Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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BRIEF CITY NEWS i Well! They All Seem Pleased, Anyway
tor Spot-Mas; Qooa.
I.lMt Watarsa Burt;se-ClrBda.
Dtmoa Esgagamsnt Kino. Cdfcolm.
Haa Boot Frlnt It Nris Raason Prasa.
Andirons, Firs Icindi. Sunderland.
To Borrow Monty on real estate,
i- H. Dumotit & Co., Keellna Hlda;.
'olio Court Collection 'I'll clerk of
tho police conn at i-entral police elation
reported he collected I1.J71 during April.
"Today'a Motle Program,'' classified
section today. It appears in The Be en
cluiively. rind out what the vartoua
moving picture theatera offer.
Metoalfa to Avocation Club- II. K
Metcalfe will addiine the Omulia. Avocu
tlon club Tuesday noon at the Hotel
Loyal. Oavld Cole will preside
Claim Committee Meeting The Insa
sik) (Ihmihk claim comiul'ire of the Htir
Mimioii la holding Its monthly tiicitin at
Itic local liean(tiartere, II. Ii. Koitar of
'h )!.. assistant Kneial auditor. iie-
To Speak at Atlaatio I. 1. ,lne. as
sistant tsenprsl seeurtary of the Youn
Men Christian association, wilt go to
Atlanllc, In., the latter part of the week
to speak hefnrc the nirn brotherhood
In that town.
To Highway Meeting.). K 0ora;,
president of the Omaha Automobile club;
8. E. Hrnyth, assistant swrctary. and as
many of the director as ran possibly at
tend will go to Lincoln for the meeting
nf the Omaha-Lincoln -Denver highway.
Finish Pouring Conorste The luat
concrete haa benn poured for the ixili
floor of the liVi-room addition to the
Castle hotel, Work haa been In progress
about two months. The hulMliig will )
roarly for occupancy, It U axpt'Clt-d. about
August 1.
A Beward of Twenty-fl Dollar!
ifcS) for recovery and Twenty-five Dol
lars J2r) for the arreat and conviction of
rsrll-n who stole Kord touring cat In
front of Kmpress theater on the night of
April U. Motor No, 7M"T3. Love-Hakell
Us "Tex-Tlla" Shingles. Sunderlamls.
Mother's Day Will
Be Observed Here
on Sunday, May 14
Mother' dey will be observed In
Omaha nest Sunday by members of the
Women'! Christian Temperance union.
The program will Include carrying flow
era to men and women prisoner at the
county Jail at I a. m., and the city Jail
at p. m. There will alio be a prayer
service at the home of Mini Josephlno
Tlsher, IViS William atreet. Mlai Wll
llama haa hern a bed-rlddon Invalid for
twelve yeara.
There will bo services, too, at tha
House of Hope at 1 p. m., and flowera
will he taken to the Old Ladles' home.
Mrs. N. J. MoKltrtek, the president, la
In favor of taking flowera to men In tho
Keclcy Institute, and will bring the mat
ter up at a meeting of the union Wednes
day for approval. It la thought tha
ourtosy proposed will eneourage tha
ien in their reform.
Mrs, S.K. Spalding
Starts Endowment
Fund for Omaha Uni
Mrs. n. K. fipaldlng, widow of tha lata
Dr. Spalding,' haa established a scholar
ship In tha University of Omaha to tha
amount of ll.WO, tba interest of which
la to he applied annually toward paying
'he tuition of soma worthy student Mra.
Spalding establishes thla In memory of
her husband, who was one of the dew-tors
of tha university and deeply la.
.(rested In Its promotion.
This constitutes the first amount
tlven for the endowment of tha unlver
iliy." said Dr. V. B. Jenkins,-president
of the university, "and Mrs. Bpaldlng ex
presses tha hope that others will follow
ho example set Tha scholarship will be
welgnert by the faculty, subject to tha
ipproval of M)rs. Spalding."
La Rue Shop Will
Hold White Opening
The La line Hat Khun, M nose build
ins. will hold Ms first annual white open
Inn Wcdiicoday.
The while opening will be mado an an
nual event by the Riley Sisters, who are
niiductlUH this newest of Omaha's ex
( liidlw. millinery shops. It will Include
a pretentious dlspl of while hats which
an pnrll'ilarly adaptable to the summer
Mr. William S. McMi'-kln, faiher of
Mrs. Ida M. Ilniitchelt, died at his home
in Council fluffs at midnight Sunday of
a complication "f ailments iioiistiiuunt
in hi advanced years.
.Mr. McMK'km was born In Olaagow,
H. -otiniid, over limn y-four )rn aso and
eama t America lin 10 years old. II
d iatr4 In ( ht ao and settlod In
i,ilim in Aurora whsi, a yung
(Intliliig ff"'" aetlv boeiness Ufa In mi,
he . am to tvntni II Wuffs and ests.ii.
imlii 1 his home llier In order In be Ms to ilauatiteis. M' Ma M
lln-hlt ef and Mrs. A I"
IUtetl ' L liniff II aa of
the ft. el.h .MleniMi an-l lutfil" -t is:
tiirn f n.lnd, dn ; litlnll In lilntmy t irier.i ' s an-t a chI isUr nf
tHl l'h.i l f'reisu i"lla
t i.iii t' f tl d-'lt there
it i n ! a in'e l 'I V Mi llu htn
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Police Seek Girl
Who Left Home to
Become Actress
The piillc are aearehing for !da May
RtiHsnll, H years old. who lived with her
mother at hU North Thirty-third street.
The girl left homo Saturday and told
Irlends she Intended to go on thi s(a
or become ft photoplay actress. She was
Inst seen Saturday afternoon In a down
town store, when she borrowed dollar
from an acquaintance,
Auctioneers to Meet
Here During June
One of tha largest events ever carried
out by the International Auctioneers'
association will be the convention In
Omaha at Hotel Castle June ! and 119.
More than MO persona are expected from
all parts of thla and other countries
Chief Dunn of the police department
will arrange for designation of South
Side streets for parking of automobiles,
undor tha plan which haa been adoptod
for Omaha.
Wakeley Thinks
Route to Wyoming
Will Bo Popular
fieneral fassciiser Agent Wakeley of
the Hurllngtim Is in from a trip over the
Nebraska and Wyoming lines of the road,
having accompanied I'assenger Traffic
Manager Kustls on the tour of Inspection.
Mr, Wakeley found business In a satisfac
tory condition and Is predicting a heavy
western passenger business during the
coming summer.
The Hurllngton officials went over tha
North riatte line, across the Wendover
put-off and through to Casper. The new
through passenger service that the Dur
llngtnn Is to Inaugurate next month be
tween Omaha and Cusper Mr. Wakeley Is
of the opinion will prove popular froin
the start H will materially cut down
the time between Omaha and ' central
Railroads Contend Wage Demands)
May Affect Conditions in the '
Smaller Places.
fi leiiiN mid auk t Mem to write u. giving
their opinion as to the toes to the husl
))'. on n in our niinmuiilly should It
lie found expedient to move the dh Minn
111 .I'l'Jii.ll U-l !..''
Th" .eiull lias hi-pti thai mwetingit have
ttrn held of real estate dealers in a num-
licV of I'laii who lonipliilu that h ie.
loiMlioc. of the wnialU'c tctinlnal heiid
iui lei h would tiring about a tremendous
In. to i In IiunIi n linns locati d mi tlirne
imutn. Adii rtiacineiii,
Jewish Charities
Conference Meets
Hee Ucnt Ad.i Produce llesults
INl'IA.N'.M'OI.IS, lud . JUy H-Tlie lm
timial ronfei i-iii e el' ,lcili I'harltlea
opened hre last niKlit with huut l.ft'w
delegatps from all ovr the comilry In
atienilHtice The ppeiikrs ne i jo-.rnnr
Samuel M Itnlston. I'athrt I ranclsi'ii
' Osvlnk. presldint of th National
Conference of Chailtlea. mill ruiibl .Mor
ns .VI. Kreuei lleh and Miss Minnie
l.o, piexidrni oi th Jewish I'onference,
ftoveriior nalHtnn praised the Jewish
rare for tin Ideals H bus given th
world. Uev . Mi. ilnvtuk asserted that
the Jews hM solved th method of
chui il able orl.
Treasurer t're was allowed hla claim
of $218 against the city for expenses In
curred In delivering $'7,oOO city bonds at
New York. City Commissioner Uutlcr
nas slone In opposing th amount of th
)64ilo Jlfck. AdJr. j. d Mcdonald, Ti
fL siiifl fil UiiVss Aim. Cmaial Pmhsin A !, "j
f 1U W. Adsms tt, Ctika. III. K
snsnsHMsnMsinflsjsnsjssjBjsBjs m m iiwiiiusi tp-tqi
Omaha Gas Company
The Omaha Gas Company extends a
cardial invitation to its lady patrons to
visit the salesroom at the South Side Office,
4819 South 24th St., Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, May 8th, 9th and Wth, at
which time there will be a demonstration
of the Eclipse Gas Range.
A I , A"'
U-l. i;.
X . ." -
.u f f.'i f.UI 4'j , ! AM vi
.Vl i.t,'.iS J i ilj'iVf i , v
One of the proliuhlr results of the de
mands hvliia made at prem'tit by tin
railroad eimlnemiiii and trainmen for a
"X per Increase In wage mu be a
readjustment and relocation of the
smaller terminal and division head. bar
ters of tho railroads In the middle west
ern territory, In order to gel an Idea of
What effect thin read.lueluienl would have
upon business coiidlt lorm in the smaller
places a communication has been Kent by
the Association of WieMcrii Itnllwava to
the rest entitle dealers at these points j
The communication is sn follows. !
' Mliould tha rail IlllldS Ifl'Mlit lli eluhl. !
hour basin working dsv now beina it.. :
uianded by the coiiduotoi s, engineers, fits '
men and trainmen It inlalit In conic nee 1
essary as a mutter of ecououiv to re- '
locaie many of the ilialrbt terminal,
throughout this lerrltnr . ,
"This would mesn the rea rraliiteineiil of .
roundhouses, slorehonses, uniilr shoos i
etc, and, of enutse, would menu removal
of lh railroad worker now living at !
many of the present dlurb 1 nolnls to i
the newly established dlsirhl poinis
Many railroad financiers feel thai 11 '
would he mora economical to nav lh !
Interest on the funds reuuirert for llii.
rearrangement Ihnn to pa the time. and-
a-nair overtime teqiiiied In the demands j
of tha men.
Trn-llnnr lleaie la.
"As you know, the nreseM district ter- .
initials have been built on lite ten. hour 1
baslu day. The elght-honr basic day. w llh I
tlma-arid-a-hnlf for overtime will reiki's j
$lf,Oin,flift a year In estia wsges,
We would he pleased to have voui I
oplnhm concerning the elfm t on business j
In your community ahould the district t
terminal he moved.
'This Is a matter for the nubile vert
Ill'O' ne III r,..n M.ut 1.. ..I.llll.... j
to tha nuestlnn of reerianaeinent of ills- i
trnl points It will require incressed j
rrfiwhi and passenger rte to the amount i
of 5 a year for every family In your 1
community and In the whole country In
erncr to raise this,
'Talk this over with your business
As a yiiiniK niHn the picsenl. flerman
emperor Is aid to liai borne a most
Milking facial 1 eseiiilibince 10 his l-nglish
un' le, the I nilie of 1 nnnii light, present
goiernnr general of the iHiminion of
As well be out of tho
world as out of style.
The advertising columns
of The Bee constitute a
continuous style show.
"You simply must
do something for
your nerves!"
enough nourishment from
the regular diet. But the dis
traction of overwork or worry
bus exhausted this supply and
now they are starving. K
They must be fed more of their
vital foods, particularly phospho
rus, aa your doctor will tell you.
Dot Eanatogcn in not only s mere
means of g ivlng th Is phoaphoru s San
tog en gives it "in such s form," at Dr.
C W, Salceby ssys, "that the nervous
system csn actually taki hold
of it. That Is why Sanatogen
hat been to eagerly welcomed
Awarded Oram) Prise, International
Congress of MedlcUia, London, 1913.
mm W
by physicians snd why to many thou
sands of them have gladly written let
ters commending this snd others of
Sana log en's unusual virtues.
Df. E. Perskhettl, Physlclsn to the Queen
Mother f Italy, writes 1 ' have used Ssnsio
gsn In several cases of rieurasthenia and in
every rasa tha nervous symptoms were great
ly diminished."
Kir Gilbert Parker writes 1 "Ssnstngtn (g a
true food-tonic, (ceding tha nerves, snd giving
iievh snsrgy to overworked body and mind.
If you are still wondering if Sans
toge n can actually do this for you, why
not do tha one thing which can con
vince you give Sanatogen a trial?
And with your nerves beg.
King you for help, why not do
this soon ?
Sanatogen is sold iy food druggists
very hers, in sizes torn ll.ou up,
JjMjfUMM 1 ! MSW 9, f
poon fowc
- - - May:'" .
lor th Te vt Book of 8anaiofn'f giving fill and fnterftRiinir tact concerning; 6nteffi ind Inrludlng rtu1
if nd itittmenii from tmlntnt mdl(l uthoiitU on Its Umic and U(tjlldinf valtMln many i!mn. Writa
for this book without dUjr It la A-aa. aAddraaa Tha Bauer Chrmir Cumpmnyri) lrvirf FUca, New Yark,
1 ii
Was the Irish Revolt
ade In Gerrnany?
"It is easy enough to understand why Irishmen should hate England, but it is
not easy to understand why they should hate themselves, and all this German con
spiracy into which the Sinn Fein and Clan-na-Gael victims have been plunged can
have no other effect than to injure the Irish and the cause of Irish freedom. A man
may be forgiven for being a traitor and a conspirator, but he can never be for
given for being a fool, " are the words used by the New York World in summing
up the Irish revolt.
But while there are many American editors who deplore the Irish uprising aa
senseless, there are others, including Irish-American editors, who extol it.
In THE LITERARY DIGEST for May 6th, American newspaper opinion of
all shades upon the subject is presented in a feature article, and is well illustrated.
Other news-features of pressing interest are:
Can Britain Legally Maintain Her Interference With Our Trade?
Showing the Consensus of American Newspaper Opinion Upon England's 13, 000-Word
Answer to Our Protest Against Her Blockade
The Case for Carranza
Is Henry Ford's Candidacy a "Joke"?
China's Mysterious Revolution
The Fall of Trebizond
The High Cost of Gasoline
The Chemistry of Flower-color
Back to the Vegetable Dye
A Modern Primitive in Art
Vision of a Prussianized England
Germany's Account With Islam
An Unutual Collection of Fine llluttratiom.
Good and Bad Armed Merchantmen
How Europe Regarded Our Submarine
Germany in Brazil
The Cause of Storms
America's Longest Tunnel
The Indian as a Farmer
Indicting the New York Magazines
Problems of the Country Church
Wc Need an Educated Citizenry
til IllflU'tii'l' UMI Ii!I'm! jxllUMo 111 I t 1 1 4 41 1 14 i
ii'ti.,lii nti'l- wl .in ilitt l!i;i'hlU U'.ii!t
nf cuiiiii-iiui 1 1 1 - -iaini if f'u'ir l fniitU, ii'iuiil
U lii iU tiii- n,i it An. I lull' t a hi
N.tsM'llii- ' I ,,n'- 1 i v i ' ' I ,( i l! ,'i't) 'ttit I'll 'I
iiili.i ii till mil !,! I i , I! .tilt! il'i.ii.' .tr ,(
Un- I lit: I i I i.K hHil.M" Mlh.i.i- real
til tit it I ii hi, J 1 1 iiit l i ii! hiii I t'tunlit ton jnt
M HtfS illf, IHp I JUf a- llli 'f UtM,., ,v nil
'ItlfVliM IMttlis l! li'iMi-t. Ill, luulti till' tlllit't
tflltli t , K I' j'l.ln I HI IIMMllfltttliJltl'lM "''lu )
'! " 11111". jlll Ml!.-- ill flt Hl.'ti.., , (hilt
i n i illin Ini ,,ii! it niitv !ii'! tiifm ti;t(
tl'l h'U- In ,tl(i', i.HjtliM 1. 1,1 n J ' t I 4 M H .
May 6th Number-All News-dealers Today, 10 Cents
i SNh SX aj '
(Vvii i ,
amc Jincicui y iivesB.