Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Want-Ad Rates
v Ir word ....each Insertion
paciaj Betaai
rrrn and Hindi Lands.
?e per line earn Insertion
, (Count six word to the lino.)
AtJENTH (.HI hklp WAMlil)
!o per word on lime
1V per word. . .three ooniM'utli tme
c per lln on tlm
7c per lln. .... .three consecutive time
(Count six word to the lint.)
FT-NrlHAL NOT!' 1-4;
lOo per 11ns... each Insertion
(Minimum ciiarm bo conta.j
Monthly Rate for tanfllrijr ada fno
change of ropy) 11.80 per line
(count tlx worm to tne un j
Contract retee oa eppUoetloa.
TUPS will not he reaponarbla for
more then on Incorrect Insertion nf an
alvertleemrnt ordered for mnr lhn
on time.
AnWTtTlfirnfl should rtln rerelpte
given by Th Re In payment for Want
Am. nn mistake run ba rectified
without them.
VfW. Tim TPIT.FPTrOVT? tf Ton cannot
ronvanlantty bring or sand In your ad.
Ante for Want-A Tnkar, n4 you will
rac the asm e-ood service aa whm
delivering your ad at th offlne.
mof-mTum 100.,
AVT-AT roT.T'MNl. rf.
rVFVTVa FOTTrnvH 1V0. M,
Current of 0) bt Motion
Am. ' r,.ilM 1
Pit ,.. ' J bi ll LGUULAi
Loie'e diwn U craliia.1, but H graep la
"Counterfeit Love"
! ' Haul' Bmlllng Spirit," A til entitling
! THE VAimti iTi .'AllNAM
Now th feature of features, umhea
trft and pip organ, today presents;
Th Trail of Langr. Ila. of Hln.
i Kslein.
The Broken Promise. Knln.
, ' Tl) Idickuhnt rnd. l.uliln.
a -rl ly Ko ftura coinxdy with a
million Uuk'h, ninal aenoatlonal com
rdy var put on a arrMii.
161 i f"TNu ijinnicT
luinart jwilaiin in nia; jun jrniy,
1 Vrnl I'otlm drama, and a fowl oomndy
fpaturlrif Rutm Mlllir.
umiuov. "24 111 aTTa7i nnoi'
.. A raturn ahowltif of tha wondor Plo
, tura, "Jordan la a Hard lload," fnaj
iurtn Iorothr fllah, Owen Monra and
f rutik Datntoan.
I eTi i'EKM AN." 1 CTH AND IlCftpfiTfli
1 "Hta Miitnrpl':," "Ind'a I'aillnn
rUhtr," "i.'undy, Uoojl n,L2'!'
. " aontn.
Tha Tlira Wlaa Man." Hrll. "Tha
I.ady and tha Moiiaa," Hlograiih. "Mil
llonalm Mlllla." l-whln t'o. ''Couritliia,
nut tho rountj' Kalfni.
iJOULBVAUD. aad & I'vonworth.
Wedndiy at 7:1 and 1.48 Allra Brady
In "lhti I II Conic Htk to You," pro
iliirfh hy tha Fruhman Amuacmont Co.
A l.n onajrrLnf Pfimdy. ,Tr
:7u)HU''. ti (jKANWUTrTll
i "r'rUKV.
2655 KAHNAM.
"Tha Ortmaon Vlnn." acta, featurlnf
' W. tf. falvart. Wvrljr naynajtte.
IfetTsaE; 24TiTanBn7
"Tha Woman Who Md Not Cara."
t A'lt- ll"i!-f"T- !rl;'Lv!r2:
'.ORPHEUM. 41H 4 M
Tlva rla of pood plcturaa,
fepaotal rtra Raal Vaaturaa now appaar
I Inl at tha following Thaatara:
j XfoCCo, SSTbav ii.
"Tha Tliraa Wlaa Men."
i y f --jr - ;in j AN- ifx;
' "Tha Woman Who Old Not Cara,"
'V'tli. Ali b,' " iiXT'SXliA V ilNWdHTir
Atlca lltady In "I'll Coma Hack to
"V n," ,
M l'I( tH. 'Ul li"AN ft fH)l'CirA3
Ut dawn la ataJual, tl Ha grain ll
! aur ,
,CtiA'r i'lth ami Hiim.y.
' luih.rt 'Krltaon In "" 'nHy,1'
' rl patha drama, an4 a vud ( J
I friuiln Hi'a Ml.lrr
T'UiUui'. m AM' l'nuu'-
' fioiurn li'-wtra uf tha m4t plwtuia.
-JoMan la a ui-1 K"1.'
'wnNltort, ' - tt.4 TARMAM
'Tha rtimwa Wiiia." a.'.
Tiu's:.' ii,; i iiH'aiw
Ta ai.h, ta f"m1y w'h
a f"Mn ' a.
t .m. v i . !- v U
" "
'ti.ia.vaN. :.:t aV:. nn;iFtrft
., . 1 I a I ' a
I ! ' v a" t '''- '"'
! i ii i h i i t
o i, .ii . v- . ,-., .1 a
:.a ,,.--a.. I a "
r ..(. i i' a - .
t ttttt r tHK
( ,i ,'.:,,'"... i- l , i. a
a- ,i , : t t! ta '
w . i i a '
Vi.i v i- nh a I, t S'H -t t
t - a l" a 'a t t -a
Persistent advertising of anything really worth-while
desired results the first time "Try Aain"-Catl Tyler WOO -
li'l! L 1 K f If M 1 10 a.
tURK white talnforced ceniant rai
maritaia, wltn nxmc im.l a I..MJ;
cnifceH, J3 .00. 1 ,n 3 dua ItHdmaii
MmUr I'o., I'.' 8pi.n,,r. Weba'ar i.1;.
ulliwlalwi A I ,I i 1 1 , t ,1 ul K, lllAuati
lailina. Mil kt'i'lM nnrfr IMh A ('hHilva
N0TlHN'(i ahout tha r'Hi't.'oiiha.'.ia loiub
to mat or currou. ,
l)l'-M w' Al.l I I i l l fl.uvi. nn r
plnnm. Art uintu tiia tiotin, mtuiml avary
whera. Kicullfiit arrvlca to our cua
tonira In 'ra ra niiiiiictMla Mi.mb
A HWOMHIIA. HH Kurimrn St I' mil
LAHiiMI AmH 1 At rNT o( fraan
fiowrra, milivfrni or a'Uiipad anywliar.
,. HK.S'IjKHmoN, tMa Jarnmn t.
A. i n S A'Ull'K'li',?2 Hnniy. " I 'ouk iW
1IATII, florlHl, Fariutrii it, I'i. 3.10.
iiiuiiia ami moATiia.
JJIrtha J. M. and Mithln MihiiIoii,
j.arimnra, gin: a, ana i :otii i:i tn l.u ) ei I
:4I Huutli Hfth. boy, Mr. and Mr I- rank
Clark. 1714 Maudii '), liny; J.,hn uri.l
Kaniilo Mg)nliigiili. i,l''l Hoiilli 'J'hlrty-
rlrat, Kill; John ma Amy A iiornn,
Mouth Tlility-flftn uvnuf, i inmli- ninl
t'wriillnii J'lui'kiii'r, mot HimiiIi Thhtv
I'luhlh, wlrl; John mid Ji-iin ,Uln,
H'liitli 'J'hlity-flrnt, irlrl; It. it, ;itid )lra
VltMH. SilO Houth Hlxtmnlli, hoy.
iMialtia-Mia. Mai Karat l((ir, 40, hoa
pltal; Jniima Ii, Jtodinniid, h,iiial;
Mr Anna 1,'orrlKun, M, M(rt Hoiilli 'I hlity
nlnlli. Alia. t.liiia WIiIIk, f7, 2 HI II: Au
Miit Mvfi a, 4n, JM4 l'"liii" ri' is himli'Viird;
Mlaa Miiml'i M irnn, :il, Im..ii.M 11 1 : YMii
(1I11TI111111, linapllnl; llidtta Hbiiunii, 2 ;:
rtiarl; Wllr 1'. lloovur, 4n. !HI North
TwMity-foiirlh; iloim II. Jfc-ally, 4, ' :i
Mont Ii Twenty-ilalilh; Mary l A null, 'I,
7IJ Nnrlh Twenly-tlilfd.
M4II II I. 1. 17 Mt!VP.
rnrmlta to wed liavo Iwi-n lnnntd to th
Name and Itxaldiinrn All"
ItiMiry I''.. Hlifl'iK, Ni lirimkn City,,,,, :
Jwlft I'mkiir, NiilniiHku lly .,
fVidl Wlllla, lliimplon, Neb ,, 71
Kdrm (loltrapl'i, J'liliinun, la in
Tiiln W, Itamiii, (imiihn 'S
Marian Onffini), t minim. ...... ., 3)
Ink McKay, (imnha.,. ,,,,, "
bailla Culvnr, (mmhn , U
Frank Kralfula. )r,, Julian, Nab i'i
Klorencn Kairla, Julian, Nnh
Crank Hranlral, Mnranra , Ki
PTrnral Jlailaon, Omaha,,,, U
Irfiatar Houthwlrk, Omaha ,,, It"
I'.IIU llurat, Omaha.. 2.1
J'ravar Jlrotlmia, DU4 fjeuatur. fVar?i'
dwallliia, U.i,; oaliotua llanlty cotiitiuny,
aint Hhlrlay, frama dwalllnir. fZ.Wi;
Oabnrna Jlxalty rumpHiiy, Hmith
Twanty-nlntli. frama, dwallltiK, ;,fJi;
lloma llulldftia, Hi I'ark avnnua, fntma
rtwrlllna, l.'.f.iiti.
aMM'aiaaiiiiMHaiMa mm WmiismWB
I'araona Imvluu hut iiuim artlnlu woull
do wall In cull tin tlm offiro nf tlm
Omaha A Couiu-ll llluffa Itiillway
cornpnuy to aa i rUIn wlmthur thay jnft
it In tha alia. i. tura.
Many atlh lea miIi tiny nru turned In
and tha company la annloua to rcainr
thfiin lo tha rUhtful ownuia, lull
ronir 41;
y full I'M anrilili,) aaii will anvtrilaa II htra,
fou will auralr ft l,var It If fmmil ti an liimoal
prain , liaiitaiknia rarutailoa ara tirrjualil
al'ii avatr flay ilimnah ihla Minimi,
1HN I.AW -I'Kipi hn flr4 I. .l artlclM ar
lnlMiaii In n'mlin tfcat Ilia uia law u
irn la ra'iulrlna II, am to Ml I ha ownai
thrriilah adrarllatniriit an4 fttharwlaa and that
a failura lo ltd in. If aa ma ran ha protan, I"
ola a aatara ttnaltr.
t)KT-?Jn &aaori ai lnnil a;routid"ir near
nc an oviii tirooi n, 1 or ini'ii iima.
aat with Huhf polornd atnni'a aurrounded
by amnll aold nuxcia, )Jln-rl rawartj.
Kdw I'almcr. Hltfrlff'a offhe.
IOKT- I'li'kat lettnr wnllft 1 ontiilnlnH
irlvatd lotiora and ri'lpt addraaaail
to John ,1. linnnanr. Win 4tit Ave , Houth,
Mliineapolla. Minn. If found ret inn ti
i(i Ho. l.lth Ht., Omaha.
l,oAT-in luiiiid. Tna, JMdiiTanaily'a gold
watrh with I,ltipnln Ai'rlnerif Ina, fob,
Kindly plmiin 'I'yli'r JW. llnwHrd,,
CftBT "I'aaavJinoUa" to twoiola In Fori
, tTiflla I'ark mliUUun. l(eturi) to 11'
offhaj ranurd.
ftirnlinre a tut Mon-ihol.l faootte.
Hiirnnln tulcna on licllpaa Klautrlo
Vui'uhiii llian'r do not often 00
I'tir. Taka advantaga of thla offar.
We lima a few imuihluee 1 hut wa
will maka a llborul ftoncaaalnn on
If tiikmi at ouie. NolltltiK bntter
limn tho Eiillpaii, IIiiiiUiimU In uaa
In umiiho. Call early to rriiika your
anipi'ilnn. l'hone Houislna I .'mi
1 Hmith Itlth HI.
riiatrnt price ouIIIhk baraiilna Omaha
aver aiiw. Our atora la not ihn l.n.i'at,
but our baryulna ara tha hlnKi'at
Huy now. Ootid ).Hd nnlll rlnalred,
BTATW FliltMTl Kli Co.,
roriiiT I4tli and lodg. JioukIai 1317,
ti.N Is Niimll IjooKruHO, opiin front, cliert y
f In lab ; two bedroom acta, threa ptat'tta
111 1 1 , 0110 011k and nun birch; aprlny ami
tuattitiHp fur piich hd; nun Morrla
rhitlr. leather cuahlun; one rocker,
tlierry flnlnh. rimtm Tyler i'M-J,
OMAHA I'll. Low CO.-I ult and hair
matUreeee inn, In ovir 111 new ttrka at
half the price of new nni'te, 1'htine ua
fnr aumnle of tlrklnn. M ill nrdeta fllk'd.
IM Cumin, m. l)ouitla 24H7
W1I.I, a-ll all nr prtrt nf hoiiindioUf "fur-
iilHhtnaa, In good omlltlnn, hluh itradu;
aullaliln for new ll'Uiic, ihIkIiI tiiimhler
pami!iit. Cull Ci'lfm 17t! after a p, m.
I"tilt'aieiiieil liunlnti buanl, tieal
and well Until . will Inat a llfi-tlme.
Clmim ua for parlli'iilara IHiiib. Mint.
85 IfK holm, , ana flnvea, Jio riiK of
all kliiila. puitltty wire and netttng.
Open llll p. m. I in N. mth Bt,
CINiNil room . t fur niily lin'iip. Apply
t3 V ;v. Ml.
rtnaoa and Mualta Iraalrunietila.
I 1 AM)-, holt i;i.:: i.
t,i,,il untt. g.Hi.i roiutith.n, " f-i par
month new plauoe, H mi per monlh.
A IIOHI'H CO,, t It IS 1',i,ii:Ih Ht.
Mtore and liUtre Fliltarra.
t'K.K. aelra. a u . anuivcaat-a, aiieiv
i!H ei a buy, eil i"iilia Kltture A
Nuvp.y Co . m lain H inn imu. .'.'I
Janflrii lleaiaata, Walchra.
iTunl'C'iA Vlllil ' wadding imiki1
at Uill nnd I'o'.'abia hit
llMlilte attd t fl.
iT'l.i. ilne f reiiwntet j ,n. n.e, imnki a
t"ia at Pt eni , ff ; N I in -t
1 iptiini, ra ee arlllr
r-' vv ii,!, i!ii4 el,i it, a aime i ten'.
: per tiHMiin it wa bafii ..-i Uiii -r
taut a i 14-- t ,tiiv p'a.-e rn ita
ft-e 1 1 1 a ' t'ne Tl'ti'r t . a .
I a H - ii 1 :.;. a S'h
T '.W til 1 . i ii aI. k .(..! e .J iv
ha.ied a;i 'IU er 1 n a
l.wiii (1 ft I- 1 enttai !", . 1 1 .
. t.i- ! " , 'll..l
Ml!t.AM t.-IMtiON aVI- , AH S
. , , a Ja 1 1 t (a IiKiIhm, .... t ,. .
Uit't in in a ..-t . in- j : i !.. k
I - S.i S-l l . . I ft 1,
I t : , . t I ' I i Hi - i ' m i . v ,1 I
I 11 t ..,.! ..I 1 I ' '
llxela, i e Kla, 4 l.
i vi r 1 11 I..-1 - !!,' t... 1 i
I ' ) 1 n tt 11. a .ia .!
! -.,',.. i 1
, tt ..... , i . . t
Mev ailM 1 i a.
S V, ' ' "'
I. Vl'l 11
l V Hi v
l (!'' 1 - ! - ',
lln. a - h ,
1 . -, - t.
I '. V
-1 t
'" 1 ''
a a . 1
(lollilnif, l-'ttra, HIP-
Vv'K bu and t'll 1. ill,. 1 mi;e " i.t.1 and
overt iihIh KrlxuiiiHii. Ult Oouglaa Ht.
anraery, Krrtie ami I'lenla.1'
MTl'. ItYltO .Nuroety Co,, Ktiiand Ooijgi-.
Ofrn e i 1 1"2 '.. foltaa 411.
l.var-beitrliiM airawbairy plimta, home
grown. 13 per hundied. Colfm ')' 41.
.i,l" ,,d, o1 Hotli'lnit tloitt W ebat'er 4tM.
Scwiajr Machines
Wa rent, repair, aell neadlea and psrti
of all aewlnu imielilnea.
MH Kr. 18
16th and llerni v Hia rmng 111
llllltnril eii.l I'tx-tti-l 'lelilea
Kt'iH .New atnl aanotid-hanti rarora
aim imi kel tillinml tnlilca mid huwlliig
alleya and at.ft-eaorlfaj aend for rata
logne; enity payuieiila. The III iii.mvi. k-Hitlka-f'nllemler
t'o.. Vfi.VjH K. l"th ht,
l.iuolirr 11 ml II 11 1 lit I ua Mnlerlula.
2d -In, ml luuilii r ami liliiiiilng. Iluditln
t'onfit. Co., 17,14 " 1 in ilii tf. Tyler I'.'dJ.
' I'rlollou end Offli'a ftniipllee.
Cu.M.MI'.lt' IAI, l,i, 11 i.tihM Co., t Ir.-ular
lettera I'tibiln ateiio. Addrvfcltig n
velopea or tarda, eio. Call H, ".hui, UV,
l'ioii Hlk,
Olr OCR pih na nil Job printing.
C. H, I'T'J, f'O.. W.V. HI, f"l, D, )I71.
W A"TfhH-H A It Ml A KT I "i . .' I'liiaiit y
Jirlntltig Tel Imiiti. "If, u','4 R ISth Ht.
l 'mt-f I In iieniie.
vfy tilnh alutidiiril of" tpialiiy wlirii
inHltiialtied; 4 niarta of Old Konieimlle
whlaky, III'.',; bottled In bond. Henry
I'olloek mall order limine. iJoug 7ltiJ
KOIt ICK, I'llONK COI.i"AX 601.
(Ifn.nfllri, l;iih and Manderenn H'a.
ALIiX JUVi'Kii " Ll06irlluC'ljh)7
Thlrttientli and Douglaa,
Hollled In bond whl"kv. ji,c, i.t,,
full tjna I,
lliild.'ii Wrat Wiiliky, 4 full
'i 'in 11 m hottliii In bond, prepaid.
t'tii-kii'v lir'.e oiiihIiii,
l'(lV FA i". V. i '1 nlrln ha 7, W iTtTataon
1 lay t o., inimin, Nan,
. , tf.?i.-ji
WANT I'. L -1 1 lih tlMia an r vi'yor'a "t rVnsIt,"
an Imttrument that la deigned for gert
etal land aurveylug e wali aa drainage
work i'ri.e muat ba liglit. Addieaa Y
Hi. Ba.
New deaka. Ued deaki. hotiiiht. eold
and traded J. C, rtead, IM7 Karnatii,.
ft A ' HMAN wlflpav you iiioref for fur-
uttiira, cmti.ea ami annea wen dii,
lllvjient prha mild for 2d Inuid dottier
ehoea. (ruiike, aullmaea. D, 6'Kl or 1 1, ffi83.
lluI.MIirt pay your lube fur 2d hand
rtlntliea, alloeH ami lllita. Wen. Ml'),
01A) " 7:vr II KH ! OM.T H TlO K I f"
Wa tiny hlithi'nt nrl'-e Webaler I7H4.
i'.YvjeindoTur V M 1 "A. OuT'arkT
llKHIil.UA A llll H l.ln kv VVttlllltlig
Hlnga"at lth and Douglaa Jtta.
l.a 1 iiinnneri.
CAI.r.RO for and d. liven d. Ha air work
guaruntiad. Haw filing Doukli.a 713).
1-av.mii, mma ahai peni d. Harney Will.
Mutar llfpnlra.
CAHII.I, JCIJ'IC. CO., Una Hldg, I). VCl.
arueitli-ra anil t onirui'lora.
HHff.'K. 1'i-palilng nud reinent work of all
klnda. 2U Cuming. Harney 4t',i3.
Tin Work; Centrnl Tin Wiop. 1). 4i'H4.
Hi'lilililiiy I'lnnltiB, i't .! 1 1 net Well. Tnif
leaaaaTtl Hon llttT Capitol Ave". TTiflll
0. W1. ilokaiiein, 'iMi 11 mu.yiX.TiA'S t
acordlon, ghla, Knllc, liog Pleating,
Cov, llutlont, I Iriunill' hlim. Nob, I'
Lng A llittion Co. J.ll-il I'lialon Ink, I(.4li4t
i'i IteV ' teiiemmiili!, Mm. It. A. Connully,
2ml lln It rl 1 1 1 1 h -. I'll' ud DmiKlaa D. 27'"i
VltaAt Flaffter, iaiileg' tiiilurtttl garmnile
fur all oi'i'iielotia Jnk Unite Hldg. Ty. SI7,
.iiiiiiiinn Milrhne a tiowtiK, fiulia. Not 4,
Kloiftiiliii! A pf n l'hom Houitlee 72sH.
l''aihliiiinhn driieamnklng. 7o;l H. 31"t Ave.
liY day, work gnaranleeti '.Vab. 118.
r.tlir"a iii einukiiig Ctd. woi City Nat.
'terry Tiieaanuia g .:oiue. 01.I1 ik li'itrnain.
iltuurn ami itivi.
lai N, ii'th bt.
A UI4 'rfrNT8 oriilaleaneif FiidliiocaH.
Jf21,'nrniiin Bt. 1Iioim Ited
ictrrylblna fur blldrett.
I I IT Ml', I iniiliH all klii'ln uf olothns
for children, '&1I hiika Wehater nt.
1 oaluuiea.
fllMATHlCAl, itowne, lull drraaauita. for
rant. 209 N. 17th Ht. John Kiddmao.
Piano Inatrufnoai.
Itautliua piano playing poallively taunht
In 20 Ira. ina 4-. ' liming. Will. HIT..
I lilroprafluiar Vptnal A tllitalmrola.
lilt. liCUHOllN, 4.4 Unas lildg. U. Ml
fnliiHT H. bool Kind Cunauitatlon free
frj. V i.u w 1 eitciVT lriilriliiiUg2 ffjwWtV
I'.irtii Hitil Ulndoiv Hffftiua.
I IKVjfiirtiirv tovoii, l'hone Ited 4'07.
F' K.CTHIC houae donning, our work and
prlca will pi en m you. It remove
your Mot 111 uluduwa and put In your
kf riena Tyler Ml J.
l'llll, WINCKt.KU. 2,1., Dewey Ava.
Htrl.tlv oolifldenlial. 11. B7iw.
JAAlkd Ai.l.AiN, Hi Nevliio 'tibek. KvT
tlenoo ei'fuied In nil tiii.a, Tltr VM,
I- v Idem o aemiit'd, all citHve ati tolly cuuft-
,I.MiilnU I'oneiillaUon free. H'.' Hen, Ty. M0S.
Ilulloiia anil I'ltatinii.
I I(ISS pltuting. heinetiti'hliig and oov
eie.l bttitiuia. Van Arimtii Draee I'leat
ItiK and Hutiou Co., Jd l"loor I'uxtou
liljt. I huh 31011.
au itaiiA ! V wtif-Mt
ACCiiKlilu.N, el, 1.1. knife, aunUuiat, bug
pleating, coverou rn.tluni, alt anaa and
alvit-a, liuinatltthtng, plrot edgaig. em
tit titilt-i ', bvadtug, braiding, cut. In,
ayt'U't .ni work LnitioniuiUa, "i,m. 111
2 I nnl;lii Itloi-k C.niglna lill.
K. A. l)Y0l(AK, C. I'. A.
tills! ltamge Xldg. Tel. Jhiuglaa 7H
I'll. HKNI'A-Milpiiut, Hleant, Mid-lA
T.irklaii HATDH A X 1 1 M-HAi.K f..r
thai nervra and rlienuiHitain t'll.a e
a, a. 111. .'lit fot ladiei will. Imiy attend
ante ! Karnain. I'tnm" ln.i ."
atti. II t' ,it irl aa ,
. VI. ''t I 1, U . ' f . i , .I'M .hoi It'
111.' I'.l.H '. M fit M;(M a . .
i'i.. . i. ii i. u.i 1 I'tt I .1 r .1 It, I " v,,.
Hal t Iraulati aail Mlot'klitg.
It , I' 1 11 1 .. 1. .ii B'tuia bat., u 1 r. I
at.. I I.I. ,t i.lnlit' llatlvil t
1, i,'.
hi- I a id n. h a. d
4 tiaaa t it.ttaiKiMlfa.
.WIN '. O I 1 1 ' I - ''
t . ua I .1 tt .1 1 'i a .una a e, in
.a i -' i aina ". i'-.r
llele lit-traalHa-
' '! 1 1 " I d I1' ig
... I ..,...' . t t .
lllittt t mt .la
i 1 1 la I a I t
1 'I '
ti t.
l H . .11 ii .
1 1 4 1. .1 t a..4il
1 I-, f , t I .1 t a S. tuiMnlMl
a, i i'i -a 1 h g ...
1 W.l.t,ll.e
I 1 ut .1 1 . 4
a 1
Jatlve ttl lit 'f.
1 I
1 il.
tt.. In , tta.l
Iliaaut I laaa.
1 1 '
N i l
- t
I tt. 1 tat
' a
W It log
. , 14 j. t ,..i
H. MAHf I H, tailor and t''tne1 preaalnf
and repalr-nif. N. lath Hi Jfiik,
lll. lintli l'h)l lMa.
Mrs. J 'i. ii- ! ' i--li Ty. 'iM.
CAI'Kli. paiiry ri'ii ' "ry bakery Kooda,
aiprili'1! to j, .i t irn, i.M't.w ami iiLrriin
manta. '. 11. lie. ;. ... ivth v,'. :aw.
I'nrtini ra olid I itinera.
HtiOKI.'.O, fMrnac.i anil gnrnl tlnworli.
H Ahraii'J. Kit N, it'll M Weh 4H
A lil.MfTltoll, tliiTiramUon. SffT
llrnifi lt A oa tie in lee.
)K X ACAOKMYjJll Jf.ltil Jit.
AalaerlUtiia orlllea.
M K Khater A o . til h- V:t rnam l T'i
Wetldleif lallooery.
WEDrilMI ai.nuJiK I'lneme nnd printing,
rmCOl.AM l ili lli'ii Co. Tel. Doug, kll.
A It. 11 neye.
C. T. Dleklnaon 1'aaton Hlk. I)
" Oenliata.
Dr. tlradbwy Vi paltt. W. W.ft.W. nida.
Taft'aTienl. lime., m Hone Mblg. D. ttH.
'lellura' I rlimiilaiia,
Omana Ti'm'g Co.. 4B Karhacn Bill. DKiW
KltAN'MH MOfltlAN. M.I "aJi40Cr
t'lnti A llervder, hit Hie Hldg. Wi.
Hreaa airnl Iruii rouudrlea.
aJon-JUItchello., 27th and Martlia Hta.
Walflh Rprvlallata.
ciirlatlnt,r,,4ti Hia ttldg. u LJ'r;aP
Wall I'nper t ieHnlnu.
Wallpaper ileanliiK by room ur hour,
R'naonaMa. l'hona Ji. W4. (jao. Itumpl 1.
V Inra mill l.niiiuea.
I.I Y V0111' family li'iniiia at Klein
l.luuot I, ouie. Ul N. Pith. Illumine IWHI.
M itxiTliitri for roiiine, i 'inra fug,
mat .Vi; refrigerator; i-oet 132; kltelum
tiihlniit, mat I"'; dining room nuIio,
golden oak; tiarior aulte, inahommy;
Mnytug electrlti waahoi, rot IW, nu
i,itu,r urlli'lea of furniture,. Will trade
for Kurd or other auto, or what havu
y 011 7Addreaa H. C.J l!)iiJ.H,,e.
I'l itlii whltn female fox "terrier, 1 yeuf
a. 1110, Iirat. rioae wai'ii n'g, aieo oiin
mule pup, 7 weeka, atmoat white, both
flno for ihlldren. What hava you? Ad
dieaa H C. K'llt, Tlee.
THOIUIUOTfrut Ki)" Huff" (Jrpinif ton iiana,
looeleri, attttlng hena, ntothera with
rhh'ka; will trade for davenport, lee
I' nr what have youf Addreaa 8, C.
UM, Ilea.
IN T Kit NATIONAL engine. 1 h oraii
power, and a Meadow a waahlng ma
chine. Will trade for a good row, or
whajtjliive you? Addreaa A. C, 11H7. lie.
AI.rINr jTAt IIInK VVTll exchangiT for
typewriter, new oak offlea furniture
good booka, plrlurra or what have you?
Addreaa H ."
TWO heautirul brindle female realetere
Ibieton In. 11 tiirhr pupa; vnltnd IbO
eai h. What linve vou In gwap? Ad
dreaa C, l'li, Hae,
TO KXi'lf ANn:-WlaironTri Hanltary re
frlKirator, rapacity I'K) poutida; only
need abort time. Addreaa H. ('., 1193, Hoe,
Fl I.MH TilcVlCI'iPKr) iTti;r'rwiin prints
iito ordered, Knlargeiiienta from any
ni gatlve. Kaae Httidlo, K,thnd Hnrney,
5-U'K)M rotliige, "price I2,2o0, to awap for
a good automobile. W. K. Craig, 1317
City National Hank Hldg., Omuna.
H I Mi Irailo player pTaiio 11 nd city lot
f,.r good IS-paaaeiigcr ear. H. C. K'
: .
x?e&.:z rj.
II I'l.IA MI,k matiufiieturer wanta capabii!
bultieaa innn to open office and man
na" Mileamen, Liberal contract; into to
i;m capital neeeaaary. J'oaalldlltlea un
limited. Kxtienaea paid lo Chloniro If
accepted, Munnger, lb27 Lytlon Hldg.,
Wanted, man to conduct cafe, All
newly decorated and furnished. Will
make rent free. A fine bualuraa
fifteenth and .lackaon
in i:hhaska for halt:.
Ilfi.ijnu caali bualueaa lent year; good
ivnieiii for gelling; look into tjla at
once. Write ma, 1,. 2u'i, Hee.
MOVlNtt i'lcture Theaiura. real bargaina;
macblnea, repnlra, aunpllea. a.-crmorlea,
new and aecond hand. Hee ua.
Hand Hldg. Doug. ;20.
WANTKM OptTeian to lake over buai
neaa in Council llluffa. Cheap rent. In
atiiiiuenta and fixtures at almost your
own price. A real big bargain, Address
owner, H 102, Hee.
tlool) paying iiiiivieTsliow, town of S.M.
Only two allows In town. Ltlve wires
net quick. Money maker. 4o4 Ware
Hlk. l'hona Hod i!448.
KM ALT, fleiinlng plant and tailor shop,
tlolug good business, In good town tUiOi;
iiuiKl aell at once; other business. Ad
dreaa Y jllCI,. Hee.
Ktilt HALK-Uotiii. citiiil. stocg nf iiurd
ware; II vn town central Nehruaka.
liood reason for gelling. He quirk. Ad
dress Y 2fii. Hee.
LIST WITH M K for quick results. Have
live ruatoinera waiting. YOCNU.MAX.
tiowd BuTo and Auction Co. :)inaha. have
closet) out more mdae. stocks than any
other firm hi I'. S. Wrlta for Jarina.
THKATKHS-iiuy. leitee or ttell your the
ater, machine and supplies through
Theater Kx Co.. H'JarnaniD. l.'"9'
W ILI.l A M H est"it"bllaiied"''.'l) "ye'ars, To buy
or aell butlnnsa see him. 411 Mct7ugua
H'dg Iteference C. B. NatBank.
Kt Ht "s7LK tltiod paying restaurant,
new, live town. Other business. Hox 4S,
tlra.os Kange, Mont.
New and rebuilt bargntna. supplies.
Omaha Film Kxchange W H. I4ih t.
OKKICK for rc:il esta.e or insurance.
seme floor as Hee orrtce; i.tx.i n et. ..v.
1 ho Hee tddg offjice Jtoorn 101.
Ht'-n'Al KANT for eal. doing ip.od
l.naiiiees. will sell cheap If taken soon.
AiMres V :t.7. lire. '
Foil HAI K-Hlitck Hiila drug store. In
1,111. t,f largest towns. Hales, $lio.i. Ad-
dress Y 8 Iteo. ;
iiNI.Ym7ivle"ln "town "f Ll partner-
hlp tllsatreement, C. W. Hhultie.
Kloreure Neb
Xli'f'i clear 'lo't. list" and hpaul.linu, ex-
rhiinga for ttlninoiida. Addreaa F IS1.
TO HKLL or "litiv a ' Inislmoa. rail on
Hiu.'li ,4 H,.rrhoffVren-i'r Hi -?.'..?.;
TP 1 1 ilKT in . r .mtof'iieaa . all "O
i WtiKSTAH. 4"i Hee t.blg ).tig Sl.T
HouMtN'tY h.ntaea at re;tl bargain. Call
Wir H k Plume Ited triii
TO u'll lit el .r bin a liM-tn" -rii
IIM VS It 1 M i."! I'I. "t
W i t Ki Y HA I K, ,. I I It I.I NK
dn' wniii or buaiiitaa ada trgnUr ia!a
'. 11 r ..I,.' e- K . . I '
. Its I .ml 1101 ... C '
t- b t . 1 1 . iiu.' i !' e
T' t N.l 11 ,11.. a p. tlm e l '. epei ,
si. . irp'. r . ihihiih bn n,'
a 1. I ! g In I ' '"i' on 1
!,. t !.,.. a U i"t l- "' ! 1 1 I at .1
In a , $ i I ,t d I It I ..
I ee
, l .1 t,,i. el .'' .'., n S"-.
I l I. h a "il l i'i' 'rli.a lit f l'ft
I U tn I'li ti g I" a...e. l,"l te. I
I ...lit It- ' '' 1 tl 1 - ' ...
" 1-
V IN f t' 1 -lit -ft Ih I ! a. a i , ,nv
, , , m . ' 1 t a a.- . a . r
.. ' ,-. I 1 , V.I ,.0...! . , . t 4 1
-,,. ;',. i ' I' i t I'I tv
i'tiviy fi Nf "it a i4 wlfa ' t
,1 ... v-. .1 I - 1- ' ' l' ' I
.1 , ,t .1 , a .,. i i ha A I
.', , i, '-
a." ' a. 4 . 1 I
, ,1 , .. -'1. ... :'. .t.-t. ' a ..e-
t I , I. a '!- - v I a I S
I . . , t t . a 1 M
t ' .,-.'..- 1 -I
I ' " 1 ,
a 1 1 i
- i-
,11 a.
WANTKU By limn with 1'ord car Job aa
adverUnitit! agent or aulcmnaii for good
r.'M.niiio!i) film. Additaa liox tsj,
HI:-Ir. Neb.
Al'l'KK.Vl ICK In repair automobile
ahull Maul pom bin, ainall aalary to
an 7. 1 i.. 1.1:1 8. :.:li St, I'lioim Doug
li e ,,V'.
11 vwtnt poeklon aa chauffeur;
i tclcrciicee nnd will deni'm-
'-r ' Hamilton Ht. Walnut 244.
OllNt 'it'eii watiU wui'k at 1 Jiauffeur
or I 1 ni. to !.;) ir alinp; No. 2 mechanic,
'In nl?f'.Kian MT. Jlaniay Ht.
i A i'AN ir.".K waiii.4 ,'taitlit aa chauffeur,
co'.'U m rei.eri.i ho'.ihcvvork, tn nlca
i il. i'e "emliv. " i.;!". Y ,ti;t, Hee.
MAI.i: nura iu or at'ondrint by " "rtiaia
liuri'a 01 eitporlenca, beat of city re.'er
en' . .idre-a A Wl.Hee.
BITI'ATION wanted by a colored man
conk, In or out of city. Addreaa F
I .t'1, e .
l..W(i. i: be wi.ii.a work of any klnoT
WalMi.t ."I.
lioteta anil Keelaaraiiite.
lll'.LIAI.l.l, KMl'LOY.VKNT AO'lvNCrT
initl Davenpoit fit. Douglaa tk."4.
Heiid .i n n 1 a flit hotel he
i"A K.M K K(5 W hen you w nut hl wfli
or call t'mplra Lubof Agnncy. 2H) H.
131 h. Hhi.f oDoug. I(5.
Vi'A.NTKl-llonaeriemiltig by the diTiv
rellMh'i coUired man. Call Wehater i,'l
VlNl iiTwwaaiieU,"r-ga Taataii, act etn
repaired, w nltuwaahlng. Walnut II2V.
I,AVN tuivcd; ho secif nntng
HAI'I.INH nahee anitjiiblilah
l,Xl'i:Hli:N(..KIi emoted woman whiui
poelllon on farm with 1 child, aa coolt;
can furnlah good refcrencea. l'hona Ty-
ir or write ,iin. i). itoiiinaon.
na r. il nr.
WIDOW without children wlabea poal
turn aa nouaeKeepnr where etio cn ,
full chnrge, mil f "rnlgh r,"it of refor-
ancaa. AO.Ireaa K r:i, He, tlniaha.
THK HKfc; cbatge for "Hmfliton ada'
la lower than any otu-r Hum nf adver.
tlalng-not enough in cour coat of
LAlJY deelrea poaltlon aa holtaekeepor;
no oijjection to loavlng the city. Ad
dreaa A Heo,
IlKLIAHLK colorttl girl wanta chamber
muld work or work at nlghta. Ho. Wu.
(IO0I1 colored girl want place caring for
iiiitoren. wenamr laan.
I "OO Itf p rival ehoa r il I tig " ii ouati. I), I;w7
rnumjry end liar Work.""
1SKAT colored girl wanta uay worit of any
ktn.Lt'all WehaterJiOl. Anna Mitchell.
WANTKTi-T'oaTtion aa toaTJ or day work
by experienced col, woman, Web 710)
Fl'UrTf-cXASH launiTreae, cleaning; By
colored woman; beat of ref. Web. 6344,
HLNDLK or family wiieiilng called for
at iitu.wa. guar.; reawoiiaiiie. web. :a;j.
Hutidle waahing, clay work, or hoiieelTeep-
log Jioaltjon, Mir a. Cameron. Ited Km.
HCNDLK waahlng, piece woik, line our-
talna; work guaranteed. Wehater 1250.
KX I'K FilKNt ' KD iuundreaa " " a nta "any
kind of da y .work. Hhiimejlarjney 2U6.
L K y. Y i ti LA U N D MY. Il'" tJa iUo'riiia.
Hand work called for at d delivered.
COLOKKD art r I wantsiouan cleaning;
references l'hnnHnrf)ay S8K4.
DAY work or plain sewing., 12.'T. 2th
Ave Phone'ebstr 2k7B.
cifAViltFRMAJID or dsy'w'ork. Weh. 20iT
Lanndieas. day work. O Jackson. W. fliNf
Cooklngjir day work. 1817 Ir.srd. Tylar lt.
KiHHT elaaw rauToj.ep'a; tfav vt rk. H 4'iK2.
laiiiulress meti a shirts. H M2
LAI'NDHY and day work.
HI'Vlil K waablnu A day work
Weh. It).
W'shlng and luce curtalna d ine. Ty. J 147
Utorra and Offices.
HCY'LR, hwdr, and groceries, mall ordr,
tlao; ttavollng anli'Sinan, staplo itne. 111"1;
til v salesman, hi 11 pie line, I'MM; ship
ping and stock Ik., future opportunity
for road position, $; bkpr.. ntdse. x-
Iierietice, ass t. bkpr., young man,
,M; ledger elk,, 4fj; retail salesman,
lulvvr., 7,'i; retail salesman, wall paper
and paints, k.1; steno. and bkpr., jsfi;
steno. and bkpr., tin; advertising man,
catalog work, siiecinl; stock elk., young
nan familiar with niiichutilcul goods, $.'si;
ablnplug elk and us t. bkpr.,
Wealeri) Heference r, Hond Ass n., Inc.
Oriulnators ot the Heferenca Huslness.
7;,2 otnaha NiitlotmMlank Bldg.
H I KIKK . . ." . .,...".. . . 7777 .$
Bookkeeper (bank, out of city) las
Bookkeeper (city) I5
Heat estate salesman (exp. In buying)
I1C0 or Br.
We have several other openings not
I Kstabllatiey 10 Years.)
loitvie City Naf hk.
HTKXO. unit townl..
,.tj 8.i.mi
,. (i6O0
, . 78.1)0
.. 70.00
.. 12t5.IO
OFFICK Mtill. tltivestment)
i) Bee Bldg.
WK ran always place high-class com
merrlal help. NO KILINU KKK, only
hi ient.1 for InvestigatinK referencaa.
X" K, M A UTl CO., 13-7 V. O. W. Hldg.
HTKNO. and bkkpr., Isll; uteno., T5; ateno.
and bkkpr.. .V.; at.'no., i); bkkpr., pit);
lodger clerk, M; office boy, 24, W'atta
l-tei. Co.. S40 Brand. Thea.
I'r tfeaalona nnd 'I ra. lea.
CAN use expoiTetn'td meat cutters of
?ood. clean hahlts. Apply In peron
tnaket storea' office, HI Brandela The-
HKkT'H FOR LiRI tt jiJliH.
Kstahllfhed Ten Yeara.
1015-16 t'lty National.
WANTKI-Htirber. 113 guaranteed, must
be workman, single man preferred. O.
H. Corpa, Julesbtirg. Colo.
WA.XTi:ii7T tlXCEKxperleiiced tin
ner and plumber; ateady work. J. H.
Mauser. t''rottou, Neb, '
f ii;ST-Ct,A.SH Inside and outside paint
era wanted. J. 1'. Poeckes. 7i Main Ht.,
1 ,e Mars, la m m i
Drug aim e sic l.a bUis. Kneiat. Hee Hldg.
an lc tor 11 ann gi llrltora.
Tf'HMKN AaiiIei,to seli merchandlae
In Oiurthii, .Nebraska, Dee Mollies. Hloux
t it v and Waterloo, lows. Call -J Ho.
li.ih ft.. Onnha. Nehraak.
!F YtJiC have'seiilng a"HI'y sa Htantt
rd .see. in v. Co.. b'li W. O W..
t l Omaha.
tOM I -vril I Nil rati good, big money fr
(lie 11 iiiiiml who la a buallieaa get'.ar.
tut? W . O W.
i Al.l.HM AN I'i ttaial In NU Hiatni-id
Sec, end Ji'i '" ' "' W O CHnlg
" Tratle aritie.
Man wanted to lairn taa tula NV
hi-a orikiiiaavd a plan (.1 taa.'h II W an I rarn ta k Mliinet w'.lt
latafllll liii'l tie ill I'.l I'I!. to I'HI
an. W tlta f .,' . atatt'g-e. I ai. I4ta
Hi . 1 to.Ti a Nub
i.t n mi s w ANrrn
M !aai' sot. 1 a it In tn b'( a.""i
la,n tf !t 11 tieioa tia n a'lia aJ
ttit I. ai. t eg a, a am
A-t-tlU'A.N ,H 1 1 1 v 1 r.i 1 a.
"i 1 ... .a-,. "I'laH Na
I .I.S . , as. tta.tta. a t ail in
,., I, i.e 1, ai iiiai'itioa a w? t- !
, I ,.l-, l,.a n'i t'a.l wtlt
(.,., . ' i . .. a II .' I'.-'Uga
Tin 1 I f V It !" : 'I' !!
V h . , . .4 '' . . . 1 la-I'f tiaaa
(,-.r. .. HI nit i t ai.
I Hi I II I" I I' 1' ' 'I I IH'
it , Tl t t'fu '"'I. l.- 4 J-ar 14
p,.i )" ' . f ' iltl
i n 1 a
I . . 1 , 1 . a t . tut at a', 1
I a tl i ' .'."
vt,,n t ; a Mt it l Ii ).4l
" t l,t I iiaet l'. .a Th IU a
never fails. If you don't get
A Bee Ad-Taker will help you write your ad
M le-4lMaruiia.
WANTED. Able-bodlad untnurrlnd men
between agea ot IS and. 3.1, iltiiititia of
I'liltint Stmt a, of good character and
temperate habits, who tan apeak, read
end wttte tho Kngllah language. 1'or In
formation apply t i Jlet rult.'tig Officer,
Army Hldg, l.1th and Dndjre Hts.,
Omaha. Neb.; J"7 Hixth Ave., Des
Molnta, In.; l Fourth Ht., Hloux City,
la.;j.lnN. Tenth Be, Lincoln, Neb.
l.'.l TO IViU per month extra money to em
Ployed women and men without Inter
fering with regular work: no aellltig. no
caniaaalng; pnaltlvelv no invealment;
tiiiemployed need not apply. Hpencer
Co.. 337 W. Madlaon, Chicago, III.
WANT KM A man with rrferencei for
family liquor houaa, Co. llluffa man
timrerren. 1, 727'), fee
T,' ANTLI --Namea of amhltloua man. 1
to 4A, wishing to become Omaha mall
carrlora. Commence $117 month. Addreaa
Y 343, Bee.
AOKNTH wanted at once. Ten flmt
olaaa aalemien to aell hull lneuranca
on growing cropa to farmer. Men pre
ferred who have had experience aell
Inn lnaurance, nnraery at.,, k. grocerlei
or other ciuninodltlea to farmera; aea
aon right to commence 'work at once;
agenta now in the field n.aklna big
money; apeelal contract to general agent
who can furnlah aeveral good men,
Write atatlug exiierlenee, etc., Dei
M.ilnea Mutual Ineurance asHoclatltm,
Crocker Hlilg., Dee Molneg, la.
Storea anil llfflrra.
BTK.N'o, and cfic., mull offlc-,-ilt)i o7fice
asa't., some stenography must ha good
nt figures," JilB; steno., small office, $.10;
atimo, and bkpr., Mil; office elk., good
penman, good at figures, $.V-40; ass t.
bkpr., 140; typist, with some experience
on 1. B. X., 140' experienced typist, to
operato Klilnt I- Fisher billing machine,
IK); ateno. and bkpr,, 40; cotnpt. oper
ator. .V).
Westeii) Reference AV Bond Ass'n., Inc.
7U t iinaha jN'nlloiiHl Hank Jlldg,
A Yol Ko lady for position oil privute
branch telephonn exchange for mercan
tile house; must have plnaslng voice
11 ml know how to handle customer on
' tha phono: refined, neat appearing. In
replying atata age, experience in tele
phone work and salary wanted, 15 101,
Omaha Bee.
WANTBD Young ladle, 16 to II years,
aa wrappers. Perms nent position and
food aalary. Apply superintendent,
irandela Htorai.
IK YOTJ ara a competent stenographer,
don't fall to see ua at once.
(Kstabllshed 10 Years.)
10JiV1 iTt'aClJHk;
iTENO. and dlciaphona" "operator, f?6
steno. 10(1; bkkpr,, IMl; steno., 40; steno,,
l.'lfi; office clerk, (fal; P.-B.-X. operator,
I'd. Watta Rf.('o,.s40 Jjrrid7Thea.
P. H. X. 7) PR." A T Y P 1HT . . . 77.7. . . . . i iO On
THB CA NO ACFINCy, 600 Bee Bldg.
Professions an Trades.
KI R8T-CLA HHwa 1st finterrsteady po
sition to right party. Anna filstek,
ni -4 Clly National Bank Hldg.
t.r.AHX helrd'ifeeiiiv a' T"e ' lopenneun.
llotiaeliol.l ann li.imeallo.
GOfXl" girl "wanted for light liouaeworlT
A home to the girl that wants one and
the treatment la the very best and the
work la not hard. Here la a chance for
the right girl. Phone Harney 42H6 or
i-all at tifh th .afreet.
'OOOD laundress wanted to do"ninli
washing and Ironing; must rail for nnd
deliver; prefer one who lives near 4112
N. lth St. Phone Colfax 1234 after 6:30
p. m. ;
NKAT apriearlng whlta girl Tor general
housework, small new apartment; three
in fsmllv: house cleaning done. Apply
im H. 42d Ht. Hnrney 4fiW.
WANTKD tjood reliable alrl for son
era I housework: good wage and a
good home to th right party. Call
Darnev 1797.
WANTFM Experienced while girl for
general housework; good wages; no
washing. Phone Walnut 1602.
WH iTK ' girV for general housework ; n
washing; good wage. IIM S. 35th Ava.
l'hone Harney 112,11.
NBAT girl for general hnuaework, easy
work, small home. 820ft Itfsett Ave.
Harney fSSIf
W A N f ic D-K competent white cook, t In
family. 607 S. 88th St. Telephone Har
ney w
fix PERI ENCED girl for general honse
work; no waahlng. Harney u84. 123 8.
87th St.
(II RL for general housework, no wesh-
Ing or Ironing: house cleaning one.
JMrs. Breekenrldge, Stilt Jackson,
WHITK glri"" for general houseworl;
Phono Harney 8300. Addre.'i 115 N. 32d
WANTED Hood girl for housework; no
washing. Mr. Frank Martin. Harney
UIRL for general houaeworTt, 8 In fam
ily. Mr. W. II. Head. 12 44. iWth.
Harney "C4.
W'AN'tKD Olrl for general housework, 8
tn family, good wages. Colfax; aotO.
WANTKM A reliable cook or competent
couple; amall family. CounelBluffs 274.
vVANTED at onc"e7 glrTfor general Tioiise
work; good home. South 1154.
GOOD girl for general housework; go
home at Jilght 3JllCumliig.
WANTKL) Second maid. 3100 Davenport
St. l'honilInrney f
KXPERIFNCED white aecond girl
Phon Harney 4210. 1
Hotels an Rralanranls.
WANTKINfxperlenceT waitresa.
mant Inn. 6UR-411 8. 17th.
Kvery day Is enrollment day, Bork
keeplng, Shorthand, Stenotype. Type
writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all
Commercial and Kngllsh branches. Cat
alogue free.
18th and Harney Ht.
Tel. liouala 1.
dial' School for Young Women.
K suing Hchoul for Young Men and
W vjtneii
Stttuiday morning class In typewriting
Ion t Duffy, Owner and Manager
4 .4 th Ht. t.imaha.
it A It I- Summei tariti offer to luilanta
beginning Nnrll IN Hrp funiiabtd.
', I.yrlc Bldg Ivoet' ietin Htiidl.i
ni.ns. FISTULA
I - K Tarry ra ft a fatu a
nj eth' ' ' itbv airgi.
aai partwa Cilia gwcitaatae a4 aa
e,ar )! uatll t-r4 Write Ut
a rul 4)u4 ait la Mjaii
I'll, k It TAHHT. lie IMg
C'a"'. N
..ii'N l . mil in ',.,ha, .1
a - -a - . "ti ." . - I M
N . , ,t a III f .., a a I- .1 I
a. I . . s St i. el i ,'
.. at bt 1 ' S'-nv" '' i
I, 1 a 1 aia-aa tiinl I 1
I , t a g .1 l 1!'4 In -i
THE Salvauuii Arm InUualrial horn ao
Helta your oid clothing, turnltiir. rng
axlnea. Wa collect Wa dlatrlbuta.
ptuiie Douglaa 4125 and our wagon will
call. Call ana in;ci our new noma
1110-11 12-11 14 DodgeE t.
IF YOC suffer with .sore, sweating or 111
smelllng feet, send ic for our prepara
tion which brings permanent comfort
and relief. Far West Mnfg. Co., Box
lotd. Heatlle, Wash
FF:'Rj4 N'AL-M lasra Staple and Shaf
fer, bath, electric treatment. Open 9 a.
m. to a p, in.; Sunday, U a. m. to I P
m. Doug. via. u iv are n a.
la I I I T IT t? Ii"" Succesafully treated
IV U I 1 U IUJ without a surgical
operation. Call of write Pra. , Wray
Mat henv.jt'ii Hee Tbdg
IVITTrl lW 11-doy drink and drug treat-
C UJiL-LjI ,,,-( j, .,t known cure:
booklet free. THK FCRLKY. 81 M Far
naniimaha. Ph"iie Harney 3T4 -.
HKNKtKTTA M. BRCC.MAN. sclentlflo
massousa graduate, Prof. Yhnell a school
Swedlah massage. Hi' ha, sleani and
shower. 203 KaHraeh Bldg. Red VXl.
ICARN big moiiey; b a photographer;
easy to learn; complete course. I o
Kmorv School of Photography, 61- .V
K,l h Ht. Phone Tyler 243.
T)HH. JOHNSTON, Chlroprantora, 132N
W, O. W. Bldg. Douglaa 6,123. South
Side of flee, J4n7NSt. South 4011,
HFTY fs7shi)tiB7ble printed linen calling
cards, Me; I11O, 2Se. Modern Card Co.,
',llfl. Mncoln St.. Denver. Colo.
WW ma'ke a specialty of stout woman a
nnd suta-lcal coiaits. NTT-BON 1? Coraat
Shop. 2S So. 17th St. Doug. VM.
m ashauk" and" i':r7i'X'Titic baths.
chiropody. Misses (Iroy 1 nd Head, I"1
2I4 Hnlrd Blk 17th and nouglaa,JJV)j.
LADIKH. If vou wish" to look your bef
set our treatment. Itnlu KoametlO
whon 3H Rose Hl.lg Tyler 1?!0
C7lTir,TTlTF.N to board and cc.ra"f"or. ifi
HarneySt., upatalra Jphone Tioug. -77
r7lf-KLLA WKHSTKR, "masseuae." CIS
f' "ton Hlk.. 10 a. ni. to 8 p. m. P, 2T.
MLS WILSOX-Haths and "nianlouring;
N'o.2 I invldae Hlk.. phone Doug, S7.11
PHI VAT F.'Tome for maternity cases.
Bahlea sdoptedColf)t JM2.44m N. aith.
vantkT)-DhV or night nuralng ty col
ored i:rdiiale nurse. Call Weh. MIO.
Ml K KM ATI H MTt rea icitl aurcessfnlly; "re
sults Kuarnnt'd. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Rldg.
HAf.11'1, . lORVILLKHLOriC ,
STI K.N T i PIC "ni.,Haagc7 ' Su- "Ilea BldiT
P' it pour a.'i71
Pnrnlshed Hootna.
If you fall to find tha room
you deal re among these ada, call
at The Hca office for a Room List
give complete detailed descrip
tion of vacant rooms In all parts
of the elty. If more convenient
plinnat The He Want Ad Mopt.
nnd give your namo and address,
and a Hat will ba mailed to you
at once. New Hats ara Issued
6 NICK, cool housekeeping rooms on par
lor floor; good location, nar car flna;
furnished or unfurnished; Ideal for
siimtner; big yard and shade. Harney
I'CHNISliKD room" in" prlva.1 family?
board If desired; newly decorated and
furnished; very reasonable: reduction
fo right parjles.ColfHX 326.
TWO large airy rooms In new, private
residence; board optional; near 2 car
lines; neur Miller pnrk; very desirable.
ret'ereticcs Colfax 3X77
NlCI'i roxy room "with kitchenette and
bath, lu new house, on car Ilne, walk
ing; reasonable. 1f,20 S. 2llli bt. Iioug
I11.1 7.1.1S.
ff AR HOtEfy-Sliigra rooms. l (0' aulteaT
iiu. I'lirniaheii first cluas, bath and
hot water. I'nder naw management.
JTyler 'i.
CLKAN, cool, strictly modarn room, fur
rilfthed or unfurnished; excellent loca-
..i1 '" 1 ???. 1 at Ayo. Harney 2li4Q,
i FCitNISHKiT rooma for light house',
keeping at 2ol2 Leavenworth St., over
offne. 14 per week. I'mni I'outriaa 1ST.
ri-'KNlBilKl) rooma In bachelor apTe7."
use of eompleta flat; have rooma for
three gentlamen. M. 8197.
Tij "NO. 2f,Tlf-twelve-room fiat rawly
furnished and decorated; atrlctly mod-
ern; aleeplng rooma only.
I LARGE room lii private family In
Dundee for buitlnesa woman; will give
bitaltfuat. Walnut 2594
THHICK neatly furnished cool room for
housekeeping. 1114 Sherwood Ava. Web.
JlUL-.Jt M-J.ur.,TL
FCRNISHEM room In Dundee, ona block
from car; private family. Walnut 3245
NICKLY furnished sleeping room; prl-fW'y-
'0' N. 2iith. Dougla a fal.
MCKLY furnlslieu front rooni at ltli
and Fs rnam Hta. Phone Douglns H7M.
ITahgei cool room, ideal for nimmir,
Modem home; near In. Tyler 24h2.
S14 N. 23D a orT'nlraly-furnUnTad rooms,
with kitchenette; reasonnhle.
F7)R HKNT Nicely furnished sleeping
rtyiTOi.Apply 8t"W Harney St.
NKWLY furnished room In private fam-
llyl.ioi P-hTarneyjia
2,127 lmiSTOI. hit. Furnished room; gen"
iiruiHn only, wen.
SICKLY funnelled rooitiT cioaf In: all
mod ern Ul H. 22 Ht.
NKATLY furnished rooms, homelike. 616
H. mth St.
lliitiaekreplns Room.
LICHT housekeeping rooms, beautifully
furnished: all modern two-room apart
ments; i;aa, telephone, electric Jighta
and piano; in llunscom Park district,
one blot k from car Hue. Call H. 4,173.
" I -N Fl, UNI SH I'il f R0b.N'7s.
1 ami 2 rooma. down town, for light
housekeeping, good references required
.-v- f7v.l-()Il;CO'Jli& Harney.
PARLOR floor, handaomely furnlshe.i
pluno; siittde; walking .lietance, reason
able. Harney 1VM. 1:04 ti. L'Mh.
21"-'l r)tiD"i1E-Oiio"r7outooni7"e-fu'r7
pished, with ens. price reasonable.
Phono Dong. 644.
TWO nice hoiiKeketqilng rooms, reason-
able, electricity, gas range.
2823 Far-
ni. in
Davenport, Jtiil-Ouialde 2-r. apt., refrlg.,
a'ee. Jt., raa Mnirekltch eah. 13 M up,
iTOR 4 unfurnished' Moiiis f of i iiiliT"h"o"7io-
eeeplng. AH modem. 2514 Stauldlng.
,,mr' m 11 tl Itittniia." "
tlT: A i"V 1 F l ' 1 7l, Y hi rn talied," ve"ry Targe
t.mms, pinate (,n, HUli por,.hi w.)ltl
gcod bor.) if d alud. prhate table
Pliic.e lUrr.ev If
5" .f i ll H i' ." n,:,,7,r k inl " bo"r,r fr
two. invsie faunl. g, location for
s iinini r. I'tu.iiti Tilr X-W,
I'THN 1SIII.H i.titiit "w l'hbiardTfr"m.i7'D
ni ar.i,.eiit biiaii,, aa woman pe-fi-rted
l lii.i... Hniney ;:i
in u Itli and i, i. i.rlvia""faiiill,""i7r
lbe '"I 1 'tl li.ei t ht
I Hmitna.
4Hi'OM apt, eta ndi..i p.V", rom
tt.', . J FH..II1S, fa, I'.OIS ISJ,
J' ' 'V'".'"' 1 I'" nl" loom
with a" 'ii I '. ". :.;
t'NFl HNl.tlO.l. ,.., 1 i5j -,
I'S. -..a I a I t
) ( Nil IINl.-IO I
I .ma i.l A "Tat" 7e
..I T v i r
Ittatttaaa WattfJ,
C I .s n 1 1 u 11. 1 ii. v a.,
i t t. l lt. Hi
-.- - . , , . , , ,v ' , is
NV INI 111 t.v, l' t
a' ! f.i.-l .- .i 't
iiN tit II P
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1 1 a a pan i
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'"' . j-aNi..,.,. 11.111 i." h',iu rv
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