THE HKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAY 9, 1916. p II i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATEK. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. The Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor. HEE BUILDING, FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. hn tared at Omaha posloffic a aecond-cla mwtur. TEKM4 OV t'tSHcKlPTJL).V. Uy earlier By null per monih pr year. iially and Sunday fc I l.mily without Sunday ........ , 4,i Evening and Muiiduy 40c,.,,, 09 Evening without Sunday Jine 4 00 Sunday Be only :'0c J.09 bally and Sunday IW, three year in advance. $ 1 0 0) Kend notice of cbangs of gddresa or Irregularity in delivery to Omaha Hw, ClnuUtion Department, IIBMITTANCK. Remit by draft, express or postal order. Only two iniit stamp received in payment of mall account. f'eronl checks, x )! on uinali and eastern eg ihanK'. nt accepted. offht.h, Omaha The R Hulbllna. moth uniaha N ireet. Chimcll hniffa -14 Nor I hi Main atrart Lincoln i2 l.lltl HolMlng Oilrago 1 People Ua Hulldlng. New York Hrwitn I Hi. 2f Fifth avenu. ft. lyonln 603 New flank of Cmouu;ri t, Washington 755 Fourteenth street, N, W. ronrt khponhenck. Address communication relating to news and edl tnrlsl matter to Omaha Tlee, F.dltorlal I iar I me tit. 57,808 Daily-Sunday 52,223 fjwlght William, el filiation niriuge.r of Tli He rublislurig company, being duly sworn, say that lb let circulation for II, month of Apiil, ll"'i, '.Mj dally and hl.ra, euii'lav. inVIUHT W1LI.IA.UH, Circulation Mansgur. feubscrll.nd tn rny pieseui; and wuru to befof m thl J day of May, PI. ilOUiiilT ULNTLJt, Notary i'ubllc, KuljMrilwrg leaving Hie city- lciiiioiurl!y should liMve J ho lli o mulli-il to (Iii iii, Atl Uic Will bo changed a ofli ii u iTfiiet"il. Summer' forward backward, coring. leap uNj feature a "Mexican- Ford Ulo Grande," No, It ha no reference to Henry Ford thl time. Rlhlnj; pike slway nmke for pruUtlon. Keep your feet warm and jour head cool! If those Mexican bandit fan see no line at the border, neither can our American troop. Kmokfd (OKEl-i would muturlttlly aid dcni orrt to triumiro me blaxlng force of rtpub linn primary majority. Another holy war la anaounced In Ufypt. The native population grow too faut anyhow, and nffdu lummary treatment. Our famou annual ran-mkln itrorer' and butcher' picnic ha ben fixed for June 22. Mr. Weather-Man will pleaHe take notice! All the various aetlvlUo of the Welfare do pir-tment are in brink demand except the free employment bureau. Further romment un , ueceasaryl Omaha' niont preaalng need in the way of (cbllc Improvement i at I if for a new Ifnlon depot for the adequate accommodation of In coming and outgoing traveler. ' Bmall favor thankfully received at the POKtofflce. Vaatly locreaaed btielnen railed for liberality, but the administration oeedl the money to fatten payroll elm. v. here. It l yet to be decided whether a name '"written In" at the primary on the non-partlaan judiciary ballot Is or I not entitled to a place ea the official ballot for the election. The proteat analnnt the needle cutting and tUMructlon of pavement hold good for all over Omaha a well a for the South Bide. A little more precaution would aave the tax payer a lot of money. City official abould carefully weigh, the consequence of abutting out middlemen. Tha it bar nee of "good fellow" from official ealllng lint would deprive the eommlsalonei of their chief dnfenae againat pie counter gaa. The municipal ownership propogandlot feem to be In dimtKreeiiiettt its to whether Omaha should take over tho as work or thtf elertrli: lighting plant flrnt. PcmnUily they might compromlae with one another by hitih Ina the two together. Some one trie to tell uh that, baned on ren fus figure, there nre 3H4.00rt tiuatlfled vot(.r In Nebnuka, The record alio that e never lielled much over ;7S,'t0 vote and it would be atretrhlng It mightily to make the eatlniate tor next November 300.000. Senator O'orman of New Yoik ha taken btnmelf out of the race for re-rleetlon. Pri vate bulne I the announced came for lb ntor' 'enntlng from public life. Hack of that lie the enator'a fre'iuent o'l"' ution to the prenident puliclen, wliuh would make a rampalgn for re-election well-nigh hopcle at the atari Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha ! ku. li'- t'.4 l'ti tti tmin l u lil ii t.' li'.oli li. hi. II.- i. .1, at . t !. t ' I . I ' II IC! .-I ll C M - . l I . , J, , , I , '"'" '' f" " I ' " ' "tl.H i .-.r i loi I ..--t 'v.,f-. J'. 1,. Ulil'U nu- Hl UH I I KH t I I ' - i. 1 M I ... I t'lSW'-t Stf 1. t M I H i I I . V 1 .l.-i 4 . ' I ' t I "li i.'f- li.' - I VI . T i it t . K-ia t. it . 1 ''4 I f ':- ' . , u. . i'. ; , it i H.,.J. I. I44 "lit t ,l.t I' .! I'-fvl l. ..I. I i i- ' iv,..-n ... I J.1 I. V. t i !. - lt W I. t-..i,.. J tt M . ! i i t ' I i. r i . ' ti f . ii i i.i t a ' a t 1 1 l !..-.. .... i(i.iH ti tl 'lt !.. '!: , I . f . j( ( , I i I ' -' ii i - 1 I- 1(1 It- - l I t , J-f, ! f VI .. . 1 .,, .,!-.. ,ri 'I I i . . i ; i n . I ... t. . l-r i I ' I . t u i - . . Time to Stop Temporizing. The latent raid on Texas border towns by Mexican bandit la an exhibition of the danger continually present under exinting condition. With no rei-!ionnlble authority anywhere In Mex ico, eave In the amall are occupied by the American troops, marauding band are both numerous and desperate, Carranza' pretense to government ba been thoroughly, expoed, end the futility of hi effort dlopose of btm even as an experiment. He ha proved weaker even than wa thought, The question of the political aspect of the mnrderou foray Into the I'nited State doesn't much matter. We have quite good reason for suspecting Car ran.a of tacit consent to, If not complicity In, (he movement , any one. yhe outstanding fact are that Mexico ha no government, de facto or otherwise, and that our relation with it people cannot be maintained on friendly fooling until peace along the border 1 assured. Even the patient president should understand tht the time for temporl(ng ha passed, and that soiiin definite policy toward the trouble some murderer and robber of Mexico should In put. Into operation. Income Tax on Foreigner. American Investment banker have united in a protest against the announced Intention of tho government to collect Income tax on Amer ican securities owned by foreigner. It I uiged (hat this will affect the market abroad for our securities by rendering them less at tractive. Thl statement 1 true, but it doe not make plain why the foreigner should be exempt, from the tax, nor does any good reason appear why extra inducement should be pre. Mcnled to foreigner who are sought possible Investor In our bond, stock or mortgages. American securities have long been considered a splendid Investment by the people of Europe, and billions of dollars' worth sre now owned there. Moreover, ss The Bee remarked some month ago, Immense blocks of these securities were purchased well below par and are now selling t pr or well above, so that the holder reaped a double profit on tho loan, (during In our prosperity at lltt'e If any risk, The fact that the British government agreed to accept American securities at the market price In lieu of gold on H own war loan Issue give a clue to the standing of our credit, public and pri vate, Many million of money are ent across the ocesn each year to pay interest on these securities, and out of this considerable reve nue goe to the European government. Amer ican securities sre quite likely to top the mar ket for many year to come, and the foreign owner I not entitled to speclul consideration. He should pay hi share of the cost of keeping up the government here. Some Common-Sene Advice. The experience of the long headed bulne man I worth mora thsn the advice of the wise acre theorist, so we print here some sober obser vation made by our fellow townsman, W. W. Bingham, who ha been, learning the vagarlc of trade and Industry through more than a third of a century of active business: I'roapnci for a soixl crop ware never better than now. HverytMng point to a prosperous year, but there baa never linen a time In the history of our emintry when Hie hualimas man should exercla nmre rai ami judgment than now, Abnormal eon rtllluna have rtiad a aharp advance In practically all manufactured product. Price continue to climb and speculation la ramiant on every side, A cotiaervatlvo policy Insures aafldy. It'a a presiden tial year also. Money uaually lightens up where any doubt exleta as In a pnaalhlfl change tn the ad ministration or in the policy of a new congreas. It's belter to t) Safe than sorry. Nothing to worry Shout, but knop the machine under control, ' ' No fancy language Is used here, but there Is a large kernel of homely truth which our readers will do well to ponder over an' digest, whether they like U or not. Relies on Kaiser's Promises. President Wilson signifies hi Intention of allowing relation with Germany to rest on pledges contained In the latest note from Ber lin. In common with all Americans, he accepts the promise of the kaiser at It face, and relies upon him to make good. At the same time, the president propose to take occasion to point out that Germany cannot be permitted to dic tate the relatione or policy of the United States with any other tounliy, Neutrality would not permit the pursuance of Hitch a course, even should friendship or a desire lo please suggeKt It. The I'nited Hlate Is pledged, and by Its actions bus maintained that pleilKe, to defend the rights of all neutrals, and the sharpnesa of Its rontroery with Germany hss grown out of this undertaking. Kncroachment by the allies on neutral right have not been forRotten, al though they have been in a coiihIiIpi able tnens uie tivi -rshadowed by the German erlsl. If the pew lie no. ui promise are lived up (o, we will have more lime for dealing with (he Brlthh (,tfenst. , Silver on the Upgrade. I.t Wednesday slber was quoted en the New VmW market t J i cent an ounce, the ItiKhrnl ptice at wltlih the metal ba sold in twenty four vests It upward turn ha been tinted foi teveral mouth, and many ilealei tilth! It ba not vet reached the lop nf it I (huh f-rirl tcsiuint ie ascribed fin the c .ii c I lm l,rl mul pi'iti4 (lealrpt, It ir ii!iig of lie Mult n itilliet liom with It tif it t.. t i i ' nt the mi('pl! baa twine 111 lecrM irri tc.f ether tetoit in the !nra'. rl tul ht mi tat in lii t'iU aitil (lie atlt Honi b.r irrliii,t' d in d vtnet a itcalef deiiii. tin i'l ti a 1.. ii ut v ii.fie! tioi tin b not t i v t Ut j-.-.t eitoiisn et inleirti to tttkrn the ,i.Hv . i i . i i. . .. I it tiiirt ia on irli . till if dtioan.l lu'ld tl will tttns ..t it ieiiti t HH lt M,tl weetrta m j" t. t '! l't haa t l ! a-llt t f H I' 1 l ji,- t tii t.. Stfit,ia in nttV.t o y , ., ('' -'IMi i ljm IN fiitti(Hl and iBttli tc-et tuiti ,! itiiuintii S (i(!,fi t t it- li.-l i'l f )t I.,, tn er tt4 ,,i i..l '".'tii mm 'ititlte at tt'4 m J. i . i'4 1 4t at t tut f-n' iiti- t-t it fit' turn ft tic tt Vi .i ' t ' c. k n ; t.,. I it i'l tt ftt -..., r riMi ' ' ' ' tt-t.(f M t m.., "t t' ;, , , , i.f II ! ' I . ii. tit .I, .(; l..i. it... - ii i ii f I ... '... i tv i ' h M. it , : .- ' , . i. t i - ii i. n He '. h 1 1 Nebraska Press Comment Aurora Republican: If railway tontmldaloner were nninlnated under the old convention system It U Incon ceivable that a candidate who could not command the iupport of hla own county would he seriously consid ered; If they wr appointed It Is scarcely probable that any governor would care to eeaiime renponsibillry for discharging a man of Henry riarkt' character and qualification so lotjg as he could be Induced to aarve, During Hie flist two or thiee year of ttg ex istence, while the foundation wero being palh'titly laid for defense of the freight, pasnenger and exprets rate reduction laws paaaed by the legislature of 1M7, th railway commission w persistently and sys tematically harassed by newspaper that should have been In better bunlnee. Although these attacks ha1 a long sine beon silenced by the success thst crowned th commission's efforts, few opportunities have been hftglocted to reopen them along other line. If, as wa uggeited by the Lincoln Journal In Its prematura poet mortem, they had finally accomplished tdr purpose, the people of Nebraska would be the losers and Henry Clarke the gainer, personally, In the end. Appointed originally, by (lovamor Hheldnn to fill a vacancy on the newly created commission In 1907, Mr. Clarke threw himself Into the work with all hi heart and soul, lie had Just made a remarkablo record In the famous leg Islatur of that year, being personally reeponslblH for the tonnlnsl taxation and child labor laws, and hav ing teken a full part In the support of all other pro gressiva measures. Ill appointment wna onsolicitel und unexpected, If ba twice since been elected with out effort oh hi part. He ha conslsienlly adhered to the old fashioned Idea that if his work wa (! factory t would b endorsed: If not, he desired to bo islleved. If ha earned recognition from hlrh author, it y a one of the strongest railway commlsnloners In the I'nited Hates. Personally he would have nothing to fear from retirement; the future hold unlimited possibilities for a man of hi capacity. It would b Iriost deplorable, however, In the event of his defeat, If pnper of the Lincoln .Journal' standard should const rue the Incident a a rebuke to the commission and a repudiation of the iplendld work It ha per. formed, There will b little Incentive for eniHtnua Hon of th effort which member and employe of that body have put Into the public service If this ! to bo their reward. Lincoln War: Another humiliation for Mr, Bryan. The Omaha. He claim that his suggeton that furmers b allowed to vote by mall was stolen from The Bee. Franklin New: If th primary vote Is any Indlc. Hon th republican, party will hav a walk-away at Hi fall electlona Th republican polled U.Ooo mor vote et th primary than th democrat and stlb some of th danioerat hav th nurv to aay that the republican are responsible for th nomination of their wet candidate for governor, Kjslth Neville. If the republican could spare enough wet member to go Into the detnocrtlo primary and nominate a wet man by over 10,') majority and still have enough vote to beat the democrat by pt.OOO, what may we look for this fall 7 Orand Island Independent: How a farmer turned the trick on a townsman wa told to The Independent yesterday. Jt appear that a representative of tho Htandard Oil comany, while traveling through the country In a car, ran nut of gasoline. Ill only re course was to apply at the nearest farm house, rind when he did so the farmer admitted that h could spar a half gallon of gasoline which wouhi bring the stalled tourist to the nearest town, though the supply wa limited and th demand Imperative, Tin farmer charged the Htiimlnrd Oil man a half dollar for the half gallon. Automobile men generally will hop that the agent do not report th Proteus, and It luccess to 30 Wall street, New York. Lincoln Journal: Congratulation to th young peo ple of Omaha who war married quietly In a country town to avoid fusa and the strain Involved In a fash ionable wedding. An old fashioned elopement may not be a guarantee of happiness, but a wedding of this kind hold out a good dual of hope In these days of extravagance and social climbing. Nellgh Eeader: Th defeat at the primaries of the Rr.van faction of the democracy appear to have bean complete, Th only en of hi favorite who may have pulled through 1 Edgar Howard for lieutenant governor. If the latter I nominated it I because of hi own popularity among democrat and not on account of the Bryan Influence. In spite of the re pudiation of Bryan by hi own party In hi own state It I announced he will be In attendance at Hm national convention with a proxy and that he has an ambition to writ tho national platform of hb party. It waa.Juat because President Wilson and hi frlond did not want Bryan to writ the plat form that he wa left at home. With the divergence of view of the two Mr, Wilson would cut a sorry figure running for president on a platform writum by W. J. Bryan. People and Events A jury of old boy t Orand Rapids, Mich., could not tie convinced that a schoolboy , was much dam aged by being whipped by hi teacher. Nevertheless, they gave him a Verdict for t cents to buy turn. Kvery chance th heartless girls get they rub hu miliation Into more man. A flock of fifty Vassar students, listening to court proceedings at Pnugh-kcf-pHlo, on hearing a man testify that his wife wan buna of the house let ge a burnt of applsuee that nuolo the judge sit up and rap for order. Judicial dignity ritx'un't gut a look In with feminism triumphant. A thoroughly dry Georgia by law was launched on Mt.y day No beverage, containing mote than one half of I per cent of alcohol may be pianufai tilled or linltl lieiicrfotth In the state, but the thlmlv with the pi lie may liupnrt as nueli a two (piarts of Imtl liuuor and forty-eight pint of btier a mouth. Th import I'l'ivllcg Insure reuannahla modem! Ion of the drouth. A complete al-room home, hnllt n the ftwle chalet et)le, I perched on th roofsits of a twenty one i..ry office builiHng on Vmlerllt avenue. New York. The novel rldence Is owned ami occupied hv Thomas llanllni. a dlstlogulihrd architect, and hi family furnoirullng the intty itiie It an Italian Har den, with diminutive tieea and xbrul-brry watae tut ftitwrr td-i the setting, in tii' I, of a country httin Mrs Hetty Oreen I t;i t topper pltvtl. ) i . mi l l.e rtKVt. fur one t. l.utt . ye o t i tnum Uiirit .t tei" recent liiilipi-mmi wo it-i:ik!y b-in-bh'-.i tr an cili' altttu el ,.u .hlv aa.l itie i-t t if I .... t,,,,v , ,(- ii bit i 1 1 1 i; t ,.. I,, i ' tta tt't li'f WI'ltM W'.tlitl li. I I'tV bttil M , l.. t l ' t of..l( ,l.ll t I III. . ,lf lh li'Blr, J.,., ,4 l't I t I Twice Told Tales I llht Mltlaae, Nut I. t ii-t !.. a , :. , ' .. a) .i i i.i a It t , li't I-1' ti-. '. if ..( i - I a m -t -.1- -,-t. Iflw tttl ,- I'l l' te,,. I ., u i'M l'- I - t I .1. ... I. . I I, . t i , I . - 4 I C . '. IS. I,1 '.a "i.'td I I , n '5! , lot ,t" ( l4 .! : 4 fit"" " I" I 4 t VI '..'' .,l"!t'l,-, I Vt,'M'l .lW-i.t .:t Hi I- , it f 1.1 H tl -li l !., , I 11 t tl, l 1 I'l ' " 5 ' ' ' ' ' Hi '"-'It r Itllt I 1 It 1 iHt't I ' ' t W I 1 .! : I ' I'M. I 'li, - v li i . ' --i i ' l ' I ht "" 'ii i " ! 'i I ' t 1 . af li lt if "! it) ii t 0, 4. i . fit w4 I. . S t it 1 1 t, i r km , l-. ' -i t ' t et l, ,. ii . i l i .t . - I tl l"ti ' i t 'I .-I In if..! , t tt. .. I.t ! ,.! ' ..,.ft,i Tariff and Seaar. OMAHA, May 8. -To the Editor of The Kee; The writer n0'08 a letter in The Hce from the pen of Phil Kast msn on the sugar Industry, and I want to Indorse every word written by Mr. Eastman and will add that, with practi cally no tariff on sugar, w buy today twelve pounds of sugar for JI, and wttti republican protection on sugar I bought twenty-two pounds. How do you Uk democratic tariff and no money In tha fnlted (Stales treasury? Must w stamp the bill of lading and other papers to keep up fho revenue? The. best time In the fnlted titates were when we hsd the highest protection under republican administration. J. U. BI.ICl--lNa I'lnlter of Disorder. HOl'TH mVK, May S.-To the l"1 tir of Th Bee! Th following secit circular of "instruction" was sent out to W edi tors by the Newspaper Kntet prise asao clutlon of Cleveland, O., on April "Jl: I ..OCA I, "WAIf IlfNCHK.-) I'OR N. K. A. KDITORH. II wnulil be good stroke of "piepiir dnes" If von would get advance dupe on what vour community l doing to proteit voiir railroads, waler works, elec trie lluht plants, etu., from German agnts and spees In chpc wsr breaks out, and get up llluittratlon for tb sain. You could sprina this done, niaklng a lig woop the minute hostilities should be declared. AIko get Interviews, to bold, from voir msvor, chief of police arid other priml nint officials on how they will cote wUh riots, etc. lo nut run this story nnb's war Is declared, but spring It uitlcklv in such an event, a It will prove timol Inasmuch a disorder. It Is fairly safe to a.-winie, will start alnioat Immediately nfier such un announci m-nt. Another good article to run In case war la declared la an Immnlnte compilation of atatoments from all your prominent Germans as to how they slund. of course, these slorie are fur use only In the event war Is declared., or some Ihlnli tike It ensues, otherwise, "let well enough" nlone Is right. . . Cleveland, April 21, N, R. A. The people ought to know shout thl. At'GI'HT MILLER. JUS foutli Thirty-third Ktreel. Concatenation. OMAHA, May l.-To the Kditor of Th Bee: In your issue of Monday morning I nolle a communication from "A Hea then," opposing the proposed ordinance taxing cats. This letter ws evidently written by one of those "who see, but do not observe." Passing over hi In sinuation thst, est only sousll ahout tho time the rooster crows, the Ico man yll at the house, the "discordant robin ' twit ters end the festive newsboy cite hla morning paper and that, so far a hi fifty year of "observation" goe, cat do not eat birds, I want to Py atten tion to the suggestion he makes thst to oV-stroy csts would be to rob "poor chil dren" of their amusement and to sgy that this Is, tn my mind, the greatest reason for regulating cat. Any physician whl tell you that est re one of the moot prolific, carriers of germs of ll kind. Their fur I soft end clinging; they, by choice, keep off the open street so far a possible; they frequent nsrrow alley and by-ways; they crawl under shed and shacks; they visit garbage cans and other repositories of filth; are readily admitted to many homes, and arc petted and fon dled by children regardless of any die ease th children my have; then go inte other homes and are taken up by the children and fondled end kissed with "all their Imperfections" on their coat, t have no doubt that If the truth were known the Isle scarlet fever epldem'o hero was greatly spread by this mean. In a similar epidemic In my old town I wa positively instructed by my family physician to keep my children away from all cats, even our own, and all cat wy from the children. HI advice wa simply common sense and was appre ciated and followed, I am by no mean a cat hater, but consider children, even If only "whis tling newsboys," of much greater Impor tance than cat and am for "safety first' hi this respect, I m in sympathy with the Audubon society on the point of bird protection, for with nearly a long an experience a "Heathen" I can confidently answer hi "do they" by transposing It to "they do." and I venture thst If he give hla honest observation he has een oats kill more birds thsn mice, utiles ihls observation was confined to the time of night when mice and not birds were ahroad in the land, and he wa seeking slumber, not when cats caterwaul, but when robins, ce men and newsboy were on their Job and the "rosy morn stood tip toe on the mountain tops." A. L, TIMBL1N. Denial from Maxim. LANDING POSTOKF1CK. N. J., May 7 -To ilui Krlllur of The Bee; In view of the fact thai you published a pag advertisement by Henry Ford. In which I was persniially attacked and false accu sal Inns were made against me. I trust, a a mutter of Justice and fair play, that you will allow nie an opportunity of re plying. Henry V'ord charge that I wrote my. book, "Defeiisele America," for th purpose of fostering my munitions busl nes, and thai "The Bsttle Cry for Peace." founded on my book, wa actually a Kiuttltinn selling schem. II makes tb fullnwing rematlts about "The Battle Cry of Peace, " Hate ton teen that awful moving p . Hue. 'The Hsille i iv ut I'faotif" I i.l i .,ii ttlisKv wlih tt ti. at ml tn-inl.t fur .,or ccuilri t ifrtv? I iid leu know that tnhrts were hak log l tin saute tune, I, .it Wlttl laiihtwr at lutir feat, and ttitit lev titer the ft ctailiac!t iciir frsr taught biln IhrmT 10, Hie ' ttifii lint tt,i rt tuM that lite lv ws fililili'il ill Hl 'urt nf Itilit- sen Vntilm' I lefelt.- If m Antt'itca '' 1 tttl 4 He Mttli'l In Hit l I t. He wa lii.lilii -.nun In ill it ft mi mn In tl I Ullif I.I ut St fit i e V . VI' M.ll'tl it M Ictt'i V .t'ClMIt li. Iits I4!n tu t t'iltc ini l i if t , i l I t -HAtiK 4 It'll! i' l f"t In llllU . , II ., I - I til t- !- ' !, I I ' Mil ,i, ii' -Ut i,iii, , '. i in '? I lii it t . ti 1 I i l ,,,! It.'t In K m ti l';l a. m i ii i i''i..i-t .i t ii ii. ii'ttuiti I1 ,4 , t l . VI nit .. ... -t i-.l ! ,- d . tt I i t- 1 1 I I'-tl t. -i l - i ,'",. i,i Cut ; ...r t.tte t f Vi 1 1 - n t i . , t-iil it. I , 1 ' ', :-il 1 1 :I ut. I" ,11 ' It I ..' I' whatsoever of fcecoftiing financially In terested !n any munitions corporation. The book wa written for and st the request of the publisher. 'Th Battle Cry of Peace" was written and most et the work done towards It production before I hsd ever thought of th Msxlm Munitions corporation or had ever negotiated with or even met the person who are mainly responsible for bringing out that corporation. The Maxim Munitions corporation was not or ganized until August 25, HIS, nearly six month after. "The Battle Cry of Peace" was written by J. tttuttrt Blackton, president of the Vltagraph Company of America, t sent him a copy of my book, with my com pliments, and he Immediately conceived the Idea of the motion picture, "The Bat tle Cry of Peace." He wrote me. Bonding me a check, ss an initial payment for the privilege of plcturlxlng my book or rounding his play upon my book, "De fenselei'S America," and sent me a Con tract to sign, under which I wss to retelv g certain percentile of tho rroflls he might make on Hie production. A little Liter on he settled with me by a cash payment in lieu of a royalty. Commodore Blackton Is not Interested In war munitions, and there was abso lutely no connection between the produc tion of that film and th piuiiltlons busi ness. I grant that It Is possible Hint Henry Kord may be amceie in hi en deavor to deeat the armed preparation of this country glnt war, lie may po slhly aotually bollev thst If he were to sueteeri It would Insure Ihe country against war, The mere fact that if he should suc ceed It would absolutely Insure the com ing war and would bring upon this coun try a most frightful calamity, does not Impeach his sincerity, but It most be grunted also that even tf .ilncere the result, of such a calamity would be no Its an evil, If he brings war up' n us, through his Innocence gnd ignorance of ihe farts of history, through his Innocence and Ig norant' of the law that govern human nature, through his Innoeenc and lgnor anc of International relation, he Is Just much responsible for the dlru results of his Innocent Ignorance as '.hough it were not innocent Ignorsnoe. mrHON MAXIM. LINES TO A LAUGH. Mrs, X Is a great stickler for form and ceremony. I understand.'' "Mercy, ves! Why that woman would insist on dressing up to entertain an idea. ""-Boston Transcript. II had Just been accepted "Does vour falher know I writ po etry?'' he asked, anxiously. "Not yet, dear," she replied. Ive torn him all about vour drinking and your gambling debts, but 1 couldn't tell him everything at once," Life. "1 have come," said the eld subscriber, "to complain about your report of my daughter' wedding." "Wht was the matter with It? de mantled th editor. "Well, her name Is Gratia, but you printed It 'Gratis.' " "That's not so bad. She was given away, wasn't she?" New York Time. "You sked her father when he w In a pleasant frame of mind, eh." "Yea; it cost me g to get his mind in that slate, hut after It wa accomplished be was willing to give me the whole family! "-Louisville Courier-Journal. ewpop Well, my dear, did the photo, rapher succeed In mskhig the baby look pleasant? . , . Mr. Newpop No; the baby succeeded In tusking the photographer look un pleasant. IndlanHpolls News. OF THOSE WHO WALK ALONE. Itlchard Burton, in New York Mall, Women there ar on earth, most sweet and high, Who luse their own, and Walk bereft and lonely, .. . Loving that one lost heart until they dl, Loving It only. And o they never se beside them grow Children, whoso coming Is like breath of flowers: Consoled by subtler loves th angel know Through childless hours. Good deeds they do; they comfort and they bless Jn duties other put off till the mor row: Their look Is balm, their touch Is tender ness To all In sorrow. Betimes the world smiles at them, ss 'twere shame. This mslden guts, long after youth departed ; Rut In God' Book they hear another nms "Th faithful-hearted." Faithful In life, and faithful unlo death. Htu h souls. In sooth, Illume with luster splendid Thst glimpsed, glad land wherein, Ihe vision ealih, i Kntih's wrongs Mie ended. Which Do You Prefer? It is important for reasons of health and practical economy for every housekeeper to ask herself this question: " Do I prefer a pure baking powder like Royal, made of cream of tartar derived from grapes, or am I willing to use a baking powder made of alum or phosphate, both derived from mineral sources?" The names of the ingredients printed on the label show whether the kind you are now using or any brand, new or old, that may be offered is genuine cream of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate or alum compound. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York Tingling-All-Over-Cleanliness That's the description of the JAP ROSE Bath. The rea son Is that JAP KOSE represents the greatest skill in soap-making; the farthest advance in the art of preparing toilet soap. JAP ROSE Tho wonderful "Sunday Morning Bath" SOAP make one "peculiarly dean"; a cleanliness known and experienced, by millions of people who prefer it above all oihoM. Try it tonight; know for yourself. 10c. at leading Grocers and Uruisls. Use but little-It'$ all lather Feud ynur nm on p.ul for a lihi sample Ft? tmt k Kuk a tutnctair. r,i 14 , SMai C g A, (., Ho 1,1 . ,, ., I J 1 ' t ' - , . I i '. l 1 1, 0 mmmmmmmm I i'tJ fWttt J 4 I t i , A I .!( I t I Snu .UtNhf fVmu pii'i lJ f Hi tt " ' U ' .it rwM 4 tb k 1 httiists. ( taetnt 4tt Iwit ' f '! !'. I lMlill . tl - .in. ... 1 ! a i . . t.t ,1 f e. I i , , ' . ,1 i, L ' A, , j . i ; ' ' hv .;,. I ', -- . ... " i',. . -,t, ... ".A.; ' t itl Most Modrrn vr., C tntury Biewerv In the Wcit. Family Tr.i iurpik4 bv VM, J KIT K II, Dutrtbulor. ZWi N Si. Trlcr-hone DgugUa iZil UoutU m cr833.