Tin; hit.: Omaha, wkpxkspay, may 10, loir.. Nebraska FIGURES THE YOTE FOR CONGRESSMEN Face of Primary Returns Shows Only One District with Demo crat Majority. XINtfAID HAS THEM AIL FADED (Prom a Staff Correapondent.) UNtYH.N, May .-(Kpeclal.)-Tbu!. tlon cemplM by the atate canvlni( beard on the vote caat In conrcreaotm dlstrlcta preaent mum Intoreetlnjr figure anl Indl'ate that tlira ia no good reason why Nubraah ahoulil be represented In congreaa by mora than one democrat. Tlia figures ahow aa follow: rilWT I'WTIUCT. Tlvl, republican 12.B.' Magnlrn, driinicrat ,,,, ),2M AM 'any, di'itiocrut 2,444 Llvlngamn, democrat 't.'iM iMiuiillcan vole, li.tVtt; d em or: rat, 9,W; republican majority, x,u. HHi'O.VlJ III STRICT. linker, republican Mfirt-r, republican llliw, republican ., I.oiiai k, dunmcrat tjiiliiliy, democrat ,, Flab rt y, deinwra t , Af una ban, democrat . ., Ilepiiubllran, 14, 0)7: democrat, 11,7.11; re t' lliliinn III I'ltUy, !',!'.llt i mm mmituct, Znelow, republican, 3,2!1' lt rmtr, republican li,ul;l ft I "Midi, ilcmnct m I M, W2 lb-publican, ii.M'l; democrat, H,4'.'; dem OcimI majority, I,IM, KOI ItTH l)IHTIIIiT flbiiiil, republlciui. , 10.791 Mlinun, republic an , hi'i rk, dmiiour t 10,4'i'j Itetiubllcati. ;),6Z; democrat, UI.WJ, I b publb an ma ferity, J,fiH, i'll-TH MhTHICT. Harton, republican ,,. 9.7IS Aiulrewa, lepublliiin , 4.WJ Hballenlifti'ger, democrat , ID, 445 "'rice, democrat , Kepubllca.il, :l,72G; demoerat, K,U0; re publican majority, J.llbfi, In tlia ninth dlatrlct the democrat hav bernine dlaeouragad In trying to defeat Afoaea P, Klnkald and ao no ona cared to oppose him for tli nomination. However, 241 democrat wrote In the name of 10, II. McUermott of Kearney, but with no op poult Inn 1,'ongreaaman Klnkald received JH.-M voti . Thla Indicate that the Ural, 8e ond, Fourth, Fifth imd Hlxth district have lepubllciin majorltli and ahould ele i te publican coiigieanman, while but one dla trlct, tha Third, bow a Kpublban minority, and that ao amnll thai with a randldat Ilka "William J', Warner that. dUtrlrt ought to el''t a republican aa It lined to do a few yeaia ago before pan Mephena got tha eongrelonal Iniblt. .. 7,710 .. ,'!! ,. 2.7.11 .. ,2::4 . . I.'id . . 2,7til !f'if Nebraska Nebraska Beatrice Woman Loses Control of Big Touring Auto UKATIUCB, Neb., May -(Special. ) Mra. J, P. Maunders, wife of Mayor Kaun deri, had a narrow escape from airloua If not fatal Injury yesterday when alio Inat control of lier touring ear on Court street, Tha machine dashed Into tha corner of the old Nebraska National bank block at Fourth and Court street and wa prevented from pitching over the walk Into tha basement below by etrlk Ing tha Iron railing near tha building. Tha Impact burnt both front tlrea and broke one fender, but Mra. Baundcr, who fainted after tha accident, urn-aped Injury. Hon Rldgely liaa been appointed ehiaf of pollco of rickrell, nine mllea north of Healrlce, where one aaloon la In operation. Klnro Hcatrlco went dry recently tha town haa been tho nirrca for the thirsty and thoi who cannot afford an auto go on the train, hire a team or walk. Ho fir there haa been no dlaturbnncea of any kind. The body of thi lata Charlea Neld hart, who dropped dead here Sunday aft ernoon nt heart trouble, will be taken to Itrownvllle, Neb,, for Interment tomorrow. Mi. Neldhart wa one of ttie oldeat Ma ona In the alale, having aerved the Itrownvilln Indue aa wnrehlpful maater thlrty-flva yema ago. lln leavea flv daughtera, hlx wife having paaerd away ycara ago. John Kiahcler, for the laat few ea"f a i-e.ldent of I'lllcr, died at that place lerdy, aged 46 yeara. The futier.il will ftoour Wedneaday form tha Oerman Lutheran church, eight mllea aouth of Wytnore, ' Columbus Knights Re-Elect Officers For Ensuing Year KflKMONT, Nob., May .-(pee(al; 11 f,fflcra wllh the exception of Jamea I.anljtan of CSreeley, who moved from the Ute, were re-elected unanlmoualy the annual convention of the Nebraaka KnlKhte of Columhiia here thla after noon. The officer! are; alate chaplain, flev, L. A. bumph, Huttun; alate dT'Uty, le.o. V, Corcoran, Vork; atate aneretary, rrunk M. (.'olfer, Mct'ook; etate treaaurur, 'atrlck J. OlJlonncil, O'Neill; atate ad vocate, Judge Harry, Wahoo; atoto warden, William Heckenaleln, Alliance. Alliance waa choaeif for the . meeting place of the convention In ini7. During the day a flood of telegrama waa received at convention headquarter, from bue.ing.ig men, Inviting the knlghta to cor to Hint place next year, I'clfgiitee from the twenty eight coun cil, in the atate, in addition to VlaltW brought the total number In attendan t at the convention to ow 10). Hcrvicea wire held In the afierr 'il Ht, Pat i n k'a Catholic church, wharg th ttlgi I!ev. John 'Jlhio, ... i . Incolri, prealded. The conveiitlou aa brought to a cloce thla evening with a banquet and aoclal dunce. Movement for New Court House in Polk OKCKOI.A, Neb., May 9.--(Kpclal.) - At a (renting of Die Oaeeola Oommerclul iljb held laat week, the mutter it a new court lioimo Jn J'olk county waa taken up and illatuaaetl at considerable length. Tin lael. tvo yeaia there hua I cen much aentl nieiit iminlfiNt In favor of tlie erection of a new county building inoie In k;p1n with the prexenl dny iie"d. Aa a reaull of the Commercl il club'i enna deration of the (to eel (oinin'l'ee aa apro'nte.d to vldt the people, of the county u:,d aeor a giuiturni to a petition, i-cuiic- iing the board of county lommlHcloneie to make a levy of court liotiao funda fr the com ing five year, the amount lo be rl!!l b'lng lioo.'.co, and the now building to occupy the alte of I lie preaent atructure, "which ha atood for nearly thlrty-flve eara. Tha committee haa been at work and ace meeting with the beat kind o' em otirngcnieiit In every part of tho county and from preaetit proapeela Ibo necenanry nuniber of minma to the pHI tlona will be aecured within a very ahori time. Jt Kill lake 1,110 petitioner! to re cure the iiecCKaary levy to ralne th" North Platte Club Has New Secretary NORTH PLATTE, Neb., May J.-lHpe-clal.) W. D. I'lalier, former aecretary of the Alliance Commercial club and aec retary of the Wealern Nchraalia Com mercial club and of tha Stale Aaaocla llon of Commercial Clnha, jeaterday took up i t work aa lecretary of the North Platte Chamber of Commerce. Hecretary Mnher t already arranging for a vlalt to North Platte by vailoua Coitimerclnl cluba and Community cluba of aurround Ing town and countlea and for the mark ing of !.'0 inilca of road In the vicinity of North Platte telling the dlitanc to thla city. BEAVER CITY HIGH HAS CLASS OF FIFTY-TWO GEN. HALL EXPECTS CALL ATTANY TIME Will Be Ready for it When it Comes and Has Flans Matured for Eventualities. V. S. SENDS RANGE FINDERS (r'rom a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN, Mhy 9.- Special. Thc con dlllona In Mexico and tho Information contained In noon papcra that President VVIIaon would call out tlui alate mllltlg of three border etate to patrol the bor der ha livened up llilnga conaldnrably at National Ouard head'iuartera today. The arrival yeaterdity of two ranao finder, one each for tho two Ncbraalia regiment. Indicate! there la a poaalblllty lliat Inalead of going to Fort ll'thlnaon for ummer maneuvera tho Nebraaka (jiinrd may he aent to the aoulh ao aa to be In closer communication with the bor der, (Icneral Jiall la carrying out the army idea of keeping riilct, but when ho n tho paper! today the general evidenced a keen Intereat and Indicated that order! to move to the Mexican line would not make him deef badly. (icneral llnll la one of the recognised efficient adjutant general of the Na tional Ouard and tnd high with army headumirter, and the "mother whi didn't bring up their boy to be uddlera," aa well a thoae who did, may rent -!urert that the boy who are under com mand of (Jenernl Hall will bo taken care of. In connection wllh other arrangement, fjeneral Hall l working on a plan to equip a wlrele company of Hi guard. He haa been fortunate In enllatlng the aervlcea of a man who la n expert In wlreleaa telegraphy and will be placed In charge of tha work, St. Louis Boosters Visit Nebraska COLI'.MHt'B, Neb,, May .-flpeclnl Telegram. -Hlxty-flve Ht, Jxml bulnc men and booalir arrlverl at Columbu thla morning on a apemlal train at t o'clock. They were accompanied hy mllllory bond nnd are under the guid ance of Secretary llobcrt lea of the Hiilc Manager' league, They were greeted on their arrival here by Mayor llothleltiu-r and Secretary Ulekey of tha Columbu Commercial club. They left here for Lavld City and will atop at, Jlaatlng tonight, Fnlrbury .era ,olea. r.MP.BfnV. Neb., May 9.ifpeclnl.) The Protestant chunhe of Knlrbury have Joined In a twi weelu' levlnviil campaign, alilch I being conducted at the Priabytcrlun church by ir. P. L. Hmjee. An exctilcnt choir furniahe niualo bud aingltiB for the revival meet liui. licit Wmlth, scleral fommn fr the pock ialand, haa returned from ft buel lie trip to Knimaa City, M. J. of'nant lllled hi position temporarily. Hoy Kerhnrt i in fiabclhii. Kan., at the hcdalda of hi wife, who la In a honpltal at that point. Mra. Lverhart end urn! an operation last week. Thomaa O'Connor of Rait Lake City, I lull, haa taken a pctmlon In tlio Hock lilBiid locomotive lmp at thi point, lie auneed K. It. Miller. Tho Harbin bank of till city haa I en. he. I ita higli II l n I It a far a ilcpoit ko, a ttu y amount to o. er ti aj. ThU let lie flrat time in the history of the larl'tna b.mk or nv oilur bank In thla vicinity that the deposit have iracbed thi fitini. BURLINGTON RAISES PAY OF SHOP HANDS Cllli'Aiio, My i'hhag'i, tur- lingtnn tj .In y rr.i'l today an t. in. e,t an In re Irt for ail tindi en Die m'.in aiiniuoiiiig fmu I rent l 5' fn!t an h'or. tl l t Mffi, a! of Pa r'4 ' IU t'l-a In a vohinian lift ! tha men 1 u ia. ili .lt' ba t. t May I t'i t tl t DEATH RECORD Mr. J. II . VMI... t.fN. mt , IUV :t t Tli ,t.' . I Wit. 1 II M lin .twd In ,,n i 'n.h bmjtUt twiid', I n I I l, -t. ltntT .l In H-V Jl.l. i, ouct j. In, (! tjiixal (! ii lff.tf t4 Uii I t'.'li l' t. at -. l- . i i I t i il Mi -a ( tl. ! Iff I'-. ' I, , tui 1tii H im, t'". a !"- tii, t I'd. I .' g-4 A ti.i lrvtht If II ' I II. .1 I ' . A -tl . a ' c' I a T , . t !.. in- ti-- , as 4 ! it i . t ii t -1 SI M A C tii m j ' il ta.n .. l i f M i' ' i . i I t I m I A i I e in.K t if I ; . , s . .( , I I .1 I ! ''i ' t ,i a it i v. i. 1 ,,,,!,(..! ,1 . t (-.',, . I I I -t I 1 - ' ' . 111' a I, 4Fi 1 I . lt nKAVKl CITY, Neb., May O.-trtpcclal.l The graduating exerclaea oflhe la of l!i of the Heaver City High school -will be held on May 19 In a large tent, which hue been pitched on the campui, to !e commodate the cluaa and the. graduatoi' rclntlvea and frlenda. Tlie cla numbers flfly-two, believed to bo the largest In the tate graduating from echnol in a town of only J.oO) Inlialiltaul. Ther waa not a public! building In town of sufficient alr-e lo furnlah acc.onimod.i tlona. Tho following I tlie cImkh roll; John Hill, liay Young, lioy Carter. Mr u'v. nit, Leo WhIkdii, Kllen llonp, (loldle Cook. Hoy C. Hiulth Nit lie Avar. Kern Selbert. Lcnlln llolile, llaiil liillln, l-'nwn I'. Uelr, Korreat ltuli, Aubrey Moore, Id II I.. 'Union, l.uella M. Cook. Kin melt Sheila, Lataa Wllliania, Wame Hlcwn. Hula It. Crltaer, Iteuliih Hariiiun, llniiey it. Hinltli. ttiaca V, Mulish, Kdgar lOaekman, llrfioltl l oiwliind, Hudnlph lledaev, I(iii II lleilgiK, i'arl K Hummel, Klaie M. CuffcV, Kunlee V. Cult, William Ii. llurilnon, I'aiui V.. Ilaiper, Maiicl .t. I.ee.'i, tiladva I, ht"ne. Uarcta M Ay at a, Muiiil Ci mker, t'lnii'ne Coffey, I'or n it l.ronnt J, Iniillcv l.uttun, itrmik. ale Crllarr. lAUlell.o (V.ftev, i-lllin tl Harding. Murlmte K Ayiu. h llaiel li llliliKi, M. lli lacbinelec, V rein henifii l.i, hippie l naiiil'ci Mi rritia Hiand lleinld lachmeler, I nc. KlU ,N. Mm In. Ci.ilruiln ,M Laiikhilue. 'I'll eeriit and Imul front lef of tier many amount (t aim it 4 . MRS. D0GGETT, WHO SHOT HUSBAND, OUT ON BOND NORTH PL ATT PI, Men,,' May -iCpeclal) Harry Loggetf, a I'nioti Pa cific awllchmen, waa the principal wlt neaa for the alate Irt tlie preliminary bearing In tlie Lincoln counly court Hint resulted in hla wife, Mra. Vivian Dog- gett, being bound over to the district, court oil chergea of aaaault with Intent to do great bodily harm. Hoggelt wa brought to court from a hospital where he wai recovering from two bullet wound Inflicted by hlg wife. He tesll; fled that Mra. Loggett had allot lilm after they had had aomo conversation concerning eparatlng and hi going to Omaha to work. Mra. Hogget t did not take the at nnd, hut had previously told official and newspaper men that aha had ahot her husband after he had told her that he waa leaving to go to Omaha lo live with another woman. Khe de clared that ahe ahot hlin only after ho had throvin a. number of dlahea and a meat cleaver at her. Mr. Uoggett I at liberty on S.i00 cash bond. Nebraska Oil Company Leases Twenty Thousand Acres at Table Rock TAHLK U'ICK, Neb . May 9 - trfpcclnl.) ; -During the IkmI ten day men have been here trjlng to secure learn' on land In tlie, vicinity of Tahiti 11m k. Three men epieaent a coiiipam of Nehiaakn hind luca men wlio have conceive! the Idea lliat the Kiiiiiih oil vein extend to Talio P.ok, ami tliilt beneath tho surface these Vein tuny be tupped and flowing wclla of great voluo struck. They arc asking fur lease tut :0.t) acie of laud In thla pi'lgiihoihiifMl, imd aeveral leasea have already been granted. These lease grant to tli' lcnec fur the role and only purpose of mining and operating for oil and gii ii, laying pipe line, building tank, power atiitlona and atructurea thereon to produce, sine nnd tako care of audi product!, the leano to remain In force for. a period of five erH, or n long aa oil or gii or either nf them Is produced on said land These men ecm to have Information that give them f.tlth In tho proposition, and they seem to have con fidence enough In It to put their money Into it If they can get the necessary sup port from the land nwnrr of till vicinity. i Ottumwa Company Encourages Men to Join State Militia OTTI'MWA, Irt , May 9 -The Imal Diiln Manufacturing; company, a large hsy lool concern, hua ahown it sympathy for preparednesa by posting in Ha plant a bullolln for tho employe which say that preparednesa I hut Insurance against mi unforeseen national crisis and loea with lh following paragraph: In order that our employe may feel free to uli) In preparedness we will, until further notice, pay full day rate, ten hour per day, to employe! enll ted In Urn National (iuard dining such time a they may be reiiulred to attend the an nual encampment or other military duty lu tha atate. New York City ha moie than l.foo Chinese latindrle. GET RID OF HUMORS Hooa'a gariaparllla ii tb Medlols to Take Makai Vura Blood. Dry, moist, aly tetter, pimple, bolls, and other eruptiona com fr in hum us, jrthii may be ell In r Inherited, or ne iulreit tluougn clorci'ttva ingesiiiin au.i aanlmilation, 'Co treat tliene eiuptlon with drying m'dlclne 1 rtnii'jerous, Hood' I-'oriiiBillla, the old tellahlt medicine, helps the system t(f db charge the buriior and linprive the dlgcstioii and aasiiiillntlon. lirt Hood t aranparlllu from your dru ; glat. Jt may i iiinrpieiii ly rell d upon to do Hs work, It purlfle the blond, lorn the stomach, and build up the whole ayatem. It goe to the r iot of dlacasea, and II beneficial results ero pi-! mum tit. It seta thing! to ilglita n tlie syaletii. Iteineniher to ask for llocda Kircara'llln. heiauae nothing e'e neu like It nod noihlng rhie can take la pi ice Adv rtlaetnent. Two Polk oiiuty I'loiieeea Dead. OHCKOLA, Nob., May ii.-(Hpocln.) During tha lat week two very prominent old citizen of Oaccola and Polk county have paed awny and been laid at fat In the Oaccola cemetery. Thene are L. P. Anderson, whose funeral wa held on Hunday, and Nel Nelson, who wu fol lowed to the cemetery Monday. Lach of tlieae men came to Polk county in nn rally day ninrf leave behind a larne num ber of neighbor and friend who will miss them and who are very ready to at test to the uprlghtnesa and good citizen ship of each of the two first a'ttl'r o.' Polk county. - Constipation and Inilliieatluii. "1 have used Chamberlain' Tablets and must say they ere the best 1 have ever used for constipation and Infixes Hon. My wife also imed them for itull geallon and they did her Komi." write Kugene 8. Knight, Wilmington, N. . Chamberlain' Table! are mild and gen tle In their action. ihe them a trial, You are certain tu he pleased with tlie agreeable laxative effect which they pro duce. Obtainable ever) where, Advertisement. HYMENEAL aiankrr-Ja to b. Miss Ivna J in'" Im and .Mr Jniiii H'nii k"f, ti'ilh of Otualia. er mnri le-l Mmi. day motnlng at P'o'ilii kt y liov . Charlr W, tlavbU. They eip ui cnuipnli! J by Mi Ann ..unit and Mi Herman Muru-ll. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package oroves it 25c at all druggists. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Mew Mom Our That Anyone Can U Without DlKComrort or iog 01 Tim. We hove a New .Method that cute Aalh ma. ami we want you to try It at our ex pense. No matter whether your ee la of long ulaii'lliiK or recent development, whether it I preaent R occealnnii I or i-hrnnie Astlnna. voll ahollld end for free trial of our method. No matter In whnt climate you live, no matter what your 8KB or occupation. If you ari- troubled Willi natiiina, our memou anouia relieve vim nriiiuiit 1 v. So especially want to semi It to llm.e apparently bop'-lesa cinns, where all form nf inliiilera, ilnucne. opium prepa rni oois funic, "patent smokes." etc., have fiilh d We want lo show everyone at our own cxm rise, that t i U new nieiuou I ilesigueii li nut all dirt'l'Milt hreathiiiK. all wheex Inn, and all tlmse ti-inlile paroxysm! at nine and for all time. TIiIk free ofler If too Impniiatil to neg iect alnule day. W r't" now ami tlu n lie gin tha method a' ..ice. Hinl no iinnn y Minl'ly mall coupon below. I'o It Tod ft a, k' 4-J-, 'i ! 11 ,1 i ' fit I .. phi K ' II i ru.i: ahi iimx ihh iiiv Kt:f)N"1 IKIl ASTHMA CO . Room If A, Niagara and Hudson rU. Dutfalo, N. V .Send free trial of your method to. P, E, 0. Sisterhood of Iowa Gains Over 300 New Members OTTl'AIWA, la.. May K.-Rifm e leaving for Newton, la., to attend tho twenty fourth annual meeting or the P. K. O. HIMcihoid of Iowa, Miiy tl to II, Mr. ("UelU M, Porter, pi eslddit of the slater hood, find tho order would bo able to leport an Increase of between .100 nd K) new member and four new chap! The present membership of the P. K. O. Slstci hooii approximately n,9. Thero are ll! chapter In Iowa with. Chap ter A, lucHlcd In Mt. Plraaant, where the sterhudd wa orKiinlned January 3ti, WO, Among tlioae expected at tho low rand chapter convention la Mrs. Mary Allen Htaffnrd, one of the original even ulio orgnnlied the alalcrhond at lowii Velcan college In Mt. Pleasant. Mr Stafford reside at West Liberty, la. Huiireine President Helen M. Irake of Ileal rice, Neb.," will deliver an addrea on Tueeday afternoon, Mr. Htafford, ho la a past atate president, will apeak on "Helpful Thought!" Wedneaday afternoon, Every chapter In the tate la expected to bo repreaenled by a delegate and many visitor will attend from th various chapter!. The repreaentatlnn waa cut d"n two year ago from two to on del egato per chapter. The pat preidenl are rx-offlrlo delegate, The object of n during tho number of delegate wa! to make It possible for anms of the ina!ler cltlea to entertain the grand chapter meeting. - it 4itr Kteu before the beginning of the prea ent war tlie population of (iermany In l 1 iiilcd twice a many women a men. He Wont Ad aerve liundrtda dally. Crackers a Flavor or is not tti ordinary soda crackers. Uneeda Biscuit are extraordinary soda crackers and have a distinctive appetizing flavor. Buy Uneeda Biscuit because they are soda crackers with a flavor, but. above all, buy them for their crisp goodness. S cent$ everywhere NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY V'HU f'il Hoe Wnnis Ads Produce Results. Tliia liaa boon proven by the nloady Rnin the Want Ads have made. The Big Undermutlin Sale Continued Today Store Your FURS Moderate Charges and Best Service ' Jewelry at Very Special Prices The big jewelry sale in progress is a splendid oppor tunity to gratify personal jewelry wants or to secure gifts for others. The following items show the big reductions which make this sale a record breaker: MEN'S WATCHES Eljrin 16-fiizf, Open-Kari! AVatchea, in fine gold-filled eases. JJ QQ Jugular $12.00 to $14.00 values, sale price tPOt70 Elgin Watches, open-faee, 12-size, in a fine 25-year guaranteed gold-filled rase, with beautiful enameled designs. Made by Jos. Kahys & Co. All put np in a ffne ma- 1 QQ hognny box. $20 values, sale price...., P XvlI0 X'-vvl'iV Bracelet Watches Vsrr email bracelet watch, In a gala flllail on and nresii ; narnia for 10 yr. n.gularly worth I U 0, al nrlea . , Hnlld riold llraeaiet and Casn, 'T mall 1 l-jewsled mo.nint; susran- if.l K.auiar J uu value. l prlea , . . . $6.98 $15.00 Diamond Rings risnulns diamond. beut 1-1 carat, est In f.niy inountliif . tIC CA 127 00 value IW.aVI in 00 values, l -l carat In r e AA Tiftsny niountliif tpirf.WW ("leniilne Pure While tiUmonrt, .ihl M I0H le 41100, at In Ilk Tiffsny niounlliif, worth COT Crt 70, Hal prtee QI.HM Ladies' Watches 1 air. lilaln mov.m.nt. auaeanteed 10-year ld lllled eaaa; open nr elniwd eas; rsular 112 00 Asj aa :.r..".'r:.,.;....?7.98 beautifully $1.39 Holld Gold Tlrooehca, namslad deaians. 3 00 le .1.t0 valuaa. at y SUIT CASES and BAGS at BIG SAVINGS Sample lines of High-Orade Traveling Hags and Suit Cases. All traveling bags are leather lined and have English sewed frames. In black, brown and russett. Sizes IB. IS and 20 inches. These goods are values np to $1,0.00. On sale Wednesday &A Q Q at 50c $1.00 Fiber Suit Cases About 200 Fiber and Matting Bags and Knit Cases, values to $1.00. All in one lot Wednesday at OUC A IMIU: of VELVET Ii like n good wrttclt ilog. It vrl comet frcn'ly thought! an icnrr off unfrrii'Iy ottci. YOU'LL GET RID OF BLACKHEADS SURE Tluie I-. l i e einii , and .! H Hat nne ti l. Ii f t rd nf III hr,i., m it tti'lt is In clit-nl e Ti. in fi. tj till, a t .si,. .1 tu n n ar ll.lt .i,wl. it. 'ii mi trim i di i .ui,, ,. 1 1 l.i. . 1 11. .n h 'I. v 1 1 r i, .- .( t l 'i 'fii I ii-.'v 4. , I In I 1' I I ' I l'l ' " ( . .1 I ii I f I I nli I. . il . . ... .,,.. t, , t,i. -t " i"' I . . . .l l I VI lllllr Ul " ' ' , ' I1 I i' 1 ii' 'i a --.I 'it . 4 ' em' ii..."it , . . tl - . . I. 1. . 1 -, . I ! '... '. 11 111 I tt - ..!., -I I t m I l .- .. .l IX ll". I t' ! ' ( . . ,. -I I'., . .n t i.,. i i 4 ,1 , ... i . -in ii t r 1 t . - i.t . t. , ... t ' , '.. . 11, It .1 H'l ' '"' M " - ,. .. ,S ....... . i . . 1 '. i . . t - ' -- , . . If I I tl-t .1- 'I I'.' k l- : H"i. S Ii '1- !t ' .t , i , , I - I - ' - 1 i rt I il- II ' t ..... II It ' II - '' . ' i I ' l ' I. t, - .t t I I . I. .ii ... j I , I .. i !-. . . i..- ' A LAMP SALE OF UNUSUAL NOTE In the Art Embroidery Store J1..ll N OW T8 THR TIM R to choose, an exceedingly pretty Lamp and pay fery little for It hern. We hav lakon many or the beHt Lamp wts hara In afoek and reduced t.ht prices so radically that everyone who haa Inn alighteat need will surely share In this sale. Rotidolr Lamp, In rilrch Mahcigany, wired; wllh ailk shade; In blue, pink, yel- f JZL low and old roue; $3.00 value, at. tj 1 O Mahncany Door Lamp, two light, with silk poplin ahndn, trimmed with nolil gimp and 'rlnge; lli'itiu to $17 60 value, $10.00 Mahoftany I.ihrary I-anip, two llfrhi, pull chain aoeket; also preaden Library Itntp, &t to I0 .00 taluea, I f- Vednedy -Jti I O filbrsry Ijimps, In solid mahogany and hand carved wood, finlahed In Roman fiold and Italian flnlah, complete with silk shades; trim med with braid; some, with frlngo; others with taaaeia; valuea I10.0D to 115.00, $6.75 t 3enulne Imported Japanese. I.ampa, with shaded two lights, In Japanese, risurea and vaaea; fancy dexorated shade; also hand carved bronxn Candleatlck' f.lS.Ot) I45 00 vaiuea. at :.$18.75 KAYSER SILK GLOVES We are (Imaha liru(liii.trttr fur the fsmiuit Kyer Silk tiloves. For fit, wear and uslitt', Kaver gloves are tinmr ihm.I. F.vrry air is guraiifee( by both the makers and otirttelv c. t'imii'le, froth at ne reny fi.r uarin weather wear. All Me HI umi Hlnl ni i.rt Mv Ii-;, Imlll J.llllll Slid frttH'V, Per Pair, 50c to $2.75 A Nw, I Ut ml Way ttv Htuli Hairy taoMth ; i i ' . .' -t. t...s ? ... !-. I T, lilt. ? ! I" I U I' -til.... J I , .b . , , A' I t '!! i I, , H il .. . i . Ir ' 1 ' .!.... . J . X t L I' II ' t I ' I' S ': . m i ' i ' I i ti - ' I l-i 1 I I" j ... i i. ' t . I .-. fi Kt 'I ' ..... l t ,. . ' . ' I ll '. It ) .(.:. ,. ., ...... . - . Rugs for All Rooms ii)iifiler K n; are Vn.iwii t tie "(eiierl pur m ' ' rtiij, t-'l f " r t.e in fiery tu in tli h"He. We offer an etn'rjv. t ui) I nari'aiti tu mm a;rt.le. H-it 'luaity ntli .. .mi. In A III' line f itttf rn. i:t!i!i f. if liv r.Mtin .'. !tiU! ta-i t UltMi, at, , , Ii ii.-. I W .It'Mi U'lf, at" ')2 H-ig urntaUy ..t. f-f I't lit A!l f-.... iltrrnti. Al,,,,,., U ltaa ah itit luentv m ft 12 It ifelmr Ug.U J li'tial W i!t. iuif. li s le ti rii on tnC $17.98 $31.75 Ft- S i !'.! it, l(. ta I re i( rarl (!'. i S r.t'ifi.livy , $37.50 Wall Paper Three Specials "V Orouptd In the ap.dal f. Nrlnj f wall paper. ar M kind, and tt9, auitahl fee ')' ream. You can iutitattial tun by tailing aivint j f tsi ai. A tkultt Ilele. M.m pf I,tH( f. !"'. tl Sat 'he (t.-e. in an-.i i-e;:ni(, (ultaata ( r tr itfiHim n. ,r f.nn iiii ediie ! n, ..' j , , , , 2i An eftfiM inlt t,i !.,t JMl. tl l" p ' With eu' t it (H-ettttr l tiU !, In tU.r ,,f (4I(t jf ertu an( linn. ,,tnra pittr p,t$. t'e rr ti !- n tmA !tiKUi, 5!l A Ur ilrt tn k't et'l 4 ii t Im I.. . i , i f . llt ftii-ht. .1 i ,1 ,n, ft d' t a I ' I 1 ,i i. a; ftr k'!s I1'1" smiii t H .nine- H'.im ii ; r itiat 120 k . ) .t tf a f. 't, , 3C 3DC