Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIK IU:r:: OMAHA. WKDNKSDAY. MAY 10, 1f)16.
On Chest and Back. Scratched and
Little Blisters Would Come,
Could Not Rest at Night.
"I had mm on ray chmt and hack for
fchout a your. Th Hint pprncw wu a
acarM rub and It would itch and whan I
ruhhd It or richM it
little blistnrs would roma,
and If ruUKtd oin would
run waUir and then dry up
and hava a flun scale It
would Itch and burn so (
thought r would )ro out of
my mind and I could not
rail at night or do my work
In the dy.
"I Kt no ri'linf until I trtrd Cutlrura
Snap and OlnUnsnt. I washed the alTwtnd
part with Putirura Soap and then itiwitly
ruhbwj on the Ointment, and In Iwn wka
I wan hcalnd." (Hlgned) Minn Klla M.
Vat, Coleman, Mlrli., July w, join.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 32-p. Skin Book on rnquMt. Ad
Arm post-card "(otirura. Dept. T, Boa.
on." Sold throughout the world.
Women Know
that they cannot afford to be
ill. They must keep themselves
in the best of health at all
times. Most of all. the digest
ive system must be kept in
good working order. Knowing
the importance of this, many
women have derived help from
These safe, sure, vegetable piH9
quickly right the conditions
thai cause headache, languor,
constipation and biliousness.
They are free from habit-forming
drugs. They do not irri
tate or weaken the bowels.
Women find that relieving the
small ills promptly, prevents
the development of big ones.
They depend on Beecham's
Pills to tone, strengthen and
Keep Them Well
DIncmiW SxislVdaa Wtmn k EimtIss.
UU twrW ii km ka-. ZS.
A Ffn o AiF For
We are all trcnlly Indebted to those
who tell Ihclr experiences. And among
uv iiinnj till iiki. Willi II
w rrnu wxiui ana
are of Immediate lm-
rortanca to the expec.
tint mother. If a splen
did external remedy
railed "Mother'
Friend." Thl U ap
plied over the musclr
of the stomach. It la
deeply penetrating In
lt Influence. Mothei
everywhere tell of Its
nothing effect, how It
allay nulna Incident to
trptrhin et MAm
vki t 4 a'
lljamenta and muscles. They tell of restful
romfort. of calm, peaceful nlirhtf, an ab
sence of those distresses peculiar to the pe
riod of eipertancy, relief from mornln
sickness, no more of that apprehension with
which no many young women' minds he
roine burdened. It la a splemlld help. Get
a bottle of "Mother1 Friend" from your
nearest rlrutfist. Ask your husband to net
It for you. Then write to Bradlield R
ulator Co 408 I.amar Illilsr.. Atlanta, Ga.,
for a ery handsome and instructive hook.
It ll Oiled with minrmitlve Idea of (treat
help to all women Interested In the subject
of maternity. And next of all are aome let,
(era from mother Uat are real inspiration.
Write today.
Alkali in Soap
Bad For the Hair
Mnap shntild he used verv irfiilly, if
you want to ke-p your hair lnokln ita
hst. Mt 'ai' and priard eham
pivm rontam t" row h nlknlt Tlil dries
th sculp. m,tke th hair ti' II I If. and
ruin It.
The t hn f'"' ' tilv l lt
nrdlimry roiilmtM i''tini nil iwiitrh
la pure nnl crraa.-h , nl i lH than
the nti't i-tmnsin- wp or nthin !
you can tm
I 'tie- or ! irammiiiif iln
tha hair and i'K iro.t'.'ia'.h -imi,!
IV"liit-n ii hau- . ' I '
In It i"k' n ' : "ini '" '' r" h
, rramt ittti, wt-i 'i ttu t !
ten ims 'r-4 t i'tt('iH .i- .In!. Vri
Uiv'f.rr i -' 1 '' ''
elrira I . " H l a
it.a aU' "'
rtcM. I "
a 1 -i - m - '
in Will
- i . f--r
, Mi.
t - .V !
I a f w
l ..( tt
Frtckkt onJ Blotchti
I v. 'ii a. a .(
H ! ' ' '
t s- -a i. . . .
:;'., t . I-
V ... f-
1 1
i . l ' I
( ,! I-'... )-
, a l t 4
. i - i -'4'
wnaeafl-a Sot porMa Oaoda."
JTltlBe rtctuea Burgaaa-Oraadea
Oiamoad Enfafameat Klnra. Edholm
a?a Koot Frint I Now naaaon Praaa
Andirona, Tire Boraani. Sunderlanda.
To Bell Heal Estate, Hit It with J. 11,
Dumont & Co., Kmlin building,
iiremau la Katlrad on Faaatoa Jamca
MeNamiiia, In the- fire department serv
ice twenty-two years, has veen retlud
on a peiuion.
"Todaj'a Movia Program," classified
section today. It appear in Tha Bee ex
nusively. Kind out what tha various
moving picture theater offer.
isnuth Lotea nlt WUIintn A. Knuth,
who sued the trei railway company for
!!5,wt for alleged Injuries, lout his ault,
the. Jury flndlm; for the drfendnnt.
Awarded Dainagaa Marshall IUm-
merlj has been awarded dmnagea of I
from the Adnma-Kelly company as the
result of the loss of one finger on his
rlKlit hand.
Northwestern Orders Boacara The
NnrthweHtcrn has placed an order with
tlie American Car company fur the con
stiiution of i ,0io forty-ton, wooden, tin'
der.frMina hoxcars, to be delivered during
the cinIng summer and fall.
ask tor axelmbursemeat Bei auae a
lid of a sewer hole at Twenty sixth and
Kiii-nam atreeta wan off at 3. SO a ni
Hurry Merrlam an In Hie city to relrn.
burse him $H, account of damsge to his
uiilomnbilct, whoae rear wheel went into
the opening.
Additional Beat at Depot Mora ar-
itthKeinitnta for the accommodation of the
public have been made at the Tnion
station. The I tnon Ijepot company has
purchased and Installed seats for fourteen
more people in the arcade to the south
of the building.
Big Xo Machine Armour V Co. have
bcut lompletel ilv Inmal a Ion t.f a
ne. :(0tn le machr e at Huih Hie.
Thl. mean i n a l lie- to minu c. ur
the equivalent of cold as would be pro
duieil h.v the melting of iOi tons of I e
per day.
Us Tsx-TUe" Shingle. Sunderlanda.
Highwaymen and
Petty Thieves Put
in a Busy Night
Highwaymen and burgiar jut In a
bUby and fairly profitable night Tuesday.
'ceoated by two men, who sprang from
the shadows at the east approach of tha
Oouyla street brldgo and ahoved two
large revolver In hla face, A. U. Berna
d' te. of York, Neb., was relieved of JW,
Iiih watch and a ault case containing
clothes and personal effect.
hlle C'harlea Fergucon wa absent
from hi room at " Keystone hotel
early In tho evening Litevea broke tha
link and gained entrance, stealing a
watch and fiO, ' according to a report
made to the police.
Room thieves also vl.-lted G. Wellende,
3lti North Twentieth street, while he w
away and stole J'JO, he reported.
Taking advantage of the fact that
A. Henneit and J. W. Oillctt, performer
In the Hell-Floto clrcu. were going
through their tunta at the evening per
formance, thieve broke Into their bunk
car and stole valuable to the aggregate
of u0, the police were informed.
Grocery tore and met mrket burglar
made a systematic raid on three Leaven
worth street eatahllfllimenls, the follow
ing "Job" being reported to police head
quarter: Harry Hollander, Eighteenth and Leav
enworth treet, f3 and grocerle; Charle
Blind, Twenty-eighth end Ieavenworth
atreeta, ti and groceries; ". XV. Howell,
Twenty-fifth and Leavenworth atreeta, (I
and meat.
Country Merchants
Buying Goods and
Farm Machinery
General Freight Agent Miller of the
Northwestern is over from' Chicago for
the day looking after buclnea matter
and playing a few hole of golf. Mr.
.Miller (inserts that right now business I
very good and that the Indications are
(hit it la to continue so. Ho said:
"Out through the country merchant
seem to be buying freely, thus indicating
that with them trade la good Although
it is esrly, conditions point to good crops
and niincquciitly there Is a large quan
tity of farm machinery being moved.
Then, too, there la mill a large quantity
of grain remaining in first banda and
the present hlah prices, with spring work
pretty well advanced, tin started thl
grain to market. Taking everything Into
emu Mcratlun, t looks as If (here is a
good business season In sight "
Wife Slaps Face of
Husband Who is Near
the Century Mark
A man of imtftll stature, carrying tbs
burden of ! .. entered tb ef 'I. of
euperiiifeniViit fnhreller of the Welfare sol .'Mifnte.l a s.nry ef d"ms
II ilM , ii fiances
Mv wif lp rce nU!V,i me wMh a
rellm I and rlnts when I ent te.
ih .ufit.nHrd tn ft "Oie crarSei. h
' rk- 'l n e an I ".ivd nait I fell nn
tha (!.(' l wlr mv ' " Was
ihr nr h' plaint
tn In w 1 1 .,, tti.,.4 la errori
i ' mn iwenl T' i n.-rni ,
lux nt a dirusMa ka t en a
e , .. .i nt p. rti( c Mto ea i a
f . H V t, C will
r.'i' w i 1 r a- fcrl' tn f.'actes
t .11 man In a b '. wo.r h a
tut , nif.m(ai kint nm-a
t f . ,'";. a .'f '.(, I"., ii.,-
l' f:U't I) .. !.' I.I
. i & ' nl ii... .'g 1
i i . nt it ii al f'ia!
.t I .- ..-ia n an ti.K ii
- m '.ti,t It i
. i at n . i..ii ,r n.
n I 1"! I -.... arH a 'f l KM it
.) i'k I i k . m at
1 1 a aa I'wtk I a a a .
, . ... I - 1 a 4 .rf b 9
.... IM fir- .! a t
., . t ,h i I
till. Wa I aae
f I l , t a i a
I 'Wh ' .-'', ''.( t .
I...... i i, i ri-''
. - I -, i i
' ' I ., an I
. 4 a t i'.i l f '9
.'..'. a ; t . i .
Hearing is to Be Resumed This
Morning Case Just Where
It Started.
Hearing or the milt, of Frank P,
Iflcksnn Bxainat Richard C, I'attvrfion
IU be taken up by Fedora! Judge
JuReph W, VVooilrongl) thin mornlnR.
This suit was filed August 4, 1 S S 7 .
Yea. that date Is correct.
When It wan filed Judge Wood
r.URh himself wan a lad of 13 years.
The sjuit has been ahuttlln; hack
rnd forth between the dlHtrlet, circuit
and United State aiipretno rourtfl
for more than a quarter century. It
l now about where It was when tt
atarted, except that the litigants and
their heir have paid out thousands
of dollars In cohu and spent weeks
of time In the hearings and. no
doubt, nights of anxiety in the con
templation of the folly,
The names of many of those who wera
witnesses and attorney In the ease have
been carved t.pon the tomb for many
years. 1. W. Wooworth wa attorney
for the plaintiff In the early year of
tha suit. K.lmer I. Frank was clerk of
the t'nited State district court when
the ault was filed. Elmer r!. Dungy was
Judgs of thl court.
The suit ha a to do with quieting tha
title to tome Omaha property. When It
started tha value of the property w
bout U.V0.
Oaaty With Age,
"Just let u take a look at the paper
In this cane," we remarked nonchalantly
to John Nicholson, deputy clerk of the
lourt. 'Thereupon John disappeared Into
the musty regions filled with the duat
eovered tomes of bygone dispute of men.
Soon he reappeared, lugging shout half a
bushel of dusty paper tied with red
"Ilm-tn, guess we won t look the over
today." we remarked.
A glanr ahowed, however, that the
first transcript for removal to the t'nited
Btate supreme court Is a printed book
of over : page. That wa In the Octo
ber term, lf4. The hlgheat tribunal
handed down a deciea January (I, U'M.
met wmm
For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinldiam's
Vegetable Compound Has Been
Woman's Most Reliable Medicine
Here b More Proof.
To women who are suffering from some form of
woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking
down, the three following letters ought to bring hope:
ill!!OTIU!l Korth CYandon, Wis. "When I 1fl years
old I got nrnrnod
Ink-ham remedies," Mrs. Mathk
V 1 1V. 1.
Testimony from Oklahoma.
Lawton, Okla, "When I bgan to take Lydia E. rinkham's
Vegetable Compound I untamed to le gorai for nothing. I tired eauily
and had heudaeues minii of the time and was irregular. I took it again
before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of
go4 at that time. I never fail to recommend Lydiiv E. rinkham's
Vegetable (impound to ailing women becuuso it has done ho much
for me." Mrs. A. L McCasuandi, fi09 Have !U, Iawton, okla.
From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman.
Koxburr, lliwa. "I was suffering from intlam
mation and wan examined by a phyak ian who found
that my trouble was caused by a diHplatvnwnt.
My symptoms were lnritig down pnins, Imm kai be,
and sluggiah liver. I tried wsveral kirnUof itn-ili
cine; then I was asked to try Lydia K llnkhatn'a
Vegetable (bmpoiiU'i. It has cured tne and I stn
plmwd to le in my usual ri bt alth j using, it
and highly recommend it." Mrs. 15. hi. (Htioou,
I myites Iirg, Itoxttury, Jim
If you want aneHail advle
V. I'inkliam .Mrilieum Co. (riniflitenllull
li tter will lx" iMwi"t, rcavU nd
iu atrtet ounliil. nic.
aan "!
. r v j i ;
r a. , - x
Irving fl. Cooper of I.o Angelea, Cal,,
national lecturer for the Theoaophieal so
clety. will give a series of lectures at
Theosi.phlcal ball, 7"l Hen building, be
ginning Wednesday evening at S o'clock,
tbp flist lecture being "Heleine and Im
mortality. " Mr. Cooper la a university
man and has made a lifelong atudv'of
comparative religion, science and phlo
aophy. reversing the circuit court of appeals and
remanding the case for further hearing.
Then the case started all over again.
And even that waa before Bryan ran the
first time:
Among the names mentioned In that
transcript are A. P. Tukey, William Key
sor, Francis 8. Wesaels, John F. Wilbur,
Frank P. nicksnn, J. T. H'll, George
M. Iflcks. W. (I. Kbrlver, T. A. Megeath,
George W. Ames, I tarry Heed, John L.
MeCague, Otto Hoelime, C, K. Mayne, Kd
wln I'avjg, David Heed, John T HUlon.
John X, Frenier and Alexander O
Twenty-nine years of litigation!
And It back now where It atarted.
Twenty nine years!
Krilleli fln Mnk.
LONDON, May -The Hrltlxh hlp Oa.
gaie, from Portland, Ore., .Innnary i, for
poets In the Coiled King'lnni, was sunk
eaturdav, according to I.IhhIh Trie Gal
gaie reported as having arrived at
(M. M. hacls. A pi II 24. It. was l.Ml tons
grosa. (
and at 18 years I gava birth to
twins and It ten rofl wit h very poor heaii h. 1 coukl
not walk across the floor without having to sit
down to rest and it was hard for me to ki'ep about
and do my work. I went to a doctor and ne told
me I hail a displacement and ulcers, and would
have to have an operation. This frightened me ho
much that I did not know what to do. Having
heard of Lydia K I'rnkharu's Vegetable Compound
I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as
well an ever. I cannot nav enoimh in favor of the
Asbacu, North Craudon, Wia.
i ft
!f '.4 z'
wrilfi lo I.T'H
l.ynn. Maaa, Your
mwcred by i wvtnn and liebt
Marie Antoinette
BrostUsy, Mth ami 67th 5t.
w twsai tint
tttTt I '! I' 1 ' .II ". 1
i . . I . I ' l. At '
(',,,-; I..''., 1' .1 J I " i
J ' I. ' . I ' '
. I I ' , . ' SI I . , I ,, 4 t
i r -
I . .... i. i ' , I i. . 1
! 1 M..'' I ' t .
Roomi, With Hath,
$2.50 Prr Day Up.
Suiln, $1,10 Prr (..y Up,
IHviM t m m i At Vi
Omahans Will Make Tour Through
Eastern Nebraska in Motor
Ilptween elRhty and ninety Omaha
u. en will probably make the trado
trip In automobile today thronuli
lite eaBtetn NfbraHka towns as far as
I'toatur. t'p to noon Tueaday nine
teen cara had been pioiiiis.'il. H will I
be a one-day trip.
The member of th river nuMKii
tlon totnmlttee, who Intended to
riake the trip and then come buck
aboard the Adit Hell or the Julius F.
Store Hours:
Tueaday, May . 1ltl.
The Time for Using Dainty Embroid
eries Has Arrived -Main Floor
T" "HOliANjs of yanlM of'tTno ombroi.loripH in nil widthH nd for nil purposes go
nn wilo loiiinrrow. Wo, arc amply prfpurod lo rnert evny demand.
Prefty folored ciuliioi'leiTd voile mid hat'itde, wliitp finbroiderod and allovcr om
hroidert'd organdy, 40 inclips wide A splendid valuo at 59c the yard.
An asr-ortmont of hands, pi.llooii,s, beading tops and cdP of embroidery, in
eluding value to '2H'i upoi-ial 15c the yard.
Convent embroidery edges and dainty
Nwir-s Veniee edged embroidery from 2 to 1
inehes wide; special al TC,
VENICE EDGES, 15c and 25c
Dainty Whito Venice eilges from to 1
inch wide. An exceptional value at 15c
and 25c the yard.
Sweet Grass Baskets, 75c
Formerly Priced at $1.25
AJinOKK.V aortnicnt of attractive aweet uraaa bankels. Including
aanilwlch ami floer baaketa and fern rilahes. Positively val
ues to II. 25; specially priced for Wednesday's aelllng at, cholco, 7ftc,
$1.00 Stamped Towels, 49c
All linen towel, size 2ix:i6, hematltched and acallned edges,
atamped In new design for eyelet and French embroidery. Values
that are well worth 11,00; Wednesday, 40c
Candle Shade Frames, 19c
Wire candle ahadc frame. In a large aaaortment of shapes and
izei special at 1c each.
Stamped Pillow Cases, 29c
42x3fi scalloped and hemstitched edge, atamped In new dcaigni;
apei lal at ae per pair. Co., Third Floor.
Remarkable TRIMMED
HAT Sale in the Basement
$3.98 Values at $1.98
,i Vl-
decided reduction
Shapes Trimmings
LarRn ntbhon Hows
Smiill I'lowera
Medium Fancies
Hvry hat in the variety )ih a style all Its own. Hats that can
he worn In midsummer uith propriety.
Burrsss.Wssh Co.Bsssmnt.
Featuring jhe "Blue Ribbon Brand"
Kitchen Utility Stoneware
IXl'lOU.KNT fur containing nn'at, brmid, rake, anisar snd butter.
Ket ps frioil fri'hli and w hoiRiime, Sitnltary, econnmlcal, dur
abli'. Kvcry Jar furnlaln-i with rliine-flttlng earthenware enver.
I'ar superior to utensil made of any nthr niatTUl. l'ays for llaelj
in a uliort while In tha food It save.
1 r.l
Sn I ;' Id leu lir Ir with I-..II,
f t , Or
s.. j l Ii. t kH ,lr 27n
No, I I'. Itrva.J lr ,',sc
lw.n Mssa
Special Display and Demonstration of "Wear
Ever" Cooking Utensils at Burgess-Nash
b:---:rC r!(: THIS IS THK KKTTLK
( I il "VVTAH-tVfll"
It !-.. .. I, '
J f ' Sin "u
Ii . . i , . .H 4
rallies f.ksh
Silhcr. have been disappointed. The I
s.lher, bei .uise it could not. iRt't n I
P'lot when It needed one badly, did
not get under way until the fore
noon. Thitt means that it. will
naicely Ret to Decatur before the
trade trip fellows arrive (here In
ai'tomohilcR, and it nieuns, above all,
that the bout cannot be unloaded and
reloaded In time to start back when
the trad boost era and river navi
gation committee terminate tbelr
vlait at Deratttr.
At TVi-atiir Hi oiiKilm Imimtrrs will na
tha aueala at a mn.'lwnn Decatur
nrss men linvn infotnieil the Omahans
that dinner will hr r"f!y wl cn thry ar
rlva anil that a rval nlniinlnment will
t nrovlilcd fi r tha vImIIoi
T'ii" party starts from Omaha from tha
t'ninmcr lal club at. 7 o'clock shnrp. Wei
nrsitav nnirnlna, and oiielia tlx" follow
In towns I'lillinuu, lllalr, Tlerinan, Te
kninah, Decatur, Lyons, Oakland and
IKnv PrirliHS ho la heavily enauBcd
8:30 A. M. to 6 P, M. Saturday Till 9 P. M
Nash Gompam
"cve RYBOo'ris Store"
B in-tin Wash Co. Main Tloor.
trimmed hat.s
that includes every t-hape that is new;
every trimming, every style that is nr.
vogue now. One that gives ample H-ope
for selection for everv type. All at a
in price.
Milan Hemp
l.Uere, liralda
No 4 lh fi.igar Jar.
J ii I li fin r .Ir f,H
So . : lh li iiur J.r. , . , l)c
.- Sassntasl.
COUPON (' ,')i$I Sa alue
i . no..
mm ;au
I " l I i ' H V ...
(.' H f .... , .
r ....,,, :.n . v. ., . i ,
l i .
IV i'.iitrWd) i tliuie li'ih
in tha milk business, lia prnm cd thi
rarly tl at. on the other Hide i f T'kania
hf win lap one of hlo many milk atainn
and fiirnlHh W bottlea of chilled nil
for the thirty antolsta.
Ileniy For.itir Is to be pilot of .Ii
Acrordlna to the rrirts to tha rl
roada, not a drop of ruin fell Monda
nlKht In Nebraska, Kajiaaa or Wyoming
In .Sfhrnaka the dny started in with i
promlso of being a scorcher, temprratur 1
nut In tha central portions of tha stn
and In tha. sandhill ranirtna from ) to .
dere ahova at an early hour. iii Ii
and durtna tha mnrnlna; thero wa a si. I
wind Mowing; from tha south.
lnpiita li.frellon.
Sloan's Liniment applied te a aore. e i
wound or hrulsa prevent Infection kt
hlood poison. Wo. All druaalsU. Adve,
tlaement Thone Dotittlna 137.
Embroidered Organdy Flouncings, 98c
l''ine quality embroidered organdy
flonneingf, beautiful new colored voilo
flotineings of batisto and voilo with. Venice
Point Venice Edges, 50c to $1.98
Point Veriico ami filet band and edges
very fashionable, for and frocks;
from 2 to 0 inohes wide.
Children Muslin
Drawers at 25c
CHILDREN'S drawers, made of
excellent quality muslin, cam
bric with ribbon beading and em
broidery edge, knlcker or plain
style, for ages 2 to 1 4 years. A
splendid value at IHr.
Children's Cambric
Drawers Wednesday, 50c
Children'! fine cambric and
nainsook drawers with scalloped
edge or lace Insertion ribbon bead
ing and lace edge, apedally priced
at JHc.
Children's Muslin
Petticoats, 35c
Children's muslin petticoata,
cluater tucks, rmbmldery edge,
with waist; slisea 1 to H years.
Wednesday, l5c,
B nrt.Wssh Do Bxionfl rioor.
DRUG Specials
I'fcbeeo Tooth
I'aste, 60c alze,
for 2'Jc
Canthrox, B0c
size 29u
Sal Hppatira
80c size . .29c
Daggett &
R a in a d e I 1 s
Cold Cream,
35e sljie for 25e
Monnen's Tal
cum Powder
for lie
Hospital Cotton
1 pound ..29c
Witch Hazel, 1
quart .... 29c
Sanl-FIURh, 25c
size ......17c
tSloun'a L 1 n 1 -
ment l$o
Main Floor.
Bury Wssh Co
Modette, the New 1916
Wash Fabric, 19c
For women's, misses' and little
folks' dresses modette Is certain to
be a lender for summer wear
lleautlfully printed In all the
wtdo atrlpea and many other
Into deslans and colorings. He
sure to see Modette before de
ciding on your favorite wash
fabric, 34 Inches wide, 1 Q
yard, liC
Shaker Flannel, 5c
Hliie Jay unbleached shaker
flannel. 27 lnff)! wide, napped
as soil as chiffon; fT
from holt, yard OC
12 c Percales, 7V-.C.
K-lnch tiara nan pun ales, nil 11
sl, red dots on white rounds;
USe grade, on a.ile, 71
ar! C
12 ic Cheviots, GUc,
Alplii cheviots. ii tnrhei
wide, tiin and brown shades,
i:'itc litad. from f
bolt, y.ud u 2 C
Zephyr Ginghams, 10c.
An I tullesa ISIlrl) of tho well
Iteona red sel eihyr, full itin4
leiiatts. th are .irun.
t.-l t it .nel4 )r, f n
ui .r t 1 UC
4i.ainU o... - a t, m i ,
tuul lUiury,
i ..aft