Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
The Cook and
the Home
, "The wife who cannot took or uperln
end the housekeeping," say Mils Clem
nt, a New York culinary expert, "lake
ter husband pay envelope on' false pre
tense. Mhe doe not know her business.
When A couple marry, the girl expects
her husband to hand her over most of hi
ealary, and hp, lu turn, expect that her
management of that money will make It
go a far a possible. It Is hi business
to earn the money. It I her to pend
It. Purely one part ia a Important ai
the other. Correct feeding I becoming a
aclmce and ws are awakening to the fact
that it is a Important to combine food
properly for the adult as It Is for the.
baby. No woman need think that she
is too Intelligent to bother with cooking.
Cooking In a (science well as an ait,
trnd one can go on learning forever. The
bride who has a grind foundation of
culinary knowledge, and tnkr an Interest
in cooking will find no end of possibili
ties to it, Illght in her own kitchen she
ran join the great movement to reduce
the high cost 'if living, Foe can use up
every crap of left-over material. It Is
the clever cook alone who can make
'left-over food tssly and never waste
anything. The smaller the Income the
more Intelligence It takes on the part of
the hrldo to manage her share of the
domestic partnership, and the more site
need to study and plan her dully bills
of fare. A rnnn conns home after a
hard day's work and iees the same old
tlilnKs served, sometimes purchased from
a, pastry shop Jiust before dinner. If he
) easy going he says nothing, tint after
n while he urowa grouchy. There sre
more grouches caused by bud rooking
than by bad luck."
l f rW im ttt"1
"Any tlmg you want tal
foodies va Calumet Baking
owderl My mother uses It
lie'g tiled til other! ih'
learned her leuon now trig
tick to Calumet.
"Unequalled for mating
tender, tvholeiome. light bak
ing. Wonderful leavening
and ratting qualities uniform
result. Mother tart Calumet
if tbt most OFonofnlr! to bar roat see
seaiieal to tts. Try It st one,
Received Hi, ht Awards
Vni Ct few
S, tttp In hi""4 fin
-o- -o-
Honors Are Not with
-o- -o-
By Nell Brinkley
Copyright, WIS, Intern ! News Service.
'spy tM-
HKN you at latst piihh oppn a gardpn-gstp. hftwppn
who) bara yon hnvo ppprcd for many an en
tranced hour, you cannot turn gnd fleo at (ho
first advpnlurp! For Id In hours you must havo Irarnci
looked at, tho mysteries framed hetween the iron ficrolla,
bits of blue tky wlih rreamy hihhhcs of rloiid floating
over a bluer nky than that that bends over you ou,t In
the dusty road, watched tho faery-tops of trees wave
golden and green, breathed In utranRO wents that ar
sweet and stupefying, followed the little (wIMlnjt paths
that Journey away from the gato Into flowery regions,
with eyes that, explored nd were baffled at the first
turn vhere tho path looks over-ihoulder and beckon
on, saw tho remote playing of rainbow drops leaping
high in thfl sun, Jet of gems, and fancied th gold and
t.llver fish that glanced In tho sun In a pool beneath;
beard faint music from over the armies of lily-bed lanrea,
and at last you-sbako tho gate 'til it rings In the still air.
The garden Incloned It la not your garden but there
Is no padlock! If ono wan bravo enough one could open
it ami go Into this world of still sunhhlne and guarded
ground. And whnn, at laaf, you swing It back nnd slip
within with your heart behind your teeth and your feet
on tho path that travels always Just ahead and nods and
beckons' "advnnturo" at every bend, you rannot turn
roward at the flrat dim glade nnd the flnst wight who
titeps Into tho path In his lltllo red mat.
When a girl nods with stolen etarnhlne In her eyes
nnd haya, "I lovo you, too!" and you give her her little
ring and announco solemnly, "Now we're engaged!''
onc iDBldfl the garden at whose gato you have hungejed,
and on enchanted ground, you must tako the frlghtg and
the wights that come tite quest!
You may even havo to go bonnet-nhopplng! And,
though you truly feel like crying, "Little woman of my
heart, your face looks good tp m in any, so It Is not
red and yellow!" that offering will never save you If
you fall askep. Crowns have rough edges sometimes
even the ruby wjiosc glow he delights In torments the
klng'a head where It preRses; rose have thorns that nip,
nnd If you aspire to the garden of a maid's heart you
wjll have to know that queer adventures will bop out at
you from any kink In that labyrinth. Even fishing one
bonnet from cltys-full, along with an untiring sweetheart,
will b a reguest tucked away behind her kiss!
Infanta Invalid
we omotHAi
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infants, invaliosstulgrowing rhildmt.
Pur nutrition, upbuilding tbt whole body.
Invigorate nursing mother t4 the aged.
More nutritioua than tea, coifee, etc.
Instantly prepared. Require no cooking.
Substitute. Cott YOU Sam Price
Timely Advice to Those Who
Arc Contemplating Matrimony
H K WflXtl world would he lessened In lio eiml! de-
Don't Neglect Ugly Duckling
T do n"t give enough thnuajht to th'
choosing of our life partner". fWore
likuiK. tay a hou, a man loo
tree If every msn and woman knew his
or her remi'remrnta before miy risce -know
land of cour.e got), (lie par'iciilar
k at It I tetnpeiami nt. li.irn'-t, r, bshit. pu- . Hi'
The Sunday Bee is the only
Omaha newspaper that
gives its reader four big
pctfea of colored comics.
jL JJ Jj il U (J0L1
from rverv ttandpninl, and is theirfore
stile to judtje whether it will be Jlkely to
puit hint. Yet he mill tike a wife before
I n has decided on, or eien thought about,
the kind of one be prefers, lie does not
j trouble binieelf afwit the. subject- beforn
1 nisniare, I nf'rtomt!'lv. hovteer, ihcrf
: Is the rlek thnt he will do so- t(ter
! rtnse
Uul a stitr'i In tMMe itifs nine Th
.tmoi.tit of doiw 'tic ( n 1 , ; r i'l '' In the
be if tbe wiiitei) a r'lrm'i
ASe lieur too much about the ii'irsettou
of nppoxlte M trrtnee nf'd symon'nv
not lontrailb'tion. Tin kiml of woman t
man ountit to nia'rv tU on the kin I
of man.
Therefore .1 num coiitemplatltig m:ttil
mony should f,rt f nil clns.nfv blinteif
Ms hollh IMlkn U, It s III II I I It fcilt-h.
th nsi an t i wheilirr he w tni in ,
1 bih fton'o'tttwr hliiief or lh husla-td
cf a t-l'ib fr.-ijih mrr, wtie h r tuivtutlily
There Is, In nearly every, family, one
ugly duckling, and In the generality of
canes It Is a daughter who seem to he
held ba' K or kept don n, as it were, 8he
Is not alwsys the plainest of the hroid;,
yet there Is Invariably one who Is the
Cinderella, lit every family one who t.i
either not thought so much of as the rest
or who Is kept in the background for
various motives.
It Is. as a rule, the one whet l ntoiher a
girl, the who Is everything In that home
circle, the one that cannot be done with
out, ho Is" modt useful to all at home.
Father wants her, mother need her, tbe
hlldren long for her to room IHi them,
join In their gitnes. and she Is likewise.
epeiied to be In the kitchen to super
Intend and help whert there Is company,
or in the duatiiif room to enlerlnln b-r
brothers fihniK or play propriety
her nlt-r and Ihrlr seetliesrl I
There at many girls "ho spend tieir
i for him. he'?,er I'e wtti.t art oinanien i.
f"f hi .! 1 11. t rtoin or a ui io imii fof 1
;hit kit. ben It l ell. it . Int l.- t
1 tnoi:i a' ..f.o.. 1 ,Ki.aj
; I -M . ( s
In f ,c the . 1 !.. ,e Hi ll 1 1 ,
i f-- o--' t I t" '.. u f ,
and her ambitions lie In the same direc
tion, an theirs.
If mothers and fathers were wise they
would encourage their children to remain
as children, not make them old beyond
their year. A t'lndcrella In every fam
ily Is a thing to be deplored; there should
be no particular rlatery amongst broth
ers. All the children of a household
should ahar" and shsre alike; the plain
one should not be kept In the background
because she Is plain. No one should be
considered th "uly duckling ' providing
j they arethcy should not he made to
I feel or realle this. In fact, any conn-
i tei balancing good quality or talent should
j lie fo,tred, brought forward, to mak up
j 10 such a child.
Favoritism among children should
j never be hou n. for it la tht oversight
I rtf IM KhKII a mnUin,. I,n,.
lies, preiiTiina one enui to anoiner.
wbii h ofieu rankles It children nilnd
and in Inter the mum of leloiis- and j
ii-enoit In fanilllr I
tiften rnniigit the early treatment ef i
eaf Lard
1 1
til .!t.r. ltl.iH I,., II, n 0IB,uP u)l,...lA.. I
1 ,lt i 1 In conllliutt tiruugrry, niw.
'their emllet tesra b e lieer known a
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Simon Pure" Leaf Lard is always
ordered by the discriminating: woman for
cake, pastry nnd biscuits, 01 vvrtl its (vr Ufp frj in.
She knows that nothing
equal Mnvn lr tur
iiSur fenirtf.
Kprrierice has taught
lr that rl 1 itn-s-tly
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.miiet the milliter oiie, lo e,irt titrt ;
111 0 h front the t'liiderelU of the family. ,
Mie ,hoil I Ih. i thirth (i.r In at ll t
li He, 1,1 l' m llii 1 o,. hsi a it ,1r!re j
.ml l 'e lit t'eir 'strtr, i I o I are
lliry (n her lot Ht ti them thai they
.ho.,-! I to . re '.,itir ti- fact etti i
I ll-eie lloit ,h ,"01 ,. p,.pt
am Ii tt Id il r ' l. sit e -lob n ft I" ' .
O'tlt j
Mini hf till t pi hi, h.. )
.(! . I lo !,( . her to.ilh and rt I
h I .:ihi.. b;t a g!ri. ,.. Biro.l.leit j
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Claim that
Chivalry is Dead
is False
Every now and then ome Ancient
Mariner or Ancient Marines rise up and
ascend to the Wailing Tlace and beats
upon hi or her breast and crle out that
there Is no more -gallantry among men
and that chivalry I dead.
These prophet of woo banc their mel
ancholy prognostication upon tho fsct
that men are not 11s glib at paying
women flowery compliment a they used
to be nor o upple about Jumping to
piclj up a handkerchief when a lady
drop It and that when a tired man got
g eat in a aubway he'a mighty apt to
let a husky, able-bodied woman at.an4.
Therefore, the people who obaerve these
small fry phenomena affirm that chiv
alry i dead and If they happen to be
antl-suffraglst they go a tcp farther
nd assert that they know who killed
Cock Itoliln. H a the women them
selves and they did It by going Into
buslnc and wanting right.
It alway make me mad, through and
through, to hear anybody claim that
chivalry 1 dead. On the contrary, I
aisert that for the first time in tha his
tory of humanity chivalry ha been born
Into the world and that the modem, com
monplace, twced-sulted buslnes msn
could glv 8lr Launcelot and Blr Gala
had and all other rattling tin psn
Knight of the Table Ilound point orr a
rel chivalry o big and fine that they
never even dreamed of It, much lc prac
ticed It.
Talk about your chivalry of the pt.
when it wasn t afe for a woman to put
her foot outside of her own door with
out somebody going along to protect
her! Talk about your chivalry of the
past, when women were nothing but
slave to their men folk!
Talk about your chivalry of the past
when a father left all of hi money to
hi sons, when a husband didn't hesi
tate to stria hi wife of every rent
she on her wedding day, and
when brother thought It alt right to
tako everything nd leave the sister
nothing! Talk about your chivalry of
the paf.'when women wer denied n
education, nd a right to exercise the
talent that nature had given them,
when they were prevented from even
going out Into the world and making on
honest living!
Rut the chivalry of today make It
afe for a woman to go lone from onn
end of the world to another because
every man 1 her protector, The chiv
alry of today secure a woman' own
property to her. The chivalry, of today
give her a chance to follow any occu
pation she desires, and lo make Just n"
good In It a msn could. The chivalry
of today In ome placea-and It oon will
everywhere even give woman an equal
right with men In government.
And believe me, . brethren nd sisters,
ph-king up handkerchief, and even aub
way ets, are a mighty poor ubtltute
for property law and the right to mk
an honest living.
Another way and a very Interesting one
and a most Important one In which the
new chivalry of men I expressing itself
Ig the masculine attitude toward woman
and the marriage proposition.
In the old "gallant day," which o
mny people mourn, a vnnn considered
that he hs4 a perfect right to love and
ride away. If he enjoyed a woman's
fociety lie hd no hesitation in monop
olism much of It he cared to. even
If he knew that hi attention were with
out Intention, and that he was never
going to let hi philandering take him
10 far the altar.
It was nothing to him that he let a
girl waste her youth and beauty on him
or that he. who never Intended to ask
her to marry him, kept away other men
who would have been gtart to nave mir
rled her or that he let her fill her heart
so full with love for him that there
would never be room In It for affection
for somo honest man.
That was the way the chivalrous man
of the past looked at the tender subject
snd alt of u know a dozen women who
were the victims of this selfish and heart
ies cruelty. How differently the msif
of today regard the matter Is a,ttegie,t
hv hundreds of letters that come to nie
from girls to whom this new rhlvalrv
is so unejpertcd and novel that they nrn
bewildered by It.
.In these lettsrs a alrl will write tint,
she doe.n't know what to think of th
conduct of s certsln man -that she knot.t
t llkea her and enioys her society, t i i
thst he hss frankly told lier that h i
rtoes not wsnt to marry her or for ni
reason that h cannot marry snd that
she must not let him keep her from nii.i
rvltta somebody else If she wants to.
One man told a girl that he wou t
never marry anybody because there wis
Insanity in hi family. Another to. i
girl that he Was too poor lo marry ard
that she must not think of waiting I o
hint because II would be years snd es t
before he i-ould hope lo support a wlt.t
In rie. ent comfort and thai be waul I
neter marry " woman snd drag ho'
down to poverty
Mill another man t!d ttrl thst In
could never marry Ion ss bis motis
vrd beisuse be t-ouM never irate her -she
had mad" te most heroic ,. rtCo(
fur hint In his hlhlho-t, Ion tKt sht
a f eeinil'ti" n. ill i.rreaha ,
.tl. ol I on thtt It nu!. h 10,1 1 1 Mm,
for ! tu ns wnnisit !,, lo,,- nit he .
I ,rH of I' 'e Mini l'ie th,, i, I,,
liked, tv erl. I i l .i pot l oo o it
of I f tlool,r.l and l.t lilSIII- mm. Inn-,
fitrt iftai.!v ti.d ! while the ,
f lor V'O i.i slot it '
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if tr'is t'ntrt ol ef te.l ilH,lrt,
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