa. lo a l ! tt. ii 1i,t ynnaton ha or ltd Hi fi hiirt ef ta Hfth fild sill :irv t 'vrt eill In m H tha bor. -tr It was soi,i.itt.d l h l A.ri.rs t at the fc.!tru p,. r w,i t sent it ! ( t ! I l fi.iio IN rt ..t tn !.m tfct n liui( sii ifsnnrat .n it .y tiime . i I i t iKt-rmattun gta out at b I i'(rtr '' i. arlli'aty cnee. I '.I ! ! el ' t etn ti ..! ,t t'.tlr t; nl t it 'isit' I'len a i.g e a ! lt.4il may Iniml " 1 ' t ,', tii . .,: t fi'lli .l'tnt !H! r. tin I'li'llj i m pi.t ACUTE AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM T ? a l l-t.it. it on, ' u ' t t. .... t m ...,, ,J . ,.J W j .J It I k. . I . t .v.l I, v.. A t.i I, t -- ' " I.-.M.J u a . itt 1 . . iik. ii , t. ... . i , ( ,' i n i- .i t - - i i I , . - "t.'M.Kn..i .t., 1 1 . ,.,. 4 i at M .! ei i.. u.v.i ,,,., i, ' . t-,-, . i . ,,. ,,..., ia 4 ., i . i i, , ,i ' r t . . .. r ,t,,.J 4.1 i l t,i. I I t ),. l, i,i,,i 14 , I " ' ! 1 l. ! ft . t. k. ..,.. 1 ,, ,l., , , p w. ...M ' -.' t I U , , . , ... -.. b - I- . , , "- 1 t e tn, t t.- .,. , , , fc ( ' ' -"- ' ' I 1.1.8 ., , -'-'' "' !(... M .,. t I ..,,,, . ,,, ,., . ... t m , i 4 w, a,.,,.,., e - I'UiV - ,, HOWELL NOW IN NEW ROLE Omaha Man Receives Nomination for National Committeeman of Prohibition Party. HOW BALLOTS MIEJJ THINGS ff'rom a Htaff Correspondent) . UN CO UN, May ia-(Hperl.i-Thr l an old saying that "Horn men are born great, other achieve grestness. wbfl other hav grsstnes thrust upon them." The latter sppesrs to apply to ft. Heecher Unwell, whom the official count on the primary election discloses baa been electwrl national committeeman of the prohibition psrty, Others who hav recalved what they did not ask for are the following: n the First rongreeslonsl district C. K. Reavls receives th nomination for con gress of the republican, progressive end prohibition parties. In th Second district I.. J. Qulnby re. eelves the nomlnstlon for oongress of the people Independent party. In th Third district William P. Wr ner I the nominee of th republican end progressive parties. In th Kourth district Charles Bloan get the republican and progressive noml nations. In the fifth district hatlenberger get th democratic, populist, and progressive nomination. In tint Hlxth district Moses Klnkald gets th republican, progressiva and pro, hlhltlon nominations. Unite Mlsture, fttate Superintendent Thorns receives the republican and progressive nomine tlon, Hhumway the republican and pro gresslve, Vic Wilson the democratic, pop ullM and so' lnlIM nomination and Uns et I gets the republican nd )irngresslv for stste recent. In addition to these, as has been pub llnhed, Charles W, Hrysn has th popu, list nomination for governor nd Jsmes f'esrson the populist nomination for lleil tenant governor, Po far non nf th ahove csndldstes hv signified en lntn tlon to ropt or decline Herd Will S pea I,. Attorney Oennrsl Meed will dellvar th piemorlal address at Norfolk, notwith standing he voted to keep th county seat of Madison county t Msdlson. II has slso lieen Invited to dellvar th com- liieiicement day address at the Chedron Htsle Normal school, May M. (Ml (ears fie for I'nnrt. The Injunction cases covering the fees received for oil Inspection wr heard today before Ofcree W. M. Morning The rasas oover th right of th oil commissions to chsrgs certain fee for ltiieclliin of oils which th oil compan ies claim' are exceaslve. Teed to Misjae Ciisslr, A, V. Teed of th ute aupeiintendent'i office, ha goo to Illtulioixk end C'bas countleg on ductlonal matters, a mat ter of consolidation which hag been de layed In on of th counties being g part of the business of th trip, MRS. JOSEPHINE SWINGERT WILL HEAD EASTERN STAfl M'COOK, Neh May 10.-tftpclal Tle- giam.)-McCook last night entertained over 600 delegate and visitor to th Ne- braaka grand chapter convention of th Order of th Kastero Htar. It u th only open meeting of the convention, end MO persons wer present. This morning th tnsmorlal service, g solemn and im pressive exercis of th order, wa held This afternoon the obligation ceremony s given by Oaovolg, chapter, No 34, Hlecllon o( arflcer followed: Mr. Jo sephine Hwlngert, grand matron, Oordmi; l.d J. fierce, grand patron, tienevai lira, Anna ;, Bliiipson, associate grand matron, Omaha; N. Dwlght Kurd, associ ate grand patron, Ansluy; Miss tuise linens, grand secretary, Kloinmlngton, Mrs, Uiu A. Conklln, grand treasurer, llubhelli Mrs, .Maila tinfiiian, grand con ductress, llaveliiik; Mia. Carrie tpell man, Hsaoi:lut grand conductresa. Tonight Eureka chapter of McCook ex rttipllfled the work, and Acacia, chapter of Hustings gave "Th I'llgrlms." A DAGGER IN THE BACK Tl.at's the worimn s dread when ah Beta up In the morning to atari th dav'a work, "nit! how my back aches." UiUi MKD.U, Haarlem Oil Capsuloa taken toilav eusca the ha'k achs nf to imiriow uikeu vry day ends the bai kauli for all time pou t delay. What a th u of eiiffnrlng? Hegln tak ing UiiL.l) . MkMUL Haarlem Oil Cap sule toilav and t'e relieved tomorrow. Tese threo or four every day and h paruianeiitly frea from wrenching, dl trssalng hack pain. Hut b sure u got Ool.D MIU'AU Hlne tu UOLu MEOAL tlaarlem Oil ha been th Na tions! Iteinedy nf Holland, the Govern ment of th Netherlands having grant ed special charter authorising Ua preparation and aale. Th houaewif of Holland would almost aa sumi t with out bread aa she would without her "Ileal lm'rh tuo,a," aa aha quaintly rslls Of it. It MI:lAI, llsarlein Oil ('itp soles 1'lils Is the one teitaoii aliv )oil il f 1 1 1 it the nmiien and c till. hen f H"l'an1 s.i slurdv and rot'iisl, iitil.lt Mlil'AI. are the pure, original linsrlent till Capsules Iminttted direct from (l.e .thntati rles In Haai'lem. Ilol land, rtu, he sure lo gel On,l MKt'.M. I milt for t name on every bus, Hold bv rellalde 1'"Mit lit erale.1 la. k age at !V. Iirtu and It Oft Muney rr f itide.t If thev dit not help v.tu . ,--t.i nnlv lit. umji M KI I .. All other ' Imitation Adterus. ment Hello, Palm Dcacli! W wet et !( f g asaath . Sat y are tier w t) let sr f fee. LET US REPEAT W ! fwlat .ia ! a4 m !: a goo, r ttuii. tkee new Men's Suits, $1.00 tidies' Suits, $1.50 We tk r e la rets tkeul l .teia It. fiwil tn -- ,t s.ie ThePantorium 0MA1LA STUDENT ELECTED TO THE BLACK MASQUE. t' J' -Tiiiiinuiiiir-''r'T MIHil MARY IIAUlClt. WIVES OF SURGEONS CALL UPON PRESIDENT (From s Htaff Correspondent ) WAHHINOTON, May 10-lSpeclal Tele-gram.)-Rcpresentstlve I,obck wits the rhspernn of Mrs. A. V. Jonaa of Othah and Mrs. Mnyo of Kochestcr, Minn,, In their presentation lo th president. Mrs. Jons I the wife of 1'r. Jones and Mrs. ilayo Is th wlfo of the eelebmted sur geon. GUSTAFSON OF MEADE LOOKS AFTER CREDITS ffrom g Btaff Correspondent.) , WAftlllNUTON, May lO.-iHpecisl Tel egram.) II. Gustefson of Memle, pres ident of the Farmer' union of Nehraska, I In Washington In the, Intorest of th rural credits bill, now before the house Th average age of the Dei-man com manders In tho present war I eurs. fkleaao While Wing Strike, CHICAOO, May 10 -Chh-sgo's elreeis were unswept tod.iy hecause of a strike of (Vio "whit wings" for higher wges. car mjwMmm -itmmtmwmimmimm'Sit eewe7iv- -. One Year Ago Today in the War Hrltlsh stopped Herman chars east of Ypre. Inflicting heavy loss'. Vienna reported that Auatro-Oerman victory In Oallcla, forced Russian to re treat In Poland. frenchHrlllsh troop captured Turkish line at Krlthla, on the Jjardanelles. Cabinet derided United Ktutee should demand Germany make reparation for deaths of American resulting from su'i- marina attack and glv guaranties against repetition of offense, Character 6 I m t i . it-en j5)fllwillil ii , p, wipwiySBgSS3&Mww '4Ci ii !. lb i if n 1 1' 1 " 1 'iSSjggtetf fci fl 'TWI- HI III -' vve y 7ra YVH luHjf "" mux Nitiotul Pmk, I'mlc Nun' trttetr,inJt twenty thoueanj itrtHig. Many of. theta wer cfoiul- trivl tlurd'timers nwerir4 aJiirt tho call lrrciitiM of the "land of ehininj mountaint,' ,Ai iit.Kt iH'k i t si h4 t' i,i.iiti..K . it,J Ui. I .e m:m W. t e-:i I 1 I t l t('e v',(. .'' i l 1 ! t,'s.i( V !. t1 e tH t. I'lsvm.hl ti I .! i I IK t-tl S " f - l , . 4l ltj .! ! tmj.i '"4 ,.itt tnrt Veen Is- ( r- 4( I t t . l j !'. 1 i-l N ! ntt Jwi.sttj, ..in ie ( vki V . I1 ,",( I ,t an. I I " e t il- !l Mt 't . t i, i ,e t.. sm t P'4 Ll f'f t ' ,, ' . ew.Mijf " 4 V. M. Kmiie, lit. f'eseet'ier Agf it, Seventh M , le NUHnee, Is, Tour of 0-E-D Road To Be Made in May (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 10. (Special Telegram.) -rrcachlng the gospel of better roads, the Omaha-Mneoln-Denver Illghwsy asso nation will start a campaign during tht stale rommoTclal club meeting at Omaha, May a end 24, leaving Omaha, auto mobile at the close of the meeting and n , a king a run over the OmahaL!ncoln fienvur road, stopping at every town god conducting a speaking campulgn. The association before It closed It meet ing lier adopted a. resolution favoring a tax on automobiles according to th horse power, the proceed to go to road making. Ktep were taken to secure Nebraska' eh ere of the good road appropriation made by congress, which will amount to about IIOO.iXiO for this stale the first year. Officers elected by the association were; frealdentC. H. Rohrer, Lincoln. first Vice fresldent C. W. Meeker, Imperial. Hecond Vc President A, Leverty, Ash- lend. Hccretary R. A. rtlske, Heatings, Treasurer fat Wlsh, Mistook. Wyoming Hail Bandit Convicted by a Jury CHEYENNE!, Wyo., May lrt,-WIIIm L. f'nrllsle was declared guilty of train robbery late today hy a Jury In the dis trict court. The Jury recommended life Imprisonment. Carlisle was on trial In connection with the holdup of a Cnlon Pacific passenger train at fJnrlntt Junc tion April 21. MAN CF TWENTY-THREE KILLED BETWEEN CARS RAVENNA, Neb., May lO-fSpeclal Telegram. )-Harold Calea, a young man M year old of Wymore, w lnta.ntly killed In front of th Burlington depot t about S o'clock t.hlsf evening. Mr. ernes, a brakeman on e freight, was on top of the train. Two switchmen, V. K. I .i num. and Han Dey saw him mis his step and fall between two cars, Catos wa single and the family home Is st Wymor, Neb, HI mother I said to be a widow. CREI6HT0NMEDicS TAKE EXAMINATIONS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 10. --(Special, )-Dr, J. A. 'lamlslea of Omtiha, and about forty students nf Crelghton Medical school vis ited the state penitentiary thl afternoon. They had spent moat of th last two days taking medical examination. The French government la using a new poison, an extract of eijullls, to extermi nate the rats In the army trenches. COMPANIES, like individuals, build character. This Company, In the many years It has successfully handled estates, has established a char acter for prudent, careful dealing that commands the confidence of this community Make it your Executor or Trustee S l '-fit Savw America' i Vacation 2 Paradise tiiuritt Iuv tlnriftl nf tha the Old NVorjvl, found still greater wonder IdnJ et home, i hey cm Ut year to IJUcief Ih ,t.t iK 1 1'. tun' t, bi.i.'Kl-f luvj ' v ii A K t.J i- n l'i i t. .,. .f Siii.iiks; in ffftt J n I tl n. (v1, i th ftiv N.iv!tts, IV Vt, I i t fii. (', ia J 4 t 'k e - i "v ! V t" 4 - " N"'e .a. "t' i "Mfsteete. t " I' t ' t A I X I S .rfite, ft . POROSIS Colonial Pumps In patent, dull, ivory and gray kid, as illustrated, $6 to $8 a pair. ; 1 ,,. i a n i S Tailored Suits Real Values for $25, $35. Heiroiiil Hi Kir. A Thursday Special $1.25 (-W-infli) Ernbroid crod P'ronrh Voilos, Thurs day for $l.f)0 a yard. Itnen Herl Ion Main Moor. You Will Be Glad to Know, That extensive assortments of French and German Val Laees have just been re ceived. All widths with inser lions to match; also Det-top laees in all widths. a run, "iboai, sAjroa CHANGE FROM ONE FUEL TO THE OTHER JUST Vco&Sim no TUN 0N 0AS AND LIGHT OVEN, BLTP3 & SONS CO. JUL r Invitation to the Public The honor of the presence of yourself and friends is requested at the dedicatory ceremonies and entertainment incident to the corner stone laying of RIALTO CITY (At Rahton-Omaha) Saturday Afternoon, May 13th Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen Commencing at 2 O'clock There trill be music, andt for those who with, dancing (iuesU coming by automobile will find the most advantageous way to be via the Wt$t "QM road. Trolley cars on the McKinley system will leave on half hourly schedule, going south from Sixteenth and Far nam tt reels (Tovfi.T John IL MveSfJ, Victor 'svnniVf of The RtF,C,iU ihr o' Thi Wwll'ltfrctlh O. I;, Knwky if The thil'j .Vrtr,, and t filter lxSbnAH U i-l bt nt if tht yrinsipt! Other The Rinlto Company St K. Schafer Pres. THOMP50N-BELDEN6Ca TKo FashJon Gxier oflde HidclleWesk 'f tsbblishedlSofi' Now Is The Time to Prepare for Your Summer Needlework Ve have scores of tempting suggestions to offer in tho Art Xet-dlework Section work which will appeal to everyone. Anytime it's convenient , for you we would like an opportunity to present these new ideas for your consideration. Plan Your Work Now, and get a Correct Start. Classes daily 10 A. M. to 12 M., 3 to 5 P. M. ,Under the personal direction of Miss Steenstrup, an expert. House and. Porch Dresses Basement Apparel Section Great newavarietics of attractive models priced from 98Mo$5.95. The popular reversible front house dress in service able muterials for only $1.00. Thursday, We Place On Sale Three Hundred Beautiful Trimmed Hats at Four Prices Trimmed Hats, worth $7.50 to $10.00 Q ) Thursday pO Trimmed Hats, worth $11 to $15 qr Thursday- pt) Trimmed Hats, worth , $16.50 to $20 &H r A Thursday $ I DV Trimmed Hats, worth $21.50 to $30 P1 A Thursday plU All colors in Tailored, Street and Dress Hats. No approvals, credits or exchange!!. BBCOBTD TLOOK $5.00 FOR YOUR OLD STOVE AS PART ON Ever Ready Monogram COMBINATION COAL AND GAS RANGE NO CHANGES NOTHING TO PULL OUT OR PLACE IN OVEN TO DEMONSTRATION CONTINUED ALL WEEK All sales are Final. PAYMENT AN 1515 HARNEY V7 r . tiusiar I s.wf.a ' I'ieeaese " till f Je 9. fiwe l t)tk tni. Jt rtsi gt, t ' lite -.!. i f't i k SWe.4. t f aV, . !. ew m - v !f ' ' t ewaeee -I ll I .f ' s ti'ie I "i I -"-m Y ML . ... .. .