THE HKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10. Ifllfi. 11 FOR RENT-HOUSES Vi-MON TH KHKK KENT. Nice house, block to tar, garden Doe: modern erpnt heiii- B -,..... SiO-IHI: new miner- WaK ,:-.-.s ' -k7)UM modern house, hot watrTeat; tile bath room; garage. Spencer. Webster ll'fi. Ufa UiCANT f J-r. ct.ra., oiou.rn - 1. F. Hell, li JUmge Hldg Dou. 7 37(I NOHTll 2aHl j-room modern bun ;gitlow. "reened por h. Web. SI 1.1. ilia fciteklNE 6urS6olii,"i2.ou;l;o" land st Trumbull. 44H Ht i-ROOM, modern bungalow with iun room. gamgo In rcur. Vacant May U, Red rcpTTAUE of & rooms 'each to rent. . Hw Ph. U. 67(17. Tolitnd .'f ru'iihulh uit lifilVi Amy 1, V-iuuiil, all iiiouoiT """'uHZHth Harney JSila. M-wO-6 room ami bath, tfK "Wool wo rib Ave., south front. Tyler sill, modern house; big yard. 2447 H. 2oth. -rlr, 'J0. Mlaeellnneotis, WK 1IAVK WHAT YOU WANT. HOL'HKB AND CtrTTAGliU PA K'l'LY MOIKHN. 4-R I'll! Carler Lake boulevard... 414. fW 6- 11. MM N. 8oth ht 1..0U MODKK.N EXCEPT HEAT. , l-K. 2W4 haaloga bt fMM -R. mi H. tit h fit JH.frt 7- 1"!. 2Mr N. 27lh Kt la. 00 UTRIOTLY MODKKN. 6- R. 3MSI N. )ih Ht 25 .00 8- R. W.l H. 31t Bt .0 e-H. M n, aim nt ao.oo -K. 4i.4r. N. 40th Ht W.tol 7- K. 4M Medforil Ave iW.'W 6 K. 1.U4 rt. tli Ave. (garage; ' 7-R, M 8. 3th Ave ft-ll. M.I7 N, u;ih Ht 3 'W 7-R. 677 a, 2HI) HI 3,'j.i h-li. 414 N. Slat eit ..VOU s-K. KS0 Dewey Ave... 32.60 KK. , Dewey Ave 32 M 7-R. 4d.l 1 ,l xk I no ht 22. fm S-H. 2;M liavenpnrt Ht 4..00 -K. IM21 Jjodl.u St.... i.W -R. OW 8, With K.t, (bargain) 27 6J ll-ft. 411 H. 2Mb HI 76.00 KLAT3. PAflTI.V MuDKUM. 4-n. a r.uiiHa bt lio.oo HTltiC'lLV MODERN. 4 It, 2045 lluard HI ...I'Oi.Hi 7-H. m H. 2Mb Ht 26.00 MKA T IC D A PA HT M K NTH. 2, J, 4 ami 6-rooin apartment within Walking illHlsmie to businns center, airlctly modern and up-to-date hi every remiei t at very reasonable iriila. Boo us (or particulars. Choice West Kaitimi) apartment, con sisting nf five room una tnuld'a iiuer tci anl having two private batha-fn. WE HAVE UTIIIi..!. Hl'.E OUR it'MI'EE'JE 1.1 HI HEFORE RI.A'i 1. VO. PORTER & SIIOTWELL, Office with Amfvi-ri Uveiirlty company, 22 H, 171 ht I iiitia:. J2V14" iTuiiiillon'KI , ti-r,, mou. ea."heul, 10 22!2 Cliirk, ti-r., mod. ex, hint, fid. 2. ")U Charlta, 7-r., all mod., 127. to. 8UH Deiatiir, 7-r., mod., a umii ttt 27.&0. 2'i0U Hpanier, K-r,, ali mod., M. 8217 Hurl, br., mod. ex. heat, I4. MIS Kmmnl, 7-r., all mod., M. Ktnniet, 7-r., all mod., 1M Corby, 6-r., mod, ex. heat, $11 t'M California, 7-r., all mod., $20. !,;(! Ho. attii Ave., -r,, all mod., $J2M 2i'!0 Leavenworth, 10-r., md. ex. heat, t'M. 241RV4 Ho. lfith, &-r., mod. ex, beat., II2.W. Jli.m Caatellar, a-r., mod. ex. heiit, $20. tttl Ho. th. ti-r.. all mod., $22.ii". FOR RESPONSI BLE COL ORED FAMILY. ntnR Heward, 8-r., mod. ex. heat, $lft. 2i22 ( harlea. 5-r., mod. ex. beat, $lh. 22 Kranklln, 6-1'., mod. ex. heat, $16 M. 420 Hf. Cbailea, a-r, mn mod , $I3M M 'CAO UE INVESTM'ENT CO l.Vir)odifeH; Ii?i!"-4.,8 riiOoM modern; oak flnlali and floora, beamed celling; vcty dealrabla; aouth weat, $Hf. l-tooin modern; eak flnlah; tiled bath full lot and garage; aoutbweat, LA. J rooma, atrlctly modern; full lot; on paved atreet, 2 block from car line; northwest; $,10. I rooma, modern, In Dundee, $40. ronma, modern, nearly new; 2-atory ' cottage, aouth, . S-room, modern brlek, freihly papered; In nl: romlltlon, $22. J, II. IM.'MONT CO., 418-1 Keellnw Rblg. ...rj'gpI2'Jf 11 1L VOH GARDENING ANU POULTRT. 8-r., downtown, colored, $12. Alao t and a $ (like bungalow) and ACRli . GROUND, $ and $7. Alao b-r.. Call. , fornla bungnlow and acre, $14. Tel. O. VVI. M! Pafon Hilt. HOUHEH FOR RENT. C'HEIOH, KON8 CO., ' (inn uf.w. Mf.ixi J2'i""L ? 613 NO. 23d, brick, mTi"dnTn7"l27.CS. 2ns Ho. 41 at, modern, 7 rooma, $23. 2f. Poppleton Ave . B-r. and bath ,$1S. JOHN N, KRICNiKR. VOVQ. U,i. FOR KiNT-AP'TS AND FLATS Weal. e-ROOM ateam healed apartment Jn the Douglaa. Nicely decorated; rent $2j per month the year around. CALKINS & CO., HI 3 4"Hv Nat. Htfttli Bldg. ,toti. JJI J... . Crli)HK In Si T3 and 4-rooiii"apt, very desirable; plenty of hot water. Emeat Sweet, 2M1 Harney. D. 1472. HAl.KINU "ditane, MM Dodge, U rooin, modern houae. $2.V W. W. Mitchell, owner. 120 Hpeneer. l".ion Veb. 4H75. T"lH, ewalli-iieateti ai'.al tiliclll, ennur I or h rooma, on W eat f'urnain atreet. .If.HN W H (1HMI W fAHNAM HT. SfoDF.RN tt-moin BpTirinientTT'ncTudlng" aleeplng pon h, well located. Hitr. bi'D S67'H67"2arrnr"tiio(i. brick flat, 2nd fli", flneJocatlonlI).(Ml 1 orHed 722. Nurih. RAITAnT'K ""MONTH "rTlT.rE RENT. 22 and 2-07 N. 2uih Ht., nlco apart nieiila, on car line, near achool. Kliat floor, city water, toilet, gii..,.IO .-ccond floor, mndern, 4 rnoina $13 Itaeenienl. 4 nice room, pnrt mod tl t all for appoint im-nl, bunday, Coliax "M 1 1. K HI'i'K H c-o.. 012 Omnlm Nat l Hunk. Doug H'L 4-room modern flat, oppoape l"'nrd Motor plant; good fur roomer: $.12.60 per month. U. A. VVOL', V, 1 Were lIM fieug. '"V V i . . TCi TTi in,li i n. t en 111 Kl1 apart ment V I"da. Hr (v or Hal N. anii, -n or n re room m di n apa'i tmeiii", ,, '"'r month Vnl'ITtS apt, J r.Mii, $A., n-r p(. r.fflrr l. I' ptebblti", !') t til. 4" Sl(i")M mx.lnut fUt. I i-m i lark, 1-2 m t al abe-t I aitwib. I itn.iMl4 and eunruoiti. will be .anl :y I, 1". raiad at . I ' e : 1 l-r iionth. bn nl evrr, le a fp; iog U. ta 11. t nih THAN Ell IUCUS,, , 1 v ,' tmik I I n " V. I'a.M.N t- . " A K,;iif a I.a-iii i l-" 11 I fc'VUH'ti ' nwi.l, i L 3 4-1 A i't u a i 4 D-joiif , 1 1 1 I . s . S' M-! .( $ . V4 m.k( Nat ae m ' t ' Jl'-" 1' l--'' l -lk,,HI turf ,l.i l "', ...II , . . M 1 ' ' " ,l.l I ' t I ' " ' " M--"Hia " " in' . . I ! f ll f'i i M a Ma N ?. l I 1 i '',vti.t , ). K.' I I , ' !..-. - I I , 1 1, . 1 r 1 ' . --l ,,,,1 1. ' . . t ...ol t V .t t r , l I t' I I ll-"" I S t ' . 4 S ; ' r N i. ''I e.' ! 1 I i 1 b. v a 'v 'Me .' ' v U ' I it WANUDIORENJ I atrala. 4 l . n4 $ W aaia-t ''' M . 1.1 in . . A I . till !''. I ' I I MUht4 ( t I I'm' I ... . J . ' ' ' '''" - I titUI.-'t 'i v I I ' ' I 1 . e" MOVING ANU STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Store, movea, raoka. ebtoa; $-hore ran ana I men, per nour; etarage, IJ per month. SatlafacMon guaraoteetl. Houala ta;tn and Tyler 00, GORDON VAN CO. Packing, ilorage and mov ing. 21D N. Uth Ht. Phone Dougla $14 or Webater rtl'J. FIUISPROO' WAREHOUSE (Separate locked rooma, for houaehold guoua and plunua; moving, packing and mmiping. 0.IAHA VAN AND STOHAtJE CO., t H. Ifith Ht Douglaa 4163. Phone Douglaa 2sn for complete llat of va. ant houaea and a part -in nU; alao for atorage, moving, mth and Jacknp Mia. CKHRiN VAN & STORAGE I'm hin' atoraga. 'A ("at, Ave. Tyler 1200. Maggard at, and gtoruga Co, Moving, taeklng. ttnraK and ainnping. Phone Douglaa 141. I I If H It' I I h-i Plena Co. Moving. I,v"lv'ljl' ptuiklng and gtorage. 1 207 Parnam Ht. Doualaa (14. -JR RENT-BUSINESS PR'P'TY lore. TAKE NOTICE A downtown retail sture building, 314 B, ir,ih. Owner will remodel to ault. $;ni0 per month, THE BYRON REED CO., Douglaa 2!'7, 212 S. 17th OTUREH FOR RENT. We are making Plana to remodel the imiminx at JM4 lit is Jiarney Bt., putting In a new front and making one room with eerond floor and baaeinent 1 ill 1 1 -1- the aouib alxlv feet. Will leaaa to dead able tenant the entire (pace or Uivi ie 10 aim. N. P. Pol ii iK, 2QH Whllnell Hldg. HTOREH. Modern atore room and basement. U. So. Uth Bt. ; fine location for grocerle and meat. CONRAD IOUNQ. W Hratrtete Yheatar Dour 167. VEftV doafratila aTorea In Grain Ex ihatign bullillng; fireproof; In Una with growth of hiialneaa center; make a ae lection today. K. I. WFAf. 310 fl, Uth Bt, 'InKc KOoMi al liua-li earnam rtu ?f!.'JllL,,"JiLjl'!iJ;i",Tl! f. 74t) atoUHi ouiTdiiig, living rooiua .a rear, JmaT N win liouala lU M lai'ella iieona. UARlJlIi ITgiil 'baaeiiieTiti on llltb ST1 choice location for billiards and Pool. Wright ii Easbury. D. ltl REAL ESTATEIMPROVED Weal. SACRIFICE Here I your cbarne to aet a atart. The flrat one to pay $100 down buy this five-room almost new bungaWw, one block from Oiarul Ave. r:ar. EoL WxHO; clilckon houae and fruit: carilen auot. The owner I ilia to have a larger home aim lay sell and sell quick. Hal price $2,110; balance $20 per month. Till 1 a bargain. If you see It you will buy IL R. W, HARHIETT, WANT AN OFFER -Boulevard Near California Owner la willing to aaerlflce dandy i-rooni mooern House; 4 tied room. This la a wall built bouse and a very convenient and desirable location and Ilia price and term ate attractive. Price just reduced to $l,iu0; f;b0 cash. GLOVEU & SPAIN, pougla 3062 919-20 City National. t:w CASH -Tt A I , A N ' k" M ON THEY, Hevcn-room. strictly modern home In the Cathedral district. While oak fin ish downatalra, hard pin ufiMtnlia, full cement basement, furnace hem, Nice largo lot 011 paved alrcet. Two blocks from achool, one block, from car. Now Is your chance to own a good home on cany payments. I'AYNIC INVESTMENT COMPANY, I). 17H. Floor OmabaJVat. Hk.BIdg. KOII HADE (JR TRADiir-A new up-to-date 8-roorn home, near Omiiha unl verslty. For particular cull Webater 81.1. FOR 8AEK BY OWNER. "-room strictly modern houae, hot water beat, near 41 at und Chicago, I 'hone Walnut 1HS. J'till 8AL.E 7-1 00m modern house In Field club district. Nearly new. Owner will sell at a bargain. Phone liar. 7fi68. NEW BUNUALOW-A-iooin, attic, oak iniisii, ouiit-tn Dnokcanea and buflet. tila bath, bed rooma white enamel and onk, mirror closet door, built tron and well nailed. One block from car. Eight een minute from town. Will sell on easy term. Don't rent, buy this. See It any evening. PhonRenaon aijj ?ui it-tu.i huiiKHiuw. lust i"?!:ig com", plated. $l.2f,o. only $lo cash, Amos r.rnnt. Ii, KM. Col. 4071. Mnrlh. FINE MILLER PARK HOME WITH GARAGE 1 lrated at 2120 Crown rolut Ave . half block west of North Uth street car. Houih front, full 2 atorv stucco lions. nenlialt roof, contains $ good slsed rooms, tlieuiacn, built-in htirrel and other fea tures that ko to make up a nice noma ilsias wltli eeniKut drta. This house bus )een built only a few month and oas built by day labor. The material slid work la there and we would ha niiKlitv !,! to show this protrtv in an v Interested paitv tin matter hew eiittral iui tint be. Price, $' A,' nh a gum! reasonable rtrt pavtornl. (all ii it von are Interested and alii make an appoint iio-nt , niA'IT(X)MPAT, r iirtnerly Mint! Fgirfield fo , !., T imah Vt Ilk Jtl tg Tyler an I'llUillK fliK lUautlful Vsti.ry, t I hoi, stu co biand ee, Ja cash, i mll'lv . so llh front, splsn.llil shade, bOs ai'.t shrill-ner i , paving ut,i .tl Pi f ill o riilh. mhlie anam-l k-trooiHS. .e-l l-al r"m, stnrtii i, and i-itrn i'siI i,tipf. lV's .Vol 1t Cl.oftlC AS tCfA 1 K lied ., a t fr.on $1 ii la S- t oner snNiii'i a prt u( l .. I'tte fooni p. !, mm b t, t iifion ii, ), iital aiap, ll ll .a ! ISAM A' I.. al4 K.eilna GtU Uoiut Very UUU tVK rtv..v.iu ("Use ena !, ii ,l, M lair If I ft ,l !., line. l Im, tJ s N a Sa at. Norri 1 Norris, i , i r a Ti it in " ' 1 ' ' I'-'. .4.1 f $l- .V H I A I I it i. '. N't '' I . . a - i ' - " I t.L,v . l. afrt a IDIA 'V ' k ,l , l l I av,l i I -. An I") U'fc II U Ni',it v k , ) V .US '." I . I ,1 . ' . i- . - ,. (. '- k 1 W . I - 1 v " i uk k i , S I lv . 4 l 1 . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED CLASSY 5-R00X!fEW .BUNaATX)W. Nice large room, oak finish and oak floor throughout; ouiu-in onoacaaeii , i to front vestibule; guar anteed furnace; full basement; .. lartte attic; east front lot; paved at root; gool location. 2!4 S. ?2d Ave. Easy term. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug, ltm Ground Fl. MnC-ague JBIdg $fooCa8h $22.50 M onthly ' Riva Ma Urm koUSA. At .154 Ho. ?!st Htreet. Modern exeent furnace. Has ecreene, fixrture. ahadea. cement walka. yard graded, A bargain f someone -this wegk only price $2.t"0 Ask for Mr. Campbell. Tho Byron Reed Co., JJnJQ. ?.,!lJ,-,J,.-h2- HlOUMIi;iVaaUiw, brand i.w, all mod- - . i. iia,,,. kmiitfhoiir uak f'.lilal In living and dining room: large, light, white enamel bedroom: good location, reatrlcted addition. A bar.aln at $S.(MI. tasv term. IjKNSON & CARMICHAEL. 441 Paxtnn HlkJ Deng. I7H. MIseellMoeoDa. IMPROVED AND VACANT ACREAGE NEAR OMAHA. 10 acres, all In full bearing fruit. $ mile west of Ilenson; high and aignuy, ii.eui, Ha small house and other outbuilding. 1$ acres, on Main street, paved road, west of Rensnn. aome fruit and alfalfa. six-room house, barn and other out buildings, $U,M0, IV acres, west of Henson. on paved atreet. Mrlctly modern, 7-rooni fiouae, large barn, chicken and hog heusca. Price, Illl ml 4V4 acre In Keyston Park. N. W. of Retison. High ground, lx-ronm houie. 44,600. One acre, elose to Renson: 4-room, pew house, f'.r.s for ainall chl-ken and garden, one block to paved road I'l-li-a 12 a.'ji 4 acre fine level land, rich noil. vft Of Hsnaon. Price, $1,700. t4 acre fine level land, just a HH1 slope, out Henson way. Price, $3,828. t sores nearlv level land, has run bin water, some alfalfa and large trees. Price. $1,126, $44 acre level land; running water, out Remnii wy. Price, $2,040, 3 arrea, fine level Und, close to paved road, $1,2.10. A number of these choice acreage tracts ran bo had on the easy payment plan. Now la the time to buy acre, a you never will be able to buy them a cheap as you can now. If you want to look at any of the above acre tract today, call Webater 621, or phone Tyler 50 at any time during the week. Office open evenings, 7 to $ o'clock, IlAJTjIWjkJKTDKK, 181$ Ilerney Bt. RKAD THIS. $2,8.'iO on Payment. 1.100 cash. Ral. 1:2. W Month, Neat 6-room, full pnaetnent, I room upstairs, small but tenanlable; I lots; all kind of young fruit; shrubbery; currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc. 1 block to fine school; 2 blocks Omaha' finest nark' l block to ear line; (-min ute service. Tlds I lilgh and controls elegant view that will never d on siructed, and always a salable place. Fine for family of 3 or 4 children, or, In fact, anyone, , WIUJH COLFAX, Douglas Jf.lO, 702-4 Keellne Bldg. A BARGAIN ONLY $2,000 For a atrlctlv modern 8-room cottage. Three room downatalr and two bed rooma and batb upstair; good furnace and everything complete; good location. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglaa loo. Ground Floor McCague Hldg. $200 CAHH-HALANCE $20 PER MONTH. Hlx rooma, modern except neat, witnin walking distance from business section, paved lreet end paving paid. Why do you pay rent when you can be paying for a home the seme as rent? PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY, P. I7SI. Uth Floor Omaha Nat. Rk. Hldg. HAFETY FIRST. FOR RUM A RLE AND BAFE FIRE AND TOltNADO INSURANCE SEHJ O'NEII8 R. K. INS. AQKNCY, 8.14 Brandels Theater Bldg. Tyler 1024 SPECIAL BARUA1N. U lot, corner, south and east front; one block from csr; 8-r. modern Cot tage, fine ahade and fruit, $3,200, 8. P. HOST WICK HON, Tyler 1S"8 300 Bee Bldg. HHAND new home, 7-room and aleeplng porch, all modern, oak rinlsti, pan stucco, corner lot. Price $3,076; easy terms. Phone Owner, Walnut 8219. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Nona. AFTER looking at MINNK I,USA. 300 different buers decided that It ill the best proposition on the market and thev backed their Judgment by BUY ING lois. If YOU will com out today you will understand vihv others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 1S7. 742 Omsh Nat'l Hank Bldg. SEE THESE IIIOH, BEAUTIFUL Lots In FONTBNEIXE PAKK DISTRICT, $275 to $il7fi, $.-. DOWN. $i PER MONTH. Near car line and well located In this district of many new houses. They are bargains for small homea. BHULER el CARY. D. 50V4. 204 Keellne Fldg CT"MIN1. near 2Slh fT, 22 orTlTViiuat be sold to close estate uriiimel, 548 Omaha Nat l Rank Hldg oath. 20 Acres Near Fairacres. MUST HE SOLD BY MAY 1BTU. HirIi nd slutilly, with anod Improve me ni eor price and term, call, J II ATT COMPANY, 2i:. 7- omaba Nat l Hank Tyler ae RKAD 'Til Id.' tl 0 buys on nf Hi finest lot In the llanacom I'srk IMstrlct. f4ilW. This lot Is worth II, f", but owner I willing in crlf!ee. PA V N M INA'FHTMFVT COMPANY, t 1l ("h Floor 'in xlia N t Mk Hldg M laeellaneoua. AN"aeie or two bought now To ll.os ,a Oatdene will mas you mora money than in, ether silul of Investment. all writ er phona u. T)lr fur reading matter, tailing more about Hsu. Boo Oardaoa UHriV-ol IIKYr t N, 1'4 llarn.v g ( i I ( 1 A I V -i In isal ui.ii and auiaage. tvifax I'vi ariar n a Hi l.5TVkk FISK liCtf.1iT, LajTSC " J A Mm I.. NFAU 'It rc t an lei in. I i n .us Doug Mrt REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES . i ; k 1 1 1 .' v i o i" h 7 t t'vi ; j v s r i t.a tnt k a ti.av litvt lust wrist .. i a I Vi a a.11 ira la a i , lii-os s a!,re 4a J, "m.ia Tlf I Hi, eo i' a. A'liJ. !'. I I. rW.,i iiiao. rpr "iae .oa in m . i.i )' ' HI It 1 '- I t aa m I I il.- I ) i at' . i.i. In ,...'i , ' i , -leal ft i. ' lu I ii . ... I i t , I . I i' ' ii t I M i at 4 P, l , I ,.' a N" tlk., ir i't il r , i. . i .. , . s I V ii lo .1.. k i ; ( . I il, : ' ,4,, , - , I"" II 4 la. .at ll. , a I,. H !i ll I . .- e . i. Aftao-iat a -I i,.a. -a.. I .a , t ll " i l - a k i a g fl.. If list a. I l,M I i - vk a ' a t i. -a n ' W ) a.1 kl , t !..' I t t a 1 I " i ' - " "a - ? . , . I t - 1 t ' l - I I 1 at ill I k I. I' K a ( J ' 'a 1 t 1 ' l ! ' " -t SH , tS t af k ' I i .a k i i 4 S ig Ukl ESTAU-UUS PROPTf t litf si $ I L , k' . 1 . i .. V( k I I a' -- I - ' ir "', v i, o . at i " REAL ESTAIh-SUBL'RBAN Best aau bTART YOC1'. HOME IN 13EN30NI KL'Y THIS LOT! $10.00 down and $10.00 per month; prlca $250.00: site, (Vul.'S; located on IXHiUst Ht. between Clark ana nurmiam: not far from school and car line. Ceo. R Wrlnrht Hee office. Omaha. TWO ACRES AND BUNGALOW New bunnalovv. electrio :iKht, larae barn and chicken house; two fine acres of iiround In Henson Acre; 14-m canh, balance easy payment a. P. J. Tebbtm Co., i4 Omaha Nat 1 Bunk Oondee. DUNDEE EXCEPTION A LEY FINE IIUlMMNO HIT EH, $2,-!lf.ixl ft., H. E. cor. 5:nd and I aa rd HU. 4t0OO-H. E cor, Hnulevard and Burt Ht., IM' ft. on Hurt ny i.w .... .1... Ii. I'll lot! iniuiviain. 1,600 North front on California between doth & tlst, &hxloj kV.nt ..rf.r Ht ft. jioonN. E. cor." 2nd and Cullfomla Hta., imxl2s It. J.200-H. W. cor. 61t and VVebator Hta 1 1 sft - t ')0 4f IF INTldtEHTED IN VACANT UT MitU . D. V. SllOLES CO., .JHCIty Natl, Hunk Hldg l1"'1 J.'' " A GOOD LOCATION for Htorcii or Apu rttnt-nt Houhos IN DUNDEE Thl Is a largo north and east front corner lot on Lincoln Hiuliway and car t. --on. . I. rF.tht.un nn line, nniina .n i" i i, .. Imdga street, and l.Tf. east frontage on 4th avenue in ininoee e neweei iiuiiiiooi u.l..,.. rf,,ial,,nirihlM nfi, ttlUtllU 1) lll'l rapidly. New, brick alore building Is now being built Just, west of the properly and a new $7."i,0n0 apartment muy be built Just east ot tms corner, ruinn choice, and will make a good Invest ment. Do not fall to Inveatliitaie. Price and terms on application, GEORGE & COMPANY, Pongln 7:1. i2 City Nnt.BiinkRMg. DUNDEE SNAP" MUST BE SOLD $.1,250 Here Is en eight-room up-lodst . . !...,. I irn I an, ill. fl',,11 moaern noose on m-nuni"! .. lot only one-half block from the ear line on one of the very best street In the vlllnge. Oak woodwork and oak floor. Every room In tha house la latge. House alono could not ne ou , !.,., ti Tjii hot we want en offer. IT Ml'BT RP5 HOIJD TH13 WKM, "re us at once. ARMSTRONG -WALSH CO., Tyler 15.1a. J" $0,000 DUNDEE $(iK) i. . L, Ials.w tt.rntiulwml !ilii IlillTs itn,n iiwiiiib v n " . - hath, excellent brick mantel, finnace heat; one Nevernlck Electrio Dlaliwaaber connected 10 cwer anu ana. imw garage.. W. II. THOMAS & SON, Douglaa 22 Keellne Hulldlng. Dundee Huhealnw, clean, attrai tive prop ty, well locaieo, at reaunmaoie pr" Tho. Catnpbel I, K eeljne Hldg. J g 4v2l) Klorenee. KF.I5 Net ha way for acreaHe. FloTetice ?2. Mtaeellnneoos. Wl;.-4TFAriNAM CORNKll-Praetloally new prs.1 brli'g flnu. two uranium detached biillulng. Could not no dupli cated for l,0i. Will offer for $l,5i0. and will carry tnortgane for $tt,ouu at & per cent. First time offered. BIMPfiON BRuB, 4 Rose Hulldlgg. Tyler nil. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 120 FHET WAl-KlNii DISTANCE. Owner MOU B-K-L-L 120 f' Dewey at 2'Hli Ht acros from Wluona Apt. house. The price will be mora Iban right If you want to buy. Ho out and look It over, then see u. PAYNE A HEATER CO., 41 ii ,U IJLr 141 rtr Din MI Ift I If ' 1 " ' " ' ; , M.O0OiVrffC)H brand nftw" buflrlli.K. vAom . ... ., a,-...,. ........ lu iril in. lieunng ior ;,ioif a urn. cash, balance Ioiik time. .1. B. ROUINHON, 42 Bee Rldff. D. W7. 'II BT a-Cll tlllt'rir.AH 60x182 fi.; some Improvements; $10,000, Jeff W. Bedford Hon. Douu. 3.192. REAL ESTATE WANTED GOOirtof WANT Et). A part payment, with aome cash, on new -room, all modem bungalow; one acre of ground; chicken house and gar- age,Address L 1265, Bee. Tim" lids and Ften Want Ad Willi for no man. An opportunity misted U an opportunity lost. . FINANCIAL nasi K.alelc Loans, niorlauea. MONEY TO LOAN ON Apartment houaea, double brick houses, striate bouses, business property and faim lands at 6, 6', and . W. H. THOMAS. a-W VanlOia lllila DoiikIhS 1K4SI. STO" 8'" for loan on besT class city residences in amounre t-.imu up amu farm loans. Reasoiiabl commission. FETE KM THI'HT 'II., 122 Fartiam Ht. .MORfOAiTli laOANIi LOW RATE IN- T I'' J t jrt' j Thos. L. McOarry, Keellne Bldg. Red 4.H4 OMAHA home. Kaat Nebraska farm. O KEEEE READ EHIAIH, '. ini Onmli. Nat. ITiona t'ouirlss 2715. MfiEY to loan on iniproveiF farm and" rancbe v also tmy pomi rnrm iiion gaaes Kloke I n v ( I ni ha. Nd iiKI.AY W. T. ; It A II AM BEE HI. I it 1. MONKT TO U)AN. for 6 veal, on Improved properties. $4114 HKN CO . Doug 4231, ' yio'NEY on band for illy and farm loans. 11 W. liuiilur. City Hank I'll ft Y and iiirm louna, o.i', Tj-r cent J H loiluonl ft Co. 4!1Kelln Hlil I.i io"! umile pioinpily F D Weed, Weal Bldg, lull and Khiioiiu Sis GARVIN I'.HOS. it,', i itiiala Nl 1 linn I'l-lg 5 Jkii'XEV ll A li Hi -n iN A MoiltkiN t sit llrtirth Sal Hulik Hold U) irrT.l I'tTE Ia-mmh. ! per '.ot Hee i E l i K A o, '"i inoihi Sail ll. In. Its and Honda. Two llrnt MorttTfiK-i For Suit. J i ten la fi r-i. ' ' ! ,-ei. aV,n s. n....'l : 11 a l-'t bt t ...I I iai 'alio I, d III AMI I ,,, IIM. Ci.i.ii n.ti. ! a $1 il tau I- a in I t e ' ! piv J sr. grml na an, rat f I i Itval fa 111 III kktll luulllf, I ie u. k .., $j . i L. T. di n, j a itB-f oos'e ... V I lik I' 1, I ! . ' i-' ' ' I a .. af - '1. ' - " ' ' ' ( taaltaa.a f Hike. GuatHittt'V 1 1 to 1 i - A 4 a -t a ' , .... ... i a : - - ' a , . k k i ,,i , I t kt s.v ' , ' 1 i ' ( 1 1. I FARM AND RASCr. U'tQa I alm.tM I a ,- I .'i; ' '"" i.i " . , l.r l a o;.-a I." f . . I. a 1 -S , t A I '. I k V , , a i ' FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas l.aus i. sl'Ut'RISlN'il tiuuortuTiiti for farmers stock raisers and fruit grower. Horatio Land Co., Horatio, Ark Canadian Lands. Prosperity in Canada IWfOO. tiO In new wealih added in 1915 Enormous crura and low taxation make furuiers rich. W heat akerane, ,M bum Is per acie in Allierta, 2a. ,'5 bushe per acta in HiiHUntehewan. 2a50 bushels per acre In Manitoba Taxes nverace 121 and will not exceed $ per quarter Hon un hides all tuxes; no tane on im provement Free sohoola and fitll re IiKlims liberty, aoml climate (let your farm home from the Canadian Pacific, railway. 20 yen re to pay. lioiwl land from $11 to per acre, Irrigated lands from t i. und Hie novel nno iil giiaranliies your land and water titles. Jialance after flist panient, extended over nine teen years with Interest at n rirr cam lu'lvlleae of psvlna In full any time Before final payment become due your farm should have paid for Itself. We will lend you up to 2,m in improve nients In certain districts, with no se fin It y oilier tluin the land Itself. Par tleulara on reipiesl. Ready-made farm for sale. Hpeclal easy terms. Loans for livestock In defined district, after one year's occupation, under certain conditions, we advance cattle, sheep snd boas to farmers no to a value of ll.ou. We want you; we can afford to help you, we own In land; we want tne lanu cultivated. Our Interests sre mutual. Buy direct and get your farm home from the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Bend for free book. J. 8. Dennla, Assistant to the l'rnsldent. Canadian t'aclflo Rail way, X3 Ninth Ave., Calgary, Alberta, Canada Iowa Lands. IOWA BARGAINS If you want to buy an Iowa farm, tw ua. ANNIS & ROIILING $ piiARL st. amu ioi COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. (r.isx ll.fusj CASH, balance on terms. If sold this week; 80 acres Improved, near Council Uluriai good eon ana outiaiugs, U) acres under cultivation; ome at- i, Ufa. balance wuodland and pastur Act quick If you want tin. W. T. SMITH co City Nat, Hunk Bulg. foil HAI.K--li.iiit-HiTu improved 'funn It. . F. rikirr, lovia rsus, ia. Mleblaail Lands. MlCHlOAN LANDS. 60.000 acre, good hardwood land for asl st $20 per acre, noon tor truit ua aeneial farming. Ixing tlm. 4 per cent loii, mat; fine water for stock. Lam Dept., The Buckley aV Douglaa Lumber ( o , Matilstiio, Mien. Missouri Mi a da. CHEAP Mlssouit laniii, any site, eay term. W, B. FRANK, Neville Blk Omsha, Nrkrsiks Lends. 12I-ACRE, well miprovad farm, 76 miles of Omaha, IM) per; no trade. Ileiyea A .Clifford. 310 HniiiKO ltld., CM,2."iNn!'; Ii0 ACREB, Improved, must be aold dur ing May, Box Y 2, Broken Bow, Nb Itjorlh llakiilM Lands.. 172 ACBEH North Dukots, liuar Farao, 1 miles from elevator. Mortgage $4i0, per cent, i neap ror small caan pay incut and second mortgage. Drawer U Bushnell. III. Oklahoma Lands i'UI'I'i VELY "a liargalii" We have i,2il acres fine orchard land to sail at $3 per care, cash, or Uw with time terms, J. H. Rogel Co., Howard, Okl. , Waahlnglon Lamia. FOR HALE By owner. 45-acie ranch, ali good clear land, 25 acres of rich bottom land, all clear, potato and garden soli, email house, good big barn; ftood water; chiho to school and postoff!"; well lo cated on corner of two good ronds; 4 miles from paved road; aome stock an! Thru Implement; 75a rare to Taonma, 't-uia u,t,- HhIIv PHa l IKVI fialf auk balance at 0 per cant ' Interest, ami tonus can be arranged to suit. Will also secure for sick or misfortune oause. Have your commission. Remember, you are nennnw direct witn me owner. Write or call. John H. Thomas, 61 8. Tt It HI., Taooma, Waah lAlaennain f.anita. THE beat land In Wisconsin, adjoining ' best market in America; very low price; viisy l arm. Arnob'. Co., Superior, wis M tscellalieooa. b tjYERS WITH TUB JlONEt TO INVEST. Farm lurid ada Placed In thee oo. umni reach the kind of people all over the weet who have ample fund with which to Invest in land. Quality and quantity are both found In THE BEK'B country circulation. The subscription rate for The Bae I much h'.sher than any other Omaha newspaper. Naturr'tv The Bee I read by a class of wall-to-do farmer. Send 1 your ad and reach some real but er. F rt II M .i. acreage and . iiy muoei iv t.,f ale and exchange. C. R. Comba, tot Hrano, I 't'liaer Sltflg knit till HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Hal. WA(10S. buggies and hi "Tor sale at mutt n. nttn Ht. H A Y," $0 60 a t onA ." W. Wagner. 8oI rOC POULTRY AND PET STOCK HILKO CHIO FOOD Made of pur grain. Heat In the mar ket, ir your dealer does not handle It go to A W. W AON ER, fH N. Kith Ht. Dnualas 114?. Pliil.ONH pay far beiver iiimii lilckasis. always penned up; little spa a neeued to start; fr hook explain all. MaJesUa Miuati i o., iiept. hi. Aoni, ia. l'll.D vour canary on Max UelaTor Koller-eeed and lierman Bird bis full" and he will slug all year round ft a tleiaier Bird Co. VtXIi gi'ain ' Mi "$i'7l W Vnr. hTtf.TI. peieenlnu II 5fi "i,r W "ibe ioi jilth Hi' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE tjl'TCK FOR CAHH. lit BE I M'T) CAB lURiiMVS A!. 17 rTAfill TODAY lt.!4 i iverUnd Hit. ! ,:! I Vyri '.lld 1 1 Si iskfilami Coup loll a tier ' I II . ' 11 11 A lOorit i f I ,-t. bae llkKIM , M U.M 1 ft ,i' H.lltjk. it 'vtl.,M .-M 4, (iiktfkM ' t if. I. I r I I - a at I w I ' I ik U 1 'I - , I i I i I i i . I j t ; i t n I I . H i 1 .., .-a. t I" I'M tnailtl f I . i ' 11 '- ' 1 ..... 4 a ' ! In SI e trl f I ' !! I , iiar, ' . I'-M an I ai'ar .. ... ki 1 1 v i. .k " pi a a 1 . I , - I a . t I I . i " - f I I . 1 i a i u. i ijanVis At nun, ,(... I- ; II I Al ,olliil' t HIS . i ! a. Hl i !,.'' I a s a,! ..! ., ! . ! ! ,o !-- v ,!...,, , I - a a -i I I ' 1 a I . ai , -a nil 1 tilt. , ii . l' It ' l ".$ I '' I . ( t ,l. Si P'ailol va l, a :. tt t...t I i . I 1 ,. a t i I A A .1 , i I ' aai . ,, i ,u( I ta t I i t it I-I 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTO CLEARING UOUJSE M Farnaro. Dougla iilO. Carnation touring, $276, Vii i ord touring, mechanically right. 1:114 Ford touring, fine shape. 11ns Ford tntirln.. eleof rlcallkeonjnried. filii' ATVi.-AK '111 ie. kkONDER. Make a ton truck out ot your Ford csr. Everybody la buying this "Forms-Truck." It solves vour delivery prob- 1 . ..n. in,., M.11.4 l. lo-nuta iwm aoo eeni ill.,- ,ia. .- a, anted For particulars sen or write .11 1 1 1 rs h' 1 -1 ' 1 l 1 TjJ M Q'e 11 i"i". lill.l 111 lirikl. (inn nit 1.111 nil irnia. ion car Is In splendid condition, with elee trlo lights and electric starter. Full touring outfit. Must sacrifice csr for rash money. Only caali offers will be considered IMniig. 42f6. J. Adam. Pint HALIiFiV-i 12-H. F.' Caae traollon enilne: 1 IPI2 .ltchell touring car. Of 1 t-ed at a bnraaln If taken at once. Neola Au Co.. Neola, la. aitto whkckino CO.. H5 Ho. wth tv All kinds of repairing and part for aula. Heed carbougntand ma.jt. K will trail vou a new Purd for yuar old on. 1NDUHTR1AL QARAOF. CO.. nth and Harney Dong. $?61. My elk-cyilnder car must be sold at once for caan: car is in rirsi-eisss rnimi tlon. Caljioiif la jt'.1?;. C. J, Curnn. OFNKHAL Motor Company truck, two ton capacity, good condition. Can be iwK. CAR HAltOAlNH AT ML'RPHY OBRIEN AUTO CO. tMlv 1V IK Farnam Ht iuia WOODS Klt?t rlo. almnal new: bar gain: owner leaving city. Call Boom 4.;. ronteneiia or imusiaa niii. Antn Livery and 4Jor;e. STALL in garage for rent, steam Tieat ail and fireproof, In West Farnam dlalrlct. 1'hone Harnev 11111 Aeto nepnlrlnsT ralntla, NK'll A Itai'lla lor Mep1r Service and rtshl 2I H Wth Ht. D. 7). lii reward Tor niaanetu ws can t repair. Colls repaired Hsvsdorfer. ,'IQ Nlth. T'K ftTKPH-Autirreiinuis Hi a. li'ib Ht Tyler W: ntaht, Bed 7IH. ( iiiiaTia l adl h I 'r lirjl j'i Ti Far", D. tOoC Aata Tire an applle. TIRES $0x1..' $075 $0x3 $8.76 These are new, first grade tire. Limited stock. DUFLEX TIRE CO., 251$ Farnam. D. 4171 XtJTO TIREB RBBDILT. 12.01) TO $5.00, DN T throw away old lira. W make one new tire from $ old one and av you 60. $ In I Vulcanlslna Co., 151$ DnvenpnrBtmaJiaJVe Kleetrle AsiaeoiMlat. Wi.: er Anderson, etp't r'U g electrio A oelterlc, titoiag. 22Ju Farnatn. D. 4117. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TTa 111.111? -da v 1 usoiki i otorcycleI Bargain in usea nisciunis. viuiur ivoo. "Tb Mulorcycl Muu."2Jol Leavenwurtr., REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS tiiiiuiTeil "tnj furnUhti tr gerr Title (luaraiiiaa rot Aliitraet ccuipan J, lut South atvsukstutll attvak. WAHRANTY IdtliM II 1turk.n, iru.iH. t u. Amun I. H(ihlml$ir, i)iiihw4t curuar (Vontaiti H-A l-orl itwl, IWfUft 1 Carol I n 1,. pnoimttm to lrni"ui Hl.ultr, t i$l, noHlmuit iwrimr j uriy-llilrd uid 4 htcmifl, 6O1UI 1 Soutti ttiiitili Ijutd ompAiir to Marfan, lhln$v-utt. ttr$t, in leai n..rih of H mti, wh( k)i1. I.oHw. too Annul' ua ' UULvni ni't wlfa to Himnit vi nil. itriti. norlh iMt. l("il)4 (V-d UiMin I'utitnli d4 li lo Ji 4rnl$OTlch, ttriHii. north itl. .0ilJf 7X0 NUml Jftiit Lniuh, t 1, to Ntn Ynr$rt 1 HamtiA iirvst, JUS ft vott of Twnutf Mvunib tntaL Morlh plf. tUH.H t Our V. Ftir, IruatM, to Olttl Jf. Nlion TwtiiljT fourth trtftt, 414 rtt nor in of Cum Ing ti$tt, wtiat iliw, 15 1 17 , 1 Attw-'tliift M$u)$ttrnm n1 huitwnrl to AtMn Atfl) I'fUrawm, lilntifip nir$tt, hO 1m mm ot Thirty -MTtntb Btrtt, ou(ri Mc, m$li) tftft t1iinlni$ilit$i latiifJ ovmonny tti CunialiHi J. It$$$iuii, i'ltarlm i 1 lift, Ml ft Mil or (fitinitr avvDii. north alda, Mixi IftO J. K, Knu$iy tud lf to Anna 11. I'rftwKi, ( unwii-n avanuo, 11 $$$i or iwvuiy vnn.11 atraifl. aoul-h til is, tft.tilT 1 Ttn-oioti? HufJoif Haaa an4 wtfa to 'tlllarn ibrr$ur, Twanty tlgmH atraot, 73.7ft (aat nuth nf Cfclifurnla atraat, aaot tlda, ..a. ,. 4,400 fc1arl T lUyrlan ao4 wlf to Mart K. 4 I'liiM. rouftwoui araima. o rai auuth of Fowlar avntwi. al airla. 44)l il ft H. H AohrtHMar and wlf to K)rU OIn, amiihii conmr hnnaaa aronga and ylur nfa hoillavfiffl. 6hi.ef . 1 TIU14 Wofilfifm a n't huihanrl in Etna M ., tfl, nnrinitatif eonior Hioodo ana mu 1rv av4nna. ftUHO , . 1 Bin M .la-nifii n THIla Wnlttion, Twantv- vanth avfnii", 4i raat north or Cumin oaat Irta, KV-il 1 Aniraw (I Mflntyr n1 wlfa to U Mallan, nirthriaL cornar rort6oihii atvi P at raat. 4ht1 1 r. 3 MnNlmna, Jr. ahartff. to A m$tmy t. ! at raat, im rt ur Tiiiv fifth a(rat. norlh iMa, 3tt)ll . TW f, J Mi-rfiiiuia, Jr,( fharlff. to A. I Hi hanii, port !)( rorn'-r Thir ir-aaanih nfl Joinaa, ft2i?M anrl Sim IMft fa'hTlh !gfwry lo Jaanatta Malthawann ari1 huihapft. Hiavalt irti, tin fai-t woii ot Thirl v ft ft Btrfwf. north iMa, F0il?it ftoo Tha iv.unMrt n( ni$iil mnipmn l Afrit M (HinaRiii-r, ritia irett.t ton rt mil of fiftv flr! airtt. north i1. V't''f 4W Vnthaw VnlT''rili. at al, to 1 0 K lflln I frit r iMivfoih airr!!, nnrth al1, ftt)1f . 1 Tiliv aon riii'Hiiii iM hutnr1 tr WiliUm c wia$, nMttttiT iNtrnar riutaih unci Nlrt.i-- atria, h'mn l.fWJ f J Mhna, tf . tiarlff. in J K rti, A1ania iti wnat tf Hiufr airaoi, ni.t h a Mo. . 1,4 ajk--j-Ji.ii; x.-.urnr'-BPt. i rgrf-si m mi mm mi t Efforts Being Mado to Land Frat Convention Here $ ffortt l;l ha mad tn gat the In- tlonal convention of tha hstra Sgnia fiaterriity alnninl for Omaha In D17. The bureau of polliiliy and l-al ahitiml nf the htrp Hig'iia are eo-npratlng In en ' il lo land Ihn tnnvenllon for Ihlt eiiy Th invtiatloii h gone ei( and le'sal from Omaha aia iilng of ien'e ( ili.iri 'l enkenilun tn lb uf p.'evslilog upon iha s.o. ; ,i i,.n at jit tha InvHati'in of Dniaa Daliy Mi 11 .f I "ok: a 1. I V Hit lit 1s ef I lik-ii, it ). t .al irM lion M ,tm. .pOIS, hl 4 tie llah. Iti c.,tlvi,ll.oi ,f tha ti.nt?i dl' t ul U a '''' 1 nan ti n ud tioita.i !...! n ema ttta It fiu'it st U a , e. i,'. n I jr OMAHA TO SLNO DtLEGXTES TO THE Y. M. C. A. MEETING oU, 1 ll.lrs kt t I't b' t S. t-lati-n. eat.iel t"ii v-m iiTinni aa. t.-'i It -1 aa a e l-a i i- , ... 1 iUii4. I, I $ ia .! o .1 H- Il' i AW"kg !!" all miK V IOP to ' It , f I '11 t" it. vk 4 k hi.i. j-i '.k at !' ' " V.k.t, !,' a '' t ' A ti i; : ii 11,. at l a. - t - k 1 s-k C I . 1.11. Wi.-ti I-I '' I'k k I .fvili'la l . I' in 1 . J. ttt I-nKk a I ti ' f 1 a . I s . 1 1- i I 1 t'lsii I ,i,f.(u..t kti 1 CO tis. iakk H i,,meili a ak t la ,a - I kkteiii a,.i., tt i I. .t ''..(, t I. t nl . I'vut I e I' STRIKE EXTENDS TO BANKJUILDING Common, laborers on First National Construction Walk Out, Fol lowing Ford Plant Tie-Up. DEMAND INCREASE IN WAGES When between gevpnty-flve and 100 laborers, quit on tho conHtructlon Job of the Ftrt National Hank building at 8 o'clock yesterday, tha gtrlke of tha common laborori In Omaha, which gtarted at the Ford auRembllng Pinnt at Sixteenth, and Cuming Htreotri Monday noon, began to as sume larger proportions. Tha gfiventy-flvo men on, the Flrat National bank Job have been Retting 25 cents an hour. A few Chleajro trrn brought here by the contractors vera getting 42 V4 cents an hour. It Is said thero were about six of these. The Omaha men complained of this discrimination. The Omaha men want 3ft cents for the men who dig with ghovelg. They want 35 cents for the brick tenders gnd they want 40 cents for tho mor tar mixers. inhere Follow Salt. Shortly after the laborers on tha First National nnk building Job walked out. about fifty laborer at tha Rlaeketoma Family hotet building walked out alao, The laborer on whet work remain to be done at the World-Herald building also walked out. Thl mean that the laborer era out en most of the big Job at present In prog ress In the elly, a up to noon the Jobs on which they had quit were the fol lowing: Ford branch factory and assembling plant. Sixteenth and Cuming etreetg. Dlsrkslone Family hotel, Thlrty-alxth and Farnam atreet. First National Rank building, Bliteentl. and Farnam atreata. World-Herald building, Fifteenth mid Farnam treet. The new Maaonld Templet The contractor are manifesting a dis position to rest on their oar and await development for a time. Boor of laborer congregated about the entrance of the I.bor Temple yesterday, with their dinner palls In hands and overalls and working clothe In bundle under their arm, jut they had com from th varlou building Job from which they had alruck. Ilualnes Agent Cassln nf th laborer refused repeatedly to make any atale ment when pressed for an Interview as to the situation. "We're doing business," la all ha would ay. Students Will Honor Bard in Big Oratorical Contest In honor of the tercentenary of Shake speare the students of Crelghtnn college will apeak oqly selections from Shake speare at their annual contest Wednes day evening. In oonneotlon with the college affair tha Fourth High class will also hold a contest. In all, about thir teen men will compete for two gold med als, one for th college atudent and one for the seniors of the high ehool, They have been chosen from a series of pre liminary contest, In which all the atu dent of the respective department were obliged to take part. A contest of unusual etoelleno le ex pected, since th men who will speak are of ability and have been trained by Fa ther Wise, S. J and Tom Mill. Three of tha speaker from the college depart ment have carried off honor In the state wide contest and another cam to Crelghton thl year with A record of a long Hit of vlotorie at othr college. Klmer Barr recently won the Nebraska data oratorical Waldo Fhllllngton the Nebraska state peace oratorical and Oer- eld Iai Vlolett the same contest last year. John Gallagher has won a number of medala at Campion and St. Mary'a college. Th contestant and their selections are: comma Jsme r.nglteh-Bhylock. Merohant of entc. Waldo $thll1lngtin Pnlnnltia. Hamlet Herald La Vlolette King Iar. John Oallagher Clarence' Dream. Richard III. Paul Auxler Woleey' Soliloquy, Hnry VIII, Clifford Long Henry IV, first part act 3, arena 3. Klmer flarr Ofhello, speech before the heliate. Leo lieverldge Clarem' Praam, man school. Halph Wilson The Ijt Word. KlUa Camel Hen Hur, the ehartM race, t bailee Md'ardla The la Hue dtakra Ijiwrence llananJohn Ilurn of Uet tyaloirg Clifford Mullen-For the Honor ef tha Woods The ennlest will be held at I ecloek at the Crelghton auditorium and la free to tha purine. ROBERT WOOD SERIOUSLY ILL WITH PNEUMONIA rtohert W.miiI, youngest son ef Mr. Tt. M Wood and brotber of lien Wood, It rriouily l l with ibiulii pneumonia and pleurisy. Mr. Wood Ka given up by hit phksblaaj Hun-la r availing, but the o,ilot turn In temperature tffeiimt a chn in the patients rendl'toft, ant he h kt siroa e,,iiilmied .i boll bis own, si. tbiish ho pnuoliet are bit oul tn Iha ttluMV 1 I 'la's loottlllea, a ml If ia tireogitt ef Iha pttiriii bo. it a I. it- i., i s n.aik has lo tha a f'M',rg ? -o a ;if i iik.r tls k ulttitk I'rtio.r of Entr ft 11 V Wmi.t of Hall I at tt'X r t C .Is. bed, I ilat V r'i i..:iwta ef g h, ii Intimate Mend nf Oi Wtao.) ftiok. erl'1 Hioittt svan'ii In te l ea. I'-- 'HI it Ml.g the (MI't MERC H All IS "MEETToTlA H MARKET WEEK H FAIL I tn 't I U lat t. a f fie ti i i.o 1 1 a-.-, '-.'iia it:ti aa b ,a . t li.' a a w-ar t-k Mt ta,'-o s. iifra ih- l al I'.a I . oiii lii v.olk 4 .(., ,.t I , . k : 1 1 1 1 t.e in- fm - :4 I't la tv.,, eal I 'o' I m 1 ' t f I t " . I 1 ,;e IK, I., 1 -I Ik. tt a$ l !' ai I I' lii i-i Aio'Mt, utioi'.t., tit it. i, an I r-ii f ' l.t a.,ioattl ill'1' !- I tint il t"'ea at liw t of a ' i t Hitl w I amii , - t . ' '.a 1'a .1,1,. t fl H-t'f H'Wl k,r .1 It H-t l-'l 11 r. at ,,- . i i i 'i litis.