J Hiii mm ii 4 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 0, 1916. ' 1 - i . - . . Bringing Up Father -:- :-: Drawn for The Bee by George McManus MA.C.OE- IVC COT V tORPRt ro VWAT tT Itk ? I HAVEN'T I OCA! r LOOK -Ah ORAL RlN;! IN'T IT A DANDY? IT'b BEAUTIFUL BOT l CANT WEAR lT BECAUSE OPAL'S ARE. UHLUGKY T D&m'Y Let thaT worry too that trrr a real ONE! ' mi ,, " i 12. vi i naui Nr i i i LINCOLN NABS SOUTHPAW MILL Pitcher Halla Holds Omaha to Eight Hits While Linki Make Thir teen Off Krause. EX-ROURXES SECURE REVENGE LINCOLN. Nrh May .iPpeclaJ Tel egram. )The balling of Arils Thomaann n't Hickory Johnami, lu e x-llnurke'a, helped Holme' gng to bt Omaha her i lilx afternoon, lo 3. Th.nnaann got ihree hit and Jnhnann put the bull ovir lh left field fence, putting l.huoln In the lead. .. Merry Krtui waa mi the mound for - Ii Kouikr nnd w hit freely, the Puckllng g'lt!rig thirteen hlpglea. tie "wa nppoaed hy Hall, another left hanrfer. Lincoln darted murine In lbr flrat hm lllti'hninn doubled, but wa out at home trying to ecore on Thomon'a alngt. Thomaann took aacond on the play and acored on l.oher'g alngle, Omaha evened it tip In the eond on Miller g two-ply wat and Kllduff'g alngle. Kro nme Hark Hard. Tha I'uckllng put acroa two mora In the oeoond on a mixture of error and mm hit mid then Krug'a tribe ram back with t(j In the fourth. Fnraythe walked and ambled to eeeond whan William muffed Jlnlla'a throw. Kruegar elngled, coring Forxythe and eored hlmaelf a minute later on Miller fa wat. Krauae pitched hlmaelf out of a tight linle In the fifth when three Lincoln men hit aafely, hot ha fanned Ilia nut two and forced WllllAtna to Bend up a weak fly for Iho third out without a cor mmlng acroaa. Tohnxnn put the itnme on Ire In the ,lxlh with hi long drive over the left field fence. The final f ouat. r'arllale'a KlriRle, JMurliiimn'a haa to f trait when ho w hit hy a pitched hall nnd Thfimanon'a alnifle, hrouaht the final acore. Kllduff rimtrlhuled a fancy ex. hlhltion of fieldlnc The acore; OMAMA- A It. II. II. O. A. K. ftnlth, If a 0 0 J ft .Hut. 3h 4Attl 1 oiHVthe. rf II 1 1 I 0 ft Krim. of. 4 1 t i 0 (t Kriier. c 4,1 1 S 3 0 .Milter, lb 4 12(11 KIMufr. a 4 0 3 1 J 1 frleat. 3b 4 ft ft 1 1 ivrnuiie, p 3 0 t 1 4 0 Tolata ;.'.., 1 "J 34 14 4 UOLN. AW It. T(. O A. K r-arliele. If ....... I 1 I I 0 lllni-liman, Jh 4 ft 3 1 ft rhonmiiii, it ft 1 t I ft ft l .lr, rf ft ft 1 J hie-n(i(.n, Ha... 4 I 1 4 3 A W llllam. lh 4 I I P 0 1 Mii.rne. ;ih 3 ft 1 1 4 ft (Alumon. c 3 I 1 I 1 A Hull, t 4 0 9 1 1 0 Tntala f. 1 H "( 1 Lincoln 1 J A ft 0 3 ft tiMiuha 0 I II : 0 ft ft ft 0-3 j Iti.me run Jivimiin Two hits: , lllni'hman. Mnrw, Miller. Sacrifice hlta: ' Mnne, .Inhnnon, Smith. r"iuck out: Hv lialle. .1, hy km'!, '. I '' on hall: ff HnIIh. J; rf Kraua... 2 lilt hy iiti-ht hall: Itv Kru I llltii-linittiii, I Hwd hII: J ihnoon I ft t im he! 1 tii-iln. 11; Omaha. 1'tiiplrea; Alt drew and Mullen. Time; J..V. in-i rjiT i iik HK.n llemrr I niri in Tieka kr t le t I l I'lirr, M'.NVKII, May lull hit., wH t.'lO; t.rd. m.d h.irtU' rill hy knirinr fU'irtd Ur.'iy t'wiit In l'n tli lat i f iTioer, Ii t p I'lAI It ah it M o a. r. MlKer. If ,., 4 1 t ft i lie..4. Jt... I i ft ! Iter . 4 l I I (lie. i t . 4 ft A ) ft .t net, if I 1 I I i''n .'i ... ., 4 I i ft 3 t ? i.l i J t III ... .'. 4 1 I t o i. ! r.' p 1 I ft .finer !( t u. f I 4 'i lnn ., ... ... I ft ft i'nitia ....... 1 4 I Jt T 'liKI H K H t A K A'e Ik i I 11 I m '', 4 I J ft 4 I I n.hH. ii ....... I ) i '....'. i' ft 4 . - . ' .. t ,., 4 ft t- - . i! . .. ) ) i ft a wit, ..-,.... I I t I I . e ... .... . I j i. '".' ii M Jf u I t .... I I k, .'.;! ! t. ' 4 M .h K-., .... . 1 J (I ) .-... ft a i I 4 I . 4, k .. k,v ,i I I ..... t ' V. i K. ... 4- i -tm -..,... i . . . .i.!MF It la . -. 4 . H I ... v. k ?fc.. e..if Mi. t -H k. I l ,. fc t- I i I 1 . S . f I HI h I I-...I 1 It . - I . 4 - . . ' . i.,K .!.,...- I . ..(--., t ; . I I -. I ' l . V.. i.e - --. . g .- t ..i..(i 1 , III t -i ,. I ' k' . I . - a. .. . -. I k'- . -- ' (1, !''( i !:..;"'.(. I.-. 1 pi . ta.kiaa let! H.t4 I r 4 ' f 't' ' ft I t. ti- i a t--t !t t ..(. t t. .... t , i!s..,, k e. ii aivM - I lin't.t "5 a w.'l l-ti .. a . . t . U ..t f - !( - . "1 ft t (' At . I V. t 4 I . Standing of Teams WEPT, l.V.AdVK XAT. LEMiVV,. W.l.l'ct, W.L.f'rt. Wlrhlta ...10 6 .fcfi Hronklyn ..10 4 .71 Topeka .... i ,ta X'lvton ,.,,,t II ,W7 I,liii'.lii ,, 9 4 .softM hh-Hko ....II .IW oiiiMha .... ft .;il;('lin.'liiiiat. ,.IIW ,M Pea MolneiT 3 ,4, I'hlld . .m Henver ..,. .W Ht. Irfiil.,,.0 10 ,Hi0 Hloiix rily. ii in .:t,.V I'itlahiirKh 13 .4i? ft, Joapph. 4 1" .2Mi; New Vork... 3 13 .iU AMKJ1. I.KA'il K. A Mh.lt. ArHN. ( levelond ,.t i fulavlle .,12 ! ,V"1 Waah'n ....II X .f.r! Minnenp a .,11 tf .I47 New York, .11 ,f,,:i Cnliiiiilni .,11 ft M7 Himtmi ,,,.0 11 ,4',, Inndlnnan'a. 9 .M 1'etf.rit 1 II .4i Hr. l aiil.. . 0 .4.1 Ctih-atto .,..10 12 ,4V, Toledo , 7 ft .4.V Hi. Lwula... 7 It ; Kan. rity... ft 11 .JlVI Clillu , 7 12 .His Milwaukee 3 14 tU Yealcrrfar'a Heaalfa. , , wr.Hf.HM T.KAOI'K, JHIotix City, I. He Midline, (, Omaha, J; Jlncoln, 3. Tofrka, II; f'enver, R. ( NATION At, I.EArjt:f3 riltaburuh, l-; r'lih'imo, 3-4, N'w York, t; finnion, ft. f'hUadolphlii, ft; Hinoklvli. !. AMKHIf'AV I.K.Alit'K. N..W York, 4; Boelon, ft. WnJihlniitiin, J; J'hllnilelphl, 4. -Ietrolt, 1; Cleveland 3. AMffRTrAN AHOflATION. rliimbti 10; Kanmi t'ltv, I Indlanapollx, : MJnneapnlla, T. 1nivllle, i: Ml, l-aul, . Tolrdo, 7; Milwaukee, 3. (Vainee Today. Weatern faine- Tnpeka at f'enver, Htoiix r'llrai le Molnea. Oinuh at IJn coin, Wichita, at Joaeph. National ,eagu New York et Pltta-hurh. American Irfie -Ht. I.u a at Wah- Inaton. fiatrnll at Philadelphia, f'hlcagd at Js'ew York, Develnand at Hoaton. Sioux Indians Easy for Izzy's Boosters rK?l MOINKS. I May -Pea Molne had little dlffl.-ulty In defeating Klou City here today, ft to 1. Hcnra; IOi:x t'lTV. AH. n. II. I'O, A K. rallahan, a 4 1 A 3 0 IVmnev, !h 3 ft ft 3 Si 3 IVateott. rf, 4 0 ft J ft ft Connolly, 3h ...4 0 1 ft 0 0 I.eJnn. rf 4 114 0 6 llaiiallna, If 3 ft ft 1 A 0 Croebv, lh 4 ft 1 3 I 0 l.lvlnwaton, 0 4 0 ft (1 1 1 Kelly, p 3 (1 3 3 0 3 Total .... ... 33 1 H 2t 7 I DM MOINKB. An. it. ir. ro. a. K. Malm. rf. ,; 4 3 3 8 0 0 Milliter, ef 4 t 1 3 0 .loii-a. lh 4 0 0 11 0 0 Melnan. If 3 A 1 3 ft 0 Hpahr. c, : 3 I 0 4 I 0 llartford i 4 I 3 1 3 1 Isiwolflt. 3h . 3 ft ft 3 S 0 cuiro. 3b, 4 ft I 1 5 1 UHltgan, p 3 0 1 0 1 J Totala 32 f. "ft 27 1ft 8 flulie out for over-running hae run ner. Hnux Cltv ft 0 ft O ft ft 1 ft A- l lea Molna .. .....ft 1 1 ft ft J ! ft --fi Homo run; lJuna. Hunter. Hacriflce hlte: IJeune, Kpahr. Ftnlen bae. Jonea. Meloen. Ift on banea; Blotix tv, 7. lea Molnea, I. truck out: Pv tlllll ean, S. rtrt baaa on bulla, off tillllnan, 1; off Kellv, I. Hit bv pitched hall: Hv tlllllaan, llenllng; hy Kelly, llwoMt. Vmplreji Erkman and Carney. Tltn. 1.31. TopekaSellsBert Qrover to Sioux TOriKA. Kn.. May a.ntehr Part Orover of the Topeke Weatem leaa'ia club ha hean ftold to the Mloug City team of the aam league, It waft an- nounoed hre today. ' JOHNSON ROUTED BY THEJTHLETICS Philadelphia Drivei Walter from Mound in Eighth Inning, Get ting Thirteen Safeties. FOUR TO TWO IS THE SCORE rilUjADrxrilM. May '.-Philadelphia hit Jnhnaon'a delivery for thirteen aafe tlf. Including three double; drove him off tha rubber In tha eighth Inning and won from Washington, 4 to 3, today. Johnaon wa poorly aupporlod, but none of the vlnllora' errora flkured In the acor lug. Whlfo wild, Myera' delivery w hard to anlve and ho wa un aplendld aupport, Myera gave Morgan four baatia on hall. (Score; wAHiiiNirroN. riiiiMiir.r.rniA. AHHO.AK Aft.H.O.A.B. Wore a. 3k.. 0 I (.win .,, I 4 a Kunter. Ik,., 4 1 1 I iv.iih, rf ... 4 1 I ft 0 Mum,, it.... 4 0 3 1 l!4tiunk, cr, 4 3 1 A H'iikIhu, If. J t tl IK.'hiin. ,.,,4 I 4 I ft Judi. ib ,,. 1 0 it 1 tiui.,ii. in.,. 4 lira llarMr. rt.,.t I t 0 J M. Inula. 111. 4 t I ft 0 nniffrniin. D. 1 V a 1 I'll X, im 4 I i 1 I I I) ITI i'n. If J 0 I 0 (I 1 'Ji.-ll,.ur. ltd 6 ft uMn. 4 j a j (i 0 1 feMvi,r l a A a a -iiiiFiir Mxiexvu .... " THI I II 1 T"lili M u 1J II Halted fur Atriemllh In tha aeventh, Morgan out, hit by betted hall. United for Thuiniiarm In the eighth. Waahlrigton 0 30000 0 00-1 I'hlladelphla 1 0003001 -4 Two-haae lilt; Witt ii). Hchaiig. Home run; Hnrber Ptnlen baae: Morgan, Alnamlth, Pick. Iulil plnya: .Milan In Mi Hrldn lo Morgan; I Join to Wilt lo Mclnnla I'll, linan on trrnra; Waahlng ton', I; I'lilladeliihla, I. Iliiae nu bell: fiff Myeia, 7, lllta and eiirn"il runa: fiff Johnxim, 13 hit, 4 run In aevan Innlnii, nmi nut In eighth, off itneliling. bo hla, no run In ono Inning; uff Myeia, 4 itli, 1 run In nlno InnltiK. Htrnc.k out: Hy Johnaon, 3; by Myer. 3. Umpire: lilnecn annd Nellln. (levrlaml Ural Tlera. Cf.KVKIMNIi. May 3. - Cleveland Played ft poal poned game with I'etmtt today and won. II lo l, it being the In dian' eighth corieecutlv victory. While thn hit acre equal, Hghy waa the mora effective with men on baaea. Hmlth tarred with two double and a alngie. Detroit took the lead early on alnglea hy Young anil Manage and Pubuc'a aacii flce fly. Cleveland tied In the aeventh on Xinllh'a aliigle, (landll'a aacrlflce and WainbganM' elnglu and went Into the lend In the eighth when, with one out, Clraney doubled while speaker waa pmtaed purponcly, both aivirlng on Hmlth eciind two-bimo hit. Catchea by Veai;h roblieii CU'Vcland of ta run, ncore; Btolen ha.' Oedaon. Malael, I'ecklnpaugh. Ilooiier lo Harry, Klt't New York, 2. Ilne on frldgo, 1; off fjregg, J; lit and earned run: ( run In lx Inning, off 0 run In three Inning. Mogrldge, i; by Urcgg, 3, and Connolly, Facrlflce hit: Uoiible play: baa on errora: ball; Off Mo off Mcllala, 1, irryg, liltai 3 M'llnl, 2 hit. Htruck out; Jl.v I in plie; Owen ll'ntr, a.... I 0 H.illrliM, m. I e Jntiiinn. p, , I j H.r.iiln-r, p. D 0 tl.lVr.t.ASi All H O. A K owiKv, if.,, i t o o tin,ih Turner. Il. , 4 0 4 IwulM. if.. 114 nillh rf ... 4 I 1 lm1ll. lh... I I II H',.i1. b., 3 0 1 W'mlTUI. M I 0 fl'Nalll. p.... I 0 n.,t... n ... i a i T4l PKTJtolT. AH. II. D A R u 4 1 1 3 'IVHI, Ib 4 111ft 0 ei'i.tb, tf ... 4 0 0 II 0 a (iv.h ., . title 1 n'rfftr4. rf 4 ft A Ad 4 OHnim.ii'. i 4 il 11 ft A evntin. 3b... I t I I a i) cmaiMM, k 1 ; j t 1 (IImiIhu . .,,. 9 10 10 .. lu.nrr I 1 ft .11 1 Ii 111 OMvaianHll ,. I A A n it n .in IJ I .11 Muiiv Hit : . ft I , 7 11 I , Kui It American . lallna. At Kanaaa Cltjr t tlltilltbtl , Kai.eaa tlty Itatieiba ib-oige and I'ratt; I'hrie Hmlth and llargrav. At Mlnm ,..ll- f.i.l!nr,'ia ,,.., M it.i. ti. Ha ..,,...,, .t.n.n lw.ri ael rVbaug at.tl tare At ft l.l P It B. I.ult 111 , .... 4 ft 4 tl lul . , . . ... I 4) I tH.ilr N.Mhl(.. Mi l tU'ton en I 1 I l.e I fl."l mi t n I 41 Mllaa ika. - R l t'. T.-i-Mu -. , ... , .11 I M '.iea . . . & ft 4 ltt(ia kactli" lu.liatit an 1 Mt, i:tii. aa. iWril Mai, T"UI.. J! 1 M 14 ft Rafted for Young In tha ninth Fitted for htanage In the ninth. titn.ii n o j a o n A Cleveland ... . I) ft 0 ft ft 0 1 J 3 Twrvbaxa hli: htnlth i3t, tlraney. Kiolen baae: a. h, Hun on haJla: Off Hagby, 1: off Mubuc, 3. lllta and earned run. Off Hagby, .' hit, 1 run In nine Inning; off Imbue, 7 blta. 3 run In eight Inning Mil by pitched ball: Hv Oiibuc, Waiiibrgane. Ulruck nu ; Hv itaghy, 3; by 1 mniio, 1. I inplrea; r.vana and lllldabrnnd. Yanlia lllank Hnatna. pnHTOV. Ma a M..grli1g, f.ir New Yoik, lield tit., ei.eld climplom t thran hh ln.lny nd, With perfect aup P'ut. aliitt out Hoatoit, 4 In 0 Mlae doubled In lh ..p.-tilng liming and ore, rm Hnkei line ilrli In center, In h f'Uirth Inning Mag.-n alngled In lift, ad 'an.e.1 mi 1U.. a aarrift'e and iitia ; h.tttie nn 1'abpr a bit Tail nr.ir by ;h.-.'il In the ninth hiit'tig, a pa, a put ..'t at firal and M'..-t atel h.rti gave S W Yinlt It final lun r. '.1 i Ml "!., i-irr.iv aa ii ii a r iminii Cul,l,. Ht 1 ai(aa. . I I I 1 l I l t I I 'an,.lt I ! u.ivi I ilia .ii a i a 4 : ,k. In ' -.ta H. Today's Calendar of Sports: Shooting: Inlaralata touthein Irsp ahootlnv tournament at Memphl. Tennla: Purtmoutli agaliut Ye!yn, at Mlddleton, Conn.; ilrnwn agalnt Maaaachuxe It Technology, at Providence. Iloxlng: Johnny K.rtle ggalnat Hobby fiurna, tan round, at f4i. Paul, Jimmy Manlon ugalnat Holly nurna, ten roitnda, at ft. I'tiul; Kid William anlnt flctiny McNeil, ten round, at Ut. tioulg; KrnnUJ Mavck agalnat Walter Iluller, twelve round, at IJoaton. Earl Caddock Makes . Start with Circus . by Throwing Meyers Earl Caddock, Oane Milady' crack IlKht-tieaTywelght wreatler, who Joined the Bellg-notn ghow in Omaha yeatur dajf, eaally proved that he la cnpunle of filling Frank Gotch'ft hoeg, I;arl ran Inlo gome pretty tough nppoal tlon In M flrit bout on the clrriia mat and ho came awy wtih colora flying. Jack Meyera of Omaha, who rank pretty near a good aa ny of them at ISO pound, accepted Iho defl made that Caddock would throw all corner In fif teen minute. Jack ((niggled doaperntcly, but It wag to no avail agalnat the ogllft Caddock, who pinned Meyer down In Ice than tin minute. Je Wlllard and Waller Monohn boxed thro round following tha Cad dock Meyer event. They pot up a pretty good exhibition, too, figuring- It a an exhibition alone. Monohan made It look great by uncoupling a lot of wild awing and In the final frmne brought down tha houae by hitting Wllllard In the front porch while jca pulled down til hand and let him anlni:. ROLLER SKAtInGCHAMPION PAYSVISIT TO OMAHA rtdlph N. Melerateln, prominent In roller akallng circle, atopneri In Omaha Monday on hla way from Kanaa City to Aberdeen, H. II., where he 1 to raca agalnat all cornera for the next three week, after which he .will go to Detroit for a longer atay. Melerateln wa formerly A retldent of Omaha and waa prominent at the high" achonl a a high Jumper, lie ha lived In Kenea City the laat alx year. Ha won the Canadian marathon In 1913 1n Toronto agalnat en compelltora, and dee faated Rodney Tetera of Ml. lul In 1811. He ha never been beaten In a long dis tance rare. ALEX WEAKENS AND PHILLIES LOSE Brooklyn Defeats League Cham' piom by Two to Nothing Score. t - WHOLE SERIES TO SUPERBAS nitOoKLYN, May ..-.Alexander weak ened for a moment in the aer.ond Inning today find r.rooklyn won, I to 0, making It flv atrelght gatneg that Philadelphia ha tnet to the Superbo. Wheat alngled In lh oond and Mowrey gaorlflced. Cut thaw baat out a hunt and when h atole aocond, Ilurn threw wild to catch Wheat napping off third, tha latter (coring. Olaon aeut Cutahaw home with a double. The fielding on both (bin u peo tacular, both Nletinff and Olon making hrilllatit play. Wheat caught nln file In left fluid. Bcore; l'lllf.AI)KW"MIA. nnoogi.TM All 11.(1 A K AM H.O.A E. leek, b.,,.4 I 1 I AMrer. cf, ... 4 t 1 O 0 liancrofi, a. 4 ft 1 3 nliauirt. Ib. 4 1 t 1 u hliiad. If,, 4 ft ft 9 it'..nl. rf.. 4 I i A 0 rvaiatn, rf .l ft ft ft ttwiiaat. If ... 4 I a t.utlenii. lb. I 114 Mrar. lb , I ft t 1 ft I'aaaart. rf, , I ft 2 0 tilinaw, IU.I I I I t Nlehoff, lb., 3 ft I ft OOlaotl. .... i 12 11 tuiriia a 3 S 4 1 IMrrartr, 1..I I I I I Alein4ar. (110 4 ul.rll, I ft I I A Totala 134 34 II 7 TotaH " f) 1 Philadelphia; ....,,,0 0 0 0 0 i'K 0 f) o-h) liraoklyn 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 t Two-buna hit: Olaon. Three-bitae hit: Myera. Hlolen hae: CnlaliHW. Hucrlf tco hlla: Mowrey. McCarty, Dell. Jiouhle ply: Uud-ru to Hnncroft to l.uderu, Mrt'rly to Olaon, olaon to Cutahaw to Iiaubert. Mowray to Cutahaw to fiaubert, Haae on ball: off pell, 1 Hit and earned runa: llreoklyn, 3. Ptruck out: By Alexander, 3; by Pell, 3. t'mplrea; Qulg ley end Hyron. Three fttralitbt for Brave. K1!W VOHK, May .- Holon mad it three lrnlKlit from the New York loam loiliv, ulntilng the laat game of the eric, ft lo 3. Pat Regan alarted hi flrat gaum of the aeon for thn Ilrave and pitched good ball. Me alao drove In Una ton'a two run In the aeeond Inning after flowdy had been p"aed purpoaely. J'lilmero, New York' flrat pitcher, wa knocked out in threo Inning, Rcore; . IIOtrrrlN. NEW VOHK. Alt. H.O.A K AH.II.O.A.1C Mamnvll'. itll I I nniirna. If.... 3 U I I f.v.ra, lh.,,, I I I I 'm..ber(B'n. rf 4 1 1 0 0 Cnlllna, If.., I t 1 0 Allnrla, 5h.. 4 Alt MtiDatrk. rf 3 1 4 ft "Kauff, of . ... 8 ft 1 0 I Wllholt. rf.l 1 0 0 orietahar, a. 4 ft I 3 ft K.ti.ai. hr. lb I 111 A OMarkla, lb.., 4 131ft W.-iltb. Ib.. 4 1 3 4 ftM.'H bal. lb I I ft ft ft enodaraa. of I I ulmr.lo. o 3 1 4 1 ('.mnt.a, tl M M 'tpaltnaro. (..ft ft ft 3 ft o.irilr, 4,,.. 114ft O'ltouach .... 1 t ft ft ft Itaari. I... .4 1 U 1 faHlrou Toula.. - 'Kallr ..17 14 17 14 wKchauar, . (..ft ft ft 1 ft .... 1 t ft 0 ..... 1 ft 3 I) , 1 ft ft 4 0 ,.. 1 ft Total!..... 0 I IT ft 3 . 'Hatted for Palmare In third. Hatted for Blroud In eighth. Boton , 0 t t 0 0 1 0 ft 03 Naw York 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2 To-b hit: flrnlth. Home run: Fit Patrick. Stolen baea: Konutchy, Kauff. Hacrlflce hit: Hum. Boiihle play: Ever to Konetchy. Jlaaea on ball: Off Ragan, 3: off Palinero. 2. Hlta and earned runa: Off Palmero, ft hlta, runa In three In nluga; off fttrnud, 6 hlla.O run In five In ning : off rJcliMuer, 0 hit, no run. In on Inning: off itagan, t runa. fltruek out: Hy Palmero, 1; by Btroud.S; by Hagan, $. Wild pitch: Palmero. Umpire; Klgler nd Eaeon. Cdh and Pirate Divide. rrnCAOO. May .-Chlcago and Pltt burgh divided a double-header today. In the flrat Wllllam'g home run In the ixlghtli Inrrltut brought MoConnell tlx Itonnr over Cooper of ritlbtirgh In a pitcher' battle, hut In the econd, In which error and baaea on ball were nu merous thft Pirate, led hy Wagner, drove two Cub t wirier from tb ftlab end helped Marnaug to a ft to 4 victory, deaplte hla wlldne. Core, flrat game: PITTWHHOH. CHKUW. All. H O A. E AB H.O.A B llarnar. ef... I I 4 0 OVrbult. If..) 1110 Carer. If.... 4 0 3 ft OKI., k, rf.,.,1 I ft 0 J. hnaion. Ib. 4 ft 4 3 OWilllataa. rf I ft 3 ft ft Uaanar. aa., 4 I I I OZItnnnan. lb 4 i I 1 ft lull 4 lb ... 1 ft ft 0 traier. lb....S 011 g. hutti. lb,. I 1 1 ft IHot.lan, a... 1 ft I I I knala. Sli... I III VMiX.rtbr. l 0 I M i.'i.iitllo. rf.. 4 1 ft ft OAllen. c 4 ft ft I ft Oiin. c...l 1 T I AVatkaa. lb... 4 I 3 ft ft Maiiiaax, (..4 1 I 4 H'arkarft. a.. 1 ft 1 0 rler.M. O....0 A 0 ft II 'Total 14 117 II lllanttrla. ft ft I A 4 Pemlrawt, a 1 0 ft 1 ft Zwllllnx ,., i n ft ft ft Arnhar ..... 1 ft ft ft 0 Maua 1 ft ft 4 ft Total J44 7 14 i Baited for TUrce In fifth. Hatted for Iioolan In alxlh. I-'Hut ltd for Pendergad In ninth. Pltt.biirfth ........ M M H M M Chicago 00001101 0-4 Two-baaa hit: Mamaus, Flack, Three baa hit; Terkea. Ktolen haaea: Carey, Wagner. Sacrifice hit: Knabe, Flack, riouble play: Packard to Allen to Hater; Yerkea to Haler to I Ionian to Jfendrlx; prendorgaat to Yerke to Baler. Klrt on error: Plltaburgh, 3: Chicago, 1. Baaea nn ball: Off Mtimanx, 7; off Packard, 8; off Hendrlx, 1, Hlta and earned runa: Off Maniaux, 4 hit 3 run In nine Inning: off Packard, 4 hlta 1 run In four and two thlrda Inning; off Pierce, no lilt no run In one-thlrtf Inning; off Hendrlx, 3 hit 2 run In one and one-third Inning; off Premlergait, 3 hit no run In two and two-third Inning. Hit by pitched ball: McCarthy by Mamaux. Mruck out: By Mamaux, ft; hy Packard. I: by Hftndrlx, 1; by I'rendergaal, I. Wild pitch: Hndrl. I mplrea: Klem and EmalJe. J'lTTfiltt RUH. tMlCkdri. AH II O A C AB H O A I Ramer. ef... 4 1 I A l)Mnn. If ... I ft I ft A r.'arav. If ... 4 ft 1 4 Or lack. rf,...4 t ft a (t Jobnalrm, lb. 4 Waaner, aa.. I 1 14 I ewilllam. cf 4 1 I ft 0 1 t 1 ftZlmrman. IhH I I I Dalrit :t.... 4 ft ft (Haler. lb.,.. I ft II t Knalw, ib... 4 1 1 i. (Ionian, aa,., I I ft 4 ft c.i.t.llo. rf.. 4 3 1 ft "Allen, a 3 14 11 Wllaen I 1 i ft llYarkea. Ib... 3 3 11" Cttoprr. s,,,, I 9 0 I MeCannel, 0 3 1 1 4 ft Total iT 14 14 "o Total .J 7 37 II 1 Ptttaburgh 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 11 Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 - Two bae hit: Wllaon, Wagner. Yerke. Three-baae hit: Johnaton. Home run: William. Sacrifice hit: Mann. MeCon nell. Flrat be on error: PIMaburgh. 1. Iiaea on balla: Off MoConnell, 1. Hit and earned run: Off Cooper, 7 hit and 2 run In eight Inning; off MoConnell. 7 hit end 1 run In nine Inning, fitruck out: Hy Cooper, 2; by McConnell, . Wild pitch: Ml Connell. Umpire: Klem and Kmalle, Mcore, ccond game: HURLS ONE-HIT GAME ' 11 FRAMES AND LOSES VKRMILI.tON, n. D., May .-"01'' Wenlg, hurler for Momlngaldft college, Ploux City, pitched a one-hit, eleven In ning ronteat, agalnat Houth Pakota, I'nl veralty' nine today but loat hi game, 1 to 0. The Maroon got put three hit off Steele and they did not figure In the lone (cor. Wcrilg'g only pa, a gaerl flee, and Johnion'a third ancker, high heave ef a grounder produced thft acorft In tlio eleventh. tfor 6e ASHBY 2Hm. LEXICON 2 in. ARROW COLLARS FOR BIO TUCKED-IN-tND BOWS Clutt Piaaoov A Co.. Inc.. Mxata Xnufhern AaaoclaHori. Atlanta, 4. Cbatlaiiocga, 1 New Orleane. ; l.lltie llnck, ft HlriiihiKliani, 4. NwetiYllle, 3 Mobile, 4. Memphla, 3, Pee Want A.la . rve biim1id dally. I ii, lb l a k e a i,ai.l,i klv:t4a Tata 4 . I I 4 '( I'aia 4 ft I 1 t t I . ' If 14 .f 1 I I It I l , all I I -! la I 'III) !.-. . 1411 1 I 4 !... ... t 1 I , . . I ' 1 ' vt al(. I J i David Colo Sells Creamery Interests lint a Ii. 1 "I 1 t' .3 !! j Cr i . i n i a - I f t 1. !'. . t't I" .! I 'll at b..i. r la i . . ' . . an , a a la r ,a l"it I , ff '' i .-t na'4i liriaaj ---.. 1 I, i..f.t ti .., t , Mi t . ta k t i tm- k : ft'4 4l a Is b, i,a ft !... tr . l . . i a . .-at a 4 It t ':!t ik ' t a ('.. Hi. 1 a ii lh 1 ..iiaf i..!..!. .i. i ti in. a i"i Fa1 J-." i 1 ' V ' bi-.4 a ' til 4 I I" . - 4 k 4 f ... t ' . i .' mn I I ."t id ' a . 'af e 1 1 t. s fi , I'" i , !H ( . Ill I .:, a Mft ' ' , "' t' - t .1 ta 1 a If .' a ttt4 l,ka 4ael Mallal aft P a. I 1. 1 .. I "a'1 ft ll a 'l a . . ael .-.. .., a .a' . .at a -t I a 1 . - 111 4,7 a i'i'i I t .t'l a -a .! t - 4 S T . i I Ml tid f. 11 .b m.-i t. . si I allr.l t M- It . il. t,F . at 4 ,. , . I .1 a a . 4 H .!.. .4atkteaeee Un (la bia Ma ..., ikiHi.4 . It WRESTLING Cinirlic Peters Y. Wm. Demetral AUDITORIUM Wednesday KIght. May 10 aala 'Vi la Had, .laUa gltM. mi uiriii xuw vrkii (If 1 7 i r l 1 a I i tl f t. if - a n 7 :t Found ! VOU go into a ci A gar store. You want a Havana be cause of its choice flavor. Glancing down at the cigar case you may sec several good Havanas. Now it may be, you are one of those men who think before they smoke. If so, experience has told you that too many heavy Havanas dull the taste and spoil smoking enjoyment. And yet you do crave that llavatu fragrance. mvana Have you ever thought of a "light hearted Havana?" The age-mellowed Ha vana leaf of Tom Moore's filler yields a flavor of fortunate mildness. It is not strong at all. For wrapped in its mild Suma tra wrapper, Tom Moore comes to you with a "light heartedness" that you may like exceedingly well. We offer you Tom Moore in the belie I that l-iting cigir enjoyment ii best terved with a cifjir of the "light hc4ftcJ Hiv.n." type. 99 hi, pOMiiMQOKEl ' C I G A R. T I.N-C EN T 55 -as. f- I- v a. i -J ' ft T. t V-" , ''TV a" e-.V ' B-. '! e : It-, ey: - Rothcnberg & Schlosj, Distributors. Kansas City la Tfcka Wtl . Ci-' tST" ) ; i ,ifta 1 !